o JUtirance. " TUUTH BEFORE FAVOR." riUNCIPLES, NOT MEN. 1 VOL. XII., NO 613- FLESHERTON, ONT., THUBSDAY, APRIL 13, 181)8. W. H. THURSTOff, "'PROPRIETOR SOMETHING NEW In Jewellery. Just to hand at Armstrong Bros. Silver Watches at $5ard 86 Eight Day Clock at 84-75 and $5. Other goods in proportion. Call and ex- amine. Repairing done as usual in first-class style. ooi BOOTS FOR SI'!. Ik MM Ml Al'Tl MN \\1NT1.U WEAR. I havo a la: ,'oods on hand, such as Overshooi, ],:, ; . . nl i-liildrcn's rubbers for ail ; aqunuUiy of IiiiiibcriUL-u'a heavy rubbers aud Sox. T J C T T \ ^ I.' l)9 Lcril/i^b M<i . . rcr^iO, ladies and gcutf , i-otuutbini; very suilabie for Christinas prescuU. Prices Anvay Uo-.-vn. - Castoni worlt, as usual, a specialty. Call :ii!il i \:uii:iic stock anil you will bi'i-oiiie convinceil thai it la to your best interests to buy from JOS. SMITH, - - Flesherton. Farmers, Attention! JACKSOH the GREAT IMPLEMENT MAN lias scoured tho ii^cncy for ITlcshertcn <\nd viciuity for tbo sale ol the lullowiug NOXON I3IXDERS, MOWERS and DRILLS. Can also sir-i'ly you witli Wilkinson Plows. Sprius Toolh IlarrowB.all kinds. Chatliuui ami Speight, Wagonu. Urnalford aud (lauanoqno Buggies. EundC'arts of alldescription>,Sii >[ Wiinlinills.in fiict every - tliiny thi> Farmer wuntn, and wUl not be I'NDKU- by aiiv n^ont in tin- C'oimtv. All good" .-nariV!t"od to do ijtvul work or ID i!.'. Will bo iu Flesherton every M -..if.r.-l.iy. All correspoudc.n:u sent to our il'uvsj, Mj;I; dale, will be lu-oiiiptly atteui..l u. Yours truly, W- JACKSON- The Store on the Hill ? timid. From ii r nir,t Curretpondent. Signs of spring ;it liwt. i taffy wi-Atiier. S me "I tliefiill wheat !uui a very sick- ly nppeanmco. \ v . have, had liirtliM, marriages aud deaths hern Intely. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buchanan are ;.t MI. ,riit '. IK rt of a inn and heir. Mr. John McGee nnd his -r, wlio were lately married, will reside on the homestead. Da- vid and his heifer lull, who did ditto at the same time, will take up their mi- Mrs. Black, mother of Mr. Robert lihiek. passed away to the better land week Wore hvst. Tho rviiimns were conveyed by train to Or.-iiiueville for in- 'riiient by the iicle of her lifo |r-i.r. who had preceded her across the duik nver. /Y.'M MM Plowii'i; is tin' older . t the d " i >ud W.usiin have s- eured tin' if the bn Mr- M. IveiVy s home. M.^M Frank llu situ. .ii<.u in Mr. M. Hi. !. nl F!i -lies-roil. Wo wish Plank -.11 Mr. l>.in. ML U. .-liiiK- i a Uft- koU litht week after 'he winter .it h< ;ni'. M .-*M-J. John McDunaM ami Earnest Lapsley have ipuM t" ' >' i, where they are en n 'a^ I HI ilisa Ella rlut.ii.tiid loft last Tuesday for Kle.Nl.ertmi, where ^lie i* Iraruir Millinery i>UMIle.S V. M. 111. ii:ili Farewrll Comer, BEFORE BUYIXii -YOU I* - SPRING SUIT BBB OUR GOODS and PRICES Patronise the M n '..int Tailor and make your Lest interest ours. 0. J. LEITCH, Merchant 1 ailor. Rob Roy. CorrmpoiuUnt, to i;ut thoir fet on r-'i-im <>r People are The people would (five JOB. Soeley mil i.amly :i sur- prise ii short tim-' nyo. After speiiiiiii'.: few lively hour.. ' : i -Miiipany Mrs. Seeley with a nice set of Wood Uee seem to he the order of the day. There has bct-n some pretty Ihviy Mr. E litur, we wi nld like to know what has become of your Corner's ourrw- p. >ii.ii ut. Allow me to "ive you i few item*. Wood bees seem to be tho i re no less than live liut The fanners in this vicinity are all pro|ii:i'!; !'ir set-dim;, as thete i.- f this section thought they ..,|,. .. , ,. r Mr. .l.ine.s ll.ir,4.'ii is an enterprising yoimi; in tn. as he lias all die timber for M: f< Kinnon ;uiil ..-I. spent .in .-in,.;, .ilile linn' .it Mr. I* silll'l I'll'. Thill-' I!,'. Mr James, f I'neeulle, was .Mr John H.,wtn has |>urvhed a new <lriviii); hainvM fpun .1. ili'tl. lllli;woo,l,of the l.-ltest ^t\le. \'. that ladies of thin part will not liave to u" much w.til;in: tin-. Tin- i>nyer mK'tnu{ are nuking good headway now. M s, \nnii! Kli'T-hei- !i;i:. :">iu to Not- tawa for A short nine. |!.IIIN 'I" e wife i'f >h\ .lohn 1'. man, of a son. The !':ttp>im uf Iii>iu.-.tiy held tlieir i:r us UHUkl la*t wi-i-U. There- wiks Mr. .Inhn l)i.mu is :it M. M- Kinnoii's on,- 1 .\ ; ist wovk. Mrs. I'lm*. Ii. 1. 'ii'.'. "i .'.uit'.l... is at prt^eiit visitini; her |uivnn. Mr. and Mi>- ' :n^welU farm, .lllil ot!,er 1. i.'lllls. W arr Klati u. hear thai Mn be :.i.'iu.il an i In r This montlt we want to _;ivo MMM to try our '!'!'. \^, whicii, wo believe, ' ' - ; shown. In unk-r to do .-.. ,, 1 n\i I 1 1 liJ.J> li.i in "!linviii-_r .'8; for 1'runident for tho eoniinn teini. F'VT>h.inu We have l"t- . r | . ! news this if yii.i .'! iii-i'oiiliiu *" the old s.iyiiu;"^" news ' \\s. " Mr. I! iliert '' Inuef i* very low with iiitlaiiiiiMtniii nf the Inn:;*. Ho ;s pi sinj; under the careful treiitiiitnt of l>r. (>ui Miller. Mr. l-'i.-ink Aniistn.ii-.', ha-, liepiiitfd. Mr. i lnllith, ni I., -ii '"'-I, hat. .if the n>'!em. Mr. K. T. Mi -in- !.:>. r.'iii. i hi.-; to l;. ' '.i >!u-!liuriii 1 . The in.-tn from itii.n f;til. .lie." ditinn HcKiunun '.n.l Mis Annie \V.iiK..n U' ii Mi Seiiiia .'. week. Thu IVitnuis ,.f Fieedoni as. .1 lliey .im. nuiiil'or of new nii-iiibers '. < t ,.,. i-'in,- ..i their ftiWKii Iloiiur Uoils. rr.vKK.-iu.M ii BI \uiiinatioin. iilmn. .lol Moll Kllir Hliie. lellllli' i ' mi. h-iin mid I...1U* S II <'ii. .Min:iK' (iirr. l.i o:ik, '; thnt t! n 1 . Oui" 25 cent te;i foi- 2,H. Our 30 ceut Our ;,=; cent tea for .^j. 8 cetlts a pound off, not much ^ u, 1-ut when we youthat.inyoftlio.se tens arc worth fully 5 cents i 27- ' "' ' ' " ' ' ' " ur former pi tell a pou: akes ft big difference. Try them ho cooviacd that w arc telling the truth. Our groceries ru'e alwavs iVt.-: h. Xrlliing stale kept on the si' HA TS. HA TS. HA TS. .. styles iu Mill' and ... -. it Felts, I- ii..l -' easoo of i . Straws etc. Highest prices paid for Produce. B. G. Evans. will ye, .-.ml t!, '.In 1 1 ii t< iiidmii .11'. . .1 Mi'Kinliel : timber for hi. liurn tins \vi K ;,:i,l i hewin' it ,ind lie ;. . i;>'\-; itl li.iiu Sh-mlllll i .".i lollii nninliei i.l -..MSIIS that w.i m'. Dun l'iTi-i:-.i.u hn.s lii.ii.-hf t'olin Mc- Phail's.-'d hmisi', hut ho Inisn't moved into it. It is clmper than iyin rim, > . II, Junim i linn. V A . . H. . o Cnvds. JOHN W AKUSTI'.O.VO. .. .. nr.'i- VFH iu II. H., (' 'iivi'jancor. Ac. Ai:nt for puirbaae au.l <le of laudi. u 1 V l\ H A *. s..oi. the uioct roatooal -J Ail- ; K'. M The umlrniKDud hu n large an : moa> to Icau si ' .ty. B. !> M '<mmifilon Vfflilaviu etc. loturMuud losoi :. at li.w..it iau. BieatMU-a:, !>]. \ ll.'ij'l) !. U. D. i'. M.. M . :CC .in.) OlBco 0110 'loor WMt . . D" M -k. Uosideuer Mtiii.liaw H ' J '' " ' taris .-!> at u. .practlcwiU Kiui- lwrly. Kliiuuiatie di*CM4i a a|wciallljr. j r. M.U:MIAI.U . . . !)! T Itn. - P Fortiry ix;i:r -( Cliolmu i . lilicr. i to tin.- im nun'. il Mi e l'i:,. :l.i !);.. r well, slioulil t;lki '"I" " 1111;, .\lli| thus i rtify thumsolvas (ti^ainst >i Kivrlnn . lit! ' I tllll- t . . in .