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Flesherton Advance, 27 Apr 1893, p. 1

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jutfratux 70L. XII., NO 615. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' FLESHERTON, OUT., THURSDAY,? APRIL 37, 1893. W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR* PROPRIETOR A new and magniflcient lot of beautiful silverware just re- ceived. The largest ever carried in Fiesnerton. Prices right. Call and inspect. ARMSTRONG BROS. (A) From our oini The weather lately him certainly been in .in- of tho nicest, bu' yet we have to '-ike it M it comes and the less grumlil- 1115 wo do about it the better fur our mental calibre. Now is the time fur one to put a stitch in thu Imruesi, fix a broken plow handle, mend tint In.le in tbe boot, make a new whiffletree, shap-i out an ax handle or two, wood for thu summer's ue, haul out homestead to farm. Wo think there is iian farming m his heml. Mr. John I I.nvt.m got his uood old dog shot last woek. It u rat Her a hard spring on pupa. The prayer meetings of this part are being well attended. Much good is the result. fppiutf. and Gentlemen ! Get your spring supply of BOOTS and SHOES from the undersigned. New goods just imported from v/l.ich to choose. A LARGE STOCK, A GOOD STOCK, A CHEAP STOCK. Be sure to call and examine. Custom work as usual done on short notice and in a neat manner. JOS. SMITH, Flesherton. From our oum Currepoiiil<-iit. The Spring hiu come, the oricket infi- numure, build fences, draw large stones | eth ' Iul to '* t the woo bird winuoth. on the "txiat," and one hundred and one Those are not original linos, Mr. Editor. oth.,r things tl.atan energetic, live, wide- Wt nL-vl ' r "lule in the pastime of wnka man will think of. Many a ""ti'>K poetry ourself. It is a quotation, lounges ar..iiinlth village inu or tlio Besides we are not punitive that spring country stores these days under the mis- has r .-ally come, but it is time it had. The taken notion that there is nothing t > do, l"*r pnrt of last week was cold, wet and launching out thundering anathema wmtl y- No damage waa none here by the against woather when perhaps his wife is wind - but ik " rep.,rte<l that it pkyed out in the shn-h hunting a few chips to hav " c wilh *""> buildings U. the north- tl,,. kettle. The following kind, thoughtful, gon- Tllli *** Sabbath scho ,1 has been erous, welcome, Mftwtt* invitation to W"rnized, and was opened hist Sun weary-waiting shopputs ia posted up in a ** TIiere *"* * fairl y 0<1 attendance conspicuous place on a pile of dry goods oonniderin,{ thu state of the weather .ud in one of our leading stores.viz. : "Please lean on thm print." Not a bad idea, better than high ar d rickety stools. Several burns Mid stable* were un- roofed last week during the high Mosttrs. H. tt C. must have suffered severely as not a hair in left on their up- per lip.t. A successful quilting bee waa hold .-it BEFORE BUYING YOUIt- SPRING SUIT SEE oi;n GOODS and PRICES Merchant your best I the roads. Rev. R. Strachan, formerly past r of I this circuit, spent a few days last I calling on old friends. ^*m-^- ^-^^^ Flvsliertun .Station. B<j Or Reporter. Mrs. Lnum Yirrst and son drove to Farmers, Attention! JACKSOH the GREAT IMPLEMENT MAN Has secured tha agency for Fleaherton and vicinity for the sale of the following Implements : NOXON BINDERS, MOWERS and DRILLS. Mr. Marshall's last Friday. In the even- ing thu programme was changed as the artistic tapping to MUSIC of uumerous feut evidenced. Mr. J. D. Brown took in an average of 100 dozen eggs a day for ei'.'ht cnmeo- ulive days. If the runt of the stores are I doing likewise surely tho World's Fair ! will be supplied. Mr. Herb. Watm>n has invested in a 2. 40 trotter (more or less) and also a bran new Annsin >HK dog cart. Herb, is buny breaking in his mustang in readiness for the season's work. Mr. A. McCabe, of Bowmanville, wn* on a busincaa trip to our burg hist we--k. Mr. John H. Campbell, of Swinton Can also supply you with Wilkinson Plows, Spring Tooth Harrows, all kinds. Chatham and Speight Wagous, Brantford and Gauanoque Buggies. Road Carts of all descriptions.Stcel fact every- tliiug the Farmer wauls, and will not be UNDER- SOLD by any agent in the Countv. All goods guaranteed to do good work or no snlo. Will be in Flesherton every Monday aud Saturday. All correspondence sent to our address, Mark- dale, will be promptly attended to. Yours truly, W- JACKSON. Ai: in Park last Sunday to attend thu funeral of her mother. Mrs. Yirrst is still in that vicinity visiting with her friends. Another of thoe interesting i-venU in the w'.iiipe of ,1 wedding ia taking place to-day. The coiitractin;.; parlies uro Mr. Alf. Harnwiu .ind Miss Delia Stewart. We wish them many happy dnys. Mr. Andrew Gilcliriot is starting this spring to work the now farm he purchas- ed fioin Mr. D. Muir. Cuming events cast their shadows before. Wo are ex- pecliu^ Andrew to break the monotony of tlio village by giving us another of those very interesting events. We are proud to chronicle the success >ur ttchoi.l is attaining this term. Mr. Park, paid a brief to friends iu this ; Ct|npbelli illi|MHJtoPi paia our school an tillage lately. I official visit a few days ago and ho re- Miss Martha king, of Oranjreville, is ' rusticating among friends in this vicinity. Mr. John McArthur wports a jovial time at the gathering of thu heads of clans at Guelph lately. Mr. Hector McLean, who has been re- siding at the "Son" during the winter, is home and intends slinging mortar and bricks aijain this season. V.'urd liaj been received from Mani- toba that Mr. Thomas Nichol, son of Mr. John Nicl:o|. hits been severely injured in the thigh by a kick from a In DIEI On Tuesday, 18th, Annie, old- est daughter of Mr. Neil McDonald, of port* our teacher, fur her to be unequalled by any other in hm charge. I'mujralulations, Misw Johnson. Quite a reaction lias set in around our village. A rest lias sneceodod the booming winter trade. Tho grain market w about closed and fanners armind are looking very bin.: over tho bail weather. Altogether our station pr. .-.cuts <|-.iitu n forlorn appcui-aijco. Mr. II. l'i[ier is making [reparations for tho erection of a ne.v residence whii-h will aud greatly uticu of that line. Mr. Archie McMullcn i, .iUo adding Patronise the Tailor and make interest ours. C. J- LEITCH, Merchant Tailor. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. Fr.snRimm, Co. Gnar. DIVISION CO! UTCLBRK.COMMI8BIONFU In II. R.. CouTeyanuer, 4c. Ant for purehas ad .ale of !aud. Appraiser for C. L. C. Com. nd W. P. B. * S. Soclntjr. Monoy to Loan ou the raort rauontble tonni. UMI u aw IIAB- HIAOK LICEX6KB. NOTARY PUBLIC. JJOXETTOLOAW. Tb undeniansd has a la.qo amount nt money to loan at C per cc.n. on town or farm property. B. DAMfl : t ,u. ^| B. HAM MONO. Port Master. Kimberley. Comuilisioner for tkm Affidavit, etc. Insure, and loan, money t luwuet rates. Bx<M>utMlw*i>. Diwls. Wills otc. promptly, vbttaply and 0clotly JJU. 11UTTON. M.O.C. M. M.C.P.4 S..0n... Prioevill^ JOIICB aud offlou ouu door weet of th Mth- ' 'liurcli.Kiuross Ht. Office Uay, .mil Saturdavs. J)H. CAIITLII. M. C. P. * H . Ont. Pliysioiau. nurgeon. etc Flu.ijurtou oiliou-strain. block. botol. J P. OTTBWEUL,, Veterinary Snrguon. Graduato of Ontario Veterinary Colluge. H. M d. n c.,- HOUM lately xxupiod by Win. UradUy at tliu Drill shu.l. F. HALbT KliHUui nt.. practice, at .pociality. . -. :ii-.l '.'J yean. \Vo extend t.. ' tll( , i, 1)III()Vl . ll: i. n t v [ IH . W veiandak to The Store ou the Hill ? This month we want to give every ono a chanco to try our TEAS, which, we believe, for strength and flavor, beats anything yet shown. In order to do so we l:ave 1:1 I I'( !'!> tl.i.i to the following low figures: 27. tin- bereaved pat by. family our siiicere_ syni- Ku!> Koy. Fv .11 <"'|- MM ' 'ii/T-'syi./ii./< nt Tlio farmers of this locality lire busy M. i.i'l has had a sick horse during tlio last few under the skilful treatment 01 Ultc-woil li now .sevui* to very but .Mr. to tho snow storm we ymi coiild'nt hear much bui ij) : win a ha Tlic C'l .u-Jl with a their 1'bul 8U 't- AICI.I Mcl'hcilrati, resident of Our 25 cent tea for 2ft. Our 30 cent tea 55 cent tea for 33- Miss I?ell I'ni'VM, who has boon living tile lil'tli coin isugaweyii, i.(.iii Jn'1'..i .<< Ii-t two years, is VIM- mitiud bui>:ido on Sunday forenoon by ilwrfrwndtintWeipMi Mr. M:i!i--)iii l''!.;tiMu r tuul Henry ' cutting hit* throat with a niznr. lie found dead in lu.< bam with hm 2 Cents a pound off, not much tO look at, but when We tell Stott..\h. ^.cnt the winter in tho lumber cut, Tim wound was iii the jugular. you that any of those teas are worth fully 5 cents a pound more, it makes a big difference. Try them and be convinced that we are telling the truth. Our groceries are always fresh. Nothing stale kept on the shelves, M7S, HATS. HATS. We bare just opened 2 cases of imported hats. soft Felts, Fedoras, Straws etc. Highest prices paid for Produce. =_ B. G. Evans. woods, have returned home. .Evidently ho had r.ttuiiipr.ud to stop tlio The Patrons are K"'" rit^ht ahead in bleeding by tilling tlio Woiunl with pen this vicinity. Many onler.i have been siniw. It :i|'|r. i- Me I 'hi drau has .sent away. Wo think that it would be been somewhat demented for some time much better if our officers would start an |utt, and it is stated that tins waa the hour earlier in order to let some of our fifth attempt that he :i;ul made to take people get lunch over In-fore roiilrixht. his life, by poison, drowning and other Some MI tbu folks of this part of the methods. This is tha same man who j country have hod a slight attack of mean- was tarred and foatherod two or tlirer Newest Styles in guff and els. Glad to know thi-y are on ficmeiid. yeais ao foi abusing his wife, and he Mr. Edwanl Flttchur and Mr. Angus I?.,, never been well since. The cause of Cameron have had their dogn poisoned his death is due, to a certain extent, it if a '>ort time ago. Mr. Cameron's WC..T- "". * '" intemperate habit*. He red but Mr. Fletcher's pamwd to the lu T 8 wl( * two K ir ' 8 ' "K 8 * 1 bout "happy hunting groundi." wo and three years old. Deceased wj Mr. A. Mullin bu gone up to the old mar.-ied in Orangevilla. P UAKSHALEt L.D.S..M r.. s.. Dentist. Vi^iU Mark,?.!. t j! e ' M "t oach m.-mth leshorton-:,:ielj tri; t;,,. ,, a> ,..,. J '.v ; ;.:)'HTJ or. Solloitor. NeMH l>iill.UiiK. on Thursday.. (, epa : Owen *. p_ Barrlutar, Solicitor. Etn. om,. t , nm Karland'a storo. Markditi. LUCAS .>; \VKIGHT, "m ..icitoi-s, Co::. T.. I'wn Hound, On.l - . M, u -ii,ial,.. W. H. WI.JIOIT. r. II. l.iirA*. N. H. K!iliitou offlco, Mlti-rull's Bauk. every Wc.lnc-.ln>. D J. Postmaster, Flmborton, CouinilnBionor in II K., l.i.rono.l Auotioneor, Conveyancer, Ap- praiKar nod Monoy Letnlor, Itoal RttaU) and JIIMII-MIOO Agent. Deeds, MortuaRe*. Untcn, and Wills drawn up and Valaa'toni maleun abi.rteet notice. Auction Hales attouded to in any part of tbe County. Money to loan at low- ost rates of interest. Collections attended to with promptness anil dupatob Charges low. Agent for tbe Dominion btearatlilp Compaq r, cheap tickets from Flsebeston to Liverpool , Glasgow, London er any of the British ports. Parties intending to visit England, Scotland or Ireland, will pleeM aek rate* before tb.-ir tickett qisewhs**, l 'A '

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