THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE . OKT X'lt Published weekly by W- II fill -loll Adveitising Rates : Ooe Column, 1 *r. *SO ; half col., 1 year, .'7 *>l.. oiiu >ear, #lj. Traunient advertleuient clirnnl at the rat* of s cvutn i" r line (or flrnt inwrwuii auil 3 vviiU each nuUMxjueut luieltiui - THE LOCAL NEWSPAl'EH. The local i,cw-[>ni>er lias a field all its own which cannot be cultivated by the metropolitan daily or weikly. I hut lii-lil is, of course, limited, but it is uot confined to one township, as Hi) occasional individual appear* to imagine. It is the duty of the locul paper to collate and piefe.nt all the uews of its district and to assiHt in the securing of good municipal govern 1111 nt. Its duties also lie iu the pro- Milling of mailer acceptable to the majority of its readers, at the same time knowing and admitting that there is a minority which cannot be satisfied. Thrae unsatisfied people tome times insli lo the oBice and stop .their copies of the paper deprive themselves of the knowledge of how affairs are progressing in their town- ship for the ake of getting a dig at the editor, or in an every day -phrase "cut off their noses lo spilo their faces," but such a procedure only berves to cause* a ucwB)>u|>er proprietor to look with supreme indifference upon such people. He docs not mnul their crochet y moods in tbe least At the mine lime "kicking" is a legitimate occupation, and if done in a business- like way, , - not void of result. If a local editor has given cause for griev- ance he is always amenable lo leanou, ami willing lo lalk it over wuh cool headed people, but hot-headed cianki UCBS be snaps his finger at. It is si'ldom, however, that he meets an unreasonable man who is not willing to give him a cliancc to explain his position. In our experience during the past five years we have only met with two or three. KlMMitnntiMn I'urrd In a day. S.iiitli American Kli.-umntic Cur for Klir'ini itmn mid;!. i radically curei in 1 to 3 days. Iu action u|>n the -> -inn it n-niHi t .ililf mid mysterious. It reuiuvet at ono' ilie cauttt anil the IIKI-.I-M- iiiiinuiluiely <li4;>|ifars. Tin- Ill-it done ureally tieui-titt. 7<~> ci-uts. Warranted by KielitnUoii t Co. The Railway |u'Mlou Purl Hope and Kincardine, a dozen other linm, which w. u'd bo iinnienso feeder* to the new fad. Apart from tin; fai-t that 'hen from Port Hope rail- ward to the i-i,<l of the Continent it a continued track, still MU ret|ectfully lubinit a littla road fr<>m Kincardine to Klttslivrton or Markdalu and tlien T Ih. K'Wiir f Tut L>KAR Sin, It it lulorcMting to note that further railway acconiodution ii en the atttntimi of numbers of the men of tlm lection of the at latt. Lnto, but better l.itr \li. in iiuvtr, perhaps. !U'|>ort My* it lias li i n C'iniiiieiitcd upon lliat Euu'-nia hat Hot Imen repretented at the mi-otiiigi lit l.l l.ilrly at K mil. <.!) mnl I'ricvvillr, in rcxsrd to railway nulltm, ami tln-ir {re it indifferent in tliu matter. ( J.i 01 priil loiiifii, we watch with k.-rn inutrexl the outcome. Yet i.l. .I-M- turn over tin tilet <>f the Advance of tome yp M rs luu-k aii'.l iK'lice thai y mr liumlilu servant, n< Eugenia, trle.l to draw tilt- attention . Iho funitr* and business incn, eart an advocating the advimibilily, HIM f..itli the actual iireil of thu line i.ow c"si'Iurt'(l at ilm milwitj ii,i-i'(ini, lately livid, (/nly with this ditf i ii-in-f, and to my niind an all impoitai difh reiice : Lei iliu ruinl \-a one fr.m iat to weit, or HI nearly <> HI pract in able. If we tprak at all wu mill boh. Kiuiiiid foi a lino coiinectijiK y with the Midland, coming round tlie southern euil of the Georgian Bay, taking in it* route tay Cidlini(WiHid, KiiiKhainptoii, Fevur ham, Kiiirrma, Fletlierton, l'ncevilln Iiuihani, Hanover, Walkvrton, and si mi to KincardiiiH. Here r.ut* the innn enae waterpowvn awaiting developeinant a|ong lint route. Such a r d, a ulanoe map will show, cn-atei between down tin- Hie plank ut in the Iwy at Thnrtilmry, would not servo the beat intercut* of the county. Yoriw, F. T. C. Maxwell. /'nun 1,111 turn >'nrif*)H>n<iriit. The lerturer did not put in an appear- ance, conH-o,Uciitly we did not have the lecture thnt we inadu nientioa of in our last. MiHtaki-H will occur. Mr. Little, of Owen Sound, gave us a call 1-st wurk. Wo ln-li.-vi- he lieen .iu il 11 teacher in Fevetaham M-lmol fr.r IHflTl. \Vu were put in aeriout reineinhrance f -pnnu' on Sunday morning, tin- L".Mh, but hufore evening, we began U> think, we know not what a day may bring torth." Mr. \V. W. Trinttde in Helling for the Patron*. A little giri came to the hoiuu of Mr. Hi. li.inl Hfron, Jr., on Saturday, , !. 28th, :n id uthu luta ln :uly five boy*, all are much pleaded to have the company f thu little Mitx. Moth< r and daughter are both doing ell. Thu PIII held thuir honey feiitival on WodneHday. Tin- Maxwell foot-bU club purp<.MH> lolding a Convert on the 22nd. Prepar- ation IB tnjing made, and thin bidt fair to 'MI thu entertainment of the HUAHOU. The MiwMM Linley and Hmwnridgo a fuw daya in town butt week. The road* have been rather heavy >wing to the late tUirm. Farewell Corner, Frum tntr oirn Mr. i;.-u.' \\lntiiiorr, of Farewell mill, moved to Durham latt week . Walton I'r. >., who havu bucomn thu . iins of ihn sawmill, are putiiun in a planer and inatoht-r and prepaiing tu do i rushing buttitiew. Mr. Ned. Harrison, of Valley, net with a serious avci lent while taking timU-r out of the awanip. He got Ilia <-g badly biuined. The Patron meeting at IVIPs tch'x.J rat largely attended last Fiiday evening We are ple.oted to te our new oDict-rt ookiny to graceful and modeat. Mist Mav.'gi" Haruravi-, of Hwinton >'rk, i* viaitmg her many friendt in t'ns vicinity. Mi Susie A. McKinnon, ai>4 Mitt Addie Whitmore were the quests of Mrt. Coleridge ltt week. Mr. Frid Hnrgrave had a wood bee latt Wednesday, which Wat a ijreal sue- ceat. There was a party iu the evening. Kveryone ttevmed to enjoy theiiisflvet. Klh Line. have returnol to the city af tor a lengthy visit to the parental home. Mrt. J. J. Ch.-rry is very sick, but hopes of ln-r recovery are entertained. Wnrried. /r./iii <>r OICH AH our burn has not been re,>res 'iitc'l in your vidiitbltj pip 'i for loinu Mine, 1 thought it pan of my duly to i<ive you tome items now, for I know tint the loaders of tins paper always K-ok f. i icin. iliin^ from an important place, auoli as the 8th Linu of Osprey it. February iturint aru now at hand ami they have drifted the roadt to tuch ai DXU'l.t, that it is almost iniiHilliblu ti ti.iu'loii tic. in, nll our m.iUi i persist in di 111111- their loams on the M.'.I- road and in tliu way kep it openttd. A number of on r people took in the i ii.ui.'i- eoncert at Eugenia FH!!I mi IU--..I iv the 1st intt. We aro told that it win a xrand tucceaa, and we do nut'.it it, at some of our youiiK men gui li.-in. lato ili.a in^lii and unu did no make In-, appearance till Utu nnxt in^lit I wonder where he was ? Not lost, ture Mr. Tnkstor f?oes (o Toronto this wook to attend thu Farmui's Instiluto. Muars. .1. tv tV. Kt-bertMoii wiit ti I' Station wi-h wood Utt l-'ml.i; but did not ^-t li.n -k until Suturday i i account of the itoim. Sn-noi.sos Jr.naitTT On Fb lot, at the reol ituncn 'if l.ri.!.. fiillier, bv Hi v J. Waddell, Mr. JftiarH II Nn-h'.l . .n.uf ( 'ulliiik'wo MI tw|>. to Miss EtulllltJ. Jiirri-tt. of r.ui'ln -ia. Died. I'*IIK Jl.iv \Vir.iln.l. iufant iliuicliti-r ol Klclisnl and Flora Park, dio 1 KuL. :!ii<l, aR S montlis. Ix>nabMt thmi ftl u>l our onp with jojr, 1*111 brlsDaiiai u cmil.l liohl no more. But whun uithiti tliiit cup itioii ilioppt-d 1 lii |irci iu'i-. pearl. It uparklod o'er. Yot tvnrier blomoni, thnu mn>t lx'r This lifo'H hsrit winter for s while, Mii-t Hhrink 1.,-t ., ,, it. chllliuit lilasrs. An.l wait and lou;* for Bummer's sujile Oh halliiT I uir,, this little Umu Wni> nln-ltur in the |>ecuful fold, Within (lie n.-ii'li- Sin (iburil aruis, Leu keeu.y will lio feel tliu c,,l.l Constable Rmuell had Prof. Cunio be- Fore the P. M. on Monday evening for violation of the Sabbath. It reeuit Mr. Cunio was kept busy until 12 o'clock >u Saturday night and lian one of hit customer* hall' shavrtj when the clock struck 12 and tin- electric light went out. He thru 'jot a lamp :....! completed hit job. The case wus ditmiaaed, the mag- istiate holding that if a man wat half thaved on Saturday it waa a work of nt'ceatity to tinih ih u job even on Sun- Jay. I'.i -..- Hora!d. The Markets. C'arefBlly Corrected Earh Week. Floor Kail Wheat. Spring Wheat. lie lay ............. .. ats reM ............................ M Mutter ........... KKK>. frech I'uUlue* Iwg Pork Hay per tou :i Hhe|Hikltis. ieefw* Tnrkera 'hiekeu per pair hacks per Pali Wool M U so IB 45 IT at M 00 I 00 M 7 10 30 w : to to to to to to i.. lo to to to to to to to to to * * s* tf> go I" V 6U I at) OP I* 1 OP II PAIJMS FOK SALK, BELL4NY A HI MM i;so> TOWNSHIP Of AKTRMESU. 141 *n." 149, 1 K*t. t( niiUf. from Klcsberton 00are. v I LiiiMinff*. W.7.*.* S. U. R., nnsrrfw Improvwl ImiMli l.ui .11. C .11 4, 10U noren, liuprorvd bullilliiRi. OSl'HKV. U. 18, I B. D. II. i." aorw. ImpieTed. Ko ull'llng. b h on., bush Iu' DRF 8 MAKING. *IR8 O.IRHDHfM ill" .res to aonounee to ho people j FlMliert' .1 and viciolty that she H iiiopartxl toilo >lrMiiiaklnit to the natlifeo- Inn nf tlione who in.i eutrust her with i*cir i iti-i. The latent faihloo plate* ! am i.i StU'acttou ({uarantoed Vurv reaaoa- ,1.1,'pi i.-. " Khup mi. I rsli1nce OTur Uitohell's laok Uicharilxm ' block, rlesbvtuu. lutUue- tlontaiveu Iu nttlDg and cutuuK l-y " S~le. A'I-MIII KIII film Cnrrrifxinilriit. The followiiifr itenii from WiKlelioute w-re unavoidaldy held over last week. B...| Mr. Bhaw, of lirainpton, father of our mi.-i-nird ii.nnlilnii-, Mr. A. 8huw, hat been vititing here, together with hit dauuhter, Mita Minnie. The Mistea Mary and lluiuiah Biroh AVER'S SarsapariBIa Is superior to :ill other prepara- tkmsdainiiartO be blood-purifiers. l-'u M (if all, because the principal ingredient used in it is the extract of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla root, the variety richest in medi- cinal properties. Also, because Cures Catarrh S;. k ^ raised expressly for the Company, is always fresh and of the very hv-t kind. With equal discrimina- tion and care, each of the other iiitfredL-nt.. .u selected aad com- pounded. It is THE Superior Medicine because it is always the same in appearance, ttaxnr, r.ud eliect, and, bein;^ highly concentrated, oily small doses are needed. It is, then-lure, the most economical blood-purifier in existence. It Pnt*Ao makes l\>od noiir- - : ' ' ' iv*>i#K, work fJOPOFIIl A plea-ant, sleep OWnUrULH refrosjung, aiul life enjoyable. It searches out all impurities in the sysu-m and i-^p-.-l-. them harmlessly by the t channels. AVER'S S.irsap;.! ill.i i^ivc- il.isiicity to the .-tep, and imparts to the a;<ed and infirm, renewed health, strength, and vitality. AVER Sarsaparilla Ptrpared by l>r J. C. \ . A Co., Lowell Mus. >.lJb r UUru|,gil.i Ma* |s | til battle* $. Curc others, will euro you 1892 -: 1892 - 1892 Having passed away we feel thankful to the all-wise Provir.ence for a fairly prosperous year, and as \ve step from the old into the new )ear 1893 1893 1893 I beg to extend to the publi: my thank- for their liberal patronage, and hope ;o merit your confidence and n share of your custom through the year we have entered, i am offer- ing special discount on all winter lines CAPS, FURS, GOA f-ROBES, OVERCOATS, MEN'S* BOYS UNDERWEAR, MEN'S STOGAS, MEN'S FELT BOOTS, ETC. Full lines of Staples always on hand Come in and ex- amine goods and prices. Your call solicited. T. HILL - FI/ENIIKRTOn. FURNITURE SALE Bedroom Suites Parlor Suites Easy Chairs Lounges Dining chairs Bedsteads Sideboards High Cupboards Hat Racks Cradles Etc. 33 -^ *j *** rt =5 & r rt , > 2 <u g I S s w *c u c n V 2 a B "c c u c o v> a u S! o o B 3 a -3 8.56 . c S o -o o r; c -c . .-. Picture framing, furniture repaired. A good Bell Organ 10 stops, for $50. oo cash. J2T Undertaking Carried on as Usual. P .. , K- HAKKISON. Residence Ovjr Store II i; ill irs CARRI AE WORKS Now on hand a number of Waggona, Uuirgiva, Carts and Democrat*. We are alto manufacturing a great n.any more of the latest tbe latest patterns and best finish, wliieh wo uffwiru for sale at tht> i.' ,-st puce consistent with due regard to w..rktusn>liip and ^millly. VotMtsing futx-rii.r facilities for uxiimbeturiiig Carriages, we luteu. to tf 11 tety cheap for ctsb or approrrd credit, an-l I.T o drfng t bt>j^ to greatly increase our number of salet. All kiodt of veliclct repaired at the shortest notiee, paintod and triiuiued if desiit-d. Hur shotlug a pcrially. A first clart wood worker U uow iu ,,ur iiuplov. We naiit a two or a four hots* power in exchange on a rip. J. || II I \ K |t HKALTII FOIl ALL. llolloway's Pi.Is aud Ointment I^iver, THE TILLS Pnrif r tbe Illmxl. correct all l:l-ruv*s of Iv uln'.v - nnd 1 1<>\\ >U . t wi I rostor* to health Debilitated ( om.titutu.i- , unl are tD**Jua>ble In . e*- plaiut<iiici luntal ti> Kcmales of all Mint For chlMreu sn.l tbe aged I bey am f>rtcl<ss TUB 01MTMKJNT an iufallll>l i ino iv for M.I.| L,i. Bail HroMU. Ol<l \\Vin.ln, . ie and OeMX*. It Is la itont . J Hhruuiattem. For tlleurilvra ol tliu (."bent It hu DO oqael forSOKK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS aisnduUr Swellings, Dilll Skin Dlweee it has no rrnli and tor coetnoteU aodttlH Joint* It acts Ilka a charm. lor Manufactured only at l"rofeesor HoLLonAY's K'it&t>lliihineut, 7. > OM or.l si re. I ( 533, O\forl M r-.'t K I-rndon, aejdarenoM alls. Ifl , 2. W. 4 (M., 11s., Ms., aiul .i<. rar'i Ilox or Tot. sikl may be had of eJJ Med Iclne Vendors thrntiRliunt the Worlil. rrrh..*r thmM Jw* U 'la Label an thr Pots and livsel. 1J i\ aMrtm m^ut 53,1, Ottford Str*f(, LontJott, tfievare sjmrtuin. Carriage Making Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutte \ etc., all made in the highest style of th'/ art, and at reasonable prices. Get osti mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. B. T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, ONT,