; THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE GA.LL.Kll V Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out ? per- fect class of work. All kinds Of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices arc lower. Picture Framing donb in all Its branches. If you have shopping to do anil pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. Good News TO MAMTY I desire to call the attention of tin public to tin- fact that I have opened A General Repair Shop la omitiection with tliu Fleshcrtoti - woollen Mill, and sin prepared to do all kinds of Iron and Wood Turniug I'att-i i.'K made, Mitl casting! got oil daorl notice I have not space to meulion in detail the variety of work I can do, but anything you have in iron or wood that requires needing, biinx it to the Floslit.Ttou lopairsliop, where yon may depeud on getting TOUT work done neatly and substan- tially. Having emery wheels for I will :.i,i!(0 that a specialty for .; fov, weeks. Chargra low, but terms slncily cash. Yours truly, W.H.FLESHEB BALE OR TO LKT. Tin a-i ,n lard within two niili-iinf Kleihrrtnn, : . > water pownr mill K|U at l.ittU Fall- .. ,IP ; : ft. lu-a/l c.f water on f tin. dam. Will . '. .ick or tli mill kln< i.v it -lf, and ntri-ele frinii inio aero uv>war,N ,, nil i ''! *->i'r. Th*. Valley rood r'ln- tiirdiiKh Ui" " [th of 1 1 i< a KIKK! ,, ii". ',. s.-.'ir.. M:mU home- teal indluit evplily of good w- tgwuii liberal. Apuly io WM. llin.d rleeherton station 1- c SALE. l*i n wit i H.i!t . eni . - ri InT At a I. l'M|i!irsn. cnntalninK 14S aor**, : .!i'l fraiiio baru 4 ur.i, i ' ' i liar'l, KII 1 K n'< am-. reaper. Will !> aiiM nniiii.<lmtlT Any parson dealrtoji a flood tlac tlfaVlo. Write to JoliN MAli I IN Kunuia I'. Take a Round Trip * tf. t I, 1 ; Ci Tliro.it. fWi hir tit I/rnnkii on a ti."irtnte. tor a Ijime S> 1, Back or Caeat 8hil( b's Poroui u OHjLOH'd VITALI7RR. Mr;. T. B. rinwalnr.O- - !ooa_iam .i. Liver or ATARRH nEMEDY. tH:IlcniP<Jy. It will i-rtw toe's. . Utlr.ru> H C-! !*>M oa a fuaraiitce to g^ i- f --UaTuc: . Ji r Tr Irciy relieve a- il i i : :t I HM bedfrco. To The Public. !i TTarlng rented Wbltton't blaekumllh Imp for a tonu of yeera, I am now In a position to caterto all wauU ID lay llua. a Specialty, ; Hntiftfartlon (.nuratift d ' For anything in the &orfomit/un : / Jim tatt on F. A. BUNT, i I oppoaKe Richardson's Hardware store, i SOCIETIES. ROYAL TRMPLAIIH OF TKHPP.RANCR. I : -ilar Cun Dell niei-U every Tneaday vunii.u In S|>ioi,lfi'> (.lock at H p. in fieleot d*nroe (insurance) DM eta rnoDthljr. llm \Ve.lnimil prooeiliog the 8)!ni1 of taob luonth. SOKB OP TEMPKnANCF..-Thl soele** uiMta In Dr. fhrlatoe' Hall every \V' I navrlajr evoninc at H j> m. \ Nititig bruth ren luritvd. Ir turauce Iu conuectlou. >!U\CE AKTHfB LODOK No. !W. A.F. 4 A.I! . rr..'1't in tlia MM)nli- Hall.StralB'l Hlock. Klov)irton. oTary Krldav on or bofor* tin- ful Uno.,n. A. B. Vn<Ju.oti.W. U K. J. Spruul, Uacretv. THE Tailor, Makes all garments of men's wear the bust style at short notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. in F. A. BAKER, VLESHERTON. kluilnr>). Pium ouroum CvrrtipunJent. Si|uin- Stuart, harini; Uikwii the farm- g fever, has purcbaat-.l a large farm 0:1 M- iird and will aoon t,ik up his aliode there. Mis. T. Kllin hoi* tuktn a trip up north t,, 1'. 'MIUII.III dlntl'ICt t'' VHII I..T I'.lll^lltlT, Mrs. W. Stuart, and frieudB, for a few weeks. Mr. T. Kilts goes to Toronto this week wit Ii n car load of cattle, one half of whu h omit-* fr IIH nwn stall'. l'r.:tly good for a Kiiiibi-rl-y fanner. KitnU-rli-y can m.w boatt of one tin , u :h truck, a hidewnlk from tho "M 1:1 "ii HI.IIM-' on tliH Hoiith t i tho Meth- odist cliurch ii| the iK.itli, with witc!u!S t ' tin- Owen Hound, Ontario. The Vei'y Best I'l.ACR IN TAKAUA TO GKT A Education. Until 'in-i i.*i i 't i'vi ti-it'iit" iu ('AH 1. 1 , tUen vimi *|i . .1 ' I i 'i Miif IIIUM CnlletfH ; i x.. mi lit) erI)'- ii'it; tlioifiig'iily. If wo fail I" |T<Hlm: tin - oniplou, prftcUral ti'l cxtt n f itudy ; th tn-ot ><*.:. .- )<rniU BALE. l./vrga utoro n,l dwrllliiR. at Fleahertnn St- tu'ii. l"i nal ur to let ; in oue paroel or can l.i* attlMlvldei) Into 8 ahnp* and .1 <^H dwolliiiK lo.nii". "i ..... Hi'-r inaiiiinr an may. he agreed mn'-ti.l,' f'-r '.i>rc, tailor, (trt'Mmakrr an I inllhM.-r Ai-i.ly to W. HiHiC, rietbortou Station 1*. O I 'I i -,..l from our UIPII (.'</rrri<i>ondtnt. News Huenis to bo auarc ; ar..u:nl lli.s jxiit at |i:-n.iit, n..t i-v, n a taffy pull to murk of, however we Ind a Keimine ilmiulcr storm, alao a n-.'ul.'ir snow at, i i>i 'M |.it eck, with Kt-tiher jmrt of the 4 < n. null for mid winU-r. The hi-o;i anil vvneer factory is di.in/ i liusui' *n. I'hi-y shi| |ivd two car luuils the | HK( neck and tilled another ready for itcmlirg off. They have a $ <1 I'ori-.' of men in the factory, aim. a tni{ in the hunh i;cttinu' "lit lo^i. Mr. M. M. Milan is oiitxido foreman aiu] Mr. \S ill;. ,111 ISeiinctt acts as foreumn in They exp.-rt to lie able to F-nd off two i-nr loads every euk, as they are cuttii^ I -x stud', barrel ln.o|, vein-, i , a>8<> ooffln DiaU-rwl uiul N>utT for making banket*. Li L'n[)]> has gone for another spel'. We wi-li it the Coiiriiin^'ht man's toaHt, "may it never return ai'ain '' Mr.Kobcit and Hu-.'h Sloan, of Pais!."-, am vUiting their aintt-r, Mrs. John A. Fenwick. Mr. Th< fins Smart ha* gone to (17 hi* fortune in Manitoba. Mr. Sandy and John Meldrum. "f Colorado, have bfcn vi.sitiny their parent* In re fur the |>ast week. Hies Minnie Mcldrum, kf Mo.ifinl, is h"ine nn a \iiit. ^ Mr Henry Funwiuk had a stable raii- jl thr |>axt wetk. Tin ro seoniR to be a big "tir arcnnd 1r l)u<-k. tt'n I'mu kiln, f think there iut be aonie pro*pects of a firo there r.-tty i-ooii liy tho lm>k of thin,'*. Mr. ('.in- i.i doin^ a rushing busineM in U saw null. The braver nver aecins to e. [lUtting on extra force at |>re<eiit, no ir I.IIMI.O-M men are making hay while .e *UII shines. Mr. S|. nn is getting hig ahinulo mill nly for further operations. Hii cl o - ing machine bun beeu busy all winter. ie ftu nituip ftU'l Hiiplinncen, wn *iil gsV* >"'i fnl ) tnn Hll K For Annuls AttixMHiiii |i*rtlfii1r. fn*. *'litre C. A. FLKMINO, rrinrlpl. liORSEMEN] Pay Attention I Having purchased the harness business from Mr. Clayton, I \vibh to intimate that my en- tleaMir will bo to please ami satisfy custoruors in any work uliirh nmy bo entrusted to me. All kinds of horsemen'* re- quisites kept m stock, at low lutes. 1 workmanship guarair (Mai, Suliwimg your orders, I remain respectfully, W.MOORE- Flrshetton. Jan, 14, 1893. IIn.c". lllr. From or oicn Corrapomltnt. Mrs. Win. <'nm|>lx-!l died on Tuemlay ant, after a short illni-ai. She leavei a uslmnd aid live xii.nll children, the o'd- st being a'.mul 14, the young' Kt about >yir<. Tlie btTiavuvl havu tho syinpa- hy of tile ci'iinnunity. Her remains were followed to the Latter Day Siiint :IM- yard by a Urgec nupiny of friund.s. .Mr. llm;li M, I) 'i;;.l I and family have I to tin- f.iini m tho vicinity of Dun- dalk. Mr Jiimvi Dilljfwoll his bought the ant fiOacreHi.f thr McKniuht farm, anil \\r 1) K. McArthur has rented the wet Mr. \Vni. ltillini;s has bought the east half of lot No. 12 nn con. 11. Mr. Win. McMurdu baa rcnUd Mr. [no. DoiiulaVs farui. Jas. Douglass and John Irwiu have i.iit. il for Keirma. Mr. David Allen ha* erected a fine new hcj. mi'l is ruahini; quite a buaineas. '1 ho Dinu w ell lioys hate cot a eeed drill. Thai will be eanier than the old tylu. Jus. Pnrslow luid a cult u-k fora f.-w lays luit throux'i care and a little laud- nuni it rvouverod. They tried tho same remedy on n Cou| Iu of lambii h'Jt they foil asleep -unl li.ln't Hnkc a^'ii n. iMiKi Kniily lln Uly is helping Mrs. Dingwull ihiH suinnie' again, this long .1 niininier for bur there. Mr. AtfiT, of \Vinjlftin, has bought in<l moved iu. to Mr. Bdward Kergugon'n arm on r n !.">. Mi. u," (';ini|i!iell ha* pr.icured tie B rvicescf Mr. K. Hail d-r thu Me,!in/ A littl- I. >y *riiu. I 11! tlio home <f Mr. Jni . I'us.ell :v fi w d iy ago. Mr. t nit. r ii some IM tier. Mr. \\iii McLaren JH a'ao Home better. Floiein e. danjitijr of Mr. Arch. Ker HHiy. Mr IM. M.ili. i li.ii returned to Dakota afit r n sh.>rt vixit ninoii^ old acquaintan- c M. Mr. Tho-. Maher is coming back to his firm Ih't year MINK M.uy McMillan is homo for a r.- t, . ' .- I u uv; iniliHpimed at ]>resent, and MI>K M ('. Hardy i teaching in h.-r I We lo.o MIM McMillan >:11 i MI, tie. well *KH.II. Mr. I i.in Mi Inti.sh ia making grrat in roads upon the nccumulated dirt of win- ter with house-cleaning ntonue's. "Complete Manhood AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT." A Medical Work that Tells the Catuxs, Describe.* the Effects, Point* the Kcmedy. Scientifically the mo valuable, artitticalfy the most beautiful medical book ever puH- luted ; <W v*i'*, every page bearing a half-loac illuetratiun in um Subjecu treated - Nervous Debility, Impotency, Sterility, Development, Varlcocele, The Hunbanil, Thoae Intending Marriage, etc. Every m.m who would know the (jrand Tnitbf , the IM.un Facu, the Old Setreta afed NcvL't ' M appficd to Married I jfe who would alone for pt MMaaanii ay, MI future pufalli, should write for ihu WUNUKKH L I.I 1'TI K 1 It wi.l be ent free, uudr ecal, while liie edition lasu. Addreaa Ibe publiahen, ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. ' fvery know it remo'ly f<-r ' nl'iiiil, but wir!i<n!t Medi- him. and I.. dry day. Fitm'lj he i in <> i ( f th* 1'H-jU pj>or, <u man ii.vn.-d Murray, livm/ >u :r.v n- ,,,..,..,, hor-.t, bad 1 . trnub e I , hopo to .. byuinD ;v At a l"^ r i..n<n NOKCE. *. T resoit Mr I and threw 1, , ,-i i c-'v mvi of l.i'ii, nd :ven ' 'nm. Mr Blair is !> !< at ..il: H^ : II, ai.dsii; t'lHf In- f,..- that these pilla U"inpli-t.-ly r > Hia recovery ha>cieat.l quite a s-jn-sa tn, n. Enx't-'li Spavin l.minient removes a' 1 Imrd, soft or callous:-'! l.trn| .t and Klemihliet from hores. It!"od Spatrin Currw, S|i!int, Rim; IVme. S'\.-eny, Stitl>', Sprain*. Sure and Swollen Throat, r~<0 liv uo of one Inittle. Warrantud the most wonderful Hleinish Cnre ever known. Warranted VIT Richardann & Co. p 1 eha*t t:iu r. ..r, fo.-j aiirl K'ocfry bukiues* carried on by Sir. T. Wjrvill. aud a'-.i preptri-d t ^ cater to il.e nubile In a ia* ufao., ,ry mabuer he eonfl ieuee of all old pat* nuw on.is by fir an.l prompt doalin^. Tlaca y.<jr o.-durs with mo There M I'lt-nty of tiin^, l.ut it m.y not bo out of i-Wt' to niflitinn the frv-t that gn act was pnsauil nt the l.it aea*i.~n of the Ontario Lcgi.-lnMire for the protection of been, which ^nacti thst. "Nopenion. in spraying or i>|ninU'.iii(! fn. :rin^ (So IM-IIM! within which cuch treos tre in full bloom, shall USD or canst- to he u*d any mixture' r'ni'aiiiini; Par:Oroen or iu,y other p'iaonoun gut>fitanco iojiiri'.us tn hee." T!;o i>-nlitv T>r an i-ifracMon of the law is not less than fl or more than 93. Honor RolK (7. 8. 8. No. 1 El'PHRASIA AND ARTE- Humber-tono, \V. Mar- Carrulhers, ' IV. CW, E. tin. H W'nlt..ti. III. Clam. M. Simons, J. K. Hrnniir, \Vnlt.-r ^mith. II. ri.m, (nr. ,") M. ll-.miHermtone, F. Martin, M. McLeod, I\ Smith, Dick limn iff. II. CUsi. (jr.,) J. Hraniff, N. Martin, Dun P.rnnitT. Part 2 Cla*s. M. Bniniff M. Smith, Part 1 Class, L. J. Uraniff. J. HARK in.. Teacher. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvaller, Ind , nays : "I had ben in a tiUtr ci iidition fi>r (hrer years from Nervous- new, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspep- sia and Iruli!:eMi<>n until my health waa i." inn. I bought one bottlu of South AM:- fricnn Nervine, which done me ninn- Kod than any fC>0 worth of ductorin.' I i : ver did in my life. I would Advise every weakly person to use this valuable ami lovely renio.'y. I consider it the trandesu medicine in the world. 1 ' A trial bottle will convince you. Warrant- d by Richardson A Co. * RhcumnHsm Cured in a day. South American Rheumatic Cun- f<ir Itlit- iiiiiitiuii and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system i* rcinarka'>!e and mysterious. ft rt'inoves at once the cnnao and the Jiseaati iitunnliatrly disappears. The first dosn I'rently !> nr!i(<. 7") cents. Warranted \>y Iticlionison A: Co. Itch, M\n:;e, and Scratclms nn human or animal* c.ired in .'Mi Miiouti-s by Wool- ford's Sanitary I.otion. This never fails Warranted by Win. M. Richardson J.. ines Blair's C'nse. NAPANFE, April 10th. A highly inter- i ' in.- i . .' lux hi\|. iioned in this town, whi< h IH crvatuu; a (jood deal of tornment. Mr. Jame llln.r, a w. 11 known merchant tailor herd, has for fourteen yean boen a nutferer fr in tliat terrible complaint, known (Ui llnuht's diaeaao if thekidiw}*. He -nit, i . .1 BO terrible that "ne hour's work kt the cutting tM would com- iiletuly i-xhaiiNt him, and he had to almost |iv up w rk er. He tiM HAVE YOU BACK- AC HE 00005 . KIDNEY WILL CURE YOU "Backache meant the kid- ney* are in trouble, Dodd'a Kidney Pilla o!u prompt relief. " " 76 per cent. of disease is frtt caused fcy tlitordtred kid- the tcaucngert of tl'tt system. "Delay It dangirove. Neg~ Ice ted kidney troublet reiult tn Bad Blood, Dytpeptta, Liver Complaint, and the mott dan- gerout of all, B/lghts Dit&ase, Diabetet and MM "Might ait well try to haio a healthy olty without tewer- age, at good health whtn the kidneys art clogged, they art SoU by alt dealer* < of price 30 re-i ... frr bo\ or aix for S.ju, Dr. L. A. Smiih ft r.i. Tonvlo. Wriae K ''Tht about diteaset cannot txitt where Dodd't Kidney fillt art lued. f '<. 1 Flour Tca. as IOM as the lowest. ilttto. i l<:iir and Feed- Frnitx iu > .. .1 i-.. r.ic. All Jeanonal.'" R-xxli koi't in atock. Mybootanft ulioe businei wiil not be ne- glected, bat will be continued Miue as before The llrsi of <;od l.ov. <-si li\ isn; pricrs. <-rl*roiM|tt J-liycr.v :i.i a u. I ilu |> Kites taken In <-\rlusitge. W. Barnhouse, - Fleslierton NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE KIMBERLEY Boiler Floflrin Kills are now open /or business, and in /tit/ operation- A Urst Class Miller lias been. i-inploijeil until will gitar anteo su UN/ action Bring along your custom work. Chopping done at any time. A.B.Bel!, - Prop. D. McTav^h, AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Colling wood Street, FLESHEKTON, - ONT. alannfacturinuef Wasgonn. "i.i|-tly al- ii.-riai attuiitiuii ,-Hf" to coutract- u . ur Uudar (t. Loggion and Plow Chains eon- Ktuiitlr unbncU. FORJJALE Fornal*,or5;cJiangci for tftrm land, aomnio- 1,1 rltthirton. stiblu, all ln- Appiy U \ at. r:efcherton. March 30, 18BB. Lands for Sale FAKM j-iopertieii iipprovo<> and nnlm- provud i a!noTili; properties. Apply u J. W. ARMSTRONG, H.KSIUKTOX P. 0. J. B. SLOAN Eugenia, has on hand, and for sate, ahlugles, oath, doors aad Inmbr. Torotng atul plami->| aWne to order, Choppln* mill in touniKtloii.