THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE c; ,v i.i.i : it v Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9 per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on ihe same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. SA Y! Farmers I Business Men 1 Everybody I The DDdenlfnedhaa started a new rarrit- afinufactury and repairing (hop In Klebt>rton -^liore yrm ean Ret your repair* done u snort -iii--> nn 1 on rraanuable terms. Citrrinur I rlin ininu. PBlsUlltff. KrBnlrlntc. n.l everything la the rarrle*.. making line Qire ui a call. Hetiefaclioa Huarwilned Shop over MoTavivb't smith Shop. Black E. T. Hamilton. n, Jan. ffl. 1NQ1, Good News TO MAMY I desire to eall tlie stutntiun of tlit public to iln- f.u-t thui 1 have opened A General Repair Shop lu cnnncction with tlio Fleihcrton Woollen Mill, and m prepared to do all kinds of Iron and Wood Turning^ Patterns inado. and castings got on short, nolioe I lisve not spaco to iin iiiiiin in detail the van. ty of work 1 can do, but ftuything you have in iron or wood thai requires mending. li in;,- it U) the Flesherton repair shop, where jrou msy depend on getting Tonr wort done neatly and subsUn lially. Having emery wheeli mi table for I will inako that a specialty for a fow weeks. Charges low, but trim strictly cash. Yours truly, W.H.FLESHER F ?. f,\LB OR TO LET. TJ The Public. Having r.-tit.-<I Whlttcn'i blaekimltb hop for a ii r in uf \ rM*, I am now In a I'oiitUiii tu ratvrlo all wftuU lu njy lino. lirsts.Nii| i SfKiilt;, ' For finytMtny in tin (!' <>>! H F. I. BUNT, Qppoalte llirr.anlaon'e Hardware HOT*. SOCIETIES. ROYAL TV MI-I.AUS OP TKMPEBANCB KcguUr Council meet* every Tueada; evening In S|ir..ul Moek at * p. ni. Select decree uniuraiiev) meets monthly, the Wednesday precodlug tbe Had of each month. SONS OP TF.aJPEBAHCB. Tbta encletv meete In Dr. CbrUtoe' Hall stsr>|Wss> neaday evenlnf at H p.m. VUltluf bretb eren invited. Iniurance Is cesiaeettea. iXKINCK AKTHUK LODOB Ho.SB. A.K. * A M . meet la the Manonic Hall.Slrmlu't block, KlOTherton. every Prldav on or l.ef-.r. tbefull moon. A. S. VaDduMB.W. st B'. Spreal Seerotarv. writ Kon4, The Vci'y PLACB IN CAHiVa TO OKT A AMBMM fake a Hound * r.4 visit all i otber IIIIKII,, .. Cf>niinerclal l>t>|*rtiuoU lu Cana'ia.ttieii vlilt y Northern HuinmB Collefff* . t'lMinine ore *y jmi: thnrouKhly. 11 we fall to produce tb g7ni thorough, complte, practical tuil eitu *e courae of study ; the beet colleRa priul aid the IM t and ujuet eona|>let ana utoet .mt i:. f iiiintiire and apvllance. we will ti> yo a full r.,ure KBKB. for Annual Auuouaee S>M i . |i riuf full pe^rtieulare. free, addreee c. VLEUING, Pttecl|MaL Notice to the Public The lleshtrton Milling Com- pany having purchased the n>l. Itr flour and saw-mtlh t lately owned by W. K. Fltshe* are making all necessary re nou.' f>airt to put them tn thorough rendition for turning out first class work, and for thai purpose were obliged to clou tht mills for a time. They art now open and are under the *tinagenutU. of Mr.J. W ford, a first class miller of long ex- perience, who respectfully solicits the public patronage in those lines. Highest cash price pa:d for wheat that the market will afford, and custom sawing done as usual. Chopping done every Wednesday and Saturday. TIE FLESKITO IILLilG CO. BALE. More .M.I awelllng. at FlMaertori Sta- 1 1. in . Ini >ale or to Ut ; In one pareel or ean I... nilxll>|ilril into 3 eliope e>nd 1 tele dwellliit; i<x or In other niasner aa mayi b* anre<l-- mllabls fxr >tor, tailor. dreMinaker and uilllliirr Appljf to W. lllic.l. rioabertou 8laMon 1'. O I'M- II III Illnrr Apple ptnir 190 arrcelard within two miles of Flesbartiin, so e i<;elUiit watr power mill ill* at Llule r'fclU upon the plaae : .10 ft. liea<t of water OD the wheol at present height f the ilam Will beaold In I blors. or tin. null etui by iteelf. and the land In paroel* from Ml* sr npnle >& nil FOkJ SALE. At 01.4, Knpliraela. fontalnlna lid *cr.. 1-JI acre* nl.wrnd M|>liflltt framo barn with Mat.) tar. Orvhar.l. enod watnr, I". kUeBsn n.ji About nil ac HI .i Haor ' i. 11 k-.'.l |.i,. . . JuiiS M AKTr i "'.t r ii HOPvSKMKN ! Pay Attectlon I -- 6 -- Tlajiiig purchased the liarncsi btwineit from Mr. Clayton, I wisli to intimate that my en- deayor will M to plsase ami Btisfy customers in uv work which may be entrusted to me. All kinds of bonsBsn'* re- quisiki kept w BSBsk, at low rates. (ooa sfiil. Soliciting jonr orders, 1 rcuiBiu l-s] rlfully . W.MOORE- Fl^s|lc^tol), Jdii. '24, lyii.'J. - - PrtB r Council held their regular meeting at BeD'a Corners on February Utli, mem- bers all preBunt, Ileeve in tlie [cl.air. Corbett Watson The Collector's {oil be accepted snd he receivu his pi), 80.00, slso 15.00 for postage and Utionury and $5.00 eipeiiaue) in reysru i lot 231, R. 3. Carried. . sim* 'I 1 !..- 1 M II of H. E. < : !.-n for atatiunary etc., $3.W be paid. -Carried. Corbett Wataon Juo. Doyle b psi'. KJ cents for repairing road scraper, l>tv. . (Diviniou money.) Carried. Corbett Louxlilio The Council be paid $4.00 each for two days in council. -Carried. Shaw WaUon Pathmuters be ap- winted to govern both sitlctoeMla and towuline betwssii West Luther and Tl> Fstiiniaater be instructed o put on equal amount of statute labor itb West Luther, and any elcess of sbor over the above amount put on tlie ill- r< lull in Uieir re*>(>ective booU. Tlie 'li-ik.ii be retjusstcil to emchange returns as to work perforated each year on th ownline between Lutiier and Proton ml ths Reefs is authorized to *ign the ngn-i nitiit betwevn Wust Lutlier and Voton. Carried. Lauyhlin Watson The petition nf ratepayer* applying to form Uni. .11 icho.ilii lie received, also John Mulhall n requekUntt chaii|{e front School 11 to School 14. Carried. Laughlin Sliaw A committee com- H d of Messrs. Corbett, \YaUon snd H. Black In- eni[N>wered to muet com- mittee i if A rlemwia on matters relative to t. nl me, at Proton Station on Fiiday, March 3n', pros., at 10 a. m., tho Cleik to notify Arteruesia council. Carried. L*ughlin Shaw The petition of Jas. FuusUin and four others f..r drakiinx pst of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Ooskcvssions be received. The towitship Kinrim--r t- make necessary survey snd report t> council. Clerk t futnish him with cepjr of petition. Carried. Lauxhlin Wstooo That the council adjosrn Ui nit-flat JollB Coanor's liotel, Uuinlalk, on Saturdaw the HUi March, at 10 o'clock a. in. Carried. JAME.S CAVAMAOH, Clerk. Rebecca Wilkiosxm, of Urnwusva ley, did., mys : "1 liud liuen iu a drtrHseil o for three yean from Nervous- ness, Weakneu nf the Stomach, Dytpep- sia antl Iiiilnjrxiinii until my healilt ws gone. I bout(lit bottle of Sou'li Am rricAii Nervine, which d->ne mo more K'>od tlian e>ny c.">0 worth nf dooturiut; ever did in my life. 1 would .ul\ IM every weakly |wrs<Hi to use this valualilt) and Ini-ely reine.'y. I consider it the ainlrst nivilioine in tbn world.' 1 A trial bottle will eiinviiico you. Warrant d by Richardion A Co. * ss>rry Council. The of Osprey met in thi Oiange Hall, Kerenhsm, on Fubruary th acoording to adjournment fron: January Kith but. Memhera all present, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of lasl meeting read aiwl signed. Communication* were resxl from County Treasurer re lift of l.nnU liable to ! sold fur arreaia of taxes in lH!i:t. Kii'in Dniiiinioti Alliance asking the council to siun tu tlm Legisla- tive Assenilily <>f Ontario asking lliein U Hubmit a direct vote to tlie pe-'iplu on i IVnhibiti>ry Liqur law the counci directetl the Keeve and Clerk to ni^n tin ineninrinl on behalf of the council am forward thu same to Mr. Sp.-iu-.-, Sec retsry. From Provincial IViard of Health re attention nf local board of aanitary laws From the Aud.trs re report on ac count* of IMII-J, which report was ad<ipted anil ..ul. -ml to be printed with the miimtcn nf 1892 in pamphlet form. liy la w No. 307 to appoint orrners n Hilivry, Puuiul keeper*, Funce View en for lo'.IJ ri-cuived its several reading* itM'l pa.sHt-il in CKiuinittuo nf tin. whole. Ordera wure insuexl on tlio Trfaiurea t pny ui f. illimn : Jaincs 1'i.itsninl Robert Urn n, Auditor*, $10 i m li, anil Uobert It.attv, Indigent, $3.00. > OverHoe-n nf Highway* for 1803 : Jas. C. Johnson, 0o. (iruiniuott, Jan. Mills, Ja*. Holiiiison. IVtur 8n dor, \Vm. TeJ ford, Win. Surolt, Fsirl.-y Hnj^, C Mitchi'l, Thus. Sheriitlsn. John Juhiis Thoa. Ross, Joaeph Jamieson, Di< Mscklem, Dsvid Armour, Samuel Gray Fnneis Arnntt, Qe->. Conn, John H Miry, Wm. Silley JoBn Jamienon, Jolm Pvrguaon, Isae, Tho*. gin*, John Chialett, Mix-it Itrowni i<lg,< Th.n. Pri.wnriiV.'v, \\iii. Hay.-s, .l,,lu HiiiL'. Nelm.n W. Soitt. Htvtm- \V. D.nHld, I'lnui. T. Phillips. J..|in KU-I..H ; \\ . \V. Meet? Ailniii Kini-ir, Huaii Bt'i ', bam 1 Brownridge, ,)nni Madden, Oeo. Hale, Rofai. .1. Alliater, ii. Tempest, John Cauipbbell, Alex. .1,1 1.., i . M, Thus. Stephens, Wm. Smith, Inn. Crawfmd, Jss. B. Thoinpi.n, A. l.'lling-heitd, Ssm'l Paiks, HUK'I Adair, Bowens, Thoa P^ul, Joaeph Mjrerr, R..U. McLeod, W. J. Buckinxhssi, sate Hswtoii, Th.*. Freethjr, \Vm. iiistnw, jr., Jos. Barber, Robert S. Me- iirr, Alex. Sinclair, Duncan Fletchir, Neil McLean, Edward Currie, Allan Bell, L. Bowennsn, Jas. D. Christie, Wm. Edwards, Duncan McDouxsl, Alex Cameron. K.-.-;..-r-i: John Johftsun, Jukn Madill, Edwsid Blackatock, SA.IIU. I D. Donei, Kol.t Brownk e, Robt. T MeGi , Neil McLtan. Fence Viewers : John Arnott, James ...uiiH.,ii, Enoch Silley, Wm. Sproulr, lias. Miu-liwl, Saiu'M;. iy, .Toha Kiton, John Hudson, Jas. Elliott, Angus Cam- eron, Titos. McConnell jr.. Hector Mc- Donald. Council adjourned to meet st Mclny e .n March 'JOtli next. ! of > THE undersigned begi I. ;o. to r. quint the inlmbttanUcf l-'Uflii n..t> sn . surrounding country Ilia'. Le thi pursuaeetl (Lr Floor, Fted On Sl..rr, from Bielisrd PrJltr, wbtre he ill continue to keep on band good supply uf Cboeie Floor, Feed nil Grocrn-,Mt Lowes* Prices. Conrteiy and Squire IV-sliui; wll/ l tli order of the JUT at Mrnslrrswn'M. MtS>re We li"| * that the Old Culomor* T ill continue to patronise ut and a ipriuk' /ing ut new one*. KhruiuatlMn nr-d in dm? - > ntli American Rheumatic Cure I r I: 1 . mi Mid Neuralgia cum in 1 to 3 dy. lu action upon the syxleni i* remarkable and wysaeruiua It removes at once the CHUM juvl I he lirae immediately dintppesua. Tin- lint ilnae greatly benefits. "!'t cents. ed liy Richsrdaou A Co. MrLran BrsrcJ. HOBSINOB' M i i.i.-. Kfi.y 27. People of tliia villnge ami vicinity who resul witk wonder and t.n.ihu* m the BiarvclniB cunt Dodd'i Kidney 1'ills made in the caw <>f Ram Murphy of Gravenhunrt, and Mrs. Brown, of Toronto, which seemed too startliag tu be true, srem w n-i lungs* m d.U thai Dodd'a Kidney 1'ilU are th greatest laedicine on earth aa laiTv Bas toeju a care rili t here ill tli Tillage altt't M wonderful. Mr. Win IfcLans-of thi> BBu:e has 1% months been i reveled with backache, nervousness, lack / aawWkeek, loas of appetite and flesh tyssptons winch only rxist when the fell il.-Htr-.yer, "Bright'* Disease," hat the victiaa in its. grasp, which is generally n - gardt-das incurable. Mr. McLne luu been tlnTHixlily cured by a twu months' u* uf tins remedy and frankly says that they aavud his life. V M. J. Vickers, ( Nntlaws, dropped dead while uiving recitation at a Y. P. 8. of C. E meeting at that placo. The Eailway. Trains leave Flc.herU>n Station as folluwa : 001 NO NORTH. UOIJCO SOVTH 11.42 a in. 6.52 a. m. '.i -."-' p. m. 4 69 p. ni. H'n Bronchial Balaam will cure coughs, c>ld, bronchitis and asthma. To Preserve The richness, color, and beauty of the hair, the frreate*t care is necessary, much harm being done by the use of worthless dressings. To be sure of having; a first-class article, ask your druggist or perfumer for Afsr'l H&lr Vigor. It is absolutely superior to any other preparation of Ike kind. It restores the original color and fullness to hair which has become thin, faded, or gray. It keepa the scalp cool, moist, and free from dandruff. It heals itching humors, prevent* haMncia, and imparts to THE HAIR a silken texture and lasting fragrance. No toilet can, be considered complete without this most popular and elegant of all hair-dressings. " My hair began turning B~rsy and falling out when I was about 25 years oi are. ! have lately been using Ayer's I lair Vigor, and it Is causing a new growth of hair of the ra*ural color." R. J. Lowry, Jones Prairie, Texas. "Over a year ago I had a severe frver, and when I recovered, my hair began to fall out, and what little remain- ed turned gray. 1 tried various remedieti. but without success, till at Ut 1 began to USE Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidly and b restored to its original color.' --Mrs. Annie Collins, Dighlon, Mass. " I have used Ayer's flair Vigor for nearly five years, and my hair is moiat, glossy, and in an excellent state oi preservation. I am forty years old, and have ridden the plains for twenty-five years." Wm. Henry Ott, n/iui "Mus- tang Bill," Newcastle, Wyo. Ayer's HaSr VSgor \yecftCn.. I . Eggs Taken in Trade. PlewM' and Fords Floor AJwaj-B on Hand. Wm Henderson. Card* JOHH W. ARMSTRONG. Fuwusrrod. Ce. Cln ISIOK COUBT CI.rOBSrOrB B K.. Conveyance*. Ac Afjrat fsr pwefcaee . Ski sU *f teas*. amalMe; te*C L. C.Ces* aad K.P. B * S Sees***. Moo., to Lea* OB tBe avtrsae*Mlserana. Issrast otr MIBBUOB UCBMBBB. HOT* XT PUBLIC. MONEY TO LOAN. Ike sdMSsifBsd has s Wgi aaioaat of So loSB at to/o OB towo or fares B. DAHCl'I, Wises* v W.JL BELLAMY. CWiX Ar Maw*y * Isarf s* M. ft. HAMMOND DR. HUTTOH M. D. C il . M. C. P. * B Vfla. we and OOas *a of t*w lth*4srt CkiBMk, Kaotoas DR. CARTER . C. P. * 8 . *. 1-nlrlao. ,arto tc., Flssbtrtoa. OAse Strafe's MMB HraMrur< MnxhaWi hoWL DRS. 6PRODLE & EGO, Markdal*. Oat. Oflke llanly's Jr., tor*. T. 9. BproU, M. D., Itr AHB* Kgo. M. D.. Kto . Ui. of Totlisim. OB Dr. Ego will U (,*,,d si It* Ma/MaU Ho*. M Iffal. J P. OTOWOL, Tvtsrtaarr B>rfo*. Onrfaali of Or> larie narrCollsfSX iiHu of I-Uh-. taAor ^^ J. F. HAL8TIAD, If. P. . M. O. P. * --!. Pi.- ^ ftariay. JUtens h. ,0nt . P r%et,^,. at . . , , lis SI assail a apeeiall* J. P. MARSHALL, U D. E., U. D. B.. I> Vi.iu Mark. Ssl lh Ut snd Srd Wednesday ol fast) south. KWbertou Kaoh teip oo Ibc da clluwlng. J. W. FROST, Bswriaisr, BoUsstor. Cooveysatesr, Els. FWherton offleei Memt tbe fort cttos Spi.-uU'. bsil.twg. am Tburtdavs. Oers) Buvjsvl emee gross's ImiMiBB. P McCDLLODOH, Barrister, Solicitor, Kle. Offie* over Ms- rartand's sbve. atarkdale. Muuej tu LoaB. WRIGHT & LINDS4Y, l'i r iii.r. eollitore, etc.. Oweo vound Owe. rieahertoii ofllcwat illu-li,.n . bMk. Wedneedaa ( BSSh work. sluae to lue>o at lowest rate*. W. H. \VHIUUT. .. LotMa. Rs J. Sproulo, pOSTSt A8T. FWk*rU.,Oos, * st IB B. m., UIIMIJ Aaetio* janc, Appraiasr and M.^ey a4 Wills SMWQ > sas) TalnajttusM sa,ai oa stirwIaM aoUe*. Its* tioo He>e S4lslsj to .c a.; BSNy el(k Coantv. Ucoej to I.MMI at lowsa* rasas Sa> ltMs4. CeJIeatioM auj dMBaleh. l l<if Ihe Dominion "* ---- "irisiUBj,. (heitp i Ickei. from VK-anci tun to ItTTrysst. (i:nB<.w, I... i^l, .n or unv of the Brltirkj l'iiie. iuUiid'ng tp lit- Ecntlainl i-r l.xUud, will please ask ral+eaeVi ore pi nU.iug their tickets elsewhere.