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Flesherton Advance, 17 Nov 1892, p. 7

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- A LUMBER SHIP LOST, Tin "KongOscor." From St. Thomas Qne-i Go** 1 Down- Mr. Ceo. W. Turner Simply Awful Worst Case of Scrofula the Doctors Ever Saw Completely Cured by llixili ^ SARSAPARILL.t. " When I wa-t 4 or 3 yrar old I had a ncrof- iilniis sun' iitlie middle HIIKIT of my I. -ft which xnt w liad that tin- iloclnn cut the liun.M Mir. mil i:ii.-i tuuk off iniiri- than hall my liainl. TluMi tin 1 sorr hniki? out on my arm, train-! out on my HI-ITU am! r )B* OB bMh side*, ni-arly ili-slroyiiiR tln> ir;lit t>( on i>yn. alio on my rlKht arm. Due-tors suiil It was the Worst Case of Scrofula '.'iicy ever saw. It wxiii-otailr awful ! Five yuan ago I began Ui taki- Hotid's Sari.ipanlla. Gradually I (oiind tiiat tin- snn-i were begin- nniK to ln-al. I ki-pt on till I hud Uki-n ti-n liiiltli-s. Irta rivllar. ! JIM! lllluk cif what a return I Kot for Uiat InvastSBSjatl A lh MSBd prr rrmf V---> . lll:iny l!|nMMM>1. Hot U*c |*;i.->t I yi-:ii > I li.i\<- had no -itiri-^. 1 Work all the Time. I 1 ., in- I cewld 4 w*rh. [ know not what to say strong i-nough to expreif my grat- itude to Hoi>d' Smniianllu for my portwt ii..- 1 liEoHiiR W TfiiMKU, farmer, Ual- way, Saratoga i-uuuly. \ V. Hooo-3 PILLS I aid Crrw Wrrr ultult Wall 1st., f.r strath ihe ftlsjklsm ><*<! n ken Bt-sriied By a Paulas; Simmer A New York despatch says: Them were fifteen pale anil worn-looking seamen on the steamship "Xoordland," of the Red Star Line, which arrived at her dock the other nielli, whose experience in the terrible North Atlantic gales of the last two weeks make the trials of the big passenger ships seem commonplace by comparison. They were Captain Gtv Thommesen and fourteen men of the Norwegian barque "Kong Oscor II.," which sailed from St. Thomas, Quebec, for Dublin, Ireland, on Octol. :r 1, with a cargo of lumber. They were rescued by a lifeboat from the "Noord- land " on Friday night, October -H, in latitude 48 deg. 35 mm. and longitude 'IT deg. .'!_' mm., while a furious gale was blowing and great hailstones were tilling the decks and rigging with a costing of ici The birc|ue was on her beam ends at the time. U is thought that she must have gone down after the crew left her. Thu men, who remained on the "Noord- land " all last night, will apply to the Nor wegian Consul for help to-day. They lost all of their property, and are penniless. " We had given up all hope, " said griz- zled old Captain Thommeson last night, " and in all my life I never had cause to thouk Uod for such a welcome sight as the ' Noordland's' lights as she hove in sight through the blackness and hail that night." U e ran into a gale the day we 1ft t St. Thom;ts, " went on Captain Thommeson, " which turned into a hurricane, and we never had any other weather until our ship foundered and we were rescued by the brave men of the ' Noordland.' " The first gale struck the vessel on the night of October 1. It turned into a hurri- cane the following day. The bark was hove to under her main lower topsail until it was blown out of the bolt ropes. The winti veered suddenly on October 4, from the southwest to the northwest. The cross seas became terrific. Sea after sea boarded the bark. Carl Anderson, a seaman, was knocked down by one of them and sustain- ed fractures of both arms. The vessel lalwie.l in mountainous seas all that night. At daylight the wind increased to a vel- ocity of sixty miles an hour. A sudden blow carried away the foretopmast, yards and amis and bowsprit. The-, with no stays to bold it, the main mast and yards went into the sea. The shock ripped open the larnnn'i (earns ami a tne increase of milk was equal m value to flood of water poured into hor hold. The the man's wags* deckhouse. boaTs, water cask* snd every- ,. C * r 1 efu i fe8dln 8 PrimenU at the thing on deck were washed away. The : Maryland station show that rail i age is pumps were manned, but attempts to keep ! " man than a maioUimnce ration : that the hold clear of water were without avail. "> u P n " "J" 1 " tne tock not onl y Tli: hurricanes continued m-a>ted from hull > own - " made .mu gam. October I until October is. Duno K that "you cant put the manure upon the time the men had only salt waUr soaked land where it is needed as fast as made, and food eaten cold. The fresh water was also h v n covered barnyard ->r she. I in which tainted. The vessel had been half submurx *>' ' ' WMt c n >> effectually prevent d all of the tune mid the men were wriiitf ing wet from one day's end to another. Every man on board won completely ex- hausted by October -V They were cold, weary and hungry. They hail almost re- signed themselves to death, anil while flinging to the wrecked rising, wondered why the hulk did not sink ami end their ' "' *" --n hut i Tr thrrr .'V. HIM IM l <...! *l I.H- Prof. \V. A. Henry has shown by experi- ment that it cost* $2.1)1 to produce a hun- dred pounds of gain with lambs, and $.'i.(l.'l to secure the same gain witb pigs of about the same age. A farmer discharged a hired man who would talk all the tune he was milking, and thu reiult was that at the end of tile week d by piling up and covering with earth. We have used kerosene emulsion o horses, hogs and sheep, and are fully per- suaded that it ranks first in effectiveness and cheapness as a specific for lice and ticks. A safe poison Imx fur killing r.ts snd mice is to soak stale bread in s solution of misery. Tlinr suffering had compered the "ryhnmu au.l nail U up aecurely in a box f.-ar cf death, when night, with the hurri- " J ll |* n " few .* holc '" ll cane and hail, came on. Thi-y liail huddled together on the cabin ton to keep each other warm about nine A <MI. . t oil it < MTOBY. trier I Ii. Mrdlral l.-ii fall Belief i frosts ' .iiiiniii The following letter tells the tale of one rleased from suffering, and needs no com- ment : Michigan Soldier's Home, Hospital Ward A., liKAND KAI-IHS, Man-n -_'7, 1SO-J. l>r. Williams' .Medu-in* Co. I i M IN, I have your letter of the '-Mth, asking me what benefit Pink Pills for Pale People, and it gives me unlraunded satisfaction to reply. Within ten days after I began taking Dr. Williams' I'nik 1'ilU, thoHu terribly excruciating pains I had experienced in my limbs, heart, mom- aon, Its -k and head, Iwjjan to leave me, be- i-iiining leu severe and less frequent and before I had taken all ol the second box they were one. At times sun 1 have experienced aches, but they are noth- ing compared to the pains I had formerly suffered. For months I could get no sleep or rest, only from the use of mor- phine, two, threu and five limes daily. Soon after I hi-ijan taking the Pink 1'ilU I discontinued the morphine and have takeu it but once since, aud I am now only taking my fourth box of the pills. Before I began taking Pink Pills I hail no passage from my Imwels except from thr use of cathartics. Very -non after taking the pills my bowels moved regularly and naturally, constipa- tion was entirely none. Previous to com- mencing '.he use of I'ink Pills my urine was i milky iu color and after standing resembled a jelly subeitance. Now it ID clear and per- fectly natural, and shows no sediment what- ever. I had lost the use of my lags and could not bear the weight of my body on them, lly the VIM- of Dr. Willitn.s' Pink Pills and cold lialhs and nibbing with >-nih towel prescrib- ed with them, my limbs have steadily gained in health and strength until I can now bear my full weight upon them. I have been gain- ing slowly, but surely, ever since I began the : use of the Pink Pills anil am perfectly con- ' tidenl that I will be able to walk again and . be comfortable, and this after doctoring for years with the best physicians and special- ists who said my disease could not be cured ut only relieved temporarily by the use of Miypoderrnio injections of morphine, would not do without Dr. Williams' Pink under any circumstance, even though they cost ten times what they do, and I strongly recommend them to persons :itllict ed with louomotor alaxia, paralysis, kidney troubles, nervous diseases and impurities ' of the blood. I have recommended thu Pink Pills tu a number of old comrades, and in i- very instance they have proved benefi- cial, can I therefore do less than warmly recommend them to all who read thu let- ter! Yours very gratefully. K. P. HAVM.KY. Pink Pills are a perfect blood builder and ni-rve restorer, i-uriug such diseases as rheu matism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, loco- motor ataxia, St. Vitus' dance, nervous , beadorhe, nervous prostration and the tired ' fueling therefrom, the after effects of la grippe, disease* depending on humor of the tilood, such as scrofula, chronic ery- aipeuvt, etc. Pink Pillsgive a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions, and are a I specific for the troubles peculiar to the ti-mals jystum, ami in the case of men they ofTeot a radical euro in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of my nature. I he rats and mice will have easy ai cess to the bait. Farmer mothers, Hop that perpetual UJti i" Ikctrii vat.ii wvnw, IIPI *"* i. .... t. i_ i I o'clock. Captain Tlnmimeson nlunif to the "kimming of the cream of yout households IIII//.-H shrouds, vainly searching the tumb ling waters with his glass for a vessel's light. .Suddenly he ihoutl " Thank <iod, boys ' there's a light two, thrco of them. See ! See ! It's a big At- lantic liner." The " Noordland '' had hoven in sight. Her lights twinkled In the distance. The exhausted men leaped to their feet and gave three faint cheers. " (Juick ! run for iho rockets !" shouted the captain. The mate dashed down into the half-submerged cabin. \Vhenhe came out lie held the distress signal light in his hand. ' Light them ! light them !" cried the . .1;.- < ii as the crew crowded around. A match bla/ed and then a rocket sped up into the black sky, while arm] light illumin- ated the angry sta. Another rocket was fired. An answenn^ shone out from the decks of tho huge Atlantic liner in tho distance and iho came to a stop. for thu professions. We want some of it for the farms. What other calling on this earth These pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Out., ami Sclieuctady, X. Y..and are sold, only in boxes bearing thu firm's trade mark , KIIIJ wrapper at "< els. a box, or six boxes for >-'. >u. Bear in nun. I that Dr. U ilium* I'nik I'llln are never xold in bulk, or by ihe could have borne up under such a process as , do/. -n or hundred, and any dealer who offers ' farming bos been subjected to in aped? this re- ' sulwlitutua in this form is trying to i you ami should lie avoided. Dr. \Villiain' I'm* 1'ills may IH.- had of all druuuists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine ptrui, | j The future farmer is to be an/edui-itted man. But where is be to get this education i so far as it bears directly upon his work? ' Company I rom either address. The p ,1 . . I. I. .....I K, U.1.I..I. t llufl*. (.ill* I r.. Mllill lll.tUt.1* .1 I'll! Ho will get parl uf it Irom the sgricultural press. This perhaps more than any other niM^le intluHiice operating in the pant has helped educate the farmer, and at a iniui niiiin cost. -[Thomas Shaw. The only hope of the Canadian farmer will be his 'trains. The shurp competition between sections anil countries which will t which these pills are sold makes a course ut treatment coinpraluly iiieipeuairo as i compared willi other remedies or medical | treatment. t -II r tDLK BltllH.I IH- imluced by increased facilities for trn- A Woatler/'nt rruJm-i of Mrxlcaa Skill portalion will tir the agriculturist up to ' his best efforts. His chances of fortune- making will DM great but he will have to be An answering white n.l ureen light prepared to fight the battle of competition for them. The strawlwrry is a hsrdy plant and not injured )>y trust. U is the free/ing and Then began a scene of excitement on the "Noordlaiid," The steamer approached within a mile of the wreck. Captain Ni.-k els call d for volunteers. First Officer H. Doxt-und ami the whole crew eight men thawing ol early spring that works the mis- chief, aud the value of a mulch or covering is to keep them frozen. Therefore, do not mulch till the ground is frozen solid in No- vember or I >ecetnber. Old hay, straw corn- -.. .-n lu a I'uliln I'ar.ilr marvelous silver latldle and hri.lle I 'U \ I U IIII B1I, llo...w.wil^. 1^, ll l_f of the third lifeboat stepped forwuri The "*'". '". eo- manure, old trash of .... . , Bv.nB An., mnnt .Mill nB(A passengers men, women untl fhildrrn, who hat) crowded on deck despite the hurricane gave them three cheers. When a big wave touched ihe ship, the boat dropped, and with Hash of the white oars it disappeared iu the darkness. A lantern hail been placed in the bow an<l the passengeit watched eagerly the lights llash and disappear ss the lifeboat went over the big waves. For half an hour tlic boats' crew strug- gled with the elements. Then the boat shot around under the lee of the wirfk. " Leap overboard one at a tune I" shout- ed Mr. Doxnind. " Overboard with you, ' echoed the cap- tain. One seaman plunged into the st-a. lie was grappled b> the " Noordland's" crew and pulled into the lifeboat. Captain Thoin- ineson was tho last to leave the tiufortunaie bar<|iie. H was struck by a piece of wreck age in leaping ami rendered unconscious. Two of the " NoordlaudV'crew plunged in- to the sea and took him to the boat. When he was pulled on board his log liook ami chart were found strapped to his breast. In another half'honr the lifeboat reached the " Noordland. " Willing hand* pullod the ship-wrecked sailors and their rescuers on board, while cheer after cheer drowned the howling of the wind through the rig King. Surgeon W. D. Sjw i took thu bari|ue's crew in charge and had them will the following day. The " N'KmlUuid " left Antwerp on Oc- tober '-"J. She experienced a sucxx-ssion of gales all the w.\y across. She brought 21 saloon and 1 1'-' second cabin passengers. A Michigan woman Inu patented a device for securing glass in the door* of stoves and furnaces, in order that the process of l>.tkiMK may lie watched without opening the doors, und also to save fuel hy decreas- ing drc-ughta. most any sort will answer. A diamouU is aa precious in the hand* of a \tcfyr * on the brow of a king. Tun million nerve fibres are said to bo found in the human body. >rw IHI-II- anil Inn nil. m.. (Mass type is in use. Brick is now made of chipped granite and clay. A Berlin inventor has an instrument which measures the l.iHKith part of a sec- ond. A fishing rod with a socket at the rear of the handle for holding the reel in axial linn. An apparatus that economically delivers grains of corn to poultry only as fast as used. A brako shoe for wagons, composed of granulated corundum and a binder of rcmet. An incandescent lamp with a filament is the next electrical improvement promised. A typewriting machine which will print on tho loaves of a blank book of any I hi k- ness is a reoont invention. An ingenious Indian has invented a plow in which an auger or screw mould- board is operated by means of s, drivo wheel in the rear. An inventor has devised a novel projectile which is i uli-d to correspond to tho bore of a gun. The grooves are provided with bear- ing pieces to dimmish friction. An automatic match igniter is a recent novelty. You pull a lever, a match travcld along a roughened surface and is then thrust out of an opening already ignited. A new sprocket wheel with a variable pitch is a local invention. It consists of parallel plates fastened together with sprockets sliding between, one of tho plate* having a. screw- threaded hub on which n conical surface forcei Iho sprockets out- has been brought here by Dixie \V. Thomp- son, of Santa Barbara. This saddle and bridle, manufactured of bullion from Mexi- can dollars, are exquisite works of art. The saddle is of typical Mexican pattern, with a high pommel, well hollowed sesl, and the most elaborate of trappings. Tho leather is stamped with elegant designs, and the whole thing is a complete, costly aud elan orate equipment of good taste and artistic design, and was an interesting feature of the psrode. This saddle is nluddc-d over with silver ornaments. The leather facings are set thick wilh buttons and roeettna, the pommel is incased ia silver, the corners of tho aprons are tipped with silver, the stir- rups ore fa?ed and edged with silver half an inch thick, elaborately chased and carved. The saddle tree is hung with silver rings fore and aft, to answer all tho requirements of the vapuero in lacing up his rialsw The < girth, which posset under the horse's belly and cinches the saddle in place, is woven of hair from horses' manes by a native artisan, ami is fully eight inches broad with a tas- sel hanging at its middle. The saddle, ihe bridle and all its appointments are marvels i.t beauty. The reins, martingale ami whip are composed of solid silver in woven strands. The headstall is covered with llulcd silver, with large ongraved silver rosettes at the sides, with decorations of (lowers and heads of wheat, with an elabor- ate nose piece with silver engraving. The side pieces are of silver, nassive and ornats with a silver chain under the horse's nose. [San Diego MIM. Three good washes are received hy an Abyssinian during his career at his birth, on hi* marriage morn, and at his death. At all other times he shuns soap aud water. Old Sport" Are you following the horses this year''" Uriggs "Oh, Yes." Old Sport "Kind it pys yon *ny hotter than last s>eason ?" Hriggs--" Much. I'm jriving a street oaf now. They say that Lovo i* blind, thry do. The ligure is not carried A bit, too far, when once we think Of people whom we often meet Whom other folks have married. THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVLNEJONIC Stomaeh^Liver Cure The Most Astonishing Medical Discovery of the Last One Hundred Years. It is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar. It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Milk. This woniliTl'ul Nervine Tonic has only recently hwn introduopd into thin country by the proprietors :md manufacturer* of tlitt(ir<-:tt South American Ni-rvint- Tonic, uml yot its uroat v:iluo as a curative :;'_"'iit lias luti^ hi-cn known by a few of the must learned phyBifiann, who have not brought its merits and value to the kauwludge of thu general public. This medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, and dim-ases of the general nervous sysU-rn. It ia also of the. greatest value in the cure of all forms ,f failiinj health from whatever cause. It performs this by the uroat nen'ino tonic ijiialiiien which it possesses, and by its great curative powers u|jon tho diijehtivn organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy compare* with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder and strength ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer <>!' a broken-down constitution. It is also of inor real permanent value in the treatment and cure of diseases of the lungs than any consumption remedy ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous cure for nenr- ousurss of female:) of all ages. Ladies who arc approa^-hing the crit ical period known as change in life, should not fail to use thia groat Nervine Tonic, almost constantly, for the space of two or three, years. It will carry them safely over the danger. This great strcngth.-ner and cura- tive is of inestimable, value to the aged and infirm, because iu great energizing properties will give them a new hold on life. U will add ten or fifteen years to the lives of many ui' tuuau who will use a ball' dozen buttlea of the remedy each year. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Broken Constitution, Debility of Old Age, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Frightful Dreams, Dizziness and Kin^tn^ in Ihe P'ars, Weakness of Estrenmius and Fainting, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Boils and Carbuncles, Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and I'lccrs, Consumption of the l.un^s, Catarrh of the Lungs, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Liver i 'oinplaint, Chronic Diarrhoea, Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the Heart, Mental Despondency, Sleeplessness, St. Vitus' Dance, Nervousness of Females, Nervousness of Old Ago, Neuralgia, Pains in the Heart, Pains in the Back, Failing Health, Delicate ami Scrofulous ''uildren. Summer Complaint of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful NIT vine Tonic. NERVOrS DISEASES. As a cure for evi-rv cla.-s of Nervous Diseases, no reined \- has bocn able to compare with the Nervine Tonir. which is very pleasant anil harmless in all its eili-< ts upon tin? youngest chilil or tin- oldest and most delicate individual. Nine tenths of all tin- ailments to \vhii h tin- human family is heir arc dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. When there is an insufficient snpplv of nerve food iu the blood, a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, ami nerves is tho result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, heroine strong when tho right kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses anil ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the uervotis system must Hiipply all the ]mwer by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is tke flrst to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food dot-a not con- tain a autllcicnt quantify of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason tt bcrimics necessary that a nerve food be supplied. This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forrus of nervous de- rnaatmcnt. A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA. t'BAWKOKDHVIM.K, l.Ml>., June J, 1W7. My daughter, eleven years old, wan M-verely afllicuti wilh Si. Vitus' Dance or Chorea. We icave her three and one-half bottltjn of South American Ner- vine and she is completely i-i-slnred. 1 U-lieve it will run- every Vitus' Dance. I hav.! ki-|i; it in my family for two years, ami am sure it m the greatest remedy in the world for luili^-stion and Dypepma, and for all forms of Nervous Disorders and l-'ailiuti liuulth, from H halevcr i-uxe. JOHN T. MittU. State of Indiana, \*- Mtmtuamcri/ ( 'OHI>/>/, i " (Subscribed and sworn .o l>eforf me this June 22, l>-*7. ( ii vs. W. Wuiiiiii. Notary Public. INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonic Which we now oiler you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and tin- vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease anil di-hi,it\ of the human stomach. No person ran ail'ord to pass tn this jewi-l of incal culable value who is affected liv of the stomach, he. aiisc the ex- perience and testimony of many tfo lo prove that III is is th: ONK and ONLT ONE great cure in the world for this universal destroy cr. Thero is no case of unmalignant disease of the stomach which can resist the wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. It t SRI It T R. II ti.t. of Wftynetnwii. ln<l . ay Miw KI.I A RRATTOV ut New Rons, Inillnrm. " t owe rav Ille t the Urral South \tu.-noin , t cannot eiprewi hot? much I owe to th Nervine. I hnil l-n In hl for Hvc. month, trt.m N ^, |w . Ton|r M , v ., rm ,. om ,,, r , Nv ,, BIS Stssrts ot SA siliattsted siomarh, ladlictstlon, .Nerv.iiw I'riMiralluii. anil n srin-nil nlmlti-retl IsWO, sjpsstHs) BSSjs, wssl BOOSjUsf nn.l K|,II tine conilltlon '! my th.-li- ntntrni. tluil glvt>u up up titoixl. nm sure I was Itt the li-ii nt;tK< all hi'|H'n of wiling wi-ll.' Mutt trii-,1 thnviloc- of uiKuin|itiun. an Inhf-Htiuui- hnnilfil ilo.tii tors, with no n-llrt Tht- flrnl bottle of tht- Ni-rv. thrnutch wtrr/tl urm-rAtliMin. I lieicsn taking fin- 1'oulc Improved mi*Ni tnurh thnt 1 wan Able to thi- Nervine 1'onir, Ami routlnunl it* nap for walk about, ami a Iff" bottle* <-\irrd mo i-ntlirly about p-lt month*, sml am rnnn-iy rnrnl. H I iH-lifti- It Is tne best tin-tin me In the world. 1 Is the. |rrnnlest rt-meily for urrri-*, siomut'h an<l can not recommend It too highly." I.H.L,-. I have ner <-o." Norpnii'.lt mnpareii with SOI-TB AMitntrtx Misvixr. ns ariiro for^w Nrrre* \n n-meil/ rfim- Yare with s-iiith Vinem -t t Nervuit- .tit H wondrous t-iir*t for the StMststsi Nn : mily will M all i-.iui|i.iTv with South Mm -rn-un Nervine .1* .> i-ure fur all 'orimi >( talllnR Itftalth It nrwrfmlx t" rurt 1 InillKtMtion (llul l>.Tit|M'jiMa, It never fails to i tire Ctioreft or St. Vitu*' ftsure llM|>onrrt to tiullil up thi* wht>li> Mynt4>m are. tvonilerful In thi 1 '^itrfnitv It MTV* tho old. theyiiiM'K. anil the nml Hi- ntfe*). It lit a trroat friend to tht- afrfnl nml Infirm. Do not neglect to tine this prr-vimi- h It you ilo. you mny uesjlet't the only remeily which will rt-iore ton to tieaJth. South \merlriit Nritnir is jierlettly sate, .iml very pleMum 'to the tsme. IMIcalo ladles, do not (all louse thin great rure. bccaufte tt will put thr ttloom ol freshnei Ami beauty upon \ our Ups and Iu ynurchevka, and luicaly drive sway your dlsabllillen ,-vnd weakncMCM. Price, Large 16 ounce Bottle $1.00, Trial Size, 15 Cents. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. If not kept by Druggists or-Jer direct from Dr. E. DETCHON, Crawfor^ville, ind.

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