THE FLKSHERTON ADVANCE B VIKING OFFICE OF QEO. MITCHELL, FLLSItERTOS. . Dr*,f. wi* \ i I cfc*-ia ewfced at a*O4l rate* Mono nwiys Tilble for lecitimau basins** w^- orr'u c (wo door* north of Richardsos A Co'- Vicinity Chips. Characteristic* f the Past t arrfalh Called fr the tony local* iri fce stars**! <U JA< ratf of lOc per line for itutrtto*. A reJnrfiea m'H U /or liW fuwj or oser. Eppinn correspondence unavoidably crowded out tint week. Mr. E. K. Richardson returned last wecktohix medical studies in Tr.>nt.>. County Council will meet in Owen Sound oo Tuesday of neit w*k. Dr. Willnojibby, >.f ToruU', WM the jjuest of Mr. J. W. Armstrong over Suu- _ Apprentice wanted t-> learn the jw.l- lery business. Apply to Arnwtroug Bro*. Followinf the precedent established heretofore, Messrs. Dauiudd and Pedlar were given the deputy-reeve*hip on Moo- Mr. and Mrs. David M Jackson of Port Perry, spent a few days during the past week with Mr. T. \Vvvill while on their wcddinc trip. An citensive Auction tale of fartu stock, implements, buggk. etc., will be hold on It* 20. Con. 9, Artemesia, on Thursday. Feb. 2, sale to commence at 1-J o'clock. K. A. Parks, proprietor. Ira Perrigo, auctioneer. Eugenia L. O. L. will hold their an- nual Soiree in the Orange Hall, ou Wed- nesday. Feb .1. A* usual, this is expect- ed to be the event of 'he season. Tea served from five to seven. l">ul price* To prewtve a youthful appearance aa long as possible, it i* indispensable that the hair should re'aiu it* natural color and fullness. There i* no preparation so effective a* Ayer's Hair Vigor. It pre- vents baldn-ss.and keep* th* scalp clean, enol, aud The Ad\ nce> was in error Ut week in stating that tho poor h.'>e question wa earned in Hnice county. There wan a majority of nearly -,tW against. It was ualv the towns and villas that werv favorable. The townships snowed it ndor. From our exchanges we gather that the weather was comparatively wann in Flehertn last week when the 'monieter it-;-.^i.Tl I- . ln.--*ul t.> have beenllS in Mount Korvst. -J<> in StreetsviU,'. *> i;-. Mark<t:ttc. u\il many other place* ranged fr\.in IS t.- -.'." IVrlia|M there waa lint-tiling wrong with <ntr thermometer. Now the winter of our discontent a>ade nl.iri,.ii summer" by Ayer's Sarsa- panll.v This wonderful medicine so ui- vij^rates thoty>te.u and eurichse the blood that ctiKl weather become* p*itiv*!y ojorable. Arctic explorers would do well to make a note or thi*. Mr. \\ lUriihou** has purchaaed thr our, feed and o> u:\vtionrry buaineaa blrly run by Mr. T. Wjrill, and will smrry on the aaui in his WM baildinf in injunction with the boot and hoeiuak- in. Thia wiU no di>>bt be a pxxi mote fur Mr. Barnhoua*, and w* revnnurad mtr readort to him. hu advertise- ment els.<where. Tli Adi mice w.<uM once more warn its rd<r ai;iiist ith the priw "rwbu*" i)ew*i x (H'r conot-rns which i* now rti>uri*huii!iuTor and el*eli'iv. They ar fraudulei U We have lately r- fused half a doxrn otTera to advrrti , theao scheme*. Th* newspuper which kdreriiM-* them is to a certain degree Klsuied '<y thi-a* lio are bitten, and justly. If.' The man who lelida his aid in advertising schrniea > f any knit!, know log them to l-o "Uke*,"' ia equally eul- with the fakir. Fumitim> at IV>ple'a Popular prices t Hiuriiion'a. Tlie woddiiiK bll raivg merrily . n WptlntwUy eveninij of Wt we*k, when lnni>- Stewart. e'i< -* Uui;htT of t!.>. Htowart, KKq.. IVeohleltt of KitMt ttr> y l S.vioty, w uuu^l in tho todB ul h-ly matrimony to Mr. K. Whit*, of tb Fleaihenua liver A very large Aurnber at friend* at Muss Stewart a hosne t witneM UM the intere&ting event and. participate in the happiness of the young people. Mis* Stewart ia a popular young lady, and her "taking ufl" ha* created an interesting flutter in town. The preeents were num- erous and hvliuim \V roico the wn- tiuient of all when we wsafc the ooolract- ing parties hesUtli, wealth, and a lu-ce than generous supply of happineex Don't you want a bedroom suiU for $10 f See E. Harrwon's advertiaeuienl. In our report of the Sara lrd Bailey Concert we accidentally omitted mentiou- .; cumber ou t! e \ ro^ianimewhidt waa really worthy of mention and waa much appreciated. This waa a due: by Miasea Lena Lan!* aud Luie Aruistivug. Tbe omisi-in was purely accidental, and wo apolt vize t<> the youu; ladies for the same. They are ever ready aud wulm* to assist i:i my gnod work connected with the church, and their musical talent* rentier this aasustanee doubly acceptable. Mia* Louie, especially, bai rendered valuable aud labori"in terxice. this winter in traiii- nif the little folks for the anniversary. snd the public appreciation by a vote of think* wss really much lees than she d erred. Local newvpapero are often accused of buw in regard to giving personal notice* of mentioning the coating and going of some, omitting others. The fault* are with the people and not with the editor He w always .. tiling and even anxious t tell wht> conie and who goes, if he can find out, but country newspaper cannot adord a doxen salaried reporter* ami of- ten the duty falls on one. If you have vim'torB let u know who they .*iv ami where they cvnte from : if anything hap- pens in your vx-inity let us know about it ; if there i a party at your house furn- iah Ma with the jwutiouUra ; if you get marriexl let u* know . if there an addi- tion to your family let u* know about it. You will find us aa readv to "notice" one as another, patrons, or otherwise, friend* or foe*. iXir object u. to give the news. )tisionary sernmu were preached in the Mthodit church on Sunday la*'. Dr. Willoughby, of Toronto, preached in the morniiit; *nd Rev. Mr. Caasiu and the Dr. conducted a platform meetin; in the evening Mr Caasiu is fa<t. r > f the Second Methodial church, O,-;> S >uml. He a y. UM-.- man of much onginality of thought and expression. His sermon was a strong sp^ieal to humanity at larye and the kinship <-f mankint 1 His till was, "Chanty W*ins at home." H he d.*i:nated as the whole wotkl. This world * but an uitiiiiteeinial parti-f the univerv . and we should spread the gue- I vl autoiifi our brethren. Dr. Willoughby lM>k no teit. tHit cave a vi^virou* "talk" which was listened to with much interest. The meeting *a aa far removed in m the old ortlivxi. \ Mi-thodi*l missionary iiu*' tin^ as day :s from uit;ht, snd in our humble opinion was a decided improve HUM. i u,vn it. After tho service the olu t-ol'.evtors were reapjx:ntel. The Aunuul Meeiin< L O. IHs Trot l.-nl>:i'f Atteraeeia wss h-Ul in i M of L >. L. So. 5V Klel^rt-.n Sistioii, on Tuesday, Jan. 10th There was a ood attendance considering th* extreme vvM, and heavy roada. The followiut; oflicera were elci*d fr th year : YV. IV M , Hro. Jaa. Klioit; D D. M . l!ro. Jo*. Uibei>n, D. Chaplin, Bro Wm. Wright; Kec. 8r, Bro. Wm. Mo- Louchry; KuiawceSec.. Bro Kred 8r- geant. Tree*., Bn. W. Sharp; D. of C.. Dm. H. D. M,-l.u^irv. Sect, Hro K Oee. It was dectd4 to hold the neit l-.'ih ( July ,-, .11 at Markdal*. Inriuiioi.s will b*) eiUnded to a!l the nijliK>urin district* to join in the *' bratiou and every t)ff>rt will b made by th* manain|| committee to make the day ail enjoyable or*. After the usual busi- nee* w disposed of the bre<hreii of L O. U N< . "<' entertained th* dis'.ricl L,H|;# with tupprr at the rt-ideoee of Br<. Ja*. Hemplnll. Diitrict L. O I . lhtrict tVangc I**ge vt Vprvy met in the V.n<>- H.kll, Fevershiuu. it th* nuvunj; on January UHh, !!%>;'>, After gvueral buainesn the fv>lk<wni); ofti wrs wcr elected, vis JoJin A. Sc\>tt, M l>. IVnirut Master ^pe oKvt.xh; J. \\ KoM>:nx. l>istrut IVputy Master; Jas Hanison. V 8. , l>istrut lUx-.'nJi Secretary; Ira IVrvig", P>stx-it Kutance Stvr\tar>: Andrvw Mct^irr, lttrHt Tniasurvr . tie-' H IM-V, l>is(rict l"*ir\v- tor of tVr<ntoi>u; Win. IViwnio-, IH- trict Ivturer; Jo*. H. Stiitaou, Wstrict evturvr. tH 1114; U> tho mtvure stonu Ow attendance waa amaH A great mcreas in kemhership ia recorded during the It wiU pay you u. read E. Harrison*' advertisement. Police Trostam. The police trustee* lately elected for this village met on Monday in the Town Hall, at noon. They bad previously taken the oath of title*. It was moved by W. W. Trimble, seconled by P. Hot man, that VTm. Cteyloa be chairman of the board. Carried. It was decided to get SO cnpiea of sec. GOT of the Muni- icipal Act printed for distribution. The Ti iMtee* have not a* yet got in food orking order. An adjournment was made f.* one moath. Artemesia Agricultural Society The anneal mm* ing of Artemesia Agri- cultural Society was held in Priceville OB Thursday of last week. The attendance wss fairly good considering th* very severe weather. Secretary Brodie, who was obliged to drive s song distance, had his noae froaen. and is now tenderly ear- ing for the said member. The auditor's report a* read showed the total receipt* for the past year to he f38.<C. with dis- bursements of f330.45, leaving s ****""* on hand of 407. 6?. Thai shows the So- ciety to be in s nourishing onssdftion. The officers elected for the prawnt year were: President. Dugald McCormick: Vke- President. J>hn NK-hol: Sc. -Tseas., Jas. Brudie. Director* -Thos, Coukey. John McArthur. J.eeph Oliver. D. Mc- Mullen. Jan Brtxhe. William Stewart, Richard Panlow. Jas. Sullivan. John McDonald. Auditors- -Jos A ussum. J no. McArthur. Th? question of building a hall for the society was discussed a little but nothing definite was done. Division Court. Division Court was held st Dundalk on the t>ih inst. Owing to the lateness of securing report we will give only the must important case*. Several cases laid over from the Nov. iVurt; in which the Toronto lienera) Trusts Co. was plaintiff, were decided against uefeudairi. Jfhu Sinclair vs. Bogle Claiss. on account. Verdict for plaintiff f >r full amount. Bell vs. Norvsl - This w*a an act i. n brought ><n a prvmisfc'ty note which de- fenaaiit denied haviu made. Il was shown, however, that business had been d<M>e by the part le* in which seven! pr\iui- wsory uote* hsd been given. The verdict was for plaintiff f.T full am.>uut, J l' ; '-" Mylc* vs. Me \uUy--Thi* av-lion was broii^h*. to recover e*iutmiasiou brought by Mrs. Myles for selling a lot f--r McAulay. McAuUy owned a lot which he desired to *el', and tol.l Mrs. M V i!y that if she Sold lh.< lot f . r f 600 he would give her ten dollar*, and it for fTOO he would give her fifty dollars. The lady sold the l.-t for 4COO, when Mo To Preserve The richness, color, and Nrauty of the- hair, th* gre.-lc<: care necessary, much harm; done by the se o*' worthless vlrcssunjr*. To- Nf swne of having a firat-cla-<s article, ask \ k vr drnggist or prrftiner for <y*r' an> rigor. It is absoiutcty wip*<rior to any other preparau. > of the kind. It rr*torrs the orig ; .tval color and fullne to hair which has become thin, l'-Jc'. or gray. It keeps the scalp cool, saotst. and free from din J.-uft It heal^i ilchini; humors, prevents bolUocss. and imparts to THE HAIR a silken tenure and lasting- fragrance. No toilet caa be considered complete without this most pojmlar and elegant " My hair hecan taming' gray and tailing out when 1 as A(V-UI .- , vesrs o< are. I have UteJr been wstng Aver * lUir \ iifxx-. and it i* camnne; a new givwth of hair of the natural color. " K. J. Lowry, Jones Pramr. Texas. "Over a year ago I Nad a severe fever, and when I recovered, my hair began to tall out, snd what little remain- ed turned gray. I trievl various r>iTJiet. hut without success, till at UM I began to USE At or* Hair Vigor, and now my hair ts j;r\<!mjj r.pidlv and is restored to its i cx>k>r. a Mrs. Annie CoUins. Mass. " I have sed Ayev's Hair Vigvr for nearly five years, and my hair U moist. glossy, and in an excellent state of preservation. I am forty years oU, and have ridden the piatns for twenty-five rears." NVm. Henry Ott, Ai* " Mus- tang BUI." Newcastle, \Vyo. Ayer's Hair Vigor . A*|C.. t Aulay wxMsld only give her five dollar*, shr Mkriax for the *"V-r-. 94S. The judge o** jvjeVrBM** fur fuD aavoaut, Mr. Lacs* sjMiertakiwx. on behalf of th* plaintiff, that if it.* suss of thirty oUar* and ou be paid within fourteen days theamrae woald he accepted aa in fa 1 ef debt awl euvta The parties lit j in the i*X tburh..4 of DMUlk Own TS. Ornnur Suit bme^rkt by Coua aifiiu*t CHOBOT t. recover dArenc* am spau of Burwa. THi* was s iew bat complicated ease. The plaiauff was noe- soited. Cmn vs. Robertson Action Uoght to recover |*w -f heifer. Rcberteon par- chased the heifer from one John Cromhia. a chattel mrtage bsinc thersiin, of whtch plaintiff heU that the purchaser was aware at the V.BJC be boogal the heifer. was reserved. of Cow Uun, soeaD the . of th* Coonty fact that the foUowiag. vis. 1- Every Cooaty , or groop QeM OQsBmbeJI*MaL OBaMMovU MtoVUisBfc hosise. so that the Coonty God shall m* 2. Every County of the Province o* an IssiestnU Schoos, if needei. S. ProTissoB* shoeld be Made for th* emcMSM CBMBBBWatkin of prisoners in the gauss, pubee celk and lockups, and th* shoe, id hare a matron to care for The euutv < OUB< il aud Prison 4. All able bodied be Mpphed with strnes to oreak.wood ft- cut. or other suitable aspSiiyBMit approv- ed of bjr the Inspector of Prswaa. tSBBBBM To Uu Ji* r oftkt Aitamei .- Sim. At the Prison RefVn Confer- ence held in TtTv.nt.- on December IJth last, which was attended by specially ap- pointed df legal u* froBs all the larger ~O -^BwsewiBBBfcSBS" w* a; frotu thirty two other public bodies, in- cluding the Doeainion Temperance Alli- ance, the Woman.' Christian Temper- ance I'nion and the Provincial Society of Christian Endeavor. I was requested! a* Secretary of the Prisoner* Aid Associ- alt.yther fross the goal or pouce cdhv The Prsson Reform Conference aW urged the coi>peraU<si of the Christian pubuc in the f onaauoo of branches of the Prieooers' Aid Vasorisliia in all the cities and county towns of the province, to aki dsscharged prssosxr*, to see that prisuners are supplied with stated reug- KMW instraction. and fc- advance such other work of a like character a* may he entrested to the Prisvoer*' Aid Aasocisv Uon by the govenu. em. Respectfully, X M. RtEBlRC.H. CLAYTON BOOT ASP SHOEMAKER- 1 roy lirji slrt u \i, li h sill m; fl'STHM HIIIIK TO ORDER. Eepairing promptly attended to. W. CLAYTON. - - FLES ERTON. Christinas Boots ! For Santa Glaus, or any other mortal who Is deficient iu foot wear. I Lave a larp Mock of Ma4oiia.ble good* or baud. nth as Ovnbxxt. -'i geutlomcu Miss**' and cbildrvn'i rubbers for all ; a qaauiiiy of lumbernwu'* Le*vj rublcrs and Sox. Udic* and geuu, sooieiljiDs very smuibie Kr ClirisUM* prmuti. Prices Away Down. Cu*:oni work, as usual, a pecialty. CaJl aud examine clock and TC will become convinced tint u is to vjur best intrrrsu to boy ftom" JOS. SMITH, - - Flesherton. HKALT11 FOR ALL. Uo.loua} s Pi..s aud Ointment THh PILLS rwnft * Bioa4. mini a>) l>\or\*-t ct J -I* *r. >L.>%M aa I r***o* tul* i i *<! I* r* l>itlisi< ail * rW aalaCWIik* ts. saa si* hialsaB4 a<i tk >* T H F 1 * T M K INT >*. o.J fwt th tan ForSOKK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COLGHS. COLD& <J . u4ul at S**iHas. sa4 atl Mta 1 H slawfsilsii**wj* 7 *, Xe>w Hf*fl *B4 ar* **U *4 I*. If.. nv a, *. M BM me ttnl. t** PurvJUsm svW .'. a sWLs^ei ss> las P**s mU Kvrx If *W Carriase Makinsr t , Carts, Sleighs, Cutte \ ttc., all made in the highest style of th* art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti mates from me il you wish anything in these lines. Fainting am! Trimming also attended to. R T. WRITTEN, FLESHERTON. OB T . .