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Flesherton Advance, 23 Feb 1893, p. 1

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JUttrance. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." VOL. XII., NO 606. FLESHERTOff, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1898. W. H. THURSTON, ETOR SOMETHING NEW In Jewellery. Just to hand at Armstrong Bros. Silver Watches at $5 ard 6 Eight Day Clock at 4-75 and $5. Other goods in proportion. Call and ex- amine. Repairing done as usual in first-class style. Pru-ovlHr Tflfij imr iiii-n Our curlini; clul) wont to Durham 1-isf Friday to oiijuy u few hours at tlie ronr- in,' L'itme. They report a very pit-aunt tiiui'. Mr. William Letrnte has rented fnn in Belli iuok where liu intends t > movo in a sin ni lime. \\ i- wer* pli'.uwxl to see our genial friend Mr. Noil McCaimel, of Booth ville, ill town lost weuk Call itniii Mac. Mis K-iuuiu Jimio-f, of II. ipoville, spent last S.-itiinlny at home. The Rev. Mr. Jaimen, of Durham, pr-ached in the IVehliyterinu church last Friday. Mrs. Uev. Eilmuiidn,<if ForJwich, wa the ^ui'st uf Mm. Braudor part of hut week. Miwt Gertie McLeod, of O. 8. Colle- ui.-itt! Iimt., JH upending a few duya with hur parenU tins weuk. Nuxwcll- BOOTS FOR SHU1NO 1 STMMKH | .\ I ri'.MN WINTKlt i WEAR. I have a large stock of seasonable goods on baud, sncb as Overshoei, Ladle's gentlemen's Misses' and children's rubbers for all ; a quantity of lumbermen's heavy rubbers aud Sox. ladies aud geuU, somethiug very suitable fur Christmas preseuta. Prices Away Do .vn. Custom work, as usual, a specialty. Call and examine stock and you will become convinced that it is to your best interests to buy from JOS. SMITH, - - Flesherton. B. G. EVANS. I am still here and likely to remain. 'i uc report circulated that I was about to vacate "The Store on the Hill" is without foundation. My fric-nds don't \vish it. and my enemies (if I have; any) would be sorry to see mo depart. I wish to thank you all for your liberal pat- ronage during the past year, and shall endeavor to deal honestlv v/ith every one who may <;ive me a share this year. AN INDUCEMENT To clear off the balance of my WINTER STOCK I shall offer the following GOODS at the remarkable low figures quoted below : Men's Long Boots price from $1.75 to $.2.45, Now ?l 45 Boys Long Boots " " 1.5010 175 1.25 Boys Lace Boots only 77 cents per pair Men and Boy's Caps reduced to 50 cents each Job line of Caps only 35 cents each Men's and Boys Overcoats at Manufacturers prices. Job line of Meltons and Dress Goods worth 10, 12} and 15 cents. Now 8 cents, These prices are for ONE MONTtl ONLY And must be strictly CASH. Come curly while the sizes last. The Store on the Hill. Pram nut own Corrtsftotidmt. Tlie "Honey Festival" given by the I'.-itnmi wna a success in every particular. The honey in itielf wrnt worth the small fee mid bemile thin an elegant programme w.-is i;iveii. Tlie Patrons intund ci'-ini; another noon .nnl if vre judge the future from the past we ;ire safe in Baying the next will bo well worth attending. Tlii. conceit '/"I up I iy the foot ball club will wu hope IMJ a irruml SUCCUKH. AH it ia being ln-lil on \Vi-d iiusdiiy <if thin week we cannot at time uf writing (Tuesday) give any particulars. Mrs. Luckiiiutnn and another lady wre tb* ipMnti of Mra. Einei-Hon for a tiiiH 1 . Mr Ni.UW, gf Murkdalo, w:w conduct- mi; an auction ii!u fir W. W. Trimble ! ..--i wu t -k. Souiu fi-iiin ln-r- took In the Y. M P. It. A. concert ut HI-S!I,-I< in. '! -'i.irp. from K!e-,ln-itoii, jj-ivo u .1 i-i!l lid week. Mis J. T. Inn, foniiir'y of this place, i - -nit. ii'.' I i t!u- Hjvi-re storm on Sumi.-i/ thu tttundniUW at tli.t churches was small. >' ii, ' i.i tlie ininihti r-i found it in)- In reach their appoint inenla. A liunil or of our elulilr. u luivo U-i-n Hiilli'niii fr. on severe i- >liis. w Inrh el r Ii d iii tlu> form of a omi^h. Wn hop* liotbinf; will occur. cuiiiplikhmunts and movud in the highest circles of Alliaton Hociety. Mr. Tliomat Lock hurt is a young man who is well, known an. mm Proton :ia :i young man of tinlilomUhed moral character, beini; al- ways a favoiitu at any ent -rtainmemt or gathering;. \Vu heartily con-.'ratulate the ynniii,' couple, and trust that .their mariied life may always bu as bright ju their wed- ding d:iy. It m ieporte<l that Mrs. O. McKinell, of Proton, his fallen heir to a nice, little fortune of some twelve or tiftuen thousand dollar*. Mr. John Lyons, Jr., sold laat week for the northwest a heavy team of draught li"i ."*. We bave not henj-d the amount p;nd, but it must have huen pretty wrll up, as they were the best team around here Hiirelmin. From oiu ntrn ''iirrrsjHnulent. Miss Mary Morton receive*! a hand some preHvnt from her horther m law Mr. Orr, of Toronto, in tho shape of an organ. MIM Lillie Ross, of Shelburno, paid M short visit to her many friends here latt-ly. Miss McLeod, of Sh. i)ninie. paid a visit at Mr. RUSH'S last week. Mm. White- is at present visiting hur daughter, Mrs. Kurr, of Sunmdale, who in seriously ill. WiHMl-bueH and partiex have been in xreat demand here this winter. A goodly amount of wood lias IK-UII put up, while both youin; and olil set-in to have uii joy- ed theinsi Ivi-s at the partiut. The < >rmi;e Soiree, lu-hl in thu hull on tho 4th line, was -.vrll |ntr. nn/.ed. i-'iiisid urin({ t lie st-ite of the r.-adn, and a good time is rr|>.Mt' d. Mi- S|iL->rilowii was lutt-ly visito<l by his lM-"t!ii-r antl c Fi'iiti our mi-, i ('., *,, ,,,,!, /. Sun. lay v. itncKst-l n MTV severe storm, blocking thu ro.uls su that the mails throiii;h M. 'inlay \\"i- wonder if .>'.d Jack Kr"St is uvur going to t-tkr a i Mri. S. .li'itUn is selliiijj; out her s!.*il: uf dry L,'M.,,|S. -i-)eeii.-s, i-fc. Shu also wishwto dipnMo IMT ston and dwell- in-,'. Th's is a '^ooil liuf.incss -,!and and t'iciv ongln io lie iin dillunlly in ilispos- .ml ad 1 , a i Mi. T'n-s. Loii.liy. who has been visit - ii ^ his ilauyhUr in Chii-.i^o, returned home lust wei-k after an nijoyalili' trip. Mix (). A!'ilhe\\--,oii n Itirned home last week after :i mo weeks' visit with hur dani-Iifei- ;il Hi ieravillu. .Miss Mao^ir ami M;ist T Sun >li-- Coiniell, .if Meaford. vis.ted at the par- ental liome over Suinl-iy. 1'riHini :.G,VANS. From </i'r uuw Wi-ll, Mr. I'Mit'ir, you will please over- look our nr^'I'vi ; in furl it \va8 not our |iXlci-t, oith r, aa liej- was icitliiti;,' t" iv|iori, miK M* it WIIH tin) mountain* ,,f snow that are piluil :it awry man's door -,1 -p. M's. Ki.ln-it llil<{iiii>, of Barriu, is vifiitum lii-r paront-i of tliin |il:x-c MUIIIKI>. Ihi tlie l.'uli inst.. at tlie rMidence of the bridq'B Iklher, Mr. \\'m. (Jl-ilnin. uf Alli-'--ii ' ', levoml yc.-i )! !,! ' M . Mr. l)iiiit-:iii Mi t'.llnin, wlm rnrs tin- mixed on t'nii ,-ui<l i!m K iii-apiiiii- '-i of t '.in \\Ylliiigtoii (iivy ami r.nn,- . ion a!ti;rn:ti-ly wa-< Ii, :.: -11 n.-irlvi" ; Inst '.ij t'm-t! r>itHans who ',"i un tin- ' i. -tin at Ivhie in line forthopttl \> "* It H|i|u'ara tliat Mr. .M> ' man had badooDM iiis|'iiti' \vi;!i t'.i- nn-ii in '|'li -.I:,. n, who loil-^t-d a OOinpltttlll uit'n thu I*. M. in Knii-anliiii-. JI -i '.illiiin unt !! till) iMiirt .mil |'.i:il tin? linr t hi- .i'uii, iiml went au'iiin on duty. TV' . 'M ' IMI, lit-lii'i. in^ ii in .1 'l'li.-\ i-.icli lioimlit : lii-ki-l anil li.i' tin- tin- mix'-! leaving H iin- in thu .-ifti-r- niion on ilie iliiy al>.>vu iu.-i:li><in: I. Ini- nii-ili.i'i-ly lion ;i i|Hiiirx:l OMiniiiiMHi-il !H'-",.-I n i ii- trio am! thu lirnki-riuan, 1'iit i'V . >inln i ' linn int itt-iini' the mutter was i|in anil '.ho lllaki-silllin was sent totlle ell ,'H e . r aiiv I'lii-i'iirr ilii.turbanci). Tl;o ciiiidiie'"!- 'lien sat diiwn at his duxk t writo wlu-ii this three p'.u-hrd "iito hini- :iinl In-lit linn mo-,: iiriitullv.!).-* ilo i-ln-w ins; his limuls terrihly. Tin- ln.-ikesiiian. lieiiruii; lliu rncket. .-1:111: Ii e k, liroko in tlii) doi-r ;iinl stiiu-k umi over tho head with :i ulicivel Inyini; liim out, and liy the inti'ifi-i.'ii : |i])!-il. i in ,-u-i i vim; at t'n- lii-st Mntioii tho injured 'niitn tinted to tlie lirst hotel, ami lllO Slipeniilri'iliint of illo Division wn Hii-edto. who iniiiiediiitoly ordnvd tin ill-runt of tht! tlir-'i-, iiu-li wu dune <m tln-ir iirrivitl at llrui>Ko:H, where tlu-y are now sut\- In-hind tin; barn, and they will remain tliuru iiu'.il BOllduokor MeC, ilium is able to attend ciir', w'liu'.i nriy be several woi-k". \\uirton Kchn. Died. IWIN III ,<" Kri'ln.y. Fl>. 17, 1WJ, 1'iuil \\ iluol-l. ililiitn son cii win. MM Uonif ma Ii win. tttjuil 1 \ui', i month- mi. I J7 ilayr Tins 'nvnl> foii'l, HO youiifi. so fair, (Jaliuil liciicu by oarly <: JuHtcamu to allow how ta flower, In I'ai.iiliso woulil bloom; Ere sin could harm or narrow fa to, Duatli cam* itn fiieiullv i ui'.-. Ttii)o]iuiiiK Imrt to lir:eu mine i il, Ami l>.lni- l.:-^s>.in t: ' See _ The Bargains IN Worsteds Overcoatings S weeds TOCLEAROu BALANCE OF WINTER STOCK. C. J. Leitch, Mercliant Tailor. HAVE YOU BACK- AC HE oooos KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backache means the kid- neys are in trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills give piompt relief." "75 per cent, of disease is first caused 67 disordered kid- neys. "Might as well try to have a healthy citit without tjet'.'cr- a<ie, aa good h'ulth when the kidneys are> clogged, they are SeU l>jr nil itrAkni 01 of price 50 ccnlm, per Dr. L. A. Sn bwkotiMJU the scavengers of the system. "Delay / dangerous. Heg- I at ted kidney troubles) result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Brirjhta Disease, Diabettsi and Dropsy." "Tht about disrnset < annot exist where Dodd's Kidney Pills an used. *nl hy mail on rrt--tp< K-\ or MX for $*... WrueiW c Li erry Pectorr.! relief "rids, Coughs, ,.>, Hoac. , LCDS of Voice, Preacher 'c Core Throat, ^ -liitir, LiGrippe, ; tllO an L lungs. 'n t:ic world, t : ; iiicnt orit^ ition v .tiu-s the 1. I, step:; co.iyhh'g', and AVER'S Cherry Pectoral taken for consumption, in It.; car!" VCli'i I.!! 1 lie ilisj.iso, a:id cv. .1 ij't'io later ^-s tii-j ui: ::. ^iiH,'- ;i:id promotes refrc--!K-i:^ It is;'.yrci.".He to :'H- :.i>te, hut small L!IV,;-S, :nui not intci'ft.rc\vith digestion or any of t!:o iv;:'i;!;ir or:7,-ii):c finiciirti:-. : cmo;'i;cncy medicine, every household .should be provided with Ayer's Cheny iV-ct^ral. "Havinic iJ Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral in my family for many years, I ran conluiently recommend it lor all the complaints it is ciriiinod to cure, /Is salo is iiu-reasiiiK' yr.uly with me, and my customers l!ii:ik this prepa- ration ha.s no equal as a cough euro. '-- S. U. Parent, giieensbury, N.B. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral

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