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Flesherton Advance, 5 Jan 1893, p. 3

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A DUFFEBIN CO. MIRACLE. Knirst Duke's treat Peril and W underfill EM-apc ' HI. Kir na, >,, j 111-, B)|, ., lien fc* B>- Bkrrlarr* Beadr** b; larre B)*rt*r tn latrnetlatl mar- s-alive *.!-* i. a r-i i B, sK.ri.-r ay tar Bey - *larr d KIT w n .,..,, IM i HUM, Ornnj'o-'.ile. 1 be gres t Kdataad Bark* one* erclaimed in a mo-Be t of tadnets and drtpair that th* *f* of..! ..,.-y WM goa* forever, and oo r very akl< . i a* w* bow it remarked that ! miraetesare a before th* latl T little fellow WM to well than that M 10 be around, aad va weat with hu fa:t*r to tb* exhibition. We bavt bata buying tb* jptlto from Mr. Steven***. oaa of tb* Oraa*viUe drug.uts, aad Kraoat to ttill aaaaw thota ahwtottch not to often M at first It would not be mac: out of year way to call at thr tr hoot, aad there yoa will fiad 1 will be aW to taeak for tnaaitf Just a. Mrs. I>ukeW intimating aarratire tb* acbool, Mr. Taotaat E. Uagford, who board* at .Mr. Dukc't catered tke kttto It WM th* dinner boar, and tbe reporter expected tbat Kraeet woaid tura up, and , tave him a riait to tk* tcbool. He it. part of tbe dim. 'f^** 1 ' llo w - *t tfc* bay bad taken *e past. W* arc ' not goui * !> eater into a diacuauon oa tb* meritt cf eitbtr statement. Much of tb* chivalry that w* read of had a great deal of the wild Mid frataaqae about it. while not little aha: WM attributed to miraculous Bffaacju* WM tbe work of men of talent a-J geoiua, witer and greater than their f*ner- aiwa. who bad explored and copr beaded the tntture* of Mother Naiur* within wtiotr boaon it taid to be locked a paaacta tor every ill ..f fallen flesh. A newspapers i to to faitSfully and attractive THE FARM. Home Mde OB *v*ry weU-at*aaed firm a qnaniUT more or Ion, according u UK Ua* of farm- daced aoauaU v. TJt tpplicattoa of aUule knowledge and care u tk* k "-* W this fertiliser would fir* u more > doubt* the .rerafe value it aiiliini M aow tnetod : *>ad M effcrt, aatal! omaarod with tk* r* toll* achieved. w*ald materially i tb* naalitT of ihi* home-made I Thit feniluar may be two broad dinaoa**f barnyard aiaaurr, TWtwo trotn cadi other bat little. Stabta aai i tueatd to be th* ncker m aaical u ! " ^^ *?* *** *~t ** . would tpoBd tk* diaoer hour at play. Mr. I Ua^fard rroBHiinml tb* reporter t* tke toad and OB tb* way tb* loaf her taid that r\. \%'. - l. !*-_ L I> II. \Vulia. M widely k aloog at Mr. Duke'* taid he. 7** nule chief Pink Pillt oo:d .01 be too "I have beoa boardiag all tke'a taid he. aad I tell twawM wa* in a bad Mate Uat _ No oa* ever thought be would gr: belter, and it Btwatt u i'.rsege tkat be WM oy tack a simple ranvdy. \V by. three doctor* proooonoed hit cat* bcpelaat, ' *t k*is at tcbool le-d/v : H* to a Bt, awl barnyard to ban the larger preporttoa of straw or other bite I hare seen barnyard a :raw tuck aroaad which fana aaiatal* bad loo c corgrejratcd. that a* richer ia i rxcrotneat tttm HikU manre uidc wbore the OM f liuor WM uuttIiy :.:vrI. For pnottca; parpooe* it caa uAroi bo Becooar to to b* kifh ia ta* cwalf* u will v*ry hkaly DBBJIIII|J ouw a UtUe hM*r wooJd b* ivdaoW u> foruinor if BMvon ilir.tii< BOW *aouy aad rBdty a caa bo rottod. Fim. Utur < for hoddia*. It will van of tk* of the are vory WMtWoJ - **-nw orotkor Inter OM. too oWwiy tar tk* :rr dcatnB* t rodoe* it U* two are Bund, both are of Ik* _ two raaid of tke eirriant raMrded. Brace it food plaa to IBM liuor IiberaHy. To gel :: into tk* niBUMt kow tk wa u tke ly record interesting current events aad to ake **h coumeatt and tuggefion* at it deemt advisable, aad it is thit role The Pot! ia deairia* to fill in this article. The ie -(.fa boring towasbip of Mono furnune* o instaoc* of a marvellous cure, which in let* enlightened lime* would undoubted- ly have been credited to anprraataral in- fluruj**, and which ha* t aad practical era created tioa. Ir> t recent lait o.' tb* re*' briflit httl boy. and tk* Piak rtui Mred fcaiif*.- TLe reporter hajtened lo tbe little fellow wf heard tkt tarn have been tared from aa early grave by Dr. William*' wonderful Pink Pi'ls in this ttrrn , which tbe teacher had truly described M a When wt roachtd tb* fuU of thought at be hool to ictervww tk* Bay be *atd to bar* of <Wk. aad to cMLaimt all the by nomltral to tk* friBB< by tbe ; - aad tk* . aad IU po-.uaj tker* aot k ry likely tk* aroc** will be to It kai\ * all airtcolMral piaata.' Ua* tke (reaver Bart of tk* val* of tk* BIBBII will b* faoirkod away by be UBM tko.*tnwa wwBrouod. A Uub jodictowa work witk tk* bay kaif* aad a fork wjl i H"*** ttrmw stark oat, few to are fe*t ikat tb* (trooad, for tk* deep, li take* for granted . uacc M oa a ktval araawj i: b* rma frocr . w .- . . _ Q^ neat* creat a special feruuMT may for a t:me girt bM- * * *? Uttrwajkly wetM ter nnllt ; bat ban. yard or tab** BMBW* ! fflow ^ * * wrek. *> t-aca alwiys hat a food effort : there it nothing I uacerta:a or xpenmeat&l aaoat 11* at*. It always pan wbca iat*U*eutly atad. It to readily to the oa the raja. Let item r*- M (OuTsaf aVa* be: r* M lit, through Pink Pilb for Pal* Peopl*. which ar* now WM th* bey who had been to tick, and *u4Bltobl wordt on till* ocnlinent. Many BBS wemd with a mild and clear y, *. jj^ ?* ? OB Mr Hewiu ""* " Are you well now -. " - 0. yet. I'm be ditpoaed to doubt, but th* least credulous ' well M over again. " " What cared you were til*nc*d aad conduced by th* unking I Piak Pill* ' " waa th* read* and tauT *v,deno* of tht patieat kimtelf. ev,d*nce reaaoate. Tr* lull, frllowiid aartai he L J- otborwm. oa* Feed ail bog* tb* maai buauaf for tbey will root, aad tramp)* tore tbem a* ooaa at tbey tkow a di*po*-. t*w> to be dowB. I: tk*y do Bot *tu tk* bole, witb a tb*bott*a of tkrkoa*, or oau * B*bo- w,:: WM corroooraud by *<ver.l reh.W, o b. Utke l ..*., <k*aU eertaialy who had an iatimaie kaowledg* of ancTwo OB. who did not^know the facts would think that b* Had to neatly beta ia each a precarioaa coadition M to ke de- spaired ot by thier local phytictaa* of ttaad - ug aad experience. W* shook beads with ike boy and started for Oraageville fully convinced that there WM a food deal in th* *tories w* had beoa reading of miracle* tbe facia. The fine banner township of Mono auppliot equally ttriking aad conclu- sive testimony of Dr. Williams IV k Pills AS aa offrvtual remedy where ihr physician's skill tad knowledge Save been utterly baffl- ed, htea may be dispoted ta be eceptical. aud to fancy that mu.-k that it aatd m Ktit of thoto pillt is roer* hyperbole, t it i* hard lo confront th*'icir of fact*, and ia tkto retpect an enduring mtnamtat to JMI bring built in support of tbe merits and claim* of thit greatest medijal preparation of Ih* century. Mr. Win. IVike, lol I, conception a, Uoao it oat of tb* beet known and re*p**l*d (loneert of thit section. A few weeks age we koard tbat hit little I -.' year-old boy had hern saatrhed from the vsry jiwt of d*alh by Dr. Williams' Pink Pillt, aad w* detarasiMd to fully mvettifate ihe reported care. Mr. Ihik* reaidr* about ux mile*frum Oraufvville. and uoa* of th* mo*t prooper- out farmen of thr banner township, \\hrn the reprotoatative of The Pott called at his luirt aad comfortable home Mr. lh.* rat at a neighboring threshing, but thr rrportrr was courteously received by Mrs. Duke. We eauuired M lo the coadition of Krnrst, tbe lull* ly who WM reporled lo have b**a cared, and were tomrwtiat BOB- ', lutted when tohl tkt: b* WM at school I- rom oar information at to hi* state of hralm lait spring, we did nol expect ;. and him able lo leave |h* house aad were aot prrpared for tb* newt thai he WM once m-w* strong enough to rmi wiln the gabbl- ing tckoolboy throng. " Is Krnes ihr lit- tle hoy that WM to tick tost wintei and pung " WMour n*xl interocalivr H* M, indeed," replied Mrs Uuk*. " aad la 1*11 yo-.i :b* truth, w* htd ai one tiate no hope that h* would ever a(aia b* able lo leave hi* bed. " T what do you attribute the boy't n OT*ry T' the reporter asked. ' Ok : nothing but IV. Williams' Pink Pills." was the ready and emphatic rmpotiM of Mr*. IVik*. who is a very intelligent lady, and who then gave tbe intwrv i*wer tb* I j| lowing inlsisttiag and well nigh locredibl* narrative LMI winter V iirst h*.'. ihe ke*. tk* heap well rf wewa. and if it w I be S t.! -p I >i .-* :Ke Totb* aba bay. eta.. It atom* ttraag* ibat a farm product of i.. y -a ^-t^^-t^-r-^-.--- >aa *t twt ... - "alVVl * BTO R^fc*!*;*** .-,. _ liaereally treated. Il to j ^^L^. ali> C^ t a%*> cwW - Wal^^^b*.w,t3J F^^^V^r^- 1 ^-" teruloer : aer to there a bettor mart of tk* pcor. utturmaful farm*- than tk* waste of very nearly nil tb* manure produced oa tb* tnrm. Th* k%b product n it y of land caa aot be maintataad ualrt* th* frrtiluer pro- it a rnl* to iptoit tfcwa Itaotaabada ttttm the gaaa grwwwr hew b* eovbi waat fraat tk* ttrawv^cry tkt kai t* tbat I caa water it tttrj tnetd to tbe drptb tf two fwei Bram, t* ot U k*M rwmlta. aeed* t* b* tboroBfkry auxod witb tk* **C(*UM* of tk* tk. WBBCb *B\ BMW. kJk} aad osano food. b*t U IBB*! it ""J IB * Mm OT It VkAOW^wM ea. as all are Wbk to. wvmld it Bot b* -' > r of proub> fer baa ta i i aWa* 1 OT^C to Da* BTMW Of aaaaa. i eabfoct to wall worth ty <h\t y*a bar* vow MBteBB oatUr ap to ttw p-eaer caa^ittaB aatil ratar Baoratt aannal will tafl at the top of tk* markrt Aim at an evea average M weu aa a: adivMcal rtreikace. tk. etd teaa-wf grewia. Mi for a certain- market. hlr*a> at all i and tall wb-*>.\ or ta* pnc* j leos of f Btwre ililiuoa. of food t*e Uad*ot* t* take aa lawtos: us it. sad feed tad oar* far it weU. Tk it ea* roaaoa why cood aaaak oa* it Ik* asaMer of ttoek keemng. TW gia.iat intredactMB of abctmtT sal tk* fam it to barber other doMraeure post* torva*. iMeru aad hat hart tisf *Uaf Tk* (her Tirkt Ckeck BotK. A rot doal bas beea wriu* about tk* wroufht through lb* aas W fir WilUaau d "T d "P** .'* * Banded tad judiciously orer tight check rrtn. w PtakPllls. a ~- ^ Bl *~ there it tack aa ritrative deal of tb* r***H *W wnve* a lit. Tb* rvporter alto iatervirw vl avveral of Mr. Dake's neighlors tad found them all of oa* optaioa. Thit WM tbat hi* >oa would BOW b* sleeping ta th* s Uat church- vard bad it not beea for tbe timely us* of Pink Pills. He aseo learned tbat many uthert are using the pill wita gratify ing ir salts, while train more kad mad* up their mind, tine* tiie airtwuloM savintr of vouuc Duk*'* Iile letter ailnv irouMtvl. We tk* seUiaf CB. ^. JTaxrr. of tortureou!! exaMa. Many *\ total of tbe other iteauofib* caa** bar* beoa mad* (or a. at*. Som* COM *f ptoductioa : heac* profit ia ftnniaf. *ay thai it M aec^atry for oafety ia dnv - th* loaf run, depends npoa the Breda- IBBT certain borer* - thai it prevent' ttuutb- etc. The** riiisa. ar* cea fated by w-c. .-: :ai altogetkar upcc IU tad ttable er htm- | <X *a bv it : that tb* proda- IB ,b-rV 1-Ht. 3 rWI * <rf P Ul k to try tk* gnat r**B*dy for l* -"ore aa yield nlaat food oaly onu with wSaV tb*v ware d * ~r- i I" *i liu*r c* frtt* tbal our had aaucipavtd i *"~ " 'ird M* IV..MIOB would b* dit*.ppMBti B| t rospect*. never expecUcg to k ttraag* atory which w^tbadleard of frwthtx Wbyafri- up in must h* hrol , !> !* w releated by uoa before tfncaliural crept caa mak/aay Unk* T t recovery at f ally tnbttaatiaud bat here we were reluming to OraacrviDe wuh v everything that waa dying rumor U'ore ' concluaively npta lavaatigatMa. ' ' a BMtive power fer atarket for aatall mabw. Bait thai* a good denaad far well firasii aaiaw't at good aware to t co-am t a OUT yea may *z- pect t coutasoa coll. A --aaat*a mar* ajtd a gvod tu* abould gne otte a Uttto bettor. Bit fer a wholly ttttafateaij retail ywwi matt have a foed'mare aad a ant -ciaes tare. Thtbraahaadtk* carryctaik ar* baaaar tba* lb* beat c*adiuen pewden fer ing t hot*, healthy. Apple the*, with pUaty of elbow great*, at Watt .very day. Gray and roan bred. ' < reatw* ar* diB-iaat IB Maying p*w- *airr without th* control er. taaeoiaUy m warm weal her. Bam of tartar*, which fr*t. : average the beet fa all roaad good qwait- it ; thai % hen* Maatbtot lea* if i: *e*a net. wbar* it step. : ibat a ben* -.. nuaed by ) TW hoof to the ftaaiatita of tk. borer. are ov*r check rwu.. tad tba.: a ban* ta bath ia a literal aad afwrabv* aaaaa. checked l**at th* (rrat*r partita ot ita W'hra tb* foot aptttod tk* bore* to irni power. Therefore it n aa aktalu-.* in- for Hmok kaoft ar* s:r*Bk*ar tad tafh*r jury to a draafht boras. Tboo* BM*I full '. then tay ether* af aaraatt for the evei tight ^beck rota U you je*4 beat prepsrly tkty art r tttaMiBked upoa la HT Till to interview lh* local -Irugyists as Ui tbe pofmlanty of th* reenedy that u working such wonder* aad caatu* such e*aume tatalma. IB many parts of tb* country Mr. TboBMt Stoveaaaa WMth* firtt aranut mi*'viwed. "IM you sell many of Dr. William* Pmk P 11* " wv Mkcd Mr Veren son. "1 should thtak wr did. wt* hi* prompt reply. "TWrr it no remedy in my tore for which there is such a demand, aad while tK number w* Mil M >ery large, th* tale it certainly increasing 'Howd*yen account lor this large aalr* we aaked "I believe it due enure!? to Ihe menus of the prrpaxation. Tboa* who use Pr Williams' Piak Pill* report the bait recall*. Thr' " ,'. _-"!? rrinrdj is certainly a wonderful nne U lien Mr. A. Turaer w*, qne*toned hr aud tbe tale of IV. Williams 'Pink PilltWM a turpriii* lo himatlf. In hi* rvperi*nc* a* to tb* mad until it M i thoroughly rotted : fer oaly M u <> rotted ; it it of value, aad it eaa b* bettor and mar* taf*l> rotted IB tb* compos! heap than IB tke ririd. I t*,y IT can b* : yet waste ot value M a fertiliser : very **iy. antl ma\ b* very rapid in tk* compost beiap. Thto is eoprcially th* oate with stabl* maaurr COB- taiBiag hull inter. It* value may b* so rap- idly deel roved ia th* heap tbat'oalot* one is williBg to u*e snore knowledge aad care ia ' cr-; 4 ; it than it the ueaal prarttce. it would better be hauled to th* aeld M made. And alwtyt l<*inrard er liable maaurr should be spread at i: i* baalsa 1 to the field. To nut it in httl* heaat u t. put n m the m.*t favorable ooadiuea of watte : and while it fata* nothi*( make* extra for the manure or handled bare never yet iavwated a*d7nora eaa b* ao JB tolav. Tbay ttttn toastt tk* dii'totot af aature. F*wls ar* ta* have. Tbey threw into c*atta*U- tie* many otbwrwitt waste prod wet*. AttoaaM tk*B*rkl<eca*Deatokrf* tbat th* w:r prodcrts w . r -: go very far t ward feediatT ibem. . e profit brgiat to * watt* will Dtally be very" l:tU*. *,-r*>t. poaaibiy. oa the *veT check-rein. veryateepSUlMdea. The teased air will' tva citie* th* wt* growing pores* tb* mototure aad -aerhap* carry away ' nh*lia what haBsanilyabould aevri to remain rnttoa M t* at* of tke check. The iwattaai mtvwmOBt ef tk* head u the oaly exprttts. >a tk* dumb can give to IM mawry. bat lever tbe aad wau-h tbe way tb* bar** raw}* the fiotdoui. Aloaj tke top of the barer a l.'tsinraasdly. This is wnVtatall work* pay taoafwtouBBin tk* W^erutpi of the head* I Tbtfirt* eyw kid by aatatarefewl IB aay it to atttehtd ta atvera! vrrtekr* tiaiatt to ' taaton are tkebrel fur halcaiaf. Tbea tk* the aboabfer. abea il ruat frre over tk* cack aad bra art Wth in ikeir great*** creet. and beoatno* altached ageja t. tb* ' vigor. aad tb* efjajartmatl tpt lob* fertiW rttebr*- ntaiMl ihe no!) W boa tkr hand |aad t prodace thr : it pulled 1 into ta* poaiuou decree* ky f*eh ' loa. ttys a wnter oa ihe here*, tke vert*- brw under tb* creet press bard lato Ik* urw and oaua* luiras* suficrtng. There- fore lar practice a cruelly, aad treated t* tack. In KaflsnJ tk* S}uern hot ItawaM cide) B-iiatt and IB WMBU oar lees. Fatkien f l t. HM> t >- la ., Tt StaaeWd Oil Oompat v's leak r Ita a ** u ***'' btt am*ed at Ha!i*ai IB f ripp*. aad b* nv*r itiaiiJ to tally recover { <iruait BO remedv had mad* such a repu- tromtKe ettm* of it. In February laat, I <* or produced tach woaderfal mult*. Svarcely a day |>aas.i that li* ,lui net bear ! !' pju-tie* who were Wnrfittvl l>% the use of Pink Pill*. Mr. J R. Itoddt wa* equailv enthusiastic. It you o*Jl IV \\illiamt fink 1 pulled th* loeth nd i.l to tak* ike boy ' Batont me.licin*. ' aaid ke, " they ar* the (KMM> and b* would be all right thorlly. In- " popular and le*t selling p*lettl treii . mr in my Itoro to -day. The aal* is un gel far wor*e. *n.l waseiKin >-onhnnl rnUre- dnubtedly on the increase, aad I can My ly to hi* bed. H* faile.1 in itrength aad ap i "t *cv>r*s wh* bar* bought fr^m me are < loa.i IB th*ir prait** . : what lr. Willianx' Pink Pill* hare done for Uima. Tbey ar* ton* other el'*. but th* actaal bws of ; permitted to extol. Th* eubw day t grntte- w,ll uvaa. when r*a**a*trat*d wntk upat tk* tome not* after he had the grippe, h. WM to unwnll that w* .ook him lo (>r. Bonnar. cf Mouo Mill*, who examined him. and taid tlial what wa* troubling him wata drxaymg tooth wbirh reawreil to be enracled. H* pulled tho loelh and sai>l to lake ihr boy and b* would be all right thorllv. lii- ad of felUng better, however, Krurs: t far wort*, and was toon oonnned rntirr- I> lo hi* be.1. He failed in itrengih aad ap pcUtr, and w*t hecomng more nrrvxis very day. Sometimes be would get twitch ; and nervout tits, and sh*k.e so har.l that -ertainly a great reaed). and my f p*ri w.-ald frighten you. T..P shakit-g w*. ' *nce is thai tn*y enWt all tkat t rlaime.i o ttronf tbat the whole lied shook with ' '<* them." him. >* became alarme.l and sent fer *' IV. William* Pink 1Mb are a perfect *ec.>*d ' and wh who prrtcribe>i for the l>oy. > gave it M his opinion that his re coNrry wa* nnpoesibl* At this tim Krnrat hsd lot power of both leg* and arms and ] f c\ had to be tied down to re the enlTer- , r leterntng th* nrrvoat agiUUoa. The aecoail phvsicwm called in the bov | me tuwe. l>nt tkr caer WM fftiling to bad. rrv day l>rcoming more hop*l<>*. that a thin) w*!> neBt fer to .n-r.',t. Thi* la.t one aid tbal there was no chance for por j K.rnrti, and thai all tb* treublr teem ed lo be in Ih* ner> .- 1 nrr>l ' not teN you hew grieved w* fell tver th* of hvung our boy. aad \ vnuld have tried anything to tavr kit li'e , We hwl heea reading in I'hr Pott at-oul Ih* wonderful cure, made bv IV Williams ! Pink Pilto, and often though! of trying tbe.ii .. wt war* toW they w. iM do no harm if ta*.yui'la*tdeanygn->d Nrarly rvery week we read about miracle* wrought by the Pills aad onr tlay I delernMBed to atk tb* -Itvtor if we might try them Well,' eaid br Ttir boy ,-an't'g.t better, a.ul thr PilU are nol * hasten hi* end. Yen can do M you like. ' Shortly alter we bagh t a box of th* Pllvs. Thit WM ia May it*t. Lul* lwrtt.haB*tbeBtakiiig them Iwe weeks when we aetwed a wonderful rbange. W. .itit the dortort mtdictne altogether, aad ktp: nttag thr pillt only Tb* bey iMnr*v d M> rapidly thst in a thert tiaw h* WM %k>Ub.o*t of bed. IHM can hardry b* Itovr a tlory like this. S *ery ward of il to true. 1 Mil you there to n wonderful ohaatvineur boy and wr oafht to be thank t,% tkr Pink Pillt. Krnart it grew in, *tot and ttrong. and this i. hit Orel <fev Moovi buildrr sad nerve rostorrr. curing such diaratea M rhrumatitm, neuralgia, partial naralTM*. Kvon.otac ataxia. Si. \ itut' dance, nervo.u lieadackr. a*rvout prc*tra- tion aad Ihr tired feeling tkr-rrfrc-m. tke after eaVcUof U grippv. iturasn . on humor* in lh blood, such M JttPOBf. __ TV* Joetor tatd h. wonW be a'ead chronic er>plaa. etc. Pink 1Mb give a healthy glow to pale and tallow complex tens, aad trr a specific fer the troubles pr culiar t* the fvinali systrm. and ia Ihe oaei of mrn tbry rwrv-t a radical cm* in all oate* | tk* ariaing from mental worry, over-work er* of aay nature^ Tb*a* Pill* are maaii<actur*d by th* Dr. \Villia.nt' Medicine I'ompanv, Rrtx-kville. (Vit and S.-heurcUdy. N \ . and ar* told only m box** hotringj tlw tin. t trademark and rapper, at M eta. a box. or aix boiet for r-' MX Bear in mind thai I'r. William. Piuk Pillsar* never told in bulk, or by th* a* tan, or hn,lre<l. aad aay dealer who of- fer* rubatituei IB thi* form to trying; t* de- fraiul you tnd should k* avoided. The public are also loaied, agaaitt nil other m-called b'.ooi '.iiildert tad nrrvr toaios, no atalter what name may bt given them. They ar* all imilatioat who** makers hope to reap a ptcuniary advaattai* from the wonderful rtputatioa *c*ir\rd t* Dr. Wil- liam*' Pink PiHs. Atk >vur dealer for Dr. Wilhamt Pink PilMor Pat* ISoaKv and refiuM all imilatkin* aad tubeUtotoa. Dr iTilliamt' Ptab Pills mav W badat all dntgjftott or direct by mail from Dr Willutmt' 1 r i >mpuy froai rithr addrea* Tke prior at which three pillt ar* old makr* a court* af Irvalatonl nomptra lively tnetprnttvr as compared with tther ren e,l M or axitoal Irealinaat. vain* will be very UtUe. The rain. curry into ihe enil Ihe valuable part*. How- ever*, it it certaiulv safer to incorporate the maau-e witn tb* toil, by plewiog tad har- rx-wiag. MOB after u u spread laaa to allow u to remain toag oa the tarftce. Hanlipg aad tpreadiai; oa inegrouad M atad* n rrc- .minteadrtl in tbe case of ttable manure .cn:aiaiug little litter, nol becaute of any I<o*i:ive gnod IB tint handlta*.. bat because u a\oid. thr very rapid an* 1 etrioat leat from injn.liciou*, tarrlrt* com|M>ot>ag. Strawy tarnyard uaaurr. or ttabl* manure cootaiain*. a large perceatag* of litter, i* of lee* value lo cr><p*. br.-auer further removed from de.XHupo*itMB. Its aniity tu do food t* crop* i* much re- stnted. and thr prehabilily of it* doing harm to real, tbat ita com poet nag is to br recommraded While in thr compo*: heap it will not to nadily watt* M will ttable maaurr ix>n:aining little liltar. \t it must be composted intelligently an.i carefaily : aad it should not be fortolten, alro, that putting strawy stnff itto the toil mav nrovr crofuto, ' pomtively iBjnnwa* t* Ih. crop. V'or rx over tight check rcia oa hi* ke doaaa't mind : b* carrtat hit head very high anyhow. When aaked why be u*e U. then, b* bafan to taik about tkt wealher. If you have not love or sympathy for the hone thai tenes ytm en faithfully, only atr yeur imaKiaalioa aad try t. place laamlf in it* place : think bow you weald feel if compelled to go abeat all day with your throw* hack out of place aad thea turely the check-ma will be lowrrtsl. Pmct:c*l litw "isriz All buUneat mrn tak,* Bole :' ta* stan: chtagat in HwtMleof their ,-vt. aad in tkr demand for certain kinds Karmort tbeabi .U th* tame. lVWfVtn <*if*nXwi(> wH MKN^taM in farming it faith in th* toil. At a clas*, facmni teem t* feel that atoeiev laid awnv crop, for rx ample. 11 will, to a greater ot leat ctient prrveat the thorough cemaactiaK that to ciir of th* etoentsats in la* pr*parau*a .-f a seed bed for wheat : or it may increaer rfr. ts of drwatky coadlt****, t* th* >u* kurt of n com er other crap. I caaaol go fully in 1 * Ih. directions for composting. I matt content myadl mlh a very few hint*. Th* heap must b* krpt wiatot. Toproioclit altogellrr from rain w ill probably prove a mjwnen* a. to allow it to hr waaked by rains. Tbe heap should be covered by a roof, but by oa* tbat oaa b* prlv rtm.ved with tear. I prefer a roof ef let** boards Daring th.iwen each alearaat* board can h* remove I. thus giving ip thr mottlur* it may nit a. \Y hile th* heapti itiaadVaa ilafttat a have th* heap freaatal- stirred, tkat all aartt may be wen aad e'venlr rattan, it H mr imaartoJit to bav* tbe heap c*asa*r* and tniid, and therefore after etch tnmng i troald b* traiuped d*wa wlL It w a splendid phaa to fe< < the hog* BB ihr heap a* it being formed. Tnetr reetinj after tlrt) grata* will tkorwafbly atir aad mix tke maaare, aad war it, while tkrir tramphng tver tk* Kama will keep u solid Oare niusi br vaken to leep th* swmr from sleeping o* the heaa, fer Iheir doing will probably toad t* the aaa*araa*e of in tb* sswl it ilea/d properly. K U Kattataa.of Kochest*r. New York, reeds I.V cow* for mar and oa* hIf >-rata tank a day by meant of thr tilo. Hr ,-oa- ttdert silage aad citon*K * ateal a prrfect tpastraaM of ****** ataaa*] I The eompaet bean b.)uM b* k*p4 tovel. or a little tk* UwwM ia tb* middle. If allow*! T* grow aa orchard u.v*ta . i. tbe greund ia a good -utr ef cu'i-.wioa far atveral vears.* piaatr.j plow deep, .usd if a sV eeil to iited all tke bettor. Onr or tw* good cat* around, tb* farat bnilding. ar* o: treat i aefulnaat in keeping off rats, mice, etc., and ab*M b* wwl treated and fed. aad if traiaW % lull* will hunt auc* at well M a dog will waedcfc* -k- Maay a farmer hat Ih* idea f4<at _e*d road* will beneni peopl* that hv* it i.wnt or ciUtt much mere than bimael', wkile, ia fact, feed road* baaafit tb* v.kolr coa-i- Biuaity. and th* farmer caa readily get hto bar*. T* get mi * to -.-el tb*> ataal aad th* baat milk- ' b*d> s cesarert of lb* aow matt b* caaafewrW .-*.! ministered t*. THo comfort, th* aaw*. the pf *c rest of the ..w matt be ttudte.' ..'ah* a* *iB*cted ta 1 v -eld to the eifrut of her power*. Ir'- *. thaut aad tvargmti tree* standing IB f ~i gteaad thoald btv* tbe rrsjt re- movrd and a twaand of freeh rarWiv-Q sir^ let a wator pall placed ar..- TVis aetdt to b* <Ioar T*r) I maved it the tprinf. If thr fainter* weald Mr*..' w.e aad their requtrraMata, rooveairat* patronage up.-n oae good o natal iatloB I I easmtT feiaf; *ver har. A Urge *a ef water foaad its way below Tb* | bocaaw choked threufh oaU i into tk* hi'ge-t. aad M ihe wa be gettra out tb* engine rtsm WM litii .'. and there was danger ef tb* aret betag put oat. Tht ratir* crew were .-rviered below t> reduce the watet and tave the Bret aad t b* hip. On tke fist th* \\ eehawkrn boarded by tb* Kibe, s N *:maa litver bound eatt from StwYork. i apt Rob**- BOB aaked tbe Kibe le ttaad by until atom- lag, and :be Captain of tb* lailer prouMQwd to 4o to. bat durm ih*^ atgbl tb* dt*af> praml KarA tb* n*xt asoraiag anothrrr larg* s:eamar bouad eat, ntmr stkn t aaw tk* Weehawktat >|raaki ef dwlreat aad bare down. rapt. Rthititoa atw*a be* to stand by a* ikmgt bad kr atm criticaJ. Tb* nreatea were >taadiaaj at tbir pooto IB water. Sbartlv after a attow .term i oa* and tbe abipt lost each ether. veatrh) urged Cap:. Robiawaa to ai the \Vtehawkea. M K*r tayns. dtoabtoJ. cwiag le the *aaaitiiy el coal i abet gnadiaf in th* water. Fmailv crew get nanagh wator oat to Wt Ih* eei- jines work, and Ike steamer made for Hali- fax. Thr crw wrrr c.mabitily w*rn eaV Scrofula in the Neck Tat fonowtoc l rroai Mr*. J. W TUInrnob, wtf of tk* Mayer ei aVK*e*tx>rt. IVna. Vv Mil* bey WH*ta. new *U >rar eM. < a awful oMctor i ula. A* it i gn< be taaltv toared n mat M wtoxhatuK U* |*wB*ato. W* awake* (aa tn'uu '"" sie*W< anatoTIUuvsik. preted vei v ranMlv a*Ui ike eei* a**ir4 Ltl wtaBH- it erea* aat *BBI. MIew*4 at*ni' wth nsmi (icelkol retuito and was htd a* rank>< troabss H rM* It *e ^T^~ ^^ wtwa^ *BBW- W^BBWF *. he ear* hrale* avJK .<;. ,.d - -" "j 1 -e*rk-j ' Mood's Sarsanarilla their U* aa* atver area T- v ivbut . but HAW t BteJthv tad waUtr tewbatt nooo-a PH.L* . w--= ^ a*.

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