THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out? per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done in all its branches. KOTaP**- fatlte M***. EVERY MAN SI his |ih>sioal power* tla^x Tliuv wi physical aua mi i bi n,i.. d MBOOH- __ f>ut)ruas they aopply iu a Mtideiited foriu the eBixtAnrtts ' stMllr MMed to ea- ch the Blood, euring Jl (ine-n-n-a aoviiiig r mi i-'niK and wi- liLpuon, or from .'iriA-i KI> HrMoBs la In, BLOOD, and aluo nvlgorate awl lJun n J'.- the HlxxiD and si 1 1. j. v. :.. n broken iown ly overwork, mental worry. dim-aae, eicuMve and iiidiiscro- tioLS They have a Bprt-mo AmoM on ihi- Si \I-AI. hvn m of iiiwu ar.d wumm. wiittirillX LOST VlUiHl Dd oorrecting all i-.nrr.ri.Aiin IBS aud surraaawuHH. Who find* bis rnmtal fa ultirs dull or fuiliuu. or should take tfiesd reatoro hi lost uiietgle*, ~ Ccmlintiea! /'.!./. 7. ntal. rUCDV Uinikiiy shnnM take them. EVERY WUBAR Ti,y .-uro n .,.- - which iuevitablj If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. prcsslons aixl ntall lick, YOUNe MEN \ ultt of fouUiful bad btvl yttem. YOUNe WOMEN Diaku Uieui regular. For sale liy all ilriiueliU. or will be sent upon receipt at price (Me. iwr box), by addreeuug __ rrmfu.entiee, heu uvtflected. should take these PiLr,. They will cur* the rr- bits, aud slrougthon tbo bouM take them. Tbeae FILL* will T: The SA Y! Farmers ! Business Menl Evorybody 1 TIB nnderiiiKiinlliaa tartl a now carriejje> an.l rrpalrtlic >lHi|> I" Klnelnrton. where you can Rot your r|>alrn don* on tbort notice au Jon rraaoiialile ern>i. arrmur TrlmnilHit. iiK Kepnlrlnc. and everytbini In the oarrlaK iiiakliin line liivrm a call. Haliifact Shop over McTaviBh'* Shop. Black 11 T. llaiiiiilon. Htii.lmrlon. Jan. III. 1HWI. Good News TO MANY I desire to call tin- attcntiun of the public to the fact that I have opened A General Repair Shop Iu connection with tho Fleglicrton Woollen Mill, and am rnqmrcd to do all kiuds of Iron and Wood Turning* Patterns made, and castinga got on ahuit notice I have not Hpaco to mention iii detail the variety of work 1 can do, but anything you have in iron or wood that requires bring it to iln- !'!. ^ln itmi HaTl-if rented Wlitttco's blackimltb ibop for a term of yuan, I alii > in a |Xltiou tn rati-rto all want* In my Hue. EorseskoeiDg a Specialty, Sat^fart ion .ii;irnnl. rl for anything in the bacfomithtng line call on F, A. BUNT, 1M" ""*' Klchardaon'i Hardware kore. i.% %. SOCIETIES. R c OTAI- TKMPI.ABH OK TEMPKRASPB Kiilar Ciiniicll ineete cnry Ttiitiula liiK In Hpruule'e block at p. itt. Helert drgree iiiiiiiranrri meeti monthly, tb* Wmluaaday preewlliiK the Wnil of each month ONS Of TKMrKHASCIt.-ThU sorlrtj. nuieti In I ): Chriiloe' Hall evrrv \v nexlar !> I'M i UK at * p.m. Vlltlui| bretk ri'ii lovlted. Insurance Iu couueetton. s c rou V )KINCK AKTHUB 1.0 DO K N.< SSS. A.F. * A M . meet In the Uaanlo Hall.Mtralv' lilipck.FlMlierton. eTery ou b'" r e tlmfull moon. A. 8. VaoJmeu.W. M II J. Hproul Heoreiar? Where ! e*ea T pcjaod of Memrn. (Jilruy, Armatfoiig Md the mover. Mr. Gilray then mored, by Mr. Clark, that the Warden ami Mr. Head bo a deputation to advocate the i c.ll Of HUC. 533, A (lillHl llidllteil Ilillllli'l 1 Act of Is'i'J. li-fore thu municijutl -iiiiint u-e of the lo-atl Ix-^mLit me. Mr. BoUnd thoiiubt it might be .IH ell tx> wait until the otlitfr counties wcie card from, K it would l>u bvttei' to luve inserted Hction. Mr. (iilray aaid ihe uther countiwt ere in. iring and were pretty evenly i\ idi-il on the Hubject. The ipuentmu i as before the Legudjituie lant si-i*ion i. d would lie decided thin s.-s-ion. and 10 w if ever WHS the tune t.i act. Mr. Agncw said the hour was too latu to mt roluce such a motion (it being al- iiost ulevun) He agrevtl with tins ree\e i Owen Sound tliat thu minority hud a ight to Jvpretwutfttion ami pro|>o<l if Imputation were sent that it include wo and one agaiiiHt. laughter.) Mr. Clark Hail the local inmiihorH ad- ised Honding a deputation. It would lie n evidein e to the got erinii<nit the ouneil were in eainust. XinneroUH K!titioii went before the IIOUHU last year or and agaii.Ht rcpoal, according as the ntc-rent of the countiea varied, fount en Inrh have large rivem riinnilig through In-ill moHtly find the provimon to thvir nti rest, but t > a county situated like it man injiiiyand a wrong. In hia tow imhip of Keppul there were ho large iridges over Htruamn, but they hail n>cks to overcome that wen- ii(n.illv uxpeiiHiie. In one [ilace they liad a bridge of HO benta to get over a rock. Other town- h u il miles of swamp to be CIMNH- wayed, yet could claim no atwiotan' e Then oiitmili- the ijueHtion of injiiHtice t!iere weredefi-cti in the Act. It had too many ifx, leading to dilfereiit inU-rprettt- tt. .in. which in turn led to expenaive rl.itmtioiiH aH the county had lately ez- |K-iiii<.ced. If tin- Hi-Inn. it. .i-s in the TUonibury in.itU.-r had exacted all the eviilencu the law provided for from the municipalities the expense would have/ run up into thouHamU of dolkim. r!\ re.-\ n snd depiitie.4 who have lemoved Minnesota and the Nortli-weat would give evi till next (Written for tl.' Admi\tt.) Child lrTB TBAB). Mamma, where ! Heareo T I Id, At eiie itrokeil uiy bead. Hearen h far n|i n. the kr, If >!. you'll i,.-. tlier.- I., -End try. TKXTH TEAB, Fapa. whore i Hi-aven 7 I auk, Now I liuru clone MIT rt .11 J Uak. Hee TOD iff wliurt- th enceU *>tay, With Uotl ami I'll 1 1. . Iu oinllcH ilay. Mm rv in vr*B. Teacher, where i* Ili-ntn O tell. Thai I may li in that iilau* called bell ? TE*ru<B. HeaTun it that Kf.> ami bleet avbmle. \Vburu ud> tbe ' it.uitlit nn<l oaxru* road " ! i -. i n n l i IH Hllilf. lH"-t .if lunik". alHt true, 1 II irad Itiaivfully anil tbrougb. Kow. this i>> what the Bible raid : Hi MIT. 'ii > l the ii.iiiil.the MOD! ; no dread. Havi' tlii'r who (io.1V < ./tiiinaiiiluiinu keep, H' with tin-Hi wlM-n thuy weke or Bleep. Am) whi-ri' (io.l In. l.t Hi-nri'ii to rue, ID time, ami iu Ku-rult v. of * Business. .Inn ln W*. Pl'BDT. HR un.lcri-ignefl begs lae to <- qnahit the inhabitants of Flrshrrtun aud Mirriniiiiliiix eonutry thai be has piircliaat.l tbe Floor. Pril ami Groeeiy Store, fr i.. Kirhard Pedlar, brr lie will ronliiine to kw-fi on InmJ a good supply of Choice Flour, F*l ami (lr<>e*ri-s,t Lowest I'lierF. Ci.ottMy mw. 8<|U re Ufal ig will !' the order of the dar at llrnil<-r->u Slore- \V hope that the (lid C'ntoii:er will eontiuue to patrouize u* aud a spriuk- ling ot new out . Eggs Taken in Trade. Plewes' and Fords Floor Alwaj* on Hand. iy/77 Henderson. l>ei m ]V" ti hnvi- 1. 1 l,e Niiiiiini>iii*l t<> ileii -. Mr. Sinj{ nmvrd t<i mljimrn im. riling, but vtiut vntiil down. Mr. Sliute WBH aiixiiMiH U> tht> tli.- Owrii Huund, Onlnrlo, 10 1'he Vei'y I i M I-. IN CANADA TU (iET A Thoruuyh Take a Round l 4 all where you may depend on getting your work done neatly and mibstau- ti.illy. Having biiilabli- for KA.W emery wheeli I will make that a specialty for a few wee'xi. Charges luw, but ttirnw casli. YOUI-B truly, W.H.PLESHEE 4- other litiiin I'.ilh'Kfi and Coniiuercial llepartinente In I'anada. tlieu Tlelt tfie Northern tin- in.--' i .'II. ii<- . unauilne eTery- tjiiiK thornuiihl). If <te fall lo produce Ihe wont thoroiiaii. i'lin |ih-ti. practical and eiten elTe fdiirve of vtiidy ; the belt college premises eii.i the lieet and inott ooni|ileti- ann most mil- Jbl f iiriuturu ami aiiplianrei. *-e will |lve you a full course FICKK. For Annual Announce ss*ut,(lTlnf full particulars, free, address C. A. FLEMING. Prlnrlpal. Notice to the Public 1 SALE OR TO LET. l.iD arrea lard within two in I lei of FloH.irrton nn ficnllent water power mill kid. at l.iirh' KalU ii|ion th |ilac ; :tt ft. huad uf watvr nn the wheel at ii.ownt helulit f the ilain. Will In, will In I blork or the mill -i iiy n- if. and tlielaiiil In parcln friini one acru U|iwiriU 'n Mill imrehaMirn. The Valley roail rum lln.pu^li the whole length of the |,lao. Thin l a iiood oiifiortiinttv f'ir faiiiilie* to naoiiro mnall home P-ICH.III with nl'ini'lan t KII|>|'|\ of (rood water. Teruu liberal. Apply lo MM iim.i, f'leihertoii Htatlon l O FOR SALE. if a Biiruuin [ .t i to- 4 Rnprirsil*, oontslnlu (4H a.-ri-*, Ulacren chiarvd. H|ili illil frauu- barn 40UI), -nrllli utalile IIII.IKI dri'liard, HOIK! watur. luK >ii> fruin. kiii-hi n II. inn AlHint Ml HII.K ^ -II' i,il> fp.r n' Will be aohl iniliiuilUti.] v i- 1 to -MI- ri flic Any |-<-rM',i .loeirir-H irvvl ptiu-i! 4U ulU iiiTi'iilKSto. Write U> JOHN MARTIN Iji^oula I'. U The b'lesherton Milling Com- pany having purchased the rol- ler flour and saw-nnlls t lately owned by \V. K, Fleshc* are now making all necessary re- pairs to f>nt them tn thorough condition for turning out first class u'ork,and Jor that f>urf>ose were obliged to close tin mills for a tin'e. They art. wcu often and are under the management of Mr.J. W ford, a first class miller of iong ex- j>erience,it>ho re^pectfullv solicits the public patronage in those lines. Highest cash f>rice paia for wheat that the market ir;// afford, and custom saicing done as usual. Chopping done every Wednesday and Saturday. TIE FtKIHTII I'll.'! (I. -t itlltr ri'|i(Mlrd lull WHK olllMiMl-tl to i \ |pp IIM of a ili-| oil. 'I 111- ]PI.I| Hit III (PIT WHH the |IIP'|P.-I |M'nu>ii to |uvs. nt thu iiieniorUl. Hu citwi the eS|H>iiMi of the r.ulwity rufiiml di-| ion tn Ottawa t w> year* ago. Mr. (iilray mid thv clerk hail aunt cop- H-S nf the i.i all the other county oiiim iU a>king c<i-o|HThtioii, and tlu-rc would iritrtinly be a Keiivrnl move one way or the other. Mr. <;..r.|..n movutl, Hecoii'lwl by Mr. Irwin, that Mr. Clark'* name )M> mliU-d to the deputation. Mr. KI-IT wild he had lidvocAted K' v i"8 to the Thornhury bridge Ins- l>elievd Uiu law could COIII|H)| it, but he WKH JUKI us agreeable now to the -|ifiil or .inn iiilnii-nt of the tu-ct ion. He mill like to Hee it ineinl. ! in Hitch a wny UN !< L:IV>- rounciU ilim;retioiuiry MI* IT. a*t tin-in wore cxeH where im lolllit i i I x\ o lid lie uiii-ii Tin- dilticill ties re({nnliii|; evidence mentioned by Mr. 'link III! thought -.In Hi Id In- 1 ml I'l'fore the IIIIIIIH l|i.ll . .iiunilttee by the il.-|iilt;i tion i that nmuiiilmunt in that respect might IK- had .iUo. After Mr. Ai;new and Mr. CUrk had apoken, Mr. 1'edlnr uikel for the yea* and nay* 1.11 t!ie formei motion. The council were found t ctaud 34 for and !) agaiiikt the deputation. Ml. ('limlioliii then moved, wounded by Mr. Kcliench, that 9200 be granted to the Fruit-grower*' Aatociatinn to awUt in the collection of aamplei of fruit tirnwn in tSe inunty fur exhibition at :hu Woild'a; the aolectiona to be made from em li niunici|Mliiy, and the name of glower and toaiisl.ip t. be attached to each. Mr. SHUT protonted that it a too late to deal with the resolution that nuht, and nip'icil that it b referred to the linaiirii c..iiiiintti-ii to report upon. The motion wm cairied and the council ad- journed nt it (juitrier tu twelve. ((VnfiitiiW IH iifj-t i*ntt.) Thero was en it excitement at the Knechtel furuiturti worki, Hanover, Uat week by the telief that uold had been found in the dn^mi; of a well. It waa found on teitiiiK that the brixht dut Uken from the well waa brau. Some piecea of braa*dropped into the well by the |Mtr'.iei drilling, and the heavy drill had Kround i to powder. S.. the furniture coinpnny have tu no on making furi.iture a* before. A correipoiident tella the followiiif; It'iry: "One day my brother went to buy a biifehel of buckwheat. He found the man of M horn hu was to buy the grain away, but his wife waa at home, and she niuler t noli to make the sale. Mhe gut a perk measure and they went to the granary. Therx the woman tilled the im .1 .MI c- twice, poured it into the hag hirli my brother held open, and then s <piHK to tie thu bag Mid take the pay for a I n.l ol. 'Hut, Mrs K ,' sad I. ', 'it dikes four pecks to make a bushel. 'Oh, does itf said she. 'Well, you tie, I never had ady experience measuring !!. r>- 1 wits nmiritd, I nlways : linol !" W. W. Bnrbanan Urapk Hblkry They an- tolling a joku on \\ . W. Buchanan, the gununil manager of the Itoyal Templirs of Temperance. Hu wa une of the iu>ble HJX hundred win. attundod thu Young Libuntlit' ban<|uet on TuuwLty uvi-uuii;. nl ni-ar linn WH a liad man wh<i. knowing that the only iMjvcrage to IMB provided wan the Kpirk- jig but uiii'xhilirating gingentle. had willed himself with a Ktitficiency of _ K! old ryu whiskey, which hu brought to the hampiet in n gingeralo bottle and pbli-ed before himself on the table. After Mr. I'.in-li.iiMii h.i.l iMiish. it In- dinner he WHH athirnt, and, Kc-eing the gingt-rale Uittle, he reehiil for it and |>oure out a large bumper of thu amber fluid which it contained. Two or three bail men in the ueighlMirh.MHl, ulm knew wliat wn.s iu the bottle, did a finger to inter- fere, but with fiendixh glee left Mr. Bu- chanan to hid fate and watched the result The ilnyal Tumphtr magnato lifted the glasn to IM-. hps ..M, I Uiok a large gulp. Then an ex|ireMUi>n of pnincd wiirpriM- ovi-rsprvMl hin feature*, tu be awiftly "in-eo-diil by a look of horror aH he realeed that the demon of .ilenhol would noon be dancing merrily through his veins. No emetic to be had, and there wax nothing for the prohibition propaganda-it to do but attempt to drown the enemy in copious draughts of tlui.U that were innocent of alcnhol. Kut all through the |)oKt-prandial proce>iliug Mr. Kuchanan's face wore a sa 1 and slightly reproachful expruiouon. [Hauul toll JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. , Co. 0IT. COUBT CLBRK. COIIMIMIOICFR R.. Convejraucor. <* AD for puicbaee eaU tale of land*. Ai>|raiiui for C L. C. feto. ud F P B A B Boelety Voney te I.oeji i r the most reaeonable terms. laarcB oFMAKHIAUS HOUSES. MOTAHT PCHLIC. MONET TO LOAN. andtnifroed ha* a lar amonnl m*-ry to loan it Ao/o oo town or property. B. DAMCDB, FlrtbcrtoB. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clvrk. Ariiii)la Innirnmv ayrcl, (. IVtds, Iraarl, rte., prrparrd ond properly cxrciilM) InTLr affi'Otwt in Ant elaai eomtitBic* MI.D-T to Uud M !.> rain. M. R. HAMMOND Rebecca Wilkmaim, of Brmrntrallry, Ind , layi : "I had ben in a dittre^acd ci-iiiliti"ii for three year* from Nervoui- neai, \\VakneM f the Stoinacli, 1*\ uprp- ia and Iiidiyritiini until my health wat c 'in- 1 IN plight i PHI- btlttle of South Am ericnn Nervine, winch diuie ni>- more good than any $uO worth .( ductorint; I ever <ltd in my lifo. 1 would id vim every weakly peraon In ue this valuuble and lovely reme.'y. I consider it the vrniideHl medicine in the world." A trial tx.ttltt will convince you. Warrant- ed by RicbarUiun A Co. " Honor Roll fur Jan. u. Ktrobrrtvy Coa>ntiHiloDi for ItakliiH AnVleviu etc Ineuree and Ix>ant ui"ny M low*.! rate*. Buoiitoe L<iaM*, LK^Ja. WW>v *M prouiptly. cheaply ami effioUutly. DR. HDTTON M. D. l M . M. C. P. A S. Oct., T'lle. Keeideoc* BM! OOee one dno ol tiM MetbodMt Chorah. Kiaroee 'H Jay.. Tui wlei i ami .-s.lunla.1 wrat OMe* DR. GARTER. C. P. * 8 . Ont. rin .(clan, suneofi . FlMhtrton. Offlee Strain 1 ! bttock Mninhew hotel. DR3. 8PROULE & EOO. U.S. S. Nn. 1. Euphrasia and Arte- inesia. Claas 4.--E. Hiiinberstoiie. W Mai tin, M. Smith. Class 3. M. Sim oUS, W. Smith..!. C.irt ut hern, \V. Thomp- i,.n, K llraniH'. Senior flans 2. M. Hiimberatune, M McLuod, Fred Ma-iin D. Braniff. P. Smith. Junior floss 2 J. Branitr, N. Martin, Dan. liramtf. Part L'nd Claas- M. Hraniff. J l: \KM.K, Teacher. The following is the standing of Mai- well public school for the last two weeks of January: Huwmd Sproule 17'-. Alrx. Strachan 170, Alice Field IT: 1 .. Ueorge Preston 171, Ceo. Long 1G.I, Chas. Her- on li5, Ji'remiah Kin^horn I."i5, \Vm Fairy 14fi. Henmin-ler of cUaioH names in order of merit, but three in each class. 4th --Mary Heron, George Itoss, Su.i Ferguson. :iid Erangeline Pal- lister, Annie \\ n^lr. Lizzie Little. 2nd, John Chis'e t, Walter Kerti n, Eva Sin. I 2nd l'.iit , \\ n, Ki-nw I.-K. Ui.Utt Piillis tor, Annie Heron. Averatjo attendance titf J. L. Wood, teacher. Mi k.lele Oat OOee Uai>U i tore. T. 8. Siroule. II. D., Etr Auto. 1(0, M. D.. Kte., late tl T, ti.-ma.eiii (Joi Vr. l|i will be fo4 at UM MorMaie HO*M M Blgbt J. P. OTTEWBLL, Tetermary Surgeon. Onuluate of Ontario Veterinary-College. ResiileiuM First door auutb of Le.teu'1 tailor shop, J. P. HALSTEAD, M. O.. M. C. P. t b..ODt.proiio<-s at Kla*. Bheomatia diwasM a Jlrntbtry. J. P. MARSHALL, L. D. 6., M. D. 8.. 1) 'iitmi. v IMU Mark- the 1st nod Brd WeUuecdrnv of rab Bouth. r ir.l.rt<iu tcli Ui|> ou tile day ol lowing. Itch, Manx, and Scratchn on human r animals i-imd in ::o Biiniites by W,.,,| fonl's Hanitaiy Lntinii. Tins nevrrfails- Warranted by \Vui. M. Kiuhardsou USK'TILEKONH:" If troubled with I'll.l-'.S. A remedy of highest merit Eudorsed by thu - - Ml Hl> VI. 1'ROrEBHlON - i.i-ii i..ii. i >nt April .N. laoa. I have finiii.l thv toppoaltorT prouared by Mr W I HtronK of uri-at anBletaiim In hemorrhoids. It l> tbe bust 1. 11 al ai'iilloatiini I bave UMH!. I'L I I AMI-UVI I M D. I .union. Out , Mav llth. IWg. I have lined W T ntroutf'* ttlvkone fur i'iti-1 nal an well an inlrrnal |nli-. ami I..-II.T ri'milu tliau frmii any otbor remedy I have unv<l. A J.W. FROST, BTieter, SolioUoe, Conttyttotn. EU. FlesherUm ii0a - Neil tb pott > fflce 8piuU's buililiim, OB Tburmlayn. Oweo o(0e Proai's P. McCDLLODOH, t-r, Solicitor. Kle. Failaml's store, Markdal*. Oflior over M- Mont; lo '. Prlfc 1 Kiir rale by mail on receipt OlIAIIAU, XI D Ji ni/fists or tv . W. T. STRONG, """'SSU, 181 DaodiU Street, Londou. Oct. WRIQHT A LINDSlY, ParrlKtvra. ol leitora. el<\. Owen Kound. Out > lenherlon o/Hoe at Mllcliell'a, \vliiaatlay el lach week. Mun v to loan ai lowiot rates. W. H WHIIIHT. B. Y.. LIMNMT. R. J. Sprtsule, \)03TMAHTER,FIsLorUii.(\iinmi.*iioa> -* IT iu B. R., I,i'iii d Audi, . in r. Coo- Tncr. Ap|wnis*r suit Mm*/ L*a>det. Ri-ul Estate ami Iuiuraoie Au^nt. !><U. Morti>aa^s. Leases tod Will* drawn up snii Talnatious mmle on shor',l notice. Aat- tiou Sales alli-n.le.l lo in any pury of tb CouiilT. Uouer to |.n at lot>st rates of inU-reet. CMIt-eilons tlvu<lii to with prouiptncas ai,.l ilrnpnloh. Cbsrg low. Ageiitlor Oir IHiiniiiion Stoau.xl.i)iCoaipany cheap tickrl> fiont l-l.^ln i Inn to Lirerriool, , I.oiMlon or any of tln> Britirk tort*. Putties lutsnd'nf,; to TJfil Eu(lte). KcolUiul .ir Irelui, will pl?a*r ask rle<l*. a thi tietcl. els*ar.