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Flesherton Advance, 10 Nov 1892, p. 5

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X.. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, A (enjrtl banking busine** transacted Dra'U UtiieJ aad CDWIUM cashed at amial rtm ilable U<xia\ al wi>< available for legitima ntorpri . OrricK iwu doors nurth u( Hicuardion * Co'*. Vicinity Chips. CharartrrMics of the Past W-. U Carr fully '< tilled for the notice* among lufalt trill he at > !'* /*rr Itif _r"/r tatk iiuertum. A r/v<rrwm iriU he matte on euntracti fur 1<H) Una ar[otrr. Rom .vn'-r tlio concert in the T.<wn Hall U Iink correspondence U unavcid- ably held over. Tl;e Misses Joy, of West Toronto Junc- tion, are the KUe*ts of Mr. E. Vaiizant. Mis* K.Iith IkuiU'.n, ..f Peterboro, ia <b ,'ueat vfher siater, Mr*. Will Arm- strong. Wanted. Any q-iantity of turkeys, geese.chicltaus auu duck* by M. Rtch&rU- BOU & Co. Mr. O. Mitchell, banker, and Mr. P. Mutihhaw are out in Haliburton thu week ilayiii!! deer. Monday wu the regular monthly cat- tie fair dy. A number of animal* were offered, but buyeri were low. A larye lot uf men'* felt booti, inen's.and boys' guru rubber*, factory and boiiie-uiade men's and boyt' boots, fint quality and prices that cannot be beat, at Clayton's. The member* of the R >yal Templar Council are specially requested to b present at next regular meeting, ai buai- ueu of iiu(H>rUnce will be traniactcd. By urder. Cheaper than the cheapest men'* women a and children'a boota, shoe* and rubber*, cheaper and better than ever ut Clay tou '*. Mr. Win. Strain offer* a luitable re- ward for the return of a large doubletree taken from a ett of harrow* belons-inu; to bun, >>r for *uch informatiun as will lead ti 1 iu recovery. Mr. Rid, teacher near tnia Tillage. U * mi-jhty Niairod and trapper. H haa already tbia fall captured nine mii.k. The Advance museum conUiua a tuffed ermine which fell a victim tu bU seduc- tive bait. It will pay you to et your boota,hoea, rubbera, etc., from Clayton for fall and winter wear splendid stock, beat uiakea and pricea right. The bankrupt furniture stock of H E. McNVa was s<ild n Thursday last by auction. It brought 85 on la on the dollar and Mr. Edward Harrison, of Strathroy. wan the purchaser. Bidding was lively, and the price received is said to have been Hi**!. "A chemical succeaa and medical tri- umph," so speaks an eminent physical! in rtfi-ri'iice t" Ajer'a Cherry Pectoral; and the t-ulu^y * none to-> strong. No other medicine is an mfe and ettica- caci'"js in all diseases of the throat and lungs. The Kev. Mr. Dutf, M. A, of Park- il.ili', the ri-preifiitaiive of the Bible So- lU-ty, will preach next Sabbath f'.remxin in the Presbyterian church and iu the evening in the Methodist church, a- J "M M Uy cvfiiinu; a public meeting will be 1 i-M in the Utter church in the interests of the soviet v Every week some fresh linos of Jreos gomls, mantling or suiting cut down to clearance prices at Richardson's every week Constant arrivals of new goods make* it imperative to c!ear out any tlow scllinu lines regardless nf Htrgains every day on the counters at Richardson A O.V As th* public are wanting cheap goods Clayton is prepared to supply their want* in the boot and shoe line. Men's and women's boot* and aha from $1.00 per pair iipw.irJi Splendid value for the money. B inker Mitchell, of Flesherton, Mr R. MI-HINT. A. Conron and a gentleman from Meafonl, who were out hunting a couple of days Ust week, HucceedeU in killing a splendid buck which weighed, when droasod, 240 Ibs. 'Nothing succeeds like success," and DotUiug will wore (]uickly initiire MUCCL-M than true merit. For tifty years, Ayer's Saraaparilla baa maintained its popular- ity aa the superior r>l.*>d- purifier. It stands upon its own merits and nevr fails to uivo satistaction. Mr. E. Harrison's furniture advertise uicut appears in this issue. Mr. Har- rison has been in the business all liis life, haa capital at his command and will push matters. He will take up his residence here next week. Iu the meantime the store U open for business. Read his an- nounce uieut. Te -wholesale in 30 Ib. and 60 Ib. cheats direct importation from Japan. Every family should secure a package. Prices are cut to lownat margin to merely cost of freight and handling, thus offering grand value to consumers. M. Richardson A Co. Some of oar correspondents are in tbe habit of occasionally aealuu their cor- respondence. When this is done we are obliged to pay four cents before the let- ter can be delivered. Will our cor'*, please be a little more careful in this matter. One cent will carry the copy when unaealod.but letter rate* are always charged if the envelope) is sealed. Cheap Pratt- 28 Ib. box of raisins for 75 cents, or lea* than 3 cent* per Ib. Choice Vsleotiaa and new Sultana seed- less raisins, finest Petraa currant*, and cheap Provencals, all at closest whole- sale quotations in bulk lots at M. Rich- ardson & Co'*. It is tbe testimony of all men who have tried it that "Myrtle Navy" tobac- co baa the moat delicious flavor of any tobacco in the market, and that it leave* none of the unpleasant effect* in the mouth that most tobacco* do. The rea- *m f"r this U the hivh and pure ({tudity uf tbe leaf, whicb is the finest known iu Virginia, and tbe abaeuce of all deleter- ious matter in the manufacture. Postoffice Notice. During the present and winter in mths Flesherton po*toffice hours will bo fro m 8.30 a. m. until 6 o'clock p. m. R. J. Sproule. P. M. Fur*. Ladies intending to purchase should see Richardson it Co's stock of mantles, capes, storm collars, mutfs and caps. The stock is full and fresh now, but cannot be replaced in December at the prices now offering. An early in- spection invited. Mr. E. Vanaaut, our marble man, is pushing thing* energetically these day*. During the past year ho has formed a partnership with hir brother-in-law. Mr. A \V Audenon, aud opened out a mar- ble business at 484 Yonge St., Toronto, wheru they claim to have the beat busi- ness site in T r.into. Mr. Vanzaut at- tend* t'. the Kleshertou nd <u J Mr. An- derson to the Toronto. The first car load of slate from Vermont is now on the way for the 92000 contract which these gentlemen havo on the Ontario parliament building, and Mr. Vanzaut expects tn be busily engaged thereon week after next. Hopeville Y. M. P. B. A. The 5th Nov. at Hopeville was kept by a number of t'io Dundalk Y. M. P. U. Association coining hero ;t:nl organiz- ing a new Lodge. The warrant had been made out iu the name of Isaiah \V v Anile as the Master, which was un.-ini- iii'Mi^ly indorsed by the Lodge when or- , and after opt-irn^ and routine the followiiiK officers were elected f'T the itiC'uniir/ term: Hr. Isaiah W MoArdle.W M C.n-.Huxh A. Hardy, D M ; Itr... J,.,. McArdle.T M I'.r... Adam T. S^-arlett, Sect ; Bro. Watson, Fin. Sect. : Urn. Joa. C. Hall, Twavirer ; Bro Geo.Deans. C'..n ductor. The Lod^e will nuet in the e Hall on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Honor K..II PKICEX ILLK. P. 8. Fourth Class 1'hoina* MoDougal. James Atkitifton. Kmma Robrton, Llnie Robertson. Jm>i McLMii. Senior thiid- Louiw Pattenon. Jauie* Mo- \oni Johoaton. Edith Jain**, Ami* Mc- Uillau. lutii I thir.1 Jvony Mo \uUy. Wllll* Mo- Knbiue. Euiuia A. McLoau. Willl* sloAalay, nkey What I A lit*o(the cli> that cau*t falling of tlie IIKH-. la.litiii of MMMST, in twt >leath of the hair It initatw the <*M> n.1 cftusM seal** K'I I i-.-/!-!!!*!!. 1 i-iuptii>n prodaas* baldu*s. in niiud tbat Anli Duilruff rvniov** I'.n Iruff with thrvo a|<i>licatiuiiii-top fllln ami i,.w>r< l^liui; hair to iu origlual color. Sol. I by Ji ujjjjuti at 7> coutsj-ur bottle. Artamefaia Council. Council inut in the Town Hail on Mon- day last, all the iiicui!.e.ri pre*M>ul, the reeva in the chair. Communication* were received from the clerk uf ProUm tuwnahip re iiiouia* expanded on town line ; from Alex. Brown, re thu matter <>f Mrs. Dou^altl Mu .Vlil! in, who, accord- this letusr. ha* been uaed very hardly by her relative* and left in im- pctrimoua circuiinUiic--. Meun. Kella aud Pedlar presented report of committee a|ipotuUid to examine mad deviation bf- lu lot 24 in the Well con., and lot J4 in the 14th, reuouimeiidiug payment to John Weber '.f jyij f.,r briduiug anJ ditching. Mr. Dainu'le preoenteit rep4iit uf vxpenditure in N<i '! tincu laat meetiuu, as follows : Ke|.iriu^ atone culvert at D. McKenzie'i, John Wri.-lit 2.50 ; Alex. Stewart, 2 0) : cement. 30 cent* ; I. Smcla.r. repairn:j hill and giavellmi/ un 140 mderuail, ft 50 A Davia, job"U (travel road, }!><.'*> ; culvert on gravel ruad at Fleshurtou station, J ii M- ia, *;.-(. It wa* Moved by S. UaniuiJe. seconded by D. ^1 \lillan, that the tull.>wing accounts be paid svnd tbe reeve issue his che.|ue in favor of tbe several parties named M. Richardson, reeve, W. McLauifhrey, aa- sessor.and W. J. Bellamy, clerk, $4 each for selecting jurors ; D. McDonald, repair- niu' Priceville bridge. $4 ; John IWHamy, w</od and coal oil fr !i.-iil, $5 :!7 ; Ja. AUMUUI, repairing bridge, Durham road, ; Tho*. Taylor, repairing scraper*. :i.V. : John Bellamy, Uiup for hall, 10 ; D. ClM.ytun, two leather bag* for collec- tors. < Kell McMillan That part of the town line, Artemesia and Proton, now reported by Messrs. Boat aod Kannoii M being un- lit for travel, be referred to Mr. Dauiude with insiructions to make necessary re- pairs, exueuditure not io exceed $2O. -Carried. KelU McMilliau. That report uf com- mittou '>n deviation between li't Jt. con. 1'J, and lot J4, coo. 14, bo ad ipted and the rt- ev iasue bis urder In payment. Carried. K-iU-McMillao. That the grant of twu dollars to Mrs. McMillan by the reeve be paid and that he be instructed to make full enquiry into her circuiu- alancca and grant such further relief aa may be necessary aud report to next meeting of this council. Carried. McMillan-Pedlar That the coati of 1 ii for September, amounting to nine paid and the reevu iasu<9 urder for same. Damude Pedlar. That all prevmoa motion* and tvatilutioiia passed by thi* council, otfvrinx reward* fur the appre- hensiun ainl cuvictioo of incrndiaries, be aud are hereby rescinded, aod this coun- cil m future dal in each aepente case aa the c i ix- u instances may rmiuire. Carried. Dauiude- McMillan. That thi* coun- cil be uow adjourned to meet on ta 15th day of December next. Carried. Division Court. There was a heavy dckl at the Di- vision Court which was held m the Town Hall before Judge Mumsoo un Thursday last. No less than seven lawyers con- duced business before the court, but e'en with all this assistance the busines was not completed and court had to be ad juurned until thu 18th lust., some eiuht or nine cases, ail brought by the Toronto 1 1 i.< ml Trusts Company auauiRt debtoia to the late Mr. \Villiaiin>, uf Maxwell, beiiie held over until that date. The cases Jinpvse I of wen as follows : Ni'il'i v. Wauehob. Action on ac- count: Former judicinent set aside and verlict xiveii against Thu* W^uchob f r yl ^2 with costs, and agsinst S.iniuel \Vauchb for $.'(.75. I. K. Lucas for i.Ui'ititf, J. W Frost for defondvnt. Johnston v IV-an. This was a case *lu-re J. J. Johnston, of Meaford. sued C. K. Dean on promissory note. (!oda had been seized in execution, but were claimed by defendant's wife. Mary A. Dean, who attempted to show that these h ij been purchased by her out of iiiouoy p:ud her by Dc-ao as dowry. Judguieut for execution creditor and ~t the claimant, .Mary A. Devi. Hattoii. of MeaforU, for plaintitf, 1. K. Lucas for defendant \\ri-ht v C. P. R. -Suit brought by Thorp Wright against defenJint to re- cover overcharges and deduction* in wcijit. The xiuoiint claiined was $1? 4-'.. Of thi* amount defendants had paul into court $5.%, but without costs, and stood suit on two items for demur- rage and shunting. Ju.l'.Miient for i tiff for $5.% and the costs. Wright & Lindoay for plauuitf, McMurchy tat de- feii'lints. M.-K Iw ir.'-i v. M.M!ie, Lakinio garnishee. No one appearing for plain- titl i was noiMuitrd. (iraham A Co. v. Kawcett. -AcMi<n on account f..r *;.' -<ii. The parties live in Dundalk. Judgment for plaintiff for full amount and costi. Graham & t,\>. v. Wellwood, lUrri- in gmnishee Withdrawn as against garnmheo, jud^ineut primary debtor for amount of cUiin. Lutlot v. Cronibie, Conn garnishee. Interpleader. The partiea live near W ,ri-li:tin. I'roinhio niven chattel niortx'ime on certain grain, winch had beeu seized at tho> instance of the holder. Thu lawyer for thu ilefence 'ield that the seizure was an illegal one, and the case wasailjounieil to hear argument in OH en Sottud on MON I iv Worrmll v. Hannah. Garnuheo case. Adjourned until next court. Mits Chiiaty sVIorr>sun, of Sydenlutn, was married last week to Mr Albert Fleming, of IVrby. Misa Morrison, it will be rvmcmSered. waa the only sur- vivor of the ill fated Asia that went down io the Georgian Bay ten Ttara ago. [Mirror. BOOTS & SHOES 1 FOR THE FALL J To the people who want good Boots and Shoes and every- thing in that line, try CLAYTON'S ggg Because his goods are cbeao .*nl good, aod baa received a large lot fur fi wear of Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers. Also a lot of first cluse Men's Homemade LOD^ Boots on band. Custom work and repair- ing promptly attended to. st"lL.tIftll fcl WTO S THE REASON U III WE ADVERTISE IS THAT \VE WISH TO LET THE PEOPLE know whore they can get the best value for their money. Oar stock is care- fully aud. well selected, for we BUY only what gives the beat wear. A large stock of Rnbbers and long BOOTS will be on hand for fall and winter OHO. We have a well assorted stock to pick i?ROM. Repairs and custom work attended to aa promptly as ever. If you win.', anything iu the foot Hue call on JOS. SMITH. Carriage Making t * * Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me it you wish anything it> these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. B. T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTOX, ONT. MGS FOR SALE. On* well brad n*rtiir* bour fit (or scrvleo. alio *oo young *ow> for braxlina purpo***. \tvlj alloi7X. D.R.,or w MK:> 1'riMvUU P. O. of v Business. SALE. Lame ,torcu I i!wliiii. at Flehroo 8ta- tiua toi Mtltt or to lt in uiie |>arwl or caa b in' . I hop< TI 1 I trim dwclllnil iiianntT as may. b ** . tailor. di-a*uiiakr n.l A|.|>ly to FlMlMrtoa Matioa 1>. U. LVVUM FOK SALE. V I a It i r . i n Lot 1. con 190 Mrr* clear**). Sjtl- will) <tabl umlvr Ortbasw. frftiiii* kitvb**; MaM. mntablu for re|>or. Wil! !> i t -*.Tirlo<!. Any porwstOM sbcolti lutesiigato. \\r\iv to lining 1 18 aer**. no barn 43x4). voil water, lent Boas 00 aerit* I!E uoder*i(ioeil begs) leave to ac. quaint tbe inbsbitantsoir'lenl. ami sarroiui<iiDg ooanlrv that he- has porchascU the Flour. Ket-U uid (. 8torr, trcm KicbaxJ PeJJar, where h* wiU a* to keep on hand a good supply of | Choice Flour, Fe*<l an4 Lowest 1 ris. Courtesy and Squwe l>liii({ ill be UM order of tb* dav at -tid*r'M>n'<t More. We ho|* that the Old diatom*** will ci ntinuu to patrouix* u* and a spriok- ling ot new oots. vfis * ! F 'OR SALE OR TO LET. l.W acvesUi<l witlun two miloiof FU*hrton. an >><! U-iit wtiT ]>!>> . t Littk' Palls upon ta* B>|SM* . ' war on thu wheol at liresr f tliu 'lam Will h. ..l.i in 1 blotk* by itwlf. aifl thi'li* ' fr"iu on* acre ui>war<U rchMra w The Valley roJ run throagh t tboplaoa. This i - .> sc'Ouro -mall bouie- stead* with abuudsvutnippU '.fi,-".l IT Tonu liberal. A|>|.1\ to WM Fl**li*rtoD StaMon P. r rKACHKK WANTED. \Viuiteul teacher for S. s. V. 11. Artenxwia. county uf Gry. holding neeoaJ class certificate Oatte* to commence i'i i '-**' Apply stalloc aalary to Vli fisctwtarv, Vtntiojeur P.O. >, Oct. 17th. :*.'. oetflM \VANTKD. Teacher, holding tbird clan* certificate, for vnloi; - - > "' K phria, ctaelfl* so OOiDJUettOS) tod lauviary uext. Amily to rruiti-ve. or uir.iiiuiiic*te with A MT. 9eo. -,..l.i Kimborley F. 0. l^AUMS fOK SALE, BELLIMY & n; M>M:>ON TOWNSHIP OK ARTEMESI V >.\ 1 \ IV K . > ftcrvi burtl lot. Ti T3, 4 X. D. R., 100 acreo Improved . K. ut. :<T. 7tk oo*.. M acres, bush lot. KKY. v. a 8.D. R. 100 acres, liui-roved. Ho bnllnlnic. i. lull Con.. biiUi 1-t. U l.nh Con., hush lot. I.B. l,sioa!*.brrlfer. Markdalo ha* tf 10.(XX) private funds to lend ou farm rttfaxfs within the next few months at lowest curreut ratea. No coiiiiuisi- ii>:is. no delays, espouses low. Apply al office in Markdale during the week r at Dundalk office on Saturdays. Eggs Taken in Trade. Plewea' and Fords' Flour Always on Hand. Wm. Henderson. 0AUTION! I V H PLK. OF THE Myrtle ITavy IS MARKED T.&B. IN lti;o\/i LETTERS NONE OTHER GENUINE SOCIETIES. ROYAI. TKMVLARS OF TEllfKUANir Il*gular C'luincil nirt CM-I vvninu in S|'i.nilH block at t i M,. Select 'leor linnuraiicel DM*** oi,'nt'-'\. thu Wwluenday pncnllnu tbeitail of c*<h uioiitb SON8 Of 1 V Tbi* DieeUuiD: Chii-toe 1 Hal) viery Wr.1- vyrveninn m p. in TtaHlatJ breili- i.itoil luruiancpia conutut PISCK AKTHTR l.op<.K (ta . A.F. * A.M . ujeet iu the Masonic Hnll.StraiiT) < Kl*.hertoii. every Friday **lor a tho ful. moon. AS. VauJuneu, \\.3I U. i- Sproule, Socrctsjv. '

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