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Flesherton Advance, 22 Dec 1892, p. 5

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THE WEEK'S NEWS. Th> liauU of Mom reel it offering In Lon- dcu ->nf million pound) iterl'ng offoui' per cent. City .. Montreal debentures, iepy- able . .11. i<-red as a fettled feet that Mr. nj{ hm l*>en appointed in suc- Viilum Ritchie as Chief Justice 01 the Supreme Court. 1 ..ere Appears to i,e .iiilioulty in deciding wh i;er Mr. Clarke Wallace and Mr. Wood, the new controllers, shall he attach ed to the departments of Mr. Foster or Mr. Macken/.e Bowel!. Mr. K. W. M ddaugh, of the Graud Trunk railway, who u at pres.-nt in Wash- ington, says he finds amoui; Senators aud Representatives a very hostile feeling to- wards Canadian railways. No confirmation has been received in Montreal of the report that Iheichednle on Canadian cattle, recently put in force by C.rwt Britain, has beeu withdrawn. Mr. J. S. Hill, Provincial Treasurer of Quebec, who is at present in London, denies the rumour to the effect that the province intends borrowing money in the Loudon market or anywnere else. During a quarrel on a farm near Melita Man., Henry Vaugban fatally stabbed George Randall, and seriously wounded his brother, Arthur Randall. He gave hirnaelt up to the police, and claims that the stab- bir.g was done in self-defence, The navigation returus for the port of Montreal lor the past seamn show a slight increase in shipping. While there has been an increaae of only ten vessels in the number of arrivals over last year, the ton uoge lut shows anliuivii ; o: '.N'T. [.aura Slocum. thirteen years old, at Mt. Clemens, Mich., en Sunday evening. Trie weapon was accidentally discharged, aud the little girl was instantly killed. The policy of the I'n it ej States in cur- tailing the steerage traffic is causing miu-li <-asu4a and Ike I nlled Ulnlr. President Benjamin Harrison is very angry. Uis country has uu coiitiiieiice iu him and has said so emphatically. He cau- not return the compliment by a similar ex- pression of opimou, for his country is in '.heir language, bat they do not hesitate to denounce Mr. Harnnon for his oourse. The Standard eayi : "Not nvery one is privileges) to veut his xpleen in th form nf * slate paper. Mr. Harrison's message is not meant to he gracious. The warning to anT.ety to th" different Atlantic line*. A I mightier than he. After wearing a crown Canada is poliLe compared witn Ui threat special cable says Sir Charles Tupper is for four years, and lording it over your own once hurled at Chili, but has flavor never pleased, as he thinks it canuot fail to [ peoplo and Uullymg your weaker neighbors, l hel*- There is on unwelcome ambiguity beLefi. the Dominion. ' His a little haid to have u> return to that I '" ** reference to the Bebrmj se* matter i .>.,. ~/ _-K.; ,u. ! f rom which ' But it matters little what he says, lohabod is written in every sentence. '' The Chron- icle says: "Mr. Harrisons tariff re- Alter March 4th next, he will marl " remind u. of the school hoy maxim. At N:le, Mich., on Wednesday night, ; ute of politic*! noiliiugn Mary Comely, living aloue near tho Michi- Pt^'aps, " w*sj|s1 have lieen better had you gan 'Central railway yards, wa sliot at, ' nev r enieigeJ. And that is Mr. Harrison'. !iad her tl.roat cat, and was Bounded about ! P" ltloIJ - All r March 4th next, > the face ami head with ihe liutt end of a revolver, by some one win. liad aniniiioueil her m the door of her dwelling fur the pur pose of killing her. Revenge, is supposed to be the motive for the murder. The French-Canadians inC'ncago recent- ly held a mam meeting at which they pass- ed resolutions of confidence: in ex Premier M. r.-ier, a "great man" to whom they look for a solution nf ihe problem oi independence and annexation. will be no mere in the counsels of hii na- tron than the last registered voter. It certainly does seem as if post presidents might be put to nome use fhlii.-ally: bn: mat is none of our business. ' have to deal with an angry mui--t man who, impotent in striking back at those who struck and smothered mm. i. seeking an outlet fjr hi- ..piccn. In his opinion offers a splendid mark. Perhaps does ami perhaps she doesn I. Anyway I she will not lia, o ti.e puwer to reveuge her- American collectors of Customs at all tho w || on .\i r n a , , UUI1 ( ()r s , mc l ^ mo tocome; ' If you tell a lie. tell a big -an and stick to it." Tho Daily News say* : " We need pay no heed to the president V threats." The Morning Tost eays: "A perusal of Mr. Hamton'* nieusge suggeiU i ;I.M the dogged courage ot a gladiator than the foresight of a alatesuian. It is .singularly characteristic jf ins coinmun'ty that the retiring 1'resident Ouds it is con- latent with ins position to indulge in a flourish of imp'Ueut menace agaiuxtCauaila. The McKmley Act was prompted by the wild logic that exaggerated protection would drive Canada intu annexation. The ' port* of entry into (fenadaau I Mnxioohavc but if he ever i* nominated tor office H gaiii bee:, mslrneted, liy , iroular from the I'nit- vo ter* in the Stateao: i ^iiadiai. and Kcglish ! DossislUo, as was to he expected, resisted . .. i * t *m 1*n. n <si > > u 1 If* vtn ft instil t tSi -> t ' 1 1 T t lit' II l's\IUFs* W i I II .'ill) I t* I fill' . tes Treasury Department, toneethat .; origin or descent wiii sec that he leee-iv the provisions of the Ac', passed liy theSen- | exactly ;h aatne uW as ws served out ate on the loth .Inly last, lor the collection 1,1 him .-a ><tti November lost. Alter a j of statistics of dome.!: exu.n; by land . |,ul e more experience both Kepabli- I carriage, be carried out to the If I cans aud Democrat* will recognise that hallot-box still very It is report* 1 m Chicago that in order I" counteract the monopoly sought to be es- up IK date in me b*M 1 lablUhei by the Canad.a-i fi ill : railway, p-iw erf ul. In ISHX.Mr Cluvelaml was de- by securing possession ol the Intercolonial tea to I in New You . itate. the pleasure wilii conifinpt. 4. r. ;it loriuuf In the -;/c *".<{ number of very great for- tunes, no coiintiy Hppr^iches t ne I'mtcd (ireat Britain n.n, Mr. <iosdien raid in a speech rive years ago, ninety five persons who iiave an income of over The criiit 111 the farming i;idnttry in Eng- land is likely to cause a lai&e emigration, and efforts are being made to direct it in the direction .if Canada. Sir < 'harle. Tup|*r has proi.ii -.1 to submit to the Ottawa liov- wnment any practical sch;me for the em i (ration of farm workers and servants who have drifted from the country u to the Cities. The body of a young woman named Tcenie was found at an early hour on Saturday morning lying on the beach at \\illrm C\e. on the north side of Burling- ton bay, a short distance from her home. Shi* had left her bed .luring the night, and, clad in a single garment, ha 1 wandered to the wate u edge. Death was canned by eiposure and exhaiuliou. It is said that the girl was mentally uusound, a condition to which a broken marnagetng%irement h id materially contributed. aud European ports. ' Hibernian lirotherhood Mr. Joim So.ici and Miss Florence < nmp- reuliat:ou. But. too, of Medina. K. Y.. were married wit h- ''levUrui. AIsMSthis nm appuui; out the knowledge of their respective par- that of Patrick Egaa to the tnmistersluu of entf. and t.y a Methodist i-lergymau. Un Chill, revealed an agreement with that gang the following day. in ol.edieiice to the wish of outcasts, thu Claiyia,) !ael. that ufcody es of the lin.le's parents. had coaieued then rlopem married by a l'roib_. tertan minister. Tne 'parents of the bridegroom, u : next re- ceived informal 'en of the union, insisted over. The large fortune in personal prop- erty left in Kugland from !>?') t" IHMJ was lUrou L. K. de Rothschild's, of - i in.). In this time there were only thirteen to whom they "oulJ have previously .wlieved could have. men wno ; etl owfci0lWi0)K) . rifty-six who -ml, they were * Then camethe M -K uley bill an.l . e!tover .- ihen forcsment of retaliation. - The National Agricultural C>*ferenoa, called to dirtici pubJiu abuauuu lo an em- phatic way to tbe present grave condition of agricultural affairs, met in Lamiaa reoent- ly. Five hundred delegates from over _ r'icult ural aesooialions were prtisent* Marnnta of Hunt'y and many mem- bers of the House of Commons also attend- ed. Hon. James Lowtner, M. I', made the opening address. R ^nt HOB. Heury Chaplin moved the adoption of a resolu- tion, declaring that the critical condiUoB of agriculture is a matter of national con- cern. Loud cheers greeted ail allusion -te protection as the remedy favored by many persons, but Mr. < 'haplin said that any proposal to return to protection, winch in- cluded a duty upon food, would meet with cerlam defeat. The resolution, which was very general m its chancier, iu substance beiim that means should be found for ar- n-stiny the depres-ion, was adopted. Mr. Chaplin declared that foreign com- petition was not the only cause for the tall in prices of agricultural product.. The nu- tiniious rise m the value of gold was quits as serious t. cause. The immediate remedy, for lhat would be a return to hi -me tall ism. in regard to which, he added, the statement on the subje t recently mode by Arahlmhop Wa:sh was the meal convincing ever pub- Mr. 'Chaplin *nifi he earnestly IWJO. ed the conference would adopl tiie prin- ciple of bi-meialliam. The Karl uf \Viuoiiissa and Nottingham suggested the form lUon of a union of land- lords and tenants. H<< offered to give CJ,- (XW to aasmt in the formation ot uch a union. His suggestion was adopted. William Snunders, a Radical m umber ol 'nil .men:, attempted lo denounce protec- u in, but was hoited down. He then at- n s resolution, declaring that the faH m prices of agricultural products is tke natural result of improved methods ol pro- duction, but uie conference would have none of the amendment and refused to al- low iito be put to a rot*. Francis Smith, a member of the I. indoB An addition of .1.H-M> men is ID be , 7 , , . . loi.i Hixieeu r.Uk knowledge he faile-lto proDl ny it. a>) tne c.,,,,,..,.! l( , have i im _ _ _. .... nsult ws. IgHomioioos defeat. It is hardly don of JIT.'i 000 a v o t'he"peac^"staudsrd of'ihe Austrian army. "> bc wooden-d nt that under such . ire i'n- !lirpei , . . ,. itancca the weaier of hi. grandfather s bat ii_,i,.. '"^'"^'iM^f 01 '"^":^" shoul.l .,1,1m, ..nd writ he* , agony. W. l . in tiie A cO:upanv is being formed in I^nnrion to tu:ili! A cable to Uganda. The LoTido;. ( 'hronicle <iys the (iovem- mei.t has decided practically to introduce Imperial penny postage. TI.e Lord Mayor of LoO'ion hs been urg- ed to form a special emi|-raiion committee o relieve distress in Ihe Metropolis. The (ioMsmiths Company has doi, I f2,'f" to ti.e i Iinuuess trust for the build- ing ol i-i. In-trial dweiliago iu London. Prin ' Ferd nand o: Roumania has arriv- ed at Windsor to meet Irs fiancee I'rmcess Marie, daughter of t' IN' The Marquis of llu .-:-., in a leu. the In.iou rinici*, !*,. eves Hi- a^ri -ultural depression in Kn^land H nuiuly due t" bad KSasons, and that proteclian would nut benefit the farmer. Mr. Henry Chaplin, who was president of the Hoard of Agriculture in Lord - burj Cabinet, intend, making a uiot-uu in tl.e House nf Commons declaring m fav- our of bi-mstallUm. The election in the Eastern division of Aberdeen to lill the vicancy >ed i.. I'K- rr>i,;nulion of Mr. Peter Kssleiiu.iit, Ll'l>ral, h. resulted in thu returu of Mr. Thomas R. liuchaaau, Lioeral. The Knghsh poet, William Wauou, who was receully granted 200 from the Ili.yal Iwunty for writing the host poem on Tenny- son, has become insane, and bus been coin- milled to a lun I'.ic asvlum. Mr. John Dillon, in an aJdrei on Mon- day, adimtud lhat there . .nine risk o! trouble in Parliament over the Home P.u , bill, but it aroe rather tiom .iit unions in Ireland than from the condition o: iho part- leu in Kngiand. Mr. Halfour, in addressing the C>ner- vative conference at Shetlield, accn.-c.i the advanced labour pally of giving nm : attention to the distribution of weilth. while utterly neglecting tiie more important subject of the production of wealth. Mrs. Maybrick is critically ill in W.-k ing prison. On Wednesjay tic Uu s-ra- ment was administered and she made her last confession, swearing that sho H inno- ccn' of the death ot her hnsnand. l is being considered at tiie Hon: )", uid I'.l.'i who left $1.- ^. This, it is true, makes no a.-e.|.int y Mr Harrison niust have known tlul iu a ,- real ,,. ute but , IC t m ,,,. Astor ^j County Council, made a short address, m mixed electorate like I aited Westminster and Bedford estate., the fahu ' the course .>f which lie remark*! that a rs- , upon a marriage sr> i. e >.y a C.uholic priest. s tatJ raid l,, u> | or t,,nc8 of uj-day are noun rosJ estale. | turn to proti,-ci ion meant a return to bar- ' and ihe youiijj couple went ihrou^h the rsssBt thest things, power als thi :-',iglish fortunes are more largely in realty | barity. Thu .tatcment was greeted with ceremony three ttmes in as many days. i ot admire the snwtaclc of the sin n L - o , llttn those of anv other country, and in I hoots and yells, which were so long con- he in. have the | S7;1 alxtecn Kuulish lun.iiiulders were tinu.'d that Mr. Smith reursd to his neat, rent rolls ouUide of I/on- Mr. Netuersole, a farmer delegate, pro- ear or mor . (X these, i posed a resolution affirming that the unfair ot \orihuiiiberland. Earl competition of untaxed foreign ini|orts with andXir.'. \V Kamsden were credit- home produce is an injustice that calls for sqturm und writhe m agonj. \\ e ,, wi'tli WOO.OOO annually ; three, tbe Dukes immediate rem and that, therof-^e. all ll> ," o! Devonshire and Bediord aud Sir Lawinnce competing imports ought to pay a duty not " I'oik, with {SoOO.OtlO, and ihe rest with less- less than the rales and taxes levied on home A grave crisis is impending m Herlin over K f ar u Canada is concerned, has ths Aruiy hi.l, and it i tho'iglil that Ih^u- not vaniiied wan hi. rejection at the ccl.or von Caprivi wiil have lo resign. He can Hill issue decrees Irom A cable lias been constructed between \Vasiiingionthatwillmoreorlessssriously and the coait of Af ica. win.'h .4ives injure certain of our interests. \\ . : with th. That he is disposed to do si IK amply mauilested by et tracts from iur message to Congress at its opening laet week, when amon; otlic, ihiuijs he said : Duriug the pint year a suggestion was re- i tnr.iii_'li in. British Munsiei tiiat the l ' n i iiaii < lOMTiiment would like :. an ived at Tripoli after a journey Sahara lasted two years. the former country connection I Knropean system. The Premier of ihe North Wet Term T- ies, Mr. Cayiey. has announced hi* resigna- tion trom office. The heavy snowstorm, throughout Hun- , iiiry have canaed tiie almos'. entire ^usuen ; siou of railway 11 < Dr. Siemens, the well-kuowu Herman i uis lint leaves out the Duke of . produce. !!-! r, a Ixindon landholder, an-i the M r . Hear moved as an reduction in Kugush rent A m the last Iweuiy years has been al lea>t'J.~> perceul. 'A . n Mi. Kylands, the great SlanchesUi chant.whosewiduwlia. ju.llwugbt the Spen- cer library, sold his busiue** fourteen year. . I, it was capiu.i/U'i it SIO, amendment that the conference defer the quesiuui ol protec.- I..MI. .ui U is likely to create divunons, and press forward the questions on which the ..n-.-ren.-e i* likely in rrov.- unanimous. Robert Armstrong Yerbura 1 ! [ 'onsen-olive^ inmnoer of Parliament for Cheeter, sec'.nd- . d M>. Kear's amendment. He held lhat #I.'.IIUO, owner ot Tianiiy Crof was cieditrd at the the adoption of protection wuuld drive -. ii" C.nnming in.l.ii with S'^ 1 .. tanners mto iwo separate camps. Mr. OM.OUO, wun 111 tin) shipping irade : and no Francis, an advanced Liberal memt i >i eularginn upon | M1K |. B i, rul ! rO ad fortune is larger. The lMrh.i-n.ut, Hrougly opposed proloction in term* of maturvl savatUsi nru.M :a! iTMmf , ( , : KniMuean tui times is below that anv form ex.-lian^esDf. Ai.a.i.. an t : lie Cii,- ,,1 St.,!-,, o| Kl , g , ail ,, M .i Ule ,_, Slale , Princo Robert Jasper Moore i I'nionut), r inancc, was r.osete.i wun r^aruuoe tveinSBBBl l nave a loriunv 01 9i^iu v uuu,uw, uuu u is before he committed suici I.-. W ... n w frankly ma.ic lhat f.iyored rates cou>it ,,dely divided, though the m.mber.of the ihu lcam km pdav it created not be given to U : tinted !>tatcs assgaiu.t ( ml | y 0>(n a , 1|nmull t:e . i f tne Orleans L- . * . lU A VI nt liar I jn ) ilrv I nisi -i.t ni i stsssVTkn v tviiih . > t such a wuaatiou t. resigned ,ier al u,-e I'lus admission, which was foreseen, necessarily terminated tiie eonicruiict upo:i this quesliun. The Ix-m were poorer, tiro clnwice of seeing them on the Uirone would be better, liio D'iko of Ualliera, a Franco- Italian railway " ' H .1.1 be almost *bolly with ihe people of i Canaiia. The Opium Tr.Otr The a:r:iial oiitbnrti of righteous in ii-.; natinn from tbe I -ng relig- I k*M MSrs in Greet Brtaaii over tse opt <un If,"*** must upnoe. ihe politnral re question of India and Chios h is -.aken u' Utlo " otCanAda^nd ihe dupo.. an unusual i m p..: . .the t; ' Cana.lian UovWMMBl are to reman. , latiouofai ",aii unchanged a som.wnat radical revision ,,t tlm- IIM1Y opi:rn qu- . two \.- , ittereut l .. ^. \ ! is fnmoral- ity, ' it is U'i nei! i.y the Kuj i (K'uplc at : an exchange oi utu -al relucts m ^ , , ,,.,, .^OOO.OOO France and in Italy m the last d. <-a.i.-. niir ira.lnnlationiiiioiild, 1 think, b made. Out relations must ! S, and they Mjdly. I i'-giet to siy. how- ever, that in many ol the cont rnversies, home, and Ly many of tiic".'hritt*n HIM- '"'ably those as to the boerst* sionaiics abroad. But ., i iin Atl partial forcigncis in lud . .1. 1 C lln, out- ' the csaal tolls, our nef..tiai IOIH i: i u-ies, donn so regard it. | Or * Britain have ,-i>ini:iuo....y been I It >s maialy tHe great n-'tg.ois I. i << . l:l ,J thwartetl or retardsd by nrsssonabls and . lanesthal ..-> roundly dei.ounce ; "" r " " - li .' "' ' f ' 01 " ,,., Caaada tor ot the -aim! tolls, i eeuiluum-- rights wsrs flajpruuMy disn . iron, tno Hnt.'i i im-.-rnnien: th s "' ll ^ " " '> <"> ""'" lo -ay th" v ii, ai d tlit people support tin action l thu is by far the largest personal fortune that iu the op mentioned in Latin Kuropc. Ten years atto ' centiniioiisfall on protection. HUB expression was& with great applause. Several other speak- ers made addresses in a similar strain. Mr. Nolhersole s resolution adopted by a Urge majority. R ibert Ijicv Kverett, a Lilwral member ..( I'.riiaineiit, moved a revolution, declaring that in the opinion ot the conference thu iiruuc. l>n yiarsatio cem.iniioii.iaii in prices, is so injnri- M. l.ei..y Heauiieu, a high' aut.iority, esti- ons to the agn.-ultural interests, is largely mated llial i'i I'.tns, wi'h i J .1? S,IHH.I pei . n spent over S10.0UO a ys In oo of v?.ir It will iiirpriso many people to near that if it comes to a ust of nnmeriosj strength to ll ' r ;;" t. 1 " I* itiple sJUssl U ''' U / r :''"''.!!' . .'. m . 1 ': Kussuin iea^ue, n.-iat,on i i" have the betu-r of the struggle for supremacy, uotu ith.i!andiU|( thu utn.oat etlorls which the Kaiser can put forth to swell thu (Jerman trti.t. Russia hits about HiJ.uilU.OiKl subjects from winch t,. draw recniiu and France luily 4(),U()0,IMM), includ- ing a part ol her North Afriosa poassssbMis. Aw .:l,(PO(),i)IHI . naiid of DtLienl. It is an '.-idonbted fa r nnruie- - vii. have lived in the F.*<t "I'laiin-d I.y .-.MUM. and among Kasieru peo[il.-, t , j-ium <|iie- or 'B"' or '"minus, or both, kkw prats itself IB a very differeat light x; .''-''". OmadianrsUroads compels with Ail i 'an i.ti in I'l.-.i and other railway lines, Ii i.'.ui ..-i.lonbted f. ..i-1 northern ii ' have lived in the l-'ranco-Russian alliance, (he thre 1 p..v.:M nl ('enlra! Kur.ipe imisior * over .>0,000,00i P: (J.-rmanv. -U.OUO.OtHI in During three days' shouting n the Karl of Dudley's estate, the Prince of Wales, the Duke ot Devonshire, the Kiri .( Dudley, and five others, killed four thousand head of game. A spoi-iat cable dcs| to Tho Mail says the leaders of the iincn-"!.. \.-.i invenil to make capital of tliis s their Tower bill speeches. S'id ill make a demand upon the title i ]) itsin.-n tint tiie Hfioi!. be divided at once among tiie starv- ing Londoners. I MTH> ^TATIW. The delay iu riling Jay C.nul.t's will has given riiv to the suspicions that it may con tain some legal flaw. The distress arising from the prolonged striks in Homestead is so severe that near- ly one thousand persons are in immediate need of food. James Hill, the coloured boy who in an inmate of the Jameeburg. N. J., Reform school, reached the sixty-fifth day of his fast en Sunday. Martin J. Burks, one of the men sent to Joliet prison fwr complicity in the murder of Dr. C run in in Chicago, died on Friday. An unavailing effort was mads to click from hint a confession, Mr. .Tames R. Cmrleton, of Salem, Mass., has pnrehased the Whittier homestead in Hnverhill, which he has conveyed to a Brvrd of Trustees, to be held as a memorial of th* poet. Loni. Furion and Walter IVlter. each seven years of age, were endeavouring to . xu'.sin the mechanism of a revolver to | r us to pre><. ' renal army service tbe margin in ti. . ier whether, if men would I c lira-, ily against the "/.- . of thtiiK* a:ul trend . ; ''' Issl tho young Kinptnir of , i: no' u 'innieiid, m the ' ' us. of opium am K.t- ' ern I--' j> *'. 11 Ji^opl.', -it.. li't. btOassvl . ;.: ..n, upiuin ih|,,j . nafi oni -interchanges upon , l-'ormaiiy might as well make upllis":.iin 1 to any more than \> .a imrs ut land ti:nsport,itii.M i. a' he tru- T .(uality to counterbalance leop'e. are dr-'r.U ids. bscsBM they a ,,,( O i lr , o: quantity in maintaining the balance mime large -.liquors. m j^j 'f the of military power on the 8id- of liennany The Hindoos and C'liiioc lake n small St. I. -ca secured qnanti'y of oinnm h:if kt work, jest as tbe by toe const motion ol a-i .\Tneric,. Kngli iiir in^ ln< n. 'on his i;ia<. 1 1 en ti-r \vork with I ion slight dole : opuim man without it. Al.t -I some time ago in the I. on "My wuik k"C[>-< me in lli" foiusi from 7 or S a. n-. till I or ."> p. in. daily. 1 curry with me sandwiched and cold tea. nf which mormons public 1 make & meal iu tiie middle of the day. I have from ten to twenty men with me 1- , . torn of Loth cla*sc to eai in the morninK f,, r ihe expressed contcixpt of the most in and iier itlliu.i. He may saiuiy rr.-. over, upon obtaining ...,i. in around 'he Kails of \ii ir:i n 1 th.- open- . time of trouble, from Turkey .in.i in rest 01 rmer ,,^,,1 the ship OOSamaa*s>tloii between the | 'tics, possibly from eiieat Bnlaui. When- , a;ulit i> K--I , ].ik n nmlonr own ecaports. \\'c | v er KuaaLi .rid France comlhiic to attack shnulil nol hesitate to avail ouievlve* of uur the powers of Central Knup- 'lio Si:]tan natural traue advantages. We can doubtless hu trustod lo iurnish an olfset ] , should withdraw ih support which is given in Indian official of Urga to thu rallroa.l .\:\<\ sttanmliti- lines ot Can ice, tells a new sort of ^ ! ,la by a tralno that properly belongs to us, and uo longer funmh the earnings nhi-li lighten the otherwise crushing weight of the subsidies that have been (jivi-n to thm. It Mr. Uarcinon had atherc.l'o the truth way. Oi tiice the opium eatei. take a our respect for him might not hvc been in small piece of opium when I eat, an.l per- cl . ctge <l by his words, but it would not have i haps onco again later in the day. 1h>. 11011- | ve ,, lewncd to the degree that u has opium oators take nolliing. 1 1 is the CUB- ' b^.,, . ,, or would he liavo become the only. I rind that, taking tho men all round, that the opium eaten do the best work. They arc >L iuieiligc.'.l and as mu- cular a tlio others, and less liable to fever. ' Mr. Lahoucherc believes iu the conclu- sions of tliis ilium it m! o).xerver. and think < that "if the Hindoos had coii(|iieie.l the Kn^lish itn'oad of the Knglish iK<- Hin'ous. it is more thMi likely thai philanthropic Indian organUalious would now be at work pointing out the number of people who driuk too much beer of an srening. " telligeui new spa pets holh in his own coun try and in Kiiglaud. Fur instance, the Chicago Herald in reforring to the message uses such terms as " chagrin an.) rage," "contemptible document, ' 'folly and ma- levolence," "wretched taste," "absolute lack of decency," " luiultiug, "arrant, hypocrniv "disgust and coi lo some ,il the di ^-ip lined levies of the Clor. _ Kuoently we rvferred to the increase al mortgages on farms in Canada. They bave increased both in number and in the aggre- gate amount, but not to one tenth the ex- tent in comparison Ulat th ey have increased in the I'mted State*, w hern ihe Ceii.ns- H;II. au reports a remarkable growth ot the mortguge indebtednen .hi: in^ the last de- From 1SXO to IXVU the incroaav in> tho Went l.'i.") per oont., ami in thu Sunth'Jlil percent. On an average farms en "umbered up to Mi per cent, of their as- sessed value, aad town lots up to 05 per cent. Fanners have made improvement!* with burrowed money, expecting thai, m- crooned, returns would euable them lo meet i the increased obligations. But the reatb*- | lion has falie.i short ot the exs*ute**ne>, ,i IP ;o -he .ippre.-iation of gold and the fa) in exchange between gold and silver, and tnitt the best and most effective remedy would be secured by an agreement, on a broad international basin lo reopen the of the leading nations to the nnce- "f silver an.l gold. The hat tho Br-.tish Hoveni- inen- lx> earnestly requested to co-operate vtth the o iiineiits represented at ih<- Monetary Conference now silting ui Bruscis to secure such an international agreement. Mi Everett contended that there had I .-en only a small .all in prices since free t.a 'e was established and a iMiipan- son wi'.h the prices prevailing durini; the period precedin the establinhment ol :ree trade. He thcrefoie concluded that the fall is nol due to free trade, but, he adder), the policy of protecting gold had raised the price of that metal .X 1 per cent, above the rcviously held with regard to liver. Captain Symonds. in seconding Mr. Everett's motion, said it is unfair lhat the linlisli I"- exposed to the cheap labor of India .ui i other countries while the Kollis- i-mldsaie protectc.i M tin extent 01 ."iO per csnu on their gold. Mr. Kowlcr, a Kentish farmer, moved as an amendm. n '-o .1r Kverett's motion that the . onu-ttuce lias uo faith in any chungee :n the law regarding the currency as a rem- edy for agricultural distress. Mr. Fowlais remarks were strongly disapproved by ihe and. -ni-e, and scvnrol other speakers who supported Ihe auienumetil. met with a had reception. i 'haplin closed the debate by declar- ing that the owner, of gold Uo not approve the motion, because the more gold appre- 1 the better u is for then; added, has appreciated m value since silver waa-kicked out in 1^7:!, throwing a greater demand on gold. It ia a curious coinci- dence Lhat since IS73 the world has been experiencing a prolonged aud serious de- ion in every industry, for which ne other reacon cculd be The reiioliilioiui were t*-si cw/ieJ, ihers bvmg tew dissenters. tempt,.' "not tbe utterance of a patriot ' and cooe(no]tjy raort gages are eerag re bit the frenr.ioU ere'amation of a defeated j duc/rd aV toe rs>te ef umly three per cent a and IwfHc.f all orney of the taritf robbers. " | year, whih) uev kiiniesw an sersig sjssuaued Iks London pa pen are rathei more choice I at a erek gmissr spewd. An apparently absurd report so. been paeliabe>i far aud wide to the eflfeot that Mr. Usorfatone is to be. tbe nator at the optMnug o4 the World's Ksir in Chioifo SMXt ksay. Kv<-n t.he <;.(). M. huo not he- MSW sjs.sB.iird ol ins cbxir uf perpvt.oal Die and Ms) 13 years can well l.a depcinled ikpeu to prevnH bis undertaking i joui uey fr*nv L*n<is>o te Ctucago next se> any year.

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