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Flesherton Advance, 24 Nov 1892, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTOX 'A P -V A,N C E 2 A ur sdar raoH nu St.. . H. *h n on. Out . Trm of Subscnption : pa* atrkuTii wtirn paid atrlctly In Advace lJ*|wrB num when not ao paid ar. 50 ; half ool , year, SS7 er "I . one year, SIA. reSMft r st*.--uenieDt cbaJfsdat the rat a* tunMff*?*'- .',.r flr.t insertion and I ceute tiff. rtifclaqucnt H- II I III KM OY -, B tditor and Proprleto i, write* in (piwral wy ou fruit Mr. J. D. btewari ii<\-r* >niu ititermitihg Mulecuii tte nurl thrub* fr tli>- litwii, ami Mr. R. K. ll.'lti nuitii mi ou " Tho in.i inii'p.Tfil hivo l.-r In wMitiixi !> dim, many utlmr I I uf ill a brief way. Si n, I (M L. \\ ...| (iriiniliy. nit; 10 uvnU i"r Mkuiple o(>y. I *lattors have not, as yet. n-ceived a vary -great amount of atten- tion in ArffWwiiship, but ')i<"t- an rumors an*);.*.,' if these rumor* prove to sVHWj'vvliere near correct we will haveia'tffsUy lively election next January, "* M o re im been nothing ckfiint* rf r-i'i:>iowu, however, bet wo feel <}uitfe.ii .n saying tliat the pn-n- fiit comiWK.' n will seek re-election. Further we will not hazard an opinion until something inort- definite it koown. We will say, though, that we helieve the gutitlemon composing the board bave served the township faithfully and to tba best of their abil- ity. There may be a few cases where all could not Me eye to eye with them, bat taken altogether we believe the ".w r'shij) was never better served. & complete list of representatives 111 the Congress just elected oo tbe other ride, made up from returns re- ceived by the Democratic National Committee ami compared with those received by the Clerk of the House, aliow that the DemoeraU have elected i55 members, the Republicans 126 and the Peoplista 7, giving the Demo- crats a majority of 90. w V? .J otknowo '"r preparation lh has Caught the public favor I BSD abort a time aa Hold ; Kidney Pill., but when we ci.o.Mr, that ttreo fomnhs of the Canadian people are afflict .1 with kidney ^ troubles in aouie form or other, and that Itodd'a I'llta are a uulck and ueruia- currfnr all ttiea.. Uriulil,.., the large and ell dealera or by oiall ou 525 < cts. per boa. Dr. L. A. Hiuith A Co./fo- It jnyi. t.. read the loatl |t>er. It contain! iiiauy important ti"tioe that the | MI MIC gviiuritlly nre- intortnlvd in. ianlf fnmi the new* onluniii* there U ]. *M< matter uf intre*t au.l iiiN>rUiicu in id.- H.lviTtminir eolunnm. A man M- ; ynii may be a creditor ; the legal of the >HII;III-I< i.-ll yu when to put in y.nir clmui. A note i l<wt ; it is arjvertiatxl iii your pitper ; when it turns up in the I'Hii.i.H of the wroiiK hukiur you re tnvt-d from lieympr it by the warning. Tlieiv in aonifdiinu you want to buy , a iii.Trliaiii's advertivment tulU you wlier to i;>-i it ; liinl the chain of tuefuln>M c.iiitiiiu<* link by link. It a medium of communication it ia valuable and conven- ient alike to thoae who Intvo omnium, inenti to make and thuoe who *re interciled in hvannq tin- in, HI id it ii,above II, ch*fi. Don't be without the local |ia|-r. It may save yuu iU price ovi-r and uvr. There ar. tnor.- caaee of nioktieee and death from 'li"n ! kldneya than from all other die- ea^ei. . i. '..i. i n. .1 It i your uwu fault If you al- low yuur kt'liu-va to rtiiuain in - au unhealthy .-'ii'lit inii when tl. cure i> at band. Uodd a kidney I'llN areguarantetMl to core tbe worat eaae It cxiete but little to xlvo then a trial. The? aru for aale by all driiKglata aa.i dealer*, or by mall oo rroaipt of AO eta. or all boaea for M.M. Write for aale called Kidney Talk. The Markets. t arr cull > rr < f, d Caek Week. old by tries, SO > lit ' A Qowry. th* Mtor of Tk, 8im. There ii something re- Harding the workings of our Council that I cannot undcrjtand. and would like tobavo explained by some of the 4 3 W to S a SO M to 16 M to U 40 Vo 40 MM tl U to U IT to IT IS to It ao to so ._ 6 90 to 5 K e oo to s os HKt'ee.T. S 00 to 4 Hh<pklaw.. - 60 to 1 00 <;,.. ...- S to Turkeya S to rhlekeni per pair V to Uucka pr|i4r_ 40 to M Wool .__ IS to IS Pleeir v .l' Wheat,..-- Bprii* Wheat. Harley OaM Peaa Hatter .... Kara, frwm !-- ' < Pork Hav per ton... pOARS FOR SERVICE. Tlie nnderalftned ha for lervloe oa) lot (B, eon, T a well hrnd lierthlrw b>r , alM> a w.-ll 1>rrd Torkablre, white. Tia : SI UO.eaeh , *1*1 If booked. no171t JUH. KKN Wll k. pIGS FOR SALE. One well tred Berkahlre hour, fit for aervlea, lao WMIII. yr>nrn? aiiwa for brewllng porjKHe. men composing the Council. A WM P*SH, ,l in open Counsil in s) moved by T. Kelts n d gee- uuded bj D. McMilJan, Uiat this will not pay anv more on a obM by 8. fofcr to one Taylor. Tliis item. I under- 'au,l. they Lave i n0 s paid without resci the motion referred to B OAR FOE SERVICE . .._ re White boar for service on lot 1U- 141. W. T H. R. Terms, one dollar, payable at time of aervioe. neaherton , MOT. I J. A. Lever, proprietor. bill, ftm ..I.' >l,y did they not pay it n the c? And if it was not right. -vital all, witb this motion I h. V\ l I..I... i-'ii.a. Wl VMill /.... Tb oil 1 I lie HJD-PATTON - By tbe lev A W i be IWI, (net., at the Metnudlu car -hertori. Kdw.rd W.llJToS.o >n. a Ma,,, i f atton. of I>rou.n Station^ W. , 'II, "I K. IUUUI - Jaue White Ml i yean. al will leere Wiebouae at M o'clock . to-day for Fleehtrton cemetery will be ptMush^ t tlie the Tl. t'l til' Mil I. '" 111. lent "til,* uf ,,, Jr readers u called t iniiir.'\ ,-mmits in lha Canadi- iltiiriat. The Nov. number is ii>taining '"rty pa/ea of sioel- - matter, giving the latest in- itli repaid to fruit, flowers, mid lawn. The oolored plats i-er shows the Prinoeo/ Waist nparatirely new variety, lately ( in Ht UritHin Mr. D; NMSO .taraqui, gives a flns sketch u I lii.i-l,, r, ons of ouruaeful "Is The editor gives some (iract .rination utidur "Hints for Novi and Mr. Juhn Craig, ,,f the < nt! '.xpatisjsnUI Farm, writes notet ' '>".' tedthi-re. Mr. L. Foots, of 'l.t ; in i| lum Ay er's Hair Vigor Prepares by Or J.C. Aiwfc fcM 9 Ui^c.ia a E JUDICIATSXLE Valuable Farm Pro of .rr>. Ike In the High Ooart of Justice, Chau- cory Lhvlaion, re Saigeon, Saigeon VB Sbigeon.' I'll i Mian t to till) juilKHiKlit (or fwrtition nr ! Ill tliu l."u uieutiouod aoll.*, b.rlml dat* tli 1 'Hi dy fit January, A.D , MM. IM.I tin- or- der lor aale made Is aald action, thorn will be eold by Public Auction, with tlm approbation of Alfred Kiuat. KMiuIro, Iwcal Manter of thl Court t Owen Hound, by A. S Van.luaeii.Kixjuini. Auctioneer, at MunahaWe fcotel, III tbe village c.l Kleaherton, lu tbeCourity ul Orey, ua Tuea lay, the i'i ii in, i.f November. A.U. 1W. a oue o'clock iu the afturuooa, tile following laade ami |'l. iin- namN . All an. I aluftillar that ctjr tain parent ur tract of lan.1 and prtiuileee, alt- uata, lying and being In tlm Tuwuttalp of Oaiirey, iu tlie County of Orey. and being coin IMUW.I of the wont part of lot uuinbvr twIve In tlm Bllth otflicvMlou of tlm ai'l Townablp of <il'i.'>. and routalulng by admeasurement fifty acroa, bu tbe eame uior or leas. The Mid IIII-IIIIMH are altuate immediately axijoiuiiiK thi> ai<l villan of Muwell.aiid about uiueuiilB friiiu the village of 1 l herton. About thirty nve acrea of aaid laade are cUartxl, and tlm remainder fairly timbered with lulled hardwood. Tbe (oil of the laud cleared la a cUy loam. Tlm "aid |>rwiae> will be aold eubjeot to the dower of AKIIU* Sei*ou tbereia. anil >ubject to reserve M<l, *ie<l by said Loeal Master. Hbould tlm pure.'iaeer luake any objection to tho tnii wliiun the la unable or unwill log to remove, the Vendor aball be at liberty to renclri'l the rntract and return th depoait monry without lutereet, ooala or further cow- utilisation Th vendor ahall not be bouod to produce ai'V abstract uther Chan tlm relatrar's ab atract, uor any dweda, documents or muniment* of till" other tlwu Ihuae In bla wieeeailon. Thi- further conditions * al<t eaie are tin- standing coudUiuun of tbla Couit, TKKMS Ti'ii per cent of the purehaa* uiouey to IM paid to the Vendor or hit solicitor* at tin' tiiim of the aale and the balance to be paid iutu Court to the erwlUul Uiee ceuee with In thirty daya thereafter, without Intcreet. For further particular*- "apply to Men \Vi milt * Madaay, Havrrlatera, Uwen Hound . I H Lucea, Kaq , Harrlaier. Markdale ; Meearr Mclntyre* Ubeut, Barrufcin. JCreeiuorf , ami Mmir>. frca-'.r * rniiitli. Harviatera, Oweo Hound. Dated the th day of October. AD. 1HUS. . Al.r HKl> FKOHT, Local Master at Owen Houud. WHIOHT A LINDSAY, Veudor'a Solicitors. .*: AUCTIOITSALB or Valuable TimturaDdFariniBjLaB-s, - IM TH -rrr . . . MM, N Ml IP 9W rn.liT and by tl rlue df tn* foer^r of tU In a cnrtalu umrtuiuit' from JamMl arnocl<a to the \ KOdiira, wlilcn wiH be proSBi*!"! XM'tftae el aale. and on default Uwlnf. <^> i in U |>ay- uieut of the worieya thereb>'"ee<'ured. there will lh".H.-nl fur iue'i>r KiWfc 4'"'ti"n..y . ! \ mi'liiM ii. Auctioneer, at Slel.--n uotl, In ti..- rllla* of I 1 '"'- * rilkMa*)! 1 *** Tiuu*ay. the Jill i !v uf Noveuiuer. U>K,.atlu e^ . the followniK l'r..|>eii .. naruM l."t uilbibera M. a.V -IN, :U and 40. Iu me third, eonceanlon auuth of the Durham Iloa4. In the Toarneblp of Art - uiMia, coutalniaK tufliMmmnn arree nn.rf or leee. T*H'liiti<iii>'ia>llnhe*i'f 'fllnnt tlmter tlmrMB. aild n III prolllUlty to 1'rotOU HiaU'j4uti (' I' H Aflratolaaa frame bhrn, al tllBet now, la nald tu be OB tlivju eiulaa. TKHMH : 10 pur cent, at iu'i'm "f ale, and for balance Mrma wtil b* liberal) iu.l will be made known at time of ^ale. _, . For I jither particulara apply to MM II. BlU*IU * HlNnBBIION. Or 1 1 KI-|II 1 1 'i'. MUM. hikit K Fatkca, \ eudor i^allalAora, Torualo. Dated 7tl. day of Nov.. 1HM. ' ' To Preserve Tha rkhneas, color, and beauty of th* amir, the greate** care is necessary, much harm being: done by the use of worthless dressings. To b sure of bavins; a first-class article, ask your druggist or perfumer for Ayw'i Hair Vigor. It is absolutely superior to any othrr preparation of tha kind. It restores tha ong mal color and fullness to hair which has become thin, faded, or gray. It keeps the scalp cool, mo'st, and free from dandruff. It heals itching- humors, prevents baldneaa, and imparts 10 THE HAIR a silken texture and lasting frayrar.e. No toilet caa be considered complete without this most popular and eleg-ant of all hatr-dressms;B. "My h.iir besran turning gray and falling out when I was about i j years ot are. I have lately been using Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it is causing a new growth of hair of the natural rnlor." ft. J. Lcrwry, Jonas Prairie, Texas. "Over a year ago I had a severe fever, and when I recoverrd, my hair began to fall out. and what little remain- ed turned gray. I trie4 various remedies, but without success, till at last I began to USE Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidly and is restored tn its original color.' Mrs. Annie Collins, Dighton, Mass. " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly five years, and my hair is moist, glossy, and in an excellent state of preservation. 1 am forty years old, and havs ridden the plains for twenty-five wears." - Wm. Henry Ott, aliai " Mus- BiU," Newcastle, Wyo. AUCTIOiN SALE - or' A - Valuable Improved Farm, IM HI R * TOWN HH IP OP AKTRMKSIA 100 ACHES. * There will be offend lor aale by Public Auc A B. Vandueeo. Kwj . Hbetioueer, at Hwtel, -OH - Uow Goods Arriving Daily at Hill's. Varied'qualitics and quantities of seasonable good* have been opened up, and the price is bound to sell them. Tweeds, and other dress goods,! \*eegl Suicings, Panting', Keady-made Suits and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Youths ; Boots j Show and Rubbers lor Men, Women and Chil- dren ; Crockery, Sets dishes in stoneware and china, Off ceries, Tea, Coffees, Sugars.Syrups, Can- ned goods, Cheese, Biscuits, Lard, Bacon, Cod fish, Coal oil, a quantity of Hardware and Tinware, Tea Kettles, Steamers, Boilers, etc. Any quantity of But- ter and Eggs taken in exchange. No trouble to show goods. Come in and get my prioiaV T. 1}ILL - - Eleshertori, Good News TO MAMY I desire to call the attention ft the public to the fact that I havu opened A General Repair Shop *1 BEAK THK ABOVE ACROSTIC properly and the initial* will iafona Tua aj to the kind of job work which Tbe Advance turn oat. i i.-t yout Hair BiJIv BUI Note Letter Hr.iK i'lrrlara. Krrrlpta, l.i. n Or anything in the Printing line , T , A t I he nff . OfflCe In connection with the Woollen Mill, and am prepared to do all kinds of Iron and Wood TurDinff' Patterns made, and castings got csjf short notice. I have not apace t> mention in detail the variety of w4 I can do, but anything ymi have > iron or wood that require* mendirsl bring it to the Fleshertou repair ihoj where yon may depend on your work done ncat'y and su tiall/. Having emery suitable for A large ftoek of ilationery <>ii hand wk'oh * will print anl Inrniah about ae cheaply aa yon ran bo; it plain eliewhere. I will make that s) specialty for a weeks. Charges low, bat -.on strictly cash. Toon truly, W.H.FLBSHEB ' : .Furniture, .Puniiture I II A riHO pursued (A< Htine* >/ Mr Ifcffen I u>Ul offtr ipttial fr,jry.utM a> all oU aivl new tuttomert, at* an JIawiny eqptrieuce, ruptt<j and etteryy, (A**c r at tommand of mg nutvmer*. STOCK ItfCKKASKD AT OSGB IN KVERY LTSE. UfTltKRT i K IM A NO SMBA LXIfttt llaniuf A'i>< u Ifirgt <md varied tzptrimc* in (Au lint I fetl anifldent (Au< evcrytAtnf intnuted to my car* \f>Ul be Jntir to tke entire tatinfactiim of all interfiled. Ltryt ittxk of Undertaking urtettariet. Pint dan tdult I'ntrte, and fur cAtllren I AaSB lecnred a handtome wMt kearn. FhlCKi LOW. E. HARRISON, Flesherten. Notice to the Public \ At 'J i' in . the following valuable farm, namely : L0Si1a7n.Oea.liN. 1>. Koad. Artenir-ia. enn- tafiig IOC .. r. - more or leaa. On the lann am -i.i to l.o a frame l.i u and frauia dwniiin,. giMNl orchard, well watere<l, T."> ao ea cluarud. well IMIIM-. I '.'! >tat ' of isiiltlvatliiii.ciiiiveiilont ttiacln 'i church and market auil.eltuated In a a Srtt fai uiing dlatilct TI.HMM Ten |wr cent, at tlm of aale aod fcr the balance terma will b.. liberal aaV will be uiade known al time ' >>ale. Far further uartleula latiply to 1IKI.I.A11Y* HBNDKRHON. , r to rii'l"Tt"ll Maaaaa Muee, Haawira A I i,-., Toronto Dated Iftth Nov. i ' FOR BALE. At a Ixitl.con. 4, Kupbraaia, oontaiiiliiK 148 aorea, 1*1 sera* cleared. H|ili did frame barn l.ivii. with .table under Or.-hard, BI<K| water, log hi>ue frame kitchen mvji About BO aerea ultahlH for reaper. Will be sold liniiie.llntely at a tsrrince Any iioraon daslrlnj a K.MII! plc ahnuld luvastlgste Write to JOrfN MARtIN INARMS FOR SALE, II K 1. 1. 4 HI A HENDERSON. Co.. I - ja, Every .*, Ill TOWMIUIU' OK ARTUMB8IA. 1 1.1. 1 Kant. If ullei f rotn Fleaher ttni .. . lOSaorea, jood butlolas*. 71,7:1.11 N n. K., laBaerea Improved K. pt. .n, Tth cou.,S4 aeree, otaeb lot. OHPKET. 15. IS, 9 H IV. R. 100 aorea. lpreved. Ho building. l,lUlh foo, The Heshtrton Milling Com- pany having purchased the rol- ler flour and saw-mills t lately owned by W . A'. Flesher, are now making all necessary re- pairs to put them tn thorough condition for turning out first class work,andjor that fiurjwse were tblteed to close th', mills for a. time. They are now open and are under the mnnagement of Mr.J. W . Ford, a first class miller of long ex- perience, who respectfully solicits the public patronage in those lines. Highest cash price paid for wkeat that the market will afford, and custom sawing done as usual. Chopping done every Wednesday and Saturday. TIE FIKHEHTOI IBUH CO, Wanted. ( TELEGRAPH \ POLES. WANTED. Teachrr. liol.lniK third olaea certlSoate, Ter Union Hvhool Het'tiou No I. Artniiiunia and Ku- pliratia, dutlua to oomimiuoe llmi January neit Ai'iilv to Triiftuva, 01 uniiiiiiiinlcaii. with JAK. HTkiWAUT. Bee, ,,. . . .MI KIII.I.I.I i... K a From 2& to 65 feet. II )>rice paid. CASH ON DEUY'-.KY At Flesherton Station. 1 ; - irticu lars see Juo. H. Egan < uant btatiou. J. D. To The Public. Havtoif rented Whitten's blacksmith ehop for a term of years. I am now in a poeltiou to caterto all wants lu my Hue. liog i Specially, VH i-l;4-t ion t-miranl, <l /tne cull on uiy in the F. A. BUNT, Ol>|K>alte Ki.-har.lHt.iii a Hardware stor Flesberton Meat Market Christie's Block J. O. ADAMS, . - Propri AU kii'ih <( ftiJi meat coKttaufly Fi.ih in iieuaun. llttt u your I It hapfty. SALE. I.aras atoio and duelling, at Fleaherton Sta- tion, foi aalu IM to let ; in oue parcel or uau be ii'u> H simp, and S set* dwelling riKiuiA, or ir tilher manner aa may* h.* agreed aultalilu fur btore, tailor, dressmaker aud uilllluvr. AI i'iy to W. in 'in - '' a.-i.tstt FleahortOD Station 1*. ,

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