THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9. per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done in all its branches. T you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. SA Y! Farmers ! Business Men ! Everybody ! Tbe nndcndgmnl haa utaitvd a now rarrlnte Jn" i' .- t'n v aii't i epairlni; ttliop in KU<Kti<-i ton, v . ,'i,ftiix.t ><).ir irpair* cjone oil abort bolici'an I i:i ifaKuualilo ' Currla^i* Puiiitinff. n-l cvorj-thlni; In th* rarrir.i-o mniilni; line ii\, in a call. biUiHtaclloB KuaniitiXKl Shop over McTaviab's Black smith Shop. E. T. Hamilton. nssbortoa, Jan. 81, Ud, (ioocl News TO MANY o call tho attention of tlio to tin* fuel that I havu opi u. il /! General Repair Shop J;. t .:n < with tlio \Vnnlliii Mill, and niu |ir ( |>;ii-ed to do all kin. IK nf -Iron aiid Wood Turuiug J'.itU i i;a niadf, and castingH ^ot on hi.'ul ll.lli.-l- i llttVl! llOt S|)'tl;! t'.l in detail the v.un ty of work I en. .. .1, but finylliinj,' you have in lit u . . u Hnl ihut rii|r,iri>s Liin^ it to the FU'slirrtoii ir(inir.sli(i|i. \.i..i'Vii;i limy .Irpi'iid on voni \\iali il.ino IK ally and i'y. Having emery Mr for inako that a apocialty for n few . Charges low, but term* tin rtlv cash. Yoitra truly, W.H.FLBSHBB : SALE OU TO LKT. i 1 1r.i <1 nit). in two tulles of Cl,<-rt..n en rxrulUint water ixiwtir mill lt Ht I.iiil u) ..... llir I.IMI-.. : .'. ft lii.a.l ,-.f M..II- ..... ut li.-n:lii f tin. dam \\ill n, i block or III. ' null I.) Its, !(, R.I-I the lauel in parotls from .in., a.-ru ii|.wm-ilfi *o ..i.irn. The Vall.iy roa'l run., tlirmitfli tin 1 who).. l.)HKl)i of tliu pla. (.. IhiB is a u.ui.1 rtuolty for faoillias to seoors Hiuall houio j sbuodaut snpply of good .-t.'i. . Illl-ial. A| ] U I.. NV M IIIHiU .it. HI Stall.. i. I' C NASAL BALM It n . M rul aa4 ejM4r tatt tn <VMtalk flTamlffiSlTMn i"' I dOOTHirui, CLBANSINGL H KALI NO. Inttant Rtliaf, Fermantnt < Curt, Failure lupotvblt. Mae? o-all*4 dlMawH aio .**pioBia ol CUrrh, orh i. We* eke, aanlal <wii*u. Ualuf u r,.- I rn.ll.Iuul bntk. li.wHi.f u ,l .p: HIM. u* (ntrftl IM i.i bf .: . Eutr, iu. ii Ton ' 53U w.,u aax ol NEVER FAILS County Council (Concluded from latt iuue.) yoor fc CftlarrV ta4 ikouUI |OK i.o KMlsS 1 Ft* ii S* *a tail '-I a kolll* el N L M ai*4 la Uaw. *C|MIIM| ..IJ la l..J i.iulu la Cauurli. II kiwl h, w,,u l i>U.a aM 4nth. MAUI. 11&LM M *olj bj all dnicei'U. wUI kt rULFOID * CO., Brock.ilis, Ont CATARRH FOU BALE. At n'i I. Raphrasls. oooialnlaf Isl acre*. H|'l," .!>. I f... ..... I. HIM 40xA), Kith ilai'li. un.lfr. iin-liai.l. KI....I \sm..> In '-" Kit. ii. ii l'.\. Alxint (Ml acre! >l ' Will be sol. I iii'iiii..lii>tU /, a MorlBM. Any r .-i .,,n rtoalrlnu KIXH! iilaoe urastlfate. Write to JOHN UAItTIN Kuianla P. To The Public- Rarta* rented Wbltten's blacksmith shop for a tenu of yean, I am oow la a poiitlou to eaterto all want* la my Hue. lirsisMq i Specialty, 1 tt*llr*<-tl. t narnn trr d For anything in tkt lint catt on F. A. BUNT, o pposlU Btehardaosi's Hardware store. SOCIETIES. ROTAL TKMPLARH OK TEUI'ERANCB. lUijuUr Council innoti every Tnndar erenmi Io Hproule tlurk at R p. in. Select ilrjree (lorarance) inwu monthly, the \\ i Umiday preeediuK the Kind of eacb month. SiN* OP TEMI'BHAJICK. -This porlrtf iiic-eu io Dr. Cbrlstoe' Hall i>ory \Vr-V iiniilit y eveolng at 8 p.m. Vliltlkg lin-lb rr* n Invited. Inturaoce tu connection. 1-.IUNCK ARTHUR I.OUCK No .TO. A.F. * A.M., iii<Mt In the Maoulc lUII.Slrain Mock, rieihcrton. ar.i i Kridav on or h ' or e thefoll moon. A.B. VaaJusen.W. M U ) Mproul Swtreiarr. Owru Nound, Onlnrlo, 1^ l*l\c Vci'y \ l'i M I. IN CANADA TO tiKT A Pfwroityh lititinrii J-'tlucalion - Take a Round n4 tl all otiior HuttnrH L'ollf|f>H (\iiit lal l><r|>svrtn>niitN in < aim-lii. iht'ii vinli tit Ntirltierti Uuiutw> C'olli^f , ! \ nnin*) ovi-ry li.; UiniiMlKlilv. If W fs.ll t" |.|n Itli'ti tllO in- .-'i^ti, toiiiplctu. |>racU-al nn-l oiiou srtTf CtMll ; .' lt| ftttllly i tllU b*bt 4'nllf^f |l|Ulll aid I !i l-iit-l ,il;'| UlOftl CUIU|ilt tc Ulld UiOki Illlt- litfiiiinturo ikinl ftiipliancuFi, wo will uivo you H full ci>nmo KltKr'. Kor Ann<ml Aunouuce to a tit, giving full p*\*, f rwo, adilroM C. A. FLKMINC, Principal. Notice to the Public \ The Wesherlon Milling Com- having purchased the re/. ler Jlonr and saw-mills ( lately t>\-ncd by \V. K. I'leshe* are nw< making all necessary re- pairs to put them tn thorough niiiiiion for turning out first class work,and jor that purpose u'cte obliged to close tht mills for a time. They ate wnv open and are under the Management of Mr.J. W font, a first class miller of long ex- perience, it'lio resf>ect/nlly solicits the public patronage in those lines. Highest cash price paid for wheat that the market K'ill afford, and custom sawing don as usual. Chopping done every Wednesday and Saturday. THE FUSKITH HlUIi CO. DRF 8 MAKINU MBS. (IJF.HO1IUH d<><. res to aunnnnce to tlie peoplvj Klnbert' J and vicinity tliat lio in |n.. I.HI, I ti> .In drttuinakluf to tliu nin>tku- tinii of those who may eDtiuitt liar with uttAtr nlern. Tin i latest faalilon plain" alwav na hand. Halln'actlnn (uaraateed. Very ruason- st.lei'i I.'.'K. hli.t). am) ralilnce otoi' UUoheH's lui.k. Ui.'liai.Uoa'i block. Flailim lull IinUuc llnni given la iUla( aid oslUug by "alairlo The Finance committee presented their second rtport, recommending (1) the accdiint of Jas. Allan, . ; -mes nu county business 90.44; (2) that the HUIII of $1,688 40 be paid U> the treasurer of Thornbui-y aSi demanded under the award of the arbitrators towards the con- struction of the Beaver River briditc, and tlint tin; town of Thornbury be ru- miirc.l to render a detailed statement of cost of bridge at the June session ; (3) that the treasurer's statement of nun- resident land fund be printed in the minutes ; f4)the committee had consider- ed the reports of the riding agricultural societies, and deeire to congratulate the officers on the successful record* of the jear ; (6 and 6) free p^dlara' licenms w.-re recommended to be granted t<i Adm Cranston and to Wm. Ewart of Me.iford ; (7) that no grant be Kiven t the Prisoner's Aid Society tins year ; (8) that Findlay James McLtman, nf H<th Head, be appointed coun'y student at the Ouelph College, and his admission !> provided for as soon ss a vacancy occnra; (9) that the sum of $100 be granted to the Fruit Growers' Artxiciation of Grey, tn assist in the selection of fruits fnr exhibition at the World'a Fair. Th Education committee reported, recommendinfr that the public school Inapecr's r|>orU for South and East Grey be) printed in the minutea. Also, they thought it desirable that sec. 23 (3) of the regulations of the Education De- partment be so amended as to provide that Diarks in the subject of agriculture shall ba counted as a bonus for candi- dates at entrance examinations, and re C- mniended that a memorial to that elf. ct be forwarded to the Department ; also that th* entrance examination for South Grey be affiliated with the Meaford high school. The council went irto cftinmittofl of the whole on the finance report. Mr. Brown in the chair. Mr. Chiskolm inovfd to amend the Usl clause by sub- mitting 9200 for $100 and also tn add tha* a representative from each iiiuniri pility b associated with the fruit-growers in the section of samples. He under- stood 1 100 would be quite insnflloicnt an the fruit would need replacing from time to time in Chicago durinz the exhibition thus niakinjr frequent selections neces- sary. Mr. Brown, seconder of the mo- tion, th. 'in/lit if the project were un.l.T taken at all it oii'.'lit 1.. )M> done thor- oughly. The council had everyone >u r- agement an to the fruit indualry in the reports of riding aocietira. Even S..utli Gnty, which had alwaya Wen regarded at inferior to the nthor ridings for fiuit cul- ture, reported the samples ai "large and excellent. 1 ' Mr. ScliencU was vrry much in faviv of the f200|;rant. lie had a rititor from thi" old c 'untry lately who WHS na'n- mheil at th.- size and flavor of In-. (Mr. SclienckV), havii>* always tliought Gr*v was "the worst county in llie world." (Laughter ) We needed to advertise our products, and remove xucli ini|iiessiors fr the minds of i utsiders In conclusion .Mr.S.-heiu-k I..1.I cil of the i.rvr anrl urowin:; iniluntry lit NruHtHt'.t where they 'make I>O.H| sweet jelly from pour apple*." Mr. Alliin w willjii-j to ),"> the length of then port but no tiir'lier. He sutf- lietr.l .! ll;.' in. st i lolllicul pl.'in th:t the Km it (iiowei's Asa.n-i-iti.iii sli.i;ili I'oiiMiiiiiucate with tin- i.iti..-rs of the lowiiBlnp aL-n.-ti!!.; ,il sovitt.os, ssking that seUtctionsof fi jit be nmile l.y them aud shi|.|.eil t > Om n S, .ii'id, at the ex prnsn of Associittion. On tho airivnl there the tin. HI SHini'lea conl.l Iw pU-ketl .nit, and forwarded in clmtijo of tho vovrii, iii,-iit otluMaU. 1'he onl\ . l|i n w;is ..'.-111,1,. tl... fi-mt to (Iw.'ii S.iuml. Mr. Iriwin ti^ured out rlut 1.11 a fnui wort'i 10000 I)M tu to the S-.'titi would II-H..|, t!,,- . ii MII..II.H Mini ceiitit. lie iiiul^rntiHMl tliat t!u- .i was not only this fruit but to put it on tin- t ilil.- of tho |Hxiple in ('In . .ipi.whii-h would !H> the IK-S- |n.xsil.U- atlvoit.M i f. Mr. (ipili-ini snpji the i\i n -ndinent j alno did Mr. K. rr, the ln'tt-r .illiriuuii; that had he plunti-d ten ncivi* of orchard V.1..-H lie fust .";MI.> t>t!ie iownlu;i of Collingirood tliin\ vt-tmago, m:d fn'ly cultivated it ever since, it woul.l havo |Knd him better t'l.-in fiiiiiiiiiL! '.In acri'N <>f li.nd. An an iiiHtan.. . t t'..- \.i\uv of exhihitin;; as an iidvei t iseiiient , lie niei.tiotu-d the intniductioii of Ontario i h.-. >e and honey (Mr. M< Kuiijlit ') Kiiglnnd a few y. urstigo, since liu: both articles have held first pluuu ill the ni.-ii k.-t i ol thu old land. Mr. Agnew also Hii|i|M>rtd tho ^rant. Mr. Dainude Kiid thort w:vs nnother iioint to I.o coimi.lereil. Tho dopiitikti.ui Imd said that inn h of the fruit grown h.-ie win iiiiHuitdMe for the oiit:.idti iiinr- k. t.s. If buyurH were induced to come here, through these exhibit*, nnd found the geneiul Hupply notup to the tand.ird of (Jus samples shown, it would bo ,M^.. than not having advertised at all. Ho thought tho county wa not ready \ niitiiUin n ver>- high reputation in that line, itnd thmefoiv opposed tho giant. On the warden remaning fhethair, Mr. Mcl'heu nriil.. a very emphatic protant ngaiiiHt the fruit grnut, and Mr. Sing iii..\i.!, ., foi.d.Kl 1-y Mr. Gilrav, that the original clause lie inserted. The motion won carried. Mr. S. honek called for tho yens and imyn which weie reeoi-.U-l an follows: Yeas Messrs. Allan, Amloroii, Minnie, llolund, (ViiM|il>ol,I)ftniude,l)ickH, Eliot, C.ilhruiih, tinmoy, (iilray, Harm KM, Jacklin, MeKHeiiger, McPheo, Pedlar, Pioston, I'ringle, Itics, Sliavr, Sliute, Sing, St;i|iliH, Ktowiirt, Sw.-uiw.ii and Tedford 'J(i. N i>s A^ncw, Armstrong, Hrown, Cisholm, i'lark, (>r<loii, (Jmhain, Hanbury, Irwin, Kerr, Lang, Lucaa, R. McDonald, J. McDonald, Pedwell, Reid, 8henck, SUrk and Wilcox 19. Mr. Chisholni moved, ssoondud by Mr. Sltig, that a representative be uppuinted in each riding U> ansi.-:t the Fruit Grow- er's Aaoociatiim in nelejt ng mmp'oa of fruit for the World's Fair, namely MeMrs.Gilry,Schenckan<l the mover.and that the awocmtun report us to tho expen- diture of the grant for that purpose. Carried. The ei.iiiKil then adjourned to meet ou M. ni. lay, June 19th, at 7p. ni- of : Business. 01 M I AMI IHKTKICT William.' Koyal Crown Remedy, cure ou earth. Guaranteed to cure general nervous dvbility, rheuma- tism, neurslgia.paralysis. etc. Th I 'at MII ntre in MeUucthon, about eight inilrs belong DuiuUlk, was buroed on Sunday night. In the eitiinatm brought down by the House r>f Commons, Thornbury harbor come* in for $3.900 and Meaford (1,000. To aee our village streets thin weatlier one would think thin waa the humwrt littln town in the county. Button World. It ia what might be called a visionary illiuiiiii. eh ? Mr. John Moodi, one of tli* olde t citizens of th.; town, left laat w>ek for Hot Spring*, Dakota, where he i* to lire the remaining p*rt of life with hi* aoo. [Durham Review. I. B. l.m-uOwrrHI or. HarU 4n!r his 910,000 private fund* to lend mi farm morti;ai;r within the next few monthi at loweat current rates. No com miss ion*, no delay*, espentrs low. Apply at office in Markdale. daring the week or si Dundalk office on Saturdayi. F. Crnnkahaiik, the iiuUtd hog breeder of Lions Head, recently killed some ol hi* coleSrate 1 Yorkihire pis, and one ol the lot i* worthy of notice aa it ia the heaviest hg ever slaughtered in the township. The len<;t!i from tip to tip wait 8 ft. 3 inched and weight 700 ft*. A little child <.f M'. W. Aiiu<ly, of Bsrrie upset a wax candle an<l set hentelf on tire l.i-' wuek. Her brother hoard her itcrain and to her uMHwtance. He wrnp|Ht her in his overcoat nnd extinguished tin HaiiH-M, so that only her hair nnd one ca were scorched. Rtu>iini.itlsni Ciirrd in a day. South American R'u-iiiiiatie Cure f< Ulic'.iiM itJMn Mid Neuralgia radically curl's in 1 to 3 day*. It* notion upon the ayxtpiii i* remarkable and mvt.-ri in 1 1 rentoTM at once the cnu*e and the iiseaso iininmliatclr dintpix-nr*. The fir*t dime ureally Iwmefit*. 7-"' cents Warranted by Richardson A Co. A wild cat wa put to ?!. . |> In' v-el hy Mr. T1i.. MeAulev, of Proton Town hip. The fellow h.iil evidently nrde i:| his mind i ' i-i.i'c n i-!c. in job us he alivndy made away with two hens, three duck OHO and was | en., u.'li t.' ciiiii.i b.i.-k for t'i.- eiojiih Tom trapped him hy slmttini; the d him; a iirii'hl>ir'n gun can tell tho rest o tii.- t .:< II. i.iiil. Kn^li.ili Spavin Liniment removes al hard, soft or calloused Lumps and lileiiiUhen from horses, Blood Spavin, Curhn, Splints, Rilitf Bono, Sweeney, StiriVft .Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, l . njhs, etc. Save )00 by UNO of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Illcmiiih Cm.' ever known. Warranted by Richardson A Co. Mr. <iod. .Iphiu, tr.M .urerof HuntM il!, " i.chind in !iis .-leci'iirU nl>. ^Uip|itdi<ut. (tovi'rnmrl I. it to Hiint.sville t in t.' in .Urrs mid found ''lit th.i 1 i-u'prit had yoiu- to Knjl.ind. Ho swat QuNbdpUn'l phot >L,'iM;>h io Sootliind Yard mid ivi-eived u i-ul.lujriiiii in a day or IKO K.iyinX tlmt he hnd lioi-n c.iptur.'tl. 'II .- iivi- s'artwl at once for Kip'li!ul to hring him back. ReWccn Wilkinson, of BfowMTklWr. Ind , snvii : "I Imd l>un in a di.itrunacd ci'iidition thren years from Nervous- ness, Wenknoss of tho Stoinac'h, Dvfipep- sift and Indiji ntion until my health wax H 'lie. I Ixiu^ht one Imttlo of Smith A in i-ririn Nervine, which donu me more good than any $30 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every wenkly person to use this valuable and lovely remcv'y. I nmsidor it the grandest medicine in the world." A trial bottlti will coiivincn you. Warrant- ed by I{iehardoi i A Co. " We do not know of t,v prnpsralton that ho* rawibs %bs pabllo In BO (.hort A time a* li.Khl't Kl'lnoy 1'ilU Init when we onnslilor thnt, three fourth* nf th* Canailiati people Are afniut- 1 with fculiM'v I n 'ii lil. in onn> form or aii'l that P-> l.r IMIn aro a quick aivt I'.-iint iH'ut euro f.T all theno Uoul>)o< Hi.- I nx'ii ami increaBiiiu ilfiuan'l r.i-i 'ic tulv t>n nionil< < e'd byall d*tler or hv tnall on riK-oii>t <>f ric.i. .'O cU. per box. Dr. L. A. Bmltli Jk Co. orouto. There arc more ca of ulcknwui ntvl death from dftsoaiiod kid* OVH than from all othnr <!!H- oael coiiiliini-.l. It it Mnir I'Wii fiiiill If \.. , allow vour klduoya Viroiuain lu an unhcalvlu oondltton wh*-n tho cure ia at hand. iNnM'* Kidney Pilli are guaranteHil to curt, the wnrat caw". It co*t< but littU iu Rive them a trial. Tbty r for naif, by all ilriunflHtn and di-alrn or hv mail on rucolpt of Mcentn.oi n rnxm for a'i.. if. Write f.?r U*)ll 9:iBd Klduey Talk, T'lE nndersiKned begii leave to ac- qnaint the inlmbitnntsof Flrtihertoii and surronndinK country that ba urehased Iht F'.our, Feed and (irocery rr , from Bieliard Pedlar, where he will tlntM to keep on hand a good supply ol 'hoiee Flour, Feed cd Loves! 'rices. Courtesy and Siju ire Draliug wilt c >he order of the dav at Ilrndrrsou'8 Htore- We hope that the Old Ciuitoraer* ll continue to patronize us sod a spriiik- ing ot new ones. PI ggg Taken in Trade. ' and Fords Flour Always on Hand. Wm Henderson. n*huw JOHI W. ARMSTRONG. 7uMsaBTosi. Co. Own. oovar CLBBX. coiuuMioiira aai sU ' U*4a. Aypr aurt FT j. * tes>. OMNtWW*k>er*H. l BOaUMaU. !OTABY PCH LIC . AyprmJaa lor C L. C. CCK. Loan oa tb W* MONEY TO LOAN. ha* btffe asooml ! D loee si (o/o OB tovn or Sina 8. DAMCDm, rWstMrte%. W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk. Artsmssta Coo*>s af*ct, Me IVvds. Isaets. etc., pn-parvd mmi proprriy iMBranm affmted in fisn elam eon: Denies Hooey to lnJ at InwreA rmlM. M R. BAMMOKD Ma*Mr. KlmN-r!*y ComruhMlone* for taking Affidavits esc. lunon* and I.>nnx)n W lowest rates. Kseoatee LeaMa. Doeds, Wills. ste. promptly,; and eAoluutly. iflfdicnl DR. HDTTON M. D. C. M., M. C. P. A M, Ont., MI. Roaidcnvti iuid Ottotf uoe door wrst ef Ute Motbodi&t Chnrch. Kinross St. Odlce days, TuoeduTi ana Siitunlavs. DR. CARTER M. C. K A. a , Oni. Miioirlao. surgeon. ttc., PlMhprU-n. Office Strain'* block Hoeldruon Monibaw'ii botil. DR3. SPROULE & EOO, dr>| Markdsh-. Out. Onice Manly s stori-. T S 8yionla, M. D., Etc. Byu, M. I). I'.to , Ute of Tt'ltcntani, Out. IT I's" wiil b (omul .it thi MarkduU'Uo4 J. P. OTTEWBLL, Tetermary Burgeon. Graduate of Ontario VeterinarTCoiluge. Rosideuoe First door suutb of Letcli's tailor shop, Kl* hrleo. J. P. HALSTEAD, M. D.. M. C- P. A t).,Oot..prmeiic<>a at Klj. brljr. Uiuuiuatlo diaoawi a spcoialt;. J. P. MARSHALL, L. D. S., M. D. a, Uutisl. Visits Mark- dal tlit 1st nod HrJ \Vdn< KUUT oi each Buuth. KU-fbertou Each tii;> ou the Jaj olluwliig. J. W. FROST, Barrister, Solicitor, Cnr\e\Hiio>.r, Eta. Fl-'ilu-rUui imlro Neil the y.wt office Hproulo'ii buililisiK, ou Thumiuj's. 0*oa t.uul oCloe Frost's buildup. P- McCULLOUGH, B*rrinlcr, Solicitor, Elc. OfTioi- over SIo. furlond'ustire, MarkJule. Money tu U-on. WRIGHT & LINDS4Y, Pajrlaters, sotsaMofSj oho.. ()\i?vn S...JIHI, Out i ton oinceut .Mttct..>ll' i.nnk, \\ ri n-.da u( ... >i vt.^k. klonet u> loan at lowixt rates. W. H. WKiunT. 8. B. LI.VDSAX.. H. J. Sprtmlc, T>O.ST.MAST!-:U, FI.'.,lierl.m,C.- 1 iuiuisgioB- * er in U. R., Licensed Auctioneer, Coo. vcyanoor, Appraiser and Money Leudei. Rral Kiituto and lnuiauro Af'iit. l>ou., W<irtk-i: , LoawH nud Wills drawn op sud Vuln^lii.nH IM:<.|,. on shor'.esl uctiec, Aae- tion Siiles attoudc'l to in auy puvy of Ifae Coiintr. \louey to l<\n al lowetit rates of Coil.-etioiM ultpudetl to wltk promptness and ilonpato'u. Ctiurgrs low, Axei.tfor the IXnuiuion St<nui4iil>i|. Company C'..MJ. tickets Ironi FlesLnrtou to Livcrpo&l, (iliuigow, Luiflon or anv of the Brltlc^ torts. 1'ttrtirs inteod'ir.' to visit KDglae] (| Scotland r IrnlaiiiL, will plats* aak 1n>> lt*sj|