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Flesherton Advance, 9 Feb 1893, p. 5

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THE FLESHtRTON ADVANCE a VNIUN 5 OFFICE OF iiEO. MITCHELL, Fl.h.1IIKKT1t.\. \ ..''.-I'-ii h* iki'itf blin rsriinwtil Orft< m 1 1 I * i I li'i.i |.i** e*ilu<<i t u*iil rate! Uondv .il*^>, able for K-uittiuato I>unititt4ii Lt,n |>i i. Oi'Kic.3 tw"j dir!i aorth of Richardson A Go's. Vicinity Chips. f&arartoristirs of the Past Work 4 .ir.-l'iillv 4 nil.- I for the I'urioits. -.Wi/"! nf f/i# nit' / /"e prr linr fur Mrs. KJiuiinUi, of Fonlw : ch, is the .i her sister, Mr. W. W. Trimble. Mia* Mary Kt rain returnuil Ut week from a viit to N.;w York an Ft male a|.|rentics wanUnl at <>nc t<> l\rn tlie uiloriiiir. 0. J. Lirrva. Kucenu union SuntUy Suli'-l will li.ilcl iti mn.ual teaineetiii!! in the Orange H.iil on TlmraJay eVLuina, Fel> 23. Mrs. Bmkerville lias returned liomn after an ^xtpnilrd visi* v. itli her daughter, MM. Dr. U-i, of* Mill*. fir MantlM -A frw left can ho bad at bargain price* at Rkhrd.n & Co't Quarterly erTK-ea were heU in the Meth.'di.t church ->n Sabhatli last. Rer. Mr. MilnHr, <>( Toronto, occupied tb pulpit umniin" and evening. Mr Win. Ma-nonhiMi been recommend - id by North Gry C.-naervaiiven iw the \.r IK-F p< non fr the vacant p.*'uuiHter- hip <>f (Hrrn Suund. Th bus did not meet the in >rnini( train on Monday. Cauae: a run away before starting, a broken sleigh tm-uue autl .wounded lioiao. The mail t taken -ut ou honeback. Rev. (. Chittick, of Corbettou. will tako the Me'limliHt Korvici"* cm tliin citx-ut next SnliWth. KJV. Mr. T'iigue twing iilweiil at Tun aHttmting IU-v. Mr. Kuggin in <ui- niveriJiry stTvices. Carpets- Short en<l oitabl for smatl ru .IILS,. Unriiiij at half price at RicharxU'-n A Co'*. Maxwrll f-> ith:dl club will hold an en- tc.rtaiiiiii.-nt in the Orange Hall, Maxwell, .i> the evening of Wednesday, Feb. i. Local talent. AcJiiii-ssioii unly lUanciri cen's. treat Bargains in Manil* cloths. Drew (iiAuls, Wmceys, etc. etc. must be cleared out to make room for spring gcxxU. M Richm-ilson and Co. The Advance has been requested to vivo tin- following notice puplicniinn: KUlc-r R. 0. Kvitiw, t>y preacher, of Lou- don, Out , will preach .-it '.' and 7 p in in (he letter Day Saint Church, lot HI. con 15, l*ruton, on Sunday, Feb. H>. All re invited. C'lrarillX Male- "'" auunal clraring mitt had now ooiiniM-iu-xl. i-,.iiie al.'iin and j^tl a share of the HirgainH. M. Riclmnl win and & Cu. his brother, Mr. Win. Tucker, whom 1 e had not seen f >i 2'.) years. His brother W ii. had lif i! i put a few wreka pruv- i in fur Miclu,Mii, o that there has been coiia durable uf a iliiappiiit:iljut. H it HOW Hall ill',' Wltll Mr. Sllilrklfforcl. The Ladies Aid of tlie Mtt'iodist church held an "At Home ' in tlie Town Hall <>n Tiu-sday veiling at which nbottt 60 pv -pi- wen- pi-rwiit . Tlie Hall wa tastily decorated, and many ifaincs, refreshments and a short programme served to while awuy n |ilratiit eveninu. Mr. Fred Armstrong and ru moved to Toronto last week, where h has taken up lii nHid-ncc-. Mattel Kred.jr.who IKS been the po;.u'.ir .!< man in M. Ri:hrd-.ii A Go's, hardware store for tome years, has severe.! hi nection with tli-it linn and t ikcii n petition with Mr T. Aikeiihta-', Inudware mer- chant of Toronto. An esteeme.l imlMcnberin remitinn for this year says: "1 would not be without Tho Advance for twice ihe .uiiount of AiiriHcription. \V<- ra^crlv 1 o\ forward f,,r itt i rival' Thanks. 1'n. Cni ii;ei. Kind woidi I cite tliew are always appre- 1. TI i, iiap.'r IIHH to niiiki- itscM' HiteriKtini', and is always ^ to '* that its fff- rts nrt" rtAVtiiK with ujjc. H. To !<row ,,n Ki-^oefully, one must live tein;ierHtely, i-.iliu'y. muthoJically; be in- terested in nil thai is xonirf on in the world; be cheerful, ln;i|iy, and contented, and Huovt. ]', keep the blood pure and vigoroua by th uu cif Ayur'n Sarsapitrilla. Ho ,i:rt- you g-' Ayer'u. Slave Bolts U'^ntcJ. I HID uiyin;,' .^-'5 I por cord for nnt UMHvoft elm itt.ivc Uilt-. A lar^u i limn tityntill wanted. S hAMriit, Flunhurtoii. A 'ctrrn which vury near'y ni''ri'ed tlie Lille of blixiutrcj [uisitcd over this suction vi Kn lay, !i\stii: until Saturday. Trains weredeln)d MVcral I. ours and ilielo^h- ys were block -d witli snovr. Tlie KevHrsham slaife did not a t 'K at its leH- tinatiou Friday ni-lit owin<; to the blind- t v, sno4f (tor n, and ill.- Kimberly mail d d But et through <HI Saturday. A short thaw mi Monday svttled the RIKIW aouie- <*hat, but tlc.-re \ an enorinous quantity o i the gri-uiid and a heavy thaw would in. ike sr. oils fl .odt. The Advance echoes the fidlowing en- tinieuta from an exchange : In overhaul- ing our subscription list we have found it neceuary to drop quite a number of n une*. All of them, persons who have faithfully patronized us for live or siz years, without veii paying a cent into till. 'tVe hate terribly to part with them old rwl.aUee. Their faith iu our .bihty to subsist cm the cob end uf noth- ing is very touching. It shows a contt- di'hc c iii our ethereal, angelic character which in truth, the facts do warrant. They compliment us by seeming to think that we cau feast on ozone and lunch on the Wind; but it can't be done. Tlie third regular meeting of the Qu-ir- tc-dy Official Board of the Muthodut church on thu Fluidiert. >n Circuit, was held in the Metlio.list church in FleHher- tiHi, cm Monday l.i,t at 3 p. m . at whii-li the* various njiortt were preHcntud. The utuioHt hiruii'iiy prevailed nnd thv fol- lonm r.'-iiu:i..ii wa* unanimously ) i-^ ed: Moved by D. McMullen, Hejo:uluil by Tlicirp Wright, Tlu-.t tho nnan i.d report of the SecruUry and Treasurer of the TruMt B.>ard, as presente<l, IMJ ac- ceptod and rucouled in the mimitert, and that tlcii (Quarterly < >Hi lal Itoanl expr. ss their ploasuru and H.-iti.ifa'.-tion with the accounts an pruitciited and .audited, show ing a steady reduction of the debt from .nliiiaty income. Carried. John W Atnistroiit;, R. S. Vou cun never t.ll w! ..vt a cold may lowl to ; it i ! '" lv - younwlf thebencht of t!:e d .Y t '-''I -' it an soon a.s ponible with \\ i^''ue IVct >ril. A ilny'x delay, *.im.time* an hc.ur'M delay, may rx-Bult iu sviious con- Mr. Samuel Tucker, cif Uuffalo, arrived on turly last to vi not ! in more capable handi than thor-si of the energetic chairman of thu Commit- tee on Agriculture. Cadar Plank Wanted. Wanted, a few thousand feat of good coUr plank and schntling. For partic- irs apply to WM.CLAYTON, or i'. HOLM \ \, policw truateoH. rieahertnn, Feby.l.,lH<:i. Thu Kinilii rl.-y Kriat mill, which has lately been undert;c>ing the pn-ceu of liavin<T the roller system ndded to it, is now in complete working order. Mr. Bell has hi* announcement in The Advance. The Y. M. P. B A. concert tobegiv.n in thu Town Hall on Wednesday evening of next Wdek promises 1 1 be the event, of laWMHMs. Mr C.itnoron and Miss Lilli Kleiner are a strong tuam, aud added to these are the Mimes KelU in club and ,1'iiiil) liell exercises, with the Flesliert jn < ircheHtra, under the able luodoislnp cf of Measr>. Jos. Parks, of Dundalk, and Vanzant, of Fiuihertoii, a< purveyors of the musical portion. Mr. Cameron is too well known here to require any intro- duction, but Miss Kleiser, nieKzosoprunno, of Toronto, has never appeared before a Flesherton audience. We have before u some Mattel-ill'.; preas notices of this young lady, which unite i-i placing her among the foremost lingers of tho day. Krom these notices wa cull tho following from the Virden Chronicle : "Miss Kleiser, the soprano, has a full, rich and well-trained voice, under perfect control, and her enunciation in so clear that every word of her anng* is distinct ly heard iu every part of the hall. In her two songs, "The Winter Lullaby" and "Dear Heart" she satisfied the audience that as a sii.gerut hitch class music, she has few equals and fewer, if any.suporivrs in Canada. An an encore to her second piece she sang "Annie Laurie, ' in such a pa'hetic niaiine* that it appealed to tb hearts of etery listnner. and cirried them away ti "Maxwellton's banks and bntcss. " Thu society has gone to ^n-at expense in providing AII enl'M t, tiniiient uf more than ord'iiary inerit,and it is to be hoped their eiiterpiite will be mot with thu just re- ward of a bumper hou*e. MM > M 1 M> l 1 > i i II I L. O. I. No. 1118 held their Oin.e Soiree at Eugenia us stated, on the 1st nut , and to aay the lca<t it certainly was a tfrand succec, a there wa* not only ,in lioiisn but a very oiderly jiitlirring, and a.s for unteit liiimeiit they Imve never yet failed to present a good appropriate aid humiroui programme, and this year Uckecl n itliing. MissCarr very ably presided at the iT^an The Kii^enia iiiimiL-ians did remrlahly We 1 c n .uler.iiii their inability t> yet out to ngular pr.u;ticu. t'rjtou orcheslr-i> ren- dered .|in excellent niusi 1 , beini; en- coi od sevural times. The reading by Mrs. Woodl.urn anj dialoguec by Miss Williams and Messrs. Willi.un* Bros, and Miistoi- \Villie Carr, and songs and in- strumental mimic by Mrf"x. IVdlar l!r . , were all very well rendered and loudly applaudu'l. Rev. Mr. Wells, boina called on at a lato hour, gave a short but inter- esting and very appropriate addrusa. The entertainment cloaed by all sinking Ciod Save tho Queen. Pio e<ls 9 50 50. A dunpatcli from Ottawa s-iys that Dr. Sproiile. of Kant llrey lias taken prompt ii'tioii as chairman of the Ccunmitte mi Agriculture in '>ne of the most imp'irtant matters now before the C'ui-xdian pnMic, t!iat of t,!:e slicdiil- ing if Canadian cattle in Knglaii'l. II- , it up,. n i'ie i i a motion for all t'leei'i-iv.-.,,, .idc'in-e ami '.1 KM:. t>> the f.-^i', which will give Ii i:\ ' aaJM ail ' ! '' intends to ,-isk a.itliorit.v to , VjtCi'..' ' :!V ' otl:i'!s >0 ii.-i \-.s r "c-d in , ! , .111-1 '' .it .-!i onr present juar- .n'liie r-g.ihti :M it w mid lie ini|>oHible fjr tl.e cl M6M l.o ol. l.illl :l f.M.thold. Mackiil hy this ho will ask the H"' a rem.lution pn-seiiting tin- e-ise to the notice of the imperial authorities. with good hopes that the facts thus oil latod may lead to the r nviiuliiitf of tho ub:i.<x'uun regulation*. The matter could Beaton wants a iown hall, lockup, pustuttice -n>l Division Court combined. An ludia.i outbreak IK reported at Pine Ridtfe, Neb. Four cowboy* have been killed by Strike'* hand. Hon. <!eoii{e Stanley, second aon cif the governor General, w ill with brain fever in London, England. lUrk well's bronchial Balaam will cur* coughs, colds, bronchitis and asthma, Mr. John Maik, his me tlu-r and his ei-iht-penr-old dauijhter weru burned t. di-iitli near Sturgeon lake, about ei.;ht milet from Lindsay, at an early hour Monday morning. \\illiama Koyal Crown H-MiioU Kixatest cure oil earth. < 1 uaranttit to cure ueiieral nervous debility, rheuma tism. neuruli/ia, paralysis, etc. A ti if teen year-old lad from the Slrat ford Orphan's home, ana oriijiiiiilly Iron Kn;laiid. ci'ininitti-d suici.le l-y hangmi; on a near Win^hain Monday. I.B. Luras barrister. Markdalr has #10,000 private funds tc. lend cm farm nioitViiirfS within the next few numtlii it lowest current rates. No commiss- ions, no delays, excuses low. Apply at cilh'ce in Markdale during the week or at Dundalk ollice un Saturdays. The an^ of rolibc-ri which hua infentui T.r.nto durinjj the last few c>k. coin inirtiMV Jcpred.itii>ntofeXr.ujrdiiiHry dai- iir; in broad daylight and wantonly d* fvin^'.lu' police, h.irn been nrreited and m.'Ht of the stolen jj-imls rrcnvered. T'ne iiinraud.Ti are four illiterate youn,' nun under 2T>, two of them in. in led. En^lisli Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps aucJ Jllrinifclif* fri'in horses, Blood Spat in, I'.irl.*, Splints, Riiitf Itone, Stvi-eiH't- Sutli-h. Sprains, S..ri- and Swollen I'liroar. lit, etc. Save #."0 by uie of bottle. \\ '-irrniiti'd tlie mosl c.mK'rful Mleniiah Cure c-ver known. Warranted What I A ui rn*r "f tti<* wtilv tUat caiifOH falllnq of tto hair, fading of MM Dlr, in fn, t. ,u-itli uf tl. Imir It l.-utaU-H ill,, -..-all' xti.i caui-e* arsJe* andeoiwauMteeruptloi - prodnco" bld- !'.,., n ,1' n,, ,1 I' itt Atlti P'lh !' nff with throap|illeat!aiii to| (alliiiu mid r.-"M - f ' linn lisir '" n- "rltliul culor. Hold In I uuxi-ls atTicuntii i>r '.Hittl. Who.-. Ih.. kidneys are Ploijurt-l. 'I health i^ an impos-il'i nv ; but wl:d i ""ikni^ ), ,i|'"..v the revorna n the case. TUMoull UaoR-cMJIie n> thekicluemiTv for rellt-f. I' L % oW Kdlnnv Tills are ucied the remit will b.i SMWelkm*. We emphatically utatu that w have never known a cone of kl idli"ca<o that ape: atsteul use of Uo 'd s !.i !uoy i'l'ls will :iot curs. CLAYTON BOOT AND SHOEMAKER- 1 very large stunk on hand, to 1)8 sold very tap, CUSTOM WORK TO ORDER. Bepairing promptly attended to. VV. CLAYTON, - - FLESHEUTON. EUGE1TIA FLAITIITG MILL! to inform the public that I manufacture* and keep in (took tin- following : Dors. lrrxi-i| F' -wring. lir<-| uiu %< -|| Posts, Balusters. Hand kC.iiluu t'ornrr lite., k*. the brt of >l>rn. . I. a III. No I & ! ShillKlr*. Stork ShiiiitlrH.Verniula Post*. \ r.iiicl.i Killing-. Siding*. > re k > c.Uc-x and Whiflrtrees. Turnings of all kinds done to order. AU kind* of Moulding* kept on bond. Moulded casings for innid* tiuish specialty. I Lave the latest deaignes in house finish- ing*. Cell and so us before placing your order. Hoping UT trj|jht forward. honest dealing* to receive a liar u( the public pat- ronage, lam your* truly, jr. O. 4 targr 4(aatlt v r > . I Kpriirc Lath on hand. Hakr your I f M" BOW. SALE. Lame storu and -Iwollinu. at ricnbitrton Sta- tion, (01 pal* or to let ; iu one parevl ur can bo ubdiviiled into :I idiopn and 3 Mte Iwellmu rcHiuiA. <ir in otliur uiaiiiior as may. be n^reucl icntaMo for tor.'. uulor, drminialli.r aud uiililner. Ap|ily to \V HOI.I; M)|>tmf Tledbertou Station P. O Lands for Sale *AKM I'ropeitiua loiprovod and unlra pruToti ; aliu village propertied. Apply J. W. ARMSTRONG, rLisa BTO* F. o Maketall ganuentaor uien'i ar iu the bet ty)e at oboi t L-c All work Kuaiautevd A trial wlic-iu-.l *. The Flesherton Steam Plaining Mill J. E Moore, - - - Prop. ura Uic* w ir-t * - of Vrtfor ami , M |* L kiiiM utf bucty ur I i.y in i -r- work, or the m>n or ei- a^a^aJ .w* uf ffruUL TttH KtflDl^y b- UM mas* oboUiMU * wbtti til ot hi r a to Sasli. Doors, Hand rails, Newel posts,. Mouldings, Scrool work, Flooring, Snliiig, Wainscoting, aud a var- iety of tur.K'd work, kept iu stock. All kinds of cudtom work sncli as plaining, baud sawing etc. Join; with despatch at reasouabie rules. Hepainng of every description solicited. Any quantity of wood or lumber, dry or grceu, takeu iu exclmuge for funu- ture or other goods, at the factory, opposite Presbyterian church. . or MS fnr |&. or rt 1.7 DMU! ta.iTM7jUiBBMC r 1 n(w. Out. Wru for IMUIH^*-*- Sold rtlirton by Wm Itit-harditoB. SB -J E. MOORB.- NOTICE iXOIICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE KIMBBRLEY Hollar FM Mills are now open /or business, and in full- operation- *J First Class Mi Her lias been employed nnd 1 will giutr mi fee mitiftfaclwn- Uring along your custom u-ork. Chopping done at any time. A.B.Bcll, - Prop. D. NoTavish, HOKSESHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Colliagwooi Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Maniifacturliiiiof WadKn. Sleigh", niiKRies Deinncratu, Ktc. Home ihoolna: promptly t t.-ndc..! to. Hpcriai alUntioD given to contract- I or tender feet. LKKlog nnl Plow rhaliu r*- tta|atly 110RSEMKN! Pay Attention Haviug pin-chased the harness business from Mr. Clayton, I wish to iniiiii.iu.' that uiv en- d>avor will be to please ami satisfy custonu'is in any noik which may be entrusted to me. All kinds of horsemen' i re- quisites kept in stock, ut low rates. Good workmanship guarair teed. Soliciting your orders, I remaiu respectfully, W.MOORB- Flcslscitou. Jan. 21, 193. HOTTCE. I'li'sirc- to inform e p ublic tl'a* I bare ;-ni cha0ed thv flour, fui-u itn<l cfioeery In, carried on by Mr. T. Wyvlll, and am |ir|>m. I to cater to tho public in a nntisfactory main;' r I h 'p,. t" re-tain the confidence of all old ;'t- ron^ and to secure rauiy now onus by f iir an I proin;>t ilualing. l'l- y nir or '.. wi h i. for . >0. I Hour w:t IU p.-!- .! I. H* IM US (Iir I. V t. Fruits in Flour til Fcrd <>oods. i'onfe<rtiou ry, etc All sascnal)l uoodn kc| t iu t, , k Myboolttnd Hlioe buaiuoHS will not ! glectod, but nill lio continued -UIUK-- i Iwforo The KeHt ! . <K l.owrxl livillK f ' f- Frumpt dellrry ofordrn fall mnl > W. , - FlesbertpO*

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