AGRICULTURAL. lp rftnn Morti&s*9 A good deal nf cheap u it is often displayed by speaking of mortgages as a farn-. crop, the ease with which the crop can be grown, etc. Whether .1 morlgagu should Iw con- sidered derogatory lo afarm depends wholly upon Ihe purpose lor which u is incurred. To purchase a farm an-1 nive a mortgage tor some inp.t.d |>oriion of the. purchase money is whoWy honorable and haniiieas-like. If this were not doim many young farmers ' f ru j t i,, u ueii aiomid the chiiroh, he will w.mld never be able to make a start fur ~ themaesve*. To mortgage a farm for the purpoae'of putting on substantial improve- ments, such as goo.i bai'iis, nnderdraiuage, etc., which Will help it lo have a larger there is strict payment to be made to nature. ^~ London Stone- In (lie intilnt of tlie olil city of Lon.Ton, where the heiirl of human lift* l>eaU fastest, stands tin- i-hiir.-li of St. Swithin's, an old edi- li'-i- rebuilt !>y Wren upon its ancient foundations, kill re.-ejiily reduced by mod* ern taste in u mow uoinmunplane air of com- fort ami iii-wiH""* If the uuriuux traveller will step out of the panning throng, aud edge hi. way through til hui:kters of flowers and stale mi i t\ tintN i.vvt. u*rrlrli.l|r- Animal tresriril find Imbedded ;.i the bluish slabs of its foniniaiion, a large oblon|{ stone M gray JH the board of Time .-.imseli. Tins is London it out, erected by the U'.m.ins halt' a century before the birth of earninf fiower, i* also ipnt-e right; b'lt | tne Saviour us the Central mil.".t.,nfl or mortages incurred lor the purpose of meet ' j mlllt , t h,.,,. | W)Mc ai OI iB in Kritam. Krom ;ng current expenses upon a farm that in ,t all rods, divisions of property ami dis- not sell supporting is the greatest in the itorM. < ' it down tint expenses until they are within the income, or it is only a question of lime when the mortgage will ab- sorb tho farm. Helps iu Fruit- Raising. Cutout the dead liit.ii-i of trees and tho old canei from the t mail fruits a* soon as tho leaves have fallen : clean up thu ground and rake away and burn all thu debris : lie up the raspberries and blackberries' to ijood strong slake*, manure tUr ground heavily and givn tiie'ii a good cultivating. All this will relieve you from work when the spring rush comes, and tl.e frail will b the better off for havibg it done now. Have the mulch ready for 'he strawberries, but do not put it on until the ground freilet. No harm will be done it the mui'-li consists ul coanu i-.iaimi -. c.irrymj i liberal .|u.iutity of fertiliser. The snows ..-id rains oi winter will convert it into available plant food and place ii wlu'rc it 'ill do the most good. All wood that is more man two years old should he cut out from the currants and gooseberries. They will pro- duct; more food, even if the vines .ire not <o large. floldia? Wheat. As a rule, wheat is sold more freely prioas are low than when tli.-j are high. That is shown in tJie compuralire records of seasons of high prices and masons ot low prices, in-fore lius year and last, as well as in these yeais. Before the large crop of 188 2 there was a small yield and bed lar^e crop of IS.S4 there WM tlie small crop of I is}. The Krge crop of I SS'.I was pi e- ceded by the small yield of IHSS ami the rt;cr yield of last year was preceded l>y the ot Isss than 00^000,000 bo. In- Utuct-o th'ic.glioiit thu province were measur- ed H lias been rteogni/.ed as the hmirl of Kiiglund. tr UN winch all its arteries Mowed, "by ovary historian .dramatist or antiiinary known to Kglih literature. " A feeling baa always existed among Kn; lishincii about i Ins sloiic which was not al tiler Mpendttua that, as all distanceH wi-re re ki.n. d lioin it, so U wu* in a cer- tain way the base of tiie stability of Kug- land. It appeals to a foreigner in a less practi- cal way, reminding him that in tin own and every other man's lite theru is a The CaiMwlian lynx ID a felini- that invites our .-oiinMleration. He IH lui anhiiikt ot n- markable ami varied accomplishment*, but 1 withal of a most disagreeable character. Id- isa ,-plondid awiinmiT incl a ihunitiKh -porisiiiiin, and is provided with feet that enable him to travel with ease over tin. now. H differs frcm the American lynx in being larger, Imvmii grayer and longer hair, in ituint; inoru uuur^t-tic ami in pus- sesing Uiose large feel which serve- him fur sjMwtboesii Tim lynx, win. Ii was formerly 11111111011 iu Maine and other Northeaktorn parta of the 1 . -.. but is now couliiii-d tu the re- iiinii-r regiocs of ( anada, is about three li-i't in IfiiL'th. His fur is long and Hoft and of a line gray color above, with long Imirs lipped with lilai'i. .ili'in; tin- spine. On hi* bloinach tin- fur is white, with black spots, a short time in s.immers thin fur i* u niKty lirown. His head il large umi round, suggesting thai of a wel grown mid vicious tomcat. Hid i-urs and tail, however, distiiiguiMi him very clearly from the haunleaH, necessary one. Tiie earn are lone '"' tufied. mil tlx- tail is ebon ftiul also tufted. This should give a good idea uf the appcarnuci- ot the lynx to those who nave never had the honor of In m. The hunters say that tlioy would much r. n her t&ckle in ordinary black bear than a N4f II f ill t:v Rl un Ii AUTR . i . . u. ..n,.,i- Madr i .i i ni a l'uuu( A lioise, Idaho, despatch ay : Jut nnr month ago to-nay Mui I'lia, the only daughter ul lion i.. N. Ninth, and a reign- ing belle ul HOIM- society, was wedded to Ivhvurd Miiviianl, a vomig merchant <rt this ii y. Tim nuptials wvrv vleiiratvd in grand M uiuri'iage u. .nuny lieing pertoi m* ed by Hon. Norman H. Willuy, iiorernor The only tie>h-wal* lull iu tin Isluuda is the eel. About a quarter of the people in Vans !iv in apar* went*. London bos pauprrx enough to (ill all the houses in Brighton. In the Australian Coloay of Victoria eel by Hkm. .Norman II. Willoy, Governor ol Idaho, in ihe pre.rn.-e ,,. a large and fash- "" ik " !(t ' 1 *- 8 llon - ionable aasemblage. On \VcduexUay after iiix'ii Mrs. Maynard suddenly died. Very lew perkon* knew that the young and beau- tiful bride (she was only IS) had been ill, and the sad lidingBof her death wan a great shock to every-one. Tlie "octor who at- tended hrr iliinng IKT brief illness said that .i. ute typhoid fever was the cause of bur The moon in on the average 238,018 miles distant iram the or T ij. During tlie Crimean war of ItiM-.n. 7>.V 000 men were slam. Hentctly white cat, if they have Mus eyee, are nearly all deaf. In France there are now in existence l.s-j-j unexpected deiiiiw. and a pet mil for ihe 1 - >i '-"- ''iulisi, with 'JTT, lf>."> memtiers. interment ol the body was granted. Young' The general harveet throughout Ireland Mr. .Vlavnanl d"Mred that the fun. r d point from which every distance, every a I lynx. When cornered he is absolutely tear- is me. .allied by hiin- lens and tight* to the lust gasp, which is a very proper thing to do. He has a custom vance or fallinff oil', Thin man makes his home and family the | v>f sin trlmm liimself aloni; the branch of a i'ii Me o: all hi* pleas, work or hope* : that | trt-e and waiting for prey to pass under- one, his country ; others erect an ambition nestli. In thu way hasometuni > n. 'luuters or a passion for the keyHtoite ol hie. { man without havini; had any iiiicuiion of This middle stoui- <' ..iir .-\iau-ii.-n may | doing so. Then line is iinpluaiiaiitness. be a very small affair. A man who looms \\'lien the lyiu become* angry his eye turns large in tnc world'.' eye has r.urliapn taken ! from its ordinary yellow tn a pale: silver, a certain amount of uoliars n: bunk, sat the i ami he Starrs straight at Ins enemy with point to which every road : hi" !)? t"nil. <''li i steuiimess an to shake the courage of A woman may take her tidy kitchen, or, I many men .ind beasts. Often Im frignu-ns more pitiable still, lir wurdrobe at tiie bin .'IM- into Mibmiseion by a screech, his vocal centre by wii. -h to me mire her own life ' organ brini; far more powerful and penetrat- an.l tiui <.i o>hr wonv . i"i; th-ui that 01 the large- 1 domcwtic cat. (>ui- neighbor^ iny KUCSS .u in ihougin, N oimg dn-r,, grouse mil a great oi r-itiire. or Jiing w.iieh we havu -naile i variety of widl animals a:* eaten by him. 'h iiie.siiriunstoii.- lives; but we, -A Itlimigh au excellent rnnnar hi .'ommonly each of us, knew iu Amla thlieoiour4 fosorts to stratagem to catch his dioDer, He life after death will justly ! nlsi-d or ti.ivels in parties and has l>een known to lowered to its levi : .'.ouiil n not !.e * : s <: in swim for miles through lake*. ue to teli oiirselvt-!) andidly what it what ia iu lu-i B i.: and value T in- -iKi i.'.ti Miiuorn f. rnr Belt t I.I fr r r num. Ol the daily life of the three eldest penal Ceiinan I'm, .<, t!m BurUn eorre- 1 sleod. this year, of a large crop following a "pondent of UlS Oa . YrstH wrttea: Tiie small one as in all other seasons it is a big - yield succeeding a big yield. There ia '""I' 1 )' "d .tn, -iy brougul .i|. enough in that to makeall tho dirlerence that ' U y- 8UII " llor '' 1 " i *m<r, they get exiatsin pricea, now and ' tiie end >! the, 1 * 1 '" tn8 Ulorumg, season from the small yield tw.. years ago. | a '.i M^w l " > noi ik.-w.n v*en. hut Oe)l> tnrr a BaMIr that Hverr| frle.l Him One day I realized, write* a former victim .-I theopuuu kabit, 'haiiuy word waa no longer a symbol of truth, aud the moral nature T had not . |.iite .11 owned leaped up in tl.e dark .'ind called inn "liar'' 1 to my face. Then I awoke, and :'oi many ; day I Then als oainc t lie resolve, come what may, to lie done wit Ii tins damnable tyranny. A: ii o >ck that evening I took a hearty meal of meat 'principally) and a little (very little/ rod wine. It ill. I Mis. I had iteturiiuiied to d- should take plaee upon the following day. The father and motiier uf Ihe dead bride were surprised at the unseemly bar'- in In ted by the liu* liund of a month, but not wishiug to dispute with him over the la im-ntahle maltri llley MO strenuous objection to un early fuiii'ral. On XVednes- day evening tho oorp-e was prcpired for burial by Undertaker iloorge (ilovur, who remarked that tbe remains retained the warmth and nl<,r of lile with greater tenacity than any dead body he hail .-MT attendee , but was anaured that the pli\si. ciau had proiiiiunci-il the ',"rl lifeJvss, .ind be said no more. On Wednessday night the wicheni l*tide the gloomy bier saw, or fancied they aaw a movement of oiieol tlie anna oi the sii|i|,.is<-il corpsi-, ind when they placed their hand* upon her brc8t. jn>t over bur heart, they found the is declare 1 to be muoh above tbe average. At the Royal Mint at Stock holm a woman ban for yeara been the engraver of medals. Ill-duo nig theirhells anil juicea, one quart or '21b. of oysters yield 25 to .".I ounces ol flesh. The total yield l wine in Spain in IH91 11 eatiinated at a little over 4O,OU<i,UUO gal> Ions. For over nine hundred yeara Nnroinbrg, Bavaria, has made most of the toys use. throughout the itorlil. Dm mi; the present year nearly twenty- tliree million oyntere have already been coo- suined in Kngland aiiU NValee. V.-mly^l darns and patchss iiave been discovered in tlie cloths uwil in twaUi- mg wme of tlie Ki;yptian miiinmies. Australia is diligently cultivating her butter trade. Itetwi-en J.OUO aiid .'1,000 those start line facia before tin- parents) of the silent bride, and '.hey, terribly per In _ _ The total number destroyed by humanity turbeVland almost prostrated with grief '.. i ' "ury '" it* incessant piluica!. anxiety, came lo the houae and demanded religions, or international wars is at least that the luiurmmil 1> postponed until this 4t,MKi,(KKi. .i:t.-i:ii.oii. The physician who hail prn- i A larger propurtiuii of chil lieu survive nounced the woman dead was again railed thnirtir't year nf existence in Dublin than in, bin he iusmlud that life had tlown. .u tin 'w my eight large towns ot Ku^and Twentv-four hours after ihe surgeon s last .ui.i Wales. visit tho body was still warm, and not a In IS4I ihedennty of thr population of the muscle wa rigid. The joints of the limbs fulled ruiigtloin vr IH 'nouerate '^i persona and lingers were supple and the lobes of the |>er acre but in ls!H there wore jo.~> per- eara were pink. Deepite those many signs aona per acre, of life, tb, 'bony oi the young was A pyrwnul of four hundred pianoa. oon- phrad in u jOskPt. and this .ifteri u. alter ',,.,.,,. | liy e |ctriiy, aud performed iaing f;menl.-<-romom<-< at St. Michael v ,, i, v ,, woman, will be one of th. im|. prin<es, as is generally known, are very Kvery '.;p al ami have _ cuusisling of tea and While ihe "irculars to'hoanl wheat di I noi' ro " 11 T! ' e nlettl KVvr 1 JIU longer than a merit rosp*.:t when they were iwn-.l, aud 'l*rter of an boor. Punctually at eight were as absurd then a* they wure impotent tb>r lessons beg ui 1 he Crow* Prince, as later, they were ae highly commended, at , """' lh " Pnncoa l-nt/ and Adalbert. ..r.- the time, by the press genetally as then- '"" : J*>' nt J'r^"'^. ' > sortie hours. condemned 'be Crown Prmuu aud Prince ITU., met ibe summer night, walk t I died if ' tho alarm was given loo late, by 'the' . pres; which osjveiiietl y j^l.i U^iher. I'm- Crown Prince, who m-.-, aary, b,u -lk l.ll i won my bailie aliifis t the ihoiiMuii of tlte authors, :ts "< '""" '' 1 t*kes ail bis lessons m i lived through tbe ordeal. I left my i --.i . ii 1 1! -i earnest, is inuch farther advanced 'nunris w.iuli at home thai 1 mignt not pawn it lor 'two brother*. The j>tay honrt Iiirm5thc ' npinm : I took no money with me; evn as 1 are tilled up will*, gymnastic*, l.-lt home, aud struck auroae the downs, 1 of tMtVdiggiiis;. ft.-., in tho play- f'-l' tin- craving uoimug on (ihe hour for my /sound, near the rte>*t winy of the New penultimate day dose was at hand), and I Palace. At a i|uui-icr lo leu they take Inn -henn sandwiches, claret, and natural mineiai w.i;--i, w'uch beverage in drunk at tne Imperial table. After lunch tiH'V iig.bii have les>oiui for a .limit tune, and 'h.-n take their riding lessons, -i trier in tlie riding school in bad weather i would not lu*i or leave me, lhal I could nni ai[,,g'pii-s>cy in liiat vokt aud as yot unre oi in u'ne wi aiher out of dour*, The Crown l.a. Ins.-: Sometimes 1 song, sometimes I|limrrut ive nossesaion. And the metiiod weather U, animal, wunon., tint dnstin,; 11 i '"" >;0 ' * h " " ""**> "! *'H " 1 r ^''' 1 n ' { 1wore ' "oiuelim* I _ prayed .us of the World's Fair, Oh There is a Isr^'e cairiage manufactory in New York in wlncii the L-hi'-t art .u.orator is Miss Caroline Kilhy. who has tw.-nty whiuu propriety is now gvncra iin |>r' w, which uuevenis)tly ihe shonl'luis oi tlie authors, .IH , own part in their, to avoid the public i.d. cule it fftlly eanieil. Farmor* of eT],ei-ien :e have been too often toid by self conttit uld """'"" advisors when lo hoard wheat and wh<ii not ' I*" 16 *," to hoard it, to be so easity done for by the cry for help of every drowning speculator that tells them to " wade in," [Nlinnoapo- lis Market Rc.-ord. Churoh,"the interinnt took pi- oe. dia'.eiy aluu Uie tuoeral the ueighbnrn ol Maynard publicly declared tbi-ir belief thai the young wife had been buried alive. Mrs. Warn, wlio lives in the same street, claimed that .Mm. M.iyiiard had taken on overdose of .1 powerful medicine, wineli had c&used her to drop into a protracted tr.tnee. Otner pei.sons wl.o had Keen and liamlled the asserted i In- 1. 1 t n:.- it waJi a case ' piMidi-daniii.alion. and i demand was innde : iiat the body Iw inntantly exhumed. Moth -., . - -i tbe uunlian.i .ui.l tho father of the eir wan June [ .j ^,4,, |, J( . clw l tn this, hut die authorities ; irface i I feet lielf.w level, iud in wulk into i w ,n ) Appealed to thounh many fear that summer Uie thermometer hae occasionally The caee has In the rirt fifnt months of this year there ere landed ou tno coast* ol Ku^iand and \Val.i :,, ''KM. s- ... fish, tlie vajoe ot which waa t'.',(,Hi.74s. The highest tempur.-iluin an the globe i at -Dead Vallev, Inyn tjuiiniy, i.'al. its and Disease From Damsel Fodder- It is a senoui aibtakc. to luo.1 f< that line been diimagiki by raiu and ld'-r wel ' createil much exciteineni her.-, and ev.-n if it should be asoertttined thai Mr. Mnynard wns really at the lime of interment, her sudden demise will bo closely investi- gated. 11. .n : i- M. ... >...>. Ilistaid thai the guillotine ban re. .-ntly been marked !-'_' .iegreee. In ' .'in.ia tbe -obbler still gnus fioin house to bouse, aui. nni uik.' tin approaui with \ 'ftttle, aud takini; 'ip hi>- \r;th the knew my temptation wan with me, realized how long aud biller the stri was to lie. The craving seemed to mo a he,",,, i n t r(>( lueed by tlie Krench into their ipalpaldo shape that walked beside me, I oo i ony ut . Tomiuin. Our nuighLors, M ail ! presence that out nn me and lost me, .ind ' ^ ^ or \ t \ J B rtwa re, have had and still have came ba. k me like a faithful do th:it p i H|lt . O i wo ,i, lo( (n in lh way ol oxleriiun- i or leave me. thai I could not iHiiuly wmic In: af the possession I by which lhey endeavor to exterminate ihe out to dsf says C S Walters in the \Vis " n " '. " l'ely Ixignn to ride. His wcpi, but i.evei once, thank i.od, ind my I pirftlo ,), tl.ey catch him. which, as a cousin Agriculturist. The injunou. effect '"" v \ A ^'"' T 11 ^ 1 lw l '"''' 1 ^ "? '"" r ! u ' uou tlJUir - I mlo. they do not) i. that of de-apilntion. which s;irh food has upon stock more u hmpenir, m Mucli thai .d^rii Uauuot r.imenihflr. Disn That esteoiooy hae nitheMe been parfori i lh.iii equals tiir entire loss of all the fodder | lar c ^r* 1 "*". < tl > ' lol 'H ta'l <d thick Uiiiii's . '.me back to m at tiniw, suuh u , ^,0 primitive and rather lrlmusualivs 1 a fall 1 bud once, hurting my knee. I think w y. Tlie culprit, Iwinn pbu-ed in a con- I frightened some one who asked me some 1 mane, of faulllusa build, proud bearing, a most gruce.'ul step. After their lesson they sometimes .tike, a inie ill the neighbourhood of tin: Now I'alaou, ao- coinpanied by the Crown I'rince'* Military > ii.n-rnur, Major von I''aikenhayu. The Pi inces Frit/ and . \daihert :K-crinpanv tin- gathered. Such fodder is gathered from marshy lands aud n.eadcws that have beeu inundated during the moving lime. Sedge hay or . ximuiou uplasjd hay that has been wet at the lime of mowing will be impreg nated with dieasc germs that will !>< ... n munu-ated to the animals that eal the hay. Stock of a very robust aaiuro will rind their , *-" l '""> " n "" ir P 1 "'-'". '"' " '. health serionafy ,f fed .egnlarly Ke"y ibt lo see the Toun^,-, one- ir%.n b . to keep up witu their elder brother. \ r\ often take .1 drive in* their riasie, theCrown l'rin..c dnviu^. . basket carriage is drawn by a wbiui pony, niuig all over with silver bells, and its name i| .11 siiou, i believe I oau recollect that \eiiicnt position, uei W light .1 u' iVbtn an Kgyptuui Jog mahee to uriak at iho N'ilc be goes a short dmtamtt up the river, aad liowla for some time. Die roco- ill*.--, being nttr..c!>-.l tiy thu sound, uuiiuu- lately crowd to ti.u plane, while iJ> do^ iiaetily iiiim '." ibe pail whirh the ,-ro.-o- iil.'s Have !..'t. ,iud lirmks m safety. The l-luiiire-,.- of i,. -. many is) in Uie habit of writing for i few inuniti-s daily diary. .Nulxidy . \ r .,ei^ luu onieul* oi ili>! dairy, not even the Kmprior. .\tthe clua* >lf Uie yuat a imw diary i> 'i|ienwl, and tbe old one, which lias a locked ciaarp, is cou'igneil '" 'he iron safe Majerty's domestic j-welrj-. No sensible person will ever wear a Mingle impaired if fed tegnlarly upon such fodder. A great deal of our scdu* hay must bo out awl gathered when 'b feet ,.i the plant* are wet. During many seasons the in. i. lows never gel dry etHiugh to allow a dry harvest. '1 ins bay is generally stack ed for fodder in the barnyard, and in a very few weeks iu!d and lot show thein- M'lvut near the bottom and aiouud the idea. If MLS dcooinpotitioii h oe . mi lon^ enough the stock will icfuse loiai r.. .aid ae a rulo nearly one-third of tno "tax-It in sheer waste. The storms of wnr.-r only aggravate the mailer aud make .be hay poorer than in the fall. It is a cheap fod- der, however, aud probably the niauuie win -li it forms eventually pays for the work of gathering it. Otherwise the great Ions would make it unprofitable to cut salt hay. All fodder thus stacked when it is wet, w lie; her it be sal' iiay, !rnh upland ii.iy. they pony car- 1 mvMiit Krw ' "ne time full of fear fear >i Mining myself, not others:and then I sum-rid thirst auch awiul thirst -but I must, iiave slaked it somewhere, for in' he nioruing my clot bet and necktie were all wet, and so was my hair. Al 7 in t ho morn- at hianei-k with i "i iwnnl. iroet lines ilf lii-iidnii.ii. i;ined straight, VOItien. uiis.inui, viw* w "^"-~ 'fc,--. - , and wait for the executioner to taken snot I eye-glaat unleia lie in blind of our rv. Its 1 line means Unit olio eye ll neither em|ilny*d oi iinin|.iiiyi-d, hut is engagnd .n oraeelest, aud sonietiinurhe did no^ etvl a b,J . *'h no .1.nbt unconscious, ortorw tc. see long -msi.'.i mn.>n K Urn Ktittonie ot ,i,.l 'e nuich as it mere favoured fellow. Phis nrat.calpri.feHsion lhal , ,-.,,tiou I'm. Mrn.ning l. as liarnifn a. .-Miythmg oould executed ws distinctively an m,pleAant i well 1. and cannot fail u. lea. I to the grav- ing of the next day I found iiu self leaning process lor hc palieul. Coneei|aenlly, the on a gate and looking out on the landscape i introduction ot Uie " wood of jutUco" has ( I before with a sort of curious wonder us to ' l,y tlll m uet reinlis. in Svvhund. If 'he r.iuili eunlilbelaid bare, we should moat smgiiiAr spectacle. There howl cumu there ; my hoai dropped wi my | ftenuh authoriiu--" desired and evpri-lnl. ' would IMI n mini' er of mountains '.nth trun- liandK. I slept for (I think) only a few Instead ot heniR impn-sw-d with the horror I oaM.l tops seatterod over it, ,\nd fhoso is prodii- ed ihe .-Ifect which the . bnvn a in illioritii-" desired and evjx-. ti d. would IM a A Bal as a LS)dox . Writing from St. Pctsrsburg a eorre- spmidunt says : A curious i-aae cmnea up mr in "in .>. te ;ond inslanoc next week, tho details of wnicu are instructive. Thi plan ill (T, a lady, took a strong fancy . others, to put on"reci :i> u tiny lapdng a :ew mon:hn ago, whLdi . 8 i m| ,l,, facts. This I now do, and "if I doao sue doclared was the prolticHt, and funniest anonyinoiisiy, it IH only Iwuaiise I |MI|IIVO little creature she had ever snt her eyes that no fu.-! her good, ould follow the knowl- upon. Tho dealer, however, dumped her edge of my indenlity or name. enthusiasm by anking an exorbitant pm:i) lor i ne u, whoso n.,, \bienoss and '.niiu>s, and awoke .|.nt<- well. Since hat day I have never been tempted lo it Of coiir-M-. 1 .mi well awaru tin. t tin doses to which 1 bad become accustomed were not very large, but 1 am also sure that they wore ou the incristM-. and having '.old my experience lately toadislinguisned Kngliah pliVHici.-iii, Me begged :ne for the sake, of >rd Ihese plain and ut HUH tnoii- ilium, the natives of ToDqum are said to u Inghiy dehuhted with tin Mould have at appearanoe jusl ary reverse of i bat preeemeil by ihe vivacity were certainly aMsrvellott. A day or two later the i ailed again, deter miue.i ! pay iho cxf.i\a^a; . price, but, like i:m Itoman King win-, bidding for the books o! tile <>L>I.. he, offer was refused, and the PTlOt railed. >he a.-ied corn fodder, or any growth, will con- tain disease germs which under ,'avorable circumstances will develop rapidly. The heal of the stack a. id the .oosiaut moisture , . ,- , are just ihe conditions that are ueedod to d'*-roDl y Iron, the Pagan monarch, how- develop fnngi. 7h color of the fod- ever ' "" l P"^ 11 ^ l ' ie """"> returned iiome with tlie coveted nri/. All her friends admired her new acquisition, but both she and the j .1 :' ttasson.owhal ij develop ftmgi. der changes gradually, aud the odor that arises from it wheu nuived is strong and disagreeable. If such dainagad fudder is to be given to lock, the ration ot each day should be haul- ed out of the slack aud shaken up so thoroughly that the wind will dry it. mid all odor will be destroyed. In this way the sun and wind will dry il and make it aafcr for food for tho stock. After it baa Iwen dried it will be well to moimen it a little with a weak salt or acid solulion. This not only destroys disease germs but makes .he fodder more palatable for the animals. (Iiaiu* arc often damaged in the same way and fed in a moldy condition to Iho aniin:ilt>. Time is just on much danger in the grain as in the fodder ration. Damaged grain is often honght by farmers for cheaper i utea, and at.wk is kepi upon them right along. This will not be so cheap aa the pure grains if it ia going to injure the health of the .in imala. Nevertheless, all danger can be avoided by dusting the grain out well and inoisleuing it with the weak solutions iiu-nti nieil. In this country and abroad it in ijuite a common thing lo feed wel, damaged fodder to animals regar.ll-ss of consequences, but for all such carelessness that the animal should he -linking away juio dark corners, and generally lighting 'shy of tho light, while she had no more success in trying to tame it than ii she had t ind her band at a jaguar. Tho general r.indiict of the lapdog waa highly myster- ious, but it was a mystery possessed of a certain charm which rather added to its value than otherwise. .She fed the with tho beat of everything, and one day after n had partaken of a hearty meal, its minii ess thought she heaid an explosion. HOW IMM4L* HUH rU.V in ll. ... .. -n. n. . ibe Mm. < rr.inii- . Hell ml! In liilrnoe kMlTrrliiK i 'in- of the most pathetic things i the way in which animals endure suilering. T.ik<- 'ho horses, lor instance, in battle. After the tu ' shock of the wound they make no sound. They bear the pain with a M'.iidcring endurance, and if at night you hear a wild x"""' from the bulllulield it nines from their loneliness, their loss of human .oinpanioimhi|i. which seems abso- lutely indispensable to the comfort of domesticated animals. The dog will carry a broken leg for days wistfully but un.-omplainingly. The oat, stricken with a stick or stone or caught in ometrap from which it gnaw* tin way to freedom, crawls to some secret place and U'an in silence pain which we could not en- dure. Sheep and other cattle meet tho mistroM thought she beanl au explosion. ' ~" Looking, -oun.1, . he mined her !ap,fog, but thrl ' 8 . 1 of " te butcher, kmlo without in its place behold an enormous rat stand ing upon the lapdog a skin, in which it had been cunningly sewed up by the dihon. l dealer. Tho case will now be heard by the court of second instance iu connection with the question of the amount of damages claimed by the plaintiff. The dealer al- legoa that be was deceived himself, having purchased it for a lapdog. dove shut unto < Some of the African tribes pull their fin- gers till the joint* crack, aa a form of aalu- lion. sound, and even common poultry endure iiiinpaint. Tho Mica lo some far-off bough, and as it. .Lea the silence ia un- broken save by Ihe paller un ihe Icavsa o hia own life blood. The wounded deer speeds lo -;<>nu- thick brake, and in pitiful submission w ait i i.-i death. The eagle, struck in mid-air, tights till the last against the fatal summona. There is no moan er sound of pain, and ;he defiant look never fades from its cyea until the lids close over these never to uncover gain. Ionian.- iU In fact, they regard ihe guillotine as a | mountains we see on shore. V ou know thai most ingenious article do Paris, and they : tin- mountains on the ilmn- have already witneesc.r one nxfoiitmn MMh I with vc^eia'.ion at Umir H.U.VM, while their every de-.nonst rat ion o! enthusiasm. i tope are barren m ..veird with .mow ; but Dying, lhey say. is made so delight fully J llicae mountain!, no. .Id I* perfectly lievre al cosy hy this admirable invention of ibe su- their bases, and ill n.und their tope they periorKtiropfaniiitillii;'. The n'sult is that oonffiderable satiafnction ia expressed in piratical circles, ind it is confidently an- tieipated thiil piracy will siiorUy iiien would be covered with beautiful vrgeitiou of ooral [lolypes, A curious utilisation ftf carrier - , . . waa recently attempted in lielgiuni. This very coiiM.lerably. ae nulwxly in Tonquin ; was making them carry uoul rabaiid gonda woulilniindliciiigalibreviiiieil iiistanlaiifous- ,,,i.. Kranot-. for a hoit ume t wen I y four ly by the guillotine. Death, in short, has pigeons were let off regularly from Ihe lost most of ite terror because the process of I BtHman dove-cote, each burdoned with k small coil ol tobacco. They arrived al then French destination rather exhauaMd, and doubtless glad to be relieved of their load. Iu one casr, however, Ulifnrtiinatnly for this bright .cbi.'iiie, i pgeon, in making tin flight, and proving unot|ual itheffort. or pi-rbaps, |.oi!>i.iied by the nan-otic, fell nun the Seme, and w;is pi. k.-d -ip. Tin- -'vatein waa found out and suppressed. lying ha* been rendered so mmple. [Lou- t Would hr 'i ...|. e. .. llefor tbn Assi.-o ' 'our m" tim Seine, there has been unfolded u tale of a long-suffering, man and a deteiiiiiin-d woman. The ninth- enduring male is a M. I'.ijol, described aa a vendor of tin itn nrkei.*, and assintant- lireclor of the claque or hired applau.ler- altachcd to on important playhouse. It is nothing short of a -nodem miracle that M. Pujol is still in tho land of Ills living. In an evil hour ho associated with a Millie. Mcnat, and she having inteivfd liim liu re- solved to leave her. I'll. -damsel then organis- ed it vindictive and blond-thirsty c impugn. Iti.Iune, IStll. she tired at M. Pujol with .1 revolver outside bid theatre. He escaped uiilouchcd and pardoned hia assailtuit. In May last Mdllc. M.mal stabbed him ill tin head and ou Juno H she (lung vitriol in hit .'aco. Still v. Pajot declined to prosecute or to punish. On Juno 17, however, tho dim-aid- ed one resolved to do more sorionn damage to the deputy-chief of iho claque. She again took her revol-.r. .net M. Pajot outside ihe playhouse, and tired three times at him. The man ran away with a bullet m luu jaw an.l another in his neck. He was pursued by Mdllo. Menat, who waa making ready to fire onoe moic when tlie was arrhted. VI. Pajot movr:d from hm injunea, and tho woman baa been c.mdimmod to live years imprisonment iu solitary couUusmuil. Mlnry !e iihif > . " Prisoner,'' said the learne.l mtg:ntrate to a l<y fellow belorv linn, " this ie the third time you've been In " I'm, your honour. " pleaded the prison- er, " I'vn been trj'">g '<> gel work, but couldn t.'' " You wouldn't work if you could get it." ' Y.-H i would, your honour." " What kind of work"' " Anvtbiiig, your bouour, to loug as it wan honest \vork." " What kind of wages!" \\ if.'- no object, your honour : all I want IH work with food .ind clothing, and a shelter." " And you'd work if yon had lliat ...rt of a job?" ' " Indeed 1 Mould, your honour : only iry n- and the '.curs i anic to his eyes. ' Very well,' sanl t.he magiRlrate, kind- ly, "we'll give you a job with shelter, food, and I'lothiiiK ronibnu.d. S;x inoiillia' labour. Next case :"