THE FLESHaRTON ADVANCE B A.NKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL FLUSH KItT<l\. A ' transact*. Dril t ii Mn i, tiurnyii available foi -., i.u in UKJ tii north of Uiuliarilson ft Go's Vicinity Chips, I Past Week .u-Htilly Cnlicil fur the rurtuiiti. i-li. i ,!! ,it /! nifc i if It!'' per liiK 1 f cai-li i -'.'in 1-,-ill '. *.! ../! c"/ifr<u-(j fur I'Ml'met or over Mr. Charley Stuart returned houia on Saturday from the (juolph dairy school Mr. (Iciiryo Arnuti-< .in,, . -f spent Sunday with Mr. V.' Stiajn Mr. and Mrs. Mc(idvray panl.i visi to friends in Onr.'ii Smtud this week. Mian Annie Ilichanlso-i, teacher in Dundalk public seliool, is spending the Easter holidays at her homo here. Mr. .1..- - I. self nco master o; ^Iorri.->biirj high school, upunt with his parents. Good Kndixy w:u ijc.'iora! y observed as a holiday. All places of businvn were closed. I Misa Mabel Clark, of Epping, is visit- ing with her father, .Mr. \Vui. Clark, for a few days. Bark well's Sure Corn Cure will cure any corn, wart, bunion or mole. F<ir sale by \V, Kicliardson. Colh-y.ate IiiHtitulu pupils returned home ft- Owen ttoiiml ..u Thursday last OS fnlliiws : .Miss Lix/.iu Sir; ill, Misa \V,m!,i ' . WriahtttJid Mr. Bert \nii.itrong. M.-. R. .1. Spr. nle sold last week for Mr I'. M.ulili, lot II, con. ti, Ouprey, to .M;. lagM Moirisoii, of lot -<">, ouii. ti, (>s| rey. for 9^IHJ4). Mr .J'.lm Moirisoii, of I'ritibh Coluiuljia, is understood to l;e user. T!ie cleii'iini! u;i siasoii liiui now r . . i i. . lot i'-iisi -en have duties '.mi Should vil'inien seo nny of the ' . hi i " ; mil hack prom- ises le. ill, .in net think they aro burlar and otal th'-ni. Mil it. xv hi wu ndx'crtwe- men 1 n this insuc. hiiinno of the '!..^ in (lie country, ti'.lci! -.lith an abur.'ai.ce of choice i;n. <U. t , w'-i.-l. : Inn ill I M,,. .1 C. G of died on S.LIU.I|HV in. .L.imi: Ust at htr home. Mrs Griftttlin wns at OM time n luaiil.-ni < ' ! ai a t., Y, : - Idi-iMI.'.' :i'l M:s. A. Mil'' Th, t'i jilace on .M.m day. Afi I .1 ! oh. kc all the tin. W > - m.ic<. "\V:I1, so I us,.il lo lie until I V'-an to tike Ayei's i illit t'.H a spring inwlie in-, iiml now I dun i ki> xv uhat it is t i have that . tueil fuelii'-K. l'i> it. nij 'le;ir ; only '.e Mirr yon _,! \ EtwiU-r serxio- e:e hi-ld ill the M. t:i chinch , ii ^uniUy last. The jmslor. in . UK, HKVO tliree ten- iiiiinii the "Fruits of the i: r:,' lion. Th'-ae WIT iuterspi IM-I! with i \e, 1 1', i ! ii:n>aal so'.Lctions ly the chnir. "Beau'y'' nmy !.o "nnly <*kin deep ;" but the- M-.T. t ',f n beautiful skin is M..H 1. Those oniirs.., roui;h, J.imnl y eom pleiioiiH i.iav, in in. :.t, oasen, bo lui.dirud Hft, smooth nnd fiiir lythe piesn.n; .11 'I *ys oinat.ic u.-e of Ayei's Kai-sa;vaii)ln. n Mec'i..ini,:'K Inxlihilo is pri - IBg v, I '.i -1:1. Tiieio are now over .1 iue:nl,er<. The t'rst OV.I.M- for boo'.s WiiMplae .! !a>! H.'.'k Thisni dor will c .:;.- .si . if ovi r I'jO v.i'nnieH, l-aii'i-xpi ..... .1 iKit-rivo thin weik. I', .i nii'mlu-r* iMii '.;.4 t!;,-ir *i ],.I!N by Hpplyiug a( this nltico, <! fn in Men IK. Ar:nstrfing or lix. n.. Alex Moore hail !>:. v i.l I >, . A J. N- \riiistpnig, .1. I'., on S!i!i-,!y. iharu'eil xi;th a.sinlt. U appears tln-.t Ml'. D..XX attompti. I to oluit y.iiii>g Moi re .s i. toiii.h, but aocidui'ly shut his <:_\u in sUi.J. Dow ituiiiiou !e I^ed i';ecoin i. i ;...i i .nut l.. two d,,l!a :< an,i i o-.t.^ u ith it tl'./t he l.,:.l y t l.;s Por Sole. Sevornl t.-iiM of hay. A!no A team of Will sell for cash or on twelve niimtlis oro.lit. TIIOKH WuliiHT. 011-5 Somebody started the yarn that a case of glanders exi.itnl in this vicinity. After a careful impiiry xvehavo eoniu t.ithecon- elusion that tliei-e xvas abtoititcly no fnun- di.tion for the runi'-r. M'illincry. i>h the charming display at Trimble's new millinery room. L-uiic-i cull mid you will enjoy -401111,' t 1 . rough and looking at tlio I.ux'o assort nieiit of lovely things Mrs. Trimble u showing this season. Next door i i It. Trim ble s store. Honry Radley and \V, n . Lep.-xrd were before J. \V. AnnstroKg, .1. !'.. mm day lust wetk aa i !) ..- :.: of disturbing public v,i,isl:ip at Ki,.;, nia, on complaint t !'. T. Carr ,ind Kev. \V. J. AV.-ul,!,-!!. Ti.e ehiii-ge wan clraily provrn and the two youth* wen., lined : dolI-ns , -i.:h and cosis. There wiu* al-o ,i Muni |rirty. Win. Smart, against whom comidaiiit xva.i laid, butiliu younstor skippe.l out. His re- turn, however , will bo ,-xi, \iously watched for. The evidence xvent to provo that liadley was the ringleader nf the trio. This lesson will no doubt bo reiiii'inbered by the young men and lead to a m.iro circunmpeia demeanor . Died. In Euphrasin, en Thuivlay, March 3()tli, lH:).'i, .fames Holmes, agnd 83 yo-r, 1 month and !'. days. De- ceased loaves a family of t>vo sons and three daughters, all of whom are mar- ried, hwiiik!- -Mr. H.mry Holmes and Mr Jiis. iloluuK, of Knphrimia ; Mrs. lot. Le(Jard. and Mi-s. J. J. Field, of Klesherton ; and MM. .las. Tucker, of reuiont. Ho XV:M one of the oldest net tiers lii tins cuuntry and wiw laid i way ''i, .side his wife, who was buiied '- yi-ars ago, in the tenth line bur>'ing ground. He had been only A fow Jays II hut UASied peacefully away to tin: npirit world. A large concourse of 'riends followed tho remains to ita last ta.g place en Saturday. A Costly Exchange. Mr. John Ki-rr owned a farm i.f 172 ui,s in thin lotxii.iliip. Mr. John S. Moni^-uuTy .nviied a Si!!) acre faun in he township of Sunnidnle. Last, fall diefto two goiitlemon came t -y.-t.uer and i to sxvap farms. Mr Minit^nmiiry .oiled IIIH Sunnidule fai in at $1.~),(IOU, and Mr. Kerr valued hit Arlcmesia faun it S.i.lNM). He therefore deeded over hiti arm and nureed to pay Mr. MoutlpimUJ In- dillVrvnci*, but .e. t . _> I ...'.ne minor oin , -Sioux, such as filllil UnploOMUtB, .rownin. The excllilllgii xv;..s iriide .lid Mr. KelT t (Oh ]l,..| II .f his '-innidiilu farm. Unrin-j the pk>t -..inter, lowexer, he rui-,'. l,;u-,'a!ii and l'\ led a is; en dense U> p: event M:-. Mmi!i;oineiy I.. Ill selling llle Arten:. ;. a :"ai-,.:, and hen iiiiulv np| !i uavo iho dei ie on tt.c L,'!'. n.ul o! n.iL'd i.i'l mis. hi. in. HI by Muntgomery. Tins , i . to b.n c- i ,.en In -i k al . . e*,l lit xv.-n tlavel-se,! Until till) I.i\ :.iuinn<. Tho puitii.-s to the :mt n-ciiled that it was better to have mat', MM i, i .in, i i. p at i nee and nccoiduiuly t to The HI ertli-d atliiir.t by deel.ii in.; the trade .It ui.l i,.'. -i.g i.h man back his original arm, each to pay his eo.-.t^. There veil- othi-r n.alleis nl' .hlfi r, IK e bet ueen be | allies under consideruti.'il by the .bit: it. i-ii, the result of wlmii will Le nude known to morrow. Arlooiosia Council. Ar cm sia township council met in the .tii Hall on Moii, 1 .y. iheiiev,. ,:i the hair. Memliois prtsent, Metwi-s. Ki !'s, I. Millan and Ft-dlar. Councillor Da- Hide Wiis unavoidably absent oxviiig to a oath. There was a laixe Mm, tint of UsniOMi befoie the council. Nunn-r us putitioiH and i oiiiiter petition:! fere pie.ieni ,!, nnd several dele- .ilio: s vi.ih-il upon tin- .-(.11111-, I. A e. iiion SI ;I IH:U by .'allies M-Mirim and tilers a.-kcd thiit sehool seel ion |U i-.-ceivn ho ailil'tion <if lots ! I-, I lii a.i I III. i s;.\\ , \V. T. a- id S. |{.. and lot., II.', :!, Hiu! S. \V. T. aid S. K., also lot, ..I i , I ;,{<, Hii \f. T. and S. K. To Ins tiler.? ai als-o ' OuDJ i : xrgely iiniiei 1 . A petition ugnol by H. !. !l_, and a !w,.i] iniiii'i.-r ol d No. I l.e i .ntcd wiother ;>,>!!. ny :.u'i ..ix is:oii. All e'i ioi, ii. >m Uo'.'i ' -t Wiilinina.i. . f r nij ri.xeii..-; ' lo tl i- \ alley i.,t !, nui-tli oi H< i{ ;'s old n.ill -,.t-j. A eli ion n . ' l.o.ii ill.- 1,1..; . ,- 1 Klt-oli. i ton re |V> st,.i.jii. \ letter from the clerk of EuphnuiiH nsked oocp uiiiion of Arteiucsia council n miiioii'i/.my tho Ontario (iovoromie t re repeal of sue. 5;l.'!, con. Municipal A, t of 18!>2. A lenifthy letter was lead from Lawyer W. H. Wright ijivi.ij; l ef .,l 0[ m ion r,. w-oi-liiiiK "I ict :v_'ai<ling polk villages. Account* wore read from .1. W Arinsli.m!;, township treasurer, inakui out December btatc.mem. e.immittin vagrants, Ki.-itioucry ,-n-l ,ii, , ,:mi , : , clu-(|Ue.-<. sinno ; f,,,,,, \v. J. Bellamy quarter'* *.,Kry and postage, frU,'. .'> from \V. 11. \Vii-ht, fee for adviot>, $5 John Bellamy, rare ,,f hall 3 mos. am recmihite., S*.<>5. Kylaw No. 4'.'L' wan introduced and carried through granting lots 154. li -ind :; S. \V. T. and S. R., t, No. 10, the owner. Mr. D. Stewart having expressed a denim to bo enrollu, in that s,-.-ti,,n. The petition alu.vo re ferrcd to, so far .;* it applied to the other lots mentioned, was not ^ranted. Fol lowing are tho motions as pasied in conn oil : Kells McMillan That the Troasur er' bill of ten I'.dlai:, in liue cf disburs menu and work, consisting of several items, be paid and Reevu issue his order for same. Carried. McMillan Kells That the ward ap- propriations be an follows : want No. 1. . ward No. L, ^-'50 ; ward No. 3 >'.'80 ; wnrd No. t. *U50. This not to include towniines, bridges or other special work. Carried. Po-llar McMillan That the petition .f Robert Williams and a number ol others, be referred to Mr. Duniude, Read cominisRioiier for ward No. 3, and to report to this council as soon as possible. Carried. McMillan Rolls That tho local member of Ontario Legislature for Centre IJruy. Major Koike, be requested to endeavor to have section (MJ3 A of the Consolidatid Municipal Act amended si HS it can bo more easily understood as it appears ,-it the present to be very ambig- uous. Carried. !' liar McMillan That in re petition of ,l.:s. .Mi-Mullen <jt ill, re boundaries ol S. S. :t, (i ami 10, that Duncan Stowart, lots 154 in 2 and 3, S. \V. T. and S. mad, be detached from 5>. S. No. 3, and placet! in S. S. No. IK, and that a by-law givin 'o i ho n solution be introduced ami Cai iieii. Pwllar- McMillan- That the petition .f. I. imes MuMullun et al, re changes IwHindnriea of S. S. No. ;t, t> and 1(1, so fur as it rolntes t.i S. S. No. ii, be not en- ert ained. Carried. McMillan- KollB Tlmt the petition of tf. H. Dyson and others, re dividing ward 4 into two polling snh-divisions be eft over unf.l next mer-nii^ of conned, and that a committee, COUM- lin.; of t'.ie and liirtt dapusv llccv,.- consider what should ho the hunts of said polling iivisiou with thu view cf inking i. i ...i as noon as possible. Carried. IVdla- MvMiiUii Tlmt in ref r, n. o o application of tlio directors of \it ,-. ncsia Ma. ininic's Ins', :'uto this council ,t pivnent seo it.s iv.iv r'ear to ni out of thu funds of Ihib Cairied. 1'idlar '.McMillan That the follow- ill l-o:;d . o'uuii.-si rsb i;.p, i'ltod for ISil'i ]). McMillan, n.-ird No. I ; T. K.-ll... wud \o. '2: s. Dainndi', ward No. ! : S. IV, 111. r, v.-aiil N .. I I'an ,e,l. K.-l's IVIIar That tho Reeve, .Mr. 01,111 , and the clerk be a c Miimi'.t'.,-.) to .- 'o luoii.g the aiuiitor's rt-poit for I >'.i'J mil certain Hy-law* printed, and if *iid c.iiiuiiitloj are not xatiHlie.l that t'n-y 1 tin^ the printing done fora iea-.oii- noiint tliey nhall ivxk for te:,dei> (or MI.! pr.ii'ii.|j. I'ani, i. K.ll. M.-'iiillan That the I! : ,, siu' In* order for the payment of the Fi llnwii.); account* : \V..I. D.-il-uny on,. (iiarti rs siiliiry, ^>7.Mi ; \\'. .1. 1 ,(os(a',e t-i dati', 4 H(i; Mr. Wright I ai inti-r, \' 1< gnl a.Uice >e polien vi;bii;ii of ''lc.-hcil..n, c-.'i ( V) ; John Uelhu.iy, ooal 'il, lamp ol.i s and '' montlls uare 14.06. Carr.ed I'.dlar Mc.V.i.m:i Thai, rln- ihd l>ep;it\ Kiine IJani'.n!,: be a;.po:iited is ., p. , i! eiiinniiMco to seo that the roof n Town 11 11 ho put in a prop r st uo ot --I. Kel!-. M..Mi!lan Th H llie, -1,111111:1 i I'IOIM I.M- i 1, 1,1 ot Buphnuia, l'i ., 1 l.'-tll \i !h-;l .0,11, ell LI joi.'l ,-, 'l.'i llie all, i in, i, , i/ii, t . ;H m, nio: il unit-lit of -Ins I'r iv I.T : to h-n ,, -. |.. ii " ,'l '. \ . ..n ; Ii luted mini . i| al ,\. I .1:1. e. lib d '., implied w l! Il, liir.t iho i{t'cv.- and nil II \ !o t in-Ill eem the above ii.t i ell'eet. M.;V!i!!i,:i Tl a: (be Ue, ve, tdl i b - a c 'Hi llii'l. e to in. -i t a U Tllts'eiM i 'I v |l:e v u-\v <d' en:. d ') . CLAYTON BOOT AN SHOE MAKER. j ury torn sliohl hill, | j e siH ray dug. COSTOM WORK TO ORDER. Repairing promptly attended to. W. CLAYTON. - - FLESHERTON. A Wonderful Medicine. Read the following interesting testimonies : great South American Xorrino, the euro for N'ci-voii.Mie.-o*. Nervous - rution, Nervous Hcadacho, Sick Huad- S N iirv " U8 cl'r^l ; r- ^zs^ZTS^iSZ i lulls, Nen'ous Chokinir. Hot b ashes. ,,,.,;,., 'hills, Nervous Choking, Mot Flushes, I'alpitation of tho Heart, Sleep!, ,,,i,, ', NervouKii, si i iVm.-iles of all ages, Indi- gestion, Bysp, -p<i.i. I'.urniiu; of the Stom- ach, \V.-iuhl and Tenderness in tho St. .much, Wind upon tin- Stomach, Cat- arrh of the .Stomach, Frightful Droaius, Nightmare, Ringing in the >-irs, Y and di/./.mess. Kaintinv, Impure and 1m- poverished hltxKl. Scrofulous Swellings, ''.iismiiptionof the luni;s. Keinale Weak- ness, (luiiural Debility," Broken Consti- tution, Chronic Diarrhtoa, and Debility of old <ige, all those and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nerv- ine Tunic. Has your count inuioii been wrockcd by an attack of Li Grippe ? The GREAT Sor-rii AMKKUMN NKKVINK TONIC will ipncklv ivHtore your slmttt-red m-rves, ben and .lire your dieestno ..r , rtt^ulatu your Liver and purify your blood ; and restore you to p soundness again. This great Tome should In. used after Ml sicknrss I -. POWUM to restore to health are simply wonderful. Harriet E. Hall of Waynetown, Tnd., says : "I owe my lifo to the (ireat South Aim-ricnn Nervnu.. I had been in bed tor tivi- months n ,m the i-tl'eiv, ,, ,m ,\ I'ro.-.iratioii ind a general shattcrnl . .,n dition of my wind,. - wiem. Had oj v ,.|i up all hupe-i . .I !.', t tiny well, Had tried thtved.H-tors with no relief. The bottle of tho Nervine Tonic impnue.i me so much that I wns able to walk about, .ad a fow Wtlr.t cured uio entirely. I believe it tho liest medicine in tho world. I i-iinioi i oimueiid it too high- ly." For sale by UU. '"'' 1'7 years the. AHV..I-ATK ha* pub- > xeei.- loedloinM, ninny of which were tiunally -ood remtxliu* for the UIM.-^W utid ills for winch thoy were recommend. od. But we have net yet heard us gnml rtt- port ,.f any at. we Imvo of th..(;n.,t South American Nervine Tonic, a hdve adver- tisement of which we publish on uur second page. A lady subscriber in Louisville, Ky., wrote us some time ago askiu to have Mr. .Stewart, '.he drucKixt her,,, u> send itei- .\ bottle for her husband. In a short turn. sin. wivtu again oiderinn twt. more MttM and said it was doing her husband ;..,K!. A few days s luv, meeting one of our me- cKantH who had bean in had health many month*, we asked him how he wat. i in:,' "ii : H<- -.nd he was Kettini; Ik-tU-r day, that ho had found a i):it,.jit ineiiicimi that hu had ttikrn taken S,-T- eral Ix.ttles of it and was ..... to n.ii- tinuc, it, tor hu says he would not lake a thousand dollars for the ^o,,,l it luu al- n.'idy clone linn. In^iiiriiig what kind of medicine il WM, he t.-ld me it was the South Auunuui Nervine Tonic. lliiirnitf so much about this Cereal rtjn- niti f\;eed Mr. Stex>arl, .Hid b lolls us 'hat lie can scarcely keep a sup- ply ..11 hand ;is, it sells n.s faht iw he cji yet it. and .-ill those who tixi it speak in the Inuhest praise of it. He s;iya lie line *> nt it to Advocate suii.xciiht r inKloiida, Keiilucky, North Alliany, and olbi-r plai e.s. Tin.-, is n.> paid notice, xvis publish it simply us a tiilnito tn a lieseivun; reiu- mly, and if it is ilomy ^r.,,,,1 ,. ;ll( . gi^j that it n in the n.icli ..i ,.iir sick and suf- fering people. W. RICHARDSON, F/csherton. HEALTH FOR ALL. UoIUmay's Vfcls aail Ointmeat THJS PILLS Pnri*r <* lUood, oorrvct all ,;i->ulr cf llsi".y*, and pUiut>incidtitl%o reia7ut%n VBI>< For I'hU.lrw ul (.Lu n,c1 they r T HE o i N T M K 1ST Ckrat au<l (Itmitrnktisni. PfMr'dii^ortWnict Ui it bus uo c^uat JTorSOKE Til HO AT, B1WJVCJI1XI3. COUGHS, COLD3 idulrStrHmg,iuiilM Skin [>tM>a it IMS no rinU ; nil for ooutrMMd uid stiff J fninu it itot* ItlM a (.'harl'i. Munufx4at>rt<ii>tjr M Profassor UOULOWATT'" l.Vta)>Hiihnii>nt, M, Now Oxforil (Mr ( In4 5SA. Oifor<l Ktreot ). Lond.n, old ni Is. ld. , 9. 'XL. * d.. ^1*.. 6B . n-wl :*s Mob Doi or i>oi, id ny b bod of Ul XM 1lu VMlor tnr.iuslKi\rt iho Woild. fif /NtrcAaMro .-/i.iW !<*Jt U Ute LaM M U* Pott ttnd Dwtt. Sftke addrtM a nut London, 'At v itr* Fiirn itu ro & Undertakiu; Show Rooms - Strain's Block Factory Opposite Preshytoriau Church. J. B. MOORE, ==L_ Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE, SASH, DOORS, Etc. Etc. laving njvr <! rut an entirely new and attractive stock in VVr.i. Si tain's block, we ask old friends to give us a s!v their p.-in-onn^c, assuring them that we will .it :t!l times be found as anxious as ever e t.-ntiiv s.i'Jsl'aciion both p.s re- , |>rices, (ju;i!ity, and atten- tion to all details. J. E. Moore, Proprietor.