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Flesherton Advance, 5 Jan 1893, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE )l '. -iii.. , . -CE OF til*). MITCHELL, Ufer in no: th of Rtaaaroaaa * Co'! Vicinity Chips. Measrs. D. McTaiiah and B. Wkite have j our i their fortune* in the black- tad livery We uii<4er*'aiid that Mr. .1. E. Moor* has ptfrr?uud Mr \Vils- m' sham in tRe FletfiMrtou pUuiiny will. The>\nada aalt trust hat dueolved, is expected that salt will now be cheap tH"ui{h -to satiaff the moet pat- riotic Pstnui t*f Industry. " f illV CftlitA fc* thr <!!* lamb *0 fc rA II-K f < <** rut> of KV ftr li* fr ' i S .-vr(K.H. .4 rmitactMMl irif/ ?* t i if an (Mitr+cii for ItM? Jt*M or owr. Teacher wanted at Kiiijenia. See adv. 'lerunt aalei.f fancy .*la aud toys at and under c*t at W Richardson'*. Division Court will be held in Dondalk nn Friday 6th inst.(to morrow ) Those * ho intend joining the Shorthand claa* please start next Kr.dav evening at 8 P.M\ Terms, *1 2o. parable in advance. Any amount of Blare timber wanted for xvhicli hi(h*t price in eah will be j.aid.- S. Damude. M rs Ilolmai , Olayl-i, and Trimble Vera elected police trustee* for Klesher- Tun m Monday. Tli* annual uieutin* of the E.,t. C. G. K AsVu will he held ID the Towr. Hall, Mark dale, on Tueaday, IT'.h uist . at S o'ciock. The ratepayers >-f Vproy hare unmis- takably pronounced upon l'.i*ir confidence in their township father* of th.< pait year <>y re-elect ing them throughout. A grand concert will he given by the Maxwell I. O L on Jan IHth, at wbich Cameron the elocutionist will be preaent. Colored (xiaters will be iaiued: this week V vine full particulars. \Ve h>* received Nn 2, ml. 1. of "The Indiana CVn;:r*iratiinalisl," published by Ke, l>. A. H.ilman m Washington. In- li*i\a, It i* a neatly piinted 16 page ap<T enjoying a healthy advertising pat- ronage. The di*tru-t council of the R. T. of T. meet* in Fleshertou on Tueeday of next reek. It is expected a larye number of delegate* willUe preaent. An epn meet- ing will JH- heM in the Town hall in the v\enin>;, at which it is ex pooled some <ii<- l talent will take part. The pronijitueea with whioh Aver'' 1'herry lYctral st-p a hacking cuj;h HIU! induoe refreshuii; uleop i* somethinc niar\eli>u!>. ll r.erer fails to yi'e instant rwlirf, oven in the !! o .<<* of tlin>at aiul lun- truuMe, and is the b*t remedy for whoopiiiif coui:h. Tin Advance rewi\(ni a Nfw Year's ^n-eiit of an Indian tlinl jaT<>lin head and two arrow heads from our vouna friend Mr. II Rankerrille, who is winter- mil in northern Michigan. Theso were pioked <ip on an histoiiceJ old Indian Ivitllc ground in the ricinity of Ma.-l inaw. They will b added to our curine- ity collection During the paat half century - aince the dicoTory uf Ayer s Sr*at<%rilla tke hunt of IIUIIIAK life in civili<l has beii ron*lder*ble Uncth- ri>ed. Ayt r' S4reanarilla is every whe*\- considert-d tlio standard bUn-d j'uri.ier. the Superior MvdK-ine. The rouiijt men and you ... women who aspire to obtain Avademu or >.'olle^ e1u- calions. and whe> pan>nt* eannnt well afford them that t>x|H-ne. will be inter rsted in the work of The Cosmopolitan MaiTMine which lias offered for the year 1-Wt one thoutatid scholarehip* st any of the leading oollevee or scho<il< of tlir I'nitetl States. |H>n condition of nin>- tiiu-ui)t the msvasiiio into rvrtaiu neih- Iv.rluvxls. Yle, Va*Mr. Harvard. Ann Arbor, Cluoafo, the Southern college*, the n-*t of art and laedioinc. all are aliko open to the aiubktiovis boy or nirl lu> inot afraid of a litlle earnest work. The Coomopotilan end out Irom it* Now Yorkofticoa haiiiisonioly prn>l<-.l pampKlvt to an appluvtnt. tellu>K just what i uevresary i order Ui ecure one ..f thre noholamhipa. Tli cholar*llip itelf i oludc* U>aid, lotli(iii|:. laundry 1 tuition - nil f ixti ,-f onlr iMay Wit.- .lanj-t fallow A iillr tomr . IVil i slwsrs v^i-UblHolh* m.iii.-x m:.t i>iv> tni froui >l" **. Thy a'* a lo.luex fowl. At aniiitciUiument held at on M..iMay evenliiit, under the a-itpicv* of the l'ib>tertaij church, tU. J. Wells was presenid wiih an aJJreaa, accum- pauied by a raloabl* far orerooaL Mr. Art. Boll, of Thurnbury, w.>o a five-mile ikating race at Durham Mon- day ni^ht. in which there were sis competitor*. The prize, money wa* forty dollar* ' Arranveaieuta for heating the Fleaii- erton public achuul ar now aoder way. In the meantime there i* BO f.hool Teacher Irwiu wend* hi* way each morn mi; to the cvld shade* if the ruildiof '* iiihii-itabl rtn.>f, bat his pupiU reasaia at homo where they can keep warm. To l>ut it very ruiiJlr, tins i* a peculiar state f Affairs, Faruter* Institute meetiu^rs will be held in Max veil on Jan. 12. ai.d Mark- dale on the day following. John I. Uobeon, ft*q , MottKirougli, chairman of the Collefe Biwrd ; Sauiutl Uunter.Eeq . aiul (J. C. Crastoo. Eeq. . are the foreign 5peaker* on the** occasions. The sub- jects are uuiueroiu and -if an interesting nature t<> farmers The evei in,- n>eet- ings will be made particularly interr> All farmer* who can do so will be much benefited by attending the** met ; nc*. The Lake Macuine for IVceruber bow* a deciJed improvement in it* nib jevt mater over the previous nuuiber*. It contain* aoaie very readable articles on lire topic*, as Mulish Columbia i<ulitta. ,!ly." "Ontario's new salt territory." 'The Trad* Queiti.m," at.d other*. We rould like to sis- this new i'riaJ:u uti- axine grw up t> sturdy uianli tvl. and gladly note the healthy completion which r displays. Published at &?.M) per aa-nuui by the Like Puiiinli.iu t' .. Toronto. Mr. Walter Leilch paned away on KM- day of last week st tbe early age of i.'t yoara. ofconaumption. More thaixayar o, while iu busiueea for himself iu Midi Uran, he waa stricken with mtljkrisl fever I'px-ii pjirtial reouxery li aa bruu^hi boine, but th lire -f consuiuptii'ii has been craduallr eating it* wsy. until on KiiUyUst the vital point a as re tchei and death became the victor. Walter had not an tneuiy in *he w.>rl-i. He was yoiinj gentleman of very ple*aing qui ities and much prt-nuse. The funeral t\>k placv on Nturday afteriu><>n to Klesh erton cemetery. *hen a lars* nuniWr of friends paid their la*l resj>ects to the de coast- 1 The parent* have the s\ mpathy f all iu th.-ir I -.rex emeu t Anniversary serin. >ns were preached in the Mrthodiat churvh on Sunday l>y Rev. Hartey Moyer. of Walter's Klls. The morning tervice was [Hvial!y for the children, audwas made very mterettint; to them. The evening sermon was h*iorl on the first epislle of John and ITtfi <erso And the world paaaeth away and thr lust Iher -of ; hut lie that doeth the will of Ood abideth for eer. " T!i aermon was a plain, pract oal discourse, and <>f inorr (San ordinary excellonce. Mr. Moyer is a youiiji man with a pleasing proaence, f fluent t(<eech. and ie a ruing s'-r in tht- niinutenal firoianent. At the i>( the M-rnuMt H* V . Mr. Tn. in a few ell choaen and *lfrclH\iwi>e or\ls. referr ed, to the young iwn wk>a death is re- corded elsewhere. Ttivre were in the pill pit. in addition to the- pastor. Rev. 15. -St l,-itch and Mr R. Keefer. Methodist 8. 8 The Molhodbt Sabbath School ajini- Tersary on Monday evening waa another marked succeea, the church being crowd- ed to it* very duors. aad the prugraeMM fully up Ui, if ot beyoud, its usual excel- lence, 8u**e of the feavture* were ex- ceedingly fine and worthy of special en- ti"U, sub a* the tambourine and hoop drill, by a large Lumber uf young ladies ; doll drill by the little Udi<* ; and nata- tion* by th little tot* acarcely larye en- ough to be wen. Tbuae wko had the truumg of theae had aookethiu^ to do and Xhcir aeo ice* were appreciated l-y a u aiiimoo* rt of thank* by the delighttd audience. Another pleating feature of the entertauimeut waa the preeeoUUoa of Bible* to three yoaug ladie f .-c puoc- toality ai.d recittni; verve*. Mus* Lime Bellamy had not mused a session of the school for tore years, and her ua.?r Ber- tie had a like [ood record of four yean, while Mis* MaBiw Beattie committed to menK>ry the largest number uf verse*. Theae were each presented *ith a hand- *otoe Bible. The secretary's report gave the following iaterectinx facts : The at- tendance of teachers for the /ear. was 470, civ ms: an average of u-n [er Sabbath The attendance of officers was 235 or an average of 5 pec Sabbath. The Dumber of verae* committed to memory dono^ the year by the girl* eras IS.CtW . anl by the U.y* 6,944 ; to'al nuniWr.-fi; .'72, allowing an svera -e of ;>X> verses per Sabbath. We have been visited by 3 peraon* and extend a cordial invita- ti -n to all to Ttait our tell vl. Mauii* IWallie cx'tuuiitted to memory the laiywt uuiabrr of veraea amowic the girl* and Fred Strain among the Ivy*. Mr. Clayton atunded *cho> 1 every ft* SKHI dunnic the year. R^x'ie Smith <tand* beat m attesniaiice of bora. Mis* CLruto*'s claa* stand* highest in it- tendauce amoos; the iiir'.s and M'sa Beat- tie s class recited the mt\st verse* His* s class stands beet m attendance among the boy* and Mus Lou Anu- strviiR s claa* recited iho uiost verxe. The Librariao's re(x-rt said the library has Ux n o(>eu 40 Sabbaths duriu< the year. Ttie number of books iu the lib- rary at prvajnt ta txe huudnd, and *d- ditioua are made as they are required We e;x-vi to make a Ur^ sd iiii.-ti early in the year. Tae umb*r ex handed duii"C theyear i* about 2.500. and aith one > ace|-tioii all are returned, makiiu- oi>ty nine bv<uk* loet iu the paat twcoty- one year*. The Periodical* h*\e reguUrlr be-'n distributed aa follows : Northern Mes- senger 4,472 . Pleasant Hours 4.160 ; Sunday School Time* 1 144 . t. .ai ;'.77t- The trea-urwr's rep.rt show t ,l ih- r^ f the year to be fllO.Hl. aiuithedisbun . ments f;>5 I>0. witli a balance on ha: THANKS! To all our friends and customers for another successful business year. Wish- ing you all a Happy and prosperous New Year, WM. CLAYTON. The receipt* to 170 ,.f 'he evening ammvoui .ted Christinas Boots ! For Santa Glaus, or any other mortal who is deficient iu foot wear. I bar* a large stock of seasonable foods or. haitd. such as ChersLo Ladle's gentlemen s M'.sses and cbildren's ; rubbers for all ; a quantity of lumbermen's heavy robbers and Soi. UJies and geuu. something very suiublo f.>r CLristmas Prices Away Down. Custom work, as ns.ial. a specialty. Call aud ^lamme stock aud yoa will beco:. -eJ that it is to your best iuierv*u to by I JOS. SMITH, Flesherton. (Carriage Making Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest st\!e ot' the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R. T. WHITTEN, FLESH 7r.ic:c, OKT, HEALTH FOR ALL. Holloway's Pills and Ointment THE PILLS I <t> 01 , Stoinaoh, ail Dtar<i*rs ef ( and rsa w. health I>s*arat4 Ocaotutiea*. acJ ar* laaiwaMe u salM r>mate*ef*n*ea Ksr .- , . THE OINTMENT Kw H4 Liaws. Ba4 Bisees*. CM aa.1 Oe^a u Ie (aavx* *aa ba* e.eal ^_ CMM .< Hitawia*sBas Tat III i*si el b CMM U ba* ao c^aal TO Preserve r or SORE THROJI, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLD$ TV richness, color, an J beauty of the hair, the Dealest care is iwvcMary. much harm boin; dooe by the use of vorthlesw dressings. To be sure of having a firsts-its* article, ask your or pert'umcr lor Mer' sUIr it f aN-oluieV afertor to any other prcftaraticxt of the kind. ll restores the original coloi ami fullnem to hair which h-is become thi-% f-.K-J. orjrray. It k-ps the svalpcool, wtoisl, and free from darxinuT. It he.ils itching humc>rs, prevents baldness, and imparts THE HAIR a silken texture nd l.\*: njf l'i .t^^rance. No toilet can l>fl conv.Jenrd complete wilh>-Hit this most popJi aed cVegant ol all h.\ir-drrxvHjjs " My hair becan runkhij; gray and PnionaJs. Ke. Uohert IxMtch. Mr. and Mrs. S-> rens, ol l\lliujrwixHl, and Mr and Mr. Will Mo. re, of Owen Sound, att-ndod at the dealh-lwtl of tlieir l>rother Walter, and rwiiiaxnnl until after the funeral. Mr Lou Luxllnw. uf Port llurvn. *ur IVTVS.-.I In* friends i>y rHittinc ian appear- Mice- sin.-i'^ them last week. He is an oli*r younc uvn wli-- ha* won a lucrative and important position ox.-r at \'ncle : aire. I lately born xi*inV Ayer s Hair Vigw, and it i* caimir^ a new rrvwth of of tho na'xirsl color." R. ). Lowry. Jones l^i-aurie, TCXA*. " CX-er a yer apo I Ivvl a severe fe\-er, .ind whct> I rev\>\Tre<l. my hair l^eifan to tll i>it. and \\ hat mile r-nvin- cd Jxine\l sr ^.]^ \\ithCHit to USE N*r Mr R Keefer. of HurxoTiia. Brivv v\- S>w Year* with In*. >,rixnt* 10 Fleshertou, Mr. snd Mrs R tl. Rvn ar>> spending tlu we>>k with relative in St MM.VS. Mm. J. Buskin, of Yandelenr, w tho cuesl of Mm. U. llontham for a few dy during the |>Mt < A. x-. and now mv Kair i* rapdr*' arni is reslorvrt i,> iM color.' 1 Mr*. Annio Collins. on, Ma-w. 11 I Kix-r u-xi Ayer'H TMr N^jjx^r l\>r n,-.>i!\ the scars, and tnx h.xir i^ glossy, and 'n an exx-eUent *t xto ol im'eei < mil n I am fort;. \e^r^x!i .-UK! haw ridden the phiin* ftV ye.-r."- Wm. H*nrv On. .! Bill," Newcastle. \N>\. Ayer's Hair Vigor IV ScU v Uats.sadeJi 8MaI>Mssn * fcaa mo rlnl . aad tor soartnstad ac.littt tsiata I* aeatlfe* a oriair.-. 7 *. ew \fnl Htreet <1at MS. O vf erd H|rt K t M. as- ed.. Ua-av. ac4S* *o* rVt ot t\H. sa.i a*b*b*4efB ^ar^roa. Put. M O N Manufacturers aad deateok ui all kinds .f building materials, rough aiid ilrveaed lumter alaay* on baua . also all kind* of moulding* scroiwork, balusters, tie- well poets, hand railmji*. fence picket*. in fact everything tvecdtd iu building or re- pairing. Alwaya c'nault us befvirf you start at w >rk. \ Urvo .j-saut-ty < era- *oi.ed north shore pine ; alavi pine Utk and shiiijle* at kiweat piicea, Batmiate* given. QAUTIO i i n PI i . 01 in: Myrtle Navy is MARKED T.&B. *^" BROXIE I I V ( K \ NQNE OTHER GENUINE iti3Ftca Sisi i Boor Farterj, SOCIETIES. ^ *T XKS OF MOORE *. WILSOS Lands for Sale 1-xvKM 4 pi aitl piT<l . also rill*** pv\H>*ni. Jf. W. ARMSTKONU, r o ' T fxrtH^ hi S or iij at : '& 1 NRTRl'R 1 V M mt in lhi> M. - *fpr U>fn H..W4I S \ ii o W M ft i apreele. Seentar* x F. A. ix

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