AORICULTURALu Breeding Tha Fie*v The following is an al *t r.-t .,'. a paper re- cently read before the National Swine Breeder's anot-i ition of the United State* : It i* said that a row mav lo** her cajf but th* cow will be left for milk, that the ewe may lo>e her lamb but the twe will be left to shear, thai the mare may los* her colt but th* mare will remain to wo-k, but when yo have a sow who loeea her litter of pigs yea Kave lo*t four months fee.1, and it u too late, for her to raise anothur ktter, yon mart feed her for another year or turn her into pork. The first hour of a pig's existence is the most important and danguroa* hour of his life. He i. very delicate, very ten.lir ; he is eatily eroihe I , he is easily chilled. When a little young pig ison:e thoroughly chilled, it will require much more than ordinary err* to rear him. Might here come] in the Darwinian tneory of the sur- vi\al of th* fiitett. A pi has for hi* mother a aow, fat, lazy, awkward and coupling season, th* amount governed by their condition. During the winter I feed choice timothi and clover hay and corn fodder. Marcii I , I begin a grain ration of corn, oats and bran, a~d continue two month*. I wean the lamb* about Augiut 1 , feed a few weeks and sell. I have tnem weigh from flo to SO pounds an! get 41-2 and "> cents per pound. 1 want good ma- tured ewes anil raini, good feed and care, and the lambs will take oar* of tbess*lv*a. This u my seventh year in the business and I nud :. so profitable that I shall stick to it. '_ National >:ockman. r*>r*> t S\BLMT*>. Posh th Early Pi**. Have your pigs dropped early and push theai so as to get them in market before the packing season Harder Believe* ! Bn-n < ssBIUe4 ! l.lafco l bri a FeriMBe. A Boise Idaho, despatch say* : -Labor- er* engaged in road work near Canyon Hill, in Caayoa County, Idaho, have found the skeleton of a lO-year-old loy. Beaid* the whitened boa*, lay a musket of ancient pat* tern, th* stock worm-eaten and the barrel red with rust. The skeleton hear* no trace of injury. No resident of that locality can recollect the disappearance of any child during the last fifteen years, but it is evi- dent that the skeleton has rested among the Niagara Fall* Paper Company ha* adopted tii* first method, and ha* contracted with a Philadelphia concern for turbine* having a total capacity of :{) horse- power under a head of 1 40 feet. Th* tunnel which lead* away the water from these aud other turbines was completed last October after being two yean under const ruction. 1 1 if a horseshoe cro* -section. '-'I feet high and 111 feet wide, and i* 6700 feel long. It i* lined thro-if h out with 16 inches of hard bn.-k, set in hydraulic ct*<neut. The mam power c.itnp any is having two turbines of .Vj U horse- power each constructed in Philadelphia from plans prepared liy Faascii and Piccard, TIT-BITS. Irish You Know- Mr. O'lUfterty And whit did y*r Brother Uiiak wa* the rale cause of hi* loath Mr. Duffy Me brother never knew the rale cause of hia death, a* no inquest wa* aeli on him. In Woman 8 World- First Lady We ought to gat talari*. 'rom to* government. -econd L*.ly How *o? H7." r^c"kV'whew'it wJTound for rn'orelha^ | >' <;. sit-ri. n d. Tne*. are U> work j Fir.1 Lady- Wnen we see thU array twenty year*. One or two old-timers be- unj r o"* 1 of l Ie t . ming ii) revolu I empty seats we are certainly lighthouse la- done this have realized Those who hve for tea yean past twenty years, lieve that tne bones are thoee of a little boy named Jarvis, wh* accompanied hi* nncle, a man named \\ likins, aero*, the from twenty tu forty percent more for their P 1 "" trom * .Io**ph. Mo. in 1 bogi than those who heU packer* wanted them. until the Green Food for Swine. experiment* Prof. Shaw concludes that while pig* fed lor I-'.'! days on a suit- clumsy. If be a too weak to gel out of the ' ble meal ration and hooted in minmer in road for the mother, nature ha< provided I creaae in weight at a rate of 2 per cent. . tod up ne of htm by having the ow lie pigs fed on two third* the quantity ot the Little .Tarvn wa* the *o'e heir of wealthy parent* who died in Boston in 1S6.Y Hi* uncle beame the guard an of hi* person acd hi* fortune, aod decided to take hi* young ward to Oregon . They proceeded to . Joe, join* 1 an emigrant train, aud aflr down on him and CKf-tH HIM t" DK.VTR. ft h- ncane* this danger, nature u still after him with her relentlca* band, deter- mined that he shall not reproduce himself, and th* survival of the fittest comes in play, and the stronger pig* crowd him ba.-k, rob him aad make him itarve. Aud if by ac- cident or otherwise the weaker pig (till **uap*i, and the breeder uses bin into hi* own herd, we call it ignorance. If he sells him, it i* dishonesty. Uood feeding and good breeding are *o being made up of green fodder cat and mix ed with the meal, increase at a rat; of 5O per ceo,'.. In pork making the questions of market values and of the be*: season to market *re ot great practical importance. turns per minute, and each requiring 43 cubic feet of water per second. There are two horizontal bronze revolving wheels in each turbine, oue above the other and 1" feet 10 inches apirt. The shaft to wm -h they are attached is " ; inches in diameter and connects with a !M.,OW mam shaft 130 feet long and 3*> : . >* '.a diameter, reach- ing to the surface. This main shaft carrie* a flywheel a'jout 33 feel from tt-e turbine to many bar iships reached Fort H tllin. Id.'lio. There the train divided, Wilkms, hi* nephew aad on* or two others continuing e . i down the Snake River toward, the West, aame meal r.tion. the balance of the food ! Qae mormng Wl ,^ ns and ^ ,Vj , eft camp to thoor game. Se eral hxjrs later YVi kin* walked alone into camp and reported thai little Jarvis had fallen from the lofty bribk of a distant cliff, dashing out hi* brain* againit the (tone* below. After Wilkins reached Oregon all trace of him winterinz Honey Been- There are many methods recommended a* the best for wintering bees. One will By. keep them warm ; another, keep them cold ; one will *ay, put them in the cellar ; - , another, bury them in the gronud : an- oloeely allied that I hav. found them in- other, put them in the attic, etc., I* it i ,,.. nskra . hi i* t K* nn* wirKtttf ks*> otMrf in*!, nr niiKn* m*cure me I'-nune vu*\i 3^7 tnd" n th h'.nT We'can'tat fiLF^^ ^'t^n"^ "" ^ ^"" "^ $"* ^ the best .erJ of hog. in the country, and ^ My b of th-e ,,, llua l , hal , not | ' by .tarvau.m and neglect, can run them dUpllta , B ..l I am certain that not one of I down faster than the tiaeit breeders lu the tnem will i on e prove successful in the I A great dam u now building acros* th* land can posaibly ureed them up. On the mil | Orit y o f ,.,. fe y any of the** methods ' Penyar River, in India, which is destined other hand. I have found that hogs can be a l4rg(> numo<)r o f b^ j le trora emx: h stock * ll > re P 13,300,01)0.000 cubic feet of wa- bred up quite as fast a* they can be fed up: ( jurinz the winter. *o rr ducmir them that of which ,o 13,000,000 cubic feet will , " " * . ~ ..*.I_U.I.. / _ . 1*U_ 1^ '* I secure uniformity of speed. This wheel lljleet in diameter, we.ifhs 10 tons and will hae a speed at us run f abjut two miles a minute. r TBITB. Every one can master a grief but he thai ha* it. He that ha* lost his faith, what staff has he left ? was lo*t When little Jarvis disappeared ! To add a library to a bouse i* to give that the emigrants were encamped near Canyon house a soul. that Hill, and there is every reason to believe that the skeleton just found is hi*. It is thought that hi* uncle stabbei him ana lett the body upon the lava beds a* food for wild beasts, the murder being commuted in It is the <in that is considered safe becomes most dangerous. Every production of genio* most b* the production of enthusium. It i* only when you are all tor God that God can be all for you. There is not a passion ro strongly rooted in the human brea*t as envy. \Vc seldom learn th. true want of what we have till it u disco. ered we can have nu in other words, a hog that i* a good feeder lt ukM ,]. tn ,' en tire summer to regain ** available for irrigation. The dam will be and bad broiler can bring up a herd iust wn . t lney . lolt . To , , ucce- f n i we '3 ** boT * the l * <MIt P lnt '" ' he " ver , Lu tiv.te not only to* corn neu ?J"~ U.t t, a good breed., and b k d . ^ , lrong , heAkhy .^ m eirly ( bed. -^|^< =j ^ *- m^ Uut th. plea/ur. ground. < The quwtion has simmere I down to thu: i n atKly ,j, the hive . now , ^ there How U> gt the greatest pos*ible amount of u no proper TentiUtion M(1 no arrangement pork in th* .nortest possible space of time I f ur tn , wtth the least possible amount of feed, j Thi* is hosr I would do it : I wouid teach j n ekcn hive feet and I. feet at the top. The ma- il concrete, composed of i5 part* by We ittract heart* by the qualities w< dis- play ; we retain '.hem by the qualities we possess. Cultivate not only th. ^orn field, of your _ alao. 1 The heart that is soonest awake to the flowers is always the tint to b* louched by All' I IIU *ftl I **>U*^i:us<. U V ' i s- J , compactly together measure of oydrauiic lime ground, but not in cold weather ; consequeutlv the honey slaked, 30 part*_pf sand and I (X) part* of H.t who muddles hie stream of life should , our , , nin an a broken stone. The front and rear face* are my pigs how to eat very early-wheu not healthy, the combs black and mouldv. It i* ** uneours*d rubble maaonry. pointed with over twe weeks old in order to relieve the impossible, in our variable climate, to Portland cement The liuiesione i* obtain- ow from the (train of nourishment fora big, i wlnter bees successfully for any number of ed from quarne* sixteen miles distant and strong, hearty litter of pig*. 1 have en ; ynn with d e o , cerHmly in such ' iran.porled partly in boats and partly by , Jli i pmods of pig sucking l.V) pounds of , hive.. In winter bee* cluster c!olv to- "> overhe.l rop* onvevor This same poor, weak, depleted < >w, ine lurnnhmg fftitM . The irore severe the cold " the F*** '"" differing hut .lightly from; nourishment for then in their strength and closer they will cluster if the arrangement that used in many large French dams. The ( of th* hive will permit, the better to ke -p tone tl > r th masonry U a hard syenite, of t up the animal heal necessary to sustain wll "- -n th neighboring hills are eoinpoed. j In, j an., much ot it will be obtained la excava: By the old method., the cluster of bees i. ">< tn * " Wflr through which the sur- vided by the sheets of comb. In my hive P'U water from the reservoir will escape. The sand used is sliarp an.l clean, and is obtained from me river-bed at Ihc site of the -vork. Th* use of electric motors in place c f belt luntershal'lug has recently not complain if forced to drink of the dirty water. One kml of happiness is :o know ex- actly at what point to be miserable. He who is falae to present duty break* a thread in the loom, and will dad tue rli when he may have forgotten the cause. heartiuets. lo avoid this drain 1 w. feed my pig* with all I could g<it thei eat of t.KIIIT. '. .TIUTIOI1 an t ?ivo the sow a ret. uld to If hog. ever sum growing for one or two the bees c'luster compactly together at t,.e mooUs you have lost ail your labor and all , of the brood fl%m8 , be|ow lhe ventilm . your faed for th.t length ot time, ar.d you t ., r Th ar , her , aWe to k u , h . n . ^ l ." e /"!^l. n n:.u'"Z.^" .-'. t : * q'r*d m -unt of animal heat, an i are in t.'n; faster for miMitn*. aosnem A fancier writ** : There is nothing atout the pou.try busmen that require* so little af-ention or elfort oo lhe part of the owner as raising capous. They are rarely nek or ailipj. always vigorous aud hearty, are quiet and docile, and many more cat be put in oae iious* or pen with uo fear of harm that would result from any other poultry. b. stunted tw , fiften Itock . nter on my plan, had Ar "' w r ' Herstal. Belgium, where I in snow - >ti " hore_power is .hstribute.l in t.iis man- him. and he w.ll r you wish lob get al.nij ail right. Crowding the pi though, rapid.y a. ?^SZ^~&\ wJ t d~ n.r to ditf^ent part, of a factory covering J ,^, T C ^ Xu? a^Tk" " cC I could on all I c ml.' get them to eA -but t ho hive. sullLicutly slrong to bear a n.-rs,-. "rly nve and a half acre*. The engine bv '- not exclusively on a corn diet, any more They remauied under the snow fromja.iu- used is a .VW horse-power compound condeus- than 1 would permit a ilnld U' eat all fat ary " un til April when they tha*ed out and mg Corlias. .-ynn.lers 17 and '23 inch** meat aad paltry anJ high-seasoned victual*, ever y stoot was found to be in good order, in .liameter. and of :. re,-; nroke. Ii runs while 1 gave the pig some com, lhe great ^^ T n tilation, easy ace*** to their winter * "ixty-.ix revolutions per minute, and has bulk of hn food wou.d be oats, bran, slops. , tore , , m l the compact clustering of the bee* m place of th* dy-wheel the armaiure of a abort., graw. surch. punipkins, etc. I ,,. fetner WM whmt ttv< ,j . large dynamo of j:JO electric horae-power. would lhe foo.1 ort andoo ; I would If we comn-ence the winter with strong ' wb'eh can develop* -.'4OU finper-s, at I'-V. crowd and .nmulate their appetites with healthy stocks w can by judiciou* an.l c,>m- V \U. Some idea of it? si can 1 gtine-i anything and everything they found ap mon Moae management bring them out from the fact lhat tbo copper mihe magnet, pctirmg. More corn au I oom-entrated food. ,troog and healthy in th* spring, which in- weighs two tons. nd that in the armature aud crowd then, au.l crowd them hard. , are good nrori!,<n surplus honey m the I3S) pOBswl*. There aro seventeen motors He require* a certain amount of what he honey Mason. I ustd in dilferent parti >:' the work*, ranging spec tor*. A Comsun Ailment- Jone* Say, Scribbler ' Did /on ever hav* writer's cramp ? )l-r i'e*. I have it nearly all the tim*. Is that so? Isn't ihere anything that will cure it?" " Ves, about ten dollars would ee it oniideraoly." Hot -hot He Well, you know, I judge other* by myself. She Yes; but isn't that a rather lo standard of judgment ? Aad She Belierod Him. It was nearly nidnignt when the young bride heard the front door sof'.ly opei.ed, aod a* h cam/ up in hi* stocking fee', .h. lined tier eye* and determined that the time for action had come at last. Ihis will never do, George," she said. with a steely glitter in her eye that sobered mm OK the insuuit. " Perhaps I woulun't mind it so much in the years to come, bat our honeymoon i* li.rely over, and here you slay oul nearly all nlghl. L'nles* yon to (top Illgo back to my father." " K.>rgiv me, my dear." he replied, brac- ing Uiintelf for tue supreme effort of hi* lite, for he knew the crisis had come, and upon the result depended whe' her marriage wa* to be a failure or a blooming sucoew. " 1 know my con.luct mu*t seem cruel to you, but thai is only because you know so uttle of men and their ways. All my .. e 1 have been accustomed to staying out all night. I can t slop suddenly, fur th* doc- tor ha* told me 1 nave heart disease ar.d that any su.Men shock wa* likely to kill me. That < srtiy. my dear, I must taper off gradually." " forgive me, George." .he sobbe 1, throwing herself on tv.s breast. " I have t<r*n vary seitish. 1 know you try to do what is the best !\>r you. .\-ver aga,m will 1 scold you, fur i' won! I drive me cia I knew I was the cause of your killing your- self. ' , ta . eat* to run hi system, .vnJ that U why a pound of feed doe* not make a pound of KWp . ne pork. Therefore, remember that all you ~ t everything get a hog to eat over and above what is taken by hi* (yttem i* profit, an 1 all profit, an.l the only proti; you get uut of him. Il i. lik. running a steamboit upstream. If you use just fuel enough to overcome tha current, th* boat will stand still, and all your labor and fuel are lost. Then CKUWP nix and pu!i him wn.i loou that will lone and stimulate hi* system and will he'.p him to digest and nnimilate all that he eat*, and Uine to stujv from 3 to ,; h.-rpower in .,. The .hops ives and all fixture*, and. are all l,ghte.l bv a current taken fojm the > same dnamo. Ill', an I^W) incandescent ' rea hueis s.. as to secure bl , proa , when the hon -y incandescent West Gorham. Me. 1. K lUkiaf nitd &maz of the motor* are *ub;ecte<l to very variaMe load*, and are expoee.1 lo dust and dirt. The otal efficiency of th* dynamo and motor plant is Tti.H per cent, which t* held to be 1 much greater than would b* pnesible with MveVx months' fuel : ami you ,lo not want mu.\dy. and abaorb. all liquid m%nnre. T!irn, J to run a hog'* svtem for eighteen month, when the yard i. clean.-, next se ho "" ntl eould in oriwtoget 4t' pound -of pork if you can son, all can be taken up with the ordina-y get th*t amount in twelve months, Ix-came manure fork without disturbing the soil. you can save all tlie fuel all the feed it Mu I hol- will not exist to be tilled in with would tke to run a hog's svstem for tliat the gravel every season. . Teng h of Ume Wl.ile you !,. ne.m up. | The ho, .tall, may be kept full o;.traw. ' Z^'*^^*'^ ' s "h in I crowd t .,.!.,,-: lull with all that to he renewed every day, except in vrry warning at K ra.le crossing*. Joil , a'. AT., , ,, c it P !hg,,t and, cold weather. An imrnonJ amount of .'.raw !"* made by a local mu.i Th* empty li.pp..r n wnit wear* the ma- 1 may thus b* used, au.l no liquid manure be chinery. I'mh yjur hog for all there is in . lo*l. Th* cow manure may b* whecle.1 out him. V.KI ,- tun t * . I * pijj on slops, and spread over the horse manure in aitern bran. ...i ..ukms. si.oVn. an 1 <ra, MB, , but ate layers. When cleaning the yards, lawn, you can develop hi i and f tretch hi* hi I. nJ ->ther plaoe*,.th* refu^ which ha* ac- K -ep on stretching 1. 1-. rude, , cumulated may be added to the manure a little ev ry tun* yon fe.-.l him, ar.d let , heap. Such <iad with clover, will driver in time to avoid an accident The manager of the line, Ashlen Bagster, reported the circumstance to (. Siephenson and suggested that a steam t ,ng a i:t 1*1 cat* instrument manufacturer and trie 1 with such success that all the engines were soon titled with them. A .(rawing of thu whis- tle, signed by H. i'abry, the company's engine superintendent, an.l dat-,1 May, .how* it to have resembled in outward will ^ t , wd you Wll , ' . P"">1 capons to Cariosity Gratified. "Travel on this road puny often . ). red the passenger with the long, sleuder pointed nu*e. " \t," relied the sleepy looking pa- enger on tk* same seat. Com* to town 'most every day. I re> kon ?" Ves." "In Imvness of s>m kind, like as not?'" Nil work for another man." " ^ r y <>oa . riiaine***" N * . .*!*." 1011 I" Kish ma. The ni.|ti::t. ve passenger wa* quiet a m.v 1 hen he cauiea'. him agaiu. " Kind it cheaper to live oul..' the c: Dearer." " Kenia are cheaper, ain't they " N -!* and thiag* don't cost any more. .1 > tiiey?" N . Cost ICM." ' Have lu pay oul too much foi railroad fare?" Railroad fare doesn L cost me $?."> a year. Thon what makes it dearer '" " K. lulling for train*. Wear and tear of sius leather " The long nosed man ruminated ou thu a few moments and then said : " l'n*y pay bu^er wage* in the city thaa they do in the *uuurl's, .iou t t,: " Ves." \\ hat infill it b* worth, now, to hold . lit. yours r" The man I work for pay me fcM. 99 a week." \ . -. . -i . . f exact change ?" bone aod shell K "'A!*' Th^y are not ^ " U h * 1 ' the lde of ">*">? " J. all they eat noes to | ** Duly Kei what they them ou soft feed of any kmu aa.l rlenty of water, but furnish no roosts, u a ve-y few days lhe cut will heal over, ' and a lat.e later tha scar can hardly be found, lu heaim;, some air may get under i the skin, which causes the wound I > " wm.l ' putf. U IK-U tim happens simply prick the I .n and lei the air out, as it is a second * work, but it i* not necessary 1 1 even do tnts. N . ..c will take care of it in lime and find a way to lei it oul. After a wrelt I let me liini* go wheie it is most d sir.u Ic for me treat them as you would ouy growing chicken*, an.l the capon's growth will b* surprising. 1'hc rapid growth of capon, for the first few mouths is remarkable and A poultry rai have some ten Tke Leaded \U*< Walrkman. ' I'v* sat th. street, of London in a box like this, with a lug tire in front of n-. lor nigh on twnety-three years now." aid an old night watchman, " and I could tell you stones that would till volume, about what I've aven, for I v* time to think a powerful lo: during the slow hour* of the nijjht. " N.I one see* so much of poverty in its last shift* a* we do. You should se* th* He pays me $.0 far n.y wro'k and th* 9*J cents tormindUMi m> own l.nsine**." And the iliarp-noeed man went to th* other end of the .)ar and took a eai on a coal box. a fireman's trumpet. Stcum wt p,x>r wretches who come to warm their ill- mitto.1 through acock turned l>y a handle covered bones at my tire, sometime* when him grow t > till it. and then u* ram:ng in torrents, or mowing province. John (ioul.l uys in thf IV A ti.'tt Farmer that there is only on.' aniwer, tho cngnrtvt the fact that the ' mdiMtiv atnl is Ivn.l. putting It in t'le \.-ry ti.'iit , aad i i'.' ciniuxii *<> *** that the element of m ist be prominent in th. m itt-r I'., tiiivon.l n >t only are there some four s.ivvossful dairy associations ir> the rroviiik-e, lit tli.-r* is one large dairy school, and then HI a 1,1 tion there i. in the more .1-iKc .l.irv M what are known as travelling dairy school*. Hew I Raise Mutton Umbe 1 us* three gra let o: . < . , half blio 1 n*WBB*hir.i, coiuinon N|T:'|,H in. I ((ia.l.< Spin:.-l. M : n"< I give the the preierentv. I u- rams. K>r ba*t result - n>iigh for one ram. I lireod th. ew*. al-nut No vcnbet 1. I feed th -.r. grain .luring th* [ _ lant food to tho yo<iu< corn plants a< .vui a* needed. \ cr harvest, ir.aiiuro may l<e use.1 for : .j.|'.-ing wheat ground. This i* thinly spre.-i'l, and thoroughly incorporated with the soil. Many veais' expericnco has proved this the host w,v\ ;.> prepare a rie'.d of wheat to be seeded to clov.T the following spring. as Power Con.pany. Reports of the progrei of the work liave appeare<lm 'heae columns U lhe Prlurr .f vTale. *(B4ni> despatch fron L'vi'lon says : It from time to time, but a summary old pocket-book full of pipers aud rushed of tho plans as far a* they are com- | straight away and drowned himsel:. M 's one now to obtain of now belter i.lea of th. magnitude of the undertaking than was heretofore pot- sil'lf. UriotU '.te.l, the company takes water from tin- Niagara Kiver about a mile !x>ve tho falls *n.l ,'onu lots in it I. surfucr canal to a scries of vertical shafts, down which it faiU a-i.l then nas*e* away through a tunnel havn.^ !. .xitlet about a qunrtvr of a mil* bei.>w the fall*. The p>wrofthe water deM-'.'ped in its fall A despatch frou L.ii'<on *ay* : It i* rumored that it i tho indention r>f tin- I'niic.- ..: \\alet to visit theChu-^goCjIum- bian K\lnl<iti.<n. It is said that hi> will make th.< trip a -r early next I through the ver ' . - I i* cbtwtafBi by m th- r-. \< O*borB*. w! M mufaoturing . ,'in|'.nies ar* IS a vessel oil, .'.mi t .IM l.-.n-.l -n an I :!..'Jim .How,.,! their choice ..f si' liorsc power, an I t'nt hs will d eiilter i'. M. >nt. >.! o thence to t "ii.-aj'>. Tin- 0. born* will b* e* oarte.1 by H number t l>- i!\ w rVrp.. I'er Tlr4 B*r%. The discussion of lhe question of thatp*ep and en.iurance nf horses which arose -nit, of the recent long distance ride between Ber- lin and Vienna, hts brought forth a^a rop of devices and nostrums for " picking up "jaded hone* and cattle. One spon.l.-nt write* thai lhe oriental.* are par- ticularly well verse.1 in medicationx have special virtue in suc'u ca*e. He men- tions specially the "gunjab." the cannabis plvit which ha flowered, and from win. h the ronn has b en removed. It is told in bun.lle*. about J feet lung, and 't Miches in ihamettr. It is used by sinoker*. H h>. .l.-ri' mien*, enjuymen: from in nar- cotic mines. H. 1 'i:st l.-arned its \aiua when .vlin.nisifred to over-worked ..alii*, by witnessing its effects long before th* ml- way period. A vury anlunus an.l dirh.-ult mvch was being pertormed on an unti" road through a mountainous country. The oxen had had a loug spell f continuous work and the road was precipitous, and wa* so J.:ii u!i to get tint the cattle ' ev.ime cxi^aus' helplcMly. unable to p b* no hilt and* were all around. In this emergency th ever i.'idy and resouiceful ilin.T*. producing ' lock of " guif ih." |v>iiiido.l tr foreac'i bi . The pe3 to fill and light his pipe, alt, '' l l '.tapa-.rol w.>olen gloves, at my hi.-. ' picked up fivsh heart and energy, and trot- tiugor of his ilirty ting oi> socn re< denly shoved into my hand an olu and well-colored meerschaum pipe and and an had once been an officer in \ Highlan.l reg: ment, it turned out. " As for people that had no proper 1> IM ness to call em oul during the m;!r, l\c seen them. t.'.>. K.rlyon* winters ing a rough-look in. an.i p.ittim; in iheir .. n of leaving any desired amount of power from the. main .ompany. winch Oliver* it IB the :.>nn of an *lec;ric current. Th* Tiier*. on th* little knotty hand, was a fine Dig sparkler. knew it was a real diamond by the u s*m.' I .noeit m.i.le him put i< t n<er. ' .Sxmethiug wr.vj;,' I a;.l when Isaw ihcri <. an' I spoke Ui the next policeman . -ed. Sure enough it tniue.1 out that t ; KT.- h 1 IH?.MI \ I i< hurg lary at a jeweler'* n..: tar > d**oi ipi ii, kn.-y g* the uaau 1 had M> campment. Tnu-tare of cauuabi*. .'; > with water :.on foi intlammatory .ii>cc* in h.Tse*. .live fan much given to the use of tk which i* a ilr..- i. \\ hf.l It :. ,1 of I. .iuA th*>