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Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1893, p. 1

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JUimnrr, TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL. XII., NO 605. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1898. W. H. THURSTOF, lETCR SOMETHING NEW In Jewellery. Just to hand at Armstrong Bros. Silver Watches at $5 ard $6 Eight - Day Clock at 4-75 and $5. Other goods in proportion. Call and ex- amine. Rep airing done as usual in first-class style. Farewell Corner, our oirn Curretpondent. Mr. and Mrs. John Hornsby, who were visiting friends iii .4 luia, returned home last week. The Rev. Mr. Husband intends hold- ing revival meeting at the Greeniide Hall. La*t Tuesday wits the evening appointed but so stormy they have ri iristinas Boots ! For Santa Glaus, or any other mortal who Is deficient in foot wear. I have a large btock of seasonable goods on hand, such as Overshoes, Ladle's gentlemen's Misses' aud children's rubbers for all; a quantity of lumbermen's heavy rablers uud Sox. been put off until the weather get* fine. Mr. Jame* Livingston, of Allan Park, who has been canvassing in this vicinity fur tome time at airvnt for Calder C. Liviugstun, of Durham, is ei present topping at Mr. Allan McKiunon'i. Th Patrun meeting at No. 1.1 school, Egretuout, WM largely attended last Friday evening. After the business w;w trauaaoted they had ail eutertaiutnent which paaked off xraudly. [Too latu for laat week. En. ' Hop,- Mil.- From our own Corretpoiuttnt. Tlie late storms blockaded the roads bittily in some places but the farmer* ladies aud geuts, something very suitable fur Christmas present*. Prices Aw/ay Down. Custom work, as usual, a specialty. Call and examine stock and you will become convinced that it is to your best interests' to buy from JOS. SMITH, - - Flesherton. B- G. EVANS. I am still here and likely to remain. -0- turned >.ut with their tennis and re-opeu- ed some of them. Though the winter has been a severe one yet apparently it has been a healthy one specially amon<< old people. Mr. I'urslow was quite, sick but is, hear, ablo to be around again. Thus. 1'jtrnlow jr. ami Mrs. Brown, of Bentinck, were the Duetts of Mr. Thos. Farsluw last week. The storm protract- ed th-ir vjit somewhat bu'. n Monday they tluturiuiued to return, Mrs. Brown being anxi'-us about her family. MIM Unjsvii, of N'iriiiiiilby, is visiting some friends in the village. Quite uu extensive quilling lite was held at Mrs. Hobt. Fknluw'l where the young ladies acquitted tlmnisvlviis aJiuir- :il>ly ami hud n |jlrastnl t :n>; iMsdklM, .Mr. \Vni- Mi L;i: i'n, r., is very i. k Mr. "iVin. McLaren, jr., son of Mr. Tims. 4 very low also Our groin buyers report a very Urge amount of grain, pork, &o., purchased during this winter, and this week seem- ingly 'ill run above the average. Our market is, and has been, all season, ahead of most of the surrounding towns, although report* to the contrary have at times ben afloat. These reports, how- aver, were proven false, and some of uur farmers, who credited them, ami went elsewhere to try there luck, returned, quite crest fallen, having received poorer prices for their produce than they could command nearer homo. The citizens of this place seem to have for their maxim business before pleasure, and there are very few social events worthy of note. Mr. Wm. Mc- Mullen, of Kelvin, is spending a few weeks among hut old friends and aquain- tances in this vicinity. What is the other attraction* around hure Will ? Miss McK*naie is visiting here with her sister, Mrs. Sangster Humphill. Mrs. A. McLeod removed from our town a few weeks ago, aud joined her husband in Micbixan. Mrs- D. MoLeod, r. , has been on the sick lint for the past few weeks, but we are glad to bear that she is uonvalescui'.'. Tlio many friend* of Mr. Wm. Winds worth, formerly of this place, will regret e 1 1 'near of the Luut he has sustained in th detb of his youngest son, James lluv Mr. Tuiit>e, of Fleshvrtuii, wnl preach litre next Sabbath, at 10.45 a. in. Ffum am iiu'H I'urrtsjivndnii. Mr. Kdltur, n it ojin^ K-uviiia repro- M >stt:tl Iwi so in u tuuo past in your j th:t your Mh "!' The report circulated that 1 was about to vacate "The Store on the Hill" is without foundation. My friends don't wish it. and my enemies (if I have any) would he sorry to I see me depart. 1 wish to thank you all for your liberal pat-! rona^e during the past year, and shall endeavor to deal honestly with every one who may give me u share this year. | AS AN INDUCEMENT To clear off the balance of my WINTER STOCK I shall offer the following GOODS at the remarkable low figures quoted below : Men's Long Boots price from 1.75 to $2.45, Now 1.45 Boys Long Boots " " 1.50 to 175 1.25 Boys Lace Boots only 77 cents per pair Men and Boy's Caps reduced to 50 cents each Job line of Caps only 35 cents each Men's and Boys Overcoats at Manufacturers prices. Job line of Meltons and Dress Goods worth 10, 12^ and 15 cents. Now 8 cents, These prices are for ONE MONTH ONLY And must be strictly CASH. Come early while the sizes last. The Store on the Hill. B.G.EVANS. Fevrrsham. i-'ttt. DEAU Ki'iTon. - As lliurv lius not been acorrea|"inUent l > llie Ailv.un:i> fniiu ;li:< part f'ir SIMIIU lime I lli<mi;!it I would cndyi>u a (>'* i- ..... '. I'l'pin; 1 iu;iy not bo iiitrudin:; ton much. It li.i- vt-ry nturuiy here of lute but on Friday hktt it uot. down to busi- t came tii tile ciili'.'luH.on ri-iipoitduut liiul ; lo lllu V* .iMe b.ulict. Sach storms as we Imvu had thin last fof week*: ll bvuls the rieoid i.l .ii,. r luw. Thuru u .snow >ni tlio x''<>uuii H"W to | It'ttau any ^ni'n-i .. !.!'(. L liJ'/aa .1 tll.lV/ O'. Mi-It MM/ll l! <' will i<i- 1.1 .1 >.<iiiil.*.ion its liii-y JtIV C<nil[>li liiv ...rx! UU. Mo Wliy fr to pass. luioj) aitd out I] \..-iti!.i.-r ..-. tlio r.vur u u f;i:(ory is now ' "ii H >ik. '!'.. them l^.ch ;it |>rt sent. u thi.w i-i-iiif tliey w:ll Imvu olcuty i:nj blow ^re:it 'jum, ana thn WHy it : oi wntur /< r :ili purposes. (nletl tho snow '.ii to the r<.;.u< . :,f w-nild think it in nut ir. N"vi-.l! :< and the "C'lion" ot nil S.iiani.iy, though they wdrifu ^oiu^ houij. to |Ot '1:1.1 i cen very dull of lite, eniicc-t to not it, yvt The r*rnier' Mill ki'rps lii'.niinini; baiiMoks. Tlio new in. in Mr. iial.ii.i . a.i .11. d ::i:ni'y. of h.i.i lu L-OIII it of our tott'ii. K&li-iid to tin-in u lururiy nuloomc. ' ..nn IliiiJel :u.>l 'il.i'i ,i;e I ic\nai iiieutiiiyH iu S.ili.-in cliuicli. Tin-y .i.viv. \V'e ni:t> rrat tiling of this mill, :v our milli-r. Mr. I'f.asoll, is Sal\.-il;on Army , Mr. White, bd pretty n ;:^h wea.thI to uiicoiinlvr turnin; out tirst-clom Hour ancl bisulo , giuce ], o atai-tud to iln\e Liio mail, but uu beinu a ntst-class miller he i* a j"lly atru^^leH thri<u<.'h the dntts and man n;e ol lu f ii)i{ fwllow. Tlio orcl'-r nf bu.-tiiiesu in connection with the null is L-IVII,^ bet tor satisfaction since our postmaster, Mr A. Jlctiirr, la giving out order* fv.r the to in. ike Rood t'.n:-'. M:^. .1. K. U ^ / has yoni! to Chirks- fi..r a fe.v days to visit her suter. Mr. NVoodUum'a heak'.i gull keep tiling. I uess I had be'.ter stop Vv .,,. ! llM .r'.y. for f t .irwe may ba liko B story we hear! () ur town s.) far this aeaa-.n ha not of two men ttl.o wen- going to Imvv a ^ ., , .., ilu j w : t i, aiiy Cllatt .j o f geiious listio enciiunter. Bf<ir starting to ti'/ht , g c | > limy made an ii/roeinont that tho tii-xt to i jjj,, j| ^ ,.,.,. , MK , r ly. holler sulKcieiit. i;ct Mioogh :H to After lighiiiij for about an hour and n half one of them ln>llord "sulKcieiit." . The other innncdiattly threw up his ' hands sayii'.',', "I'mise the Lord for lliat! I've been trying to think of that wold this last half hour." So for fear you iMii't think i-f tlio word. I will close, wish- ing tho Advance success. There was ii ruuitir s!".ifc d by sumo designing |>-i -on on Satmtl.-i our miltar had sk jjc n . 1,1 1 Knnl)t_-i ley to rcuidu with liei siatcr, Mm. Th union. Mi kerr, of 'for,. nt. i, is vuiting al Mr. Wuodburu's at prentnt. Mr. and Mra. Uichurtl Park have the sympathy of all in their hout of sorrow for liio loin <>f th.'ir htllt) daughter. Mr. MiK-ii/u- L>iiiK.-M ,u. d family have moved to < wen Sound. The ' nion Sab'oalli school tea meeting jg tl) , )e , hu Hall it This ,voaru happy t.. deny, us Thurs.l.ty evening, the .'3rd Ma-. 1'ei-rst.H was at hi post iitftill on " Plwhertoa statio:i. Krli: ,,| ,,,.,, ;limilL - la )n. partd. This t tlltl Mr.*, r'lantt has KOHU lo Toronto Thentation m still in thw- H,ime pJaco, hvr biter f..r a (-..iiu'i. ..i' vrtreks. Mr. EdiU.r, althoush news from it has WISH Hatlio Smiiii, oi T.,|-..nio, is visit been such a scarce ooinnuxlity, of late, i"!.' *t lu-r brother's, David Smith's. Our little villnge is, as usual, quite lively. Mis* Sarah Pedlar has returned to the CSrtiin, telegraph poltw, and timber, are cHy 'r a pleasant visit to her many the order of the day, friends at Eugenia. See The Bargains Of Worsteds Overcoatings Sweeds 2$ c TO CLEAR OUT BALANCE OF WINTER STOCK. C. J. Leitch, Merchant Tailor. HAVE YOU BACK ACHE DODOS KIDNEY WILL CURE YOU "Backache meant the kid- ney art iit trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills give prompt relief.'' "75 per cent, of disgast It frat caused by disordored A.</- neys. " Might a well try to hauo a healthy olty without acwcr- a to, aa good AT :/'/> when I ha kidney* art clogged, they are tht acairvnt/era of the system. "Delay Is dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles, result In Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Lii nr Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Brir/hts Dismiss, Diabetes and Dropsy. " _" Tho above din'iuet mnnot exist where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used. * Sold by all <!rakr> orocnl bymulon receipt of price jo r x for $>. Dr. L. A. Smith ft I'.-. 1 jicnux \\ i .. :, i Lwok uulc J kulMy Talk. THE F\GT .XVfR'S Sarsaparilla CURES t' Scrofulous Diseases, . "-M'S, Eczema, Li\vr ^i-asc-J, Dyipopsiii, . .1.1, .i:-J Catarrh should 1 hat the same course of txetitment WILL CURE vor. *>\l ,as boon said of the wonder- ful cures (.iTectcd by tho use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla the past fifty years, truth- ppliv . u>-i!.iy. Ii is, in ovcry -, The Superior Medicine. rativc properties, strength, effect, and flavor are always the vime ; and for whatever blood -es AVER'S Sarsaparilla is . they yield to this treatment. When you ask for AVER'S Sarsapariila !>c induced to purchase .my 01 tiiexvor'.iilessMib.stitules, whicl: aie mostly mixtures of the c!if;ip- (.si ingredients, contain no > |!l.-i, have no uniform sian ..iii i>i" :ipp..---:-a:v\\ flavor, or effect, art blood-piirificrs i:i name o:ily, ic offered to you because t'vie i; r.-.ore profit in selling T.'ike AVER'S Sarsaparilla I'rratred hrDr. J. C. Aver ft Co., Lowell. MaM. SoU by all DruggiMi ; Price $i ; tut bolUo, $5. Cures others, will cure ywt

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