THE FLESHfiRTON ADVANCE BANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, \ an >r*l banking bc*inM transacted .- canhttd t usual rt - 1 wi> avaUabls for lexiumUe hmmiis itto.-priM. UW:cc two door* north of RiebarJaoa A Co'*. Visinity Chips. Ci!;iraccri.itlrH of the Past W Carefully Culled for the Canons. nottcd among local* will he fh ir.rd at tke rat' </ /" per line f<--r eaeA insertion. A ri/><--Ji-. tci'W 5e made on amtr-tfU far IWlina or otfr. For the Ladies Only Mn. Trimble ha* ben iu the city for the past week selejtm.; her Spnn mil- lineiy. stylish. Louk out fur 'inethiiig uice mud A action Sals. I If Jry guilds, clothing, boots shoes, hats* caps, fuis, etc., in Strain's Uuck, Fieshertou uu SatuiJ.iy March 18 18M3 uiiuencv at 1 i>. ui. V\ . \\ . Irini- bie. Pus.gj for Mlii Millie Vandntan is :nd. T. Hill. Fleaherton, visitiug tt!i ircy Council ru Intyre on Mou Jay n 20. The 31st battalion will go iuto canip at OD June, 13 next. The Meaford Mirror enur*l upon its twelfch volume last There have been awiaiJerable number -.I estate transfer* ia town ti:i win- 1.5. Lnw,larrtst*r, Markdale hat $10,000 (>nvatj fund* t<> leudou farm Mftpajms within the next few months at lowest current rate*. No commiss- ioua, no delays, ex pence* low. Apply at office iu Markdale during the week ur at Dundalk office on Saturday*. Rev. Mr. Hinck* had to call to order some frivolous b-ys in ike Meih<liat Church on Sunday mm I ' m a caus Mary fa iu a stranger iu the while being to U> the church in g-neral, li-iw much man must it be to the parent* The '.euon waa a salutary ail ilniMl 1 1 I onu, and we trust will be prodi. --J. Mr*. W. II. Thurston an.l Mrs. Gaadin Bre visiting friends in Owen S-jund thin week. come* this year on the .ty of March, two week* from to- monvw. MU> \ v .:. lady evangelist, is ing special service* iu conjunctiou with iitor in the Metbodut church. Cbesley haa now two newspapers, tho Enterprise sud Free Press. Mr. J. H. ;.h is pn-jirietor of the newcomer. V. -, \ i ''moed fn-m Long ' ' on Wednesday, wlu-re she has rvnue mouths with her Mu. 11. V. (i.ku.l H. The Onwij^villo Advertiser, oue oi .>ur very brighti-st Ual exclianijes, enu-rtd upon its -MU\ year last week, and there '. a gray hair in its head. Mr. M. It.chardwui recoired the sd word <>n Mtintlny evuninx 'f ihe drowu- ing of a brolli-T m ScutlamL No partuu- lara acct'Uijwnirti the intelligence. The boys have evidently been aftr Leavens, of the Button Enterprise, -:e following conclusions are rsschnrt uit gentleman m his last issue: Snowballs are an excellent crop this year, of about the rijfbt size, color and v. and very h.ird to Jixlje. The uiarvslloua rapidity with which they travel oft- leads t.. ninst serious results and trying to stop tli-i.-i with tho p-ide of y-.ur kad do^Mt't cm*! "mill tha kiudliett coouneuU either. took plaee on the Sod Jan. last on the public highway. Toronto General Trusts Co. r. A. Me. Lesn Claim for gnods sold. Non-suit. Anderson et al v. Thoropaon Suit brought for rent. Deft, liven in Mul- Diur. Defence held that court haul DO jurisdiction, lands rented and deft, both being in Mulmur. The lease was ex- ecuted in Proton. The Judge held that there was jurisdiction and gave judg- ment fur p'aiiititf for 936. W. J. White T. Perfection Hoop and Veneer Co. Claim for wages of 933.92. Judgment was given ft.r full amount. N Het.derv.n v. T. Wilson Action on note for 946.66. Judgment for plaintiff for 939.90. WaUon r. Levingaton Action on ac- count for >0.35. PUiiititf lives at Walters KiJLs. Judgment given fur full amount. McTavish v. Holley Action brought to recover promissory notes which Jt- fendant claimed to have paid along with other Dotes. The Judge decided th*t there had been some m intake on both siUea, and therefore divided the cosw. The matter was unravelled with apparent satisfaction to both partiet. This concluded the bnsirMM of the court, with the exception of ju.lyiueut summon* C.I-M. CLAYTON BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. I fir; larp stoot on hand, to lie sold ?HJ cheap, CUSTOM WORK TO ORDER. Repairing promptly attended to. W. CLAPTON, - - FLESHERTON. A Wonderful Medicine. Read the following interesting testimonies : County and District. . ral of our youug i>eople attended t!ie Efwurtli League iceeting in Jlaik- ilale . ;"iJ rt-fTt having had wry iiitviesting and profitable aestious. Our January thaw was -i ^rriv- .ir. Kii.l I'ti^y [ Jt in an appear- ance but Friday. It la*tfu until Monday, and a large quantity f M.I w : ti-p and-j-Jiiipdi.wn Bullies. A ci>upleof faiuilicH lef. [t-r C. P. R. f..r tie great Northwest ou Tuewday. viz., Mr I'.. McKeuaie and Mr J|'>n. They will n-ttlo in the v of S..raerby. Our Ixwl wishes follow thorn. Mr. Gleiidiuning. of the Herald, I'un d*lk, and Mr. Bellamy, town constable of our neigh lior viUage, were callers at The Advance sanctum on Thursday rvfn ing last. They attended the Ramsay concert. Drop in again, gentlenun. "I ha.-e used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a nuiiibor of years, aod it has alwayn me satisfaction. It is an exoe llent dress- ing, prevents the hair from turning gray, insures iu vigorous growth, and keeps the scalp white and cleau." Mary A. Juck*>u, Sakm, Mass. _ Rev. Mr Uiocka, R A., of the First Methodist churvh, Owen S. -uud. preached two vigi>roui and prnctiad sonnoim in MethotlUt church on S.i)>bath last. His morning sermon on "Kducation" was connidered by many to be the best sver preached here on that subj<>ct. "March to search" is the old alas{>. It searches out any weakness of tue sys- tem, resulting fn-iu impure blotl. Those who use Aver's Srspru1a find March i.o more searchinn or even disajrreeabl* than any other month. Tim medicine is a wonderful Two sleigh loads of yuni; folks went out to an entertainment at the Meaford Road on Wednesday evening of last week. They had a itraml time after they gvt c -but it t ok them m-ire th;ui sohed- uloii:ne t.- 1 iv tSe five miles as they Wv-re obliged to dig each other i-ut of a now bank into wkich the accompli stked 4>ivr had dumped them. A letter received Utely from a ho is farming near Balder, Man.. statrB that off 100 acres he has not cut a single sheaf of grain for the past tw years, owing t.. fr.-st. This is a pretty bad showing for that part of Manitoba. Such destruction could not have been general or we would have hesrd of it ere We would wdlcoine further partic- ulars as t. of Huch dajnaee, or u referred o was all that sufferetl in thu man' Mechanic's Instil ute. ioe is hfivby Divert that a pnhlic I! !> liel.l in tlio To-rn Hall, : rtoii., n Kriuiy eve: h 34, at 8 O'L-!' purpose of complet- ing or of Flrahcrton Mechan- i c ' 1, -p^iintii * committee to select N>ok, etc. It is important that all subscriptions be paid by that date, as only >-' 11 vol. full I f members i urxeutly rvtiue>tii. W. IKWI.X, Ssc. pro tetu. The Ramsay concert sjiveti in the TO:I Halt <-!i Tl'iir-i'i.i) ir^ht of last week, un- .Ur the auM'.'-e* f '! v 1. " K., wa,s well led and was ono of the pleasMtsst - WK have had here for some time. While Mr RarasaT himself is not quite so [;.:' ir K-re as) some others in that -till in conjunction with the other t-ilent he ppi.iucid a :tabl* tertainment indeed. Mim Hrimson has a very weet x^pranu voice and struck a popu'ar vl-.i-rd fr mi the start. Slu si-ored a decided suvcem, and would be welcomed should she ever return. Mrs Raniaay iaaii atv.i:i'|iiis'u-.l i-iinist, and Master Bedfonl Caiuphell can pick the strings of the banjo in a manner most plsasiiig. Throwing candies in crowded houses at public entertainmeu's is one of the most despicable low down prictices of which a person can be guilty, aud only a \Vn.-o would do it ! At the Ramsay concert last week one lady was struck i,, the eye and nearly blinded. The chair- man asked tbat the throwing mi^ht ceaie but it semeed to make no difference with certain yoim- fellows from Pundalk until they were personally reinon strwted with. Had they not then complied with the re quest their names would have embelli-hvd this column, but as they had sufficient gentlemanly instinc* to cease when per- sonally appealed to we will spnre them for tln> ti.ii.-. They, however, were not the only guilty oue*, as we noticod s.-me of our own villagers, who are more than old enough to know better, sroing through the disreputable performauc*. It is a nuisance that should be emphatically suppressed. Division Court. Division Court was held in the Town Hall on SetuHay last before Judge M. r risou. There were only eight case* on the docket, one -f tho most imporUut .. which was adjourned until next court nainulT that of Smith v. Holley, an acti. n to recover the price of a horeu that died from the effects of a o.lliaion which Mr. Thus McCarroll has disposed of his igbred sta'lion Lexington to Mr. George Jenkins, of Carman, Manitoba, uen will regret that Lexington is 'out to irave these parts, as he has proved himself to be oue of the best sire hones of his class. Mr Jenkius may congratulate himself on bis purchase. Breedm iu the vicinity uf Carman will be pleased to learn of this valuable additiou to their ire horses. M David MuHiiiey, aged 71, died in Owen 8oud jai 1 a week ago Saturday. Old age and general debility was the caoae. The iii HMI has made amends for getting full twice in January by not getting full at all last month. That i* perhaps the humorous aapect, but there is s luorv in ten r-ting onj in the f-ct that a month ;th< ut a full moon o.iiy happens once m about twenty years. Lo- It out for htm. A chap is travelling through the country trying to swindle parties with a contract for wire fencea roflV enough wire to fcuc* a ten a. ill ign a Con- tract to taJie the agency for the wire, contract is where the swindling comes iu. If read ol ->8ely it turns out to r ?130 sfter a few words are erased with r.. iJ. Mr. Fi.-sti.-r, oi Dundalk, wuo is in the . iw, of the thiiigle Itell's Lake, met with a serious ac- cident on Friday last. While ar.cmptiug to thn>w off a belt, bis tout caugiit, aud hi:< leg was broken just above the ankle. - Urd. s> . m-r:ii Xtw>. The Ora:nl >rnge Lodge of Ontario West ia in session at Oraugeville this Two hundied p'.inierers working on th \\i rld's Fair buildings at Chicago have struck for an increase iuwagee from $4.50 to |i> pei- day. italsts sre negotiating with the Manitol-a government fur aid towards building another railroad between WL:ni peg and Lake Superior. Williaui Archer and Bennett, the lend en of the "daylight robber" ifavi. were on Saturday at the sessions convicted of the cr me charged sgainst them at Toronto. Sentence was deferred. Sir John Thompson Wft Ottawa for Europe Thursday. Senator Bo well wil be acting premier, Mr Ouiiuvt acting minister of justice, and Mr. Foster leader iu the house. In the British commons on Monday Sir Wm. Venion Harcourt announce! that the second reading of the Irish home rule bill would be postpubed until alter Easter. Lsdy Movrat, wife of the pivruicr o. Ontario, died Monday night at midnight. She had for many years suffered frvui athi)V'. aud rhsaiaatism, and the di* took a dangerous turn on Sunday, b. followed by a stroke of paralysis, which proved fatal. Rhr umatKm rared la day-- South American Rl.euuiati.- t un f.-r , Kheuuiatwui and KesMmfcM mdically i cuiw m I t" 3 days. Iu action the system is remarkable and mysterious H removes at one* the i-aiie and the disease immediately disappears. The nrst dose greatly benefits. 75 centa. Warranted by Richardson A Co. South American Ifervine, the great cure f<T Nervousness, Nervous Prost- nuvm. KfiA'ouj Headache, Sick Head- ache, Nervous Paroxysms, Nervous rv :; (>.. king, Hot Flashes, he Heart, Sleepleasnena, ervoosneas of females of all ages, Indi- Dyspepnia. Burnuu; <>f the Stum- Weight and Tenderness in the upm the St<-iu.ich. /si. S, 1893. For 27 years the ADVOCATE hat tinned advertisements of various medicines, many of which were txcp- ti..!...;:_v j'-od rwme-lius : r t!.- .,. _ aud ilia fur which they were mnommend ed. But we have not yet heard as goud !- f any as we have of the Great South :._' :n the ear-. n.l i :: .;.,;? -. '; . i.i'ru. Impure and u. i.-.i-r h-."t i ;.!. *v-r fui. -us *.!'!!._. ' !l.-.'.!llj.':. II "t li.f llill^S. nsjmh \\eliv- j. General Debility, 1'r - tttioo. Cbroiiic Diarrhoa, and De' f old agv, a'l theae and many other omplauts cured by this wonderful Nerv- ne Tonic. Has your constitution been wrecked by an attack of La Grippe T The GanAT < AKKBIIMX NKftvm To- ir will [uickly r<>st<re your shattered nerves, trengthen and cure your digestive or- .an, reguLita your Liver and purify our blood ; and restore you t.. pfrtW* snumlnisn ag^in. This great irfnntH ox asjnd after all sickness, wwvn to restore to health are simply rfttl. Frightful DTV(US. ; American Nervine Tonic, a large advs- of which we publish on oar scund page. A lady subscriber in L 'un\ ...< . Ky., us sons* time ajro askiox u> have - ewart, the druKgiat here, to send her a bottle for her husband. In a sheet time she wrote again ordering more bottles and sakl it was fining her husband good. A few days SUM*. meeting one of our principal mer- chant* who had been in bad health many months, we asked him how he wan gett- ing on : He said be was getting ay, that he had found a hat he had taken taken -s .f it and was ii"ir.- r he says he wouid nut take a lo'ilars for UM g<>ud it Harriet E. Hall of Waynet- : says : "1 . wi my life to the Great South A men. . I Tor five months from the take has al luni _ what kind of medicine it was, . :... it was the South > T'-nic. .nog s<> much about this 'z l ! edy we interviewed Mr. St-wrr. aud ha I teUa> as that he can scarcely keep a sup- tauativt Stomach, li.digestion, Krrous ply on hand aa it sells as but aa he can ition \nd a general shatt- ; ,, v t it, and all those who use it speak ia. f :n\ whole system. Had ; .> he ha* '. -.j^'s "f getting well. H.vl tn.-I sent it to Advocate snbsci :.<rida, with no reiief. The tintt Kctnuck Albany, ami Tonic inif-r. .id me *.is able to walk mil a few Katies cured me eutirriy. it the best medicine n. world. I cannot recommend it t > high- in of au ex- fatsmm abi . ia no paid notice, we simply as a tribute to a dww dowg god wo are glad the reach of our skk si For sale by W. RICHARDSON, Flesherlon. HEALTH FOR ALL. Ilolloway's Pills and Ointment THK PILJ.S l*ow?l*. THE O1HTMBHT ItUfi For SORE THKOA1, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLD* TEACHER WANTED W ANTKD FR 8. S. SO. a aBTBMKSLA holdtf J:oni or third elaM *!* o om F.b Ukh. N..UW. Tnd)er. P. O The Eailway. leave Flesherton Station as T THE ailor, Trains follows : i-.ntN"! IllBiTH. 11.4-.' . m. . m. oocro SOCTH 6. 52 a. iu. 4 58 p. m. DRF S MAKINO. MRS - Ji-.r to DOIK-O YIClDltl tllt bO to tho ntis>- * br witb *otr pit klw*< Vrv Makes all garments of men's wear in the best style at sbcr; notice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. outfivcomfltuiig ta 1 rMMono* o*r MJ^tl*)! 1 * iMk. riMhvtou iMtra*- Md MMU bj -Magle F. A. BAKER, KLESHERTOB