SIR GUY'S WARD. A THRILLING STORY OF * IIAPTKR XV. " I w J other thee. he cried. Ko iju.1 bridal? Mowinc' Tne 111 UM ttae. It plie:i. And you'll quickly >Urt Mid* With thn prickle (towinc. l:<bud. rosebud. nwebnii red. Rosebud brightly blowing! UK -Translated. N'arif, waih my hair, 1 say* Lilian, tier nurte't sanctum, which it it ber own, on* lovely morning early in September when " Dew in OB the tea. And tender bud* are fretting to 'je fr. .-. The fickle ran u flinging iu broad bums !. and near, DOW glittering upon the me.l tower, now dancing n und the chimney U'p, now flecking with gold the mullioned window*. It* brightness u H a smile from the departing summer, the sweeter that i: grows rarer every hoar : it* merry ry spread ami lengthen, the wind grow* softer, balmier, beneath iu influence : it U I he very heart of buy July. And on the woodi and on the deen The .mil.- of heaven lay. It Kernee: a* if the dajr were oar s.ntfroni beyond the -tie-. Wnirh abed to eartb abore the .un Allithtof Haradi**.- Thcre is an " inviobble quietness" in all the air. Some late rotes hare grown, and cluster round Lilian's window : stooping oat, she LOVE AND ADVENTURE. day. Do you rememder hew late in the season it u ? and that you are -lighting Nature? She will be angry, atd will visit you with storms and drooping Bowers, if you penut in Boding her. Come oat, Come out." "Who are you?'' asks Gay. "Are you Flora ?" He paru her hair gently aad [ throw* it back over her shosJders. " I : thought you a nymph, a fairy, a small . goddess, S.IM| " ; And behold 'tis only Lilian! Naughty ! Lilian! Are you disappointed. Sir Guard- ian ?" .-.he laughs, and, running her fingers through all her amber locks, spread- ing them out on either side of her like a nlken veil, that extend* as far a* her anus can reach. She i* lovely, radiant, bright ; a* the day itself, fairer than the lazy flowers. " What a child you are :" says Gay, with some discontent in hi* voice, feeling how far, far yoniger than he, she is. "Ami? Nonsense: Nnrsesay*,"g3ing to a git it and survey ing herself with critical e-y~, " nurse sayt I an, a 'very well grown girl of my age."' Almost unconorionsry she aatutne. nurse's pompons t heart adoring mansr to su h perfection that Guy laughs heartily. "That U right, Gnardy. " says Mis Lilian, with bland encouragement, " I like to hear you laugh ; of late you have grown eprii with her, and ahe appear* to receive hi* admiration fatorably. Have you not notkadif" " I cannot ay I bar*. " " No" incredulously "bow eitraor dinary ! Bat awn are proverbially dull in the observation of such matter* a* love-af- fairs. Seme, indeed." wnh slow mem tug. are poaiuvely '- She lays her work upon the table before her and ezac'.ine* it critically. She not so maeh a* glance at her victim, tho-jh secretly the knowledge that he i* wrf.hing beneath the task. unk* betide her ooateaUJiy BOOB the ! A little chill shudder runs throogw. nS hss frame, turning her te stone ; drai atlf with detenriaatioa from his < CHAPTER XVI. 'O piritjjf love, aow fre.a and quick racu II u the gloaming, that leadereM, fond t, mo*t pensive tune of all the day. A* mmunhnt away from aim. " It is time I told yon my history," ahe saya, IB cold, changed lone*, throne* why* unless: a ring of pain, while her face f.rews a* when Chesne ey <;<i BO* deceive ing iheif cradle song* ; with iu exertion* of would be haT."*ayst__,, pair. But hi* cslmneas does his ^ompanton. " Vsry good. The Park. I am told, is even larger than Chetwoode. You, at her guardian, shenld, I think, put carefully be ! Booting rr tore her all the advantage* to b* derived from such amarriage. " Hen the mnui.itlis out ber parrot, turning ber head slightly to one wde, ders whether a little mon cnms wing, would no: make then. tractive. No, perhap* not : they an gaudy enough already. though one often ssse a parrot with " I don't believ* mare money would have weight with Li'ian," Gay breaks ia upon est, yet, nigbl'eraocaos en the harden" of the land, reluctant to throw it* dirk shadow over the still, smiling earth, while day is ' d slowly. saJiy receding. There is a hush!* lm - everything ; above, on th-ir leafy they were yat " Perhaps when yon bear it you may re- gret your word* of to-uight." > that aim a good match for \ calm QMS of de- Ptwehea, the bir-lt are nestling, and croon- the gay the day, hrtsn*. lazy ' An owl in (be kisses and caresses them, speaking to them ' almost as discontented to look at as my cous- as though they were (at indeed they are . her dear friends, when nurse's voice recalls ber to the present, and the inner room. "L, my dear,'* says Mrs. Tipping, "it is only four day* since I washed it before.' " Never mind, ninny : wash it again. To-day i* to delicious." with inch a dear little breeze and mch a prodigality of sun. that I cannot resist it. You know hew 1 love running through the air with my hair wtt, aad feeling the wind rushing through with a viaible her all-important revery, effort. "No' Perhaps not. But then the Park is her old home, and she, who professes such childish adoration for it, might possibly like to regain it. You really should ipsnk to hat. Guy. She should not be allowed to throw away *uch a brilliant chance, when a few well-chosen wordt might bias her in the right direction. ' Guy make* no reply, but, stepping the balcony outside, walks listlessly fear and regret all around, aa all-pervadinz stillness that moves one to mil him and till* unwittingly the eyes with tears. It is the peace that follows upon grief, a* in ts , ; world, that through all moil of the day has b 41 -joaing in anguitk, ha* now for a few sheet hours linnl rest. The last roses of summer in Mrs. Arling- ton'* garden, now that those gay young i the boss have deserted them, are drowsy, and hang their heavy head* Two or throe dissiptted batter- parks &W fond* of late hours and tempted by the warmth. Mill fleat graoefuUy throvgh the down tike garden path, her wicket gate acd _____________ it. And, none, b* lure now" coaziagly ! lay* her *oft h-aU against his arm, ocly "you put plenty of soda in the wster. I to find he-not she-is right; *M u \\ hat, and rot all your pretty lo. k ? ) half an inch below his shoulder. S:\nd ' says nurse, with much de- Have I amused yon "Ye*: your assumption of Mr*. Tipping was admirable. Though I am not sura chat I agree with her you sre not very much [ ^ ^ ' n 'j,*, tumult of grown, are yon? 1 don't think von art up VB Ue Miss Beanchamp, to my shoulder. ' ' i certain triumnh " What a tarradiddle :" says Lilian. ' - "Let off that ta-'le directly and let me convince yon.'' As Guy obeyi her and draws himself up to his hlwral six feet one, the goat to him aad children ssovks, while* alfthe flower and beauty and cliivalry of France tell beneath the fatal guillotine. Guy. wandering aimlessly, full of dismal thought, follows out mechanically his fint ber work. A nail he hopes, been driven, into the can vat beneath ago the Partaian rible revenge and cruel longing* into their ing so it takes) Ga to keep himself from uy al be know* '""""n {"is """ round her an.l straining her to the heart that beats for her so passionately, that beats for her alone. " \ ou have raised your shoulder, ahe ay*, moat unfairly : " It wasn t half I high yesterday. idea, and turn* in th* direction of the garden the spat so beloved by hi* false treacherous little mis treat. In th* distance he sees her motioaleai in the centre of a grass-plot. air. Cecilia, coming rests ber arm* looks towards C She i* dressed ia an eiuaieite white cnm- ~ brie fastened at the throat by a bit of lav- M to ender ribbon ; through her gown here and awmv ' there an touches of the setme aelor ; saber * ' u ' ; ; -*-- '-ttio can of the mob de- an additional charm to it possible, more ever. gat* a last yellow peeps into her eyes. good-night kis* from her parted lip* slowly, lovingly, cneees a little sweetness from the white rose dying on her breast, throw* a folden shade upon her white gown, aad fin- ally dies chivalrously at ber feet. But not for the dead devoted su instil dons that warm blush grow and mantle on her cheek : not for it do her fames throb, her heart beat fa*:. Towards ber, in his the bet- ooat wlth- he says, roughly, ter to hide the emotion he (eel* ; berooiantse ; nohedy comnul potty larceny, or bigamy nowadays, out being found eat ; miplosseei my* and sk.liUnt in the closet, have (one out WUshion. W* pat all our akeleM?* va the ' Time*' now, no matter haw we nay have to blum far their nakedness. I don't want to hear a*y:.hing ahtut you life if :-. maken yon unhappy to tell it." " It doesn't make me unhappy. ' " Bat it dees. Your face has grown ni white, and your ey* are full W tears, ing, I won't have yen dsttrom yourself for me. " I have not committed any of the I have only t ane, with a very wan I feave not ape I can one friend le for yean, except one I I should like to ted you " But not there P haldisg out h her renreaehfufry ' I don t believe I hear yon if you spaas from cash n se. '' There is exactly half a yard of distance, ward bet "If! iwiifolii bent en driving ss both to the verge of mel- aachors, at learn let us meet our fate to- ab hi* arm re itV IQpCMrTwQ. shoulder, th* c with Not I, indeed termination. " But you mint : you will now, won't you ?" in a wheedling ton*. "It never stands properly out from my head unless it it f'tll of toda." " An' what, I woader, would your poor mamma say to me if the could tee me spoil- ing your bonny hiir this day, an' it the very ! What' a color of her own ? No, no ; I cannot indeed ', envy it It goes against my conscience, as it were, j selected. Go get some one else to wash it, not me : it ally would sadden roe. ' | invaluable t loreac* ' If you won't wash it, no on* else shall," That good pouts fall an. And when Lilian pouts she thmi ' looks so lovely, and to naughty, and so ir : "l think it if the mother sees to it," j ( retittible, that, instead of scolding her for replies ha gently. m9au iu nosaeasimv ,1 temper, everyone iustantly gives into, "Oh, is it? Kind auntie : What. ^oq.ettoTViottenCh.twoode between her. >urs* gives in, as *he has done to her debciou* little bit of blue: Forget me sot, ; Bij ueth. little mistress's poot ever since the Utter is if How innocent it looks, and babyish, . \ tdooe vet*' ask* the coone'te at " Yes : I could not keep away," istnrna was foor yean old, and forthwith produtss in it* green leaves ! May 1 rob you. Sir this mentm of her cousin, givintr her bead be *impj. soap and water and plenty of soda. Guy ? I should like a spray or two far my ! a i, uta imontient shake. Ht v ** t ** * k to " r . but leans upon TKe loog , ellow hair be:ng at length wash- drosa" .. Y , j!uu done." "inUhipg up in ahurry t carefully, and brusbed snlil * ou may have anything you wish that ^ nsmaihnt curioue bow hi i, mikiag it hangs heavily aU down her back. Lilian I can give you." .. Welli now ,.- ,, Ub*"*** 4. MM ku* to her nun* as J -What a noble offer !-An yon going to M j b^j, yon j tBi n here on this spot r '.rouble, and runt delighted- ! srast* much more time over your tlrenaM j when yea return. You know howl hate :".-." glancing with pretty la-pertinence ' vailing : ao don't be long, do yon hear?" " Dees thnt moan you will be gether.' Hen he steals hi* arm more, and. head span his i short story; "Perhaps you know my father was a Major in the Scots Grays: your brotner kaesy him : ^*M name was Duncan.*' Cyril starts involuntarily. ' i, yon start. You toe knew him.* "Yes, slightly. " " Then. ' in a enrionaly hard vetoa. " yon, knew notbiag good of him. Weil.' with a sigh, " BO matter ; a/terwards yon can toll "Again 1 wonder, a ys Cecilia, tottly. a UtUe reat undisguised glad nets, in the gate from his aide, wry dans to her. Meet fnirmen look wall in evening clothes Cyril looks downright liltnmi : hi " My darling. dotTt go on : I don't want , to bear about him," implores Cyril. anx-.eos- ' " Bat I mast tell you. He possessed that greatest ef all virtue* in my mober's eyes, wealth. He was rich. HeaJmiredme: I was vry pretty then. He dared to any he loved me. He asked mo to marry him, and -Inrussdhim." ly down thestairs, itnight out into ll;e open air, without hat, or covering of any kind for her bead. The garden is listless ind sleepy. The bee* are silent, th* flowers are nodding drowsily, wakened into torn* I the teasing wind that sighs atound them anrtashigly. Lilian pluck* blcssooi here and there, and tcatten far and near the autly butterfly in very wantonness of enjoyment, while the wooinc wind whitt- les through her hair drying it softly, loving- ly, until at last torn* of its pristine gloss re- turns to it, and its gold shines *ith redoub- led vigor beneath the sun'* rays. At she saunters, revelling a* one from Fairyland might revel in the warmth aad gladness of the great heathen god, she tings and to Guy in hit distant study the sound and the word* come all too distinctly. Why saouldst I iore ay tore t Way aonldnt he love *e Way shouldn't become after me. Smce love to all is fr.-e ' letters at the half Snianetl tlieets lying on the table near ber : " I suppose they an all buainox, or love, or such-hke rub- bish ! Well good-bye, Guardy, I mutt of life by i go and finish the drying of iny hair : you and laughs will tind me in the garden when you black, in the rays ef tne de- to the end of your last billet-doux." 80 saying, she trip* away from him down the handsome oak- panelled room, and di- appear* through the doorway that leads into the hall. Where she goes the sunshine seems to follow her. To Guy's fancy it appears as though a shadow ha* fallen suddenly into th* room, when the last glimpse of her yellow hair has vanished out of sipht. With anther abstracted air he betake, himself once more to his writing, and tries to forget bet. But somehow the impetus that urged him on half an hour ago i* wanting : th* spar to I hit industry ha* lost it* sharpoee* ; and presently, throwing down hi* pen with aa presently, throwing down bis pen with aa objectionable. impatient gesture, he acknowledges himself wU , ^colle Beneath his window she pauses, and, finally, running up th* tteps of the balcony, peertia, full ofan idle curotity. Sir Guy's den U the most desirable room iu the house, the cosiest, the oddest, the moat interesting. Looking at it, one guess- es instinctively how addicted to all pretty things th* owner i*, from women down to let* costly kijouttrif. Lovely landscape, adorn th* wall* aid* by tide with Gnatxe like faces, angelic :n expression, unlike in appearance. There are a few portraits of beauties well known in the London aad Puris worlds, frail aa fair, false at they art <'., m". whose gar- ments (to do him justice' are distinctly de- i marked attention*, cent, perhaps mon so than their character*. But then indecency has gone out of fashion. There are two or three lounges, some priceless statuette*, a few bit* of 'Ttc-e-ftraf worth their weight in gold, innumerable yel- low-backed volumes by Paul de Kock and . hi* fellows, chain of all shape* and sires, i what evident sincerity she had hinted at yon will be impatient to see me again ? " Of coune," laughing. "I shall be <(jri*r to see yon again, longing, pimug for your retain, thinking every minute an hour until yon cnme hack to me. " That encouraged, Archibald quickly vanishes, anl liny comes slowly up to ber. "I think you needn't have put that flower in Chesney 's coat, he says in an aggrieved tone. "I bad no idea you meant it for his adornment. " "Is it in bit coat ?" At she makes this mean reply she blushes a rich warm crimson so full of rpniritiittisnt that it dritv* Gay absolutely wild with jealousy. "Ye., now 1 remember," she says, with an assumption of indifference : "he either took it from me, or asked mo for it. I quite forget which.'' "Do you?" "1 do," rosvntiag his manner, which bor- Jen on disbelief, and is in her eyes highly 'Why should I trouble my- distinct effort, parting sun ; just now those eyes are uiled with lovs and passionate admiration. Her arm*, half bare, with some frail shad- owy lace falling over them, look rounded and velvety ss a child's in the growing daak: the fingers of ber ptetty. Uue veined hands are interlaced, ^eparatiag them, Cyril takes one hand between both hie own and strokes A ton.l y, silently, yet almost ahsemly. Suddenly raising his head, he look* at , her, hi* whole heart in his sxpression. hi* eyes lull of purpose. Instinctively she reel* the warmth, the tenderness ef his glance. ; aad changes from a calm lily into an expect- ant rose. Her hand tremble* within his, a* though meditating tight, and then lies pas- live as his clasp tightens firmly upon it. As though the words are forced from ber. she utters them in short, unequal sentence*; ber up* have turned the colec of death. (TO u .-oxn M-ID. k no longer iu the mood for work. What a child the is 'again the thonght occurs to him : yet with what power to torture ! To-day all tweetness and honeyed TOOr cousin before "his" gayety, to-roorrow indifferent, if not actual- %m g i.i TO- havt learned to lyrepelent. She is an anomaly , alittlefreil - lily beset with looms that put* forth its stings to wound, and probe, and madden, when least expected. Only yesterday afttr an hour's inward conflict -he had convinced himself ot her love for her rousiu Archibald, with uch evident pleasure did she receive his very And now, to-day, such trifles After a pause, and with Chetwoode say*. "You were foolishly prejudiced against arrival. I be civil with hi.nT" " More than that, I have learned te like him very much indeed. H* i* ^nite charm- ing, and not in the least '.rvjeaaf ,or diffile," this rather pronounced. " Besides, he is my cousin, and the master of my old home. Whenever I think of the dear Park. 1 WnTAT The mot scientific methods of purifying and disposing of sewage without polluting rivers. The question 'of an adequate water supply for a ship canal from the groat lakes to the Atlantic. A large and improved harbor at Dover. England, for the acxonssaodatioti ef the channel and other craft. Method* of ooal mining by which more Slowly, reluctantly, as though compelled by of the mineral may be economically taken some hidden force, the turns her averted oat without danger to the roofs of the eyesi to his. " Cecilia," murmurs he, imploringly, and then and then their lips meet, ana they kin each other solemnly, with a passionate tenderness, knowing it it their betrothal they an seeling. i ply of water to the'Krie canal, involving ' n ' I wish I had summoned courage to kiss a4m 13U feet in height across the Ctattst you a week ago. ' ic says, pre * nvtr u 4 co,, rf >, 700,000. The irrigation of . JOO.njO acres of mod ia Arizona, the main canal to be about 13Q UiUelong. 11- fe*t wid and ever twelve te-t deep. orage project for a better tup naturally think of him, until now they an . both associated in my mind : this adds to surely if the loved Chesney her eyes could mT liking." not have dwelt to kindly upon another at * ( ; u ys heart sinks within him at he re- they did a _f_ew mi-utet since upon her n-embtrt Florence's word, and now hear* guardian. With what a pretty grace she had demtiided tba* him forget-me-not and placed it in the besom of her dress ! Lilian's own confession. II* glances at hr- despairing'y. She ii picking * flower to piece*, and a* *ha doss 10 a little soft sigh her. I* r. for her lost home ? I. k, hi ttoops and embrace* her again, without evei hariar J>* grace to ask per- mission, while she .that I should live to say it of Cecilia :> never reprovn him. " Why ' ' the asks, smiling up at him. " See how I have wasted seven good days," returns he, drinking in gladly all the beauty of her face aad smile. " This day last week I might have been as happy as I am aow, whi*a. I was the moat mis- erable wretch alive, the victim of rit- pens*. ' You oor your misery admirably : had flood. Thei hi* li:,->*s, cuairs ol alt shapes and tiies, i '' ' escapss her. I* i: for her lost home ? b { rmUnrl your misery admirably : had one mor* comfortable aud invitia* than . !l w ' to * >>im in th garden when hi* | tn e already dreaming of an hour when she you not tt-l a-.i. i should Bt*er have guss the other, eiouuli meenchaum pipe* anil ork should be over: 1'erhap* per- return ta it once more as iu happy ! ed vour wretchedness. Besides, bow do -- - - * - - . . _ , r . _,j i L __ u; , cigaretto-holdertand tobacco stands to stock a small .hop, a couple of dogs tooozing peacefully upon the hearth rcg, under the mittaken impression that a tirr is burning in the grate, a writiug-rable. and before it Sir Guy. These are tht principal things that altnct Lilian . attention, as the gaiet in, with her silken hair streaming behind her in th* light brossa. On the wall she cannot tee, there an a few hunten by Herring, a copy of Millait' "Vet ot no, "a good deal of stable ware, and beneath them, on a table, more pipe*, cheroots, and boxes of cigars, mixed up with straw-covered bottles of perlume, thrust lather ignominioualy into the corner. A ihadow failing act us. the pper on which lie i. anting Guy raises his head, to see a fairy vision staring in at him. a little alight figure, clothed in airy black with daintiest lace frilliagt st the throat and wrists, and with a wealth of golden bair brought purposely all over her face letting only the laughing samphire tyes, blue a. the skies above her, gleasi out from among it. "Open the door, O lierntit, and let a poor wanderer ia," croons this fairy, In properly saddened to' ea. Kiting gladly, h* throws, wid* the window to her, whereupon ih* steps into the room still with her faoe bidtlcn. "You come?" asks he. in a deferential relivn to it once more ' mis'rsn* ? I* she mercenary, as Florence I* late a passionate desire to tell her of i hinted ? or is it home-sickness that is tempt the aAWtion with which the had inspired iBg htr ? or can it be that at heart the love* him consume* him daily. hourly : but a her cousin ? fear, a sad certainty of 'disappointment to ! .. j t is tD e same with all women," h* says, follow on his declaration has hitherto check- bitterly "the last comer i* always the ed the word* that so often tremble on bn beet, the' newe*t face the dearest lip*. Now the unwonted gentleness of her manner tempts him to follow her aad put ' hisftte " tothe tonch/andso end all the' fron r t |>. Miniect:" wo wore saying i from jealout anguish and Inert buroiugt that tor i nothing aboet" last comers or ne msnt him all day long. ra?M If yol , happen to be in a bad quitting hi* tn?tum. he crosses the hail, ! ,,mp*r. Sir Guy, I really think it a lit", and enters the drawing room, where he finds hard that yon should come here to inflio: it Florence alone. She is, aa usual bending industriously over her cnwelwork : the parrot's tail ia now in a high state of perfection, not a color in tb* rainbow being misrmg from it. Seeing Guy, you knew ( should have been you seven long days age ?'' I know it, because you love me." " And how do you kn-vw that either ?" asks she. with newborn coquetry that tit* i very tweetly upon her. " Cyril, when did I you !"> gm to lo\ me * ' I do net understand you," with I 'The very moment I tint taw you. " reproof : " surely you ate wandering j " No, no : I do net wan* compliment* from the subject: we were laying j from yon. I want tht very honest truth. I upon me. "I am not "To know what vou are doing, and what can Keep voa iadoon tits she raises her head and smilta upon him sweetly, blandly, invitingly. ' Where i.- Lilian "" asks Guy, abruptly, with all the tactless truthfulness of a man when h* hat oae absorbing object in view. Miis Reaa^hamp't bland trail* f roans on her lips, aad thows i;elf BO more She makes answer nevertheless iu an unmoved tont : " Whero th* always i, in the garden with her cousii , Mr. Chetney. " " Always " tays Guy, lightly, though in reality hie face hiat grown luddenly pale, and hi* fingers clinch involuntarily . " Well. i her uaeaangenhi* placid ttnc rate voice. " generally. He teems very in a bad temper." indig- nantly. No? It seem* very like it. ' sayt Miss Cheeney. "I ana t bear cross people : they are always saying unpleasant as well as un- meaning thing*. New faces, indeed ! I really wish Archibald would come : be i* always agreeable, and never starts distaste- ful topic*. Ah, here b* is ! Archie, hew long you have been ! I thought you were never coming ' Sir Guy is in one of his ter- Tell " I have told you. The honest truth is thi*. That morning after your arrival when I restored your terrier to you. I fell :n love with you : you little thought then, when I gave your dog into your keeping, I was giving my heart also." No," in a low, soft voice, that somehow has a smile in it, " how could I ' ' I am glarl you loved me always, that then was no time when I was indinVrent to yon. I think lwe at fint sight must be the *weet- est aad trueet of all. '' ' You have the best of it. then, have you not?' wttha father forced laugh. "Mot only did I love yon from the first moment I stnioal method of construct of deoiaanel passen the ci'y of London in enger order transit for tne peo- rapid ple Tin formation ef a society to compilt) complete indexes to UM man of valuable scientific information which is regularly published aad much of which it unavailable for wast of an index. rible moods, snd has frightened me out of | saw yon, bat you are the only woman I ever my life, I was in danger of being lectured , really cared for : while - off the face of the earth. No should hesitation, and turning be pitied bat the that has a guardian You ' away from hers, have com* to my rescue barely ia time . love once before, ano her nUuutt, and vou would have found "Kwmr only a lifeless Lilian. '' Sir liny, black with rage, turns side. Archibald, igiotaat of th* storm brewing, you," with bis eye* steadily " you of oovrae did A Beyal Tumenl In fcrrssan y. John Splaa, the well known iriver of horses, went over to Germany recently with a consignment of hones, ana in a letter to a Chicago paper saya : In ane of the large cities the other day I taw a turnout that wat a dandy aad no mistake. A well-known section of the no- bility was ttatei in a handsome open wagon, while occupying high and prominent teata in tb* rear were two footmen wearing beautiful livery. On the box sat one of the most prrfec'. specimens of * man, so far aa form aad figure are conce r aed, while hi* ability a* a horseman, I thin k you will agree with me, was of no mean order, when I tell you that be meg* 1 * ' prancing tterdt in tb* meet masterly manner. Lot me tell yon how they were' hitched. First cam* a span of beautiful gray* aa loaders, then three perfectly-matched coal Macks abreast : these wore followed by three wet! matched gray*, while next to them cam* a matched pair of largo btack horses as a wheel team, the whole forming a turnout well fitting the bine blood of German royalty. Th* tight was truly a suguinosnt on* to a lover of hones, and ton hnnihnsass; animals it would be hard to find. Two tl *laa*nter r fan >).. have- bonn killed by Prince Augusta of Coburg, and be rank* The word come* with startling vehem- as the champion ckamot* killer ot tre wort*, from between her lips, tne new and j Next to him cnoes the Bmferw * A-av^, J. fKdnesj of Her face diov from it. J who has killed l,WJ.