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Flesherton Advance, 8 Dec 1892, p. 6

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SIR GUYS_WARD. TI1UIIJ,!N; STOHY OK LOVK ASH Al>VKNTri:l CHAI'l'KK II. Bt Bt overex<|iii-i'e to .-l ihe (.iihiou of unoerta'n evil " Al" iho open windows the merry- ms'kiug s'lin is again dncmg, its uri^hl rays irakmz still morn darling the glory of Ihe .,,.. * table-cloth. The great silver urn is hissiug and fighting with all nround, as though warning his mistress lo use him, ai he is not one to be lulled with ; while al the l.iwer end <>f the table, exactly opposite Sir Cuy's plate, lies the pout upon a high salver, to the master's I. ami, as has l>een lhe cuslom at Cheiwoode for gem ra- tions. the family is lale for break fast. Asa rule the Chetwoode family always U late f^r breakfast, just sufficiently so to iiu.ko them certain everything will be quile ready by the time they get down. Tfn o'clock rings out mysteriously from the hsndaome marble clock up m the chim- ney-piece, and precisely three minutes after- waid\ the dour is thrown opon to admit sn eldeily lady, tall auJ fair, and still beauli She walks wilh a slow, rather stately step, sad in spue of her years carries her he*. I high. l'|>'> i this head rests the daintiest .( i i.g cps, all white and delicale ribbon-bows, that mtch in . ol.-r her trailing gown. Her hands, small asd UiprriKg. are covered wilh rings ; other- wise she wears no adornnienl ot any kiud. "1 am iure I hop.! she won't then," siyi i Cyril, who all this time hu >ieen carefully I laying in an uncommonly good bie.ikfat. 1 " 1 1 tiers is one tliu>i< I hate, it's u young lady. Cive me a girl. . 'But my dear, what an enlraordiuary speech ! Surely a girl may be a young lady." " Ves, lint un(oi-tuiiit-ly a )oun isn't always a girl. My experience of the Paine oath t 'You MO he Menu to take it BO much for granted, my giving The Cottage and that, 1 handy like to refuse." "It would not be of the loaet eonsequenre, if it was no* tituated Actually in our own woods, anJ not two miles from the house. There lie* the chief," *ys Lady Chetwoode. "Yet. Yet what caul do! Ilisprtlv ,>laoe, and it leem* a pity to let it s.nk into ileray. This Mnent may save it." " It is a lovely pot. I often fancy, Uuy," sayu his nriiner. soinewhstaedly, " 1 should like lo go and live there mysolf when you u" I n wife." Why ihoulJ you say that?' say* Guy, almost roughly. "If iny taking a wife ne- ape, they are as old as the bills, and know cons.deraUy m iro than they ought to know.'' inn t aiwnys a en i. .'iy c|~ v--^- . * - . tun former class .a, that, no matUr whal ihcir cesiitate. your quitting Cheiwoode. I shall nevir burden myself with that 1-ixury. " You don't follow out the Mater's argu- (OW .-.,-. h'.y,' 1 says Cyril, smoothly. And just as we had gol rid of one ward " She means that when your sylvan widow . MMMfellj we must needs get another." , claims you as her <,wn sho must MM..M*! avs La lv Caetwoodo. with .r Mabel! she wascerta an 1 ' was exces hope t ins newco " I hope sho will ho as pleasant to talk to and as good to look at," says Cy:il. confess I missed Mab awfully. I never felt IBQUB KCl elU 11 ' i'ti| i ittsnii* j \*u n ith T, plaint ivesigh. course the same roof could not cover I ..vJrtamly vity swi-et. ' Hul you are eating nothing, mo;her ; <>uy s excessively fond of her, but I do foolish letter has taken away your appetite. iew. "iner will not be so trouble- Take Home of this broiled ham '. TIR BUiaalt* !/' I He 4'ae Pel Maar .. rwaa liber Cers *nn. .leu laUtbe field un er le>r, 1 don't care No. thank yon for " " Don't prejnre yourself, \ ou know you havo had a positive passion for broiled cralle up. 1 re In spile of financial ditfioultiesand peace- ful intentions the RUMUUI I Internment spares neither plm uor money in its efforts u> keep the army on a level with'thone of Franco and Cermany, or rilier to outdo tliem ; ami ihe remits so far as they can be veriHed in times o' peace arein thohigh eat degreereaesnriug. As far at mere num- bers go the Kustian War Minister can put about half a million more armed men in the tielil tiiaii (ierm-ny or France. I he latter ry can reckon on 4.1)5.1,000, while Uussia has 4,.ViO,'iOO. OoosideriM tue question irom the financial point of view one cannot help w ndering how it comes tliat an empire whose finance* are to dis- organised and for the needs of whose fam- ine-stricken population contributions were solicited this year ami lait year m foreign counties, is :ii s posr mu to spend more in ney on ita army every year than such a fairly prosperous State as AuitrU Hungary. And yet this is the fact. Austria- Hungary's tinaucea are in to sal- ticned in a London paper by* i 'lerken well jail. J t is that some crioiinals are practically incurable. Krom a table prepar- od by him it was thown that dtiri.ift Uet year there were committed to the prisons snd jails of Kngland and 'Vales .1696 men .,.! '.iTiil women whohad been con^ic'e'l no isfaclory a state "the forced paper circu- lation M now making plaoo for a metallic 'urrency on a gild basin and government -"'' cretin usuoh thauhe4peroeut. kansare be- * n< K c.ivern-.l without slightest difficulty. r> down in my life as whan shedeclarnd her ; ham frm your 4 ^.,. ...... _.,... ... B ., intention of mairvm* Tom Sleyno." ' all sUnl it. I insisl on your e r An ,i yet lh , Au.iria-Hungary in suite of -you il! havclhal >Hy ' Mc ,p tlolll i c . on .li ion- wmcli would certain 'I nevsrdreamed the marriage would have , breaklast, or . turned out so well." says Lady Chelwo-de, < headache back again. . luce. " She was such an -an My dear." says his mother, entreating -unreasonable girl. Hut is is wonderful ' ly. " do you think yo._could be silent for - how we'l khe gets on with a husband." few minutes while I ith your brother ! 1 shan't speak again. After that severe consider mo dumb. Hut do get it I can'l be n mule besl If Flirts always make the YOJ forget that mother." ' And whit coquette she Lilian Chesney resembles her, 1 don t ; over quick, eays CynL know what 1 shall do. I am getting too old ; forever." exception ly warrant and actually seem to call for in- creased military expenditure; lays out a considerably smaller annual stun on her Mf*" , army l(uu poverty-stricken Russia, whom no European State would ever dream ol attacking. Foreigners in general have no adequate conception of the uhauges winch, in the course of a lew soars have contribute. I to I suppose I had Letter say y. {[ ! uietumorphoee and regenerate U Kus^ian jduy. dwiLlfully. " It l.K.ks rather like the ar|ny fhe proces. may he truthfully de- ; dog in the manger, having The CotUgc idle , , oribod a ,, ew bjrth . l.- ormer iy ir.arvel r >.,! tttill rm 1 iklntr I r&llt friend. ..! ..mir.tcy their tailois snd their mistresses are alike laid Wore her. V>w, fimling the room empty, snd know- iog it U. be fu'ir niinutee alter ten, nhe ayt to herself. "The first !" with a little sur- Crise and much pardonable pride, snd teats enelf wiih something of an air btfore the militant urn. VVIien we are old it U so aweet to us lo be younger than ihe youn<, be anylhin "K ' No. "g'y- says U*'y Chet ( _ . huil 1<T. " Ll her and still re'imng 'I rant s friend, bul that. I can't boar ugly her mother wa lovely. 1 used To think "-r!lapainj again into tho plaintive style " that one ward in a life- time would be suflSui nt, and now wo are auinu to have another. " -ItisalHiuysfault/'saysCyril. He does gel lunisell up so like the moral l'e<:k- snirt. ous powers of endu ance and a courage Thai reminds me , fa capital ttory. | whic(i knew uo ftu o{ deMn were t h, main breaks in the irrepreesiMe Cyril, (<ayly. cfiaraowria tic of the Russian soldier, who ellow __. . ., There is astern and dignified air when we are young it is so sweel lo us lo be , a)(OUt (lll|1 wou |j deceive a Machiavelh, aud just >i'r nrrso. On, foolish youth ! | takes the he-irts of paronls by storm. Poor An elderly Im1 Irr. who has evi'ienlly seen Mr Chesney, who uever even saw him, took eern. (in ever} sens; of lhe word),and who hini on hearsiy as his only child's guardian. is actually iltepe.i in respectability up to | This solitary fact shows how grossly ne has Ins port wine nose, hovers around lhe break- | taken in sociely in general. He is every fast, adjul'ni; this dish affectionately, "'! I rsigh 1 1- 1. ing i hs>t, until all i cai ef ully awry, when ho leaves the room with a sujh of sat- isfaction. By Jove, what a sell it was ! met another fellow " Une fs . ess thin ten tunes previously. You Me the orce of the comparison. " A partiJ explaustion of this strange tate of things may be found in Ihe fact that omen are more thorough-going in all thing* ood, bad or indifferent, lhn the men. hey do nothing by halves. Be Ihe matter ne construction of shortcake, the making f a crazy quilt, or the poisoning of a rival, woman devotes all her time, knowledge alent to what sho has in view. Then again a woman has less chance o* eformation than a man. Tho latter can go x> a distant land, rate whiskers or shave hose he had, assume a different name and ommence life anew. He can generally find mptoyment ; but with the woman it U more difficult. Disguise is not so easy, and she goes to a different place some one is lable lo recogni/.e her. " A strange woman is always looked upon with u|n -ion, as it is presumed lhat he would prefer to livt in the town where he was brought up and where >ior old ac- quaintances ar.-. A mu gets credit for his nterprixe if he goes to a new country and ngages in a business for himself, but su..h U not the caae with a woman. If she U once liscorered her own sex are tho first to point .heir finger* at her, turn up their noses and rsfuse to aaaociale wilh her, Ihe result of hich U lhat she becom-M hardened and call-ins and ii again driven to crime. " It is so easy to forever ruin a woman. Listen o the stories of some of our demi- monde, women who al Ihe beginning had 'amilies, friends and social standing. The tempter comes, ruin follows, then fruitless etforU to hide iheir disgrac-. S" -ie;y dis- cards them, thame force* them to seek places where they are unknown. VVant fol- lows, and finally, almost inevitably, a life of public and bra7.en shame. " when ahtndoneil lo himself, had uo more initiative than slog of wood. At preaen ,. . . ,, IDIIMVITV uiMii M/U ui www. .. i" " 1 shall refuse, of course, if yon wish It , ne u C4relu i ly taught, trainad, and drilled Ony goes on, addressing his mother, and knowl M much ,bout military technicu scorning to notice this brilliant interruplion. ma , ,. , he aTCT , se European soldier can "No, no, dear. Write and say you will aMJlnllatei an j n ,,i cullivales the oh think about it." qualities which alone would jjivs htm a vas " Won't you listen to my capital story | ' iority over , um , o f the most highly asked Cynl. iu high disgust. " \ ery good. ; ' ^ ' You will both lie sorry afterwards. -when . 1'erhape Ldy Chetwoode'sself-admiralion ould I. avs grown beyond bounds, hat that would . (Uilst this instance voices in the hall dn- bit as immoral as the rest 01 us, only " Kvi-u this awful threat takes no effect. " Unfortunately, I can't do lhat," says Guy answering Lady Chetwoode. troop , { at i Mt one great power lhe Dumher .. A few years ag th , i n f,,try cousided of Iwe'.ve regiroenls of lh guard, tiiVeen rcgiuienU ol grena diers, and lb'."> regiments of the line. v . nnoff . EV _ tn e enterprising War Immoral 1 My dear Cyril---" inter- f,,ei,d is obl.ged to leave the place she is | M|nU . er hal wi i hln a combatively short rupU Lady Chelwoode, severely. ,." . _.*_! !.._ Il now in, immediately, and he wants her to ^ seventy -four reserve cadre j rum i SESL ew Ike Well, letussay frivolous, 'it has just come here next week. next "glancing at : bstu]lou , _ w |,ich are toserve as the nucleus the same moaning nowadays, and sounds the letter" Saturday. nioer? Hut he looks a 'grave an 1 reverend,' J "Misfortunes never come if ever there was oee. Indeed, his whole marks Cyril ; "ours seem to crow,). tract her thoughts. The sounds make her appearance U enough I* make any passer-by a ward, and face brighten snd bring a smile lo her lip. , u , p , uort and say, ' There g'ics a go./d tame week ." " The boys" are coming. She draws the teacups a little nearer to I er and nukes a gentle IUBI over the spoons. A light laugh gentle echo.* through the lull: it is answered, and then l!e <lor once more openn, snd her Iwo eon* enter, Cyril, being the youngest, nalur- i first. 6* seeing his mollisr he is pleased to auks a gesture indi.-alive of the moat otag- girs'rd surprise. 14 Sow, who could bsve anticipate.! it! be M ys. Her gracious majesty aliesdy while T.I r failhful subjects - Well." with a sudden change of Uine. " for my |..ut I call it downright shabby of peo- soi-ainhls downstairs before other peo- for thesakeof putting Ii. 'then a widow, aud all in the!* : round which as uiany reserve regiments of two battalions ea.:h are to U- formed. As I mailer of faci llui has *lreily l*e.n done i tup young m In sure I hope not," say Ony, half offended, wholly disgusted. 1 sho.l.l * iweriy-three of th* resei ve battalion*. It is still Ixsing continued, and a fe-.v davs ' Not only tbs same week, but the ssms R nkme WM pab | Ub( .j or a oriu g the ... ..,!.;_ I^ u fih-twooHo. look to* r|nujol , of four ,.. reieTve regiments of day," ex al her letter Chgtwoodc, looking hereupon toey all two battalions evh. 1 battalion i ev;h" have inclined "to shoot any . me who t )Id me 1 though ihey scarcely know why. ,. IMMW .. was a 'goody oun man.' I have no desire , "\\li.t: Is she i ' su,iml u. lhe ears of military tn pose as such : mv ambition iloes not lie day 7" Skks Ciuy. ' ' am u ^ ,,... , )|A ,, r ,|, n%rv Rsnk . It I * . The words "iwo a aoniewhal mild who i. rnn -I ' ii 1.1 a l BearJe4 iy (! nil's Ruler. " Memlier of I'arlisiaent' writiug frum London says : At the time of my writing (iladstone i> just concluding a visit to Windsor Castle. The Queen, with her usual ta;t, has taken good care to give no came for offense even to lhe most jeaioas of politicans wilh regard to the way she has dispensed hospitality. Some of the new men of the Ministry, who now, for the Crt lime, enter upon official life, have already received special invilalions lo the castle. She slill snows a personal like tot Salisbury, hut tiladstone is, outwardly, at least, plac- ed upon the same footing. Tho court is too wise these .lays to take an active side in party politics. There are no favorites. The Queen iirefereucbfl. herself miy but Ihey Imvo not private visible lhat way." '. bound to go to the Bella whether I like il or not, I know lhat lhe ordinary infantry beyond lhe circle of her home. Salisbury anil (Jla.lstone are both most interesting men personally and their conversation upon any topic would always lie worth listening lo. Of course, iu the pretence of t he ' ' I don't believe you know whal yon are aying l eilherofy>u,"saysLs.dy Chetwnode, or spend my tim , , . KI1OW lllm IIIO FHIIUWIJ l' ""7 IO. VI .JU1VC, III VII* |l wwi vw v * y ' reaiment consists of four battalions : but | tney C>D not ltart a.iy subject. Tiicy must il infl lir BlCOD. . w i i : 1 : _ L -_ 1 . .. .. * ..^ ...* i , . _i l .... L - _ who, though aociistomed to them, can never entirely help shov. ing surprise, at their renliments and expiessions every now aud " I should U sorry lo think every body did nol know you to be (as 1 do) good ,|,uu, has some dogs of proud, and has hoen *'' which lhe sound is delusive and misleading, for ( o l| fa w the lead tliat i> given them, but there these reserve regiments contain each I,."!*.'! j, no question of the day, foreign or domes- 1 common soldiers and forly otiioers, so that ] tio upon w hj c h the (l.icen is ust so well t \ni III tor e\ s- I *. __*_.__ _M." 1 Thank you, Madre. One compliment t f 'ITT* 111 Oil ni'lUlUI * ''! J WM. . . -. lorme^.n, n, - lor V , h prac ,iclly equal in number, lo I month |MMl to go and ee n. th ,' im<(llU ( f o ,, r baltaliom (the laller .lay heseued upon me .^m. and I liJn I votmc ^ ia , M0 mrn ,, , other words, refuse, he c.-med so bent on rHttTinstead of I .MS), a diireronce winch, , > '"? "> np'"'<> n ol Why ml go early, and be *a pie in-irly for tho sake of putting them to f rolll you is worth a dozen Irom any one for dinner V the blush. else," says Cyril. " Any news, C'l.v ' You "(W:, unfortunately. " Lazy boy ! no wonder you are ashamed tffm .bsorbed. 1 cannot tell yon how I d un.-i there in the evening for sotno cous- ..f >ourlf when you look at ths el-k," !,,, any one who lakes an undisguised | j n who is euining to jiy tUem a visit, and aayn Lalv Clietwoodo, smiling family as ,,,1,.,. u :n his correspou .lenoe. Now 1' | j , e.l Harry, who doesn t shine sher.'ttirnhigr.-etinK. aMWR ' nv ' """r-'"" 1 letters " >-an- , nnversation, to slay and make, myself Ashamed'. I'ray .lo not mi.underfUiid lr , t K , t up lhe feolirtg to save my life, .grcoatilc to her. It's a boro ralher, as me. I have arrived al my twenly sixth year u uy "'_reuroachfully,-"do.rt you see your (,- U will look slightly bealhemsli my nol vithout ever having mastered the meaning m othr i d>ingof curiosity T being at the slat ioulo meet MIS.I ( henuey. .,1 t. r word. I fla'.ter mjs-lf I am a degree I T| lc Irlter is from Trsnl," says <uy, l.y.,nd that." I looking up from Oe closoly written sheet t . , , . I in oase of need, could be made good with Bno wUdge of them. time . ml the slihtest difli'ulty. Theso fa. Is ^.tjon at the res lout the slightest iliftioiilty. 'should he conlinttally borne iu mind hy Ihose who accuse (Jermany and Auslria- H unary of 'aUmg ihe inilialivs in impos- ins- unbearable burdenu on the taspaying populations. Russia, whom no ulier power would or could attack, and who can scarce- her way. is nc'.nally compelling her informed that she has nothing to learn from t h-> wisest of her guests. As for the vari- ous forces that go to make up public life Gladstone himself has not more iuti The advantss/e of this at lhe present day. alike lo Crown and country, is immense. No jealousies can be excited where uo market preferences are shown. Men ire coming to t'ie front whose avowed object is to wreck existing nistitu- I looking up from ti e, before him. " Ho to their chances agamsl In r in war. The> Are HarefrsielaBit Bellbrrale Than H"als Ikelr Crime*. " \Vhil man n undoubtedly as a rule the inor-! prominent in crime, woman, . ,.ik..r K.n.l i> at once more cruel . well " Don't put yournelf out l*nl thai : I'll . . ,lo all lean to makeup for your loss." says Last night'" headache quite gone, b a f ore "hiin. " Ho want's to know if we t v r il. who is eminently goo.1 naiurnl. " -' aiki Sir tiny, bending ov.-r hr w iU uke a tenant for ' The Collage.' I ' meet her if you wish it, snd cliair to kiss hor : an act he per!'rms ten- |,|y' "reading from the leller " ' who home. ' .lerly, and as thongli ll.e doingof it is*cel |,, , u n ( . re d much, and h. wishes "Thanks old : you r awfully good' t.,l,,m. I for uuictnes and reliremenl from lhe . j t would look inhospitable neither of us ^ _ wjij p if, my dear." replies she ; and there W1 >rld."' ! mi! n lhe spot to hid her welcome, lake , t j j> olher Isjsjst is at once more cruel and ujvi t'ne fainle t, t lie very faml<sl, | ] l hoiild recommend a convent under th- . .irri.ige and " I cunning in what sho does," says a well BMMIino oi .rinili in her loin., an alini.-t t |, c circuui.tances." says Cyril. "Itw..n!l " oh, by Jove, I didn't bargain for o knowl| delccliw .-|.ul.V in ..! r.f kai lime-is in her i ,.,]. V) . rv thing for her. 1 ilou't sue why carriage. To l-o smotherecl alive in July is j .. j.- r(MI , ,|. P al ,. um t*ncslhal aconsi.leri- nnie as she speaks to her cldett son. ' she should mine down here to suffer, and no t a favinaling i.lee. Don't you think, ^| e lees number of women than men are "I hat's right." ssys he, patting her u i all in lhe dumps, and till our woods mother,' in an insinuating -oavictod of crime the inference is drawn iy on the shoulder; aft. r wlnrh he fw MI his own neat snd lakes up iho lel- iiX before him l'..Hi<itidy 1 never thoiii'ht if the Must, says Lly Clietwooile. " And hero [ have i. ir quite live minutes wilii notliinij I" I inmht as wellhavi lieen dig) I..T, if i>e... i ;.ny lor IIP- line letter for you : live, as usual, lor Cyril : one for me, "saystiny. "All Cyril's." ]),., , n !'' rays Lidy Cnetwoode dis . , __. ., , . inin^ tliem cnn. -ally si arm'ii length | tastefully. " A most o'njei-lionalde class of t,, r ,, t,, your widow, Uuy : who is to receive ( , . aio several r..\*m," continues icn evidently by >cry young "in m." " Vo. Ihsy will writ" lo me,' rcUirns .,ving them wilh a >igh. and re ^ il.em in turn with careful crutiuy. I jth ^n <ur of con .-i, lion. If 1 wore you. | science, even shoiil <ni\, I should pause and consider bi < I aii.-h a dangerous ingredient so with her sigluand moans.' " Is she young ?" asks Lady Chetwoodf, anxiously. " No,' I don' i know, I'm sine. I she. IM think nol, l.y Tranl's way of mentioning li.-r. 'An old friend ' he s>n though, of r.niise, llisl in- . . unylhing." MSIHH.I Yes. A widow." would prefer the My dear Cyril! lhe dog-carl Of course you rou'l or ' tha 1 , in woman the criminal propensities are woaker or umier better control. Such a i-om-lusinn is, however, not l>orn out by ,< notlmiK sli'.rt of iltigiikling." fie My> pr*stn".ly, "ingliug out "i.e ..f ihe 1ft- illi his lirM lii.gri. 'M is the fniirlh ehelins written n, me Ihn week, and . it is only Kilday. I wun'l I* aM t-> hsar it much longer ; 1 shall cert uuly make .esedays.'' -I w. uld if I weroyou,"saysl.u/,lauh "'I have just hoard fro:n Lilian Chesney," sudd.nlv suys I^sdy Chetwoode, -(.eaking asthoiifih s bombshell had fallen In thoir people. 'Always in the way, and er -very .inn. Hid tint." " I dare say hy tag nnder forty sbs wi'.l to'akecare of hi want to n.nriv liny directly," Cyril put in, 'events, she does j - w i ri< )*' " meet her in the carriage, nays his mou: , ^ }f f ft ,. Mi ( or wben Ci'imcs havo heen traced in the shockc.l lone lhal usually ends all disputes. " So be it. 1 give in. Though when I ar- rivi- here in lhe last stsgo of exhaiM'ioii. re ing in M i Chesney's arms, yon will Iw lo blame, "says Cyril, amiably, "hut, lore- lurn her? i., Miimen it has been found, in the ma joriiy of eaes, lint tho guilty deeds hal l,..en ',-(.iiiiiittted not only with Kyilematic .uuniini, but also wilh a coolness and cruel- ty which have seldom boen Mlrfbuted to . .. lhe detective 'why so few women have llnstiine she ha-i learni 1 i been .-mvictrd nf crime. Man's natural tions, Most of them want to the monarchy, but they find no responsible statesman to lead them. Gladstone has al- ways paid the pmfonndest deference to the Queen as well as to the royal family gener- ally. The Prince of Wales, like his mother, shuns committing himself to sny t>u;v. U would not do for any one to atUck (ilad- stone or Salisbury in his presence. I'n- , his leanings are supposed to tend in the direction of Liiieralim. Once it was whi<iicred that he was i.i tavor of home rule iimler prop-r checks, but he has very few confidants in these matters. He has never given any one the right to s-y wlia: his opinions really are. Ono thirm certain t that all of our leading public men CUM Mir MI prating his sound common sense, n>x>'\ judg- ment and righl faaling. Gladstone indulges in iwuie lall lalk when out ol oIKce, but dc,Mn-l upon it ho is never going to lev I a revolution. He must keep up his influence over all sections of his party, but when it conies to carrying oul lh views of the ex- tra .lists he is not tin-re. He is a pretty goad Conservative as soon as he gsts into power, and even forwards ar wonderfully cf>led .lo-.i iiivt-r his influence. There U A*|uitn. the new HomeS.nt y, who was supposed y," ( y -HI 1 rrself," laoghuH , " - , ym pHhy for hoc ofum cam.-, him to over- "And lied week '. ' she is really coming heru . wiihuut meaning eon- trvliolion, whicb si the moment is far from *m t " replies his mollier, somewhat nnir.nurs Cyril, wraUly-lis him. f iin'ly. near home. Just fancy, in ihei, l eing<iiiy to a woman probably older than V i ' ' " Yes, 1 shouldn't womler," says Lady oode, nervously. " My ilenr. liil 1. ..o ,i:g in a hurry 'loll Colonel Trim , ., : , ;ut letting The nt." u<e, mother ! How can you lie so absurd ' lion'i V.MI tliink I may Kt.onsider- r,l p:.ioh>K.ii,-.t iliMgiuni; \\i.lo\\s at twenty ul'slnlk. 1 dare say he isafraid for hiniclf. Indee.l. the one no: weigh upon my con- , ook lmno| . Ul>t points against her. uld I consent to oblige | mn mfll il( lhl , profession who .r ceptible to a woman's plea. lliniu- 1'iat makes ..... .i:>.".i ulilig- finds beini; the only one of lhe llirce who amuse nt in Iho situation. ' Well, at sll ovcnU, sbo can't write to me, as we. shall IJ under tlic same root) ] I shsll ,1, ,,,. ths very fi,s'. e crvnt who bring, me ,u. Mow plewe.1 you do look. no wonder, a whole live ward. ; i, y Lucky you!" Il i. hsr-1 on you. niothei, says (.in. "Hut it .Mii'tbc helped \\hen I |.romised I msd i:ro her father would Lave live I for , wlMt w quite right, ssys .. if !uy w v, .v.>.'dinsl.ntlys.>y it, was I lie pursued. Tranl" Iw.kingal hi mother -" by bav ing her al The Collage as a tenant." "It looks very suspicions, her turned out of her last plmv," Cyril -I}", i an uncomfortable tone. " 1'e.ihape ' Here he pauses somewhat mysteriously. Perhaps whal? aiks his mo" by his manner. '' she is mad," If Ihere i not sus- I, in my ex cep , , perieuce of twenty-six years, have failed to find them. " Another thing : It i seldom CJDtid- i that xirl'Sic watched more cart-fully nously. I ,| mll | N ys, and are under greater restraint. Iher struck [ ^^j^cr'i, jt taken inU) account that older an awesome whimper. " An i v;*ii-.l luratic! ' I ..... lies upend more of their at home, ggestsCyril, in| wl| i|,. ,,{ O f their own He are on the a -iianiau I " 1 know no one who horde so much on treet 01 inin^liui; wilh p4isoni habiu ate nol always ot tho best. whose M.uiy Innacy as yourself," sa\ does it matter wltetli.-r n of the limitations to crime conve from lisi- twice to lv>liopierre. Windsor I aslle, He been and now goes "After all! complications in wlm-li women have , - our tcnanl ii Ultie or ,, .hare, as they spend moat of * around hurrying over the place like a tarn* cat. No doubt if wj hid a tyrant on th throne sll these penile-nan would rush sjtj and bei-oincMi many Cro:n*ells. ivit under tin- : '*' |* the uc of th;c:ii-nn:ij to let out anybody 1 * l.ioo.l- Tne:.-ai-e no longer any tyrants ^h places, though Ihere are a . many lo I* found if >."i look lower down. Seo how t'ew are the chaegse ,. V rn <o;itmplate.l. Instead of abolU tin. Mouse o! lx>rds liUdstons is rew*rd- n, j personal friends with psi ^\pt is not lo be evaciialed, anil c '-*X f he kcpMnider one pretext or auolh i;<,veiiim"i' will eml out a commission ,>;.;y i.ropsr .-oiir I" hav liecn in Her M "* "' , I ..tie a Udy . est MBS* at too - i int in thr kn.i'!e<lge if how utterly . .Me my poor brother is of taking care of lumseif." " It in only loo true," *ys Cyril, resign- e lly. " 1 feel suro if the widow ii ll hy yon ahe will reveugshereif by marrying im'. fluy'i ai yon are itrong, Iu merciful. " Afier all. thn.poor creature nmy he old, and we are frightening oursolvok j.'arily," says Laily I 'hclwj >;le, in all sincerity. Al this both tiny and Cyril lu'iili in spilo of themselves. "Are yen really afraid, mother V nsks Cyiil, fondly. "\Vhal a goose you nre slMMit your ' Iwiys !' Am we always ' rhildrrn in i VIM' Not tliat 1 wonder at yenr horror ol widowB. Kven the im- mortal Weller shared your sentimenu, and \vaini<d bis ' Stinivel ' against Idem. Nsvsr i.i-iid, imihfr ; oonnole yourself. 1 for one swear by all ilia' never to seek ,'ln.*.4i wi-liler' in marriage." nn .. . . fut, fair, and forty, or a lean old maid ? t lnr j r ume ,i home wilh thoir children and will oliiige Trant, ami il will keep the plaoe f oroft ] e cuninan.oim. Most liomicides, you together. Mother, tell me lo say yes. ' know, are the resultsof anger excited when i. 1 Lady Chetwoode gives the p erwni re away from their homes aud required permission A now lonant al The Collate and a young lady visitor, -a permanent visi'or! It only requires soms ono to leavo us a ' lamilies, as violent quarrels generally take place in the steel or bar room, and not in the parlor or sitting room. " Now as to tiiu craelty au.l Uelieeratton , iu the shape of a new-born babe, lo I Q f t ^ e ; e mals criminal. The history of crime jnakn up iho sum of our calamities, " aays (kow1l tn mosl of the munlers cosimitled ns he steps out of lhe lew French t W nmen are those perpetrated hy tlw vl w'nidow and dn'ps on to ill sward beneath. (i.i n r. OI:,TIM *t>.) Biimstratiou of poisun. Thsy show careful preparation and great deliberation. In al- most every imt.ine* treachery in employed, There re few uncraeked walls in Kasen. the viotim being inviled to partake of re- C'ermanv Th teeJng of the big n^M . f ragmen', supplied by one who is presumed , faoturcd by Krupp has shaken the ' to be a friend. Murder by the adiiinitstra- dumUtieiis of most of His houses, and lion of poison is considered 'l,o most foul ki-oi.. busy. and tho darkest of all the CTIDIM , b.t ,t ,s In iho Austrian army suicides average the one that women hve been add This does not include foil- more generally than men in all ages and 1 0,000 a year, nl al tempts, and il ropresenls VO per cent I renoral mtttality among lhe Aus- irian soldiers. . lunliies. ' Another very rental kahl ) fact," .>ntin n.,iiiiy o. its own. Wht does that mean ? that we shall stay where we ai e. 1 is lhe 'old story. Tie more you c!v\nge lhe more it is the sama thing. Offices and go to one side instead of lo t! other, but the essenlial principles rsnmin unchanged. Of Bourse, there is tho Irish JiQioulty. (lladslone thought it would keep for at least another year, and now we seldom hear it inecuionetl. Tke old man is King while Parliament i not sitting, and that give* him three months' brnthing time, dining which anything nsay happes>. M*MBF.R or I'IR. i \M * Thoie Antomtio A three-year old boy wa? givoa a penny one Sunday by his mother lo put isxo the offertory. When ths lx>x wa? hanoVl to him he dj-i.ppoil in IIM penny, and locking tip in IM. mother's facesuid amiibly . Muvvor, what do you tiuU will eome lied lh detective, " hss recently been men- ou t, tocolate or ca'lamelsl" \

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