THE WEEK'S NEWS TAX ADA. W.MiiU ..rk' " opera house w&a opn- il the other *ve*4*>K. The steamer Mich.iga.ti, which want aihcro >o Vancouver island will pr>ve a total lou. Thi i -raw wer*) all KAved. Quebec people are talking of having a mau meeting to prolrit against lit* removal of the old gum. Mr*. Orr, an inmate ( the Uouae of In- dustry at Kingston, it 107 yean of age and enjoys good health. Heavy snowfalls, accompanied by high wind* and extreme cold, arc reported from many point* in the North-west. Preeident Greeushislds, in hii ipeech be- fore the Montreal Board of Trade recently poke strongly-Ill favor of the abaolute free- dom of Canadian cuals. Mr. Robert Crawford, poitmar.tiT at Owes Sound, Out., while walking along one of the itreeteof the town the other evening, dropped dead of apoplexy. Robert McDonald, manager of the Indus' trul farm, died recently iu Woodstock o* pneumonia, aged t>- ytar*. Mr. John Walker, who was aeoidentally hot tiy .lame* Steven* at a locial party at Deoew Kalle, Out., on Thursday night la*t, died on .Sunday night. It ii feared the Mia* Twomey, whole murder in Texas was announced recently wat Mini Maggie Twomey, inter of Rev. Father Twomey, of Kingston, Ont. The Assessment Commissioner for Ham- ilton, Ont., hai prepared a statement which shows that the total value of property in thai city which is exempt from taxation ii $3,3-18,600. The Norton M an u fact u ring Company, of Hamilton, Out., on Friday divided among Its employes a portion of its year's profits, each man receiving a sum about e }ual to ten days' pay. An avalanche of snow fell from the cliff recently at Quebec into Champlain street below. Two boy* who were beneath weie buried IB the snow. A rescuing party dug ont both, but one was uncoaicious when reached. The Furnea* line freight steamer, Stock- holm City, which it was feared was loit, put in at Halifax with onr of her orank shafts broken and her machinery otherwise ! im- aged. Shs was bound from London to Bin- ton and was -27 days out. The report of Major-General- Herbert, oommandmg the Canadian militia, is not- able for iti criticism of the existing militia system. It oondemui the present syilemof providing the meo with clothiug, aad says much of the supplies are of the wont possible description. Provincial Treasurer Hall hai submitted is annual financial statement to the Legii- lative Assembly at Quebec showing the Provincial assets to amount to |IIS,OHS,'J.'i4.. 1, and the liabilities U $35,029,331X90, an excess of liabilities over assests of fctt,- 041,34628. I;RKT BUITAIN. There is a serious depression in the) Dun- dee jnte trade. The poet Swinburne has written an ode concerning the World's Fair, and Prof. Stanford has set the verses to music. The London Chronicle expresses the be- lief that the next budget will provide for the payment of all members of the House of Commons. Sir George Badn-Pow*ll has despatched to Washington (ire* I Britain's reply in the Retiring sea case. Sir Charles Riueell, Sir Richaru Webster and John Rigby assisted in the preparation of tele reply. IB the i -oo-h divorce ease ths court held that adultery was proved against both Sir Alfrel Uooch and his wife, and consequent- ly the petition of the latter, for iuduial separation, could not be granted. Tin- Spurgeon memorial service was held on Sunday .n the Ixtndon Tabernacle, and wa> attended by an immense congregation. A special despatch sayi the Rev. Dr. Pier- son, f ormei ly of Philadelphia, preached n eloquent sermon, in which he eulogised tlie dead pastor, Lord Kosebery informed the Hawaiian Charge d'Affaire* thai Great Britain was not inclined to interfere at present in the Honolulu difficulty, but that it might he taken for irrantei that Kn gland, rrancs, and Germany would not permit the United States to annex the island*. rMTFD STATES. Joe Hess, the evangelist, has been stricken with paralysis at his home in Dunkirk, N. The steamship Umbria has been repaired and sailed from New York for Ijverpool <>u Wednesday. Mr. Rlaine left a will bestowing all his property, valued at fNOO.OOO on Mrs. Illain* making her sole executrix. It is now estimated that the deep water canal proposed to run from Lake Superior to the Krie would cost at least fJOO.ODO.OTO. Caps. MoCormick, of the Rochester polio* department, died recently, after a brief ill ness, aged 6-1. He was a native of I'renton, Ohio. The recent heavy snowfall in Chicago has damaged ths roof of the Manufacturers' (milling of the World's Fair to the extent of a hundred thousand dollars. The managers of the Catholic Chantauqua of the United States ha.-e selected a sit* near Plattaburg, N.Y., fur the erect ion of buildings for the annual meeting. The New Yoik Legislature Thursday sent le the Uovernor a bill appropriating 7'i", 000 more for the completion" of the capital building, which has already cost over J-M,- 000,01)0 and 'JO years of time. After a hitter tight that has lute i nine months, and has kept four hundred men out of work urn! of that time, the strike at the quarries at Stoney Creek, Conn., has practically ended with the return of the granite cutters to work. The great ice gorge at Cincinnati brok* on Tueeday and In i barges were carried down rr.tiii with the rushing water and ice. Kully 9100,001) worth of lumber was lost. Rev. Frank Uewitt Talmaje, son of th* celebrated llrooklyn clergyman, has accept- ed a call t become assistant pastor of Olivet Presbyterian church in Philadelphia. Thomas ( allan, of Lowell, Vloas., who Was sentencnd. in London live years ago to 15 years' confinement as an alUged dyna- miter, has reached Lowell. He wa* re- leased on ticket of leave. a _ S. .1. Hnry sud C. J. Hemm. New York two Pullman ptla.ce car portori, pleadH guilty if, ,-miy at Ixxjkpoit to the oborge of K!iiugh(ling opium from Toronto out to Now I'M *. Tiny wef* held for lh* UuitOtl States Court. Admiral lieorg* K. Belknap, ot th* United Status navy (retired), lays the Hawaiian island* are required as an outpost on the "acilic. and the iiovernment should not hesitate to annex them even though it should lead to war. A Washington despatch says William Wakeman has been appointed commissioner on the part of Canada to act with Kichard Rathbono, recently appointed by th* I'nited States te settle the fisheries on th* great lakes and contiguous waters of Canada. Not withstanding Mr. Blaine'ewell-knowD wish for a private funeral, the pressure of general opinion was so strong to do marked honour to the dead statesman that his in- terment in Washington partook of the nat- ure ot a public function. The President, the members oJ hi* Cabinet, the Superior Court judge*, and the foreign Ambassadors were present ; the floral tributes were nu- merous and magnificent, and the streets fmm the ex-Secretary's residence to th* oliurch were lined by respectful thousands of th* citizens. OIXEKal. Thirteen waggons loaded with gold are on their way from Siberia acroo* th* Ural mountain! to St. Petersburg. It is stated that tho examining magistrate in th* Panama canal investigation hai found a true bill against Count Ferdinand de Les- sens. Ths Chamber of Deputies on Saturday evening passed several clause* of the naval estimates providing for an increase in the number of French shipt of war. A disastrous coal gas explosion ha* oc eurred in the Skali* pit, near UraU, in Styria. Five miners were killed and 10 in- jured. The British oorvette f -arm-It, mounting fourteen g'tns, on her way to Honolulu, has been ordered to rami in at that port until the present troubles are over. It is thought probable that the French Government will make an enquiry into the so-called Orleanist plot against th* Republic with a view to exiling UN rest of the Or- leanist leaders before the elections. According to a New Zealand newspaper agricultural implements manufactured in Canada can be purchased in Australia for lower figure* than they an *old at in th* country in which they were made. The island of Zante, in the Grecian archi- pelago, wa* shaken leriouily by an earth- quake recently. In the town of th* same name many building* were wrecked and many dead bodiei have been found in the ruins. Paris fashion makers hav* decreed that long narrow waists and full skirt* are the coming style, and that for little girls the loose blouse must yield to tight-fitting frocks with a well defined waist Much alarm is felt among th* friend* of the passenger* of th* City of IVk:n, which was due from Hong Kong and Yokohama at San Francisco laet Tuesday and has not yet been reportd. It is stated that during 'he reoant visit of the (.Varew itch to Berlin all th* cordiality was on the part of th* Emperor, wl < was very effusive, while the heir to the Russian throne wa* cold and unresponsive. A resca* party sncceeded in saving the live* of fifty seven cf the men confined m the burning mine in Hungary, but the fire spread with such rapidity a* to preclude all hope of saving the remainder of the unfortunate men. The Budget Committee of th* (!*rman Keichatajr is rapidly voting new credit* for the navy under th* impulse -' Chancellor von Caprivi'* declaration that there is dan- ger of coalition of the fleets of France, Rus- sia, and Denmark. At a meeting of tho French Cabinet on Saturday the Minister of Foreign Affair* an- nounced that the Dominion of Canada had reduced the duties OB French wine* in *x- change for the concession by France of the minimum tariff on certain article* of Cana- dian production. Mr. and Mr*. John A. Miller, of Toronto who were arrested at Niagara Falls on Thursday, charged with smuggling seal- skins and diamonds, were arraigned bofiir* a commissioner of too United State* on Fri- day, and pleaded not guilty. They were admitted to bail. According to recent information received in San Francisco, a revolution headed by foreigners, presumably Americans, Lad broken out in Honolulu ; the Queen, after a feeble resistance, had retired to her country residence, and a Committee of Public Safety was formed, of which commissioners were sent to the United Slate* to request the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to that country. The revolution appears to have been a bloodless on*. WALIfft III MMli arhsrieef The*e FoUr Tsj-tker* . rlble I* Hu.llic ., VailSM. System foreseen every possibility. System provides for every emergency. System prevent* the conflict of energy. System inspire! generous confidence. System obviates the necessity of fric- tion. System requires cheerful obedienc*. System diminishes care. System's general does not corporal's duty. System takes brains, expands brains and relieves brains. Syntein is a good thing to have in the establishment. Kxperieiice is common sense well trained, It don't pay to misrepresent in telling. There are n > wild, weird mysterits in business. Keeping nothing hack umpires confidence. An llnpirdMiilile Sin- Firsl Village Boy | with sled: "Old Mrs. Muggins has to go to th' poor-house. NVhy don t the tnlks around town take care of her." Second Village Boy-- "Mebby when every body wan children she put ashes on the hill. 1 A member of the Peary relief expedition, say* it ii doubtful whether there exist* a more exhilarating ayprt linn fighting th* walrus. Iu tiger-Mntfcsg yon kill your prey if he docs not kill yon tint -and that ends it. In wall 'is I, .ntir.j; you kill your prey and ,ben ji.-ir trouble b* begins. It is euy enough to skent yosn first walrus. He will lie on an ice cake aloug with his companions and allow you to cou<e within a hundred feet, if you approach gently in a sT.ll-boat. Then, raising bis superb head until it offers the best possi- ble target for your bullets, ho will regard you in tilence, and you can plant a shot in lii* vulnerable neck, off-hand. Then there will be flops on many neighboring ice floes, and flashes in the water, and loud, hoarse barkings will ring out, and in a moment you *ill see something that will make your heart jump, oven though you be experienc- ed in danger. In all hunting you will not see a more terrible nor a more magnificent bit of action than the charge of a herd of walrus. When on* of them U wounded they collect in groups of twenty or thirty. Their large circular eyes, bright red in the sunlight, glare with hatred : their long, white tusks gleam fiercely, and, lifting their great heads high out of the water, dashing the foam away from their breasts with their swift motion, they rush upon yon in ma**. If on* gets bit tusks over the gunwale of your boat your life is worth exceedingly little. A walrus weighs nearly a ton, and he is as strong in proportion. He may either tip your boat over er puuch a hole through it with his lusks ; in either 10 you would fall into water so cold that j you would not be able to survive rive, minutes, even if the walrus did not attack I you. Flight from ths charge is impossible ; the walrui can rush through the water much faster than you can row. Your only safe course is to shoot the leaders of the herd. Then th* re*t are encumbered by the help- j leu bo lies of their comrade* lying upon the water ; the charge is broken ; the walrus become confused and frightened. There is a mass of heads wildly bobbing up for a moment, and then th*)y halt, turn with ous accord and flee. That is their method of figiiling when they ar* assembled in numbers. When only two or three are gatb*r*d together they lack th* confidence for a charge, but they pursue tactics) that are just a* *xcitinu to tho*e sgainat whom their fir* i* kindled. They lift up their head* afar off, and gauge th* distance between themselves and your ho*>t. Then lh*y dive with much ungrace- ful exhibition of a black lack and flopping of broad hind flipper*. The interval during j which they are under water* is not | pleasant for you. Fortunate!) they do not often calculate their distance perfectly. Usually a great black head appears ten or fifteen feet away from you. And you must he quit: ready to shoot it wilr^rreat promptness or it will disappear again and in a moment 'you will feel a scrap ing upon the bottom of j our boat and it will Iwpm to rise bodily out of the wat*r. That incident happened to u* in our first <ralrus tight. Fortunately the walrus changed his mind about tipping th* boat over and con- tented himself with raising one end of it on high and sliding out from under it. For his pains he was instantly shot and harpooned. 4 think lh*re i* no one who was in th* boat will soon forget hi* sensations as it be- gan slowly to rise out of the water. We had five walrus ninis. and every member of our party, I tftink, brought on hoard the Kite at least on* walrus head to hi* own rifle. Ofallth* five the most in- leresting wa* perhaps, one which occurred an hour er so after the first fight was over and wlnle the tw? walru* that *e had cap- tured w*r* being skinned and ak*letoni/*d for the Academy of Natural Sciences. Two of the member* of the party had been in the first tight without rifles, and they were eager for a shot at a walru*. Therefore, whrn a black body wa* sighted upon an ice Hoe, tbese men promptly took the small boat and, with on* of the ship's crew, start- ed nfV after tlir animal. Threading their way among tha count- less email floe* that are thrown off from the edge of th* main pack and upon which th* walru* lie, they cam* to the spot where the black thing had been seen. Rut there was no black thing there ; it had been, not a walrus, but a seal, and seals are wary. Three mor* disappointed men Greenland did not contain. They held a council . should they go back to th* ship or not ? A fag was coming up, forming a gloomy back- ground lo one huge berg of a ghastly white hue that was aground nearby. Fogs are even more dangerous in Green- land water* than elsewhere, for the echoes from the ic make it impossible to follow adiatant signal. A sudden noise decided the hunters; there was sn unmistakable walrus bark over by the borg. Silently but H\; ifil) th* sailor skulled the boat to- ward a dark spot that now wa* visible on a floe. As the impartial person of the thiee, he was to give the word to fire. The walrus raised his head, the word wait given and Hi- three shot* rang out together. Nothing could have been neater. The walrus dropped instantly ind lay dead up\>n the ice pan. Uiually the slain animals slide from the ice and then you nvist harpoon them at once or they will sink. To tow it to the ship would he impossible, for young ice was forming a quarter of an inch thick, and it was hard work to send the boat through without balf a ton of extra weight drugging astern. The aailor solved a problem by taking up an ax thai lay in the boat to be used in rebuking such walrus as should im pertinently put their tusks over thr gun wale, and cutting off the animsl's head. That was a trophy for one man. The hunters wanted one apiece. There were more walrus on cakes ahead, but there w*i also more gathering iu the water to Avenge tin- il rath and -'ecapitation of their friend. They were Rwimimng about in twos and thrrea and stretching their long necks high ont of the water to se* where the foe was lying. The proepect looked ticklish. Hut gradually the men worked the boat within range of a lloe npon which two great bodies were lying. On*, a magnificent gray fel- low, raised his huge head. It was too much, the sailor sculled rapidly around into a good position, gave the word, tiie reports rang nut, the walrus fell, then ros*. Two more shots and he lay helpless on the ice. His companion* iliupp eared, as they usually do at ths Arsi discharge of a rifle. The men bent to the oart. As they drew near the tloe they saw two helpless lml >y walrus lying bj the side of their (lead father on the ice. A t that moment there rose over the opposite edge of the ice the head and boulders of the mother walrus. In the teeth of thr approaching boat she advanced, took her offspring upon her SBvulilni and *wum away. For her devotion jBe was allowed to go unharmed. Meanwhile UK- aailor ha>l made r**.l/ hi* ax and as the boat wan laid alongside the floe h* sprang on the 1C*. He bad never seen the wain* b*fre, sad he did not wonder, aJ dssfTiin companions, at the ab- sence of the herd. buMenly one of the hunters exclaimed : " There they com* !" The sailor made one leap from the floe to the boat. " Take the oars, take ths oars !" h* ex- claimed. ' For the love of the saints, let's get out We're all dead men." " Nonsense," replied one of the hunters, " you get back on the floe and cut off the brute's head and we'll keep oft the rest. Be quick a* you can, though. Forthwith there eniued A lively riv* min- ute*. Sharp report* of th* rifles, heavy blow* of the ax, blowing of the walrus, splashing of water, a* the brutes plunged about finally a scramble, a leap, and the sailor was sculling the boat away from that ice floe for dear life and there were iwo tro- phies to be taken back to the Kite. The walrus did not pursue the little craft. They appeared to bo content with the retreat of the invader?. Thete is an imp 1. 1 an. usson in the fact that another of the leadiug railroad com- panies of the United States has discharged all men of intemperate habits in it* service, and announced that it will not hereafter give employment to *uch persons ID any capacity. Tail rile i* observed to a con- siderable extent on both our great Canadian roads, the Grand Trunk ami the Canadian Pacific, particularly with reference to em- ployee* engaged in the operation of train* ; and the time is rapidly coming when sobri- ety will be generally insisted upon a* a con- dition of securing any kind of a position in the railroad business. This i* not because th* railroad corporations are devoted to ihe conservation and promotion of moral inter- est* a* such, but because they find it mo*t advantageous to have their work done en- tirely by men who *h*tain from th* use of liquoin, Kxperieiice has shown them that employees who ar* givrn to "fanning the flame of friendship with th* wing of convi- viality " can not be depended upon for the correct and thorough performance of duty ; and thus a practical reason of conclusive force, apart from all considerations of prin- ciple and sentiment, is furnished for prefer- ring persons of different tasle* and tender eiee. Th* habitual drinker may be a man of intelligence and integrity, and yet not be trustworthy iu relations and contingencies of serious moment. H* is not the master of his faculties, but is at ths mercy, more or less, of an insidiou* and demoralising influence. It is noi the railroad corporations alone that are adopting the practice of discrimi- nation against men inclined to dissipation. There is a general drifl in thai direction in all forms of business. It is not easy for a man to get employment anywhere without giving satisfactory assurances of temperate habit*. That bas come to be one of the best recommendations that he can bring ; and in its absence, other qualifications do not count a* he thinks they should. The records of defalcation, of cosily negligence and of anm.ying mistakes are largely trace- able to th* frequenting of saloons, and em- ployers understand the fact so well that they are constantly on their guard against tbr danger which it represents. They may nol bu temperance men in lh* strict mean- ing of tUe term ; but they hav* learned that it i* necessary to have sober men in their service if they expect their affairs to pros- per. There wa* a lime when the drinking fault was tolerated in employe* so long a* they seemed to be industrious and faithful ; bui nowadays il is looked upon wilh dis- favor, no matter now many attendanl virtue* may plead for it* extenuation. A great change has been gradually taking place in th* views of all business men upon the subject of tippling, not because of th* appeals of the temperance apostles to their consciences, but by reason of what they have observed iu their daily transaction*. They look at the matte' 1 in the light of self-in- terest, and their good sens* tell* them that sober employes ar* not only most desirable, but really indispensable. The lesson is one that young men can not afford to diwegard. It t* to the effect that sobriety, like honesty, i* the best policy, considered merely in a material aspect and without reference to any higher motive or interest. If they wish to obtain steady and lucrative employment, with chances ot promotion and pronounced success, they must keep away from the saloon* and establish a reputation for temperate habits. They may not see any harm in what is call- ed moderate drinking, but other people do, and those other people include the em- ployers whose good opinion is a source of direct and positive benefit. It is a great mistake to suppose that the best situations can be secured or retained by men who are known to be addicted to th* us* of liquor even in a casual way. Total abstinence is the oply wise and profitable practice in the case, and no man is able to do the b**t fur himself by any other. It is one of the rec- cgnized test* of fitness for places of trust and responsibility. Th* prices in busines are not for thr dismpalcd, however bright and energetic they may be, but for thoso who resolutely shun even the appearance of a fondues* for strong drink. It pays to bo sobr, in shot I, and that is an argument ot practical lorze which i unanswerable by any sort of reasoning. The moralist* are not always listened .o when they talk of the evils of intemperance, becaus* they are too apt to dwell upon the emotional features el the matter ana to overlook tho*e of a more rational and effective nature. There can he. no doubt about the fact that sobriety is a surpassing axl vantage from a pecuniary point of vijw; and thus the logic of business is in reality one of the elrongest influences in favor of ihe temperance came. Hard Water Auut Jane "Is th* water where you live now soft or hard r" Wee Niece "I guess it's pretty hard. The girl spattered some on th'lamp < himvey the other night, an' it broke all to piec**. Scale* are now maile that will weigh the flame of a cafldle or ihe smallest hair pl.ick- ed from the eyebrow. !M'EI.I.**B*m, Laplanders are known to skate drod and fifty miles a day. A c.sBb*ned miinJage-holder and lead peitoU has b*M invented. A c.u ha* beoBSW constructed that twel.e horses can OS Isauled on first-class train*. An elect ri* isKubator, with an automati reiniUtor. has been invented at a saving of thirty per o*ot im fucL A London paper nays that penny postage is to be adopted throughout the British Empire. A pear tree planted by Governor hndi- cott in Ma*chuselts, in !*), still lives and bears fruil. An insect in Italy malie* muks for itself, out of lichen from the rock*, to deceive the birds. A plant in the Philippine islands bears a flower one yard wide, weighing twenty-two pounds. A clock in Brussels i* wouud by tlie sun, and never runs down nnles* thu weather is extremely cloudy. The harncssee, trapping* inclusive, on gueeu Victoria's horses, weigh one hundred and fifty five pounds apiece. The telegraph poles in some part* of Nor* way are constantly watched to prevent bear* from climbing and breaking the cross- beam* jn which they delight to sit. The three governesses of the Counieas of Spain, teaching Knglish, Austrian, and Spanish, receive four thousand dollars apiece annually, and a home in the royal household. An African king has recently given Queen Victoria an ostrich, the largest specimen ever seen in Kurope. It was ridden six hundred miles before reaching th* place of shipment. The Columbi t river yield* from on* to two dollar* a day in gold to the Chinamen, who tak* great care in washing the sands, while th* white men rarely succeed a* the gold is *o tine. The Panama Canal has brought trouble to many a public man of France, money hav- ing been freely used in Ihe purchase of in- fluence. A protrait of the Kin press of Germany i* to be hung in every barrack room of th* empire, by order of tbe Kmperor, that none may fail to recoguizu her. Jay Gould'* person*) asjtate, e-tun ttsxl at evenly millions, was left to his children m such a way that th* slate tax will amount to f7. r <0,OOU annually. It wa* left in trust. The London County Council hav* decid- ed to own and operate nineteen and one- half mile* of street railway, which at present pays eight and one-halt per cent ; it is an- nounced that they hope noon lo establish a universal penny fare. Lord Rosebery is a praiseworthy land- lord of Knglaod, in that h* supplies news- papers and agricultural journals to his workmen, and givee pensions to Ihe widows and aged on the oitate. In the village of Cogolata, about fifteen mile* from Genoa, i* an ancient structure with ihe following inscription : ' Traveler, stop at this place. It was here that Columbu*. the greatest man in the world, first saw the light : here in ibis humble house! There was one world, this man spoke, and there were two." IKC AT Ha. Tfcire (tallert stesrneel trim aXrwe(lan -Ul|, I r, K 111^4 ...I.. '.,.. I .' f Their < oaipaaUa* A despatch from Hamburg says : The three seamen from the Norwegian ship Th*k!a, who were rescued and were Ian-led here by the Danish barque Herman, were render*! insane by lhe>r suffering* in the rigging of the foundering vessel. Two of them recovered sufficiently to tell the story of The k la's voyage. Sb* wa* in heavy weather, they say, from Deceml>er -'ml, when she left Philadelphia. Her decks were flooded almoet constantly. The deck houses and rails were swept away, and the steering apparatus wa* broken. Th*n, when it was found that there was no hop* of bringing the ship into port, the master male, and eighl member* of Ihe crew got away in a boat. The other tiosU had been smashed by th* waves before Ihey could b* lowered. Nine men were obliged to remain iu ihe rigging. They were unable lo get food from below, and nve of them made in- sane by exposure and privation, jumped overboard. The other four remained aboard from December 'J*2nd till January 7th, th* day of the rescue. Un tl- thirteenth day lou were drawn to determine who of the four should lie killed and eaten. The lot fell twice m succession lo a Dutch sailor and he wa* strangled ml devoured raw by the o'her three. The ouly drinking water the seamen got was the dew they licked from the rope*. 01.11- tMI I \J.V I'aper quilts arc used in Kurope. Ths first Sunday paper appeared in [.on- i Inn in ITsx. Stem winding watches were invented hy Noel in iv.l. Laplanders are known to skate 150 miles a day. A diamond for cutting glass lasts about three monlh*. The London Museum contains the first envelope ever made. The price of ivory billiaid balls ha* dou- bled in fifteen years Thre ire only eleven wooden vessel* o the old style in active service in the L'mted States navy. The plantmum beds in the Ural Moun- tains are the only ones in the world in which that metal is found in grains. Iu several places it is to be found in the hard scrpon- tm* rock, bul only iu the I'ral in grains. To guard against poisoning, a law has l*-en passed in Germany that nil drugs in tended for internal use must be put in round bottles, and those which ar* only used ex- ternally must be placed in hexagonal bot- tles. Mot Hi*. Fault Teacher " What nude you late at school Ihis morning ?" Boy "Our new girl." Teacher "Did she have breakfas* late V Boy" No'm, butsho shut tb' kitchen door, an* I couldn't smell the buckwhaat cakes."