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Flesherton Advance, 13 Apr 1893, p. 6

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THE WEEK'S NEWS The opening ol navigation la expected to be very late in Montreal this season. It is likely that Mr. Lanrier will shortly take up his pennanent residence in Mont- real. Tl:e City Council of Kingston, Ont., has decided to petition the Ontario Legislature for a prohibition plebiscite. Of the i:i,.Vt:,4l4 passengers carried by Canadian railways last year only fourteen were killed) or one out of every 9b'ii,7.'l. There isacse of typhus rever in the Mont- real civic hospital: but as it has been careful- ly isolated it is hoped that the disease will not spread. The Manitoba UovernmeBt is co-operat. ing with the Canadian Pacific railway, and a very superior class of immigrant* is ar riving for the Prairie Province. eiders of the National in which four ot the latter aud five of too militia men were wounded. The clothing culters's strike in New York I* assuming a very serious phase. It is ex- pected that the cloakmakers will join th* the cutters, throwing from twenty to thirty thousand persons out of employment. As a reward for Hiving a tramp a meal and helping him on his way, Mr .1. Kris- sing, of the Home Dressed Beef Company, Pittsburg, Pa , has l>eii bequeathed twelve thousand dollar* to which the tramp felt heir shortly aftei his death. Collector J..I. Low, of Suspension Bridge, acting under instructions from the United State* Treasury Depart ment. decides that a contract made within the United .States, although made with a foreigner, is nut pro- hibiteifby any existing law. A big atrike of carpenter* is imminent at the Chicago Fair. The union demand*, not ouly an increase of wages, but thai all non- union carpenters be discharged.. This strike would play havoc with the World's Fair plans, and the demand will probably be garnted. The Denver and Rio Grande railroad ha* been impeded by snow between Durango and Silverton, Col. While a gang of sec- McGuire, a popular physician of tion men were shovelling it away a suow -wi-t j- ! t j j( | e WM itatle< j w hich buried two of the men and thousands of tons of SDOW in the gulch below. Jamet W. Hamilton, the coloured ex- preacher who murdered his wife in last May by cutting her throat, paid the last penalty in the SinR-Sing electrical chair Monday morning. He waa given one shock tailing sixty seconds, and it is believed that death was instantaneous. The Canadian Pacific Telegraph Company ar* extending their lines eastward from Truro, N. S., in the Cape re I on coal cen tres. They will lay a cable across the strait of I 'anso. Cuelph, ha* become insane. Hie chief de- lusion is that he is to be married to a young lady of Guelph, for whom he had uot pre- viously professed any attachment. The Patrons of Industry are extending their operations to the Province of (Quebec, and Mr. Lockie Wilson, Grand Trustee, who is at present in Montreal, aays he hope* the order will be as strong iu Quebec as in Ontario. Much indignation is felt in M on' real at the Ugh.. sentence imposed upon the Shcpards, father and son, who ran In* swindling em- ployment agency. The one hundred dollars tine imposed was at once paid, and the Shepards immediately left the city. On Saturday last Miss Lizzie Mills, of Kingston, Ont., wa* compelled to yawn while preparing nreakfast. She ha* not since been able to close her mouth. The doctor* are astonished, but stale that the young lady's d stressing predicament is due to paralysis of one of th* jaws. From the blue book of annual railway st itisin *, it appears that th* total number of n.iles of track completed to the end of .lune last year was I4.S70 ; the total earnings were $.">!, tiVi.7>H ; working expenaei, $35,- 4S1,-.'i's : net earnings, * l.'i, 197, SM) ; freight carried. -JJ, 1 s(l,!tl ions ; and the number of pusengers, i:t,:.:t:i,4l I. Before the Court of Queen's Bench at Montreal ou Saturday, Mr. tjuinn, Crnwn prosecutor in the recent trial of the Sliep- ards, made a strong protest against the sharp criticism by the Montreal press of the court and Crjwn prosecutors iu the case. Judge Taschereau, in reply, wa* also vigor- ous in erasure of the conduct of the new* paper*. A lad named Thomas Peterson was in an iceboat on Hay bay, Ont., on Saturday, when the craft struck an obstacle and the URNRRAI. Despite police edict* Prince Bismarck's seventy-eighth birthday was generally cele- brated throughout Germany on Saturday. The British warship Howe, which on No- vember '2 last ran on the 1'ereirobauk. the entrance to Ferrol harbor, Spain, has been floated. Ihe Russian Orthodox church atGudrai was blown down ou Sunday during a ter rilic storm. More than sons were killed. It is hoped in Berlin that by a compro- mise the Army hill will he passed by the Reichstag without the neceesity of resorting to a dissolution of that body. A terrible fire has nearly destroyed Krai la, the principal port of Roumania, on A MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY To be Mads 87 Canada at tha World's Fair Tfc* t.>mlnln Will l>r K,-prr .mint In <KH. nlliirr. MintllMrlurr-.. 1li-rl Hinl Hill III.- non.lrr t ln-r.c Will HI-HI ih, Worlil The l>pUr I" * l,lu,.l|,,i..l l>i-pi.nnien< in,- P. l.ranit sh,. <..! llr.,1 1, iinrl' r, Chicago, despatch says : Out of 500, UOO square feet of pnce warded to Groat I'.rn mi lor her eihihit at th fair the par- ent countiy referred ftUO.OUO square feet for herself and gave iX),WOtt to her colonies. Canada, the premier colony, received juit oue half the space. Impressed by the gen- I eroeity of the aid, it it little wonder tbat the Dominion bae laid plant for a magnifi- cent exhibit, which it now taking v unla shupe under the direction , of an able and enthusiastic body of commiuioners. In every department Canada will be well rep- resented, the greatest display being in agriculture, manufactures, mines and min- ing, and lish'-riea. The general Dominion exhibit will be supplemented by special exhibits from the 'piovinces. Committees representing the provinces have worked with a will, and as a result the <aried, interesting, and almost unlimited resources of a country that stretches for 3,40il miles, irom No a Scotia on the east to Itritish Columbia on the west, will be represented In almost every detriment. l> AUIllcTl.TI R*. In the Ift.lKIO feet awarded to Canada in the agriculture department there will be an exhibit of almost every product that a rich Agricultural country can produce. From cold storage warehouses will be brought farm and garden produce, representing las* sea- son's crop*. Food supplies of all kinds will also be exhibited, canned goods of every variety, and Canadian whisky, ale and beer. Kngland has promised a big cheese for the Fair, but Canada will outdo her and all other competitors by sending a perfect mon- ster '.> feet in dumeter, feet in height and II tons in weight. A professor super- netting links with friends who remain at home, tint editors of mi) pipers published across the border hav* agreed to send copies of their publications to Jackson park during the progress of the fair. . t . 11 wu 111 wcigiiu - piuivuur upi-r- a P* r | vised the making of the cheese the Do ( minion Dairy Commissioner, Mr. J. W. Rob- , ertson. He guaranteed for It the perfect an<l liuiriraii The candid acknowledgmuot of the I'.nu lelplua press that some of our mnlhods of considering and passing legislation are greatly superior to. those of the United States, has led the Montreal Star to refer to a number of the weak piints in the American mode of loini legislative busiafts*. The Star points out that in the I'm: .! stales the Government has no official sta- tus in the Legislative body al all, ami ui only affect lerislvin tnr mgh the avenues of party control. This would not be very satisfactory anywhere, and is especially abortive where there are hoitile factions wuhin each political pirty which acknowl- edge no common leadership. Thus there is no responsible group of men in the House to watch public and private legislation, and nothing but u loose p rty cohesion and such patriotic common sens* as justlmg politicians may contrive to pos*es, to keep the caldron 01 Congress from stewing up all sorts of poisonous odds and ends. Hire the Government governs. The responsibl > Ministers are responsible. "Methods of legislation in Canada," says the Press, "are as much superior to thoee in the United it is possible at the present time, probtbly, to make them. They are dis- tinguished just *i much by care, delibera- tion and watchfulness over the public in- terests as the legislative method* in the United States are marked by haute, care- lessness and disregard of the general wel- fare." In demonstration of this vigorously expressed statement of fact, a description is given of the legislative programme in Canada, familiar enough to us. The care fu' preparation of Government bills by our Cabinet is dwelt upon, and the lull and deliberate manner in which they are discussed. "The utmost publicity and deliberatenees are encouraged," says the . " and atall stage* ths bills are print- ed and reprinted and scattered broadcast that every one can become acquainted with their contents. In this way legislation by U OK TBCTM. Each day is a life, fresh with reinstated power. When a married man gambles he robs his wife. If you must he dogmatic, try not to be bulldognialic. They that are wilfully blind shall be judi- cially hjmd. Opportunity in a horse that must be mounted on the jump. The easiest thing for a loafer to de is to find fault with bmy people. A great mini) that truly respects itself does not revenge an injury. [Seneca. Might doesn't make right, but right goes a long way toward making might. If a man sutlers nothing for hi* religion he may well fear that he has none to suf- fer for. Som-!, like Pharaoh, are made worse by liit measures (ioil takes to make them bet- ter. Kvery soul of us has to do its fight with the untoward and for itself discover the un- seen. To cover up the sun would be easy work compared with the covering up of sin. - [ -tpurgeou. Saintahin to-day is open to the man who will walk in the depths of hi* heart m com- panionship with God. He who answers every slander will have work cut out for him which will leave lit- tle time for anything else. The record of the mortality of Kngland affords a criterion for judging as to what can be done toward the sanitation of large and crowded cities. It also gives an answer to those who like some ot our aldermen are inclined to de- cry sanitary efforts. A marked improve- ment is shown to have taken place in KiiKUnu and Wales during the seventeen years between l^T.'l and ISSII, the punoJ which more than any other has been marked reforms. The diminution in flavor of the finest cheese his country can ; tion expressed at onr'private bill system in produce. It contains the milk of 10,000 j which two months' notice is required, and cows for one day. It is now at I'ertH, Ont., the fullest opportunity *iven for opposition aud in about a fortnight will be forwarded ' and criticism at the meeting of the select to Chicago. Canadians intend to have a . committee to which the bill is referred. Un- by sanitary the death rate for that lime in the whole ol artifice u prevented and public sentiment Kngland and \\ ale* was from 21. '2 to 17.9 per 1,000 of the population. In the twenty largest towns the fill w-u from '.'4.4 to Iff per 1,000. Taking certain town communi- ties, in Lon Ion (he death rate has fall**) from i-."> to 17.4 ; in Liverpool, from has ample opportunity to make itself felt favorably or adversely. " Nor is leasadmira> thcy instal it on a space i aer , u ,-h circumstance*, our docile pupil, id on the floor of the agri- , f or the nonce, U not surprised that " few During the year ended March 31 the re- ceipts of the Monle Carlo Casino were twenty-four million franc*, warranting a occupant* received a severe shaking Poter- j dividend of two rrtindred and five francs on son was thrown out, and, alighting on his ihu live-hundred-franc shares, head on the ice, was rendered unconscious. the Lower Danube. The lose is estimated j gala day when at nearly two hundred thousand dollars. | specially prepare < 'hnlera has again been reported in the , cultural building. Many offers have been \ obnoxioui bills become law." In contrast suburb* of St. Petersburg, and news has j mails to the Canadian Government U pur- | with this, the helter-skelter American been received thereof the r.ppearance of the disease in several western provinces. The Crown Prince of liermany will soon commence his studies in the liymnasmm at Cassell, where hie father was educated, and whore "the rod still holds an honoured sway. chase the cheese at the close of the expoji- ; method appears in a bad light. It seems tion. but all have been refused. One big j that at the close of the last session of Con- grees so many appropriation bills were liur firm of eheese dealers has o.fered to bay it at a reasonable figure and spend tlO.OuO in taking it from fair to fair in Kngland. It is possible that this may )>e accepted, the Dt bVieving that the advertiie- d be Rtneticial to the dairy inter Government ment would eat* of Canada riedly ruihod through that it was impossible to watch particular items or for the enroll- ing clerks to perform their dutiee properly ; and, as a consequence, errors are now fnuml on ever age of tlieee laws, some of which aid to emigration. might be a perceptible j will nullify necessary appropriation*. " Vi cious and poorly digested laws are the cry- to _'! li : and in Maidstone, fromvT'-S to 1.1.7 In 1->S1 the mortality from all causes fell rightly below ill per 1,000. Some in tereitina; facts are brought to light by an examination of the return; The male mortality has not decreased so rap idly a* th* female" since I.Mvt. Theexplan- ationof this fact is probably that the fal I in the death rate ha* been due mainly to sanitary leforin*, and that men are more liable than women to causes of death which sanitary reform does not reach, such a* violence, in- temperance, vicious excess, and over-fatigue. Tlie death rate is shown to bn higher in towns than in the rural district*. In town* JMu 1,000 die in a year, while the rate i* the rural districts. The difference. He remained in an unconscious stale until bis death, which took place a few hour* afterwards. Mrs. Sifton, who resided with her son, Mr. Orme, ,i> Port S-anley, (Int., wa* burn- ed to death tiie other morning in a fir* which had attacked the family residence. A coroner's inquest was held in the evening to investigate the circumstance* attending th* unfortunate lady'* death as it is ap- parently suspected due effort* wjre not made by ihe member* of ihe family to **>ve her life. The House of Commons neglected to pre senl to Lord Stanley the address which U is customary to lender lo the Governor- General at the cloee of the last silling of Parliament, and th* people of Ottawa are commenting upon the omission. The busy i as ion and the fact that only a svore of members remained for the closing ueremon iesare th< explanations self- provided. On Thursday last ihe engine of a C'. P. II. train jumped the track while on one of the heights overlooking r'raeer rner, a few miles east of Harrison, B. C. The engineer and fireman jumped from their cab into a deep gorge betide the rails, aud have not been heard from or seen since. Tho went down a Two men wci Mr. Stephen \Vhyte, brother-til law of Jus li . Killem, of Winnipeg. In the agricultural annex Canada is pre- ' ing ein of American legislation," i* the ver iring a hue display, the M-ajey-Harria diet of this American journal. ' Besides however, is leseening, ami the health-fulness pecul cable despatch from Vienna' ^ om pa n y' ' Toronto, being the largest ex- the harm they do directly to the public," it O f t i le towns, a* shown by the death rate i* states that Kmperor Francis .loeenh olieerv- | hibitors, with a varied line of machinery in ! continue*, "the courts are compelled lo improving more rapidly than that of th* d Maiindsv Thursday bv washing the feel n* 01 ' ". which will incidentally place the ' give up much time to passing on their con- j rur l district*. manufacturing interests of the Dominion in stitutionality. The opportunity these slip- i to |y, of twelve old men. Tha ceremony wa* car red out with much solemnity and many formalities. The Order of Benedictine Monks, while digging the foundation of their new monas- tery on the Aventine hill, Rome, fo'ind an earthen pot containing lour hundred gold medal* of th* second century, and struck by the Senate and people of Rome in lion our of the conquest of Armenia by Lucius Ver us. The ii.ibf. Mela). Mr. James Fletcher, entomologist of the Ottawa experimental farm, has done a real service to Canadian housekeepers by his article ou th* olothesmoth. Although this insect is a very destructive pest in the household, it is remarkable how little is known of its oabits. Mr. Fletcher says : " There are few indeed who have not felt irritation at finding that some irretriev- able damage had been committed in the family supply of wmtr clothing, particu- larly of woollen onilei clothes, socks, mils fnm, which it was thought had Iweu pepped and put safely away last spring laoe(J it the dltpoM1 | o , f lr . Awr . T ooin . I tanc<(i the bill embody. n U'fort t is moth* appeared,' to aay nothing m ,., ioner from () al rio. bv private persons. ' accepted or rejected befo ' ! j' thr Mripped patches o carpet under the , ad( | lt ,on to the eihibit'made by growers. , '9X There, in a flash of n hyte, brother in law of Jus ,, ., ., -...i . f M . O r vn of th Imln ho U " ui.-i Ilelftst N'ett* says that it under- thai the police are aware of the et drilling of Orangemen nightly in premise* near the centre of the city. It IK announced that the Commercial Ktnk of Australia has failed. It had capital of three million pounds, of which one million two hundred thousand pouuds were paid up. Tlie i-aaee and counter-catee of lire*'. Britain in regard to K-lning sea were sent t the United State* Senate simultaneously and were also transmitted to the British Parliament. It is authoritatively announced that the Hi null warships to take part in thu great naval review in New York bay. will be the flagship HUke, the Mi. u-iine, Partridge ana Tartar of the North American (qua I run, aim the Aiutralia, of the Mediterran- ean tl.- i Tuesday was observed In Uelfast aa a holiday, when the Orangemen, ths Odd fellows, the student* of Trinity College, and the mcmlwrs of Unionist clubs, accompanied by bands and headed by Mr. Ualfnii, the Margins and Marchionem of Londonderry, the Duke of Abercorn, ths Mayor nf IW1 fait, and o'her leading I'moniste, marched through the city and proceeded lo the Botanic gardens, where a meeting was held to protest against Home Kule. Tne cnthus- iaa.n was intense. I M Tin HTATM. Meaeles, scarlet fever and mumps are prevalmt In Harvard. A fire broke out in a coal mine at Shamo- kin, I'* , on Saturday morning, and ten mm were suffocated by llr .- sinokr arising from the explosion of ga*c*. \\ ' Kipptty,'.he old man who shot John W. Ma -kay ami then shot himself, has been indicted by the grn I jury for an as- auit to co -irtrj* murd jr. Hi* Uail was fixed atfd.iXM). A desperate battle ii reported in ths Choctaw uaUoa blwen Indian mililia aud M- and sofas, or even of tho little holes hi, h had appealed suddenly in the dress ui' o> pater- families that had only been left out ' .'or a fw day* after ho came back fro,p hit summer holidays.'" Mr. Mi -teller lihide* thus humorously to what is not at all humorous in it* realization. He mention* three varietie* of the pest, that whioh is most common iu this latitude bearing the scientific name tineola biaelliel- la. It appeare that clothing put away in % eoiled condition is likely to attract the attention of the moth a* suitable material on which to bring up a young and growing family. Th* ndvic in this respect then is to put nothing away until it has been well shaken and brushed. Carpel* are often at- tacked, particularly in darkened rooms and under heavy pieces of furniture which can not easily lie moved, and where therefore fre- quent sweeping is not convenient. Dust in I he cracks of floors ami under Sa*eboards providee a constant supply of food for the insect, and it penelrate< drawers and noxee tliinugh very small li-ire. Mr. I"ii-Uh<r, however, doe* not content hi .isolf with merely treating of the subject in a *cieiihli<- .'.), but goes into the practical question of how the ravage* of the caterpillar may he pro/uled .gaiuat. W'M. respect to this, he say* thai there is nothing better than to glv* the clothe*, fun, etc., a thorough beat- ing and brushing, and then pack them away in spring, if poisibl* before tho moths ap- pear. They *houM be folded neatly in strong paper ; of course, if the edges are pasted, so much the safer. In the United Sintes large paper sacks are prepared sped ally to keep out moths, in which dresses i MI b* hung up without folding. As many have found to (heir sorrow, camphor, pep- per, cedar chip* and that abominable malo- dorant, naphthaline, do uot kill the insect* and ar* Oiily partially successful in keeping them awsy. When carpet* are found to be attacked, the furniture should be remov- ed, the carpet thorough'; swept and the edgoe of the room fieely eprinkled wuli ben tine or gasoline. But, a* both of the** liquids are extremely inflammable, treat . -an- mult be taken not to take a !ighi ml i the room until some hour* aftei wards or uultl th* room has been thoroughly aired. a favorable light. Kvery province of Canada ha* added its quota of mineral wealth lo the display in tne mining building and the whole will be highly creditable, and not a little surpiiiing to American proprietor*, who have never looked for wealth beyond Ihe boundaries of the United State*. On the floor of the manufacturers' build- ini! I",' "O teet of space is in the hands of Canada. Cottons, woollens, tweeds, cord age, musical instruments, iron work, copper and brass, leather and wood will all be represented. Indian children will b* found at work in the educational section, ehowing the result of education and Government miner- vision among the tribe* of th* north and west. From day to day the stock of fresh fruits shown by Canada m the horticultural building will be renewed and the possibility of a big export trade in these will l>e amply demonstrated. Almoet an unlimited nuin- cisive vote in the summer of '!-' ; and, ber of choice shrub* and plants have been ' though the question is one of so vast impor th* policy will he before the sum in- r of by grower*. , '91. There, in a flash of recent history, is Till i AN U>IN PA' Ir If. In 1HK7 the death rate fell , hn-h is the lowest on record. In shod methods offer for corrupt legislation is the years ISsl |Ss7 the mean annual death also the chief cause for th* existence of the > ra te wa* IS-'J, or -'..' below that of the lobby." preceding years IS71 -I ;. These figure* A migl.t be expected, it* remedy is An- ' become very expressive when we reflect that nexation, Canada being invited to join the tiMl.lNlJ person* were alive in Kng!and and Union "to teach this leeson' of wise legisU j Wale* at the end of lh* tint period who tion We would remind our ueighron, j would have died during that period had the however, that it i not necessary for the j mortality continued a* high as in Ihe pre- pupil to marry the "echool ma'am" in order Ceding period is;i ISSO, which wer* them profit by her instruction. \Ve have a much better constitution than theirs ; and w- have long known it. That is ons of the reasons why we do not wish to join them. It io not only in passing bills that the Cana- dian system is vastly superior to that ob- taining south of the line. W* enjoy a re selves* very healthful years. Th* death rate from /yiiiot 10, or germ disease* was 3.90, 4. 15, and 3. 04 per 1,00)1 in the three decade* respectively. IS.M ISbM), 1SI-IH70. and ISTl-KttO : m the tint seven yean of ihe de.-ade Issu -1S90 th* rate actually fell to'J. CJ, an extraordinary reduction. Our sponsible aud respoosi ve Government, which | Canadian figures show that on the whole the c. in Id not cling to ofli.-e for year* after it* policy had been condemned in a general election. But, acroa* ths bonier, they tuml'lrd a landslide upon the McKinley bill in IS** three year* ago nd it is in force yet. Under th* Hritish system. Home Kule for Ireland was adopted by a far lee* de- conditions of life are far better here than in the old Country. But they also show am- ple room for improvement. If the same at. tention were paid to sanitation here ae is devoted to it in Britain there seem* no reason why our average rat* of mortality should not be very greatly reduced. Already the Canadian Pacific railway trm ii> part shew* what the Dominion will do in the transportation building. A still more interesting exhibit will lie made by *erth feint The present yea.- will be marked by greater activity iu north-polar research than any year since the oircnmpolar tatien* were planted around th* Arctic region*. Lieutenant Peary will return to Greenland for th* purpv** of visiting again the extreae not of political intrigue. 1 northern coaits who** limits he discovered ely noplace to which they last year, exploring the archipelago north a blackboard lesson for the American*. Then i here is our judicial system, under which our judges are crowned with h >nr while their* are perpetually utpected ot political bias, if They have |>iiiiv the company, which has constructed at a ' can take important nation*! questions and ef th* mainland, completing the survey of fabulous cost a ship railroad across the neck | feel that they have escaped wholly from the of land dividing Kay Vert, In Nova Scotia ' atmosphere of parlyism. Our people feel from Ihe Bay of l-undy. This road will be ' I.I mile* long, aud is ao far the only one of its kind projected. Th* working model wi'.l show how th* cradle runs into the sea, lifts the vessel and it* cargo complete, car- ries it across the land and deposits it in its natural element, without disturbing a spar or a bale of men-hind ise. The importance of this railroad, when it is com American trade with the St. Lawrence and i plan of dragging faction politic* into every with great Britain will b* imply luestim -j m i, 10 r contest As a matter of fact this able. ,--u teach them many lessons of In machinery, electricity, fine art* and j lasting iui, if they would only pet ovet secure in the Supreme Court room at Ottawa in any of the courts, in fact -but, if they choo.te, the Allsalio can bo crossed aud a tribunal found which, in . legal reuse, knows abaolulely nothing of our politic*. I'll i-:i s|j;aiii our method of fighting municipal rlvi-tions on inn nil ipal issue*, and, pretty mportance ! generally, provincial elections ou proMncial npleled, to , issues is immeasurably sunerioi io their forestry Canada will *)IPW to good advant- age. The school exhibit in t^e li'.oral a> '.<> section promises exceptionally well. In live stock the l>o-i>i"ion has entered , their h-vjH'lss* and unrequited irdsluation for ill-; trim eohool mistress, an ) rut satis- bed that Canada should ouuiinu* lo develop the possibilities of Cabinet Government ae oows for the dairy test und will have beside* | applied to the conditions of the new world, an exhibit of 100 horses, I'M! cattle, 300 pige, This is one of the mo*i sacred missions of 'ilK) sheep, JOO dogs and poultry and pigeons to any number. Till IlKAUVfAKTEH* To accommodste the large staff of officers required to supervise this large exhib-t a neat little house has been built ou th* lake this country, and one that would be wholly unfulfilled if we became meiged in the crude Republicanism of the Union. front. It ha* a good ground area of (is l, v 40 feet, with a wide verandah. On the tint floor is a reception hall and two rooms for Ontario, two lor Quebec and two for the Dominion commissioner*. On the second Moor are two rooms for the North west Territor- ies, two lor Manitoba, on* lor British Col- umbia and one for Nova Scotia. Above th* m i-iind storey risee a tower, which will be a smoking room and a caretaker's room. prm mcial apartment* are finished woods peculiar to the province*. Those chiefly used ar* cherry, walnut, oedar, bird's-eye maple, oak, ash, butternut and It ie expected that tho Canadian house will be used as a rendezvous for all Cana- dian visitors to the fair. 1 e provide OOB- Tho German Socialist* have decided against a universal strike and proceaeions demomitratioua on May day. will hold onK evening meetings. The drinking water question is agitating New York as well as Toronto. !' seems that the famed Oroton water winch th* in- habitants driuk ther-j does not deserve i . reputation and The Tuut* of that city has a number of illustrations depicting tho Th* ' pollution to whioh Tounstta lirook in sub- th | jected during it* course through the Crutiu watershed. In one place it is seen running beneath a railway station ; in another thiough auirty tunnel: elsewhere factories are emptying their refuse into it, and the back yards of house* ar* stretching down to it. Worst of all sewer pipes are shown which empty directly into the river. all the unknown part of the northeast coast, and probably pushing over tbe *i > -MI to or toward the Pole. Norw-y will send Dr. Nansen into I -o ic vi-wan, upon the theory > 't the .: <>.!.* north of the New Siberian Island- . > -ikely to take him mto the neighbi.rho.i't j| the Pol* and then dowu into ths K*t G-et nland current. Mr. ,Iackv(jp. will rrp'.imat '.iroat Britain, attacking Hi. no'.ar au-a, with Fr.u/. Joset Land as his an -3 of i Derations and making the Pole thu oh>ef o>-jct ot his quest. Den mark will continue th* scientific researches in Greenland, in which she ha* long beenen gr.(jcd. A German expedition ie now in South Greenland, studying glacial phenomena. Five nations, therefore, will be engaged this yoar in Arctic research, a epcutaciu that has not been witnesW for yews past. The expedition* of th* United Stale*. Norway, and Kngland will b* in the field for at least two yeare, and two of them probably for a longer period. Tho moat striking feature of the** expeditions is that the goal at which they are all aiming m practically Ihe same. They will all strive to reveal the secret* of Die unexplored area immediately surround ing the North Pol. The question is whioh of them will nuke tho most numerous and important discoveries in the unknown area. Most persons, save those who have bad in childhood th* advantage of kindergarten tenoning, aro curiously iguori-.nt of color*, not through color blaiduuss, but from navor having been taught to diiUinguuh and name va-iou* eludes and tints ol primary color*. The -.-n.j vermillion can les no (' itinct im- pr< niiou to th* great mas* of people, and th* same i* true of other name* used to des- ignate variations of primary colors. It thus happens that poetry efteu means mnh in< to such persons, sine* ihe names for colors used by the poet convey to w reaU**? no distinct picture.

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