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Flesherton Advance, 23 Feb 1893, p. 4

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THB FLESHERTON ADVANCE FLEtiHKBTOW. - - Published weekly r. II. Thurnton Advertising Kates : On* Column. 1 year. *o ; half col . 1 year, ZT ijuartur cul , no >e.r, *15. TianM.. ut ulrertUement charged at the rat* * -nt- IT UIID lor flrl Insertion ami ceuta utwh subwiquent Intel lion. The Dominion voters lists will be mistil this year. Tlioso who were belling on a general election within tic n< xt few months will lose. A bill has been introdnci-d into l>ai liiutut aud read a second time reg- ulating the working day for all wc"k- 1111:1 employed by the government or by government contractors, and mak- ing the limit eight hours. This is a step iu the rigbt direction. D-.iring the past week the Budget Las been receiving undivided attention iu the Dominion Parliament aud still holds the boards. It is said there is Lot uiuch business to attcud to aftr-r the above is disposed of, and that par liauieut will proroguu early in March. Toronto is having a terrible time \\iili her water supply. This other da* a man drank a glass of it and fell ilcud without a word. The Hamilton Spectator informs us that the stuto- u.i..t that "blood is thicker than water," has bein successfully refuted I v a Toronto scientist, who submits a b A-.l Ijjuldrr cf the city water as I f. It id so bid that mudcats arc l.u., i. am;; this winter in the water i occasionally drop through. Tl.t water itself is such that only an .1 i unuige eater can drink it .1 strangling. I...-. ouu'lit to be money in the 1 . . i . .ass this jear, with the I . i! in.' at such a l\v ebb and L.. i . it) cciii.s a 4-lb. loaf. It 18 said that l\ Ibs.of lluur will inuko a '2 11). luuf. \v! ii-h H tails at 6c. A Imnc-l ol i . 1:1.0 it/.i., would ilnTiTuir make i:;:i \i-l'o. leaves, woilh 8 >.i>5. \Viih - > 'i the profit lundins at ~i. As many L'ukiTs j-et tlieir .il, tali .- an ixlru pu- : ul>uiil -IU cents a barrel may hi !, which makes tin; pay for buk- i barrel of llour just 8U.45. 1 ..U- tin- pj'jr editor who hits a LI !|'i., .it. uh'.i knows how to bake . oi-L-aJ. No interruption, please; we speak from experieiicd. 'iluil:- tone's Homo Rule bill 1. :.- ,.i.l its tirst re<ulii)g in tlie lintiri'ii Mouse of Commons, aud and n'l'. .11 >i to be received witu favor by tli^ Irish Party. It is a lengthy ' c jiitiiining IIS section*. An ai' to fi iends on this side the, V..VL I'M i 1 I iinU, Hi^iicvl by nil the In.'li Icii'leis, says that the bill forms ag a \vholo a bi<u<l and solid and en- during I'lan of national self-govi m- I i Iit-luiid. They anticipate its p the House of Commons ilifl'ioulty, but that it will be i!.iu\vi. "at by the llouso of Lords, and a bitter fi^ht will ensue bofon .y is attained. The CVHO'i-uis to L.' badly iii need of money jllil II'IW. Tl,.-- church in Canada ;i|.| /i .1 lually bwUtaUaf t It has become I'liie agii,.iul fus'.noii in these days tu fcxtrii i iiiviuti j:: , in ' p irliculur K i. .iporlant chiirchos. ,11-1,1.1 i-'ji'.t-i!, to tlio stationing . >:i." Tlia reason > i i find, but the p.uc tn tj hivo "juit growed," utiujj with the weal Ihioi congregations and now being fast imi- tated by the poorer. It is a question which the conferences should legalise or discard. Under the present plan of tin ee-year-teu. nro such a system would not work well, in our belief. As it present worked the wealthy churches always (jet the man they desire, but those of less account ouly succeed in so far as the station ing committee can arrange matters, and it is found impossible to grant the re- of every church, outside of the wealthy ones. Herein lies a rock which ia hard to remove. run-ons Prtltion. HeprountativuH of the I'atmiu of i.f Citnitda waited on tile on Friday nml ri>|irc*etitui] that tliu Agricultural interests of the country arc nut in an pn'H|>orous a con- ii'ii as tliey could detiru ; tint tantf islii'iiiii fur the purpose of assisting the munufactuiiug inirrealn lias IMJVII itilviiiitn^c of t<i umluly enhance ihu of ni.-iny Huch artieles ns arc indis- [KMUihly necewiary to fanner*, ami ukt-d that ,1 inliu-t .in of the duties un such articloe alinuld b nuulu. Thtiy also pm- touted ngiiiimt truU and oouiliims, and naked that they li made criniiinl. Sir Thi>ni|won id the budget bad l>evii brouuht down, hut the fvi-riiiin nl would enri'ful'y coiiHidiT thoir repriwviita- Mr. C. A. Mull. TV of Walk win th, IIHHI ic-iit, wa the chief |M>keinn. The other delt-gatiM WT: T. O. Currie, Strath roy ; A. Giflurd, Mvafurd; A Kiler, M irkliiini ; L. A. Wulnh, grnud accretnry- treasurer, nnd Thun. Tlmal of Lincoln, coiutitutiug thu );ranil Ixtard of tin- l'.iti,.n. A duleitftto from vnch county in Ontario and three in Quubuc win- M li ,-t<-.l LI coiuu down, Imt the early dvlireiy of tin- budget >|>uech cUH^<l t hiuty MIIIIIIH. iiui^' l.y wire of the gram) board alone. Mr. M.illory wyi that alx.ut one-half of the Pulnum n- < ' iiscrvntivc and one Imlf party nfh'lution. Glolte pi*cial. Imuortnnt DlM-avrry. TOKCSTO. Feliy. 20. Among the nur- i-iny HtriiU*H ninxle by medical Bcicnce in thu hut decade, pcrhips nmie in of i'ir iiii|ioriniKc tn liui:i.'uiity than the HOiTui y of n euro fi.r HriKlit'h DiKeam of the Ki'lney. Tliit tin, remedy coiu- l'li-ii-!y ma-i'-i tlii> tririblo dituaau an well us all thu o'l.i-r dneaaea which the Kidnvya niu subject to u now an i-stab- li^ln il f.-u t. Evvry day I.HHJN new* nf the most >ur|.ri.iin<; cures n-nultinj: from ilKUse. TK' nf Mi>. UI..MII, i-f To- roiito, who, b n al:, nit to unti-r the II, HIM- f. r lii,-iir,ibli>jt, (jivo.ii ii[> by tho MH.-JI aiithi.ntiiM a well an l'> liftci'ti |>n,n.:in nl medical nun, .1 -,. ,,| S.UH Mmiiix . f (iravfiihunl, who ws Riven up l.y fi.iir di runa and !.o wu* |i.n<l hin life iliv;ilulily chunm liy the (JriinU Tiuuk H'y, liii ntlracted w iili spread At- tention. Hot'.i were coini'lt'K-ly cured by Duld'a Kidney Pilla. Wonu-ii rannili:il- Si. I'BTKKSBI'RO, Feb. 10. TWO old wimioii whom tho peamiit* regard witches bad lueil for the laat to years in a hut neio Szeakiktaknv, iu tin- ffnv- , ii mi i.t of Viatnka. Many Miuill cinl ilivn have boon atolun from fniinlio* in the neil,lKiiluMMl recently, nlld tho I n noincii went Kiis|icr!"d Kive |.i .uant-i watchntl them, and on Thuraday night caught them taking a twn yer old boy to tlinr hut. The i>oy WH rOHi-ued nnd the but WNH Henrclied. In the aahui uf iln- fireplace weru found tho partly burnt boned of a child, uiul under the stiiin'i before the Kre|ilacu wuru diacnver i ,1 never! baby nkull*. The old wiuuen confi-od that tlify had killed and uaten tli,: children. They were fnatened in the hut, the door anil window* were abut, nnd the tlmtch tired. The wumou were buiht to death. The Old-ralilonrd Winter. A COMPANION PIECE TO THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET, How daar to my heart la the old- lubioued win tor. When Horahowl In bl> old fhiond way; Vlien tli (now coniM In layeri anil frort pokutli Inter The earth al x ten Inohea or IOM tn a day. Tlie ol.l fhl jnod winter, the rex'lar ol<i nippmr lio Canadian pecln of Johnny the Hipper. low du*r to me, too, 1* that old fajhionoil WOCHl |>il dwindle* ao iwlftljr before my itroug blow*; low I loo the abarp breii that pierce mo the while I am ilooll< I . lotting tbem ill/Ten my nore. Uh tbe old faehlonad winter I 111 warble III pralM, Tho' It ftuuie me oftlff that my voice will not rale. A id thoio old fanhioncd anow-drlfta that pile theuitelve* ovor Tbe liiluwalLa, and lift down tbe backolone'a cot, Ob, I think, wblle they're flying, I'm rolling In clover, And I juit let my Jollity Jump from my throat. Ob. thelun of It! Joy of It! Chickeui aodcati! >h. jimmluy jolly! Omarnl O-raU! The Liberal preia in London it unani nious iu pr-iininx I Ion. l-Mward Itlakx'ii lii.t Kpoech iu tho Untisli house of com inoni. The Markets. <.tn- lull > C'orrcrlrd Each Week. s ao to i.. i.. (> tu H 80 to 31 an to 10 17 to M to DO 7* to 7J I'nrk R OU Hay per ton 6 00 to 00 Hi S 00 to I 00 Hheepiklui 60 to l IK i.e. - 6 to Tutheys IU to Clilukeiia per pair .'10 to 40 liurk* per pair , SO to 7( Wool 18 to 10 Plonr Kail Whml k\ lu-at. Ha. ley liatu l'*aa Huttor KI'> f"'li bag LONG, LEVEL id CIEII Are tht headi of the ptopk who tubKribt for and read The Flttherto* Advance. A lar^o itoek of utaiioncry on ban J which we will print aud furniiu about at cheaply ai you can buy it plain Timber Wanfcd. wr 'a are paying iiiot ranh for immediate de * livt-ry of tlio follow! nK kinds of timber, vll : Hooc-li, Maple. Hlrcli. b'ood. Elm, H m- uck. Tiuiarac HII<| Spruce. LcnKtli i and pru- |iortl<> tlui : 2 piecea It fvtt loue, 4 plrcui t, I piece* ID test, 3 plcv< M feet in.1 2 iiircen 30 Icot long In all wr **"t -JUD plucan IK 'oet ICIPK. 4UI plocoi 1 1 Ii-Bt. ill plot B. <K ffct. au uiecos aifn-t IUIIH uj lui piwioii 30 iwt IOIIK '..r wl.icli wu aru pavintf 4 ft* per lew) foot. Tnr.l'cr all to bu r. -.-ntUiy utraiulit an i <. un. I an. I II in< IIM at uniall end. I'laouuf il<- ivrry at U A A. Nullxiun' Utlls.l'rotoii Wu alM> rrjvilro a Uiuu quantity ol cudar, Hauie llmenatoaa, fof whlu wu are payiuK 5 cuuti |>or lovcl fuot. R. & 4. NEILS ON Feby. 17th, 1698. TEACHKU WANTED. FOR 8 8. SO. 11, AUTKMKBIA ti'.vlii.r l!..liliii(j itvfond nr tlilnl claaa certificate! for Imlaucu of, 'luti.-* to i .-m Uluuce mime. Hat. ])-. Apply atating salary to (It one F. \V>HMM,. See., Fib lMb.-..MB. VauiU-l.ur, P. O Cures Others \Vill cure Vou, is a true statement of tho action or AVER'S SarsaparilU, \vlion taken for diseases originating- in impure blood ; but, while this assertion is true of AVER'S Sarsaparilla, as thousands can attest, it cannot be truth- fully npplicd to olhi-r preparations, wliiih unprincipled dealers will recommend, and try to impose upon you, as "just as good as AycrV Take Ayer'i Sarsa- parilla and Ayer'i only, if you need a blood-purifier and would be benefited permanently. This medicine, for nearly fifty years, has enjoyed a reputation, and made a record for cures, that has never been equalled by other prepara- tions. AYICR'S Sarsaparilia eradicates the taint of hereditary scrofula and other blood diseases from the system, and it has, deservedly, th confidence of the people. Sarsaparilla " I cannot forbear to express my joy at tii.. relief I have obtained from the uso of AYKK'S Sarsiiparilla. I was afflicted with kidney troubles for about six iminths, suflcring greatly with p.iiii-i in the small of my back. In addition to this, my body was covered with pimply eruptions. The remedies pro-cube.! t.nleil tu help me. I then bewail to take AVKU'S Sarsaparilla, and, in a short Im.-, the pains ce.ivil and the pimples dlsiipp 'areJ. 1 advise every yojug 1 man or woman, in cast) of si resulting from impure bLod, no matter howlting M.IIU|;MJ{ the case may !-, tn takeAYKK 'S Sarsaparilia." H. L. Jar- inann, 33 WUIiam st., New York City. Will Cure You Prepared hy Dr J. C. Ayrr & Co.. LOWQ!!, Uua. 1892 - 1892 1892 Having passed away we feel thankful to the all -wise Providence lor a fairly prosperous year, and as we step from the old into the new year 1893 1893 1893 I beg to extend to the public my thanks for their liberal patronage, and hope to merit your confidence and a share ot your custom through the year we have entered. I am offer- ing special discount on all winter lines CAPS, FURS, GOAT-ROBES, OVERCOATS, MEN'S & BOYS UNDERWEAR, MEN'S STOGAS. MEN'S FELT BOOTS, ETC. Full lines of Staples always on hand Come in and ex- amine goods and prices. Your call solicited. T. HILL - FLESHKRTOIl. ?5oon|ii^ With WHY? Because the people have confidence that the QUALITY and PRICES are righr, and when that is assured the rest is plain sailing. Ii Nib a Spiiiilt; of PICTDBE FBilUG aid lEHIlif . Furniture! Furniture! Furniture! -O Large consignments are still arriving. You are invited to call and inspect the stock and get prices. No trouble to show goods. V II Undertaking carried on. A full line of crape kept 111 U. in stock. K.HAKRLSON - - FLESHERTON. HEALTH FOR ALL. llolloway's Fills and Ointment Tilt; PILLS Purity tbe Ulood, correct al) Lhordvn ol I _i VM- ^t .ujii --.i, IClcln'^ii, nnd Tby luTiiioralesvni roitore to health Debilitated Coantilntioca, acd are ln*alDNe Ui plftiutiiDeidontalto Koinalotof all M for Children and tu aged they are THE 01MTMKJMT aolafalllbl remedy lor Ha,d Le|i, IlaJ Ilr.asUi. Oltl Wo md. Sores and Uloew U to femotn fon Gout u.l Rhenmatlsui. For dleorauri <H tbo Ch.-t U Uaii no nqaal for SOUK THKOA'r, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS. COLVb aiaolduliriiirelliagl.and all Skin Diseases U has no rirl;and lor eoniiaceed acd sttat JolnU It acta like a charm. Manufactured only a> 1'rofenKor II. I.UJWAT KstabllKhmnt. 7K, New 0\frl Slr>rt < late r>;i.J, Oxford Street ), Lonttea, lad are sold at la. lid. ,2s. 9d., 4s. fld.. lla., 99s., and :CVi. eaoh Box or Pot. and may be bad of all M> Ulne Veodori throngliout the World. /ur<*a*rs ihuuld look U the LaM o* iltt Put* and Botet. M *e atUrmt * not 5*J, Otjord iSfrwt, Lossdon, Av are tfmrvMM. , I in: \\\m ( AIIIU AGE WORKS of laps & Carriigis. Now n hand a number of Waggons, Buggies, Carts aud Democrats. We are also manufacturini; a great many more of the latest tlie latest patterns and best finish, which we are ofleiing (or sale at the lowest price couUU'nt with due regard to workmanship nml quality. I'usaesMinjj superior facilities for manufacturing Carriages, w intend to rll vory ohrap for cash oro|iproTnl credit, auil by no doing we hope to (U'litly increase our number of sales. All kinds of vehicle* repaired at the shortcut notice, painted and trimmed if desired. Horse shoeing a l*'nult v. A first clam woo.l worker is now in our employ. We want a two or > (our hoise power in exchange on a rig. J. 11 HEARD, Carriage Making Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutter \ etc., all made in the highest style of th<? art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R. T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, ON.T, . ^^ If * *

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