THE FLESH6RTON ADVANCE B -DIKING QVFIC13 OP JiiO. MITCHELL, .:iiEitr<t\. i s transacted i : uuJ r*le* > ito b;iljc .!. ,it Kic'jai Jou A Co'm. Vicinity Chips. l"Jiur:--;*T!-*tirs of tho I' Week ..i.vP.iily <ulh--J for the U will '/ ' i la h i 'net or ovtr. Tr< uti-d t> ! ring. Apply . > F. A. Baker, Fl Mr.r.T S u.s. ii is *tt~uiiing Assizes in dwcii Souiui thia week. Mr. H. Hcitiuau. ..f Fcver- khaui, called in ' y wbJe on hit way to Owcu S mud to attend the Spring Atsizes. The sxri i*bexinniiig to asvrt it* power now, and when the cl'irls jfive it an opportunity tha snow U whit'lel offal a lively r*t*. T ifadajr waa a beauty. So WM ytiteriUy. Division Court will be hel-J in Flesli erton ou Saturday m-it. Auiong the casea to be heard are a couple which will be of somewhat IIM-D ttian ordinary interer-t. Nu ward appropriations were made at (he Council meeting on Monday. There was something 1 ke a dea 11 wk amon^ t!ie tuwnship fibe:s, and they took a mouth to th:nk it orer. liWUy was cattle fair day, but only in vaiiM. The laboc <>f driving cattle through such auow bauks as we have at present would only be undertaken by the oat reckless, and there ant no recklr*tt people in thu section. For all derangvnieuts of the throat aud lang*. .Vyers Cheny Pectoral i* the apewdiost mid moat reliable remedy. r'\en in the a.Uance-1 stages of consump- tion, thia wonderful preparation affords great relief, checks coughing, and induces sleep The DumUa Banuer ia level-headed when it remarks that "Among tfc bright- est of young writer* of to-day on the Canadian pnwa ia Jos) Clark of the To ion to Saturday A'lyAi, who ia doing some delightful writing over toe preaa uaoia of Mack. Rer. W. U. Hincks, L. L. B., f Owen Sound, will preach in the Metbodiat church on Sabbath next, morn inn and evening. Collections will be taken in aid of the Educational fund. Mr. Hiiic'.- wiU al* prrach at the Mraford road a;>- t in the afternoon. Elderly people remember their -; hitter* with a sliutUK-r. The pi-em t ration han; much to bv thankful f. r, not the le*t of their blensii'x* being took a pleinant and thoroughly cMWm e pr.i>(.' tntdicine as Ayor'a Sarsnparill . I h<Nilth-rvitorr and health nmiiitainer. Mr. Robert Carruthere, an oM of thia township, living about three miles north of Eugenia, died u \V-dnM'l iy of li.t week, after a short i'lneea.of inttun iiiatioii of the lung*, aged 68. The ('VIM ml took place on Friday to the S.iluu burial ground, and was liugi-ly attoiuied. A inctin>: of choeae fuct.iry |>Atrn was he 11 in the Town Hall on M-i. liv afternoon for the puipo.te uf Ictiim routes. Our nu^uat body of township father* genorou.Uy IJIIVB up thu ht',1 < the cbeme men, picked up tlir.r | i.- in and trotti ' >< street to Strain's block. where the l-i'a- mesa wan tnuu.vctnl. .Mii.u-.iM of tho ...niivil appear elsewhere. An U n 3-vvory Case. Tho S|.i-ini! Assies opened ii> <1en Sound i.n Tius.l.iy. A rathor uiu-nvi.ry caso is up for trial from this part, via. , lUul-y VH. Watson. \Ve be'.iovo lire tw caxva, oue of seduction o.ii'l ihc other for wageai. The dofeiulant uvo at Uromorc, and the p'.aiutitf it at prvaeot with her in >thor in Piojherton, ai-.d ia too ill to attend court. Tho lawyers fur pUint rt' and defendant took the woumn'a statement U)fr J. W. Arnutronx'. J . f. , on MomUy. The plaintiff is 35 yvara of age aud ha* lived with defeitduut fr the jwit eight years, by whom it is alleged .she haa had two children. W . Lindaay are aotinx for plaiutiJ and a JJoui.t Forest lawyer for the dofena-t. Mr. Thurp Wright tuut .!d .ne itiia-e.iiU llie Duihaui road r, t-i Mr. Guj i', r . ,imi rtutjd the (11 .'.i '.rd. I.B. I.nru.tar. !.<tcr. UarkUalr has $10,UCO private fund* to lendon farm 'i!"rtiM4i-a wi'.liiu the next few mouths -ol current rites. N muiiaa- K>:IS, no delays, r.tpviinea !<>w. Apply a4 !!'oe in M.irl-c!.:'.- il.irn _ tlie week or ut l>uut'.aik olLce on Saturdays. Auction Sato. Mr. Tl';) Wrig it wi 1 hold 1:1 exten- -iie oij ' uureaervtd .uj'.ioti tuleon Tuea- il.iv. Jl-i, uf v*]u;tl>le firm st>x;x a 'd ijiiiiV.i 1 '.. I'lvertuwoien t appearn eU^hvre in t! and .-oiiiiiin* a full l..t of tho st'icli an 1 iuiplv- mfiU to In.- ' T TV! f '! ia retiring fro;u th" :"II-M an 1 iut:st go. J. W. M .rro* will s!ii>^ the .cr. Wo have . fr.-.u Mr. J. D. .. win* U lepruieutiug the Lonann riser in Ot'.twa, au elaborate menu f the annual dinner of the parlia- i,,. in u-y Prc.Hs <;*ilen\ win h was .held ~ .turday evening List. of ihe (HMtjiti. ns are excecdiru;iy su/gi-stivo. in ;e not.blythe f'loiii(:: ConiradM. lean m hr. a iitt!, whil* as ja 'tis carljT morn : Lo*va aa hr. aud when I call you, bring mo In The Porest?n Concert to be held in the Town Mull thii (Thursday) evening. Much 9th, proiuiiws to be the event of the eeaeon aud everything point* to auc- cev. Tlie programme for the occasion will be one of the beet evor given in FUsbertoa, including as it does the cUvereatol of all comedian*, W. K. Ram- say, who aa a mirth maker m without an equal. Mirs Florence Brim^Mi, the chaiming yi>uni< soprano who will appear with Mr. lUmitay, ha* a voice which ranks among the lending sopnniw of of Canada, ahile Master Bedford Camp- bell, the wonderful boy banjoiat, in an artist with hi* instrument. Mrs. Sena Kjiusay, too, m a pianist of the highest order, ao the public may expect a treat and a crowded bourn; ahuld be the result !!> expected he would jump. But .:auu paneaid and no burglar ap- peared. In th meantime Mr. K. Furr r.-. P. Oogg had >ru out the 2 inch nail in t!i.- J ->r which amtined the bur,- Lr urt in, and Mr. P. Gog/, lamp in ':.c hand and haroiuer inthe other, aJrauccU up tile stain, calling \i\,n the burglar to surrender. "Not a sound was hear), not a fuueral nute," aa the proessv aion mountd the stairway, scaled the burglar'ti stronghold and found n<> burglar there no, not even a mouse. A aad- fact'd thmng descended the stairway, and two glory-hunting esteemed reaidvii'i took up a quick march for homa, disgust ed with themselves, and womrn, and burglars and things ia general One i f them wan heard to remark as be bltw out the light, "I hope to thunder the Advance man don't get hold of this. Auction Sale In Strain's Wick, Flesherton, on Sat orday evening March llth, of dry goods, clothing, boots and sihoea. \V, W. THIMBU. The 'bey*" had some fun with a yuang man from Inutioge uae svesuiig last week. The young man was making a a general "Jack " of himnelf 111 the hotel, the telephone bell rang, and it wes sug- gested to him that the police wcsie being telephoned for. He subaid^ for a little while. Then be staited ai again, when one f the boys, in a fur o*t aud cap, walked up to him and iuf-rincd him that he had better point for home or he would arrest him instanter. The yuung man "pointed," and went over the hill toward* the south at a rattling pace. The buys aforesaid are still laughing at the heroism displayed by the Inistioge youth, and it tickle* W. P. 0. nearly U death when he thinks of h w he "dis- persed" the fellow with his stentorian movo-on voice. A very iutertating eermony wss per- fi nmed itt the rtKidenee "f Mr. John KieMs on Wednesday of Uut week, when Utv. A. W. Ton^e united in niairiinouy ouhter. Mist Mary, to Mr. J. T. Stuiaou, who haa lately erected a hand- Koine brick residence ab>ut two unloi south of thiit*illage,and who is a inn of <>nr hon>red friend Mr. David Stin.n, A sumptuous repast was served after t!ie ccr nioiiy. The young peobfe ha ve bright pros- pects for their future, and the wishes of one 1 1 id all are that no cloud miy mir the serenity of their sky. There were a largo number of e.xcelleiit and useful prcaeute git en, sni"",' which wiut HII elegHtit ebatr preaeuted by the IIK-.H ben of the Methodwt choir, of which Mis. Stinaon has k>ng been a valued mouiber. The lady is a daughter of t!io Ute Capt. John Fields. Capturing a Burglar A largo amount of excitement wits cre- ated in a suburban part of tli > village lately over the attempted capture < i a burglar. A resilient of Fleahert >n, whisu husband U working io a di- town, was uro slio he*rd a burglar operating upaMirs. Getting a hammer and nail sha fsatcuod tho stairway dc.r ami sent in pt>st haslo for a neighbor to come and capture the animal. Tho neighbor was in bed, for it was pretty lato at night, snd his gi>od wife would not allow him to (fo without assistance. Accordingly Mr. P. Gojy was sent for aud his family aroused. In oompMiy with Mr. K. Furr, ih* gentleman of the first pat t, a descent was made upon the domicile of the defenceless female, while ladiea in the residence opposite, including Miaa P. Gogg, kept vigil at the window, in white garments, to see the burglar siit from the second story TrinJow, as it From oiu oien C'jrrttpundrnt Mr. Robert Carruthers died of nflam mation of the lungs on Wednesday morn- ing after a few days illneos. I>eceaad was a man whom to know was to love. He wan respected by all who knew him. By his death Eugenia Methodist church has loatt a useful member whose place it will be hard to till. Hia sorrowing wife and family have the sympathy of all the community ia their sore trouble and bereavement. He was a loving htwband and kiud father. A large number fol- lowed bis remains to Salem burying irmund. whore the Rev. A. Waddell con- ducted the burial aervicea. The perfection Hoop aud Veneer Co. haa not been working steady the past week. It is said they are taking stock. Mr. Henry Cairns has gone to viait fheuds at Alhston for a short time. Mr. John Williams, ST., ha* been ai> k Cur some time. He is now some better. Mr. Joseph A. Fenwick hae been on the sick lint for the past week. Miaa Kate Armstrong aud some other young friends gave Mr. James Williams a genuine surprise one evening last week, when they met at hut home and presented him with a beautiful writing deak,aUo an addresn. With vocal and instrumental music a very pleasant ever.-ng was spent l^ all present, while Jim thought afu-r all there in nothing half so sweet in life a* love s young dream. The succession of amateur bliaxarJ* we have had during the last six weeks has left the roads in a hopeless) state. The most-to-be pitied man ia the mail carrier, who. through all sorts of weather, mutt face the .it 'rms. I think this winter he hae earned bis pay dearly. THE F/M!T Th.-t AVER'S Sarsaparilla CURBS OTHcns of Scrofulous Diseases, Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, and Catarrh should be convincing that the same cou: so of treatment WILL CCRK YOU. All that has been said ot" the wonder- ful cures effected by tb use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla during tho past fifty years, truth- fully applies to-i'.ay. 1 1 is, in every sens.?, The Supciior McUvino. Us cur.'iive prc-peni^s, siren.. cffct, a:ul flavor arv always tha .-.<? ; and for whatever bk>oj diseases AVER'S Sarsaparilla is trxken, they yield to this treatment. When ycu ask for AVER'S Sarsaparslla don't be imjuccil to purchase any of liu" \\vrt !i!.?ss substitutes, which are nioj'Jy mixtures of the cheap- est ingredients, contain no sarsa- parilla, have no Uniterm standard of appearance, flavor, or effect. arc blood-purifiers in name only, and are offered to you because there is more profit in selling thc:u. Take Sarsaparilla PrM*rl h* Dr. J. C Avr-r ft Cot. Lovell. MAM. SoU b aO Dncis<; Prin i ; > kvalM, **, CLAYTON BOOT AND SHOE MAKEB. I nrj lirji stint n liiii, li h siH m; CUSTOM WORK TO ORDER. Repairing promptly attended to. W. CLAYTON, - - FLESHERTON. A Wonderful Medicine. Read the following interesting testimonies : South Amencan Nervine, the great cure ft* Nervouanetts, Nervous ProM- ration, Nervous Headache. Sick Head- ache, Nervous Paroxysms, Nervuus Chills, Nervous Chgkmg, Hut Flashes, Palpitation uf the Heart, Sleeplsesueas, Nervonsnms of females of all ages, Indi- gestion, Dyspepsia, Burning of the Stom- ach, Weight and Tenderness in the Wind upon the Stomach, Cat- . Al*., fib. t, 1&3. For 27 years the ADVOCATZ has pub- lished advertisements of patent medicines, many of which were xc. p- tionally good remedies fur the diarae** aud ills fur which they were recommend- ed. But we have nut yet heard as gnd re- _ , . port of any aa we haveuf the Great South arrh of the Stomach. Frightful Drwiras, i American Nervine Tonk, a lur^e adver- Nightmare, Ringing in tha ears. Vertigo tiaement of which we publish uu c ur and iliTsinMa. Fainting. Impure and Im- . second page. A lady subscriber ia Louisville, Ky , | wrote us some tun* ago asking to hare ! Mr. Stewart, the druggist here, to send her a bottle for her husband. In a short , Uine she wrote again ordering two more bottles aud aaid it was doing her husband good. A few days s no?, meeting one of our principal mer- chants who had bssn in bad health many mouths, we asked him how he was gett ing on : He said he was getting better every day, that he had found a patent medicine that he had taken taken sev- eral bottles of it and was gomg to con- tinue it, for he savs he would not take a thousand dollars for the good it haa al- ready done him. Inquiring what kind of medicine it was, , he told me it was the South American Hams* K. Hall of Waynetow*. Iml . says : "I owe By life to the Great South American Nervine. I had been in bed ' for five months from the effects of au ex- j liaualive Stomach, Indigestion, Nervous Prostration and a general shattered con- j ditioit of my whole system. Had given ! povcriahed blood. Scrofulous Swellings, Consumption uf the lungs. Female Weak- net).*, General Debility, Broken Consti- tution. Chronic Diarrhoea, and Debility of old age, all these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nerv- ine Tonic. Has your constitution been wrecked by an attack of La Grippe 1 The GOXAT Sorra Amui-Aji NEK VIM Tone wjjl quickly restore your shattered nerves, strengths* and cure yi ur digestive or- icaus, regulate your Liver and purify Y'-ur blood ; and restore yuu to p*rfec soundnesa again. This great Tonic should bit used after all sickness. Its powers to restore to health are simply wonderful. up all hopes of getting well. Hail tried thive doctors with no relief. The first bottle of the Nervine Tutnc impruved me so much that I was able to walk about, and a few bottles cured me entirely. I heliere it tha beat mediciue in the world. I cannot recommend it too high- IT-" Tonic. Hearing so much about this great rem- edy we interviewed Mr. Stewart, and be telLi us 'hat he can scarcely keep a sup- ply on hand as it anile as fast aa he can get it, and all those who uae it speak in the highest praise of it. H says he haa sent it tu Advocate subaaribers in Florida, Kentucky, North Albany, and other places. This is no paid stotioe, we publish it simply aa a tribute to s deserving reeo For sale by edy, and it it is doing good we are that it is in the reach of our sick tad. suf- fering people. W.RICHARDSOMJ/esherton. HEALTH FOR ALL. j Uollowa) s l\.'.i and Oinlmcnf THK BM Bt*J. earn** a*l IX THE OlNTMKiNT ^ - """ for SOUS THROAT, BROMCUiHS. COUGHS. COLDS tin^s, and %rt BMa Ptoiaess B MARCH i) GKAND CONCERT Tnder the Anspicos of the Ix oDii I> or IT K) K KS r K K S Tbc I'optilar Coiutdian >v. i:. n .v IMS AY AS31STKD 8T Ml Fl.i>HE)lc TUB DisTiNormititr- rumiiT Una. SK>A THE And the talented Yoaug Banjoiat. MASTER BEDFOKP C'AMPDELL Cure* others, will our* I PiX!ientini( a superb HVMOHOCS and Mcaicaj. ENTEBTAINMKNT. Ticketa: - * 15 A 25 Cents. Tailor. es all garmouU of men's wear iu the best stylo At short notice. All work gnaranted. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER, FLESHERTOIT