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Flesherton Advance, 29 Dec 1892, p. 3

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HOUSEHOLD. Oomiu* | voiir km-.'- :\ r w nrry'i -hnne. lo iiil*:u.e. .le.ouon ; Set Hie lioii--c. from cellar to A . 1:11:1101100. i > . ii ' '.- n/ ne. get up Ktoam. w N a hn'mii.n.'. M.ik in ii.rl. ami whir, ami whi2 ' ' .III, Jlllj l< ' I in every room. > u- f1> l ., ; LI. or n. ruut the c In the cursor ly ag. Kn li.o-, rel,eHbabv On Mi> umu.iw tlruntimntf ; Every wind.m mu.i In- coin, | ,'*ny it couun*-. Leave no object in the hou-M In cuitilr .ON donna;. he \ .t) ir.ul.u look I'r. i!.. tin>l iiii. and ( IIIIA!. At Hie oven m on-li your isc , lta, Hie -ton-jus. "biuuti. 'JTji up -.>ui. uiintf --goou, t. .any id < o.omrf. ' I run tbeuugine. keep up "team. Ki-p Uie Wiicvi* a : Bcruo, and -ruur. .unl lukt-, and stew ; 'I Ulliy ui\ l I IIUIIIIK. ' Labor till a "nervou*' pul* la your !ie.ul i ill umim..< Till Jim ,i ne from id-nil iu (OJt| ( ompanj- ncoiuinif. When j our xue-t- arrive. it will Make ; . r ; . -lire double ToiMsrccixe \uu \is put yuurvelf Tom world oflruuu.i . TUcn. although you feel you've done More i hail >uu .*re ab.e, I 111 Hot t i ilili.KI/:e >u your houe o 1 table. Tbi in hospitality rhattiie Mriifi-.f IIP humming. . i<i cu.nfirt Uini-licd, 'Com pan j is comma-.' tian mother, he rendering whatever assist- ant he can in hn unconverted state. It is oot often that even an ungodly man desires ln chil.lren Ui grow up bad. The molt thai i* to U> feared is the silent influence of hit example. Baked beau and Other Thinea. I lo 'lie reader* of Ihii paper all kuuw how to hike beans'* Now. don't laugh and *iy, " \\ell, who don't?" Inr I consider it no mall matter lo turn out a pot of beans just tone to Dcr'ejtnn, and really, they take more .Ulen..on tnan almoil anything else. Itut as there is said to lie no excel eoce wi\liout great labor, we console ourselves) when lukiin; them, lor the tnui.ia they are :s nutning to be compared to their excel- lence when done. I pick over four pints of be:>ns, wa!i them, anil put, them on to cook in an iron pot a* so >u after bre*kf.t*t a* 1 can. T'len, when ham, or parsley. To make it according to this rule, first make the sauce by cooking together one half can of loniats), one clove ot garlic chopped fine and a tahliipoonftil of chopped ham. Melt two tahlespoonfiila of I <H ItLIHI tlLLtCE. II ha. Llvr4 ! Hori0.f,l for **)S Iran law \nrnr r rmr 'asllle. A correspondent of the London Km: rrisa Wrll >iu. I Bui li-r. ,.r Tw kVaivr swiekBsrr*. WhileMr. Daniel j Raukm T is travel ling in the Ixmugwa basin, north of the /.ainlwsi River, lant year his party had a Uw exciUng minutes with some crocodiles. They bail been marching rapidly for .come days and had got out of supplie*. They came to a rivet and Haul been told that on the other side there wan plenty * food. All the '-anoes were on the other shore, an<i the ful of pepper, and six tabictpooniuls of which protected the port ol Mardyck in ;n, native*, who bad cot st-.-n white men be- milk. Butler an omelet pan wrn one table- | days, long gone by, when ships of war anil I ' r)re . declined to croc* over for the party. < nful of butter and pour in the egg. The I trader! entered lh<* iiarbor, of which the I Coaxing had no effect upon them, and there butttr, add two table.ipo<infuU of chopped | Standard uys : A few miles from Dun green pepper. Cook for five minutes and kirk there exists a village, inhabited by then add two tablespoonfuls of flour with fishermen an 1 seafaring men. where, since wiikh haii been mixed one half toaspounful the year loT'l, a>> has been in ot salt and one haif aalupoonful of pepper, 'existence, and wher* as a birthright. Pour iht.iial<i"nalowly and add iwo table- ! an equal share of Und la eonlerreil spoonfuls of chopped mushroomsand asmuch on each member of the community. Tin* of capers. Beat mx egg* slightly, add turee- ; favored spot is named Kort Mardyck, and founhs tevop-mntiil of salt, one xalupoon marks the place once o^upied by a fort %rr i n rmcv secret cf this omelet, whatever lemoning is mei|, lie* much in ti.e cooking. With a fork, lift up the ed^es as it cooks, letting the tic- cooked _,; rin und-jr. When creamy ihr i-.iio.i!, let it brown on the liottom. Pour -tune Mniiito cu one side, fold and lurn , they have boi ed until sufficiently tender ; out. Hour the reit of the sauce around the ' I (which majH-e told by taking some upon a sp .K>I. and hliiwing them ; it just riahi, ihe skin will break an.i cuil iip>, aild tbe .th.-r thin^x salt, meat and mola-ies. Take a piec: of 11. le tin-it (Lit an I le*>ii. ahoul two i'. wash and scure the top, settle it well into the beans and ad.l i:, for tile me*' * 11 not s.l' tliem enoug i. Then i<i bail ate*cupfulof molasjei. siir tboruuijhly, aiKl put it iu the oven, stil! in Jie iron put : cover the beans with wafr and keep the Traioiiu; Ohil Iren- only remaining vestige is a quaint old lock Wii.-n himkirk ww sold to the French by Charles 11., l>i:Xl\. resolved on forming in the of Dunkirk, a commun- ity of French speaking sailors, with a view ot implanting '.he language, as ilaoof reserv- ing, for State service, a nucleus of trust- worthy seamen. He accordingly appealed to his milije.-u, iuid Hi Hi 70 four families, narrely, the Bernards. Kverarts. Zoonekent. The New York *ocii!ty girl who recently | and (iixlen, native* of Cuoq, in Picardy, joined -.'. ^4i-.-at.nn Army and is now >rtend heir services to the king, who grant- , . i i . p _ i .1 f .. .. , B . Widening f W "puere working with those /.eaiota '.or the good if her kind entered one more protest against the precedent which shuts Ine laughters of n ;h parents out of the active work of the world. Her act is an extreme protest, it is tr e, but 11 w.ll .-lute no greater shock to pot covered wnh *n ir- n the tnp from Inking to :a-l. Noti.-c tnem ' of a woman law>er in murtdid. eery little_wnile or toe) Will get dry or too Kiom the parlor.- ot the Four Hun.lredwitb brown. \V nen , upper-tune comes, if prop- their IIIAUC t.ilk and petty gossip to liu- eriy sei>>i,ed a-i-i bikel, voii will a Uirr*--ks of the Salvation Army with their dith wh.iac "savorinrs '' will smel " farat | mleuse earnestneai and practical views of a '1 -UiiC'-,"nnd whose only fault is that | ln> m i long st^p, i..; ti;u w^iuan w: they are j ist too good for anything. If ir mmt l crc litwl with unuxual courage. conidere<i t->o he.rty for supp. r. tliey ran That she is as sincere as she iacouraceoos is be set au ay for the mor-ow's dinner. I do i proved by her urin<mi; from notoriety and not ih-nk a hearty BUpper ot lieani is the ' the unostentatious way in which the has ed them, tor their own use and that of tli"ir descendant*, some 300 acres of land, situat- d-t Fort iUrdyck. These men entered into pomession of '.he land o;; the nnder- standmir that they were bound to submit to maritime conscription md to exercise the best thinif in the world d.r chi ilreti. A dish tint w- are very fond ot occasion ally for break-as- is " :.i '.eri. " Take two ej/s, l*at up well, two c ip u't of butter to keep ihe sticklers for propriety than the first | profession of a sailor. At different stages of its progress the .;. of Fort Mardyck had to contend -.ill levelled against it* pi r. _ None of its opp ments was successful, how- ever, and in I77.'I Louis XV. ratified fie concessions granted by his predecessor by means of a decree am 1 reserved to Ue F..r- Mariiyck people the exclusive right of rii-ii- ing oil Mardyck. Tbe village aud its royal Itrant of land have remained unaffected by her new life. Tne eveul it only one '-he numerous changes which have occurred evidence, however, of the growing desire among youn,- women 'o find then- work in lite and dn it. The progress made in this in France since Louis XIV. The actual organization cf the hamlet is worthy of a brief description. vision mu.t m the world, let the " be 'he usl place lor it Let tliere ' " r *" Ur "" ' * ' * "*"'* u *' W X during tne paal forty year* is but little I i md. consisting, as stated above, of family be '.he lust place lor it. Lei there I9IIIIIT WO .UC (! UlaCV IUI IU L* I L1ICIQ _*, t I 1 .1 LI be no oivmon of option between pareuU a. *^ M ! . IOlU - ' ni1 flo " r "' "" kt: '*'"" to those tbmgs thit conoeru imnr cuilUre... i ' , *2T to , <lr ^ otf \ ^ >o "' H * Ye ll is possible that there may exist at tunes , " k ' 11 T*l i' K*", F a dmerenc. ot opunon respecting a matter, i ZTsssSl!^ *'* '* ''"*" but .bis should never he kLwu S the child * ' **** J^ P; 1 ' way d under stood, as the chaiu'v ha* gone on quiet- U iii'e tne cruaailc for I about 30O acres, ii divided into two lou, on- of which is let to agriculturist*, the wemed a good pros|iect tiiat the party would have to spend the uight without mouthful of upper. Here and there in the river floated what appeared lo be black logs. They were cro- codiles. If the party remained in camp they would suffer severely from hunger. If they crossed the river without a canoe they ran the gauntlet of the voracia'is beaats. Tilings were not looking cheer'ul, and Kin kin could not ask for volunteers to swim acrou the river. Two of his porters, however, rinally a*k- ed permission to attempt the passage, and after some coniideratun Rankn, gave his consent. He placed four Arabs armed with Martini rirles in commanding spou along the bank, md, taking up a good position with hi* express ride, he and the Arabs held themselves in readiness' to cover the swimmer* .liirm,' their perilous swim. The volunteers plunged in and the swi:t current rapidly took them down toward a placid pool of -old, blue watei-, where aom of the black logs were lying motionless. The party on shore knew that the animal* were only waiting a favorable opportunity to seize tbe swimmers. Due of the men forged .1 doien yards ahead of hi* comrade, when suddenly a rip- ple was seen in the water between the two, and another black log in motion appeared on the surface. The moment wis> a critical one, and, owing to the relative position of the iwmimers and the crocodile, it was difh cult to shoot the animal without imperilling jaro splendid with butter and syrup cr h"ney .,|fii.-,of no - jor jelly, or simply eaten with butter. For to running a f a a tin acliange. I sometime* nil in ovuers enough the prejudice When the. father may have a dittere.i' opinion from the mother, he sh juld nn ex- press It when the child IS present, ll should be the same in ihe case of ihe W 'hen oue concerning a th. termanded by the other, unless it be explain ed so that the cnil.l may un Urstand that there is a reason for the change. CniMreii should never I e adowed when. i i oT t r!d by kih!' * th "TJ"" to d * t '" K ' '" ake lhem th " '" w y- T k<f ln * y' I ' "> *n of to-day, as compared "with t VttnonTlh. 1 unU^tool ""l, 1 * r ni "l* cf two ^* *' "* t '"' "P ""I"" : thso their mother, aud gr.ndmoth.r.rThenar- understood by them that tbe add a p.nt of sweet mi.k aid a l,ttl salt, r-.w lie and monotonous r?und of duties stuiTe'ar,; b maTon SfJSFS* ^"" """"* l " ""'< """""' *** ^ "" *" " '<* ^ , Iv and persistently. * *'"' r P ln *' n " 1 womaj| suffrage has atworlw,! the efforts of rent being appropriated to a lund estai>lish . They are ' the noisy and prrten'i-u th.- real work of "1 t-r the payment of Sute taxes an.) fur ;med :o he unaware of tbir great peril. .fbi P.Ie woman's advancement kM & pro.-ee.lmj '"> hstn'nution of relief to members of the As the .Toeodile approached one of th t '"* mln * deep disn and let them stand a in another direction, she hi> pr-i\ . ^inmnity standiug 111 need of assistance. lew minutes before s.-rviii^. w..en the little. A binty to enter every one of the learned The remaining portion of the land ia allott- tlrn , -rust will get soft and tender. Tm-v professions and to conduct the p-, -ti.-l ' ed to the iohauitantsoi Fort Mardyck. e,-h o splendid with butter and syrup cr h"ney .,|fii.-,of no -from managing a city husineis ( one recr iving at the time of his or her mar- farm. She has broken down riage about halt an acre. Under no circum against giving woman the stances may the Fort Mardyok native re- to have one or two in each fritter, and we adv.mtage of the highest education and h sign his ownership. He may secure a ten- like Ihem very m-iol.. .pelled the leading collegesand universe ant for h share of the land, but no further ' "" ?""> t" ?' v >"" mother's recipe tie. 10 op^n tl eir doors to her. j transfer is permitted. This rule, wh.cli un- for tl '' ur P* nc -kes. I never knew any one i Tim widening ot woman'; sph're ha* l*n like other*, is marked by no exceptions the swimmers. Fortunately, the two men tn animal suddenly opened his huge jaws and, churning the water, prepared lor the ftal rush. Then the whole swarm of crooo- '*il. ' 'e-onforcea by many that up to tins moment had heen invisible below the sur '. ''hed forward to get their share of the human prey. Things ItKike.1 very jlack f"r ' ! > e b r v * "wimmers. A shut, hosver, i fr " :n Kankm's expressrifle, followeil almt , "imuluuieously by tour shot's from the , , to nuke as nice pin.aknas .he dm. or lo a large fa tor in the better health and spirits lias proved instrumental in inducing the Mar-inn, kil.ed the tin' crocodile and he t. .1 _____ .1 ___ . ________ -r._i__f.i. _ji_ , ., ,. ________ i _..i. ..n.V __ ...... _____ ; _ ..-,- ^. L r*T" I i ' i i ....... - i- - v ill^ers to marry early m life. Their" field . nv.iu.4i.iy produces more vegetables thau they require for their own maintenance, and they sre therefore enabled to derive a fair profit from the tale of the extra supply getli.r. , hey are Christians. They should tucll p4 , lc , kMi w ilghl alld .,., .,., then intru;t the child according to their conclusion. But the discussion of ine.r powder ,-i her. .'v^ should never lie heard by the ' child. It children sre diisrdMon in tl.e male without the aid of soda or ha* ing- in Cauvla and th- neighboring republic to- Tie Fort Mardyck sailor vor; day. They are vastly oetter disciplined manages to build his cottage, am mentally and develope 1 p:.\ -ic'iliy than this is accomplished he is pr*i' . family, it will soon be eeu among them. They will be inclined to enough of this with-' For the Tablo- SM.T. Kour ounces their mothers. Tins i uf wi.meii I to a wider horizon i. <<> the test! when secure from want tor iifc. Should he have lieen ! unable -.o ave enon^h money for h Rnm - M r. Four ounces salt, one out any example. [f children always see o,..n -e black peppi?-. one mid . thy:' their parent* united aud affectionate in eun e iweet mino, am. one ounce summer their opinions, they will strive to be like iav..ry, half ounce cloves, half ounce .l. spice, halt ounce mace, quarter oun.-e oay- It n too often the case in families, that enne pepper, one ounce celery salt. Mix all veu , any mcreaseofalcoho the entire responsnulity of training the t.-f-ther, .1 ft thoroughly and keep closely ' children is lefl to the mo'.lier. Tnis snu-il.l covered, not lie. There are duties which devolve mony of p' i -iaus, a leading cause of the age he ie -uaiatained by the common fund, decrease of ..j women. One Un vi<i:mj 'he \ lil.ige 1 called on the Mayor such A - -iiof of -his littie republic, where political su,uab- had hardly sunk with a convulsive when, terrified bv thi> roll of musk' which reverberated with a hundred echoes from the rocky banks, the whole swar-n of crocodile* disappeared below th'- -i ..*e. and the heads of the iwo jwimm- :i were 'he only object* visible. With a fear more strokes thy reached the shore, and liieir friuniis <m the other l<ank greeted their ->.ife arrival with a hearty cheer. Ihe owner of the canoes bad fled. and 6fteen minutes later Uie party were able to p.i M . , 'len. Delves across tbe river. in t> i\ in- i;.-ki i Women from the slaiery ol iate, and iuuo.- auce, and moteimni in mental and physical d.-veloi>m<Mr, will pre- _ It has not been a boon alone to w n r. who have to support themselves that they now compete witii ii:-n in n. ny bies are unknown, and was suppind th:s :na4!ii rate wh> is a stalwart sea Captain named Kverart and a .t;r.-ct descendant of oue of the founder* of the colony, vi: following iniouna: 10:: " i I'.ir village now num'oei* "lie thousand even hundred and six inhabitants. We butter and s of both parents. The mothers household *>di- hss been duties s 1 cares are often heavy enough in themselves without having all the extra M ne ^ u rt cho PPd ^are of training the minds and hearts of OD * P'ntch-pped suet, two quarts chopped /rowing hoys and girls She nee.Ii assist- PP'"- uoe P lut "'>'-" '. "" P" sunr. am* The father's work, too, often calls """ labjapoon ' allspice, oosj teacup vine. Inni from home, or Cannes him to be away z * r> ooe te.ispoon eich cloves), cinnamon. from borne much of the time, he tl'erefore >' 11U1 "'- h " <Mpo.>n red pepper, half tev needs assistance. Thus we see the imuor- 'P n black P e PP >r - lw " !~uu-l> lance of co-oprration ou the part of the ' r *' ln> - " I 10 ""- 1 cnrrauH. o.:epiundbut oarents if they would have all th* inter ..i. ' " r - * :tlt '" '" Cook slowly, being care- : "." ... ^oman is tindinu her work in lite and properly suiiarmteuded. walk of life. It has benefited .he daughters manage our own aiTair* an-1 defray our own expenditures. We built our public "ho,,, liy subscription, and I am sure we never cost the State a sou. We marry early. nd e.gular lives. F>iniieof tru ir twelve chilli reu are by no means care sjid in a single aided mem to mark out lot themselves and free themselves from the pitifully nar- row .onv triniialit.en ' fashion prescrib- e j as their metes and bound*. Some o: tli- Tbr ..rrlfc!r rrtarle rarilan tr.inil K\rrlta r ! jenc fraatpo*. A despatch from Paris says : Kugi-ne ou, the murderer of two men, hs paid the penslty fur his crimes, and the can- aiile that gathered tn see his xecuti->n greatly enjoyed the spectacle afforded by the miserable, cowardly wretch, as he was literally carried to the guillotine. When t rainpo-.i naw the guillotine, with a tier- hnek he threw himself backward and fell to the ground. All efforts to in- duce him ti^ use were fruitless and he b;.tph,ranthropVwork is being done to-day yeir I have registered a, man, , ^'e,, rov<lle.l on the dxgstones, baggin b - paeou*- by women of m.iopen ienl means. Many of binH of twim. At this rate . U ' population '>|.,rhi life. the wisest sugges'ion* for the iinpnncmen' doubles in thirty years. I suppose that even- of the .-ondition of the working classes ha\e tually we slmli be compelled to ilimiaish our emanated from discussion* held in women s all tinenU. a.- we ure beni-ned in ou all clubs. Woman h*s obtameii srffragi- ri^nu sides h\tlic lu-ighboring villages. Besides, m only a moderate degree, as yet, taking I am iure the Slate will not pvc us any Ine country over, bul it n hardly a matter if .iou'.it th it she is exerting u potent au "nenc- as if she poMcseed the ballot. pen of their children properly suparm luldrcn should be so ti-amc<l thtt there respect for the auth..r> before puttiug it m'o the crust. , .. .. . ,, ; potatoes, rub tli-n, hrougn a sieve, add one ' will be both father and mother. One parent should , , av nd doing anything that will weaken the half .-up an tar, yolks of two eggs, a few authority of the other, or lhat will militate iisjpe of essence of lemon, and l.utly ths tg.iins: ^od family itovernment. The | whites of the eggs, beaten stuf. Mix all to- mi ther should never say to the child | Aether. (inckly, pour uitoahut-.ereil |wn, Kake will lell your father when he comes." This twenty minutes in a hoi oven and serve at once weakens her own aulhoiity over with 1< UIOM -e tho child. It will lead most children to teel that the mother's authority is suUirdin- 1 ing it in her own way. and such an unusual event ks the accession of a society belle \ nl -" V " r ^ ] ':-" 0l] ^ r , } ? r < l>>^* of the Saivanon An,,)" on.y serves to call public attention to women s progress a little more sharply than usual. tants supported him ilbers .(inckly bound and threw him against .iie bascule, riven then he d\d noi cease his struggles. His contortions were terrible. The bascule was dropped into place and tht assistants shoved it forward until Cramp >u s neok rested i what do you do with your pau- ln 'I 1 " ''j 16 bU>ie . fe " f <l , Cr !^- n '" I in.iuired , jous heatl dropped into the kejks* The :-ion w the most horrible one that has been witnessed in Tans for many years The crowd, highly pleased with the enier- tamrrent the itau- had Afforded them, dis- I III i / l - Wilt. I'arl. Ik. I mpr. . ..I has vict<- i u *v through should e\ti In- made upon the mind ot any child. mem and open a gap for chi'ldreu to I'tray. It sometimes occurs a l-oy will have hi<( request denied by 1:i. A |>u<ldniK that i relished in our family ! The Empress of Russia is as slender and we make with cr.icaen, raisin* aud sweet petite as te C-irn s-rong und -nasv e ati- to that of the father's ;" or that ihe nii'.k. We like the small crackers best. She it not butitul aud not homely II. : mother is mmply a monitren and not a mis- Take a twu-<|uart pan and put a layer of nosa 13 . i..use. lur. her t\.a.urc- rc , .,[. i:i , jn , , ,[| ni.,d tress iu the I.iiniiy. No -ni h impression crackers iu the bottom, !heu a generous are ntherw.e well formed, and liei eM-i in- ind ot anv handful or two of laisins. then another Uyer brighl and km tly. She i mie 01 It will make a'jai in fimily govern- of cracker*, then moie raim< : but donot'-iil beautiful dau.-er^ in l!u-:a and h the pan to.1 full. I prepare ihis in the fuul of dancing as a Dan girl. n.-ri'K and pouron new milk and let stand Ai the Winter pala -.- in S,. Petersburg An amusing mci leu' o.vurre-1 the over inifht it the weather is mil too warm : are givn .> MI year -"in- . thr niot won d\v on a certain rail: the mother, bat he will turn aud go to the if so, I tii it in ihe inornin.:. llciore niltm^ derful balls o! 'he world. N,.\eii father who will giant it. This sho.ild not n in the oven I beat up an egi; with si: gar people can live m this palace, and the 1- done knowingly. If the father hv in enough to make the piid.nn- KiiiK'-ieutly ' lhous*iid of dancer, tr.p th" light doubt wiietherthc In-y in de the saline re sweet, add niitineg ami a litile butter, and t:o toe over lloom of ebony, of rosuw >|iietof hi* mother, he should ask : What pour nil the nii'k tint t he crackers have been ivory. ,i.d you.- i'K'thr say about it 7" Tim will --iking in. nu\ wuh the nugar, egg, etc., parents to act in l.arniony. It is and thi-n l>a. k IP t>ie |n..!.ii I'mke lowly until the milic i* thickened, but not i-urdlml : good warm or cold. We h.ive no paupers," aid the Mayor. iiuist- there are a few old people who are n^dy. Piir. as they l-ave their cottages and fields, a small s:ibsiHy from the commcn fund keens 'hem very comfortably. You see P" 1 ' 1 u t? n ""i ani1 )" kln Wlth 8 * ch ' our people ,-annot *ell their land, and w, :' they arc improvident, our rules pre- vent ;heni troin ruh;nj 'o ruin. " \- i 'in n,. .:' trln'il o much !< i-Hi^ i: I concern ng State socialism and ( 'Im: ,.,..,, eialiKin, ill" not uirntcresting to odd. ice the example of a syudicatc. esMldmiied Is: . - li'soli-e monarchy, which A tattler's brain is like a beggar's pack : it contain* little but what has been given 'o him Men igh f" the wings cf a dovp that, they may tly away aud be at rest. But flying awsy will not help us. "The king- <t Hod is within you. " We aspire to the top to look for rest. It lies at the I bottom. Water rests snly when it gets to the lowest pl'*e. So do men. Hence bs> i lowly N . v ami then the F.nipre** appesr* at these dance* m her royal clothes. -M>C wears a gorgeous crown which fairly wuh diamonds. Her necklace is of luaiiv proper at trnrs that one psrvii: >!ioiiid submit a request to the other. It is will at times to .iy : " See what numu .1 A \ -i y ^uiipie pmiiling that orr chndre: 1 .-IrmiU : lie purest pearls, and her say* about it;' h c [-a|.i .. ii we call "duff " It is KIIUII is a mass of rubies, sapphires and diamonds, abotitit." I do not mean by all thi> that ly ' "ih-il milk, atd rl'.ur added until it' u ; put lo^oi her s tin -tire. it la alwayi iie-esaiv lor the child to have tin -k. with salt, a little butler and r.usiiic * >"< im. -raid velvet, lie consent of both" parents, and timt tht j stirrel m while cooking. Tbe flour is best I wilh a train of white velvet, which in fair pat-ents are to consult each other every time Mirred up with a little a request is made, but I siniplv mean that where there is a prohibition laid mi a cer tain course ny one. then h nM be no tak- cold milk, as it is iinpoMibie to get it freo from lumps I'o be eateu with cream, si-.^ar or nutmeg : gootl wsrm or cold. 1 ly covered with gold embroidery, and the Iront of which is lined with slinnds of the nurest coral ever found i tin*: Cut one pint of j on the stove to boil. Stir up with a little ihe proper training ol the children of the household. He *h i.iYi ,il*i> endeavor not to ,ract, by e\A;np!r. any good isslruc- in-n. In mos*csr< ,-\n MI C'rutun father for the sek :cn, \\i\\ KIV V I uauhr into tas 1 v! 1 vinegar one tablespoon ml of llcur t wo uliiepoonlnln of crounl mustard, one tea- imonfnl of salt and two of sugar and about itg Hdvsntage of it by the child's going to I Thi- lent wav of preparing nuistiird that 1 1 The direful collapse of ihe French Panama ihi uthr fir permiuion. A srrious i|uestn-n arises .oucerning par- ental co-operation. It thu What nliout those caMM where one of the paicnt* is irr- li^'ous, rarelew, and indifferent ftbtrnt the traraing of the clid.lrc-u ' It IK not an easy iiuestion to answer It ipt-ema to me that 'be parent tint U A Christian should have the pre en.inence, ind if the other cannot io operalo he should by no means hinder in Canal company, after spreading bankrupt o and diMre.* over the country, is now re echoed in an interminable tale of political -Miduls. Bribery of olh'cials in high station, systematic subornirg of the | the press, difgrace- oiv thirdofa tc.-vpiionful-f ciymiK' pepper: fl tralfic in con ti acts, and lucrative a| . II together and add to the U'.h.u' : point nn lit* have allt>eeii shown tole incideni to the attempt of the government of France vinegar. It may be too thin or to )>iit one or two vriali will enable any one to tell when they have intuVien: llour ; bnt I too thick, add a little cold \ 1:1 . >i VMMJ O.MtLrr. This in called .Njunish ou iccouut of the high seasrnii<g. It is a creamy i-mrN-t. not toujrh ar.d I. .iii'l pufl'y with co I- in.iy be va'ied twenty ' ' 'IP reason- isgor using ch<'|<[K.' to carry out a distinctively private enter prise. ".Ministries have Uen overthrown. other The west- bound - s r e:it. had pulied on- of .Vnoi. i-i'l a- '-oiidu'.-tor passed through ti.un.l a-nom; the (ussengers who had boarded i* . last stopping |ii.-. e ( young man respectably dr.---. pearing to be postseescd of ordinnry : I, bin whooe a. iion iied -iice in railroad tru'-i had tieen very Inni'ed. A th r halted foi the young nmn's fare the lit-L.-r Ii \nde.l up a ticket good for passage "Vom Alhol to Millei s Falln, and with it Ic. I'M- .- i.i-Iuctoi 1 , half sii9|iicion.< that apracti- cil joke was alwut lo In- spruug. looked at the yoii'ig and asked : " What is this cent for? " 1 see," said The r*sei- ;er, in sober earnestness, " it says ou the ticket, ' Not goo.1 unless stamped,' and I .- Conscience ilemaudH that one should not only do the bent work of which he i cap- able, but that he should make himself cap- able of doing tlu* hvm work. The lawyer. and I: the minister, as well a* 'ok-l.rencr. the clerk, the mechanic, who. though negligent in preparation, al- lowi ' ' anything les than the very best work that can 1 done oy him, is wonting in conscience md in honesty. The phrases not seldom i-.d, "about right," "near enough,' are treason to conscience. A writer in the '< i .'-mrHal at - lOgxests that the principal nations of the earth ign i treaty for tii csiahlish- meiilof a "\\orld's Supremi- Court,' Ic which shall be referred all cases of inter natii lal dicigt -"ment. As a mere naked de- cree of siicn a court would be uf no effect, _ he proposes that the nations s'lall . happen to have a stamp wilh tne I <:ve \m; themselves to see that the order* ot this the -cut and r o i ' The young I O ourt are enlorce.1. This is a scheme that man's maim, r convinced Mr. Sargent that smiuda well, but we fear that it is open to an insuperable objection. In case the court WAS unanimous an.l only one aliun was condemn..- 1 by the judgment evcrvlhinir might i: o\e along smonthiv enough: but let it be *upp.i.-i-d :HI x i dp that a case should arise between Kunein and Uerminy in tlv paa*eiig*i wa not joking, so the good nature.) conductor, w th no sign of mem mom. handed buck the coin, remarking that it was a smail matter and he would rix it all right. I .lo not think, oel.'ved frien.N, tha ever takes UH up into the mountain to show inch K I. <-'.!. iecision should be given against the representatives of France dn- meii of high standing have been driven into I al '" con. eption ot our lives at ventmij. c^n there be any doubt that t S -ucli >.-an.UI in higli . ' ' li.ive learned th^l I Jod given us plscei iia.-< i*en known M . lui at a nine, and that as we do >' the Credit M.iluiier, when American government made the same > M .s purpose, blunder ot trying to enter int.i co I and that we will do the whole by doing each . private coiporatien*. |p krt - two power* would not Ist a mere trety n th way of their -n kim; i.iiuiion canst again*t tne juilgmeni ' And i^ it likely that the I'nited Stales and Kng! -in d wi/alrt interfere to prevent them from nvria Not at all.

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