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Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1893, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FA YOU." PRINCIPLES. NOT MRN.' 70L. XII, ffO 614 FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL :.0 18HH. W. H.THURSTON, 60 ^*, ETOR R^ll^Silverware. A new and magnificient lot of beautiful silverware just re- ceived, The largest ever carried in Plesherton. Prices rrgkt. Call and inspect ARMSTRONG BROS. and Gentlemen! Get your spring supply of BOOTS and SHOES from the undersigned. New goods just imported from which to choose. A LARGE STOCK, A GOOD STOCK, A CHEAP STOCK. Be sure to call and examine. Custom work as usual done on : hort notice and in a neat manner. Mount /.Ion. Fiom out own I'onvtpanJent Mr. and Mr*. Watson, Sr. , arrived after a Ifnijtliy visit with their daughter* in Desonmto. Mr. John Kerr :md I'ninily tro moving hero ("gain, while Mr. M.-nt^ miery and lani'ly have gone hack to Sunnidalo. Mrs. Whi'o Inn aUo returned home from Sunniuule, with her daughter, Mrs. J. Ketr. Mr. H. J. White is at present very i ill, but we hope noun to hear of his re- c. iv, 'i y. Mr. Kelull has removod his family from here to Klushertoii, while Mr. .ilar had taken his place. MIHS Either McNiUly pont Easter ho] 'days t home. Mi>s Lime Henderson, of Owen Sound Collegiate; Insl.t :ite, spent Easter huli- ! days with her parent i here. Walter Taylor, Hubert White and Win. Rehill hare .,'oiu' to tho vicinity of Bui- ton for the summer. Heasnt. Thomas an-.l Joseph Haney have leaned the fanu, lately vacated by Mr. Dean, and moved thereto, while Mr. Demi moved to Flraherton. Mis. M., it. in h.s returned after a lengthy visit with her daughter, Mrs. Orr, of Toronto. gave of i ho noise ho heard ire believe it to be a little bird called the sap-sucker. There was a young u\\l in Pr ton, Who was hugged by a -jrinloy bear, Till lie grew lean and More, But she still cried for more, So he laid down and died in despair. Maxwell JOS. SMITH, Flesherton. Frnm our win* Curretpoiuirnt. Spiing lii put in an apiiearaiice at lant, and is a very welcome guunt. According to previous arrangements Mr. Win. I'aiker ami Mix* Kttio \oung w*re iinvlc ono mi April 5th. Wo with thuin every success. Mr. Andrew I'utts returned In me 'a t week loi.kin:; well aa usual. Mrs. K. Liuley ami boys spout a few lays over ut their farm last week. Mr. Medlur (!uy gave us a call on Mon clay if la>t work. Mr. Milton Brownridgp, wife and family, moved to Paradise Inu-U . Mr*. Kmurson ipeut a fuw tlayt in Cull- tin; we iocl last week. Mi< Lottie Kertun uaine home from Kleshcrton lately. MISH L. D. Sterling spent a fuw day* in Toronto last week, buying her spun.; stock. Mrs. Lnii! Kve a "taffy party" on I'. ''I 1 ''I''lll '. __ - . Monday erening of last week. Nearly all Sugar-making is now almost over and the younx people around weru prraent and a pleasant time wax spent. Mr. Alex. McEaclimo uiul family moved t" town on Monday. Mrs. EIIIITHOII and family intend Mov- ing to Chicago in a tiiuu. We are very sorry to lose them a* they have MKIU thu farmers will be busy seeding. They aro now making preparations for starting Proton Farmers, Attention! JACKSON the GREAT IMPLEMENT MAN Has secured the agency for Fleslietton aud vicinity for the salo of tliu fcllowing luipli'iiR't.ts: NOXON BINDERS, MOWERS and DRILLS. From own L'wrrrtpundrnt. The bleatir;; f tho lumh, the cackling of thu hen. and thu summer girl are all pleasing reminders that Sjiiiim ia in uur ii:iclit again. Tin, w'lislliii-,' of the pluiiuhboy, the Hinging of the milkmaid, are melodies that may be heard mi a balmy ovonini! on th fun'. Who wc.iild not \<v a fanner ! rry to report tho death of Mrs. Goo. Stoke 1 .", after shurt ilhu'ss of a few woe k. We Imvo licit learned the nature of the complaint fdo'v.iM'd. Slieleavea .1 liiisbunil ,.-vl little bahy Iwliiiid. nun- band :iml frii'inls have the sympathy i.f the Comnnnilv i" t'.eir l-orenvmcnt. made many warm friends here. We sin- cerely hope that sucoesB mayatt. n.l tin in wherever thc'y >,'o. The homo of Mr. Win. Clinton was made bright lately by the advent of d-iughter. Cau also supply you with Wilkiusou Plows. Spring Tooth llarrows.all kinds. Chatham and Speight Wagons, Bratitford and Gauatioquo Buggies. Road Carts of alldescriptions.Suel \Yii:tlujillf<,in wet every- thing tho Farmer wants, aud will not be UNDER- SOLD by any agent in the Countv. All goods guaranteed to do good work or no salo. Will bo in Flcsherton every Monday mid Saturday. All correspondence sent to our address, Mark- dale, will bo promptly attcudod to. Yours truly, W JACKSON- The Store on the Hill ? This mouth wo want to give every 0110 a chance to try our TEAS, which, wo believe, for slrongtli ami tlavor, beats anything yet shown. In onlc r to do <> wi 1 1 avo 1 r I I ( 1- 1> tl.cin to tho following low h'juros : Our 25 ceiit tea for 2t. Our 30 cent tea for 27. Our 35 cent tea for 33. 2 cents a pound off, not much to look at, but when we tell you that any of those teas arc worth fully 5 cents a pound more, it makes a big difference. Try them and be convinced that we are telling the truth. Our groceries are always fre*h. Nothing stale kept on the shelves. HATS. HATS. HATS. Wo have just opened 2 cases of imported hats. Newest styles in stiff and Boft Ft-ltK, Fciloius, Straws ato. I'ruM-villr. i-iin mtr men Monday was fair day. <Jui! a of oaltin weru dUpuied f at good prices. Sugar season i* over. ports a gooti "run''. Two of our public iiit-titut.oi.8 were Everyone) re Tlie PMakfteiM chureli of this place lh , TOlll . hly illll>ecle a u., weB lc RU d feund ha - again a innu-t T to ti 1 its Mr. Johnston by name. Wo tnisl the : I"- 'I'le ^ill try to make hi< stay amongst the m as pleasant as |><Kiblu. lU-nix' a 1 yountr man, of amiable iiit<|.o-Uin. we | foel confident ho will take well with the young people nround h. r... The |rfy ^ivi-n l.y Mr. T.vns on the; evening of Monday after Easter was the ' success of tho So ray Homo that we iv there. The tripping of the livht fnntastio lasted until the oarly dswn. Wes. saj-K it is the U-'st. had it not Urn for the fart that ho had to set chaperon for hi* s.'stcr, also for another fellWs tobel., .afsfa^oryenmlitiou. Mr. Johnston, Dumlulk'n untrgeticand p-jslinig nuwMpaper aiiunt.puid our village a business viit lately, liis genial and smiling countenance almost oa|itivatcci some of uur "fair SKI". Wonder if he is a benedict f Mr. C CulhlHTtKon, <-f Durham, spent . dsy or tw<( ;. to | y Wlth Mr Hirb- Wat . Miss Millie Eotor, while on her 'fay to Toronto Normal Sch. ol made a lirnf cnll on her sifct'r, Mi.-s ^'arali Ector, teachot c.f Jr. Dept. of I'. S. Mus Katie Campbell, of Sit,t.>a "mk. Bister at the MIIIK lime. Itut siicl, things ( | Bt(J ((f \ V i m ,epe K ) ia friends in wi'l happen in a fellow'a life, \\ ,. village. S.,im- , f tlio.Wlin-Ws hsvo Mr J,,hu McAithur is attending the annual modi, g of the (Jmud Camp uf the S. (J. S., held in Cnelph this week. ed :l1 "' :IK tho Kopr.-elitatlie of ramp 7,"> Greys". ol M, It.'.itliville, whc Koily's, luta re- MIM Kva Nooth. wa vititiiig :vl -^ r - tuino<l In. me. Wear.- anxou-ly ana tin; tie result of tho Dundnlk election*. If itomo of thoso aspiring Beeves have any shekel* to spare we could USD a Cow haiidfuls of them in huildinx '-' or D hundred rods ot ttiduw.ilk. Highest prices paid for Produce: . G. Evans. from this plnco for the Min.nnr. \nn.ii'_' ilii--.' .ire .l..!in ami \\'ill White. :-iKko'<a : Thomas L>ckhxrt, .Iain i, f'.r \TomlhiidgA, It is a woinl, r (hut palhinii'-teis will allow to bo bloiked up to such a "'i.y >! around no of our ....miry MiWntUl "" ''"' ''ark line. Some one will yet have to foot a bill for break- Mr. \1'.> SIi.'.irsMii, v.ho has been visiting in ill" city, lias r. tunnel with a *acl expression, which says ns plain as word*, ho left something behind him. M,-:. William Ludlow in at present Quite a hoavy !. is felt by siiir-riiiK wilh annttaok of la grippe, in this WHjti'.n in tho clerue:i-..ii of fully W.. hope >t will nothing s*-rioiis. half of tho plum trtos in the orchards of did you 'ib -uf tho young man the town and country. This spring when who was wemliiii! his way home from sen- parties commenced pruning, the death .,( ini; liin h.vo, in a very doubtful state the tree* was first discover. .1, "iid i of mind, when nil of a sudden he heard o-uiscd, it is supposed, by blight inmlced someiluiiK -.. chock, chock, check, by the prolonged and intense heat ot Thinkmjz it to VHI a rial pulling the trig- <wt summer. Whereve, Uie twos were . i.i 1,1 shaded from the sun, they are still alive, ger of a revolver, lie thought he wasa ^ t jr ur(W t n e ., d. man, and .ailed off with the speed WBUMrf Royal Crowd of an rr ow, nor stoppina until he reached Rre test cure on earth. (Juaranter his homo, wss it T No air, but the home our* general nervous dsbility, of his fair lady. By the description he t'n>i neuralgia, paralysis, eto. to rheuma- BEFORE BTJYLMi -YOCR- SPRING SUIT SEE urn GOODS and PRICES Patronise the Merchant Tailor and make your best interest ours. C. J. LEITCH, Merchant 1 ailor. 5u$inr$js Card*. JOHN \V . AKMKTHOKO. Fl#8HKnTON. CO. flRCT. DIVlBIONCOUitTOLIBK.COMIlIBSIONKB in II . R . t:o:iryancr, Ac. AH*B| for ]mrrb*M and ..Us of lands. Appraiser for r 1. . c Con: u t V. P. U. A S. BoeMy. Money to U>an ou tb most reuonablc twin. lrm or MAR- LI, 'HUSKS. MOTAttY ITMl.IC- J< INKY TCI LIMN. Tb uodlKiid bu. larg. amount of >on.,>D. on town or faru Proi***T. 8. DAMUI1K. FlMhrrton. JJ II. HAMMOND. Tort Mutor. Kluib.rley. ConnuiMiouer for >* Affldavit. etc. Inure* and loan. iiK.u e y * IOWOM rat... ExeonUUw ! . Deedi. Will., otc. promptly, cbwtply and efficiently. QK. HUTTON. M.D.C. H, U.C.P.A B..0n.. P,io.r HHMM aud uffio* on* door WMI of tlu- ' oil.* Church.KiaroM Hs. Offlc, .lay,, TueUj . aud Saturdays. [, M P P. 4 8 ., t. Physician. ur K )n . Flh<utoaoffle-arsjn b!ook. i:*iduo- MuutUaw't hutol. Vetcnnarr Surgon. Uratlaat* of Ontario ry Collc*^ U.idic^-HoQi lt*l upied by Wm. Hradtoy at tbe Drill 8bd. J r " M. D . M. C. * a. o.t.. practloM at JUui- _Hh.umatie dtMaas a .iwclajily. J I'.MAMSHALU, * " Dsatist. Vlails MarluUI. 'i. a.,.1 :ir,| \Vean*lay ol ..oh monlb . rtou-Kac.-b trip on tbe day following w. >iter, Solicitor. Couvi.yanoer. Bio ' " ".. |K..l..llu, I'liurcMlaya. 0.' ' p Mcc-l !.i.ul nil. liar, Utei, Solicitor, Btc. Offlc. over Mo Farl:i:i '-InrlccMit. Mouey to txxiu. J^l TVs A \\IUlilIT. DarriKtar*. Solicitors, Coiirwyaurfiis, etc., Dw.-n rouul. on.* - . Mark.ial. SV. 11 \\ .in.iiT. I. M. l.ITCis. N. H.--KIc4ii.|tn ottoe. Mitchell a \ fdiu's,la>. T> i. Postmaster, Floshvrton, Coninii<iout<r in !'. II.. Li'Mtn-isI *, DoiiTrvaiu-iT, \p- praiseran'l .... h j lii-iii.' iUcHv'W, I<ea>M. mill Willi- dr.twn up :i.| \nlnaloni ui -hortest not (. Auction Sale uttrn.l ; any pint ,.( tin- c'. iinf. Money to loan at low* <t ratri f niti'i. si. ' ttii n led to W.lll |.r. l.U'll i - KII ; I.SjMl h C IJI^rH low. VK"llt fO' til. II -itillllioil M ilillllil'C I 1: it linap ti. ki'ln from I-lnliciloo to Llvt-i i Ulu<m, I/onilou or anynfth* llr.ti-h port*. I'urlic" inten.lini; r. .1 ,., IrKlanil. will |> I'n-i- a-k rRioi bufor* g tb Ir ticket! rlsowlmr*.

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