fhfc FLESHERTON ADVANCE II I I hi I. Ml ll Every '1 ft urs day raotf Tin: orrin Si.. - FU'slirrlon, Ont. W. II TIIIKSIOV Editor and Proprietor M.MOCUATS VICTOH10US. An a result of tlio American proi- tU'iiliiil elections on Tuesday Mr. liar- risou'u government will walk tin 1 plank, the Democrats liaving swept iln country. We now know Uiecauno of the apathy maiiifcsU'il on the- part of tl>c American (tropic. It wai a stolid determination. :( iii. in 1.1.1. C1TTUL England Las scheduled Canadian cattle, which supply means that Can- ada has been placed upon tho Mine footing thai the I'nileil Sutes han hitherto been with regard to the cat- tle trade. It means that in future all cattle sent from Canada luuitt bo shvi^hten <l immediately upon arrival in England and nut allowed to roam at large and fatten on English hay. They will hernafUr bo obliged to fat- ten on Canadian foddor before em- barking for Kurope, and deliver up tin ir hides and " tullcr " as nxm as they touch the sacred soil of England, after the manner of the Jews who bared tlioir feet be-fore entering the temple. It is claimed that this will eventually be a blessing iiintead of a blow to the Canadian farmer, as the increased prico of fattening will re- main in tho country. We do not agrto with this view. Hitherto scrub cattle have commanded a good "ale. ThtBu wore shipped to Scotch and north of Kii,-;!im'l farmers, who com- pleted tho process of fattening anil reaped thu profits. Tho new move will bar out that class of cattle.and in thin way it will no doubt, bo a liaid- ship to many farmers who are obliged to sell the |" ii. r with tho ijood. It will also probably havo tho effect ol leMoniug the nmulitr of buyers in this country and in that way lower tho price. It \.ill no ilimlit leave more money in the country, but that moiu y will all ruimtin in tho hands of the capitalist who can purchase largely and fatten, and not with the poor far- mer who will be obliged to Sell ut what fi^ur* hi: can get. Wo are not of opinion with ni.iny pupei i that this scheduling buineM is a blessing in diguise far from it. However, the matter must bo token philosophically It will work a revolution in the cattle trade, which has been of so much im- portanco to this country during late yean. It will partially kill it fur the time IK in:/, iiltlumu'li it mar again in a \ .ir or two attain respect able proportion*. If it wire not con cede*! to bo a heavy blow to this country why should our (rovornmun' ofticiala and thosu iuterestii;l have put forth niich eiiei-f/itic eHoiU to piv\. u the catastrophe ? The truth of tlu matter is that those new regulation havi! placed a laigc branch of Can i ii.in i,ru<lu in a pretty bad hole, am we will have to climb out an best \vi can. \Vo have tho xaiisfaction o knowing that our ofioials ihd all tint lay in their (tower to prevent it, a i wo have the poor Batistaction o knowing, too, that thia inuxcusulil and uiifi'iendly act wan perpetrated l>_ the govrinnii'iil of one who nn-d t be called ilh iv.sp.rt, Inn now i deribi.iii, the ( ir.md Uld Man. Mi irnT ainl I'iicnml Imvc been ac <|intt,il iu (.'urine. This result only what has been anticipated dm ing the trial, owing to tl.e nature o the defence, tho nomouol of the jury and an eiiitting feeling that Mr. M. r tier has already In . i: huniilniii'd t. Kuch an extent that onnvio'.ion couh havn udiliid to liu cup Tcry little inor uiiniaLiiiDUt. It ia unite possibly tha if may prey upon this geiieroiiH ft.i-1- n.{ by the martyr net, for the tumble IBB not apparently cuved in big coloe- sal cheek. It is e\vu said that be will take his seat in parliament and i", nl the (Jii'-bi c Liberals once more if they will let him. Whether they do allow him or not, he evidently docs not intend that the country shall xirget him, morc's the pity. Day. the Klibr. HaNKHOIVINQ DAY! Day o( tho ripantxl year, U'l.. ii mini k'ivu tbatikii, ami Klad'""" 1 stayetb. KM- f , Tiin. w! n lirliiht rnile wipe out llie buruiiiK tear Al Cure* granti tl e am plC. golden hliesf. HtBtthou uulhauks toglvt. tb* UlverOood? LI Ting ! swst. and life our greatest boou. rli:<bi ars around un, God ban granted food. Bud time and harvest, sun, and stars, and moon. Ob. huart embittered ! Can you Dot rtetery Ten thousand ift thou owt to Ood alone T ^an you not Me the poarU of earth aud iky. Or that thu tb I ug U broad thou call 'it a ttone ? Look up! The blessing* fait are showering down. And foar no more chained llonn in thy way. t miiichlDochajM) afar tho cliilllng frown, Ami purge thy heart ou this Thanksgiving Day. This is Thanksgiving Day. It is fit- ting that out government should set ipart one day in the year to offer up f-pecial thanks for the bounties reei-ired during the other 865. Our awa arc good laws, our people arc jroHperoiw. our country is a grand icritage which is but beginning to develop, although such wonderful strides iiave been made since confed- eration. These steps will become greater and gi eater as the years go jy. No other nation ou the face of .ho larth has more cause to day to offer up grati fill tliai'ka than this with which we are identified. Indi- viduiilly wt- havo had innumerable gratilicaliona dining the past year, which should bo recalled on this day .he disnpiKiiiitinenU forgoltou. "L*4 tin- il. .-id \iast bury its ded," but the living past should be carefully attend- ed in its old age. Let it be a day of happy reminiscence and appreciation as we linger over the remnants of a liiicy t'nk.y. And in older that all may h.- <u|>i>li'-d with a specimen of thui toothsome bird we gratuitously di.-itiibr.tr to each of our subscribers a finu specimen of 11IK UOUULK-KB, I'm a liiq m-.nt'11'rat .In, r,. I:M.' ! 1 in it luitti-i ball of fat. 1. 1, mm ii ..in 1'itn tu ht'>iiii,tiU ; mi mJl I'll yi'U that t.ubblu. goLblu! Tuiki't matt or turkey frlsil In, gobblo I Beu me i<ti ut In counoluus pi Lie, Hhl ilu.; In.M-t nil. I in itt'ml till*. I .11 tliiitttilfll I'UI bull* II III ii..l.i.l. kehblel Ati Avu ilolUrn wnrth of sum, I lull' living, ntuffud agalu. When the .lunini'i - mi tlie want ; I'll iluflothor'i when I in xlalu In t lin linriiynnl I am king i, i i.i. i . 1.1,1. : i if fimt, anil MIIIUI' ' wiug, hut tu life I i n.ht nut fling. A> I'm i iiaxtluii hear me i-nn; .-, cubblo! i.i ri Hi, pan i. M.I.-. u<ihbll>! limit upon it pn iiiiiini pi in. 1 in in Ii (mi,! (<>r nn\ iiiitn Hear iliii li*ii of my clan I. I l.l.'.I.OHBLBl The Markets. Flour.. Kail HpritiK lla.ley !VH * . . lliitti i ftgK*. fn -i' i 'ork. Mil- Oeviw.. Tlirknts. l hirki-ns |" i pair. . Dui'kn pi r Wool .. I'ai ii Week la tP fr 5 nylisli S|riu Liiiiiuent rt-innvi s all lard, soft <>r calloused Luui|is and Mnialira from horses, lilmul Spavin, s^s, S|, huts, RniL' Uuiif, Swi'uney, ^tillt!h,S|irnins, Sin-.' and s..|!,-u Tlim.it, }<>U|(ha, etc. Save *60 by 11*0 i>f one xittle. Warranted the most wonderful ilemiiili Cure ever known. Warranted >y Kicliardson A Co. SOOTHINQ, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Reltvf, Por/nancnt i Cure, Failure Impossible, Many Ki r*]lr 1 dlMMN .VT* ll'lplv >^,^^ MrtUt AsasfslBMiL baatsW * II ^ '( HJJljUl LlMlh, IsAWktHC KOal Ipll , ting, sWOMft. n wial lewUntf ul <U- ' kuttV. > ii ftuy ol tr)a or ktiMlr-l >ui|rfjm-, your hitrl*n ii, twj I sf,out-l !< no tin** t. jr- itum ft botil* of K^L I Iwi WAf it*.*! ! LOO*. I. c- M to l..l i' -i. ' U Cat": . 11' eOWlMl \-V f ,'tf. ,'l'4 4V. Ml d mlla. UUFOBO 4 CO.. Brock.i::a, CnL JUDICIAL SALE Valuable - OK - Farm Property In tli<-Townslil| ofOgprry.in Ihr CouulT "I .n > . In tho High Court of Justice, Chan- cery L>i vimon, re Saigoon, Baigeon vs. Sugeou. Pursuant to the Judgment for partition or talo l tbt> slnivu tni'iilloneil am 'ii. U-arint,' date tie litli !> uf January, A.I)., l"Jt. aud the or- dor lor nalti uia.lo Iu said attiou. there will ! Ijy Public Auction, with tlu- spprobatiou jf Alfred frost. Ksqulre. IXM.I Ma-t. r o( this null t Horn Mouud.byA.s \ aii.luMMi.L'atjuire, iiet-r. at Muuatiaw'it hott-l. in the village uf Fleshertoii, in the County of Orvy, on Tues- ay. tin -"ith -In i -f Vivi-ml. 'ti , V 1 1 IfJi. at uue i 1- . k MI tht) a.ttntnixiti .tiii following land* anil i, ;-ii-. n iiatiu-i> : All aiul -.inuiilsr tn.it cer- alu pan ol or tract of land auJ premises, sit- uste, I>IUH anil IWIUK in tun Township of ml) ..f (in > . an I being coui- ,.-, l ..( tlit- west part of lot uimjber twelve iu In- sixth t-'ini-r -i..ni( tliu ald Township of )piii>, aii'l ruiitsniliiK by atllneasuretueut fifty ni-ri'*, be the sani" iiinn< ur les. I in- iai'1 |.i. iiiiru* are situat* nunit-diatvly adjoiiiiuij the aairi rlllaife of MstHrll.aud about nut) ml, * fii'iu the villagu of I- !- h.-tt.-n M, ut iliiit live acres of *ai-l lantls are i.itr.l, aii'l Hi, n main l.-i fairly tiuibcreu with n.ii. I liarilwond. TI.e soil of the land -- > l"aiu. 'I be said iJi.iiii.i-. *i II IM> sold subjoct to the lower of Afit- haigeon tburvln, ami ulijvc-t to k. I Ii) sal'i l.'-i-al UsKt'-r UsoisJd ins DOrohtMf inasti snv objection to l,u title Kliltli llie Mini r l iinalilf or unwlll- MI/ t , u iniive. tlie Vt-iiilor shall l-i at HlK-rtv to IL, in, I tin. tiitiail anil retuui the deposit uouey without mu-rost, costs vt fuitlicr com- n-iidnr 1.1, all not be bountl to produce ai,y almtrat't uttuT than the rtHMstrar'n ab Htract. iiui any .b-i-.l., ili'i-uiat-ut-i >r iiiuuiniunU >( till,- i>lllr tliall Ihi-^t. in In* |i -, --ii-i, Tin- l-niiii-i .-.I,,. ilium- o( ~aul sale aie tb INilllll^ II. 11. Ill It'll, uf llll-. Cullll, TKKMH I. n i-. i i "it of tlm I'm, I.,,-.- 111 1 111 > In In' i- 1 ill tn t!i- \ fiuliir in ln olii-iti'M U the time Of Uu sale ainl tli" Imlnnue to be I ' m i t tu tll<- ii in] it ' if till* raimti W UU- ii limit ila.tB tl,|.|i-.ilti I. itl .ut ii.' l turtlit'i |iailu-ulaiv "I'l'lv tu Messrs. \Vi t UntUav. Harrlsters. Own Hound ; I Msti.. bisrriatev. Usrk.ialw , Messrs. . lnt > rr it * ilu lit. I' i PO, Klnl ' i -amir d Siuitli, llarrntois. Owt-n K.u-l tbe *th day of Octolur, All. IHhJ. M I ICKIi milST, I. ursl Us'lur at lini-n Soulul. \V III .'I V I ISDSAV, \ .urs .-.ihriiors. .UK. \( *S HI to IW In tu VH to tu 1M to I* Iu | h ' to IV) n on to n (n. Hay per ton il ID) to 60* 00 to .11.' M o 1 00 6 to H to N S* to BO i V to So IU to 10 Cures Others \\ 11 cure You, is a true Hlatcmont ol llie action of AVER'S S..r ,.i|i.ir,IU, win n t ikr'i for diseaiM'si oiiginatinK in impure liln.Kl ; hut, while this asvt iiuui 11 true of AYI.Ii'S Saraaparilla, as thousands can fittest, it cannot bo truth- li.l!y.i|'l iu I tootlicrprfpar^tions, wliii'h unprini-ipK J ill 'u'ocr* will recommend, aiul try to i.-nposo i;pn you, at "just at good as AyerV Take Ayer't Sarsa- I'.mlU and Ayer'i only, if you need a I ' H..1 ,MH it'.i-r and would be hcnefited pormanontly. This inoJicinc, for nearly fifly years, hast enjoyed a rrpul.ition, iiiul made a rvcvrd for cures, that has ru-ver hccn equalled by other prepara- tions. AYER'S Sarsaparilla eradicates tho taint of hereditary scrofula and other blood disease s from the system, and it has, deservedly, the confidence of the people. AVER'S Sarsaparilla " I cannot forbear to express my joy at the rriiff I have obtained from the \N l.U'S Sursaparilla. I was .itllii toil wilii kidney troubles for about six numllm. fcuftVrmg |i cully with pains in ill.- sin., II of my back. In addition to ilns. my body was covered wilh pimply eruption*. The remedies prescribed l.iilftl to help me. I then be^an to take AYTKS S.iraapaiilla, and, ma short i vim-, the p. mi-, ceased and the pimples ilis.ii.p.aivcl. I advise every >oung man or woman, in case of sickness i.- -lilting lrt>m impure blood, no matter hi<tv In- n standintf the case may be, to t..i.f \YKR S Sarsaparilla." H. L. Jar- tnanii, .13 Willianf t., New York City. Will Cure You PrrpareJ hy Dr J. C. Ant Ik Co., Lowell, Mat*. Hew Goods Arriving Daily at Hill's. V-nied qualities anJ<iuantities of seasonable goods have been opened up, and the price is bound to sell them. Tweeds, and other dress goods,! weedl Suicings, Panting , Keady-made Suits and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Youths ; Bouts^ Shoe* and Rubbers lor Men, Women and Chil- dren ; Crockery, Sets dishes in st >ncware and china, Gro- ceries, Tea, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, Can- ned goods, Cheese, Biscuits, Lard, Bacon, Cod fish, Coal oil, a quantity of Hardware anJ Tinware, Tea Kettles, Steamers, Boilers, etc. Any quantity of Bat- ter and i-^i^ taken in exchange. No trouble to show goods. Come in and et my prices, f. IJlLh - - Flesljertoi!. FLESHERTON HARDWARE HOUSE. S T O V K and T I IV XV A It GOODS. QVHft, SHOT, I'AI'KR SHELLS, BIIASS SHELLS. II AKDWAKK. SAWS and SA \\-SKTS, AXKS in.l HANDLES, KENV1SG WIHK, FKNCING FLYERS, OILS, COAL OIL. MACHINE OIL. RAW OIL, BOILED n I L. Tl -RPEXTINE, YAKN1SH, READY-MADE PAINTS, WINDOW (il.\-- LAMP GCK)DS, ETC SHOVELS, ' 1 F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton. Furniture, Furniture I UAI'IM! imn-VwJ th' l,,utnttt vf Mr. Jsf,-A'i / will offer <Ul nil aii'l u-'H :-ii.'t mi' n, at an m/iWui-d.'n. llumi >,/.. MMMeTny, that arr nt rxmtmiiu/ uf my customers. OXOM l\ Kl'K AT LI\K. r\i>h;i:TAKi.\<; A\I> II, in/.;/ *<!.< tl /art/* tind mru.l rip, i,.t,-t m thit Hit* I fnl cuHli,l' H t th.it ec my fare tciU If J,,ne tu tlie attire tatvtf.trtum ,./ ,,// interested. Uryt tock of Umkrtolsiny netemriet. First clou adolt He-tnt, an,l f ur , -hi'./-. 4 / i a Imndtvme trAi< nftirw. /'/.'/('/.>' /,()ir. E. HARRISON, Fleshertor. Notice to the Public The I'leslurton Milling Com- pany having purchased the roU Icr flour and saii'-tmlls^ lately :.->iid by \V. A". I-'u-sficr, arc ni'u' making a!! necessary re- ^lirs to /;./ than lit thorough <>>nditu>n for turning out first class K-ork,andjor (hat purpose sfie'Migcdto close th: mills for a ti<e. They are now ('/>< and are under the nt'ina^ctncnt <;/ Mr.J. W. Fort/, a first class miller of long c.\- pcncnce,uho respectfully solicits the public patronage in those lines. Highest cash price paid for wheat that the markd :/// a fjord, and custom sau>ing done as usual. Chopping done every \Vt\lnesday and Saturday. THE FIESHEBTOI IILUK CO, Wanted. POLES. From 25 to 65 feet. Highest prices paid. CASH ON DELIVERY At Flesberton Station. For Particu- lars -see Juo. D. Egau, merchant, Flcsbertou Station. J. D. KOK.AN. To The Public. Havluurontr.1 \vintu-irs blapkcmilh ahop for a It-rni of y, am. I am now in a position tocatvrto all want* iu my Hue. ioj a Socially, For tnnithiny in the backtiniihtHj line call <m F, A. BUNT, ItichanlsoD's Ilardwar* itor,, FleBberton Meat Market Christoe's Block J. O. ADAMS, . . Proprietor All litvb <>//rr*n \aiul. Fith in naton. (litt us yoi/r ami cW n<ippy. n When the kidneys are rlocK-l. Koo.1 health i an ini|.oslbllily ; but when working properly the rerersn U the case. That dull Imckavhv Is tbo klilm-y-i cry for relief. If m,,l,r Kiilnvy Pills aru usoil Die n null will be marvellous We emphatically state that we ha?e novel known acaaeof klilney iloaease that a persist- ent use of DoJd's ti.luey Pills will not our*.