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Flesherton Advance, 17 Nov 1892, p. 3

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THE WEEK'S NEWS. CAXADIA*. Mr. Dewdney hu been iworn in as Lieut.-Covernor of Britiih Columbia. Dr. MrKavhrsn. Dominion veterinary surgeon, hu reporteii to Mr. John Car lint! that there U no pleuro- pneumonia in Can- ada. Mrs. H. Douglu, of Winnipeg. Wan., stepped on a nutv nail a week ago. Blood pojswning resulted, and the woiru.n died the other morning. The apple and iiniall fruit exhibit of the Province of Quebec for the Columbian Kx inn is now completed, and it will be forwarded to Chicago next week Prof. Rolwrtson, the Dominion Dairy CommiHioner. U making large shipment* of cheese and butter from the experimental Dairy stations to the British market. The Allan line steamer Harmatian. which went ashore on Thursday at Yarennrs dur- ing a snowstorm, was got off safely. Sir John Ahbolt went to F.nglaud with the avowed intention of consulting London specialists regarding his health, promising to cable the result to his colleagues at Otta- wa. Surprise in felt that so far no inform* turn ha* been received on this vital ques- tion. Mr. J. XV. Hemlrv. formerly manager of the late Peter McLaren, the mdlioiuan- 'Canadian lumber king, does not think the prices recently paid at the sal* of Ontario limits were to high, in view of the fact that the pine forest of the country will be ex- hausted within eight years at the present rate of consumption. A new scheme of city government in un- der the consideration of the civic authorities iu Winnipeg, Man. It is proposed hi elect only one alderman from each ward instead of two, as at present, and to form sn exec- utive body of three other citizens, who shall be Mayor, chairman <>f the Finance Committee, and chairman of the Hoard of XVorki, and who shall be paid, and have full control, subject only to a two-thirds vote of the City Council. fames Munn, fifty seven years of age, ing particulars of his wife 1 childhood, he was forced to tiiu conclusion that unknow- ingly he married his own daughter. sMsVssV Terrible distress prevails in the City of Mexico, and thousands are on the verge of starvatiou. Vienna hu lieei. declared free from chol- r;i. Tlir body of Paul Peel, the artist, has been cremated at Paris, France. Osinan Dignan, who has bern repeatedly reported dead, has reappeared in the Sou- dan with a miml>er of his followers. Alexander Dumas, the French novelist, hss decided to sell his house in Paris and take up his residence at his line place iu the forest ot Marly. The result of Sunday's elections through MTMTEBT >l TOE HI RCF.BY. fella Lag-ait Trlli m luirrr.ini- Merv ef s D*rlur' "in. Some years ago, while residing in London, England, I became very intimate with Mrs. B , the wife of a physician having a large practice. We used to visit each other with- out ceremony. One day 1 ran ill to sea Mrs. B - , ami was shown by the parlormaid into the reception-room, instead of the drawing-room, where I would have been taken had I not been on such informal terms with the mistress of the house. The re- oepliim-room was for the use of the doctor's patients, who aat there while waiting their turn to see him. 1 1 adjoined the surgery, as a physician's consult ing-room is called in Kngland. I hail not waited long for my friend before I heard light footsteps, and ut Italy for members of 'the Chamber of ''ng toward the "pen door I saw the . J . Isvaf frilifst /if -t rlni-A . 'nlfis-4iH AsmsvhsjMJMsBl ilr-ti Deputies show that 350 Covernnient sup porters and 1'JO members of the Opposition were elected. A despatch from Fe/. savs the negotia- tions for a treaty between Fr.mce and Mor occo have come to a star.dstill, and Count d'Aubignv. the French Minister, complain* that the Sultan is tricky. Ring Alfonso and the (Jueen Regent on last folds of a dove-colored cashmere dress a* il disappeared iu ike direction of the surgery. Thinking that Mrs. B -- had Wn told that I was there instead of in tiie recep- tion-room, I rose and followed her, but she was not in thr passage when I reached it, and I continued on to the surgery only a few paces off. The door was shut and I wondered that I had not heard it opened or closed. I opened it. but remained upon their return to Madrid weie given a very hearty welcome. It appears from a trial lost concluded in Pari. that some of the fashionable dress- ' ll .~ * ^^ >'e was not there, but to me wa*. A lady sat iu the the threshold, holding the door knob, be- cause the <" ! maker* furnish ..-ostumes to leading actresses * frw for the sake of the advertisement. The Tribunal of thn Seme has disminsed the suit brought by Mrs. Dea-un against her husband for divorce on the ground of alleged cruelty. The lierman newspapers, wi.h scarcely I an exception, denounce Prince Bismarck in bitter terms for his opposition to the \riny bill. Kmperor William has ordered that a hron/e medal be struck to commemorate the redei icatiou of the Luther church in Wit ten berg. A I.ernian agent at \Vliydali. IV, homey. dec'ares that the Portuguese and Knglish, and not the Herman*, supplied lhe Da- homeyans with arms for use in their war against the French. The French Chnmli*r of Deputies was youi g, with brown hair and hazel >es, and a face that would have lieen hand- some but for its emaciation and pallor. She wore a dove- ?olored dress snd bonnet like thine affected by Quakeresses. She was looking toward* the door when I half open- ed it. I looked at her, noting every par- ticular of her personal appearaiioe, then suddenly remembering my manners I said to her, " Kxcuse me, ' and to myself, " That's a very sick woman I should think by her looks and by her calling on the doc- tor after office hours' 1 for it wa* the mid- dle of the afternoon. I turned to go back mto the passage, drawing the door to after me, and found myself face to face with Mrs, E ,who said : I couldn't help keeping you waiting. " The doctor saw that she wan nearing the end of all things earthly and told her that if she had anything on her mind she had batter not put off making her peace with i Hid. see, she " ' By that remark replied, ' that that crime. No I am innocent of that, but not of embittering his last days by my peevish, impatient and violent temper, days which, from his love for me, I might > Mi*rrr ri >. J.W prior* Issiprmuhias ol ike ('try cr in Kim Alaska s tirral sUvrr. i, and Henry XVirth, of that city, most remark- able trips ever made into the inter- ior of Alaska. They were gone seven months, most of which time was upent in have made all joy. For that I am con.,,,,,, , '. *"~ ll lh "' "'ty of the Yukon, by remorse, grief and resret. Uow deeply I ! ',",' the *r iw t -' "' that ""S 111 * nvw ha i wronged him I never fully realized un til he won stricken down, never to nse again. " She was convulsed with tears and rent by sobs. The doctor tried in vain to calm her. The violence of her emotion caused the rupture of a Mood vessel in her lungs -and there just where we saw her sitting to-day she died. CEI.IA LosVsM. The " If. r l.iurr It is, or once was, a favorite plan of exam iners to ask, " What would have lieen the consequence! if ucli-and-such an event had not occurred ? " Scope was thus given to the historical imagination, and a man could show both knowledge and fancy. Iu our own lives we know how much hangs on triflei. You take one aide of the street, and miss a fortune or an affection, which might have been yours had you taken the other side. You neglect to answer a letter, in the northwest territory entirely acros* Alaska to Untiring Sea. The story of their trip is well calculated to dispel! many of the illusions which the roseate reports of the great commercial and transportation coin- panmr interested in Alaska have had a ten- dency to create, not ss regards the scenic glories cither of tiie interior or the coast, but as to the extent and value of the gold discoveries and the conditions of life in the vast valley of the Yukon. In a conversa lion Mr. Black said : "Vou ask about the Yukon. It is a mighty river. '-',700 miles long, I am told, and I know it is fifteen mile* wide at fort Yukon, I, ti. (I miles above iu Month, ami that it* average width from there to Ikh- ring Sea i* fully tour mile*. It is mutty miles wide at it* mouth. It is navigable for over '.'.OOOmilei from June 1 to Oct. I. though them i> some float ing ice duriny part of this time. It* current runs at tiie rate of six or seven mile* an hour. The valley you pick up an old lady who has been run { u wy , , ^^ ^j , ol| , er , , ^ over by cab-nv, you look up and see j^y ^.j uMerlv de *,l te ->u wi j SDUU uiWI IV UUMimc *M YOU ' '*VD your fate, instead of looking down and miss- IraaKme . Kor 4OO mlle . aoo ' ve ,, ing ner-and all your life is altered. So Hie river s moulh it is absolutely treeless. i, too, m the history of nhtious. Sup- | lhe onl vegeuuoll h^.g mota ^ A 8WI4m p pose the king had not halted at V aren- | grM( , fSSSl up llieie i. a dense growth | of scrubby tirntar, birch, bull pine, and employed M a labourer at Burrows, Stewart passed a bill prohibiting the employment of but we II make up for it by a long chat A Milne's stove foundry. Hamilton. Out., committed suicide on Thursday night by taking poison. Il is said he was in a de- spondent mood. He leaves a widow and four children. The Ontario Government will receive from the estate of the late Mr. .lames Trow, ex-M.P.. which i* valued at S19.'>,IJOO, the sum of S4.M7-I. The Canadian Pacific railway is delegates to F. i rope to assist in the promo 1011 of immigration to Manitoba and the North- West. The delegates are successful farmers from Manitoba, and two will go to Norway and Sweden, one to the Mennonites in Southern Russia, and one to Belgium. A despat ju from Windsor the scheduling of Canadian cattle will have the effect of shutting up the Wakerville barns, in which immense numbers of cattle pur- chased in Western Ontario have been fatten- ed and sent to Kngland. niciTiHii. The total loss of Let g/> into the surgery. " There's a lady there waiting for the doctor, " I said. " At this hour ' Impos- sible !"ihe replied, opening the door and Mf|>|>i ig in. I following. Suddenly the stopped and gazed inama/.e- inent at the doctors chair, her face taking on almost as strange an expression as that ten in factories for one month before and after confinement, their usual wages to be continued by riusl contributions from the State and the Department in which tiie factory n situated. Munro A Co., the Krench bankers, who hold what is known as the Paris fund, be- longing to the Irish Parliamentary party, say, on the advice of counsel, they cannot upon the quiet features of the Quakeress. pay out the money unless authorized to d so by the Tribunal of the Seine. It is reported that Cerman; 1 intends forti the briefest conceivable space fying the V'alkenberg mountains, not far the vision or apparition vanished before from the borders of the Swiss republic. A my very eyes. How she went, or where, 1 >1 cable despatch says that according could not conjecture, but can only describe to the provisions of the treaty of Vienna the il thus: One moment the semblance of u fortification of any place within twelve woman seemed sitting in the chair, bearing kilometres of Swiss territoiy is prohibited, altogether so lifelike an appearance that I and the rumoured action of < lerinsny is thought 1 could have felt the difference in lo One glance al my friend I gave, and then i *" v - vou '"" fortl looked at the strange woman, but only for , "as not your whole ti the briefest conceivable space ot time, for ; 8 "g nl * nee ; suppose James' nose had not bled al Salisbury ; suppose somebody, whose name I forget, had done a* he proposed to do at 1 ,''! -n Anne's death ; suppose the Me.l .1 had won at Marathon or the Saracens at Tours, or Aasdruhal at the Metaurus ; sup- pose that Napoleon had not suflered from indigestion a: Waterloo, or that Grouchy had not misinterpreted hu orders and where his history? Nay, take a case on which we cannot dwell, and which suggest* reflections which everyoae can make for himself. Suppose a certain Roman gover- nor bud been an honest man : There is a kind of fanciful pleasure in an- swering these problems ; but, on the whole, would the turn of a straw, which seein to be so momentous, have made much difference ? We know how our character shape* our lives, and we all doubt whether accident is so potent, after all. .Say you meet the wrong fate, and marry unhappily. Would you have been luckier with another fate ': you miss a fortune by a sliyht neglect, career been a series of You take up a tract and ate converted, or you have a vision like Colonel I lard'.ner or Pascal. I am certain that Colonel t Gardiner's conversation had long been ripening : one day or another the vision would have come, whether he was waiting tor that particular lady or for an- other. If not that tract some other tract spruce. In places even at far up an Fort \ ukon the valley is fully -'00 miles wide. "It abounds in game moose, caribou, and bear, while during the short SUIT iner there are myriads of geese, ducks, and swan so plenti- ful that we killed many of them with club* to save ammunition. Though there is frost there every month in the year, the mercury at midday in summer sometimes rises as high as -.'ill in the shade. The great, valley is practically uninhabited, except by In- dians, and the climatic .auditions are si'oh that it is never likely to lie populated by white people. " There are many good Indians, those in the interior being tall, well formed, and of much finer appearance than the ones we see about here. The Janaua*, living far up on the Janana River, wnicb, by the way, is a large navigable tributary of the Yukon, but is not on the maps, area wild, tierce tribe among whom the missionaies have never yet ventured. .Some of the missionaries have undoubtedly done a great deal if good, but it seems to be the geneial opinion up there that most of them are ' on the make , and gladly profit by opportunities to ssll the native* Itibles and other articles of I 'hnstian make at astoundingly low prices. " Of course, I am ready to admit that Alaska as a whole is a causing much anxiety. the texture of her dress and bonnet, the one being of cashmere, the other of silk. "Why, where has she ,,'oiie V 1 aaketi in the British warship amazement, instinctively running to try the The fall fairs are over and now is the two windows, the while Mr*. B re- 1 1 IIH- to reflect upon what we saw and heard mamed silent and motionless a* if as the : tnat ' great country ' in point of size, and if undoubtedly has great would have produced its results ; you were re(lourcMj uut , mv ,,, lnoll , lh e maturing for that p.ycnological a ter.tion. . : p ub | jtowl Mcountm o f , u attractions and while attending them. the French king had frontier. Tnul me " /'/ ' volution would have reached the . , old novelists put it-she were rooted to ' Irouuer - la "' m " " J '/*""' ". but the Re- Howe, stranded on Kerrol bar. i inevitable. I Perhaps you had better slock, Iruit or the spot. Both windows were securely , volutlon wWsld have ijono on. Say that Mr. John Ruskin is the latest to be spok I vegetables, than you aaw there, and you fastened down. There was but one door ; 'jrouchy had^' come up, "and t hat Napoleon n of in connection with the vacant poet | are now sorry that you did exiiibit. to the room ; exit by that I am sure thu , laurea'eihip. '' , don't waste your strength telling Quakeress did not, for we both stood im The tirst cliss battle ship Royal Oak was ' otner * ' t * le '*-' out resolve to exhibit mediately in front of it until after she had i launched on Saturday at Itirkcuhead. She ' " ext year and begin at oner to prepare goll e. will cost fjdiKKt >omc of the most successful societies re- "What does it mean* I asked The trouble' between the cotton masters 1"'. r ? r. itUn . latcmcllt . . f ^e annual B , and next. "What's the matter If we apply this i idea to a national iiutoad ^ lcnM ., of individual life, ,t may appear that the | t tn^'taj transportation oompau- accidents were not so very momentou. Say . je| wblc 7nfve li and the operative* of Lancashire ho* left some ."..'I, IP men idle. It is said that Mr. Itladatone'snew Homo Rule bill will reduce the number of Irish members entitled to vote iu VVestmi,i*ler on Imperial question* from III. 1 ) U> ~s. The Knglish Admiralty has ordered that the officers of the stranded battle-ship Howe be tried by -onrt martial for i -inning the vessel aground. The steamer tJerona, from London for . .iM '' butter, and the manner of serving her pale and frightened face. Mrs. ?" ob- had lieen well. We and the united con- were not so near the end of our re- we should will have another Meld. Be- sides, Crouchy's blunder wa* not an acci- dent. It was part of a habit of missing chances, which had sprung ,ip in the Krench very highly colored to suit the nd transportation large interest* there.'' M > i ! 01 o t Nr. Hariri !! rr s favrrsi ..r rrrellar I .mi nun n.i..,ii Walla. K. A. Muriel, the famous explorer uf ca\es, has discovered a new type of cavern in Fraud-. He tmterel it by a natural shaft which sinks into the ground through keeping of all cows eutered for premium. She "did not answer, but beckoned me to Thi* requirement is a most excellent one follow her. It was not until wo had been and oblige* the intending exhibitor to seated for some minutes in her own room give attention to tho ahoxe fact*. After that sho could command herself sufficiently I he has learned them he maker them public to speak. m Ins statement for the benefit of other "You thought it wa* alive woman you army ever since thu defeats in the Peninsula, solid bsault formation. The shaft is about thirteen feel in diameter. At it* bottom is ' a side passage about eight feet long leading to a cavern which sinks far lielow the level of the passage, aud in its largest extent strelohes away about 1.VI feel. If this farmers. I would earueatly urge all societies saw "'"sbeTmmired "at last." "XVny. cerl wo"' 1 ' h v expired T In all probability that , cavern were in. .limestone formation its origin themselves consequent on Napoleon s uudci taking too mir.-ii, even to him. Say the Persians had won at Marathon. ' CculJ they have held Greeoe, as they held the lonians, so that Greek civilization that have not yet done so, to embody this | tainly only I was pu//led to think where reqiiirenien'. in their next premium list. Aswou go along admiring a tine lot ol am- ' llow "" lch mor * interesting and 'l u '** impossible for Peisia. For once, could eaaily be ex plained, but throughoutthe s he went I '" 8 l" te "' oligarchs and jealousies, Hellas cavity is in baxalt, and it is piobaMy a i would have been united in resistance : sho freak of volcanic activity which forced the Montreal, liefore reported stranded at, Kres- : inntructivo it is to know just what each wilk, Scotland, has been got off the rooks has done in the past year snd on what fee.!. and will In- towed Iu Dundee. The returns issued by the London Hoard of Trade *how that import- decreased I'.'.- loO.OOOand exports decreased f.'.- she went to so mysteriously. " away in that way because she is dcsd.", IVad?" "Yes, and buried for three ' ml h ^ ew n hav ? med mouths. ' "Oh, pooh '." I exclaimed, incredulously. dining the past month, a* compared with October last year. At the tirat meeting of the Evicted Ten- ants' Commission in Dublin. Mr. Carson, counsel for the landlords, asked leave to cross-examine a witness, and upon being refuse 1, he denounced the commission tut a fraud and a sham, and, with tho other counsel for the landlords, wrhdrew. Scot"h Liberals are very indignant at the prei-ipitate action of Mr. llardm-r. piesi dontof the Hoard of Agriculture, inschedul Ing Canada and ordering the slaughter of Canadian cattle. It is stated that ships are being built on the Clyde for the Russian (iovtrnment which are filled with iron ca^es, in which to transport political prisoners to Siberia by way of the Lena river and the Arctic ocean. A deputation from I he Scottish Home I lull- 1 'lub on Friday watted upon >irCi>i>igi> Tic\u]yaii, Secretary for Sctilliuid, and de- manded tl at the question of Scottish Heme Rule should have attention simultaneously with, or immediately after, Irish Home Rule. I MTD STATIS. The commission appointed a year ago to investigate the charges of heresy against the Rev. Dr. Heher Nowton, of New York, has brought in a verdit of not proven. Crippa hat appeared in New York, and two deaths are reported. Mm Lachiner, of Lawr snccburc, lud. was bitten by a cat on Tuesday, and drank twoquartsof whiskey to ward off hydro- phobia. He died iu an hour without hav- ing uttered a word. There wan a fire in Brooklyn, N. Y. , on Saturday evening, that for a long time de- fied the efforts of the fire brigade, and WHS not extinguished until it hail destroyed $000,000 worth of property. The unaccountable absence of Rov. T. De Witt Talmage from hi* pulpit on Sunduv, and the absence of any information aa to liii whereabouts, i* creating a profound sensa- tion in Brooklyn, N. Y. Samuel C'h.irles Willets, of Chicago, mar- ried a girl when be was a mere lud, and after a daughter was born to them the young wife ran away, taking the child with , her, and nothing nv>re was heard of then. You are enabled to compare the different " You may pooh pooh a* much as you like,'' feeding methods of the various exhibitors, said my friend, " but that was no live wom- an the results are befoie you. You can go an in the doctor's chair. She was in her home and with the materials you have at lifetime a lovely girl of Quaker parentage, hand adopt a* near a* possible the method When about eighteen ver* old she ran of the most successful one. Kven if the fail < away with and married Mr. M , who was U which you exhibit does not require the not of her faith, and tho marriage was <:b- stalements above named, you yournelf and stinatoly opposed by her people, all others that see your exhibit will be better "If ever there wa* a love match it was satisfied if you give this in format ion. To ! thcirn, and the surprise was tnerefore al! do this you must commence now and keep the greater when u became bruited about account of the fodder and grain consumed :li,i- am! weigh the product of each cow, | |jfe. Perhaps you have a calf, a yearling or a they led each other a cat and dog colt that you intend to exhibit and are-iinx- ' ' No one but themselves knew what their quarrels were about, only that they ion* to have take a premium al next year's wvrf open and bitter. .lust when asepara- fur; it so now is the timo to commence to turn ws expected, as a natural ending ..( ntly and liberally. \ on their quarreling, MT. \l won takemlangcr- noticed what a line yearling neighbor A had > oiisly ill. This seemed to restore pence and tin i year: write to him or visit him and lovi-'p. twocn them, and the yuung Quaker learn his method. You noticed what aline ess mit-ed her husband with the utmost sow and litter of thoroughbred pigs friend c *r<- Mid devotion until he died. Nothing H had. Co to him and IMIV a pair, it will O f , tnv kind was said against her until he cost you no more to keep them than it would hs.l been deal nearly u year, and then a grades, and next fall if vonr skill is equal vci v ugly rumor began to creep about. At to his, you can make him divide the pre- Ural it was darkly suggested as a possibility miums with you. u,,- M,. M , timely taking oil was not You may intend to go into thoroughbred ' owing to natural cause*. Then, grown |K>ultry next spring. Rather than run youi bolder by finding listeners, the whispers clinnevs of getting poor slock by buying hinted that pomon had been used to get rid eugs of strangers, go to Mr. C. who secured ,,f . k contentious husband, then that his wife tii-,t piemnitM on the breed you intended to had poisoned him. The motor spread with stock up with and engage your eggs for the something added at each repetition till it .on desire, or better still, buy four or reached the ears of tho authorities, and the . the struggle. Say that Carthage had supported Haunilial, and hail allied herself with Philip of Mace- basalt up to the surface of the earth. The bottom of the cavern is covered with water, and above it a stratum of carbonic don. They could not have held Italy : they , acid gas about tifteen feet thick. It was, of could not have reduced Koine to a village, | course, impossible for Mr. Martel to reach the bottom of tho cave, but he studied it a* thoroughly a* he could by descending on hi* rope ladder as far M it wa* safe. He think* no more subuue Scotland than wecould hold i the water has no outlet, and that it entra Afghanistan. It Charles had marched on ' thii cave through umill crevice* in the rock. London from Derby, if the Welsh squires A noteworthy feature is the rapid fall hail in. and if the Knglish Jacobites, m temperature. While the thennom- had been true-hearted, sf.ll, in a very few ' eler at the mouth of the cavern aud imposed anew civilisation on the world. Had r.dward II been Kdwanl 1, Bannock- burn would have been lost ; mil you could years James and his priests would have been miti-ked 10 9 centigrade, eight feet be- low the entrance the temperature was , and seventy feet blow it was 1 . 'lhe low temperature i the result of the e\ aporation of the water. The cave is not picturesque, but it has peculiarities which make it a re- markable natural pnenomenon. and it will sent packing again. History would have gained a romantic page, but Kngland would be much what she is at present. The king would not have hnd a belter chance than Louis \VIII and Charles X : he would have squandered his opportunities as readily. I Hud the Armada landed her men, Kngland receive considerable attention from i would have suffered, but few of thu iinaden ij c nicu. I would have seen Spain again. Hail Charles ' Martel 'oeen defeated, the Saracens, in the ( long run, would have met the fate of their country mrn in Spain. Tho w.rld'* m.>x,>- nient may bo deferred, but not actually > Krupilsa fivo of his best, birds and save the eggs from them and set th"in next spring. If your pears and apples weio nearly as good as thoe that took first premium, cultivate around your trees ihin fall and give them a good fetd of bone and ashes, If you want first premium <>n quince- next tn-at the trees the same and next spring success of the exhibit depends upon tho .., fellow* who roll up their sleeves and show iy \\illets married a girl younger I the muscle that produced their crop* and (Quakeress was arrested upon the suspicion of having murdered her husband. "His body was exhumed and .t modi, .il examination made upon it. but il wa* so decomposed thai nothing could be positive- ly determined as to whether the man or hod not met with foul play. Mrs. M. was released from custody, but the suspicion, |iiinklc on the soil beneath each tree a pint ' ! the open verdict, so to call it, sulliced of coarse fine salt. You were surprised to i to blast her reputation, ruin her life and see the specimens of almost perfect vego- 1 shatter her henlth. Remembering the life tables shown by different exhibitor*. No one ,ho had led with her husband, no one be- man had thn best of everything. When you Moved hoi innocent. .She was shunned by meet the growers at thexiangc and funnem' n ]\ ,] UV ery door wa* closed against her. club this winter question them and lind out Save lor hanging she WAS punished as so tho name and strain of seed, and from whom : vorely as if she had really poisoned her hns- oblained, character of soil, amoi.nt and kind ban-!. This naturally was deeply wounding of fertilizer, culture, etc. Then go and do | to a high-spirited and deeply sensitive wom- Crow the bout you can and M-la* the bo*t you grow. Always delicate her health broke coin- Don t keep your stock and produce alj pletelv under the calumny, and she sought homo and then blame the othcers because, my husband's advice. But sho was already there was generally than liiawelf, and , on obtain- ' the mind that ruled tho muscU. meagre exhibit. 'I ho officers too fni- gono with pulmonary complaint for ittemled to their duties, but the him to do more than alleviate hor pain. One day sho called here. Y'ou know consump- tive* are in many canes possessed of a ti< ti tioiiK strength which buoys them up to tho vc, j MK*. tOLI l*. diverted. The great stress of national char- acter and circumstances m. stronger than ac- cident or war. [Andrew Lang, in tho Illus- trated News of the World. DnihlngaKnt. In tho neighborhood of York village the other day, a gentleman, looking over a wall, saw a dead hen in the Held. Presently a rat ran up, sniffed at tho defunct fowl with much satisfaction, and went away in some haale. The onlooker, who is a student of natural history, knew what that meant, and removed the hen from tho spot. In a minute or two tho rat came back with half a do/.e.n friends, with the evident intention of removing the oarcassfor future use. Arrived *t the spot whore the fowl had lam the rat raised a louil squeak of as i'ishmoiit at its absence. In a trice the other rats fell upon him so savagely tin; they left him dead on the field, as a nam- ing not to play practical jokes with bis friends. "Yes, I'm in the lecture business,' said the long-haired passenger, "and I'm making money. I've got a scheme, 1 have, and it works to a charm. Big houses wherovur I go." "A scheme V "Von. I always ad- vertise that my lectures are especially for women under thirty years of age and men out of debt. You just, ought to see tho way people come trooping in.' 1 The baldhead looked in the mirror bright And merrily did "A man may have a >huung crown, And yet not. be a king." trsirslli Ihr Hsirfarr of Ike rras). Volcanic disturbances at sea have been quite numerous of late. One of the mist in- esting reports is that given by Captain Ste- ward, of thu schooner Dora Sioward. who reports the following experience in the neighborhood of Atkha Island . 'I he aea itself I have never known to be so disturbed. The roll of the wares wa* broken, and the water hissed and seemed to boil, while at a little distance away, not more than a half milr, U appeared to us, a light steam vapor spread itself over the sur- face of many hundreds of yard*. 4 could haidly keep my feot, an1 the mcu wen* holding to the rigging, thtir faces vry pale. They couldn't comprehend tho mystery, and, in fact, I felt a little queer myself. The mate tried to hold tho wheel st- but it wa* a sorry effort. Ho said tho spoke* seemed like tho handles of an electric bat- tory from which a succession of sharp *J<ock* was produced. At the time there 'fi not more sea tlmiioue would expect from the wind and there was no land in sii;ht. I'umice and other evidences of subaqueous eruption were found a few hour* later floating in quantity, and 1 congratulated myxull on tho fact that we had escaped a more severe experionc*. Volcanoes have been active in that since 1796, but I never hoard of any one be- fore passing over an active onn. From several portion* of the South Pa- cific Ocean similar reports have been re- ceived. They indicate more than usual vol- canic activity beneath the ocean, and stim- ulate scientific research in regarl ' phe- nomena as yet but imperfectly understood.

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