THE WEEK'S NEWS, Th* lumber mills on the Chaudiere are very busy, and will ran until *tappd by ic. Mr. K.lgar L>.:wdney has left Ottawa for Br-tish Columbia to assume the Lieutenant- Gocrnorh i p. Sir I 'harles Tupper is of the opinion that a new fact line ot steamer* to Croatia will foou be an accomplished fact. At a mult of a (input* in the congrega- tion of St. Andrew's church, Winnipeg, it if likely th*t another Presbyterian church will shortly be erected in th it city. The Dominion Uovernment will give financial aid to the Canadian Kennel Cluo in making their arrangements fora good ex- hibition at the liencb dhow to beheld in con- nection with the World's Fair. Sang Kee, a Chinaman of some note, is at preeent in Ottawa to make an investigation into the character and scope of the D mun ion law about t'hina. Kev. John (inv. for some ye^ri pant treaiiirer of the Superannuation fuod of thi> Methodist rhnrcli, ilied suddenly of heart disease on Satnrday at his otri-.-e in Toron to. The Uehriug Sea arbitrators will meet in I'ris next February, anil as Sir Jolin Thompson will hare to be present the Do- minion Parliament will meet early in Janu- ary. At golden wedding ceUbialion held in Kingston, Out., the lady and gentleman who had been the bridesmaid and groomtmac, respectively, titty year* betere were among the guest*. There was a marked falling off last month in the export cf Canadian cattle to tireat Britain. The totej shipments are BOW II, 54H cattle and l.'i.i'ti slieep below the same date last year. Tl.enueetien of ti.e financial agency of the Dominion of Canada in London i> 'still under consideration, but the friends of the Bank of .Montreal are still hopeful of getting the Domiejiea account. Mrs. Hartley, tile wife a fireman at I "ii ilon, Ont., committed suicide on Monday night by hanging beraeli from a beam tup porting a fan-light in the roof of her dwell ing. To dependency is attributed the deed. In response to request from Hamilton for local officers the < 'rand Trunk Railway C nipany ha* appointed Mr. Joseph Wallace general a?ent at HimilUm, Mr. M ('. I lick- son district passenger agent, and Mr. J. Karl* district freight agent. There u a Kraal excitement among oattle shippers :n Montreal over the uews received from London that the Knglish Kuard of Agriculture has ordered twelre hundred Canadian cattle to be slaughtered. Mr. Robert Bickerdike, the proi.inent shipper, still maintains that there is no pleuro pneu raonia in Canada. The Canadian Pacific railway s steamer Kmpressof Japan arrived at Victoria. P.. ('.. nn SninUv night fretn the Orient, having on board the captains and crews of the Cana- dian sealers Carmelite and Marit, were seized !> 'he Kiuwian* off Copper Isl await extradition to Pari*. A special tlfrea 1 TeaayseB. cablegram eays the Scotland Y*r4 delec- Among the honour*! area* who nave tiv**aretakmg'ery precaution lo prevent (ouiul a | Ml morfcd re4tt ng-pl*ue within the the p Usenet's escape. | W s4ls of Weeumoster Abbey, there is none Th- English Board of Agriculture ha* whose title u more sejure from challenge ordered all calUe lauded a 1 - I) inilee from tlian Alfred Tennyson : unne who tios more Canada off the iteamers Huron* and Monk- i worthily earned the nifhisi tribute at sad sealon, twelve hundred in number, to be ' and solemn pageantry which the nation can slaughtered. ! P a Y- And though that tribute was not of> S.r William V.rnon Harconrt is oppoed j '"""I l>v order of Parliament, formally given to the release of Dr. C.allaaher. Curuun, u UM been given .n ;i.,nour of cert*tn and the other dynamiters convicted of of- <**-*men and wairors, it is none the lees fences in lire it lirit*i i. aud J said to have national one, accepted and sanctioned not the support of the majority of the Cabinet, merely by those who are entrusted with the The Central Cliamber of Commerce in London ha* decided to hold a national con- ference on the agricultural depression The unemployed Hebrew working-men of perh*i>a more deeply than any ..ther in our London hv decide I that they will march hwiorv, it is a good sign, a thing which barefooted through the city itreels on thret mi ^y ronse a feeling of pride in all different days. u ,, ,4,,! O f hope in those who are Aichbishop Vitughan will accompany the ' tunes tempted to look despondingly pilgrimage of I'.. ih.s to Koroe. toward the future, that there is a uiiam This pilgrimage, which is headed by to* mus uu : praise and sorrow Duke of Norfolk, is in point of wealth and around the grate of one who, "m divers numberii the greatest that has left (jrsat ton-- . < iy denounced, with all the Britain in t^roe centuries. earnestness of a strong man, aud the purity Mr. Waters, solicitor for Thoma/i Neill. of a good on*,ihe thraldom of faction and now under sentence of death for poiaoumg th " I-'"" 1 "' 8">- Like hu own ides. p.*t, MatiM.i ( lover, ho* revived deep.tch t *<"'-red *'tii the hate of '.ate, the scorn from Canada stating thl affidavit* showing of 00 " 1 - ID UlT of ll)V<! ' tnere w re Llv cam ol the Abbey, but also by the whole people ol this realm. Amid the ever present i strife of parties ml t!ir mce*sant striving for material wealth which mark tins era. I la D*az<-r Tbe daemon of tbe lumau Liu* to nil it steamers to Southampton instead of a* pre- viously u> Liverpool, fnrui*ues a Lhaose for an interesting article in the 'Jooe. It says tin- this step on the part ot the- Inmau Line may mark the beginning of a rev- olution m thesranaalisatic passenger service. Liverpool has hitherto en joyed airaosrtamoa- opoly m this respect, it has been ihe trans allantic headquarters of almo*t every im- portant line of steamers running lietween the two continent*, and, with it* mile* of Hpleudid docks, it* prestige, and the wealth m and enterprise of its citizens, it seemed to ' in-i defiant* to all rivals. The North 1 man Lloyd Line, however, some years ago I began calling at Southampton on it* way to i Bremen, aad the experiment proved very i successful, so much to that it soon secured ' a very large patronage from Knglashoten t and Americans anxious to reach Land-in j quickly It took a fast steamer but a few ; hoars longer to reach 'outhampton than Liverpool, while the southern port pusteseed the double advantage of l/eing much nearer i OB miit.trn fer i si- Werta I afr Jalaeui Mexico. Iowa ranks fifth among the Sta'e* of the Union in railway nnl**ge. Boston, Mas*., expects to have a ferty- four-mil* trolley to Providence, R. L Married ronple* in Norway are. priv'leged to nde on railroad* at a -fare and a hart. Illinois has a coun'y. < 'alhoun, Uiat rma no railroad, telegraph or telephone within i'* boarders. The annual consumption of raitroad tie*) in tile l':uuni Mata* is estimated at about 85,250,000. There are now thirty-one car-seevioe as- sociations m operation During -'tis past quarter th* associations handled -.oXT.VJT oar*. A railroad 100 miles long is soon to be built across the Caucaeus Mountain* " Uie inheapitahl* Caacamu" of the ancients. Th* life of a locomotive crank pin, which of ami sesaons when I he sweet notes which ordinarily fell from his lips changed to furious tone* of indignation, when liis verse was, iv. Sidney thought p.~?try shoold be. like th souad of th* trumpet and from mortal voice has never come more tieros denunciation of the evils which he saw aljout him. in society or m th>: political life of the natiuo, than fell from his. Faction andtu ways, tne greed of gun wh'her that gam were sought m the fields winch that Xeill u insane have been mailed lo him. Referring to the Liberal C'sbinet Coun- cil neld on Thursday. lh<- London Times believe* that Mr. (iladstone ID keeping the Home Rule measure up hi* sleeve, aud tbmks it will not differ much from that presented in 1*98. Tbe collapse of the Liberator Building ' Soci-ty simultaneously witU the downfall mat gam were of the 1,011. Ion and (ieneral Bank is ambition selects, or of the more sordid ! to prove one of the most gu-autic financial kind -against these, he ever directed his sensations of the generation. A spex-ial sure aim. theae he ever *trovc to raise men * cable despatch from Ixtixion savs the official minds from, whether bv direct precept or figure* presented yesterday by the receiver by aMiaii up bsfore them an example of show that there are absolutely n> aateu, the Ingner choice a "truth embodied in a while the liabilitis* are very heavy. The tale that shall "enter at th* lowly doors," directors in loin estahlishmenl* are sensed with a arm faith in the highest 'impulse* of linuir th*ir own pockets at the , xpeucn ' au.i craving* of humanity which found of the shareholders, and threat* of criminal utterance in his \\>- need* must c proaecution* ar* freely maile. t MTM' iTATtN. Mahanoy ( ity, Pa., is suffering from a watei famine. About two thousand five hundred peraons were left homeless by the Milwaukee fire. Mrs. Bertha, of Kalamozoo, Mich., who-i- husband died about a year ago, com London, and of being accessible by great u almost the first tiling about an engine to steamer* at any tune, whersa* Liverpool ' g O , spin* out to IfO.UOO miles, and the life of can be reached by deep-draughted steamers a .'tt-inch wheel is J,733 I...,M. | only at high tide, and if the captain jest There a borM railroad n { t y .nile* long I mimes oi.e tide be is compelled to wait a ln Ule Arnmtine Republic eonnactm* -ue number of hours, sometime* amount- 1 cmpltali Buenos Ayr ,. w th San MartiM. I ing to close on. half a day, for the Tb . ^hedule tune of a tnp on this road i* i next. This difficulty ariaes trom the ^ intm !. Jlight pa-anger, are tar- presence of a sandbar at the mouth ot nl , ne<1 wiUl iumw .ie^ng books. l::.;M-.:v I'ne 1. v M>. ;. lUioji I. jin miasioners faithfully dredge th* river at > /' tin. point, but the Jnd continually aooura * <** , U ' r Wl " two *"* -* 1 'P'?'" 1 ''. ulateV and the .htficulty appear, to he a >> ba * !"" mounted on p,.le,W* permanent one. When steamers took from ten to twelve day* to cron from part to port, a few additional hours at either end red ^imperatively little. Now that the voyage has baen reduced to lea* than six day*, the travelling public rind it incon veniant and annoying to be subjected at the last moment to delay from such a source. ! Liverpool's misfortune m the opportunity at each side of the entrance of the \ ger station. The work of laying the new 1'JU pound steel rails on the New York Centra! is ad- vancing rapidly. A large section between the Hudson River and Poughkeepstti is al- ready Completed and the msro are now at work : a th yards ef the Grand I'entral station. Tbe new rail* wilt replace the *)- i of her' rivals. .Southampton has'improved i pound rain, winch, until now. were the her wharves and her train -ervice with the ] heaviest in u*e. It is only a few years sino* metropolis, and ha* at last succeeded in i he ' pound rail was the stan.lard. of tbo papers interested in the Kritish cattle trade are calling loudly for the nchedulmg of Canadian cattle on ac- count of the recent *u*pevted caces of pleuro- pneumonia. A despatch trom London says it is feared that despite the Government s desire to treat Canada kindly its hands may be forced. The Grand Trunk Railway Company has settled the claim on behalf of tbe estate of r'ntnk A Xi.ns a resident of Minneapolis, who was killed on the railway near Hamil- ton. Onu, in an no-idem on April -J9th, !0. for four thousand dollars. It n said that tbe superannuation of Mr. VanKtughnel. Deputy ^upermtsu lent- General of Indian A'lairs. will t.ikc place soon, aud that Mr. Krwierick While, om miHioner of Mounted Pol:ce, will succeed him, still retaining the comiiiissionership. Mr. C. H. Tupper, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, has left lor L mdon to lay betorc the Foreign Oflice the counter case f r i tn ii in rebuttal of the case submit ted for the L niled Slates in the Behnug Se arbitration. It M reported that Senator Mcl:me* will sell li.iii'liirn park. Humil-on, Dm., and that it is proposed to cut up the prop- erty into buiMing lots. The re*'> for this decision, it is K'lrmiied, is the probabil- ity that tbe Canlin Cac.fic railway vill enter Hamilton. Mr. ,i. W Lonitly, Attorney General for Nova Scotia, who has Iten in Ottawa for some days, hail for his mioainn tlie presentation of a c'aini for ti iefnd to the province of sone two milli-'ii dollars which was expvndwl m building rulway connection' now making part of the Inter- jolouial railway system. the highent whea we see it." Net, a preacher of morals in the joropletesl sensi, and acknowledged a* such by all, there was no narmwness or sourness in his morality. One might lilt \ tayern catch unmeet foe women i ears and ;. el be at heart honest and true, tit companion for a Prince; such a one "though he trip and fall, he shall not bmd his soul with clay. ' It i* this breadth mute.i suicide by shooting herself in the of matter in what direction it head upon her return from .lie theatre on w. turned, that mark* ihe high level on Saturday night. It is said that despondency | whicn the poel stood, and, indeed, it is one prompted the deed. ' | the qualities, apart from these of tech An accurate account shows there nujue. that will preserve his verse from per- were 4ti." Inn 1. nnyi burnc 1 in Milwaukee. ishing. In it he stands by the side of The Chinese Freemasons now have a th " " <>' Engiish ooetry, who to Umple m Boeton, the onlv one in -he fml- our> " '"? ** ' tb * "F nt - '" m VMt ed Siat** belonging to the Celestials. V"""* t! ' ta *Sf ltl * t ' h * U S r ' If****?' Shakespeare. Millon. Drvien. Wcrdiwortli, Owing to in- , onuouauce of disturbance. shelley^U-ron. and Browning, one aud all, tbe frequent attack upon non union th b wu|1 <1)ffl;r , ncOTt r^bUd him in workers, it i. tfe.iev.d the troop, will lhl . JL,,, m ffc:t wlllch .hows. ,1 need be, to return to Homestead, Pa, lhit lhoui<h ^ o , d oHer chaaget< lh . Bishop Phillips lirooks, of Boston, tniaks spmt that mi-ntes the race u still the that the exr. out of the Christian ministry laine ; for eacli of tneae in bis manner ^~' ongl.l to b* made easier, so thai men need degree wo* a true repr.'>ent.ative of tbe .not leave m disgrace when in tbe best light race, aud of ihe thought which, modified I thai God IIM given them they feel that ihcwgh it -nay be by the fashion of oaoh work lie* theie no longer. period, is yet in essentials one continuous The ( T ntted State* Secretary of Slate has ttream. "Through t'le ages one incroa* instructed the L*. S. Legation in London to ">g puipone runs, ' and who should note it take *Wps to obtain from the Clsdslonian ""* incorporate it, if not our poet*? Government tbe release ot Dr. GalUghec, ^^ .sissa- capturing one of the biggeet of the transat- lantic steamihip doelo. Cerhsp* there will be more to follow. Th* Inmun Line hold* the championship at present in the Prwident IngalU ha* introduced on the Che*ap*ake A Ohio road tbe Kogiish meth- ods of feeding A- every :m- John Curwn, aad other Inah-.Vii*: Kenuns now serving life swlence* in Y lish pnsens. Tliere h^. been an enforced marketing of man v thousands el bu*h*ls ol wheat in tbe Inited Mate* thi* week, which have been held tor an advance, to make room for that which hu just been harvested. Open weath- r has much the demand .'or t faal Mrauaal*>. The , ;u of p. nl bmk ihre ocean r*c- >n ite -rs' wettwul voyage aero** the Atlantr Sh* beat her own record for the fastest voyage ever mad* prtmoasly by one hour an-l thirty four minute*, nsakiog the voyage in live days, fourteen hour, and tven'y four minutes. Sbe also held the rec seasonable goods. In tbe Kaatern Stales tbe or(1 for lbe (MU .. ; Average p*d per hur. shoe faclone. are r,rtcd busy. There is wd ,, lmt ,..,. ...crea^d it by twenty activity in wool, cotton, and rubber. Petro- leum, paints, and bi^ iron have advanced. Trade in thr South is very active, and lection* are improving as the crops _ ngers. portant station on the line, junction point*, contest of spied among th* ocean steamer*, etc., he has ordered tnat a wxll-macaged and th* rec-rd that the City of Pan* broke ; lunch counter bv maintain*! and that the la*l week, when it reduced th* time to me food b paiataWe and clean. He say, the . lays lourteen hour*, was its own. The in- ' man wr.h a wife and three or fnor children tluence of its action will be connderable. i can not aflbrd to take meal* in a maintr car Soiithunpton in only an hour and a half or but they can afford to patroni/* a lunch ' so from tne metropolis, and a very uonven- counter. I lent gelling-otf plaoe for that huge propor , , -upreme Court of Ieaa has deci.Uel I tion of transatlantic travellers who is am to that when a person's ticket entitles atan get to the great city as soon a* po**ib4*. I oory-to a oouMnuou* passage over a rafl- Anolher competilor in Bristol, which is r(MU he ha* no right to lake a tram run- buildmg a great new wharf, improving it. ' m O11 | y M ^ .n^nned.*** p mil . .ud take existing accommodalion. and generally do mer^lrom on ajotber tram that ing everything in its power to attra.-t a cottj(1 t,,.. h|m u h is d*%tu>ali<ni, even i share of the tram.- whieh Liverpool has so ^ oa ^h Uie latter tram was the on* whioh long aajoye.1. Briaioi was not so long ago ' ^ .honld have taken m th* nr- mstanc*), the second city of England, and. though she the voluntarv breaking ol n.s juurncy for- . ha* not exactly retrograded, her progress j ltlna ,,. ng ht u, enier the second train ; has been *o much inferior lo ibat of nuuy hr onumat oou'.ract uf pa*****. ; other Englih cities, and she is so far be- ! Some time ago th* Canadian I' and | hind m the rtoe far commercial supremacy, c;,.^,,,, Trunk made an a^r-emeni lo inauv that her merchant* and citutens are ntaking a dvlennioed effort to secure a greater share ; of that which has come in such abundance to her larger aud richer rival. Liverpool. t Then then is a third competitor, though it appear* at present to be a uol very power ful o.w. Milforl Haven has put in its laim* for some snare of tne transatlantic , traffic. As a harbor the Haven is uadoobb- ' edly superior to either ol the place* named. | anil, being at Uie extreme western paint of Wale* anl souis hours nearer New York or , u>- olbei port on this side, even for the j ' faabest stani*r, it has very decided advan- tage*) over both of them. There i* at pres- ent, however, nn wharfage accommodation suitable for uoh traffic, and neither the Town of Milford nor it* sister Town Of I Pembroke are Dig enough to take th* mat I cr in nand. agreeme nd to d rale* and to discharge say agent or othxial who should break the) agreement. So wiany prevtou* agreement* had boen niade c-nly to be broken that agent* paid little attention to it. The <;rand Trunk put up a job on CaiMuiaan PacitH agent*, and five of them ha* jut been diccharged oa.cvnleat.-e tarnished by the Grand Trwnk. Meantime tbe Canadiaa secnred evidence agaisut four l she i. rand I": nn< ajeentt, and now they have beeu discharged. col are marketed. The feeling unerally amoiii; business nu-n i* Iwtte, an 1 the outlook is improving. two hundredlh* ol a knot, raisin*; the record to -JO. 70 knots t/er ho-ir. The record for the greatest run in a smHe day was held by tbe Teutonic, which ran 5'JS knots in one day on her moct famous voyage a few month* ago. The City uf Paris made .">:) knot* in !> 1 'i.'< tnoiiMivith* more than an ordinary Kmperor William will open the Rexhstag statute mii*. '.ti.- ! dv - run of the City in person on Nesiember 'J-J. <. Pans was accordingly equivalent to 610 A sen.. u no', look pkcr in Madrid on stalute mile* ; thai is, to a railway ran of Mondav IK r. because the municipal 610 mile'. Her average spee.l per hour, in authorities failed in properly celebrating statute mile*, v* if H7. l'h i ,ty g.' Pan.- the Columbus fetes. >s a vessel of 10.500 ton* and c wi }i .OOO.UUO. A special cuble des|Mtch from V.ruacel, She is buflt vf steel, her hull being divided says the IJ'iecn nu attended a into fifteen separate water-tight compart- performance ot "Lohengrin'' last week, and mcnts. Itiree different sets of ooilerk, three went behind the scene* and in a set, furnish the iteam fer the two set* talked with all the actors and actreases, in- of triple-expansion engine* of a cntubiood cluiiug ihe ballet girls, , 'JO.iinn hors* power. The vessel has twin S hinidt. the Belgian who smothered hi* screws thai revolve when the ship issuing mistM-s.' with charcoal fumes tnut ho might at full -Weed about eighty four times a obtain the insurance on her lite, has been minute. The C'lVy ol Pans is .VtU feet long. i lonnd gnilly_and sentenced lo death. 634 feet beam and :>9 feat deep. Thorn-is Xeill, now under sentence of ,^ m m ,^ m death, ha* confe**c<l that from I s?i t.' IS8I, when he w.ts arrested m Chicago h* made a practice of poisoning dissolute girts in Ike Itsdteas la the I tod <tts>fe-s It is fortunate for th* Cuiteii -in that | irKNH * is iti..r Part* of the Atlantic Ocean are five mile* Ui depth. The first p.ibhc library in Rome was founded 167 B.C. The caaeuine* of London cover an area of ov<r -J.OK) acres. had bile u has the great n*gro problom bwiore ' A leopard recently shot :n B*nal I it still xisolved, it has at Last, after long killed, at various time*. I J4 pereoos. [year* of shameless injusti'-e and cruelly, i At stylmn bamriei* it u th* cuctoni t* 1 entered upon whai b*da fair to prove a just ,erve oysters on plat** carved out of loe. and mercirj*lse4ntionef the I*n problem. ( Th , r , %re compolaory eduoation law* in The Lake Moh'ink Couf.renoe. which an tw ^ y . t . wn of the St *tes aud temtone*. innual assembling of philanthropMi* of all > clasees. lo dcu*?ir,e condition of the In Arabella Maoefield. of Iowa, was th. fir* the first woman admitted to the bar in the 1'iuted becane a tull-lledgd lawyer The Lond"u Tuues regrets that Mr. Rat- four hai committed himself to bi inetalisai. Rev. (i. .1 S.-hoolcraft, of London, lias been granted a divorce from his wife, a dis- solute woman whom he married lo reform. The poet Morris denies that be Has beeu ofered the poet Uureaieahip. The Imperial Government has ordered that all the evidence on the eight- hour ques- tion taken by th* Royal Com-niasiou he printed. The British Consul at Cuatemala, in his annual report to the Kriush (ioveiii call* attention to the excellent field of en to the dairy farmer iu that Republic. A cable rneMag* * Montreal state* that the Thomson line steamship Heron.* a on the rocks of Caithness, on the Borlli shore of Scotland. She wan bound to Montreal, and it i* aunpo-jed will be a total tons. There appe ,ra u. he very little chanc* of settling the dispute between the Lau.-ajhirc cotton mastem and their operative*, and a loug strive is almost inevitable. The *ilver question at present U calling for a good deal of attention m Knjlixh . meroial centres. A special cable despatch lay* the Saturday Review iu referring to th* subject, thinks that th*> liino has come for a reconsideration of bi metalUsm in the light of preeent emergence* as well a* of PMI experience. London police have learned of the eaievncc of a plot for the release of Fran ojis, the dangroti3 Frrnoh Auarcliist, whn, u being h*kl by the English, authorities to dtans and devise muaaure* tor their protec- tion tnd civil ;/alion. has thu year found * : * 1 *" both it* duties and it* perplrxilie* very | * '* greatly leeaeaed. Tim rew system, which j Kive hundred Chineae coUes MM beoo wu largely of it* devising, is werkmg most ' engaged as ao experiment, to work upon hopWully. The work of allotting lands in the oogesi and cotton plantation*) in Bast ee-erahy i* said to be goiug forward ranil Africa. Iv on reservations where the Indian leaden ! Do raoeqaitoes migrate by train ' It i* j were at tint determined to re*)i*t at any co*t | a**erted ihat Dalle*, Texas, wa* without ' t'ue breaking up of the tribal retauoos. The moeifuiUw* until a railroad ran tiirough the )r<Mult of the system is, as was no doubt town anucrpated, liial the Indians who are from A ^ m p a ,,,... IB<) ^, or W h. ; time to time Deruadd to accept allotment* ;4<w j^ n W4ter he.aks, bt come* to the in everalty. Ijecoae the beet ageou in in- ' , u ^axss at the wi*% of .he operator, who scnd*-ajr mio itirem an Inrfia rnb**r ball, leaden The Oxford Professor who, according to irreverent iindergruduate*, I duuing others to follo-wVueir exacuple and I to accept the new s; *t*tn s* the oatcome of oonaected with " tbe diver " by a tube. II appear* that the lop* ha* lot yet hymn, "Kiiifcerm,; congs their kiklv* late" given his d:>-p-nstion for the marriage of is Uemg rnu very hai d for hi* oprenuny in I'rince Ferd^-i.ind "f Hohenzollern t.) Prin- thi* particular clats of blunder. Such vcr- Mane, dau^hler of the Duke of Kdin- h*! Uncles are, it i* believed, growuiK burgh, '.ut that he will do so, one of the oonimauer thau ever. "Pardon me, sir. coudilions benij.' thai the children are la be I" 11 ' think yon are occupeving my pie brought up as Roman Cath wa* long ocn*idered one of th* be*l spec- Pr, K ,,,,,rck srill not reapnear in the imeo - ;>u ' " V ' lave , th ? ^ , ( " - ...a^ during Ihe coming aeesioii. llemai, who in the height of hi* eloquence al.U'U.l lo the pitlo^ln* belt. Tbe , new Home Secretary coined a delightful phrase when lie declared with emphoei* , there wa* " not one tit or joule. An TkeO.rrT.ldk. * 1.41.,. tll.rkesl la, .,,, tn , tlc My r^ ni \ y direct^ the e> of lraklla *errh K\r -dlilaa. her friend to some "aulimnal lunt.o, and The I'. K. IV Young, a Mc'hodiel another ynpathetic la<ly said her huafcand missionary in the far north for many year*, wa* worked like a bird of heaslen. " Rut stated that he was sent for by an aged living cveti these good *ouls must live place, to Indian some time ago, who confeoeed before tl, e country gentleman who ordered hi* hi* death that he accompanied one of the S.i .|..lm r'niultlin exptditions to the north- An uuusual .- .... who' receive the~allot- | '"J^X " Joh . u , thro* .,f their all^,., to their ""^^ " ^lu, to tbe celfct for a bottle ef ..i IL. ,f r*rii' cats)J4>. On hi* wav up slair,, lli< 1HH -\W TUKI t old chiefs and begin to assert ihetr righu ' aa <-iti/ens. For a time they will of coiuae j be in danger of btmg preyed upon by mi- scrwpuloas lawyers andotlier uonsrienceles* ' whites, but the natural shrewdness ot the In linn character will soon aasert ileelf and | enable them to guard against these. As a matter of fact it is said that the eaee with which they are plundered, whether by law- yers o. agent*, is steadily reduced. The rpiaUorm thw year adopted by the Mohonk Confereui.* included the eatablishmen' of gash in hi* I Hartford people are having grea* fun at the expcuie of a street-car conductor in that city. V\ bile mtoxicascd, h* aw the wood- en figure of an Indim before a cigar itocr, ^upar<-ntly hailing him with uplifted hand. Ue halted the car, aud a* the noble red man did not move, the < ooduetor threatened to thrash him. Th oldest man in the world, it i* believed. mere Federal court* for Indian*, and "where dieoVa few weeks ago, m TiBis, A**atic Ka*- ern sea*. Supplies became very low and there servant to bring him * " t'orkmg calf, and who simply horrified hi* wife when he sue- geeied that the should send for the " hell- banker. " It would be mtereeung to know of starvation. Before deoiding to the physiological cause of the blunders, return the commander sent this ladiau aud They may poanbiy arts*, bike so many ot her another acrmu an island to look on th* other error* in speaking and reading, from the side. They crowed and discovered m the ( fact that iho -nind is far in advance of th* distance threa masts ristcg out of th* ice. 'tongue occupietl, thai m, with the thought were nearly cthausteil, and knowing that is to b* uttered a second or two lience trnt if they told the commander of their : rather than with vn* one not yet fully ex- discovery he would go to the place, they pounde-l. 'V it may h* ihat we speak as L'oided that it would be better not to tell | we write, mnch more hastily than oai him. for they feared starvation of the entire fathers. Even our thoughts are uow-a days party in the event of dtlay. under high pressore. Accor.luigly they returned and reported hiving found nothing. The next dy the expedidion started on it* return. TV hi diana were certain the masts belonged to on* of Frank ha's not.oed. *a,d " " ' * W 1 W ' the m<>lc " hcr i neceeeary, ' their con>puhwiy education in ' scouoh provided by the National Uovern- | ment. "Tbe Conference," say* the Chris- tian Cnion, from which we quote. " was practically unauimcua in commending the action of the Baptist, Methodutt and Pres- byterian Churches in refusing further Gov- ernment bouu tie* for denominational schools *atl onurely unanimous in coudemning the spoil* system in the Indian service so the capital crime of an infamous system.'' May we not hope that st no diMaut day sow* frisad of the Indian may arise in the Cana- dian C>overiiine>nt or Parliament, to do for the Cauadiaii Indians what i* now being done for thflse in the neighbouring Repub Ik.-- Peddlen unwitsingly spread infections diseases by ruasning from hou**> to ho*)**. Seine year* ago, iu a village where diph- Iberia w* prevaleot, the inmates of the house* eacaped u where the peddler* were not allowed entrance. His name was Hardcooff, bra ai<<> wa* Itt4 year*, and -he left a widow I'JU years oid. Aii*K-nUi records show that he wa* born in Waldikawkw in IT'JV Be had *ivhte*o on*, and on* of them died in IsT'J at the ,.- a*of MR. Lean sromeu who desire to accumulate a pluiup csjveriug on thvir bone* are advised toavmtl worry, to cultivate calmnese, to sleep eight noun every day, to take moderate exerei**, to eat fattening food* *uch aasuup, butter, cream, fat aad juicy meat*, olive oil and farmaceouji artick.-*, and lo lake warm balbs at night. Fish hatchrag in lima is sometime* oon- dncreci with thu aid of a hen. The spawn cottoutcd from tbe water'* edge, and pltaed in an empty egg-ehjelL T*e egg i* thoii eal- ed with wax and placed uudsr a silling hen. After some day* the~e{ i* carefully broken, and th* swarm emplioJ into water well warned by the siiu. There the litil* fter. ,r>- nnr*f<i until they are strong enough to b* turaexi into a lake or tr-\iu.