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Flesherton Advance, 10 Nov 1892, p. 3

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WLVT ii KI IIETM r.oi i IT. tt-YS ** KmbarkrH la a taaleaarr Pri.Je.-i a ml * Omt Mean *f II tar a lear. Once in a while some interesting project is .-irned OIK in Africa of which nothing i* bean! until it i* far advanced. A year an 1 a half ago a number of ladies anil gentlemen otTand iletermined to found a naw Lovelale in K**t Africa. Lovedale is oi.e ot tht most famous of ih miasionary eitab. liahnieuts, an<l it* work has been carried on for nearly fifty year* in Sooth Africa, where many hundreds of the native* have l>ecn in- struc'.ed in various trade*. The new Love- dale was to be started somewhere north of Mount Kilima-Njaro, on the Messiah plain, under the equator. Twelve ladies guanin- tee.l tli sum of fttl.W), and Dr. Jame* Stewart, formerly of Lovedale, wa* engaged to go at on. e to fin'.ish Kiwi Africa and es- tablish the mission station, which wa* to be " religion*, educational, medical, and in- dustrial in it* object*.'' Not a word of the project was breathed in the newspapers. A year ago last August Dr. Stewart reached Xau/ibar and collected a caravan of 273 men, with which he croa**d to Mom- basa for the inland journey. After a care- ful inspection of the 'untry north of the big snow mountain Ur. .Stewart selected the district of Kibwe/.i as the beat place fur a central station. It U about eighteen day*' ! Blimey from the coast, has plenty of water and limber, the people are friendly, and it is on the regular caravan route to Uganda. !>r. Stewart fuund that the soil was good if not especially rich. Ths top of Kilima- Njaro wa* vitible far south on clear morn- ing* The chief Kilundu wa* informed of the object of the white men in nettlinv bis oun'ry. He at one* laid that lie and hit people WMild give the miwion every facility. He probably thought that the presence of so many white men would be a sort of safe- guard against the Massa: who now and then visit this region on raiding expeditions. Ur. Stewart bought 300 acres of land and at onue commenced the erection of six la n of six large erve as work- house* of bungalow type to se shop, store, dispensary, ami dwelling houses. A i-hurch was also erected and numerous nmaller buildings. About two miles of roads and paths were made in and around tlie station. Oxen were trained as beasts of burden, small gardens were laid oat, and within four months Knglish pota- toes, peas, beets, tomatoes, and a consider- able variety of other Kuropean vegetables were raised. Dr. Stewart is of the opinion that the district is generally very healthy, and that Mrs. Jfary E. O>FaUon of It.vaa. O , tyv the Ph j- Iriann an> Arton lahl. and look at U*r i.k oaa Raised from the Dead and Terrible Illness from Blood Poisoning t'nmitlclrlij I'urnl by Hootl'u Sfirta par ilia Mrv Mary I- O'FaUon. a very intelligent lady of Ptqua. <)!;lo. was potaoard, while as- fbUoc phjnlclan* at an autopsy 5 y.-ar ago, and <oon wrriblr mU*rm broke out on her lieaJ. arms, toocue and throat. Her hair all cane out She welched but 78 Ibs.. and saw no prospect of help. At last she began to UK.- H.-.i -i Sanaparllla and st once tin- proved: i-oii'i! .u gvt out of Nil and walk. She says: " I became perfertly cured !-y Hood's Sarsaparilla and am now a well woman. I weigh 12*lbs.. eat well and do the work for a large family. My eat* us*** a wonderful recovery and phjM.-isni look at me in astoaiibai-nt. as irat like rnmr4 fravaw tl A LEEDS CO. JHRACI1. THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN A Mi>r < oiifa-itiim i Parent*. I.e. -on Tor ' Tar Krolorallua of a <n>llila Fletfn .1 *( tlrl >* rarallel la Tfc.u- HOOO'3 PlLLS ih14 be In Try fsmUf lisltlm cant. Oace M*4. m'wj prfmd. \etled !>< ! Igacranre r thr Terrible oeqisrarea. Brockv ills Time*. The great frequency with which pale, sallow, listless and enfeeliled girls are met with uow-a-days u c^ose lor genuine aUriu. The young girls of the present day ire not i the healthy, robust, rosy cheeked lauiea their mothers and gran {mothers were )>efore them. On all sides one sees girU l.udding into womanhood, who should he bright of eye, light in step, and joyous in spirits : t.. i. ilas, how far from this is their coa- lition. Their complexion u pale, sallow or waxy in appearance, they are victims of heart palpitation, ringing uoise* in the | head, cold hand* and feet, often fain tug ' spells, racking headaches, backaches, short- new cf breath, and often distressing aynip- ton-.i. Ali these conditions betoken chlorosis or an rim* or in other words a watery aud impoverished condition of the blow), which is thus unable to perform the function* re- iirir-.l of it by nature. When in this con- dition unle** immediate reaort u had to those natural remedies which give rich- ness and redness to the bloo-1 cor- puscle*, organic duwus* and an early grave are the inevitable result. It wa* in a condition closely resembling the above that a young lady in A.i.lison, Leeds County, was wnen Ur. Williams' I'mk Pills for f ale I'eople came to her rescue, and un- doubtedly saved her from premature death. This case wa* recently brought to the notice of The Time* by H s. Moffatt, general merchant and postmaster it AJdu-ou, of which family the young lady in iiuestiu u I s meralwr Mr. Moffatt had read the num- , I erous articles in The Time* regarding what are admitted on all side* to be mar- 1 vellous cures by the use of the popular I remedy above named, after all other reiiw- ' die* hud failed, an. I felt it hi* duty to make ' public for the benefit of sufferers, th* won- derful restoration to health and strength E TONIC the Comet, European women can enjoy fair health at the and Havana. station, which, although under the equator. Liverpool an . is 3.0CO feet above the level of the sea. At sea that was as smooth as a billiard table I present the white worken, six in number. that had taken place n hui own household. I The young in question is his adopted I ** TI..I Wave .1 tea daughter, and is some IU yean of age, a ' I hid a strange experience at Ma in ve _ cm .^j period in the life of all yuung the summer of IHM. said R. (.'. Macauley. w<jmeu >he had been declining m health i for some years past commander of a L'unwd for ,,, tlme M j tlie flatly became very ' steamer. " I wan at the tun* in command of mu ,. h ^n^d that serious results would between Liverpool . Medical a. I vice wa* sougiit, an-i for her that could be | AN] Stomaeh^Liver Cure The Most Astonishing Medical Discovery of the Last One Hundred Years. It is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar. It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Milk. This wori'lc-rful Nervine Tonic haa only recently been introduced into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the; (ireat >uth American Nervine Tonic, and }x-t ita great value as a curative 1 baa long been known by a few of the most learned physicians, who have not brought its merits and value to the knowledge of the general puMic This medicine has completely solved the problem of iho cure of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nerroua system. It ia also of th" 1 irrrau-st value in the cure of all forms of fiilin:; h.-alth from whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonic qualities which it possesses, and by its great curative powers uj>on the digestive ae stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy compares with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder and strength- encr of the life forces of the human body, and aa a great rencwer of a broken down constitution. It is also of more real permanent value in the treatment and cure of diseases of the lungs than any consumption remi-'iy ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous cure for nerv- ousness of females of all ages. Ladies who nrr> approaching the critical period known as change in life, should not fail to use this <rreut Nervine Tonic, almost constantly, for the space of two or three years. It will carry them safely over the danger. This great ftrengthener and cura- tive i* of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its great ener;rizinj properties will give them a new hold on life. It will add ten or fifteen yars to the lives !' many uf tQuiw who will use a hall' dozen bottles of the remedy each year. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF wer. three days on t from | , ln Liverpool and were ploughing tmrough a , thou g n i of, but without avail, the treatment I , u ... her n.i good and she gradually grew r . There wa* not a breeze stirring and the worie m & wor *e. Her face was pale and are learning the language, putting up new weather was terribly hot. Jiut at s-m- . aip,^ bloodless, *he wa* oppressed by buildings, and preparing the mission for its < down the second officer called my atten tt4)nl headache*, and her appetite completely future work. It i* not known why the pro. | tion to a curious ridge on the we*i n horn jector* of this enterprise were so very quiet zoo, into which the sun appeared to be dip- about it, but the tint news that ha* reached ping. I turned my glass on it and it re- the publii- concerning it is contained in Ur. sembled a mighty bank of gold, extending Stewart's report showing the iucc*j> of th* north and south a* far a* the eye could preliminary work. reach. * It's a cloud, 1 said I. I'll be J d ' if it is,' replied the officer emphatically ; it'i water. " I looked at him and saw that he was pale as a sheet. I aain brought my glass to bear on the curious phe- nomenon The bank appeared nearer higher, the upper edge of ;nst visibl* above it. I \prrtmemi. wurrlrr riceea. In conseqtienee of the difficulty of connect- ing lUthlin Island, off :h* north coast of __ Ireland, bv telegraphic cable with the main- I anj land, thr coamiller of Lloyd s have Ijeen i glla making trial of carrier pigeon* as of communication wi pro r pigeons as a means I t of lh . j.^ WM ol ^ n ^\ u <^ yt \\ o . th the Lloyd s signal f whll , tne base hat changed to a dark green! station on Rathlin. Aloft of the** birds I K the Lord " I e* claimed, lias been established at Hallycastle, where - they are trained to fly to aud from experiment has During the naval are Kathl.n. So far this proved very successful. niaiKviivres Captain Henderson, of Her Majrsty's ship Arethnsa, wixhing to make experiments with carrier pigeon*. a|> plied for the loan of some from Uoy.l lull at Rally cattle. Th* application was acced- ed to by the committee of Lloyd's an<l thirty three birds were placed at Captain Hender- son's disposal, a* well .is the services of one of the caretakers of the pi^on loft. Of the ,T3 birds only eight were trained, snd the** had been trained only to fly from Kath- lin Island to the mainland, a distance of nms miles. The remainder were young turds and untrained. Captain Henderson reports that 17 birds were flown wuh m**- l*gs* when tlie ship was cruising near the Mull of C'aiityre and Rathlin the eight trainr.1 birds and nine other*. The eight homed safely at Ballycastle, also three of the untrained bird*. Captain Henderson judges from these results that the experi- ments, though hastily improvised and made without proper arrangements, show that well trained Dirds may be trusted to convey messages from squadrons and ships for dis- tances extending several hundred miles from the land, and msy be thii maus of saving much wear aud tear f ship* and consumption of cool. it is water It is a tidal wave ! and so it was. It cam* rolling toward ns at a terrilic rate of speed. I pet the prow of the ship squarely to it an i h id the hatche* battened (town. 1 did not think it possible that we could ride over it. My only hope was to plough through iu I wa* about to signal th* engineer to put on all steam, when the secon.l otfi-.r begged me to bsxk ship. I yielded. The engine* wer* reversed and by the tim* the wave ! reached u* we were moving (lowly back- ' j ward. Th* wave was not so perpeniiicu- \ ; lar as I at first cupposed. The ship was m ballast and rod* over it like a feather. It looked to m* at least .Vi feet high, and went rolling away to the northeast with a dull, rushiiii; soondsinuUr to Niagara. ' \V hen her friends had almost do* pair*! of a cure, some person who had pur- chased Dr. William* ('ink IMii at Mr. lioflatt (tore, and tested thvn virtues, a>lvu'l their use in the young lady's case. 1'h- advice was acted upon and Mr. Moftatt *ay the raaull* were marvellous. In a short after beginning their n*e a Jcide.l im- ement was noticed. The color began to rc'urn to her cheeks : her appetite wa* improved, and tiiere was every indication ! of a morke.l improvement of the lyitem. After taking a few box** he was completely cured, and is now as well a* ever she was. In his business Mr. Moffiatt deal* in various kinds of proprietary medicine*, but jays he ha* never handled any medicine thai has given such universal satisfaction a* Ur. Williams' Pink Pill*. The demand i* large and is constantly increasing, thin arTording the most satisfactory evidence that they an what is claimed for them, a blood buil.ler. nerve tonic and general r.-onlrucU>r, cur- Nervousness, Nervous Prost ration, Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous Chilli, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the H.-rt, M.-ntal Despondency, Sleeplessness, Si Vitus' Dance, Nervousness of Females, Nervousness of Old Neuralgia, Pains in the Heart, I'ains in the Back, Failing Health, Broken. Constitution, Debility of Old Age, Indigestion ami Dyspepsia, Heartburn an-1 Sour Stomach, Weight and Tenderness in Loss of Appetite, Frightful Dreams. Dizziness an<l Kinirtnj in the Ea> Weakness of Ejctremities and Fainting, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Boils and Carbuncles, Scrofula, Scrof ; - - Hinirs anil Ulcers, Consumption of the Lungs, Catarrh of the Lunx'". Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, J.ivi-r < imiphunt, Chronic Diarrho?a, ing disease* hitherto held to be incurable, and restoring health where all other rente- die* bad failed. In vie* of these statements a grave tBt:tOIITIO> Tke lalrwla.-llea efr*iesis>allr Tire. Vav Keller M*n>. The a<lvantagesf ball bearings and penu- malic tire* have been recogni/ed by man- ufacturer* and riders of bicycle* so long that the wonder is, not that those friction- saving devices hive been applied to track ulk'es, but that they were not utili/.ed on t ,,. upon espe y clllly . jf^our Jaughter. are suffering from any of the troubles indicated above, or from any of the irregularities incident to a critical period in life, don it, a* yon value their live*, delay in procuring a remedy that will save them. Dr. Williams Vir.k 1'iil* w a remeUv that never fail* in . in such cases, and is a certain specific for the trouble* peculiar to the f-male system, whether young or old. They act directly upon the blood and nerves and ne.'er fail in , any case arising from a vitiated condition of , the blood or a shattered condition of tb* system. Ur. Williams' Pink 1'ill* \n a perfect blood builder and nerve r-storer.curingsuch i disease* a* rheumatism, neuralgia, partial ftghilsis: Tnii.>m rirrara**. Thn (ireek pike wan 24 feet l?ng. The n.rdi.i-val lance was 18 feet. The Swiss pike was IH feet Th* Roman javelin wasli feet long. The petrary was a mediwval cataprlt. Plate armor wa* used from U1U to ItKIO. The standard Komsn sword wa* 'J2 inches. The helmet of RicharC 1. wtighs -':> pound*. The rabbis say Cain killed Abel with a club. l:---.| xlew (Joliath with a sling uton*. H. C. 1 <*.'l. iierman helmets were ornamented with cow born*. Th* crosa bow came into use in the twelf'.h century came into use in the the earliest hiero- made of skin* The military Sail tenth century. Spears are found in glyphics of KgypU The first armor used was and padded hide*. Th* pulley-drawn cross-bow had a range of 40 rods. Projecting engine* were first invented by the(iicck*. Mixed chain and p^ate armor was used from Ktii.) to 1410. (iustavi.s Adolphus abolished all armor but a litrht cuirass. The Krtncli infantry were armeU with the pike untr lbd>. The U ,cs of Crecy, Poicliers and Agin- court were won by the archers. A Chicago barber-shop is ruu entirely by females. Some of the patrons each have their favorite artbta, and when " Next !" is shouted, sometime* politely give y to im- patient rn*tomer, so <Jtat then fnces may gently stroked by th* cpeiatoro they hho all varieties of light vehicles long ago, say* i paralysis, locomotor utaxu, *t. Vitus' dance, nervous headache, nervous prostration and the tired feeling therefrom, the after effect* | ot la grippe, disease* depcn.ling on humors in the blood , such as scrofula, chronic eryu pe- las, etc. Pink I'lll* give healthy glow to ; pale and sallow complexions, and are a spaci ' lie for the troiil>)* peculiar to Inn female system, and in the cose of meu they affect a ( radical cure in all c**e< aming from mental j worry, over work or excease* of any nature, i Tli'eK Pill* are manufactured by the Dr. i Williams' Medicine Company. Brockville. I Out., and Schenectady, V \ . and ar* *old only in boxes bearing our trade mark aud wrapper, at 5(1 sents a box, or six boxes for J-J.:>O. Bear m mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are, never sold in bulk, or by the j .lo/eii or hundred, and any dealer who offers substitutes in this form is trying to defraud | vou, and shouhi be avoidet'.. l>r. Williams' j Pink I'll!* may be had of all druggist* or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Compiuiy from eithrr address. The price the Minneapolis 7'n'mii . Wheel* of the bicycle pattern can be made as strong as necessary. The pneumatic tiro passe* easily over the uneven surface of a road- way, helping itae'.t over obstractions by it* elasticity. It i* better than springs for making a vehicle " ride easy. " It U esti- mated that inn combination of ball bear- ings and pneumati. 1 tires idiled from two to three second* to Nancy Hanks'* speed by lessening the draft of her sulky. A gain of such a large percentage in lightnes* of draft will be appreciated Dy owners of good roadsters, ana now that their attention has been call->> to it, the tune can i:ot be far distant when they will want pneumatic ba?l bearing* on their buggie*. The pneumatic tire will not reach the farm wagon, fr it can not stand rough usage, but there would seem to be no reason why the ball bearings shout. 1 not be appli- ed to vehicles of clu**. The change would work a great saving ia horseflesh Delicate nnd Si-rofuloas Children, Samm<>r Complaint of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. IfERVOrS DISEASES. As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless in all iu effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual. Nine tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are ilpprn.l.-nt on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. When there is an insullicient supply of nerve foot! in th? blood, a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result 8tarved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of food is supplied: and a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is tue first to suffer fr want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tain a sullicivnt quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerve*. For tins reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied. This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain tha essential elements out of which nerve ti^siio U formed. This accounts for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- raaaement. A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHORtA. l*KAWFOHD8vu.Li<:, ISP.. June ii, 1887. Mv daughter, eleven year* old, w:u< severely afflicted with St. Vitus' IHnc**. or Chorea. We gave her three and one-half oottlw of Sv>uth American Ner- vine and .she U completely restored. 1 believe it will cure every case of St. V it 'i.V Dunce. 1 have kept it iu my family for two years, and am sure it m the greatest remedy ia the world for IndiffWtton ;in.f Pyspvpsu. ami for all form^ of Nervous Disorders aud Failiug Health, from whatever caux- . _ .. JOHX T. Muu. Staff oy Indiana, 1 . ' -...... -.__ _.. . and in time, for it would make possible the at which these pills are sold make a course hauling of hoavier loads. With the nurch of th:- improvement.* will come better roads. This i* lh age of wheels, and tlie geui!em:n driver, the farm- er auu the liicycliit will soon bo in league for iirprowd highways :n city and country ahko. I of treatment comparatively inexpensive, ss compared with other remodie* or medical tn .ttincut. Th* Salton I^ike, a body of wslcr in the Colorado dejort, c-iuscd by an. over- ttow of the Colorado River, ha* disappear- ed : and now what was once .in area of liar ren sand greets the eye like a sea of verdure ID tome of thorny* from the Ori<*nt t.h knots of t)>e threads are no tine tha: they i-amul bo seen by the eye. No machinrry has Wer introduced (hero yet for making rugs or iv-rpeta, each tuft or knot Iwiug tied by Jft Hngers. l!y placing two iron bar* at seven or cich' yards distance from each other and pu'tirg them in communication on one id by u> iusuli'ted copper wire ard on the other side with a telephone, it is said that a vorm can The spider's web is so light that a pound weight of it will reach round the world, and ther leave enough to reach from Liverpool to New York. A distinguished botanist announce* that he has discovered in the Philippine Islands a plant which boars a flower nearly one yar.l wid.- which weigh* Jlb. Half a lemon makes a very good substi- tute for a bar of toilet soap, and an orange cui in half and rubbed on a sooiy kettle make i very good shoo blacking, which take* a tine poluh. Tho total import of palm oil iuto Kn<laml ia about ,'H.>.000 tons, valued at over t'l.WO,- Bri le N '- "No other woman ever wore th: ling. d:U she, darling*" Widower "N > be predicted twelve hour* i>hevl through a [ TI.e trouble is that the fellow in position JoM'inethiiig for vou won't ilo iL Mitaio dead sound L*ard :n t! c receiver. Subscribed and sworn o before me this June 22, ('.IAS. W. \VKH HIT, Notary PuMie. INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonic Which we now otfer you. i the only absolutely unfailing remedy erer discovered for the cure ot' Indigestion. Dyspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility of the human stomach. No person ran afford to pass by thU jewel of incal- culable value who is affected hy disease of the stomach, because the ex- perience and testimony of many <;o to prove this is the OMB and OSLT ONB jcreat euro in the world for this universal destroyer. Thore is no case of unmaltgnant disease of the stomach which can resist the wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. II ISHIIT R HtLt.. ol Warnet^wn. to<t . aajra MRS KI.L* A BTTO.V of Ntw ROM. Indiana. 1 ow m.r lit* to toe <:\t South WT : | oannut etprea how nurb 1 owe tu toe Nervous Prostration, auil a general abaM/red '*ri"l. aprwUte goat, waa couRhlns; anil .pluln*; condition ol aaj wh.ili- ict'en up up lil.vml. am sure 1 wail 'n the flrnt !..- it.. Ii.v|H of icettiox well Had tried three do*-- of conaunplloQ. mi Inhrrtlauoe bamleil d..wn torn, with no r4W The tnt bottle ol the N>r- ibrouxh reral foeratlon*. I becan t.iklnic ln Tonic Improved meomurh tbat 1 ran able to toe N-rrtoe Tunli-, and -..ntlnued It* une for walk about. :uid * few nottl:* cured me entirely aot>Dt nix moDtba. anil am entirely cun-.l It I believe It \* Uie beet mli. ine in toe world. 1 , la the srnnde*t remedy for uervw, stomiuli and can not rwonmeiHl It tuo blfblv." 'UURU I bar* ver axen " . So rwiifly -ompars* with *>fm AiltKi' !nvi! M arnro fr.r the Nerre* No -oia- oom with South Amrrirnu Nervine w ondroua cnrr tor the Stomach No n-nmly will al all eomparv wuh Stiuth American NVrvine aa ncuretnraU turoi* of fulling health. It FH*VT f.uln to euro ImllKmnnn a:i'' I'vn^ ;i.i Ii wrr tnllatorurt Clion-a ir St. VIIUK' Dancr It |HI- build up 'he whole y*tin arp wonderful ID the extreme. It cure* tbo oh!, the young, and tii>- ini-l- He ae.l Itlaaicfwat friend to 'he need and Innnu. Do nm neiclnt towseckll |ir<vii>u !...n. if y-t'i do. vou may neglect The i>nly remedy which will rentor* tou to health. Hoiitii Am> Ne'rvin,. in gieHnctlV nato. ami rery plraMtn' to the tame. Drllcnte In. i ion. rl.> not fall to un> thl< K^eat care, beraua* it wlli put the M>*>m ->f frrnhD^wi an 1 beauty U[KD VQUT Up* and la /our cheeKS. and quickly drl** away your dlaabilitleii ajid woatniiiin. Price, Large 16 ounce Bottle $LOO; Trial Size, 15 Cents. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. If cot kept by Druggitts order direct from Or. F DETGHOM, Crawfordsviiie, Ind.

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