FLESHaRTON ADVANCE BANICINO OF GEO. MITCHELL, \ tT*nrt'!l I nuoa > .luors n-r. Chips, Char.ir(cr!-.tS-^ of the Pnst Week 4 r. f:,Uy ('iiIlcMl- fur the 4'ur;oiis. - ^ ''/ tit ' Di< rt will bo lii-l.i u. Dundalk nil Fi ' : > f- Ar' !.! vi.i C uuicil wiil in 1 .- do[i ino^s on Y it. Bf vir.j'o. th : eihi' . - I Th ticn.i .;h ut until . we thanli ..!-.r, who was 0:1 Fi '.!}, 14: i. ramp- ton < :-!i->ei.l in Rev. Mr. Cniinell. II ; tred UpoU '. )taik,l:-!.- n.. icl.aiiii close llieir place* "f ! i.yUw.iu 7 dur.ii'; Miii.ii.tT nionihj, Sa'.urdny F.'r a trau.gressioii of th* U* a tine in it HI-LI ili'u' ten dollars k ill K- levied. Tn . ''-riiig in tin- lap of njiriiv.' !' Why, thj old fell.iw ap[>ean to I.HVI- hml i-. m.-rtg-Hiu on the "l\ have form-! *<!. t iking onliro powesioii, and won't 1. . th-- i-thor have a show. Y'- Spring ought tu stick a pin iutl.e .Id f'-nl. .Noil McLeod and -las. Burnett i lliis week from Hillin..:-*, MOII- tana, whv!i.-r llii-y went about three weeks ni;o. In that short time they had all they want of M-.-ii .-., and are Huit- aeit'.o down and remain good Canadian citizens. It is only of late years th.it rheumatism has I*-, n treated at a : that this is a correct theory H pn,\. .1 l.y the extra, rdin.-wy njecess atKivli;i-; the use.. unful find v.-ry prevalunt ma!aii\. !t i !d in faiU of radical cure. MaJ-crrier SKF:iilin.l C'liuu very near loeinu' valiinblo hotro hist week fmni infliiiini "U Otiewe'I, who was attcii'UtiK it, had uivo it un f butt .L'-l inj t'i % t , ,r-y, i '-.-.'i : :-,.! and IB now practicitl'y :il, ;k .d t'it '-.'en a I-! >w t" ? ..nid. Ariiliu a 1 illa-^ . . will only 1: ii uro you gat -V'. - It Me 1' i '. and no ot In order ! with the ^ g-.nl! ' r lh'> flee- t ..n i-f , ! ' ers, red ival :i I". II 1, t t of seven o'clock sharp. All in- tereoted in the o!ft.'ti->n of i Ificers for ;>,,int to be proieiit. W. I;;wi.s. srcru'aiy. The Ri'vil Temper; i;ve a tccial en- tett.in niont in th 'ir 'o.',-.- room ou Tn- .* \i-nniii, with \V. Hnrnh nisa, S. C, in t!ie chair. The hall was c!.>se!y packed and a very interesting prograinine wns carrifd thtoui^h, coimiNtiug of speeches bj R^v. Mr. Tonge aud Mr. hh-a, and readings by Mr. Irwin, \V. Sincl-iir and IHJ Situ iiiir. Mu-sic was furnihi by V. Trimhlu <iu tho or^an, Metsrs. - ai.d Wardn^m. MIM L. Ai H.-.IM n-, Mi&a S. Wn.iili, Meaara. llarnliouxe and R. Hendornon rave a iiet. Mr. Barnhouae also sane; a .:i t'o-lloi.t htyle, entitled " the 15>y." AJto^'cth'-r t';e evening was a very |>h-asnnt oue to tltose who had the good fortur.e to be present. l.R. Lncas,bnrrUter. lias f li'. 1: !/0 prirato funds to ienduu farm rtfafSM within tho next few months at l..-.v r.st current rates. No cotULii**- io:is, no delayj, expcnsei low. Apply at office in Mnrkilalu during the week ur at Dundalk oliice on Saturdays. Thuwlay i.f last wee!c a hurricane pasted v-r ( i.ittrio w',. h for violenco h.ts nevdr been exceeded in the memory >n. It hit us hr.rl i: tlra te-jtiuu y the un- / i f Uiildingi, i-'o. In t iwu it blew '.j'j f.iu liilit ovcr^ M. Rich- ardson tfc Cu'a iti/n:, and blew away the if Mr. Vsnrjint's residence. It wa a "corker," ami i:x-u w about their -.relit, but :!.i:ik ourncan kno- k cv-. rythin({ under. We weired u a hens' esjg* on Monday, )lu unite<l weight -. They wtre A iit'.le u'ia snid shy iniesaed the hen hich mw :/ correct : fr East .y of hvtt wct;k. They had an cxceediiig'y in- rMttin^ day of it, there being a ti'iiober i. A p y Mr. E;.;a;i for i. f' r :i station. This r w.-ks not decided, but will be at an adjoumed nieotiui; of the comniisHioneni to be iii-'d -MI '.e li'-h ' >Iay,whc-n th:>e for and Hgrun--t will be he^rd oa tb. i > ir sidewalks iu ton are iu a drplr.r- >odltinu thi spring a*i'l onoe. This cannot be d< ne, however, becaos* the police trustees have had no ui-n.is placed in th.-ir hand* for otitl.iya, nr ha* there been any arraniimont mad !> r !._> t!:.-y can secure fund*. At bust meeting of council a committee was appointed to wait upon the police trustee to tmnce matters, but this has not oiet and noth- ing has been done. In tho meantime IKOJ!..- run grxvit risks of ha\in4 their necks or limbs broken by broken, lixmen- ud or slantir.:; plank. The matter is urgent and we tin-it that paxtim respon- sible will dally no longer, but straighten mattersout. Le-^.-tl advice has been aex-ur- ed, then why not proceed at once. For Sale. - .>-ral t-'im of hay. Alito a team of Will s.ll for cah or on twelve credit. THORP WRIUDT. 611-5 CloTf r A larije quantity of splendid cl.iv. r -- ! jut arrival, cheaper than ever, at W. Richan'- More uobby hat in this week at Trimble's. <>!' i< conrn^ i.i r|'iiri- ! ir i.r-lers early in the week k ^'Hsibl . Xt-xt c!< to tuicii of us to huip us so to live that when we are called away we may meet with many dear ftvmls that have gone before us, at our Father's home in Heaven. Sighed 011 behalt of the council. W. IUaNHot-HF,8. C. V m. CLAYTON Sec. A Musical Bird. The other morning a little wood-peck- er perchfd !i::iiso!f on the cross bar of a telephone p'.le in town, .tnd gare it a few raps with his bill in order to tee what it was made of. The result surprised him . The wires reverberated and inimical sounds rolled oat ou the still air, au'lible mils away. Mr. wood pecker eyed the pole for a shoit time and 1 Then he whacked away more vigorously t'>aii ever, stopping every little while to heark- en to the sweut sound*. This he kept up for *>me tiiae, ovidently enjoying his musical powers to the fullest extent. Personals. Mr. R. Kcefer, of I'ur^'oyne, was the guest of his parents hern over Sunday. Mr. K. T. Hamilton aud family 1. . Thurad.iy ln-st fi-r ^.'of.iwa, where they will uUe up their abode. Mr me:;, !i i taught J iu this vicinity a fuw years ago,hasopeued a dental office in Thombury. J. W. Aru.-iroui.'. Es-j., was Hotnewhat undt-r r <t fc.v days 't *t wtik, but \* '.juttim; ar..uud TheHext Concert. The Effie Hcxt eut---rt.injn^nt to Le t \\ediiesday. May 3, will IK; of .if o can by the > . : her wticro shu hoa app< ' and Tii irnLury have boil, had tl.e pleasure '.'; I ) licr, aii'i rt in . town* are paprn also speak very ./ of her potferj. TLe H.mi:ltoii Spectator speaks >'f her aa f !'.: Hext t^tvean elivcutioTKiry . ,.i in Hie t.i 'liurch lat >.. i:n^ and doliifh 'd a lar^'e aud- iauce. She is an nccompiialieil reai!r. ^ prcMtice, and a voiou ot rare power and lau^K, she aii'U these pliyhcisl advanUues a c!e;ir iM^inht into the nii'.-xn i imst of tho authi.rs she in- terprets, dramatic. force wb'ch catrus her eoiily thn ii.'ht passage* of ha-ivy, pas- o:iiate <1 . ,kti-l a -f-<*i tu.ste which saves her rr'.iaexagiirrat-nn. Miss Uext is one of the moni aatisfymg readers that a H.uia.i >n ai:.:inni;a l.* Ward. id r selection* ia-st mglit ware Tennyson's poem, "The Fi;-Mt <,iarr-l," the ' from ''Hamlet," the Chariot l-.i.i- from "Hun Hur," a t.owerful iirni:itic and de--ri|)tive pieci- i-il:.-d "Th.- Gi|y i- Gill.'' s. lixf.oiiM froiu M''re "Pitntdueaud the Pen." "T..m ' Li't.le "The Kitc'i.-a Clock," "Or Pkk- elt's Nell." and 'The Union.Tack. ' Par- adise and the IV-ri' was ^iven with ' ." (OSes .ri; s of a t!o*n tirieU costume, aud uracefi.l Ufltuutcan ; antomi (>f tne.itlitudesof the emotions, tin- Toroii;.) i ; lobe h:J the following: "At tin 1 Auditorium Concert last eveiimu. osiui; in l-reek Contuuie <-f Miss EM u Ui.kine IKixt, was one of tin: clt-\ir kind ev> r djiie iu Tor- onto." From a glance at tin- projrsiiinif t. U- rer.dcred hero in-xt Wt-t'nesday niyht. Wf think the hdiea have mode an i x. t-l^ent vluctioii. and all may ei:>t;ct a troat. llouor Uoii- to Savo And hnv to sa,-.- i', are sul-jectj ulr^-Ii ii.'i-n ;' . This .i.:i:i il U i, and will iilford many uc* an 1 tim-ful l>:.. :iny ,i-lc'.r ! f illowiti^ is the seeding of S. 8. r M irch : IV. Cl.i- . !It Vi>-. Kli r.ninia L.i 1 1 inie . i ' " ; . I. ' . ! E. 31 Ths 1 .eels. i Each Ai ; No. I , . it wa-- '. Fountain C f. of I di'.'.ire to . sympathy . nioviil liy i'.i'.''ii "i ! and we *.- . that it i our - n oro ]:. tlie painful I'.ri-iiin-t.ui -s IIM. all the friun<U. will reverently lmv\ enly Fsthf-, who h:i> dm. to liii'i'o be right and ^ these Wimnri;-* nry le ni.-k.i- i (' "; :u 7 OU to AM) to i to SO to -.8 to 17 11 7*5 M 1 T! \ hi b *;ll !) hitc'-^l 'OH ' K^ >' ' c ij '^.o M.ni Iu -.- NEW GOODS and NEW STYLE S In Shoes and Boots We are well supplied with new goods and styles to mset the wants of our friends. In Ladies' and Childrens 1 wear we have Red, Tan and Black Oxford's. Lace and Button Boots, also Prunella. In Mens' and Youths' we have Oxfords, Bals and G liters. In Quality, the best that can be hail,- .In Price, cheaper than the cheapest. Call and see, them as we want your trade and can suit you well. REPAIRING and CUSTOM WORK attended to promptly CLAYTON'S A Wonderful Medicine. Read the following interesting testimonies : i/real t South American Ifervine, tho cure for N^rvoaeiifc.sH, NVrv ration, N.-rvous Hea.l.i.-!'e, Sick H.-ad- he. Nt-rvi .s Puroxy rous fhilU, Xcrvi.u* C'lirking, Hot Flashes, Palj.itMiii.ti ..f t.liu Heart, Slicp'i. HsueK, females of all * ' .a, Burning i.f -i.-i T.'inl tt.tisN in the upon the Stomach, Cat- .trrh Nii;hiin if, in tin cars. \ and ili//.uiifvs. Fi -( a/. Impure* i I:n- 1. Scrnfulooa F neas, O<-neral ' Bi i. Clirm.ii ! iliiy t!ii-.<e nd uiaiiy ci'iii|.!.iiti: cured by this wonderful ' o T Ha tiMitnti-m been- wr. 7 Tli-- < t >UIAT -N NEHVISE Toy;.' will ---.re y. ur di. srans, i>r^uutB ynur Liver and purify ItMiU ; and rcsti n- yo'i to p. rfiM-' again. This great ' ; il>* used after all sicknrm. i - i t<> retoru to health are simply wonili Hur- . I ,,f \Yaynrtown. Ird , I "Wt. my life to t. --uit!i ' Aint-i ,i. I hod btwn in 1 .-d . the effects of an ex : liauiiiv. Siiuiiiu'h, Indigestion, Nervous .'.r.:i-n ml ditioo of my w!. . Dad given HopoK of uettini; well. Had tried tbrve doctors with no relief. Tile busWI of tho Xen'inu Tonic Improved mu ..." n.uch that I was ahlu to walk a: and a few bottles cured me entirvly it the litt medicine in Mio w.irld. I cannot recommend it too high- For sale by "i Adrueate, Grett<eill. Ala., F ; -_7\ ais t ITB has pub- lislini n.!\ various p: . m i:iiilii:mi>*. inany it w!-ich wc-ru . s fr tht: u.Maasa aiid ill* f,.r whi-.-h tln-y were rc-cuuiu/Li 1- td. w have nut yi-r lu^rd ax y: >\ TU- ]M.ir of any an wn hai - , u jj A " ' a lan:e adv<s- ti*<rui--iit of which we ; i. mr |-ngp. n Ltiuisvi]!t-. Ky., i-Uiuy to liaw i'.-n-. in uaJ her a I ot:le for :: ,|. I,, a ,hot* wr tu fcgain twrj '* Hid said it was doing her kosbsad if, , d. A j lW days mnc, ii^' onu of ..i r ; r . i, ,,;..,! n,e. inaOY moiiths, wo ak -. he W.IK 'i : lie said lie wnn :i-ir.i,^ t that ln> had f..imd a patent i arml buttlaw. of it and was go ma t. , r Ii.- uys hi; would not '.ike a thaHMunl dollars for the good it ha* ti- rewtly ilm.p him. i !_ what kit .1 >,f medicine ii \nsa, it was the S. uih Ami nan ni". H- ..:.!!_' s much about this groat edy ;e iiirerviewed Mr. Sti-wart, am tells us 'liat he can -scarci ii. T.| ;,-i ii ..;;., n H f i41 ,t a, {,< osjj .oi.l .ill tli.i.Ht- u h., u.... it penk tb riu\ ' v "i - .ny, -v.d , IwT ThiH in no jjaid notice, we put! sh 18 Himjily . a 1(U >- i-'lv. mil it it is : u,, arc gli that it in in the reach of our sick and i.pio. W. RICHARDSON, F/esherton. HEALTH FOR ALL. llolloway's Pills aad Ointraeo Tliii PILLS rlsy mul in mil ill Ui.iiMrC I^ivor, Stomach, 1X.l<ln 9 y*, Itii) iiU u IL! i in | ill i ii ia|iS^Mi n iniliili 1 ' inlililll'i r and r lnTl.iihU ( fmsls>tn tm. For LUiiuna *ul thahr pTioul THE OINTMK^T i lafsilibl rm<ty tar Oont .i j.1 ' d W*- , So and Uleois. U is fanoui to*) -ita, So T .Il*.r0.r ol lh Cbrt it tus no <iul ForSORK TLIROA1. BRONCHITIS. COUCUS, COLD$ ; and for ewMratt*! aa4stls1 ' aUadulrSwiUai.aaiiaMai*BlMM*M it * KUIU ! uata !UM a no obrm. llmif L Mit am'j ft kVofe-)r 11 o.toW4T' K*sUbHhiu. : t, T*. Sew t>xfrJ kKrect ( late 5S, Oxfrd trt K I <!, ai .old a* is. ltd.. 8s. M.. 4s. U Ut . - "" "f/ * 1 "" 1 thru jtfumt the World. B, 0+or XtmJun, t/Uv or* tfttriovt. Furniture & Undertaking Show Rooms - Strain's Block Factory Opposite Presbyterian Church. J. B. MOOEE, : Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE, SASH, DOORS, Etc. Etc. Having opened out an entirely new and attractive stock in Win. Strain's block, we ask old friends to give us a share of their patronage, assuring them that we will at all times be found as anxious as ever to give entire satisfaction both as rc- gaiJ.s prices quality, and atteu- ti. n to all details. J. F-. Mcore, Proprietor,