THE fLESMERTO-N ADVANCE '" ^ s < * ft > t f ,. "fl OP OBJ. MITCHELL, FLMltaUtTON. A , -i . il hanking I) iin.-H transacted Dr*'n M}i<t and ch<MiiiN canhod at usual rat*-. f on.i> alwam vu.l>ln (or l.'Hitim.U: b . Ovru K iwo doon north of Richardson * Co'. Vicinity Chips. CtaarartrrlHticK of the Put Week Cwrwfelly fulled for the tintirtt <tmont} tix-itU will be 'ke rate of Kte per Im* for eark insertion. A reriWfam "-ill be made H etmtracU for 100 line* or'jovtr. OiHxl new milk cw wanted in ex- i for furniture. E. Harriiou. km niitU for tale at 'V. Bam- houii', boot and sho, -maker, Flesherton. A little dry cudar would be quit* accept- able aa payment on subscription at thii office. Our thank* are hereby tendered Mr. P. Muashaw fora fine piece of Muskoka Catting Box fur sale Kluery Will take wood in exchange. For particular! apply at thu office. We am - indebted to Dr Purdy, of Whatcom, Washington, fur copies of the Ilellini<h(ini Bay Express. Tea, Tea. Teat Ibs of excellent tea and 85 Ibs. f susr for two dollar* a M. Rkhirdaon &, C..'i. Mr. R. Pedlar hu told hit farm and pnrpoaet, once more to take up hu abode in town. He intend* opening out a hard- ware and |<r<>oerjr store in Whitten's block. ISM pain BwwW to Mleot from at Richardsoo * Co'*, all aixe* and at price* lower thui ever. -Good tolid long Stogaa at f 1.90. See ibfiu. The Chronicle say* there i*a probabil- ity that Mr. Tho*. Brown will be a can did.ite for tli mayoralty and Mr. R. Bull for the reeveehip of the town of Durham at the coming election. Mantlet* *nd Far Oereaata in great rartety at Kiuhardsun Jt Go's, a fine Stock of Ladie* Fur Sets, Collar*, Mutfi, Cap*, Boa* etc. Forty -eight prices front f 10.00 tu $100. ID ail $1,000.00, at* offered for Poem* on Eaterbrouk'* Steel Pan* Semi po*tal for Circular* for partioula n to 20 Jnho St., New York. hhcraad Irlt *>( -AD im men.w raniji' of every description of men i, women'*, and children'* ovenhoea, rub- ken, etc. at M. Richardson A Co'*. Parties baring doi(ik]n* can have them tanned slid manufactured into mitts, in tint class atyle, by a,>plyiaq to W Barn house, boot and shoemaker, Plsahsrtoo. *! on hand. The Advance ympa*hii> with ti.e Ke. T. Watson and his vatunable wife in the sad affliction which ha* overtaken them by the loss of their little daughter, aged fire yean, who died of diphtheria last week. The notice appear* elsewhere. The stualWt "cat buil" is lame enough to show that the Wood needs puriffiog Y warning which, :f unheeded, may result, not in more boil*, but in something v.iry much worae. Avert the danga. in time by the use of Ajrer's Ssrsaparilla. Cur- ed others, will cure you. We have received a sample copy of the Scottish Canadian, the ou'y Scotch paper published in Canada, from the proprie- teaw, Mesar*. Imrie A Graham, Toronto. The price i* osve dullar per annual, aud it is cheap. Many people sulfur for years from troublesome and repulsive sores, boil*, and erupt ions, without ever testing the marvellous curative properties of Ayer't Snraai unlla. The Qxptrimeot is, cer- tainly, worth trying. Be sure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla and no other. A subscriber to Tho Advance, in renew- i. m, says : "I must say that your spicy and newy little paper is a welcome vis- itor to our home. When Friday evening mail srrives, from wife to almost our ruimlleHt child, th* question i* asked, Did I'll. Advance come I " Tea t Oar Boo Japan Tea i* pronounced to be uncoupled. Tho demand for it is increasing every week. Try it and you will say ditto. To be, had only at M. ftichardasu A Co'*, The furnaces of WiwKertort public schiMil have) nxver yet bee* repair, il, not- withstanding the suffering endured by the children last winter. A* a conse- quence school had to be diimnaeJ fr the forenoon on Wednesday. I* anybody responsible for tl.ii *tate of aflairs J Overcoats vercoaU t U yo are in want of an Overcoat we invit** you tn inspect our itock. Our 13.95 cuat is a marvel. "Never saw better fur the money," is the verdict M. Richardson *Co. We will olub the Family Herald and Weekly Star, The Advance and the Star almanac, a book of 400 page*, with maps, and brimming over with information, all for the sum uf one dollar and eighty cents a remarkable offer. New sub- scriber* gt the balance of this year free. Suiting*! All Wool Tweed Suitings for ladies and gentlemen. We are no* shjwing an extensive range of these goods, see them and you will be con- vinced that what we are offering cannot be lurpaaaod in quality or price. M. Richardson A Co. Several noblemen in England are in the habit of giving special orders to mak- ore in Virginia, for their supply of smo- king tobacco. There n no doubt that by hat mean* they get the very be*t tobacco to be had, bat it costs them about 98 s pound. The workiugman of Canada are amokmg the very same quality of tobacco at 75 cents a pound, and it is known to them by the name of "Myrtle Navy." On Sunday last Superintendent Arm- strong of the Methodist Sunday School presented Miai E. A. Wauj(h, wbo wa* about leaving for Ueapeler, with a hand- some Bible on behalf of the school. Mis* Waugh haa been an indefatigable worker in the Sunday School and young pe*pUy* ociety, and her absence will be keenly felt in these branches of eh urch work. Mia* E. A. Wawfh, assistant in the postuffice for the past three years, has re- ligiied her position *nd accepted a similar dtuatioa in Heipeier. Her sitter, who has lately beau in Hespeler, will take her pueitioo here, makiug it a (air ex- change of situations. Mias Waugh left on Tuesday for her uew sbude, and her sisUr arrived here to enter upon her du- ties oo Monday. The editor ipent two of three days last week at OweuSuui'd and vicinity. About eight inches of *now fell up there on Fri- day and Saturday, while not more than two inches csine down in Flesherton, which goe* to show that FlecherUin is not yet quite the farthest settlement to- ward* the pule. The street* uf Owe* Sound are at present in a terrifiie condi- tion, owing to the mixture of mud and snow. It is a wonder that a town of such preteutiona does not make a move for better thoroughfares. Judge Morrison held an sdjourned Division Court iu Fleahertcn on Friday last to hear a number of oases brought by the Toronto General Trusts Co. again* deblon to the ratate of the late Mr. Will- iam*, of Maxwell. The cases were long and tedious and most of them were decided iu favor of the Trusts Company. The Judge complimented the book-keeping of the Lite Mr. Williams, laying the book* were kept aa veil * the books of 'any <iuutry ttorekeepar. This was quite contrary to the aUtttraenls which were circulated. One witness was brought all the way from Emerson, Man. The assault ease which was mentioned last week aetween James Bust and Win. Fawoett has resulted entirely iu Mr.Best'* favor. The counter charge brought by Fawcett wa* to hare been heard in Uun- dalk on Wednesday last but was sdjourn- ed until Saturday, when the charge against Mr. Best was, fortunately for Fawcett, dropped altogether. The laiter "paid the piper" on Monday to the extent of twentv-six dollar*, making Mr. Fswcett'* little exploaion a costly matter. He will probably not use his "4uk*'' so freely berenfter. Three more or less serious accidents have occurred of late on this line of rail- way, and in connection with these the Beetuii World say*: Nobody need be sur- 1'iiNfd that thin aocideut has occurred, * that many more nf a like character will probably ixnUiuio to occur ou this line. We have called attention to the condition of the old Grey and Bruce railway before, slid we have only to *ay that if *eriou* misadventure oucurres upon it, as the re- sult of rail spreading or other defective cause the company will have a gteat dttnl to answer for. The road is iu a terriMy dangerous date and should have been at- tended to before. The amount of mis- chief for which the ooraptlpy' x*(-!s re sqoiisibilttr casi tisitg^ fa>. detfanvined by the character of the locality where the rails are spread and the ditohipg occun. Anywhere bettieiiil ' Catfdwll Junction and the otty, tha state prnasuse upon the rails is almost continanus, aud it takes one almost all he cau do to keep hold of his seat. The company cannot say that they are ignorant of the condition of the road, for they have been advised of it be- fore, and it i* the subject of continued comment on the part of those whe are compelled to use the road. Any quantitity of soft elm stave timber wanted this winter, for which highest prices will be paid. 8. . . d , There was s township meeting of Pa- tron* in the Town Hall on Mouday, but the proceeding* were not for publication. They were a profound secret. We do not presume, however, that there was anything of a political nature about the meeting. It probably had more of a fi- nancial importance. The platform of the Patron*, we are afraid, i* liable to be for gotten in the glittering secondary scram- ble for cheap goods. This would be s catastrophe which should be guarded against. Mr. Kdward Harrison, Flesberton'* new furniture man, and family, arrived on Saturday to take up their permanent home with us. We beapeak a hearty welcome to Mr. and Mn. Harrison. The latter is, we understand, an artist of con- siderable merit in erayon and oil painting and may consent in- the future to take up cuusea iu those btanckea. With re- gard to Mr. Harrison'.* removal from Htnthroy, the Utrathroy Age publishes the following very excellent reoommen atioii : "Mr. Kdwani Harrison ha* lately n; moved tu Flesherton, where be has opened up with s complete outfit of furniture and undertakers' supplies. He has been in business in Strathmy for some tune and has ssrnnd a reputation for being hottest aod above board in all his dealings. Wa bespeak for Mr. Har- rison s fair bald frwetoe people of Klesli erton and vicinity, asiurod that with a fair start he will do well and take well with his custumen. AoHd suceees in the line uf ousiusaa piwipwity is the best wish with whibJs wu dm fav <r the new furniture store in Flasaerton. " Auction Sale- An auction sale of form stock snd im- plements witl be- held un Tuesday, Nov. 29, on lot 152 153, N. ,E. T. A 8. R., at 1 o'clock p.m. A* lot of valuable articles will be offered. ft. iiedhir, proprietor. K. J. Sproule, auctioneer. Boy Wanted. , There is a geod ofening BOW in this nrac for a boy, from 14 tu 19 yean old, who is not too clover. We want a boy who will malu h i msetf agreeable and take an interest in his business. Apply dur ing the next two works or not st all. i Station Item*., An occasional correspondent sends in the following item* from the Station : Mr. Tonge add res*|S\ ojiite a large, c/ui- gregation here last Sabbath forenoon. As usual, his sermon wa* most instructive and edifying. Owing to bad road* tho grain market here is quiet. That remind* me of your corietpoudent'a reference to the useful improvements that ars being made around here. Methiuks he should suggest the advisability of a more needful improve ineiit that of having a mling bui.t around the new road tu pi event accident* to benighted travelers. Mnssrn. Cook and Picket! have *hippv<! over 800 hog* from tlim station during the last five weeks. Success to the Patrons of Industry. It wss very uncharitable to lock doors ag*in*t such a persevering community. They should inform us who forbade them the use of the sell ><>! hou*e. We regret to hear thai our teacher i* leaving u*. Hope tho trustuua may find one as buthful aa she has proved herself to be. General News. In the sa>Ulf and cnrrim(i< cluasa* st the New York hn>a allow last wwk nine-tenths f tiw |>ri-a;imiet wen: Canadian broU n. . -. , A* Mr. J' D. E' rrfiiM-il to famish any evidniio?. t4tu i;<>\.il C>iumi>ftion. appointed to uiv*tii>nle, tHe againtt Sir A. V. C'unm. baa I j , At * iifeinitf t \\i 4"ia AsHociaAioJV at HoniesteHJ. fa , yeMer day af4<M-iii'ini. tha \zrv.<i, iitrike at Carnegie''* wi-rk H was officially struck off BOOTS & SHOES FOR THE FALL J To the people who want good Boots and Shoes and every- thing irt that line, try C L A Y T O Because his goods arewheao *iid good, and liaa received a lanic lot for fill wear of Bootg, Shoes, Hlippers and Rubbers. Also a lot of first class Men's Homemade Long Boots on hand. Custom work ur-'l repair- ing promptly attended to. t'l ^10!SI I -: It ' 1 X THE REASON WHY WE ADVERTISE IS THAT WE WISH TO LET THE PEOPLE know where they can get the best value for their mouey. Our took is care- fully and well selected, for we BUY only what gives the beat wear. A large stock of Rubber* and long BOOTS will be on band for fall aud waiter use We have a well assorted stock to piok FROM. Repairs and custom work attended to aa promptly M erer. If you wmat anything in the foot line call on JOS. SMITH. Carriage Making Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutter^ etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FLESH ERTON, OT. f * * * SALE OB TO LET. IM arras land wltbu- two mileaof Fleelierton, an escelloul water powur mill site at Little Kails upou tin. |ilof '. ft head al water ns> the wheel at present tieti(ht uf the fain Will Im i 'I.I la 1 block, or to* will ! by Itaalf, and tile laud In parcel! from OD aera upwards < lilt puroheaara. Tim Valley mail runs through Uui Thola ..nn'li of the plane. Tbls < a good oi>|K>rUiatty for fauillMi to saour* tonal! huuio- flti ils with ahunilant nuiiply of ipHid water. ToMia UlMral. Apply to WM. HOOQ. iri***MrtD HtalioB r O of v Business, GIVEN AWAY One Hundred and Forty-one Handsome Photograph! In One Grand PICTURE fllg undersigned bogs leavs to ao. quaint the iDbabitautso(Flfuerte and sarrouoiiiiiK nmintry thai bit has parebssed the Flour, !':.,! and i merv Storr, frum Richard 1'edlsr, wbertt he will I ountinoe to keep 011 baud a good supply ft ' Choice Floor, Ketd sud Lowss> Prices. Courtesy and Squire Dealing Hffl h the order uf the dar it llcndrrn**'* Slore. We hop* tbal the Old Cuatomniv will continue to patronize tin aud a nprinj|. hog ot uw ones. All the Consenrativt Humbert of Parliament 1892 > f - *i . raniiOT, tml Sir "Joh,, 18K Sir Joka ' of ihc HO - b t7*i*w vry PTUVIMG* ia la* IKxnuuou. iiMJuas; a total o4 141 pUr,d*d phob* (rutt*. f\mry .m perfect Ukeoaaa, T)u* gr*t pulur* ia a ravntductioa 67 Sravur* prooMa a*) aoppev plal* at the pr**nu>l tu Su Jute) Thunpwa hj th* I tin Mnnbei <tuha* Ae law leaana THE OR'GIISAL PICTURE COST ovsjsj aaosx d)uc thiik Gr*uul I'ui urc. Il it , i itttexl oo Mui\l pUt* papew it* i - ^i .(...I, ink*, nJ t* j '** 4 tncKeM by f*Mt 4 tHcksW Ul MM. mftaWH aiid pielur* ft>r Iramin,. A ky t'*m*j the **%ch n irniucr and < < v .> th i i^f */in, NO BXTItA ONAMQI t It evlll GIVEN FREE T *Jwy Weekly Empire PON TN* WUKLT BlMfU i* VMM Wkt, t,., !.,.., puhlimhed la raassa. i* p** of Uir-kt orw* at UMdar. TlaxUI 4aea ,u Aricilllura. Woouu*> Bm^r., ' CuriuMly Sh,. P . OU W..4J ~ .o Kvnu. c. Only Sent to any addr*** m C Bv*ry *uh*crlbr ill grt FV*Mnt. Sttui m your lour local XSMli : TMI WonuuW* Bmpira, Ow td Diaiy.llM lataalkfnr*. OM* lellsvr p,, rtan nada or ewU*iltM *****. . Egga Taken in Trade, Plewes' and Fords' Flour Alwatj* on Hand. Wm. Henderson. B4CM I'l.M. OF THE Myrtle ITavy IS MARKED T.&B. IN BKONZE LETTERS NONE OTHER GENUINE SOCIETIES- R OTAL TRMPLA*8 OF -Kagular (Vnutuil uwmtn ..v.rv 'I'nawJajr i> i UK in !i>r.>uln> hluck at p. la. no ilnuranc) minta ui nitlily. th* prnca.lluk thu 'itad n( o>vch i. JJitb ONB OP iKMI'i;u\M K ID.. ~~lorr mo.** In pr. ChrlnUx' Hall cvry WP* ni'.l uvenuujf at 8 'p.iy. Vijun* l>rtt>- KINi'K A.M : Jer . i>ry Vrtria* . ' r tlm full waou. A. H. \ udun, W, J S^roul?, Sojrelaf T.