THE FLn . .' i: RT : A DV A i; CH FURNITURE! Cabinet Picture Pranks Given ^hvay. Having bought out the Furniture and Undertaking luisi- nt s, formerly carried on l>y II. li.McNca in the town ol Flcshtrton, I am pi< pared to f;ive tin: people of tliis section of the country the IHTH fit of a long experience in the busi- ness, at prices within the reach of all. Now for the pur- pose ol advertising my name and poods throughout this part of tbft country, we will ^ivc to each and every cus- tomer buying $10. oo worth and over, a present of a ^ood neat substantial Cabinet Picture Frame. Kindly call ?nd examine stock and note our prices. I want you to talk alxmt me to your friends and neighbors. These offers air good till Fcb 1st, 1893. The first young married couple buying 75.00 w< rth of furniture from ine in the n< w will be made a present of a KOOC! W.'isliin;,' Machine woith i?io.oo. Our in^tto i , . .1 WELL BOUGHT are half sold. If you have picture framing to be done call in and see the large and varied assortment of mouldings. Satisfaction guaranteed in this line or money refunded, can frame your pictures while you wait. Being a practical cabinet maker and upholsterer any thing entrusted to my care in that line will be executed with neatness and despatch. You can get Bedroom Suites, P?rlor Suites, Lounges, Kasy Chairs, Bureaus, single and double Beds or low Cup- boards, all kinds of Chairs, Sideboards, Hat Hacks, Cradles, Cribs, Springs and Mattresses, Extension and Fall Leaf Tables, Centre Tables. Bamboo nnd Rattan Goods &c. &c. in fact anything that could be needed in the line of furry- ture can be bought as close for cash, here as elsewhere. See ourBamboj Tables at SOG, just the thing for a drape table. Stc our Window Poles and Trimmings at 350 Luok in the window and see the Xmas Goods. Call in and see the Dominion Organs, solid walnut piano cases, easy terms of payment. A call from old as well at new enstonwn i) kindly tolieited to lnprt ay Stork, and iud g*i price*, no trouble to show tt A*, wishing 700 ill the compliments of tho scavin, I rcLiain You"3 tru 1 /, E. HAI.RJ ;O:T. N. B. The undertaking business will bo carried on as usual. A full line of (kiffiod, Cukets, Robes, etc., on hani], residence over store, opposite Whit tin's carriage shop. Priceville our own Uitrrtiprnulent. For the last tii>ht or ten days a number of hoavy liuds of oats, from I tbe vicinity of I''le.i!n -i-ton Station, ' Arlriiit'iia omiril Hie final imi'thiK f-.r thin year of Ar teiiii'sia t..nn.lii|i Ci.iinril was In hi in ilm Town Hail on Monday l.-t with nil iho member* preMTit, the Keuvr 111 th '"'' * "' "< '"' '"'"" ,,. ^oltliraiigli this villa-,v en , r..d and approv.d. A c,,,n.i,iinu at,-,,, ,, U,,, | iam , w | lt . re f lulu tw o to four was r.a.l fr<. in L lluituii re damn:. . a Uula 1 more u J id than at vilm'o at rV-.ln'i:..:i st..u ,n. James the Suiiou. Will the grain btm-n liiilh-r wailed on the C,.uiuil. a.!>in ; i, i i.-c tuiil t X[)luill ? fund of tax uniofiin- t-i b.:in. There was a blitn attendance at the Bylaw* NI.S. 4ti, ad|...intinvr d,-|.uty n- f-tir ' "t Moud.iy. I'aniiers arc liaux- turiiiii" offici-rr M! 4*7, ro renting of ' ; u to their cattle now that irk i* Town 11.11, wen- introduced and pasnt-d l(!lll;1 ' a ''''' P' ice " d P 6 * 8 BJ loW their several atajei. lllaL ' 8 *** M , i i M r i , ,, The L'. S. examination la-t Friday Moved by M. -,r. D.iniiiiU- and M<-- Mill.ui, tin- 1!. rk bo paid five d"llars for preparing statement, nilhlavit*. etc., A Tale in 8i>*>n < t r. auuiileil. Tho l'";"'- vt-ry nle.isiiix pr<V ; of ilie junior room in connection with tho Tliornbury bridge . yag ,. xc ,.l| eil t. arbitration, a |.er bill rendered. Carrie^ A tat -. ;o loa.l : f I'l-icrvilleitcs drovo it in the Proton Metiiuili >t cliuic'.i I.I^'L Monday even ing. Tlit-y |-ei>oit i \ . . nit UIIH-, Moved by Me- -i -i. P.n.iule and M.--, the f .11,- bilU Iw 1>H1,I his chcqno f-.r the Hid tin- [I- c I IIHADQUA TBE'J PO'1 Christmas Goods ! Albums in />/M\/J aii'l /rather, a!l styles. Ladies' Rags, ntn' styles, in silk and 'father. Ladies' Companions, Work Boxes, tic, in wood, flush and leather. Gents' ('<>;;;/\?/;- n;;x, fi'ted complete. Gent? solid leather Collar and Guff Ho.ves ' Gsots' Slaying logs in plosk boxs, very handsome, Gents' Cipar Cases and Pipes. r \SF.S. .ir.vv KL CASF^S.HI ovi; ii'txi.-.s. DI:KSSIS'<I 04BB8, A VKltV LAK1K VAIUKTY IN ALL TIIKSK LINKS. In Books wo have nil; 1. 1 B u ITII Ki-:ri:i:r.NtKS. " PRESBYTERIAN HYMNS AND TSAl.MS. MKTIKUMST HYMNS, " " FAMILY, witli old and ii'viucd vprion. ALL KINIiS r>K ninr.KR AM> HYMN HOOKS ALI, TIIK T.KADINO 1'OKl'S, 1IANDSOMKLY BOUND, BUITABLB H)Il IKil.lHAY I'l.r.SKNTS. Books for Libraries. C1FT UOOKB. TOY DOOKR. STORY HOOKS, XMAR ANNTAI.S. \Yitlil i- r.-hn-iM. \M.\S CAKhS nnd ]1OOKI,K I'S, S'lVf, Kof.IdS, I ' HA'llMN AND ])I \LO(il 'I'. HOOKS. IIAIK HKl'SHKS. TOOTH r.Ki SHI.S, ro.Miis, Kir. A vcn I ! ! C IMI'MKSiill i.rin , in b.,ll'.' niul ill bulk SATl'Hi:'!' I d\\ I'H:<. Ml sir. I .,|i|>|,l-s. \Hil.lNS, 1'irtil.n-i. KUKS. TIN VHi ill- Met TH OROANH, ACCORDIONS. DRUM8 'JONS l ..iri|>iii>n>. Dnl.l.S nil |.nc.-i klmPOLLI HIM B, i '.MKS n, w Hiid ol.l. All I.III.NI.T I-'. MI.- and fun M.I,' .Mill ,-fs\, i;|..'IS,,f nil NUTS i,nd (l!\MiKS, in fact trory i! > ' in M alt- l.i'l.j ai d ii i ri v XmM nnd N.-w V, r. WrVI. RICIIAUDHfTlNT, n i : I-J-KION. (N'j 1 ^l^. i , ., s,,i, f,, r htivl f-r p< cully on the n:i.l li mie. A. anJJ. .MM. Hiudifv, 4 ; .1. A \V. |; -yd. f..r ru " *-' at'ru.l llnir i i.w are bout out m" i " |, v,. -i'-ii-i'. wliil'- F. un,l II. may h.r. - ', Si : corporation ll.eir licale a r as a result rk.ial,, ,-,,t of hall for DIM-,,.,, ^- ^mUl.C f ,=,.>. ; u,d J . W.J ., v ., , ini.-.-eil the fun, liavi.ii,' 10 occupy .. .'Urt.^^U.-it.r^drii.Miir,, - i I,, | .., ha.l h, t:onrry hirclork. .,. I amcd. Bfandcr ta boB .M.. v,, i by M,..i.. D.nuudo and Me tb Wometi'i Mdial Sehool.Toi Miltaii. tbat Mr. (i. 4.iiiin- T'K acci.unt a, Mr. and tin '' Irwiu. of M.iik 'tlii-ir, am, .'Jilting (.. ?5, In- jm.l, d ih', li.ii.l a brii f visit to Mr. C. C. nnd 111 I i-suc hit clirijiiu for the JallK'S lliix Wn k. Carrii-d. Mt. A U x. Taylor, of Uroincre, Move.l by Mcsurs. KelU and Dainude, i" town last Monday, c.irrjiti-,' willi! that William Ca.-U-r o |aid $:, f, -r re. liim tbe business bam which clmrae-, roovinit timber off ba* line, l..t IL". e-m. ^"/A.S all his acliona. 2 east, and tbat Jhu Mc(ieo be ,,ai.l SI '''J' e ""-i''"^}- ^rv.ccs held in the for retiring br,,l,o ,v .VwfJ nver. *\^ ^^. l ' *"?* .''' ", l bn-iy dollani in cul- lot 18, con. 11. Cairied. lecliou and saMcrmtioui for UiM nu- MoTf.! by Messrs. Pedlar and D.un'j 1,-. r t , , ' \ that tho l'i.-i-v,- i ,i,i-hi-.|i,. . in fav.,r ..f !_,._ \\ c j,,, ( ' u y .Mrs. McArllitir trusteis of iho a.-vernl sch,.-d section* in nClUl .l a li ; ( -i ua tliilt hi-r SOU. | tho t ...IM)H|I for amount of tr,i. . u cAl llnir, had tli'-d i" North cli"ol rates in said sections, alo clu'.uu (':irnliiia. (if tv|lioi.| f,\ir. II- '-v i- for |iM|Mirt f t,mii.,bi|i c:i.Hil raten t - Oiuitil in Oliio, u-i the boly \\:< n ' tuh aectioii fiititled to tlio same. (Jar i'< riuiltcd 10 cross the lint S. We tied. tcndir our siuccro sympathies to tho M ve.l by M,..,rt. Kelts and McMil- bereaved ones. Ian, thai thu eoniinunicutioii from Mr. Kob Itarkwell's Bronchial Hal-am will care Lincoln llutt -n, ru damage to bu.'t'y, bv coughs, cold*, bronchitis and aslhiua. Lin! over until further inf.irinaii .n be obtained. I'.ni. ,i. Mni-d b;, M.-^trx. K.-.N arid Danuidi . f.,ur d.. l!ri a moiith wi.ile The weathrr belli;; so f*vor\blo, and i"ue hi i miter f-.r |.iyiiunt in,,ntbly ne-.'blH.ri tliouyhl tli^y would take in unf.l fuitln-r ;.,Ui- ,1 ('.irtu.l tin- ei.n ttau'-iii-nt h-l-.! in bat i- U n .i> M -ed by M. .1.. DailKIHl- Ji' ' '.' ' I ' :- ' , I hull-.", i: b. l: . Ill-UI, tii.-tl <;-' l,i.,l|..'.i bill :.-r i i.- -b-r il.e mi-, v * "' ''"' l'-i ; r,,ii i.f In (.aiiinir e;ilveil i.n T.. n l.'i..-, \t',i,- ' I'.i.l a it|-lt>iul i! tune. IX and I'n.ti.n, aiii.,uniu, I,, $J. b, ,' i-M-jriiiniu IM-M-UOI, h:n-l. Tlu-r- and tbe I; . 1. 1.1 fheiiut- :..r l.i i- - - -I ' --f .T.ind i-Htabl. H in ' ni'i i,' M-,1,.11. >!. .- K IN and I'-.'.lar. - r,K>r of llu- d ly. that 111.- a , ID M I'mdi. . T rl.i, i , in i. 1-1 bi I n, -I ,-f a e .inicil for work done under him t pathnm-tlcr, '11 1", . li'lh- .-!t< nti..n '< I., in,' (wid I- and by d'.i [( UIKI!. L- ' f H'o l,.whh. ... S...H.- of '.. ma,!,- j. .!. .1-1- on tho ht.ilui,. lab -r '" ' - ' '' ' ' >r.- i-i !-! ii>'.-d .-f i V\ ii,: : n.. i.- i,.-tn-,- will !-, l.i'.i n of us .. r. A i. . 'mrvli ky f .1 ill |>il>-|. - i 1 ....r HK'ifly. I li ; iltu i, ' -I. Ill lllii l.'l .' .M i! .,' s. . liiii|it.iii * sh.'H Unit! a^o F|| i i- t..-l ni-.n- I' in. i.- ly 1 1'-' '-,- >' m, ul , ,' linn . 1,1' ', llinr r.... ui. etui : 1 1 ' I i hi. Tin 1 ) .r.' PHI 'li |d -i It I .- , - ii.- ,'f ihiir .'it uf tlio \illn^O of Flrdlrll.'ll |..r IHlCt. t '..HK-d. MM.! by M. v,, K.IUao.iM.'Mdl.n, I hat J .inn- > I'-iiiU r be. r. fmi'b d I M t am -untiiii/ In ^<j 4!<, h.< ba\n<,- .- l._, ! .. '. I..IIM bi:rni-il in tL" pr>-- Clil year, I ' '';_', ami t!. .t ill" I' hi'i.rdiT f. r |. .\.in-i, I. ('ir,-i,.|. M..H .1 by M.^.n McMiPan and Pa- iniiilr, tin- f..ll..v\in ; bdl bv ;..-,id l..r .1 wi-ik |.crf'.rnifil by ...iiiini-. i. : iim i if W.inl.n 1, U, !! niul 4, as f. .11 , Ward 1. SI.'. , War! '.'. S.'UMK) ; \\..,d ::. l',i.f7; Ward 4, (fid; tin- It.-.-vi-, f>. I'.irrn d. M,.i I by M i I' .llarand I>iiiiinli>, ; . , , '7 "!">' i 'i- III Will', r 1 1 It'll li . : th tMM .. , ; , M , ibi-. t',. i-i -i!, \i . i : MHi'llld i; , ;.'..; ill V I ( .. I la Ty and i . : n \ I III ,li< in uin r i . I i. i l 'l |i VI, led by I i ;i.,n <>f : i \ n;. l i t!i,- lifi>-i'n:'i .1 ly of Jaii'iny. 1HIM. !-,.. I'l-ilni,^ c -I 'uin,d in ibu ri' ,liiii-iii shall llusj or nli. t tbr duty "f -ai.l i'"!L- .r . I. r.-lurn lli, ir rolUor in any in inner invalid L tin- li il.ili'i.'i -! .- u I r -Ih-ct'ira sui nrrifd. Tliu Itcovo ru|iu-t. d to raoate thr chair and Mr I', < rr,|ii,'i(i',l I-. tnk,. iho saino wlii'ii tb. ' f-.ll.iwiiii; motion w.u (-ill and unui.nii'.ii ly cnrrnd by .-.t i V.itl-. Min'i-d by Mr,, i I .,i lo and M Mill, in, llnit tin- IV, \, i thanl.i fi'.M I'M i *'' KB l! "i tin- a'-' liuj'.i- .u: I. i ' ,-r this i'luiiiud f-ir th- i'1-i Oarritxl. - ^'omicil adji.OMi, l. \1 i J llnwl , v MMlin bllv'. \\ . i 1 1 i- I i'i :i . 1,1 ill,- ' \\illmnn' lii.yul Crown tin all-it cure on enrlh. Cnuranti'i il i,. t iin* t'.'iii'ral nvivoUH dvbihty, rhunna i.'nn, iienriilii<,|>rralyis, etc. v Wilkinviii, uf 11. ..XIMV alley In, I , hut . "I I, ,nl bi'i-n iii a ili-i : MOM fi.r llin V'.IM Ir-'in VrtvoiM .. : l !if S'OIIKV!,, l>y|'i'|i- I l"ll until r .1- -.'in-. 1 l,.-il;lil ..Hi- buttli- nl Si-llltl Am ' N i \ in,', w bird d"ln- 11,1- 111 'li .,'.,.1,1 tl, iii any '!> v.,rtli "f di.-t rini; 1 .1.1 -ll,l in Inv I'll'. I wnllld ,i.lii- ,-v.i\ vt.-.ilxlv |n-r-iiii lo list- this vnluabb and lon-ly ri-nir'y. I ooimitlitr it thr i in.l, ,t n. .'.I', iiu. iii Hi,' wurld." A trial li-.iil will roiiviniw you. Warrant ii \ i'" * t Krmixly fin- Ivy t'olsoiilnf. l>r. .1.111-* J. Irfivi.-k. nf 1'h.l.i.leljiliia, writes tn tb-- Mrdi,-al NI-M-.I: "Iii A case o I . i.!i; .-! tin- liands fiuiii Khu^ toxioo. ilrnb.. n (,!- ,n i"'k under my ,-ai,-, wln.ii ba.l rn^i-heil the vesicular stagd *nd was altoude.l wuh inu.-l, svrrbma and l.uriiing, the lia|,j>iost tesults piomptly fol- lowed the fieo iliistind uf iho imwder of arislol on the affected (writ. Tno obaage Was alninat mftgical, no Miuldrii Kiul so )>roni|>t WM llio relief atTurdt-d. Might uok ihis powder, applied in th* early )*( of the disease, do much toward preventing to* Iceratioa and [.itimp of vartoUT" r 1. .. !.... .Mf Kir*. The ( '.': '.'Aiiivj i rnjiv of a It-ttrr from -.MI in N..W I 1 '..i%.-, I t the Hull... -I 1 in- Insurance I'.-m- "v..!iyi>.l '.M-k : "I rnclcve $100 ...: I |tii.l tothe Hart- fnr.l I'll.. 1: ' '|-ui\ of Hartford. I ili.nik'li IK' in ' miurance than my d wa a fKNI bill of the .nk <.f t ..iii'onl, X.H. The to two pre- \ 1..IH o.'lnllii:iuvll'.|l i,.,'.-li.'.| by the Com- * ' tiillv, S-VI and $100, in.iUini; n t- ilreaay y rrceivni from tbii nn Rource. It m n ni.-iit that Bum* bonrhoiarv of thr Il.irtinnl mt-iMil nu.r than Inn Jiir. and In- i t-n U.IVIH in^; to i|uie( hit i-.-i-. i'':i .. liy ii-r iiri.iu^ in initUilinonU the am. .lint .u f |..iM. s, '\.ial tln.unaad do!lar have lvn i, . n.-.l by the Hartford uuder .-ninlar . A Wuliiuu U h> \Vurk A I jrui MMint-Hota IKUIM* nf one nf the muet mo- <-fiil ..... in Uri-i.-i-t. She in Miw Sarah . .iii.l .-In: I.HII^ balf a i.-rtion of land in l'"Ik roiinty, wluie ahc works without n\ lx![i . \. - pi in harvest twR*m. She il a \i--.iiiij woman of many accomplishment* and It-It a comfortable hninr in in* K&*t t takr up her aerivultural carrer. She doet her i.n plouunmg, w.-ilniK, and harrowing. ami )irratr nrr vn'.irc tarni without usict- ance or counat-1. When h is engaged in her active iK-cii|>ation she wean a short skirt falling just below the knoos and I breeches to match It. P >K SM.K. 'wellin*;. i* Kl*">*t.'t n Rt- ' or i- AH h t ' -lw 1'lMg iMtii.H. or in other nianiirr i, inty IK- A; : uititiili- fur *i>r-, t iil'-i. *nd inilUnrr. AIM 'v t ' W Mm. i. FI. Iu rtoo Htatiun P. O HAVE YUU BACK-ACHE OODDS , KIDNEY WILL CURE YOU "Backache mean* tht kid- in ti . jhlg. DUJO t Kidney Fillt fivt pic npt ri "76 prr cent, cf ditta*t if fir$t causiiJ ^ t disordered ^..,- MM " Uiyht as well fry to huit a healthy city without ttwtf* a :e, at good >i:, : 'th uhen tht kiilneijt art ClOttqcJ, thfij ate * ' it.-lPT of |Hvr .(,. I.M ,. p,, IV. I \ s h & I , biMk v^lcU klncy natrt tttm. the t>i\ . i-iay It Htg~ letted hittney tioublet result in Bait Blood, Dyspepsia, L r tint, and tht mott dnn- grou3 of all, Bri(jht3 Disease, Diabeft and Tho about t annot exist in hert Dodd't Kidneu < Pillt ur used. * ' wnl l-v tniHon mvlpt K< iv sta fat $..50. ^ WriieLt u-i.