THE WEEK'S NEWS. CaXADU*. Horse stealing is uncomfortably prevalent in tin- neighhorho'id of Newcastle, Onl. It ii announced tba> Hamilton is to be divided and will, after next election, have two members in the Provincial Legisla- ture. The transactions at the Montreal clearing- bouse amounted in IttU to $HtO,<rt:<,(Mrt, as compared with $."H4,tH>7,OUOfor the previous year. The President has nominated Hemy M. Moore, of Washington, as U.S. consul at Three Rivers, Canada. Thr Cnntinrntal Union of St. George's Societies will probably hold it.< biennial meeting at Kingston, Out. '.1i. John Jacob Astor, the young Ameri- can millionaire, is ill Montreal for the pur- pose of enjoying the winter sports. The Montreal Minerve thinks that by ahol .jibing the present syiteni of judicial decentralization a saving of ft.">O,000 a year could he effected. It ii proposed to establish a relief bureau at Ottawa, with a paid oth'cial, whose busi- ness it will he to .nvestigate all cases of distress in the city. Two Montreal firms have effected a corner on seal oil, v> in -h is in large demand in the United .States, and they*expect to reali/.e handsomely on the transaction. A I'U-veland syndicate, hs\ing leased the I^ondon and Port Stanley railroad, intend establishing a line of vessels between the port unu Cleveland in the spring Mr. Peter Mitchell, who has returned to Montreal from New Brunswick, states that the winter tishing through the ice on the Mir.i -,i,-hi ^exceptionally successful. Mr. I > I . Maaou, superintendent of stores in the Richelieu ana Ontario Navigation Company, died very suddenly in Montreal, Tuesday, while waiting in his lawyei'sottire to see hi' legal adviser. A young man named Calvin Ufiinis, while engage I in felling trees on the farm of Mr. Kdward Henry, \Vinona, Ont , on Saturday aftenioon, was struck by a broken limb, and received injuries from which he died on the following morning. 1 1* (in- which destioyed the residence of Mr. Krmirk Thomas, at Klkhorn, Man, i responsible fer two death*. Mr. Thomas' nuclei m'aa burned tu death at the lime, and now news ha* been receiv ed of the death of Mr. Walter Haul ling, who hail sustained evere injur.i '. < M nlarn are being sent to the newspaper proprietors of the Hinimnnn. asking them u> eiintriirate copies of their |>iiblu-alioiui to be plaited in the Canadian pavilion of the World's Kair. Mr. Hall, the Uuebeo Provincial Tresjs- ii. IT, de lares thai a lai on pcrnonil prop- rrtv would be iinpract-cable, as it <>ul>l lie difficult to collect without the introduction of costly machmeiy. Chief Justice llogbic. in \ i t,,n.i, K. C., on Thursday, gave judgement in the cise of Uie I inwii v. The Seal schoqner Oscar .mil flattie, charged with killing seal* in Hehring He In Id that the seizure v i" perfect ly legal, and ordered the schooner and cargo to be condemned. Vi r President Shaiighnetsy, of the ('ana- dun I'aritL- railway, says that one train cu< Ii way wan delayed by saowslide* on the Rocky n inn n t H nn, but that for the past two day-strains have arrived at their destination very promptly, and m now rn mm); prac- tically on schedule time. The Kpiscopal decrees concerning mixed marriages were read 1.1 the Montreal Koinun Catholi'- cliiiri-lie. Sunday. Thv decree for- litil- 1'itholi, s iniiiMiig Protestnnis except iiy Kprcial dispensation, the ceremony to be per 'i, r Mini by a pi'est, and the partie* hi ml Itig themselves to have their children hreuglit up as t'jiholio. Kx Premier Mercisr has an arlicln in the i 'oiimrr ,! Maskinoiige, in which he says that the fuilnre of the r'renah-Caiiailiiins lo ncdeed as they ought to is due to their fratlleldal stnfe, and mstauees IIIK own cane to give point lo h word*. His downfall, lie say*, wua brought nboiil hjf theofloru uf Ins own countrymen. Kd. R. Gimberacn, an Omaha liveryman, shot his miitress, Mrs. Beach, fatally, and then committed suicide. A Bntfalo despatch says Thomas Hanni gan, of St, Catharinei, Out., wan killed in a saloon row there. Kgben .ImUon, a baclmior aged 81, has just died in San i-'rancisco, leaving a for- tune of xevei .tl million dollars. Joseph h. Barker, a reporter for The Boston Transcript, was killed by a tailing wall at a great tire in that city Tuesday. Two sick sailors from the Spanish steamer Murcian arrived at Hamburg from New Orleans are declared to have the cholera. The fly wheel in Oliver Bros', steel mill at Pittsburg burst instantly killing one man and injinini; I)!, fhe mill is badly wrecked and the machinery damaged. A Cincinnati despatch says all the iron pipe companies of the United States have combined. Four schooners arc being fitted out at Seattle for the sealing scitson, and they will starl out next week. No new cases of typhus fever are re- ported in New York city, and it is believed that the epidemic is now under control. A worthless fellow named Thrift murder- ed a wealthy farmer in (ieorgia because the latter would not lend him a quarter. Thrift escaped. Charles H. North, who three years ago was a millionaire pork packer, is now in the House of Correction at Kast Cambridge, Mass., tors debt of S703. All the friends of his prosperous days had departed, and he could gel no bail. It is staled in W Ashmgton that President Harrison n determined to strike a blow at Canadian railways before the close of his Administration. He will proliably recom- mend such a modification of the 1'onsnlar Sealing law aa will practically abrogate the bonding privilege. A s saloon night, when one of the number, ,lohu Bel lions, was stabbed. Knck Kangea went to summon Dr. Melocho, but the doctor declin- ed to go to thc saloon. H attires immediately shot Moloche, inflicting a wound from which the victim died on Sunday. The murderer is in gaol. A Washington despatch says President Harrison will issue no proclamation abolish- ing the bonding privileges nf I anadmn rail- vays. but hs will tran.nut lo Congress a message recommending legislative action in the matter. Thc Ponii.ylvania Railway Company has openly declared war on all organised labour. It has declared that all Its employes must sever their ri>une<-tn>Di with nrganued lab our bodies or their names will b-- erased (ram the pay rolls of tbe company. Thc Buffalo Courier is opposed tu any interference itli Canadian Railways, ft says if Canadian lines are getting away the ilwa party of Fiulanders were 14 uarrelliug in oon at a Michigan village on Friday A *KW n i >- to- I M I I HAH. The Terrible i .,i..i.tuii. Hay Allsek Hint Hsiew kkeee. The Chicago luler Ocean speaks serious ly as follows : A me ) idea of military operations in tin- great lake region in winter is outlined by Captain Thomas Sharp, U.S.A. After cit- ing the commercial importance of the vater- wayi between the lakes and the sea and the incalculable benefits of a proposed oaual sys- tem that will let ail ocean steamer loaded at Chicago discharge its freight at Liver- pool, he proceeds 10 the serious question of who thai! control thii A WALDEMAB MIRACLE. A 0. P. R- Man Relates Hia Wonderful Escape. the great gateway to country, the St. Lawrence River. The dis- cussion of the commercial ijuestion need not be entered upon here, as all who have given the matter any thought at all know that the advantages of a direct, adequate uornmuni cation between the great lakes and the sea mean the saving of many millions of dollars a year. The vital thing in Captain Sharp's little pamphlet is the explanation of the ease with which Canada could get possession of and control this source, and its traffic in the event of war with this country. Tbe whole secret of the advantage as set forth i ths facility wi'h which the Canadian forces could operate in winter by reason of Iheir being habituated to the use of snowshoes. Were hoalilities declared when the snow lay deep on the ground, the Canadians could move into formidable offensiveness with such prompmess as to be strongly intrenched in strategic positions before the American forces could be advanced to the borders. Comparatively few Americans along the northern bonier are accustomed to snow- shoes, and in the military service such a >hing as snowshue practice is unknown. Cap I do not usually arouse more than a passing tain Sharp proroees that this practice be j interest where the actors or the central v< nh an* aVIslIra Keller r-easaei After Berlen ba.l l.llrrt Tlir Mori 4errs>rsle*l l Reliable Wlle.esea. (irand Valley S'ar. There are few people in this vicinity who do not know Mr. Thos. Most, of Waldsmar. He has been for years the trustworthy section foreman of the C. P. R. in the divi- sion in which he resides and tbe exemplary life hs ilwaysj led has given him a respect- able status in the community. He is a gentleman who il thoroughly reliable, and when "Tom" Moss tells you anything you can depend upon it every time. This by way of prelude to su interesting story the Si*r has to tell. For some time past a great deal of novel and entei taining liter- ature has appeared in the columns of the press throughout the counlry, giving the particulars of cures bordering on the mirac- ulous, in various parts of the country. Thoae who have read these narratives must have put them down either as clever and daring romances, or come to the oon Thousand* of Dollars I spent trying to find fc cure lor ! Khena<, hi-h 1 had l:- yean. Physicians said they never saw so sevtre a ease. My leg?, b*e . and arms were covert 1 by Ihe humor. I was unable to lie down in bed. eovM t ~ "i crttlclm, a :U ' to Mr. 8. O. Urn-T. have my arms, back and legs bandaged twice a day. I began tu take Hood's SanaparlUa and soon I eanhl see a change. The fle,h Iwcajue more aealtbv, toe MM. hlee. Ihe scales fell off. 1 was soon able to give up bandages and crutches, and a happy man I was. I bad been taking Hood's Sarsapariila for "even months : and ince that time. 2 years. I have worn no handaces whatever i ' il nn tegs and ana are sound and well." s. r, DLKJRV. 4.'. Bradford SL, Providence, R. 1. HOOD'S PlLLS < UT " '" eesiip.ita, MIU>asnM.)*ilck headsese Trjtl.,k the sales are constantly increasing. Mr. Krskine, of Dr. Hopkins' drug siore. and Mr. Stuckey. of Mr. Keith's establishment told Ihe Star they were amazed at the great elusion thai truth is indeed stranger than and grow , n g demand for Dr. Williams .......... The Star must confess thai il did not pay much attention to the reported 1>ink j.jij^ j f tne reme dy is as popular in othw u it u in an(1 fcroan< l Grand miraculous cures until about a month ago, j Valley great indeed must be the good ac- wheii it was told that a curs quite as notable as many of thoee published had been wrought within a few mile* of Uraad Valley. The fact is that great cures, or accidents, or tragedies when they occur hundreds of miles away nn matter how exciting or how thrilling compiiahed l>y this famous care. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not a pat- ent medicine in the sense in which that term is usually understood, but a scien- tific preparation. 1 hey contain condensed form all the elements adopted as a means to our protection on the north against a possible foe that has learned to mass its forces at a given point despite the depth of the intervening suow. The idea is not to I* scoffed at. It sug- gests a mode of warfare that we may be called upon lo encounter, and the great thing in a nation's defense is eternal pre bgures are entirely unknown. But let something occur in one's own neighborhood analogous to that reported from a distance, and with what different feelings is the news received. We had read of miracles wrought at Trenton, London, Hamilton and other places, through the use of Dr. Williams' famous Pink 1'ilU for Pale People. But we paredneae in every direction from which as- I were not acquainted with the parties re saull is to be feared. Moreover, ihe manu- stored to health ; we were in the enjoy- faclure of anowshnes fur army use would ; mrnt of good health ourselves, and the establish a new industry that might employ a gvodly Lumber of workmen. Ilir tiu.irrn MeasBUhlp. The arrival of the steamship L'mbria with all well on board, after a voyage of nearly tlurl.-n days, through a tempestuous sea and after mending a broken shaft while a tierce gale was sweeping the Atlantic, is an evejn in ocean travel that will natural y strengthen faith in the safety of the modern Iniilt (hip. It is a long lime since the At- lantic liners have had their seaworthy in a neces- sary to give new lifs and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. Toey are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, neu- ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effect* of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow corrplexions and tbe tired feeling resulting from nerv- ous prostration : all diseases depending upou vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to . such as suppressious.jrregularities. ^i . , ( , . ltlH4S IW 9UVII s>U HK* w *3*WalO, HI v M isas i v sus> . the great thing, done m other ; ^j M {omto{ w J^ De- . They buil.l up ons passed from our mind. When i told, however, that we had only sections were told, however, that we had only to drive down to the pretty village of \\alde mar to get full pa'ticulars of a miracle aus striking as many that had been reported in the newspapers, we were at once interested. We were further told that Mr. Thos. Moes the blood and restore the glov of he.' 1th to of men they effect a radical cure in all ossss arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. These Pills are- manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, was the man who owed hi. restoration to i On , Md Schenectady. iTf., and are sold , B | y jn ,,, bearing the firm's trade mark . on the wrapper, at no ols. a box or six boxes for *.>.SO. Bear in mild that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk. health lo the use of Or. Williams' famed Pink Pills. Remembering that Mr. Moas had been laid up with rheumatism at in- tervals for ye-tn, and thit there was a time last spring and summer when his I stall Mi: 1 1 II VI lisa * - Il*lii v iir- 1 1 pweav* \it *> J I Illir* lea* I "I" ' ' 'K l *'l' ' I Illlll^l It IIOU Ilia ((ualities so thoioughly teile 1 as during the ] familar face was entirely missing from ' in lyindnncoiiiie, in Ixird Wolseley with the (,o\ei nor (ienf ralihip of Canada. Il ii n(lh tally slated lint Ihfi I'linos of \Vd|i" ha- no Intention of visiting ihe vVorld'n Kair. The Karl of l/>iide*boroii|(h Is critically ill wi'li lyplioiil fever, and his son and heir haa I.e. n summoned to his bedniile. Mr. liladstuns has returned to London frosi tin 'liniment. Il ii n ported that two emu mnruhants o li.ililin h.i\e failed, with luhilnipN amount ing to nearly l''.1Ki,i>(>. Ai Ihs Wlieul Owl mine, at Pen Cornwall, while Ihe men wrrr at wink. water from an itlMiuloneil minr siidilnnly nisheil in an, I llnrlv ininets weio drom.|. The ruiiMl imdal of the Astronomical So i n ly id the I'u. ill' Cimat ha' liern awardnd to I'.ilwin HI, 1m", ol (,,|idnn, Kng. , fm lu ilim uvrry of the unexpected enmet on No Rev Iliuirv s. I. nun, a Wesleyau nnnis ter of l.nndon, wilhthr son n! Ihr llnliup of VNi'ireiter are nuking arrangements fei a ( !niliiin i e union snd a ptlgi linage to ,leru salnm. A cable fruiu l^mdon says thai Manii ,l.i wlieatii highly appreolalixl, and that It is KiiMilMi-4 miperior to the .iftlip W.i^in Stale". The i|iianiil\ i- very large, (nil (here i* nn falling oil In (lie i|ualn\ Mr. lien. Tillott, Ihe l.ih,..,, leadsr who was itn iinaiicuessliil candidate ai the last general ele, limn In Kuglsnd, 11 itl present on Illitl .' lln.l.,1, , haiged with in. llinl. (o riot on the l-'riday before Phriitinas day. Rsrnjeses de Kouues wrili* from Pans ci, mi.' tilling the "t.,ry thiit her dntighlar, j Mi Mnylirl. k, awallowed iire.ll. i In pin rlniw '(Tiiii'.n of blood te create I IIP inipir on that she was In tbe Hnal "lager sumption. II. . nre-aion in tho shipping i.iiy is h'.wn by the f--l (hat (here itl e Ol v.wi-la wtlb a tonnage : VH..imn, laid ii|. I lliiKhih and Neotch p-nii ' prennnl. I MTf I S1*TS. leal hi from typhus fi-\ i I . Nurlb Itrothers Ulaiul. N. V., I business from American lailways it mint lie ! .nte Ihel'-anadiau lines give better ser- vice, and to hurt Ihe hl>erty of citi/eas in order to swell the profits of corporations would I* a poor sort ol patriot mn. I.I MtRAI. The irulhnf :he itery of the capture nf ths Kmpressof Austria by brigands is officially denied. (Minimal! and I loop, have been sen I from Kuenos Avrei to i|iiell the uprising in Cor- ; rienlpi. where lighting I. going on. Typhus fever is raging at /.a< alacas. Men ico. where Uiere were (MM) case" and ! 1 deaths last week. The weathei throughout r ranee leuiains Mnglt .ol I. In Marseilles there Is skating, which la very unusual on the Medi territncan coast. 'I he Saar in irriV strike i. practically over. There v. :i a big rush of the men desiring re employment, Init only A limited number were allowed to resume wurk. It is undcrilood that M. Wadtliuglon. -.In- In n h Aiiibsuisiilor lo lireat Hritain. who IS al preieiit in I'm", will lake with him a strou|] protect against Hritish inter- vention in ' The application of the new factor) law, reducing tin- hnn.i of laliour in faclorie. and mines, liss caused a IP In. linn of wages thiiniglinut Fiance, and there are many strikes in rntei|iienoe. li i asserted in Rome that Mgr. IVrmco opposes the raising of Archbishop tValih 10 the I 'anllnaluti' on account of (lie Auh bishop's oiipotition lo the former's 1111*1:011 in 1 1, -1. 1 1 nl. A .tie. i. > I cablpgram fruin V says ill. ii tin' annih.Uiion of game throughout Auslna and Hungary during the excessive . nld i.f t IIP lint three day* has been Iwyinnl all precedent In Ihe llohennaii tm pits it 11 believed tlml two third 1 - nf the game will '.n- n t HP present wealhei 'nine-, two davi inure. The n-|c i of the commercial treaty with Swii/eiland lias Iteguu tominse heavy losses lo manufacturer, in Southern und We.le i, I i u . t\ Itli Ihe i nit III .1 men hits bi-rn discharged. A special i able dsipatcli sa\s thii d lie Urged employes, all ol uhoin uie ><.itlints,ars exceedingly hitler it((.iin-l the iim eminent. Ii is stated in I'arii that M. Charles de l*sseps has iiinientsd logitcthi. Cot em- meiit i lie fnllen ml, n nun regarding the Panama cuiial, with tin- nine, t of shown; that lhi> Panama Canal Ci>iii|isny was foi -ed h\ iifhcm'ii and HIP presit toclioo.e Ixitween wholesalp cmi up! inn und ihe tin. -Mined ruin of the 1'iilei in i*e, and also lo seem e for himself moir lenient tiea'.inent Amiil ro)*lpmip and splendour, Tuesday in - i.'iiiarhigen. Princess Mane of Kdin liin^li ti a* in. line, I lo III"* n l'i in, e ul llniimaiiiv Kniperor Williiti:i und * bout of Kinnprmi i.u.uitlpi were IIH-MMH. Initi-nd 'if permitting Ihi- Cnilpil St i'e < man -it w n with Minuter Thompson on boai.1 In pasi Ihi oiigh the. Durdanclleii In ll'itAia, hs was carried frn. Smyrna lo Constantinople in the Turkish Imperial yacht, winch UUHIH regards as nn minim i inn 1. 1 Imkrv- Him iliitennliiatlnn not lo il'.. (lussiiiu men of war into Ihn l>r dalielles Vraiu-a ivillWril one o| ius frequently r. ggei iseiTiisitliiy. Tin- Ministry, feel IK, i 'mi the I'aiiaiiincniml Investigation had ii-^i he. I ,in luule Klnge, ind thsl sni|n> nm i ii|n,ii >uiie- of 1 1 en members, resign , |.,,,l) M liiM, iulli-.l upon oy i, ni (. nm. i. formed a new Cabinet I u I., li f i 'in the material of the ..!,! I 'itl, in, t thr n-i .luiiilloeiit change being the omisil.m nl M .1" I''" \ mi . i' '... int. I.H such it |..iig period hrhi th" portfolio of ths \\ ..I I', ,. .Illl.i-Ul. past iwo weeks, and lie fad they have ' the railroad, the Star 'determined to come thiongh il without any great disaster : see him and get a confirmation of the is a subject for general congratulation. No ! story afloat as to the cure by the nse of loss of life has occurred, and the year will Pink Pills. On seeing Mr. Mos andgetling cioa*onthe ocean without any regrettable the facts from him, we found that his story mark on it." record. Il i only natural that there should be a conflict of statrmeut auioni; the passengers of the L uibria as to Ihe conduct nf Captain McKay after the breaking of the shaft o,' his ship. There wen- undoubtedly AS many plans to save tbe I'mbria as there were men on board, but II would li.tve been the grossest neglect of duty for the chief othiwr lo have abnegated Ini right to conimiMid an.l al- lowed some, d i*ron tented passenger to take i control. Sii'-h a itualiou as the Pmbna found UM-lf in demand" the highest skill | , 1 , 1 ff, rer f, (lln rheumatism and bronchitis and the best experience, and no landsman , n< | h . d 00 , n ,. , olook , both as chronic, cau be expected to possess these qualities in | Ust , | ,, wltll , llrt l,er trouble. 1 1 led and proved steam- 1 , | ha(1 ,| lt . ,,, tum . , be ailliclcd wan even more surprising than the one which had bean going the local rounds. Mr. Moss had not only been troubled with rheumatism, but sciatica of a ino-t painful ; tv | -, and hail also been nlthcted with bron- ! chili" which he had c me to regard as chronic. TIIIC 1-tTirsT'- MOKT. Wha 1 you have heard u quite true." laid Mr Moss in reply to our .piery. "I or by the doren or hundred, and any dealer who offers substitutes is trying to defraud you and should N- avoided. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of all drugguts or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from either addrvss. The price at which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. DUriBtTI MIMSt* hip captain. There can lie nn divunwi of authority on such occasions, and d plain M hay a rcess in bringing Ins ship and its passengers safely top-in shows that he witli a severe attack of eciaiica. 1 became so I, id tiist I wai laid up, and for tome weeks was unable even to move. Man\ t tic men on Ihe line can tell you oi the con- iwsl K raa|.e,l Ihe mutation and it. nn-.U. ,,,,, j w ,, jn There wmtia acei ,i fnt It iiimpoe"il.lf. however not to ask whal ,,, r , (1 and 1 had to be .arned to a hand might have happened to both the Noord I ,..,. , hllt | might , i, mug hi to the scene of land and the I mbna had tho breaking of ,| ie ^.....rr.,.^, i n order that a proper re- thelriliaft i been accompanied with the same j _,,,., ,,, ^ ,.,(, , thc ^iway author results aa in i he case of the City of Paris- ... j believe I would .till have been and the S,,,e,. In t he ease of the last two , helpless in my house, or psrhaus with the stPam.lnp. t In- -h.ift not only broke butil | ,,, mt j or i ty> ,( . f rieu d had not told me pounded a hole in the bottom and let m ,,f ,|,e K i-cst merits of Or. William. Pink l., watei. kept it from . IhP water light bulkhead" ' |',n. and urged me to try thrm. All ,.th-r i i IIIB ami tuL:**ti inr 141 ii y iurni. ."Mi oiiirr . , .-, Uept ,: .inking Ihe ship in calm ,,.,,.,,. hl Ta failed, piiysicuns were en- ''"' tl " ">'">< " rl ''' <' me*Hng. weather and in an ordinary storm such as , lr< ,, v ,,,,,. , , lir ,. and j had , iv , n Notwithstanding the , rohibiUon ths imn. I ...t c.l li lrHhl r A Berlin despatch says - A dynamite bomb wa exploded in iielseuk. .rcfaen this afternoon. Two small hotel. nch stand on either ids of the alley in wbi 'a the bomb was placed were shaken so that 'he wtndews broke and plaster fell from Uu walls. Al- though several persons were paving in the street hardly twenty yards av ay, nobody was injured. The man who pla ed Inr. bomb has lot been caught. He is supp >aed to be aa Anarchist emissary from trie Soar district, who has gone to the mining fegwn around (!<tlsenkiruueu for ths purposw of fomenting .itrike therein sympathy wit i the move- men; on the < i The miners IB the district Furrnnn.iing Korbach, in Lorraine, have been uneasy for some time, and the Socialnts. gating ad- ' vantage of thsir discontent, hat sought to incite the men to strike. They ndeatored to get the miner* to hold a meeting yester- day for the purpose of crganirmg a strike, but the internment lorbaile the meeting. ihe Sim.- en ..imipie.l. but t IIP mind does I n, ,.,,", ., , .IpKiwr not like to dwell on the possible result of a : .i,.,,,,,,,,', m ,-,,u,[ ted with human hie, , Ulllr) ,,, ,,,, huge uteamship fi nd with a fra.-iu,e,l shaft and a hole in its |{ x n lr> ,, ink ' 1'ilb. ly made me hopeful, and I penevered in j lhir uie until the cure was complete. Tlie , U " u> " 1 1 "T: l'<>wver the resolulioni " wit l,o,t elV-t. and the men continue You can imagine the ! "<'ll le.assr,bl. at I was in when Mr upon ' A '' ri * numh r rf - Valley, mentioned ! h"" > >'r. and prev.n.ed the . . .__ . .... lo me. f had little ' roln bcln I llrM ' **** luuUeriugs anJ b,<llom, i-l-cedal the mercy of such gales , ,,,., , hrv wm , ul b,^-,, m bllt cursing, no opposition w ts offered to the aehave swept Ihe Atlantic Dcean for two drowning men 'olntch al straw*, and Ihwt P* The almost inevitable f.dnre of the ->" ! was my frame ol nnnd when 1 purchase,! *" tkfn \ n ^" '" <r ! 1 *" ll " mn tft!5 Krom the e M H-rien.'. game,! from the ,,, fi r , t .!, ( |> r . William,' Pmk weinilo liavehad noeffec. upou the lorbach accident- that hat p, happened to four large j.,,^ | had not used Ihe Pink Pilli long m "" r *' l>ul thls " Jul> n '"ly < Ihe ei- steamships w ulnn three years, some device | wtlP|1 i ^.^ to tinil r(llir( , nd this natural- ' lron "' S<K ''* 1 " U - wl '' ll >' th *' r nJcleni In slrenglhrn the shaft, and when it doe* 1 break prevent I's "tat ing a hole in the but ! loir, will doubt lose be introduced. Mean-' while, it is pleas. ml to n, ite the fact that I u ean tiitvellng hits I*, nine cuniparalively safer than land traveling. The Inter Stale Commerce Commrssien repined that liming thp yeai ending June :tO, IWI, the mi nlier f p<rni;prs and employees killml oil railroads aggregated V.1VVI, and .'l.'l>s| pei KOIIH Intil brpn injure,!. Theuiim lier of iKsneinjert t tuned that year was .".'U.IS ! '!>- ,nl i in 1 ninnl.ei of railroad rniplnyei** wa 7>l. '-"s L What percentage the o,-eaii ti ivel i uf the land travel m this country n i- im|iouih|p to tell, but u is not proliable ih.ti there has U-en a loos I .'I.NMI lurs Iiy the Btemhi|>!" tnat crosito tin- Atlitntic m (lie last thirty tears Taking all tin curnmatancen into , .<i>xi,i oration, tht 1 ooiiilanl ininection nf rntlroid Ircciis, the invention of lifr s.mug an- pliance., the itliilily lo ii-.eit, 1 nnok help when an ai'i nl, nt occurs, ami the conclii" toil ii met liable that It.i/el nn I. dit> is ittlendeil with more perils tlntn travel on the ocean. Ami yet llinns:tndi of people everyday lake passage on the. sleitm can without s thought of din^e! . while the prospecli of an iM-can voyag* awakens in in HIV only thought * of pern. Tho arrival 1 a tiviiy. srck to gain t ranks. haiige wrought in me by Dr Will.ams' ! Nnei ons ininers' meetiugs were held Ihi. Pink Pill, is a. a. it is marvellous. I '"<'" '" ** eetphahau and Kh.nish and for the first time in ye. 1 find myself , r0 ' 4 , ' ll "">' 1 ' 1 "* '!' !>/ was ire,- from patn. I was weak, heli.les, and , w *", '" ''' everywhere and seteral hopeless-Tlootor and oilier remedies had .' 'svorrog . general strike wsr dic me mi good, hut Pink Pills hare re- ' ilorod me to health and strength The ' sciatica disappeared, the rheumatism went with It, but stranger still. 1 .m cured of the * * lough. were strong leaden, pres- bronchitii I hexi .xme lorogsnl as incurable. ' ""' "' w , h , v ' ' workll >l! *> < 'vih dis- I sav stronger atill, because 1 notice that lu ' i" cl woul<l 1 T ^^ ,""' W " h ' n """'T' (ho list of ailments for which Dr. Williams > '?" r lu>ult , -\ < >ou.tnd men struck near cUinis his remK!y henericial, bronchitis is Ki ""' "'' ' < J % ln'^hl> "<> rot nienlioned. and HIIK forces me to the ' work *' conclii"ion that Pink I'llls have rven more in u vrllour properties than they have Iwen Kepoi ts from several .>rher places show nm a few hundred mm here and there in . >e,l I with. ' My casi, seemi almost in Weslpbaliaau.' the IXiaseidorf district have cii'.lible . man) lu re who are ' l<lft "" P 1 " 1 ln " ** - VCI h?re is nutlnng like of a thoiis'tnd tiain load" of passeiigei s at the Uumd Street Slut ion li looked upon as a in.. I lei of i oui.e. Init I he s tf SI rival of a ntnamihip it little overdue it regarded ax almost a tnii. vlo. It is nnarly Iweutv-five yp*rs since the City of HoHon went down a,t sa and left no ono lo (ell thoiliiry of the- loss. The repetition of .tich a divt 1.1. il is t i he hoped, ha* rs, u in.ilc impofiiblo l.\ in. 1 1, i M kill mil .mention. Th,e\cni ol Ihi-l.i-t two weeks, at least . slren^t hen Ihe hope that s reasnnsblc . .1 onty of rifely at ca h.u IIP, MI rcAohed. Artllii laJ gran for the grounds of iraaulc ' one of the iivluelricft at Mun t l, Kng. witnesaes of my cure thai even the nn sceptical Biu* IHI confin. ed, and I firmly iv'.ict, Mi. Williams' Pink Tills will cure any trouble with whioh nun IK ,,i- This may S>PIII to be cnthuvsuini. but I hsve the right lobe enthusiastic .tftm what they baVwMM fur ire, and I strnngh in i;e , .,, : . . I . I . I f T T ill, i .- itln.'ied with iickn^w of any kind to Iiy l>i \Viiiiani"' I'nik IMN Ihe grMttmt of modern medicine.. Mi Moss' narrwliie was certainly ofal> sorliing interput , partii ularlyas the i quirt . i knew he was nnl a man who would ag. geraU> facts. Th* story of the case wai iMrrohorated l'\\ neighbors, knionii them Mr. Wm. l.em whn hail ai"i,<,l 111 c.tnyiug Mr. Mitas to Ihe hand car when takon t.- the s-enr ol itocnlonl ahnvp uipniiunptl ami alsii Mr Huolianitn, the (Hipular C P. R. i The leixuici ic mne.l toCimul Valley fully satisfie.laa to the gre>at curative pi,<p i-itu-i >! Pr. Willisnis wonderful discov- fry. I'll,- M.n int rvnweil the drujiguts of llrnnd Valley, and lne>.iim< ninwp* from all. Pink I'i'.U ve the KM! .-.l mi ; .,,{ inont |ipular i cnn-Jj in thru Morss, n I the in it general strike. Men from thr Saar district are preient at ni.ii' of the Rioetiugs to ak their comrade* to suppt" t them bv calling out all coal- miners in weitcrn l<,-niitn\ The Provincial t-oternnr met and consult- ed In day with military officials at tUar- hniei-k a" to ihe h*t means ol enforcing order, e-pp.-nlly after the issuing of ths l,o\rnmrnt'i uliiinatnm, when men will be remlerod .i -s|*rate by loss of all hope of e-n- pleyment. i Trifle Too Oood. Kriend " (lot that new|vatent pueiintalie sulky of your, don" T" Inventor "All i-inplele now. There is only cue trouble." " What's that "." " It keeps gelling ahead of the horsr" rharlps Krskine, of Unci>)n, a gold cure graduate, became suddenly ,ri*am on ths itreet in Oivaha, Nelv, and stahliet' himself, A un'iii-rinan i;rap|>le\l will) thc younu man, and after a desperate light diaarmej him. Kriknip *a recently rvtumsxl Vo 'us 'icnia l\c,-li) Institute.