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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jan 1893, p. 7

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\\ I wllhBerallj a* Well a* wita r*aia*r* aael tatr. By loag add* th* mo*t ~~n-t-"^ Indian iii the maritime province- is Sachem Gabe, tbe venerabUehnf of the Miiiceu tribe. Hia fall name i* Gabriel Abqoia, aad h* lire* at the village of Saint Mary'*, oppeaite Fred enctoa, K. B., Ninety yean kav* lingiiil the once raven lock* of the apamr with grey, bat h* it ttiU a familiar Igor* on th* treot* of th* Utter city. H* M truthful aad honett ia all hi* d*lin*|*, aad few white man oan b* troattd to implicitly. Thirty yean ego, when th* royal Princn, Albert aad Alfred. viaii*d th* province. Gab* waa their ooatteat attendant. He Uaght them bow to nth and ahoot and age a bark bravely riiintJ the Prino* of Warn* from drowning ia the Saint John River. In 1881, when Gabriel vititei Fishene* Kxhibuion i member* of the royal family, except th* Queen, waited upon him an-l gave him a cordial welcome. Gab* ha* in hit pQ****aiea a mamive autognpk book, on the cever ef which ia inscribed: i^oascap, a the aentral ngwr* "hfaay. way yean **," aaid Gabriel, *Glatny cam* from the tptrit world to ear* the wrong* af km Biiali He lold OMB* to live at peace, and how to hant and atk and what to kill for food and clothiag. He iini fro.* tnbe to tribe, pointed oat tht.r rad habiu, aad e*vm*d them to lire oa their own laadt aad respect the land* of their brother*. All the animate wen breaght be- ton turn aad told that man wm their matt er. None of the aaimel* rohaUod at Out ueepc the red equrrel. who dew fanoodr at a temp aad tire it to piece* ia hit anger. The eqairrrl wat thea oa* of the large** ai the animal*, aad, aning ' * its ngnr DM. r.Loauep aim la that he taoaid be redaeod to hi* preeeat **. Bat beoomld not stop the rod (uirrel fro he bat aaatdtd ever tine*.' Tr1ca*oalB Wrdsoeil Wire. From the fact that Mr. W. H. Preeee. who n Chief fajinetr and lUtrlrirtia ef IB G**al Rn: thrwagk a *P~Oh^par,.~, * ""* ' ^ ~ Thectt] nv* Cento a B*i r.r Weraen. BMlUea* f.r la* Kajaa. aa4 He I, i a irk i t Jeypor* u the capital aad natdea x of on* of India wealthiest prtaoa. Ta* Maker* jak * *Mat* coven IS.* hu a popalatten ef j^n.wi o.' J*ypore u *:.o.rviei by 4 t with *evea gateways. That* {oarded dariag tarhnltnt w-.ih crowded *tr*Mi and Ia th* ceatn an th* Maharajah paUea. bsaaufal garden* aad plcaaon tinea**. with fimmiai.Trnmiialti ,fw.f-. sarahs. th* aslsr* " Diplomatic and State .xirrtsrisiisans af tbe Uilicet* Indian. Gab*. "T*geth*r witk a record of r natation* aad Uvent held by th* Chief daring th* great International Fiahene* HiUibitioo, The volume U a moat intonating one. It contain* hundreds ef th* autograph* ef th* royalty and nobility of England, and af military officer* with whom Gabriel ha* at vsrioa* time* chtatd the moot* and caribou in tail province. The *ch*m bat bean a mighty banter in hi* day, and many ar* tb* p*nl* ef the chat* which he bat anrvived. On on* ec- ration Gab* wat calling mtrni for Major of th* Royal Sent* Regiment. A i boll moot* ancwend the call and came Uund*ring tkrowgb th* fore**. So closely did h* gang* th* horn that h* charg- ed right over tht oath where Gab* waa con- cealed aad broke the eachemt leg. The moment wa* a critical oo* tor Uabe. Had be uttered a round or attempted to move, tbe infuriated animal weald bav* jumped upon bun and killed him with hi* Uncelik* boor*. But, though eofrerin. intensely, Gabn*l g*v* ao sign, and th* BOO** soon walked away. A* a sample of tb* eachm'i wit th* fol- lowing itory it told : He wat once camping oat witk a you eg tenderfoot who had a re- markable mm** of hi* own importance. Th* tenderfoot bad lost hi* pin* aad a*k*d th* chief to Wad kirn hit. I' pee receiving the pipe h* wiped the Mem very carefully with hit handkerchief before h* weald tro*t him- self to amok* it When b* rvtaraed th* pipt Gab* qoietry broke off and threw away the end of tb* sum, aad then went oa with his amoke. The cbief talk* with equal dueacy IB UM Knglwh, Milicet*. Micmac, and Peaobecol toaru**. By mmnt ef a pal* face nentit he carried on an rttcnsiti* aa uiaad in th* Channel, and thi* without oaiag a tCawtiimVC ff*)m ootttt lo C'^Mri UM Sfttft9tor OtntKraoM tAeVt IA tmlic w* have th* germ ef ini mnaieation. Let a* bom* not. The" world will have eaeagh on it* hand* for a mag um* ta earn* m attending to it* own baai aem. Thar* may b* highly muUectaal Uraaa* ao 1 Neptune, and th* Mar* may b* verv lovt.y and , bat it u doabtfml that they peak Bngtmb ar any earthly tonga*, b* it Aryan, Semitic, or Ton Man, aad it i* on- likely that Max MaUar or Prof. Wkitawy coald decipher any danavcbe* they might namd to at, and next to certain that thay coald aot r*-d oar Biimtgii t* them. Shenld attempt* *v*r b* mad* at interplanetary *nmaasir*ina by word of month they woild reeaU in whet th* fill it* as mean by their proverb in regard ta men who talk at croat narnoaat, namelv. "On* Bilk* th* ram and tb* other boJJt thetMv*.- Pbilaanabiri and aeaeflet who wtsa to hear what th* peon** of Man kav* to my ahoot matten and thiegt in have propoetd to Jatcrtba vast tr circle*, and other geometrical figure* on oar Wettera plain* ia hope* that th* Martian MB may m* and npry to them in .-tular mskiea. and that that a luten* *f rational oaBvereatioa h*t**i> the two plan*** may gradually b* *M an. If, for mettac*. oar neighbor* sboald ee* a large, right- angled tnaagi* loemiac ap m tk* dm- lane* and shooM therwanon baild Bitbr lik* it, erect a *auar* c-a the kynetennet, and draw th* ttrativ* of ef th* walled city, and ar* samand* ij by a high ewbauied wail, bailt by )ey Sine when h* left Amber. On* of th* intonating tight* ia Jeypor* is -.B< oU-rT:ory bui.t : y to* mmwamml royal anrenoeaer and foandar, Jey Sun*. It it oa* of th* Unrest in India, aad M rimatkakli even to thit date, en aocooat ef th* many raats, *t baili of neUd (tone, dam* of of f*M ia height and in diameter, and of pnaeat day, althoagh thaw atrvW the par- Ta* royal irMm are am* at bad. with ftalUoaeaca aid* aad large exer- m th* oeatr*. Thar* are **T. blood fnmaU part* WthecMetry. of ^ ?i i ^^ __ - .k^ j % mnM awa eater, Bern ta* anery d Arab to th* graoafaL itarat.r Dcecaa. th* graoafaL itarat.ry th* awM-footed Paajaab aad blood bay Bagtmh utteon. herat be* a if mil a'teaOaai. aad each atteadaat knight of lh* none a** a deabfe 90* tol. Allef rmiaaaaly fak Tay atand onan ehan dirt, ia ipaiint talk. Each bone tied, aot by it* bead and neck, at w* ae. bat by it* fat*. Araand th* fctleck* are fi i aeUaar' men ttaderMaading might pomibly b* developed. It it, how*v*rVW BO mean* tore at Stuart Mill wa* at th* pain* t* paint leather hand*, to which a* that th* irnrntl can neither paw. *tn aerkiok. TV* rope* from th* kind feet fattan*4 to a ttoee pUlar asm* tmnty ! away. If. IB tpjl* *f thia, la*** will tarry about, lateral rap to each foot, *o that th* poor en caaaet m*v* ia aay direction than aix iachea. tHnalJ they Hill anean. a bug* heed i* dnwa over their bai aad eye* to keep tam qoiet. The hone* are fed en a mixiar* of meal. brown OAT. ta.!i--tter. wni.r. niif*:h*m brawn eager, and butter, which M nlamp aad f at M a porker - regolar rely pory-poai**, and meek too little. S*v ami of th* iaett ar* k*f t ni Han try tad dWd ami richly lansrisimH. to b* ready at t * aelise. far th* Princ* ktstk'i nc. 1 lit 114 a ih* high way* of th* Athwate. aad ; shtn* ha** in very cat* go; a ef aalvegc. Whifa th* paymc *f salvage *JM an aaaamal thing, it M* b**a _ to th* point of vk*w. tkfwegkthtt law cf nv>ag* WHK-.. * :a ?Try ef th* civUaed wertd. In mm* e?th* van* ef tkoskia Centum, - Eaafllmwntal, C*aU*tmimV *naffti law* lath* am M..h*amM*rofaay H* may g* open ha way a> 4 had been mad* and th* U K:: -. of matter* having And th* nawntmw mw which i a Death love* a abiaing mark, ami in el royalty te etrik* awwn a gjnf AA0 K W^ (maw) mM to th* moat aowerri of th* Piialm of a Ha cammi the *** of th* th* wife *oaef I I tb* career *f lotto* Bradley ef th* I AM* Sanrtmt Cmut. TB* eoart of Greet Bnuia \ to grief by th* death ef Prime** Victor, ih* heir nreaxmpuv* ta th* I and Egypt UM aw, rater. Tewac Paaha. tk* " :va> The ceart ef Raaue dad nM en for ta* Grand D*k* CoaMaatm*. anew t ih* CAT, wa* i tetheatwer* th* aiatat *f in* IX>wa-vc the Grand Dike af Archiak* Caarim SeHator of Aav uia, th* Dak* of SatherUn*. and th* Dak* that witaoat . <* Martkenrgk- Preauer. Hem. ay* that a call for help at a*e Dahbe epmion. Every rltigar may com* t* him and hi* vemei, and that it w jaid aothtweaforhamifBcaad aown-.:*a ^w The lawt of aalvag* an ia exmteac* t* aaeearafe eadeax or* t* tav* tifo and prop- erty at tea. At th* MM* tav*. th* lawt Uatvemt-.y. ef Qatar**, _ regard to celeaual au'ad* matbematic* af Man i* identical with that f th* earth, or 'bat there th* tun of th* ' angle* of a rigkl-angled mangle it net *eme- thing cor* or totrething lem than two right poniience with kit titled frwoOt m theoiJ angle*. For at, two and two mak* fear. cvuntrv. j bat it may be that for th* mathematician* of " Talking about mooee," *aij t'.abe point delay -aaytkmg b* want* matt b* Mppiied , t the at ijrr ** th* Linv Sir Alexander* to th* QM *f pr i a Chief Joauc* ef k*r Saarem* Cenn, Da* Utaaal Aaiaa. Ta* B**M dmuagwukiii of th* v*ar t dead wen in th* literary werU. bat their werk wa* ion*. Teaayvoa, Waituar, Whitmam Cartaiaad Bsaa*. mak* a wie* gap in tk* Hat of great writer*. IB th kM were ak and kti crew oaaaot gM *ahraga for mviag . rVm* Terrv Cceke, theaMhor. M*m Amefca their ewa vemeL Itma|.ind that thwt B. Kdward*, th* Kgyni il igmt and acv , a *T I - IB t . . ^^ . . . ^ mnM e every thing IB thetr ewa navar to' *a* it and ta kep it from danger aader th*ir erntract with the am*, and the law bat bean earefal *M t* giv* them a cnaao* to pat ta* thip m paril, n that they may prt by it* reecoe Again, any exerbitaBi bartjaa* mad* by :.-.e matter of th* ahip with the acaMar ef a hjn in *on diauea* will nM hohl in owtrt. K*r wiU aammmeeatafal attempt at mlvag* from th* bam* ef a claim. TV* *aiva t e Of taUmn war* Gtatrak Danvtr. Pope. moM b* cemnfata, or it not at aB. It and ^tlrinnr.*a<<etBav*J laitiar* Rear AJ- mnM b* *town aUo that th* peril we* nuralC. R. P. Roger*, m the Taivrd >:aa* : aotaal. and that the autMaoc* wa* givea ia . Admiral Sir Prove Walk*, th* elawM Eag- good faith ! la*a naval otter, and General ^Mtriltaa*. la Ragmad aalvag* may b* -- : for Ganbaldi t chief ef MaC Cantaa Saairt. avmg vemeU only en th* high at%* or in theXova Soottaa Afncaq *Tf lirtr. we* wn tide water. In Cinadi aad th* Stale m. vith Staaiey. and I Schwatka. vag* extends t* harbert, t* th* lake*, and th* arctic expierwr, augkt b* added to thm to ih* nvejs anea which inter >taw cam- liM, nt-aat* they wen MlJban a* wall as mere* it carried em. In aWhjni rhinn ' nl*ren. for selvtg* ar* keard by ih* Admirahv A- - N , MeaW ihaHttbCoart'ef JaMto*. The t.- ^. wen Jay G*eud. Cyrm FmU. th* pro- moter of th* arM Atlantic cahl* : * tn DiDoa, efcPnmiiBt *f ta.- Taton PatmW Railwky : J.v.a H ^x. *t Prerdeat ttf tr* iy : bdward CL Jam** K. Ik* bnndnds of aMendaaU an paid fear th ,l.2-. and. by the time metlT**. editor of W* LmtWYe/ amaw> of a ship ' nmMer m th* world : u-.* set, by 6 r*. by rock*, by Harvard : Ptilisui Theodore DwtgnC at er *,inmiat, by air Colambm CottBg* : PrWmex- KJward Frw I believe IB fitly year*. Ilk* the Indian*, they will all b* goo*. I'll* loggers and **tUen kill a great many in th* Jeep anow in winter. Mocet l**d naoetly en gstaa* thoee that tatte bitter, aavh a* maple, moo**- wool, green hemlock, aad cedar. That i* th* raason they often ill* if you try to tains them. They want their proper fee\i at the Mar* th*y mak* MI. number, acaerdiag to the or aay other aatarv'of th* the kiMorma. and IV. Aaren L 1>n*j ia which, acoarding to a popolar theory, iatrtliganc* hat ita origin. In athet ward*, it M a likely at it w Balike- Iy that th* miad* at Mar* men and th* mind* of Ranks men ar* abtolutelv incanv m*mmrahle, in which Uoa of aay sort oaa b* attainable, proper time, aril if it le prvpAred for them It woald b* interesting u> trace to iu '. G IVcfU*. who eTlZkdea. wa* tTmytrer Frederick ef G*rmaey, exorbitant wbea on* coaeiien that matt ef <Mwlly pa*l by^tk* Bndiiauton. itttju , th* men rait* large familie*. pay bean rest, I **>* *c.. to *ay nothing ol luxcnet, atch u ' B '* r ' '* asawJanc* a loag M pot betel aut. Even with th*** DTK-** cf. say 1 ** four cent* * day. th* aeoni* an bappv ami i TWtalvag.1* parf t* th* ewnen *f the MM : a mamc, ^rakomm. iks ~->tent*d. and on* n*v*r bean oftrades T "" 1 tk *' ** '** *"- II ' ***P**r- *- Patrick oilmore. th* inkm aor ttr-ket t gtninl thing eheat oae-laird of t* valo* tra leader, aad a th* tksaticat pmreasies -M TemeT and cano IB U, v* *f a ail- Ka:e CarUetoa and it doe* not *eem to Jo them to mu.-h at if they brw**for th*m*elve*. Th* calU ing *ea*on i* aboat th* fall moon in S*p- g*d | origin th* notion that th* Stan aad plaaet* an inhabited by bwrg* waox un*lligao* is like our*. Th* b*Itf that mi teuiber, and thtt i* th* tiro* to hant for head and crown of thmga* them if yoa want good head*. Kvery year witboat him. or *om* .-reatur* they bav* a a*w crop of born*. The** begin . to him. no world would be oomnwM preb- to sprout th* timt of April and iacrea** ia ' ably bad much to do with it ' sue nil August. I j to Aufuit lh*y - > and en* Amoageiiten war* Orang* Jadd c*d IX IV T. M*or*. th* tw* b*tt-t.B*-B agnoal- the velvet horua. Then the' far to p**t of and th* arnting *maa begmc About ihe fint of November they begin to *ne<l their horn*. They may be MX feet aero**, bat they ar* oaly on* aea*oa'i growth. After th* running **a*on i* over a kind of joint crow* near the root of th* h.rui aad they drop off without any treoble Befor* that tine they are * firmly fatten d oa th* b*a<< thtt yon ooul.l only get them off by awing them. The antler* of a moo** ar* Ilk* a flower they *prout in th* *iwin. bat thtt im- maa al a *:epladd*r. on* i-haito into arty , plie* th* presupp.<eilMm that c**jeaUnem ' cat oa hi* b*. k a* if il w*re a hoa**. When , it to b. pr*0ical*d of what th* let* Mr. one is cvtafortablv **ted. with th* iked* ** "V Proctor called " other worlds than oan. < drawn t* k.- r eff th* MB. Ih* elephant ; '"P- just a* the .v*-sator't saggirtiia of th* : swing* aUng at an easy gait of twenty nuw* an boar, (.n* elephant we. richly P-rmit *ay aalTag, for mviag I:f*. Thit it caparrwned with geM embroidenr* r h:s * -* iBearenc* ivory taak* were **t with -ewrtt and cmtm- *d with golden band*, for b* wa* one of th* priacv favorite*. poatlUilty of iitetr<lar.*u- - Uoa intp'ii** the nretappoattioa that there are plaaetanaa* to be cnimBniBBiJ with. The belief ka* no philosophical and ->tr tainly no *eMatifio baai*, and recall* th* old Jegma that natur* ahhon a racQam," which wa* *rg*d a* aa argument ia favor of the oonuiiaity of matter. TX>*bt:ee* even the earth ooaM get along coateeiedl' the leave*, ground." MU in thetummer, aad ia th* fall, like with >ut man. Sh* bat don* *o before and they die and drop to the pr*bahiy *h* will do *o again at the twing* lanver down tb* ringing gnv>vet of change. The belief mv be alw >-ona**t*d witk th* notion that telree ar* uitell' jrat eatertain*! niJaiiv Platamm where *r<rythir^ c**n*d intelligent per h*M bev-au* noiking wa* more than vagve- ly intelligible, th* Neo Platoawu ' the** ampl* stable*, th* Rajah ' ka* twenty 6v* bog* iodua hmksBts for ' *</.*"* ' wMBrnWrnt TB*.7n*hle bMwsW *Nt . *~* f V * 01 thai I twalv* f*M kick and *.' *norr**a* nt*. A **" ** IMMM * "^ tat talrer ge-u a eaamd- tw.r*l editors in America, car M Mranped oa ta* **snhaat s sack, and ****** **'*. Hi* proaortien i* amaUr th* CaiJMlx- v'hnrck htd a keavr IMS m a who)* (aswrv noe* Win* animal. TO ""<*< tk* mat*, and th* mato get, ^inal Vtaninc. WUammi; meant an elephant u ooit* a task. Ta* ! twl * *** ** Memta gMn. Again tkw* l.Bm*n*d Annas** *f Rent*; animal tt madTVo kn*al. and the., by *** wa. rmk thetr live* i. the luVboat* G-amerd M^rmiSard. *f G-.^ O.T.IIB.J . or wb* an *eat *>fcord to maaeg* the wreck- ^miaai. el Rome: CarJiaei BeUnxnm. af edererinnwd remel get :w-., a mack a* Bniegnit, aad Cardinal Ux igan. of Algttra, v>tbw great reltgmat Imder* aambtnd - .-. the Jead ar* Rev. Charle* ! ItwacnritMM fact that th* law JOMBM Charch; samli* li -Vtrican M K Ckarck : n*M to kav* gene eal *f ker ef th* Kp-opl Cbarvk. nh*g*M*al*r ittoMveUJe: Bmhoa Mahoay. of :h* wbiW: U*h*goMto mv* prenerty. her IB- Charch, Tannta. As taraac* it a* loager ia fore*. Agata. atval aad other mar in* oficen ef th* Goverameat onnaM claim a* rrag* when tb* v an witkia th* line* of their duty. Tfc*c are especial ' " Tan you tell th* ag* at a moo** by hit horny Fr>m two to four yean *M they carry th* mo*t branchf*. A* they get older fewer branohe* ft."*, \n,i when invre ery old t heir horn* an lr\oet * goat 'a You oan tell whether a niooie i* old or yoaag. bat not hu *xact age." -What about caribo* " They an :ncr*a*ing evetv year. t ar* tnteuigrai a noiwa commoaly tainod by primitive ptpli and by mvraget at th* prewai ilay. Ne*- tarn b*U to it, aad in their ecelame, They 1 , mil* srr ol it, ITiilo Ju.lru* xpremlv I **ling aneftoa dnve* off their grinds by n'rr. laagbt the do.trin. ami th* germ* of i"t tic** tor nv* yeankafofe they can anVany- The Maharajah al*o keep* another mt ef aWnhtnt*. which - did aot Uk* tb* look* of. The** an th* fight*r-kug. pewerra! f*;iow, with sharp lathi aad vicint eye*. They are traiaed to dght anytkiag 'and T ?ry thing, bat npMially th* wild **- phanta in th* mounuuna They eharg* at tham witn full tp**>l ami plong* their tusks into their talagoatsM and gon them to i* royal avert in if one hat th* oprortaaily town Jeypor* it alt* fomini for H* *nsml i. and th* culling aad setting ef Mber prec*oe* *toa** foand ia th* Stale. Th* naliv* *cK*ol of design w iceediagly intor- Hr* okikirea are seal M * pal as net heW t* kaT, dteth. Ar eltpk*at tight Imlta. and MM t* b* mimi b*c*ii** their faroril* trtvi, white will burn like tinder It i* vry .lr\ . and ther* i* no taste to it but it make* the best 4l.-.*ol in the w\<rld. Th**eaioa forckool- in< cariNMi it from th* Hr*l ( Aucust ti!i th* last of February, an.i then you ha v* tit mor* days In htul them in. C*nboi an.l dear *ct just lik* th* moot* IB th* ranntng eason. but a is htroVr to call th* cenbou l.Htoae th* veic* of th* cow n to low. Red dr*r ar* coming into th* pr<ru>o* from Main* an.l l^nada .(uu* fast n w Fifty y*anago,n*ar r're.lrn. kton Jvnction.l kill- ed Jixty d*en In a rortnyht Kvit th* wolves followed th* doer aa.l wirnsl them angHting ibick*rall th* in Plato himself, while ^beT dew) omaat, at l*att by inpltcauoe, may b* **ea nth* "Intellectital System of the I'ni- ver**" written by that nne old Platoaist, *xollrnt KlphCu>lw.>cth. work* an all too littl* rea.1. *\rn by men who ar* cariou* a* to iBlelhvtutl .IrramiBg. The main germ ol tb* belivf intb*mhbiur.< thu..;. bat th* work they do ia CBBBIT aad bra** i* anexvelkeJ ia' aay part ef Ik* afraid of them. I h*\<> wild animals than anybody, an.l they will all ran away from a man nnloe* they an bailly cora*r*d." "Ar* tb*n any Indi\a dvtm' in th* pro vino* B*W *" I don't Ilimk so, 1 1 n ixxl many y**r me* I allied n, Some think th* lynx or lucif**' i* th* Indian ,lcvil, and *oen* th.nk i i* th* paiiter (panther) r catamoaat. Hut in* regular Indian deril u hlaok, and I think it M th* wolverine, Th* dirT*r*at note* of owltuth* wood' tear* a gawd many p*,>ul*.- \Vh*th*rOhntian or paean, the Indian tlill cling* to th* faith at his father*. In kit spiritual worM the grMi and wv*. god. MO* of other world* i*, however, probably th* thought that m,-rl i wtth.-iu intelh- g*nt oriiig* oa it aoaUl be 4 par* waM* *f matorial. and mea d* net readiiy b*lw\ r in watt* in the** day* of onergv alway* .x>. **rv*J. But U UM other pUnet* ar* m habited being* aamowotly lik* ounelvet to enable u* to communicate with them if w* j li. Can find means of doing *o, it is by no means 4.1 They ait *a th* fronnd. witk a piece >' braet hekl by the to**, a tntaU hammer ia on* hand and a *nall pteve ef Meel in tb* other, ami witk the** crad* inMmmeata they will hammer and hamawr aalil they Aaiak a bighhr ort-.a*nenul ra** or rcp, th* e^aal of anyikia^ we *aw IB aay other try. A rrl*li;r 4 Ic Not Vang go In* lahaKtanM of tke town ' tune. They hrr*.! fut 4n.i ar* th* ma*t h> an.l certain that il wool.l b* to oar or tkou cunning of all Ui* animal* wr meet. I hv* known them, when ther think th*y *r* be- lug follow^!, to .louMcback on 'heir trackt for half a mil* till t hoy nee * good chan.-r to jwmp out. Sow* peopfo an a good deal afraid of boar*, but th* lv is a ranUg* to rig ap telrnhone* for that pur- pose. Aa it is, w* an Ji*coat*ai*d enough, in all conMMtw*. W* have phy*u- ami MMtanhysic*, politico and sink**,' lock out*, ill aacorted mamag**, near cml- and little ti. matters to eur enure 111 atHin.lanw. ai>.i little id poor criti- i.l in read- .%B be looked for frem th* oatlyiag pronn- .* of th ty*t*tn. If the carpenter* of Mar*, for inttanc*. *hoUg*on Mnkc. the oli.larity of labor weald t env* eowipel a *ymp*lbctic clrik* of earthly cerpeaUr*. aad perhap* of all haadkraftamen, Tata- pkootc cemmBnloktiM), on** let *p w>>al.l and th* h* Mohang* of phote^rranh* Wtwee* Ih* earUily lover and bi* be*t crl en Mar*. What UJfwuh when of S'.'.i. in Sardinia. peliUMaed the AiMtn nmeat for t eparai* taaateipal cxit- enc*. it Wing part of RtAldess, wavh is forty mile* *wy. A .-ommistiiB wt* ten: to make inquine*, and that lemarakab)* report wat mad* | Th* people of Salu bare no Town CMwoil. no polio*, n* dercyman, n* phyaioian. 1 h* town BO******* > Po*t Registrar* orfice. IBS. th* man* flhu king- dam. allhotth it contains I SlW InhaHiUnt*, it . not marked. Yet IB* Slat* te*4Ta tax** from th*pev>nl* but tend* ao tax oal- lieter to receive them. Tr* ta\-par*r* jonrnev sixty kiK'mttconc* IB ecrry lght week* t* par Utee. tnce 4 xrar in M .v alt th* childrea bora durmg'ik* year art> taken to n.i,l.le*aad ther* lviptW.1. Th* ,lr.l arv burusl .a lh*mo*t rrimitix* maa aer and without any traceotreligtoat nte*. i .tMM*yMja, i w-th.Mit ay toraiality Arcaratnoa*, and ar* ifuuh wh*a lov* can abealutely j .Udaied laotr, sv>a>lim*e lotu attrt _^.^ flmf it* farlhiy aliss. and ' Hav* b**a I4****d with at*** Vardnatio'ii TtxMi art M near A-i^i ytt M far " ah*.Uoe}*!>d .i>.li-in* are aery kn.-wn frva) keai ItteraUy trwe ami not th* mere folly rf j my. Ttif ckil.trva grow of without .>..v- a linger wn* dan* i. -t pit U to the. :wd>:| u>g <>t ISI.%.-UOB ef ray k .nL of t anaia : Ran B*deU, ef the Mtb* of ta. ra>Mia<m**f taviu .ieretxta. a dereitct William A*tor and Tbtmn (ard*a a* ttill th* nrv**rty ef ker faasiatr ef aUooojH her cnw has satai<n*i Herv-k:B*r. imperilled or ketpeM* ve mar* then *h* wackl on n| ** CMhelnt < . -- : prnmiatal among ta* dot Palk. Pnudeat*? th* >'. Rawwell Smith, pabitakir *f aad the Ceatory IVuoatry : . -I I 1 7. Ajreocv : tTL \V*: Wouat*d V<-- i ih* North bor ami m> *dert u making to recover her. , Pntac* : Uea:. v.4. Gilmor : eterk ol tb* Oftsa a thin forma*** aaagk to MV* an iVttano wgt*Wtan : H. K. Clark*. M. P. 4 will mak* P :.'am Trew. ,-x M P. IV- IX A. two ortkre* O'Sallivaa,. >,> f \ -^ . M. P. voyage*. If she bat reader* imtjltsni *h* . P . and \VOL O'Connor, the chtmatea. get* Tar mot* then th* mer* pay m tat for her time and treahU. payment Bat when en* skip hails another for aught amutanc* there u ammlly a bar gam miio> t tben and then, aad un han thu bargain hen all claim* for Wbea a (hip ha* a clear tight to alvag* th* owner* er and *r writer* ef th* mv\l hi p do nM mak* aay gnat coateM ef the cmim. xaot extent of ih* penl aa\i prvveal nammm*at *f an exvrNum! *m. Th* admiraltv .XMUI* alwav* have a uoi rwofclaim*K>ralrag*Bnw*rcaamd*ntioe. \V hil* torn* of tb*** claim* amoanl t* *aly a few komxrvd* or a few tfcnaetnibi of dol- lan, 4 few. aad th* tiormt ef the lati > \ week* broaght **veral of thi* kiad. retail IB*l<ra la wimirr. Whil* ro ateoaame. ski old V osn b* take* to prevent th* txiagmg f ch*kwa to i'anada n*xi *pnag. i mittake to tepaett :k*t th -red ;*d in HSJB- i2jrik. T J3. l.Mgrw^Mrtauia^weprAm.Ki. ttk th* ntara of warm weather. Asm lic'cholen i* BC-I axciotivelT a samtar .ii- ea**, bv any mveaj. Il >as raged with tembi* rawlt* throaghsal a Skvlck wiator :a GUajrw. and ih* *vtd**c* is c-verwSelm- ing that il may raa ita coarse m **U weather and ilimnaur eatirvly as spring come* MV While the nrabnhihty of s*ri*M AtlBTB *V*B \Vh*n the vtsil IB th* groatMl (trail* giv* the signal for beta on tk* high tea* and ASth*r viettl aatwen it, ther* an ihrve wayset gMtiag alia* aboar.1 her that ah* may b* taken in tow. Th* ant w by Boetiag a to* down to Ker Th* rteeeiat vernal g**s I* tk* wiadward of th* v**V. ah* it gaing t* tak* is tow. The* a tin* it fastwed Tea baov and ibe boy float* down toward tk* helnl*** v****). If they msaag* t* cawk ta* k**y ih* liae w *afo aboard. Tb* second way it by shooting th* line. All titMtj bav* a cannon aboard for thts ner/Bo**, and al*o for tsgasBlag. RilKor v**trl mav trr to shoot th* tine to tb* other Ut utnalry tn* **! in a**d of atawtanc* mak** Ih* rt tri*h 1 b* th rd way. and th* nr**l. w bv th* lifeboat. If th* help ho* vemel Mill hat bar lifeboat*, ah* get* en* of (hem away. If BM, then th* matter of ih* rraoVMntj vmsil oaU* for IT then 1.1 any rbaac* for a boa atnallv (her* is no kick ft Men. willing to tak* is.* risk. The mate and half a .learn M* Man the t<M<o*l. an.l. takmf th* !iae, .* rv*,-k Ih* M*j*r v*t*l. I! tht mea their c,ar ef Ih* frebnhthty next semtnir ia Knrep* oaaaot b* alapBton 1 . th* peMueac* may m>i t*ume a oaatgiaant form anywber*. S* (ar, the ratio of taul cajet. aiBoe UM r*- appear aac* of th* dweatw IB Hambarg. has bee* very ,.-w. a fact whi.-k poutu rather V th* dying oat cf th* p*: than '.* tb* begianiag *f a pidemic. Anvstt iavwmbrr. th* pre- porttOB af mmth* M nigbeM among ta* per- son* irtt ttlaeked. 11 will be seen thai IK* oheltra owUeok. wkife wtch a* to rend** prnJene* iaiperanv*, it not w-.theat *afn aging fratarea. Tb* ImnervU Fex)*rlion Laga*J*arna|. ih* ettcial orgaa of the wago* w Ragmad, streagr* argMth* :otty of ih* prafonaual tariff awrement. The paper MX* hcwv*r .ie*irahl* -.a '.bMs*Nt I hot* boaaiM* aad Th* wilt nrivitege* are, they ar* vnattaiaabi*. ._.! . ..... -I . thtt all if thit prvfereatial trad*' talk coatos, M it eabr !**>** to dawoasjen aa.i biadett the r**J piecTOM ef th* movwtcenV This not- ply msaai that if Imperial )Vlr ration is ever t* tttmc an aotv-K.ptitheJ fact it ,-&a .>alv b* by Canada adop'ing a nwlicy ef Uwo . : w mawex- -.1* ! .unu.

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