JUtoance. Ti:( TH BEFORE F&YOft." ~ - PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." 70L. XII., NO 5)3 FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, IECEMBER 29, 1892. W. H. THUR3TON. '!%?* ;ir.\H 1-01] VIIK . lit of Christmas gifts. i-.i like are all . . ! mr <r>leuchd v'ss. J. \- . v, i' . Iveiwarc, Novelties, etc. \Ve c. i ' i nd 'hil.i :' for oM or young at any price you mav Y.I of new n.jvelths and pleased to sbow our % liU i..<i . '. = to all. ARMSTRONG BROS. 30 DAYS K T COSf K.ir tlu- n. it :ui ,Uyi I willM-11 OvcrciNit*. Felt H<M,ti, L.ntf Uather B.K.I., lVriu Lamb Ci*. I'l.'tl. <'|', Ldie Fur.Mi>t'. 'i,.iht. and Jl w.iitfr u'HKlt t c>. A* I (In not mi . uiujr tbe hue* you cn t'u|itftiil i'ii l*rym- The stom .-u the hil W. W. TRIMBLE, Pall and "Winter .Mete u-. | con- fin's, \\\"n<:n's and - Boots and Shoes. - :ll AlllOli- ik, witii Sox f-r ; also new tdii ; in win' ,'ruiu 1- *ther. JIM'- the thiiii; fur the w.ioii.i. t;,o frost esU. i .t. For Indus wm- felt lined boots and nil 1 eoi'.inion leather uUiK-iit for women and claKluu. OVERCOATS and CAPS. MTV nun : .1 .. -till if \,.-i . will rind fro!ii in- A,> have t at equally low ! have a lar^. .'.nix and ti,.\\ : \\ U) lr> nlion all tho . lead- ; i >hirt- i".i:,hi;.i. Pi, : Miinnii'cs. Winrtvs, Shaxvls and squares. If ..!_. nund ;;i\ il mid we will !" r jron I Pon't forget the '. Tho Store on tin- Hill. B. G. EVANS. *^1 a our o\tn Businees is moving in this burp. ,'s are boi:i,j brought to the mill lly iiumbvrs. Tin- clinrch is is noaiins completion. I .mil opi-nin^. i:i a fi-w w Xmaa pa?sc'! 'ly here, alth. of snow fnr little ' me. A i vd at the home of Mr ..in the joyed a L-w pleasant hours. K . Y.:: had a large stir, it being uomi:iation day. Mi --:s. J. (lilray, reeve, aud John Kerr were nominated for the reeveship. rs. W. Stuart KS,;., and William 1st deputy-re, vo, and - AT- C. J. LEITCH'S : will fin^ .1 full line Jas. Elliott aud Mr. Caniplin f-'i 'J i deputy-reeve Messrs Jno. K.iton, J. ErsLine aud J. Martin for councillors. M of the candidates spoke at some length. Ftom our I-H <\-rrspm Mr. Henry Ellis Las returned to O 4 ir bur,', having be-eu b, three Mr. Gili-ay spoke iu detail of the Jug her lioustbold affairs." affairs of the township. Mr. KetT occupied a Rood deal of time and in our estimate on not mak- ing poll) la agaiust the preteut reeve. To oui uiind the hottest conte; t will be for tin? secjud deputy. Mr. L>avi* l'O3 proven the truth of his statements . J foreman of a lar'"- i tun in lomu- -ars ago when he said if elected ;_ v .,_ t , he could tare the township a deal of expense (aoaecessary ' which has come to pan, by whom, juJ^t Man \lionie, daughter of Mr. Jolm Hutchinsonof this plac. was raariied on Wednesday of last week. This was a v, ry quiet w. .1,1m.:. we did U<>1 learn the, uatiM of the lucky penile- man. Oar vi'iy best wishes attend p any kt-pt time with their fet. Mr- and Mrs. Mel., oil are unsurpassed in entertaining, hence, everybody enjoyed themselves. There was a shooting match for Iu i keys at the Station on Friday last and we can assure vou there wa? some,- :. On one occasion !)ieiin^ which re- I suited iu a tu all round. N of all the l:iUst woollens, and struck to the bone, you will find it to your ad- iid he had a to purchase your his and try and t'atti :i it. Jack M ell said it woul " :he \\&f culati'in a bushel to tl,l them for the -;ue. The "Occasional cor.-e.'ponde'ut" in j is puddling a^ain. Hah ! rats ! It is beneath CM ?pcnd to tilth. In truth. n\- fell iu a mad die, when we milhiukiuyh found inir- :he slimy produc' of ihe "' I. v.,si -r: il I'.ir." As w, don't feel ilispo*< d t > enter tile- arena in op- position to a "fernalt cor.," we will in future re fuse to notice anything coin ing from this source, but will ijn. leave her where she should be "mmd" ordered clothing at the chant Tailor's. HAVE YOU Fan-wrll 4'oriicr. ton. New Hampshire State. Mr. sn.l Mr* Fletcher, from Illinois State, are visiinii; th?ir aunt, Mrs Mel. can. who is very ill. Mr. J M. Thursion and M .- M_. i lie/ an- r-i iiduiK the hoa -e.ison visitmj I: '.i uds iu Flint, Mich Mr. U. \Vickens ha.' also t.i trip to MiehiiMii lor Mr. T. \Vickeii3 is visi-in,' Ins brother in Toronto. linld a* an- 1 'l!l -'. BACK 00005 KIDNEY WILL CURE YOU B ackac hi tht kid- nj art /'n trout/a. Dodil't Kidney Pilli giu* prompt relitf. " "75 per cent. of dlttatt 13 frtt caused b I disordered k.j- "Might as well try to /Hut a healthy city without teu/cr- a ;. a* good h--:-.irh when th* kiJneyt art cloggtd, they art tht scaivngen of tha tyttem. 'Delay It dangtrout. Neg- lected kittntif troubles rttult in Bad flood, Dyipepsia, Liter Complaint, and tht mott dan- gerous of all, Briqhtt Diuaie, Dia.be ttt and Dropty. " Tha about distvstl i an not ttitt when Dodd't Kidney f Pills art uttd. S.-U (- ail .Imlcrt <-rcnt by mail on racWpt -V' price 50 it-itx. p, r K-t .-* ix !W $1.5.^. rtr. L. A. Sm.ih * e .-. 1 ,'n nto. W ric l"or DRESS MAKING. are VP-.V young people oi have a good :,!'! Mr. L-.',l,l,-r has return. time '.in I H i ' Veil::,.; The wwuh.ru vny tine and tim ^ lively ari'und heie. I'ii. - ' I'llliMl'i' : iiil.ut W |" l0 and . part in I ii and . V 'II III t I'l.aist.'ii. ill I. 3 111', i il and IM i. ! : id and iJSi.ii. . . \V. .1. \V : .. aud of this place. Mr. iVui Mi-Kiiin.Mi has home t'r in tlie Northwest Mr. \\ iliiain C'ii;< ml,'' is iip'oyed in tho ry business. brothers ..4 cheese I'.itrous of Hell's School h*d \ lemon \'u.is mi;. To ino-t ol tii. was , 1 fill 0< bf a t;rand entei :aiiiinent. T ,n -,., ,1 , , M. II ia lo . the S. S in \la.l;,I.ile - Ml--:. rrciUll.'US .VII 1 1, . wi!. _;i\i'H. T ' IIIL; Ivi.id an i With !he' 1; , , kdale talent on th, '.;l::i s. ~ ' : '. Mr. Win. \V . the o: ' I of "'' eiit. I'l. i; i'- .ik< I aits. Tiie di\ wound up -, ,1 them ,1 wi-nt I'.onie i.i i!io suiail hours of the iiiorinii;;. Tiev Mi. P.IN.V. ,.f Murkdale. lec- tured on I'.irci^n missions las: Sirulay in F.ijene^-r. was iuu , !. s. M.iv an,l : i.iy. '! \1 . J. t'lrsbrrton Stuliun Itr. MI. r, . i r, . .siiin^ at Mr. John Muti - Mi. Win. N' charge ofatjai:,; of in,:. lun- ber : M: : 1, i :l . ing of the Pa';-'': lof 1 Pin oani K '.i.l -e,;.-ol house oa Satur- day eveniii;.; last. T!.. I', of 1. ii.- 'i'hurv it at M' *3 JI. . A \ ! > . ; Cold it- UK I. - SOOTH:>"5. ClEANSlNO, . : ., ; . i . :c;'i*y Pectoral * _ s of . . . . . '. poctcra! . ' , . ." i 'i.- . .: wiiii T all e-ure\ . I J Pectoral OM, %j. . :? cu.*c