VNJUNO OFFICE or GEO. MITCHELL, FLKSHKMTO.V. \ ;nn irl banking business transacted l>r ift i4*nl an I ebetiiiee oaahod at usual raMe Uoiit> always available (or lexltiinate busi : two doors north of Klchardion A Go's. Vicinity Chips. f 'h :i r artrrlat Ir r Ike l*Mt Week Careftilly < ulled for the ntttmt among leal trill kt at tlte ratt of 1"<: per line f<ir r i,-k ttuertioH. .1 r*intt*m "ill he UN contract* fur !'"> lincj or oter. WoOt> WiNTEli. II arriw m's furniture t< re. Mine Chialett, ..f Ravenna, ia the guet < f Mr. P. T. Aitemniia township council meets on Monday next, 6th March. Bro. Mitchell, of the Durham Chron- icle, viaited in t jwn on Monday. Misa M. Richardson is in Toronto thia week attending the annual millinery t 'pelting. Mr. J. A. lin ne, of the Toronto typ foundry, called upon The Advance on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of Stayner, were visiting with Mis. Jaa. Brecrft last wevk. Miss Ilattie Smith, who has been vi itin<! friends here for some time, left f r 1'. on Another wind and n..wst..rui blockeil up the r.da on Tues In} so the Kim 1 1 i-lt-y mail did not ifet through. Boot* ft ShsrH. M RicbarJton tft Co liave some Special bargains t > offer in lid leather fix4 wear ae tlieni. Owing to a snow plough bein^ off thu track at Kleinburg our Toronto mail did iii t arrive until five o'clock on Tuenday. MprtttsT l*rlnt. Kisrt eonstgnemrats j-it npentd st M. Richaidaon A Co'a M.'ie K-autiful than ever the ladie Rev. A. \V. Totijje and Miss Christoe an- liele-.-ateM this Week to the Epworth League convuiition in Toronto. They left oil Monday. Owing to a delay in the mails we have ben unable to get several bud- gets of eorrespoBdeoce in type for thu Mine. They will appswr next week. salt M sam sjdrauce on coat that they have had for ft ur year* past, for caah 96 cents at siaiion, $l.i'"> at warek-oasea KiesherUni. A couple of gentlemen have called dur- ng the past week t > stiij that the silt UUvwred at this station did n-.t cost $1.08, a leported, bat 91-07 per barrel. We are glad to niaku this correction. The Eugenia Hoop A Veneer com- pany made their first shipment of manu- factured goods this wek, consisting of two car loads consigned to a firm in Toronto. Mr. Jonathan Hicicling, of the 8th con., informs us that there is some talk of starting a cheese factory on his farm. There is a fin* spring ou the place, suit- able for such a purpoae. Business i* quite brisk at Mr. J. K. Moore's sash and door factory. He has lately made a purchase of a considerable i|Uantity of pine lumber from Mr. W. Best, of Wodehoute. There are four hands employed in the factory at present. People with dvlicate stomachs find Ayer's Sartaparilla agreeable to the taste, and therefore, prefer it as a blood purifier to any other. This is one reason for its -real popularity as a spring and family medicine. Safe, cettsin, and palaUbl*. AB a mechanic Mr. U. Fleoher cannot be excelled in these part*. This gen- tleman did a bit of repairing last week to une of our | rti-.-cs which is a crvdit to him at an artuan. Anyone desiring work done in the mechanical line cannot do better (ban apply to Mr. Flesher. "I're tried all aorta of blood -purifiers.' said an old lady to a "cutter," "and you can't persuade me that any other Sana-' pinllaisaM good v Ayer's." There's where she had him. She knew that Aj er's was the best and v did he, but it paid him better to svll a cheaper THE FLESHtiRTON ADVANCE A* "Sons of lUat," M the ployed style th^ni*-lve, met t Mr. W. IVtcht-'s nn M"ii-la,j and cut several cord* of vr.N>.| for that gentleman. It M uch iin thing for some of t!ie b-.y* to tin i th:ualv<* at wurk that they a..-to.illy had ih.-mwlvrs photo. graphed in tlie act The picture* will be kept M heirloom* ill the ,.vrl families * that posterity may see for eftse If how its forefather* toilud. The y Century hwi been out of print for .m- time, anJ .-f the February iiouiber thu publishers now have unfilled order* for more than tiva 'houmml copies awaiting a new edition. A large fint edition of the March Century, containing the Rnminucences of Napoleon at Elba, will be ready nn the tint day uf March. live yi.ii pam your subs) npbn to this paper for 10BQ T If rit please do to at '.no- Kime w*nk* we at>nt out accounts Ui several tnUierihvn wh are in arrears, but the reoponao* have Wen very uiisalia factory. We lo not like to force payment*, and would much rather ln-lu-ve that there i* not a subscriber on the li-t who would deliberately refuse payment. But in a few iimtances, if this thing go-s on much longer, we will he obligttd to adopt this ooiicluiiion and take The Spriiitfhill Patron 1. "!-. at Wright's schoolhouae, he'd an entertain- ment on Friday evening Ust which WHS well Patronizrtl. or in other words there was a good turnout. Good refreshments were provided. Mr. J. Black, of the station, held down the chair in graceful style. Thu Proton orchestra was present and rendered ch >ice music. Mr. Thorp Wright gave a short speech oh the benefits of the order. Dialogues, singing, itc. , completed a very ihtcn sting programme. All wen- hiijlily pleaned with the entertxinment. Prm-wwiis amounted to about seventeen dollars. A grand Conceit will be held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, March 'i. under the auspice* of Court Fltsshorton, I. < >. O. F. The beat talent in Canada haa been secured for the occasion, including tin 1 ureateat of all comic ningers, Mr. W. r . Itituisay. Mr. Ram.siy is without il..ubt the cleverust in hi* line. II in comic long* and funny saying* nieot with [">p- ulir favor everywhere. Asiilu from t!:u "Miitli maker." ihu |ml 'I : will bo iitfnrded u trcit in thi- p;icari!iOL> i.;' Flreucu Briinson, one of the 1> soprani s of Csiisc'u, l urn niakinguname fur herxelf in the iiiuiical world. Mrs. Lena Ramsay too. will delight theaudiencc with her piano solos, while Master Bed- ford Campbell the cleverest banjoist of his age in America, will no doubt astonish the audienoe by his wonderful playing. A It. .ji-ther a treat is in store for those who attend the concert. At a Meting held in the Town H ill u Friday night of Ust week for the purpose f forming a Mechanic's Institute, the following directors were appointed : Pres- ident, M. Richardao*. Directors, W.H. ThurstoB, W. A. ArmstronK, Rev. J. Wells, W. Irwiu, A. M. Gibson, John DmiM, Thoe. Clayton, B. O. Evans. W. J. Bellnmy. Mattsrs will be pushou without any delay and the organ ration compluted. There aro already seventy, five subjcriV'rs am) many n ire havj xixnihdd their intention oi joinin at an early day. Th i-e who hare had the mut- ter in hand have met with the most gratifying success and a sp-mti'ieou* response to theiovit.Uion to join in the good wurk. Those who hare n >t done an, and de*ire to join, should hand in their name* at onoo to W. Armstrong or W. H. Thuratoti, thereby having the honor f becoming "charter" members, as it were. The more subscribers there are to start with the more extensive will be our library. People living in the surrounding Country, as well ss villagers, should not hesitate to take advantage of the privilege. FevenhMi Honor Itoil FIFTH CLASS: Edgar Pul. FOUSTH CLASS J.ilui A. Hale; Neecher .'ullon; Klii* Morley; Henry Hal*; Jennie Bruce William Coulthard; Thomu Pet Igo; Ci t hari n Coutts. To i nn CLASS Samoa William Daod; A. B. Huckiuvlmin. Lewis Sanderson; ! Heltinui; Mm-v E. Hudson; Harvey i'orujo; 8. M. White-oak; Alvan Hudson. JOKIOBS Gertie Paul. Annie U. \Vblte- <.. O. B. Davldsoo Minnie H. Buckingham; alabol Conron. Kusarl Mctiirr, William Couttn; Maggie Daud. SBVON 3 CLAM 8mon Thomas Conroo; Willin IVrii. >. Bobort Brown ; William Brown; Fred Hale. Hlobard Hraokeubury- Juwioas Fred Brown. Ira Palmer; Albert Paul; Charles Hurke FIRST CLASS, II l'T-My Palmer; Bbird Colquette; John Hu.lnon; Jiuu Hudson; Vernou Conn. I PxaT Nettiu Parigo Hubert Wblteoak; Ida, Bert brown. ii sTiii IITCE Two r.irmrr* Take a With a -Jax" on. KCNNIHO AMft-K or A FEEIOHT TRAIN ONE HOK.SE KILLED THE oTIIKB HI 111 Kl. m Taw SNOW "BIUY" TAKEN TO THE woooa. An eacapade which has been the talk of the countryside took place on Tuesday night of last week, the principals figuring in which were Mr. Jos. Heattie and Mr. W Galbmilh, two fairly wall -to-ilo farm- ers living in the Orange Valley, two miles north of thia place. The two men, who aro ncixhbora, hnd that after noon driven down to Flesherton station for salt with Mr. Galbraith'a tunin. and on their return stopped in town to dm- cuaa municipal matteisand other tiling. It was after ten o'clock when they U-ft for home. Upon arriving at Seattle's sideroad, two niilus north of here, Mr. Galbraith, who owned the team, got off thu sUuh and started off for Home place, the identity of which he he is not quite positive himself. He says he walked to Berkeley and back, across lots and through the tmnh. Mr. 1'xtattie drove on towards horn*, and when opponite Mr. Burnett's residence un.-oupled his hohs, leaving th.t hind one., with the box and salt, besi.le the road. He then proceed- ed on his journey, turning west front the Orange Valley, proceeding until ho came to the railway track which he evidently thought would be a short cut home, and drove southward along tlie track. Ho had nt gone far until the ni,'ht freight loomed up in front of him. Ho says he r<unenibera xuemn "the darn thing com i i-,',* 1 and rolled off his bob-sleiiih into into the ditc'i, and scraml.led out of the way. One of the horses wan struck behind the foreshonlder an instantly killed. The other was tlirowu into a bank of snow nnd came out of the mdfiil uninjured. The bnb-slei^h H!HO came out of thu ditch wiihouta scratch. A sc<trclung paity found Mr. UalUraith in thu unrly iii'-rn iii'i near Mr. Andrew Seattle's, tramping around in the tit-Id Olid coiiiphuuiiu cause there was no track. Alto..;,-! rr two iiii-ii had a rnther wonderful experience. Tin-re it n slight sus|>ici.'ii in thu u of many that thu two scarcely mnipm iin-iitin on tliin occlusion. Thore is littlu UHJ trying t.) tiuure up h;vi. their two barrels of suit coot them. Some of our temperance societies should bo able to secure a couple of cuudidati'H about now. Itch, Mange, and Scratches on human or nminals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This nevrrfails- Warranted. by Win. M. kithardsoi. roi > r i AMI IMS run r Governor Miller received another dim- cult charge last week, in the person of Amos Edmunds, a violent lunatic from Allan Park, near Durham. He was com tuitted on the 14th inst. and since that time has made severaj attempts at suicide, sustaining on the tirst occasion two haJ gaihes in his head by trying to beat lim brains out againat the cull gritting. Smca that he has been constantly watched. 11 H violence is confined to attempts upon his own life, and otherwise he gives no trouble. Advert sur. The Banner says : It IS funny h. w people discover thu iiii;inrt.kin; j and intlueiice of a newspaper w!ioti they get into a scrupu or do something thuy uru aahamed of. They live for years without subscribing, and when us'.; 'd to advertise say 'It don't piy ;' but thu m tutu they get into a scrape they ruih to the news- paper and request them not to s:iy any- thing about it. Ur, in coso of trouble in which they happen to bn mentioned, then they realize iinmcdiutcly that the pap r has a circulation, ami they don't want their name spread all over. Ap- preciation for a newspaper should be in before you get into trouble." The Mnnitoba Prohibition league con- vention hs piiwi-tl a strong resolution rciniuting the lieutennnt-giiventor ami the legislative osaenihly to rnact mich laws mi will, undt-r sulti. ii-nt iiunaltitit, etfectually prohibit tlie liqu >r truttic in that province. A tire at Avion hut Sunday night do- stp yi'd the Hour mill nnd one Htorvhounu of Wenger <& Bros. The fire started in the storehouse in which a chopper was run Although strenuous efforts were timde by the villagers to save the mill which stood about 40 feet distant, owing to the alwenoe of fire protection they were unable to do >. The mill, which had a capacity of about 200 barrels per day, WON one of the best equipped roller nulls north of Uuelpl;, ai>U full uf wheat and flour* The loos is a heavy one, being in ihe neighborhood of t40.000, on which there ia an, .insurance of 918,000 CLAYTON BOOT AND SHOEMAKER. * ^~ *^^^^*^^^*'^^"""*^^^^ > j > ^ l * g>< " > y > ] ><> ^HggBE^sW very larp stout on land, li be soli roy cto|. CUSTOM WORK TO ORDER. Repairing promptly attended to, W. CLAYTON, - - FLESHERTON. A Wonderful Medicine. Read the following interesting testimonies : South American Nervine, the gnat cure for Nervousness, Nervous Prost- ration, Nervous Headache. Sick Head- ache, Nervous Paroxysm*, Nervous Chill-., Nervous Choking, Hot Flashea, I '.limitation of the Heart, .SleepluMiie>n, Neivouniu'ss of females of all aites, Iiidi- gftn.n, Dyspepaia, Burning of the Stom- acli. Weight and Tendi-niusH in the Stomach, Wind u|M>n the Stomach, Cat- arrh of tlie Stomach, Frightful Dreams, Niuhlmare, Ringing in the ear*, Vertigo and dizzmosH, Faiutinv, Impure and Im- poveriwhed bloixl, Scrofulous Swelling*, Consumption of the lunipt. Female Weak M. -s-t. lo-ni-ral Debility, Broken Consti- tution. Chrome Diarrh<ea, and Debility of old age, all theee and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nerv- ine Tome. Haa your constitution het'ii wrecked by an attack of La Unp|>e ? Thu (J at AT s II-TH- AMEKICA.X NEKVINB Toxic will .(iiickly ri-stote your shattered nerv.-s, stieiintlieu anil cure your diu'enlive or- ifsuis, ruguUti your Liver ami purify your blixxl ; and restore you to prrfec* MiumlneHH again. Tlrs )trvut Tonic should !> used nfter all sicknrs*. I'M IMIW.TS to restore U> health ate simply wonderful. Harriet E. Hill of Waynetowii. IIM! . "1 owe uiy 1 fe to the (ir.-ut Soiitli Ameiiciiii Neivine. 1 had been in l-.l for live ni'iiitliH from the etfectM of an ex nipped from, Advocate, GreemUt, Ala.,, feb. 2, ;. For 27 years) the ADV.KTAT* has pub- lished advemswmenta of various pau-nt medicines, many of which were ncrp- tmnally good remedies for the disease* and ills fur which they were recommend- ed. But we have not yet heard as <! re- port of any as we have of theOraat South AaMrican NVrvine Tonic, a Urie adver- tisement of which we publish on our second page. A lady subscriber in Louisville, Ky. , wrote us some time au asking to have Mr. Stewart, the drugiat here, to aend her a botile fur her husband. In a short time) she wrote again ordering two more bottle* and ssud it was doing her huHDand good. A few days since, meeting one of our principal nier- cliantH who had been in bod health many months, we asked him how he wan gett iliK on : He i-aiil he wnn getting better every day, that he hail f.nnid a patent medicine that he had taken taken sev- eral bottles of it and wna j!" m '-i to con- tinue it. for he says he would not take a thousand dollars for the good it has al- ready I'.H'i- him. Inqu ring what kind <<f medicine it waa, he told in-? it was the South American Ntrvine Tonic. HUHDIIK *<> much about this great rem- edy we interviewed Mr. Stewart, and h* ti-lls iis 'hat he can warcely keep a suj>- baustiru Stomach, Ii.<lii:eiition, Nervous p ; y ,, | liU1 ,l . m lt sell, *a fot as he can strat . n Hli.l a i;eiiutal hlint'eri-d con- Jition of t:iy whole system. Ha.l given up all Impel of uetuini; well, irietl tb no duct ir* with no lelief. Tin- tiist bottle of thu Nervine Tonic improviHl inu so much that I was aide to walk nbout. and a few bottle* cured m entirely. I believe it the bet medicine in the w.'Hil. I cannot recoinm. nd it t-.o high- ly." For sale by net it. ana ail those who usu it i-pe^ik in the hiuheat praice of it. He BUY* lie h.i> w lit it t.i Advocate sulisci ibrr 111 Floridn, K. nt ;n-!,y, North Allmny, and other p bices. Tins is no paid notice, we publish it simply as a tribute to a deserving rem- edy, and if it is doing go>l we are glml that it is in the reach of our sick and -.uf fering people. W. RICHARDSON, Flesherton. HEALTH FOR ALL. \ llollowa) s Pills aod MitaMgl THE PILLS Liver, 8tomtli, Iviln*> ~, and Hvl~- , Invlaorateanl roetir U> beaUb UebUltaitedCoiwtitatiiwa. and are InraluabU ii> >BBV plaiuUiuci.loatal to K<malos of all as**. K or (Till. iron .uj.l tlie aged they in THE 01MTM HINT an Intallibl rsraeav tor Had Lujn, Uad Ilreaate. l.l Wo Sores and Clears. It ia ( trout .oi.l llheumatlaui. fat dleorders ui tli CbMt It Uas no equal ForSORK THROAT, MtfWCIIlTIS. COUGHS, COLV& Ulandular Swellings, anil all Skin Dlseasee It haa no rival; and for contrasted sad stiff JoiuU It ai-t Ilk* a charm. Xuiafaoturwt only at Prefeeeor BOLLOWAT'S kTstabllibment. 7H. New O ifrl Strel ( lale S33, Oxford Hlreet >, LwaislsMs. BO aro sold at Is. Id.,2.. d.. >. 6d.. lls, .. and s. eaoh lo or Pot. anJ may W he* efsJi Me* k-liin Vendors Uirouiihout tba worlfl. PvrchaMtr* A./i.W <m the Putt and Boxtt. If * Losufcn. fc'v >r spurwtis. Tin i.siivv KVKMNO MARCH THE GRAND CONCEET Tailor I'n.ler the Ausjiicc'S of tl . FOKK8TEKS Tlie Popular Conudi.tu VV. li. it .\. M HAY ASSISTED BY Tun mABMiNo OP.B*}|" PTJIR/l^nM Mix KI...I.I--. IJAllUCUn Tun nisriMii isiirn PIANIST D A UQ A V XI us. SICNA It A MO A I And the talented Young Banjoiat. MASTER DEDF01U) CAMPBELL Presenting a snperb HVMOROCI an.l MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. Tickets; .... 15 * 35 Cents Ylakts all garments of men's wear in tbe best stylo at short uotice. All work guaranteed. A trial solicited. F. A. BAKER; FLESHEKTUB^