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Flesherton Advance, 10 Nov 1892, p. 1

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" TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." 70L. XII., NO 591. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1892. W. H.THURSTOK, E31TCP * PRCPR ETC* Armstrong Brothers, THE JEWELERS Immense stock, low prices, good workmanship, satisfaction guaran- teed, all work warranted. These are a few of our Qualifications. I PIHII-. OCTOBER. -X X X X Overcoats, Long Boots, and Cloth Caps, For the Men and Boys. Mantles and Mantle Cloths, For the Ladies. From our own Corretpondent. What might have proved a Yery serious accident, and wLich resulted in two btoken limbs, occurred while threshing was in progress at Mr. B. tiilray's on Tuesday afternoon last. Mr.John of the threshers, wag readjusting a belt and asked Master Charley Smith to hold it, when, by some means it shped and each of j the young men bad his left arm bro- , ken between the elbow and wrist. A [ messenger wag immediately dispatch- ed to Rocklyn for Dr. Bennett, who was soon on tho spot, aud set the in- jured limbi and the patients are do- ing as well as could be expected. Hallow-en passed very quietly about , here. We have not beard ot any 'pranks being played. Whether it ' was the inclement weather kept them! i indoors or whether the boys wauted to give as a genuine surprise we can- not, say bat each one seemed to have : picked bare the bones of the old gray goose aud left their neighbors' proper- ty in peace. We had a genuine breath of winter last Friday. It snowed, blew and stormed generally all afternoon aud before night the ground was covered ! I with the "beautiful", enough tu cover' the mud, which stayed until Sunday. M ikes one shiver to think what is in i stoie for us, but good sleighing would ! be preferable to mud any way, and Christmas isn't Christmas without suow. Thanksgiving day to-day (Thursday), no shooting matches around here. We hope every one will eat their thanksgiving dinners with thankful shameful state. Come gentlemen, font all speak at once, and give us a proportion of the money spent. It is verj detrimental to Mr. Hogg's busi- ness to have such a ravine in front of his shop, that a team can't get with- in a rod or more of his door. AT- C. J. LEITCH'S ffne These are Specialties for October W. W. TRIMBLE, Strains Block. FALL GOODS Are arriving almost every day. We do not need to tell you that the qualities are good and prices right. Every one whoever visited the stare on the hill knows that we cannot be undersold. We do not deny the fact that any quantity of cheap trash is offered at lower figures than we can offer pure goods, but we hold that for quality offered, no man can sell you cheaper than we do. All we ask is a call, and we are certain to convince you. *Dress Goods Departii}ei?H> We have a good assortment in all leading lines, from the loc. goods to the best all wool Henriettas linings, buttons and trimmings to match. ^Flannels and Staple Department* You can get anything you ask for in these lines. In Flan- nels we defy competition all wool greys, striped fancy shirting Flannels, and sheeting Also full lines of Flannel- etts, Shakers, Cantons and Unions ; Cottonades, Cottons, Shirtings, Liuens, Towells, 'lowellings, Etc. -HFxveed and Worsted Department* We can't tell you much about these, but an inspection will convince that the patterns are the latest, and qualities and prices right, also full lines of Gents' fine furnishings. Khcnmulism 'ur-d In a day. i American Kh<-uiiiatic Cur. Khejui:itiiiui and Neuralgia radically cure* in 1 to 3 days. Its action u|>ii the *VKtvin i rem.irk.iMe nJ mysterious. It removes at <>nce the cause and the iiseasa luiineili.ttciy dii|>(.rs. Tin.- hrat done Krrntly hviietit*. T" cent*. Warranted by Kiohardsou A Co. ll-li.-rt..ii Station. r litporier. chief \ . DER/IRTITJEIJT* Gloves, Hosiery, Rushings,Handkcrchiets, Corsets, Ribbons, Collarettes, Bibs, and ninety-nine other things. Space will not allow us to mention the other departments, but if these few will remind you of something you are need- ing we have done well ; if they will convince you to try the Store on the Hill, we have done better ; and if they will strike you favorably after inspection so you buy, we have done best. All are welcome whether to purchase or simply to have a chat about the weather. tin s,r<- en the Hill B. G, EVANS. MMMT Edgat J. Wstrhog is fireman for K P. Legate. He U a .-ru;u t boy aud should be eucjuraged. Tljtre is considerable stir on the market this fall. Mr. Cole au<' little John have to climb ou the loads aud inspect the grain before they make a bid, or they will be apt to get some inferior stock. Company threshing machines are getting to be all the rage now. The farmers ou the hills south east of here got a Waterloo machine, winch - good satisfaction. Last w>.i there were two more ctuic off at this station. Out: went to Tyrone ainl the other to Mr. Thorp Wright's neighborhood It took some ing to get the two machines oil the car in a pulling rain-storm Ludwig WHS hostile a t< \v ev< nint(s ago. He said : I vas tuat I vill told you sum times if I shust et mine eyes on him I vout told you what L do. Kesult A trunk checked it-r tu. east early next inoriiiiig. and iowe one not in it. around the i He will not come li.-re some more times. Mr. All \. Hannah, the popu'ar livery iiiun. is building an addituu to his now stable, -..!. icli adds t > the convenience of tlie affair. Alex, is a p .sliiug fellow aud takes an interest in the prosperity of the town. Our aMiTUJeu live at a safe dis- tauce from this place, but really it they were in hern and saw tin.' until they would be troubled witii rein WM of couscieuce. T!ieie was a job of 1 grading the street from the railroad crossing west, let last sumnu , j was very well done: but then, like the "Aikansas traveller," it was not raining, but see it now. There is a ditch opposite the postofh'ce whioi prevents the stages from gettiug any nearer than the centre of the strut lo the office. The stiect also goiii^' into the the grainery is dug up ovei a foot deep, making it dangerous for loaded waggons to cro*s over tin* ditch. Truly our streets are iu a You will find a lull From HUT OICH Carrapuiul- nf. f ... About 12 o'clock last night, Nov. of a11 the latest woollens, 1st, the hotel, together with the!, -11 <; i stables and all the accompanying y U Wl11 find ll to y our a ^ buildings. were burned down The ' vantage to purc hase yoQr tire u supposed to have originated in the hay loit, but how it got there is ordered clothing at the Mel- unknown. Mr. Scarlett, the owner oft the establishment, will lose heavily, chant Tailor's, as he had uo insurance ou it. Mr. liall, hotel-keeper, succeeded in getting his horse, and cow out of the stable before it was consumed, but the horse and wagon of a commercial traveller, who was staying over night there, perished. 'J i...-y g>t the horse to the I door when it fell dead. The house- j hold effects of the hotel were almost all burned, but we learn Mr. Ball has $5<X) insurance on them. Ignite a company of our citizens took advantage of the opening of the hunting season. They succeeded iu shooting a fawn. Mr. Vlex. McPhail is the painful ordeal of having a canmrl* drawn from his lin. \Ve sincerely J '..'.'',",'.":.' hope h will soon be delivered from that dread disease. Mr. Wm. Fetus has just had one taken out of his face by the same kind of plaster. !' i..i McPhail. who has been suffering from erysipelas for some months, is uo better. Tart of the diseased limb seems to be dead. The Patrons of Industry of Swin- ton Park purpose holding a concert iu the latter part of December. A lively time is anticipated. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Browusvalley, In.l . say* : 'I hail been in distressed (.viitlitimi f'>r three ywars fruiu Nervous- ILEKONE PILES, .!' tiuii painlesn >n.l *)r. Kulif inline ^ i rt:u tfr"*i and loutf fait wnt among tboM who uff.-r pile* It v of t)i hibwt un.rU, rthctire :,.! hiKii~t merit. tli*n in* Tel: III. !.... Uuuili ttrmrt, I. mi. ;.. ' R. J. Sproulc, I) :vri,.n,<Vnjruisiion- * er iu B. R., Licu4 Auction Teyanoer. Appraiser and MoM9 Real Estute aud lunuranne Agrot. r.Ccn 1 Mortgage*. Leaxes and Wills drawn op and Valuations innde on shor'eoi nutic*. Ane- tion Salrs attended tu in soy parr of tL Weakness f tlic Stomach, Dy|>ep- County. 'JoueT tu interest. l"n m luwi-st ratea cl attended to with proiBptneRB auj denpatcu. Charge* ia *.d Induction until u.y health .as * I pComp.d,. I bought on buttle at South Am- ' <-'beap lick- sberton to Liverpool, ne. wlneli done me more ] Glasgow. Louduu or auy of tb* Bri'l-h than any OU wrth t I , jr ts. Parlivs intending to visit England, ever. lid in my life. l \' j Sootl.ud or Ireland, will plea*, ask ratr, U- every wenklv ;ier->ii to une this valuable 1 . .naively rlme.'y. I c,,,.., u ,r ,t the , fore P^ their t.cket, 8 U.wber.. Knindent medicine in thu world. ' A _ trial buttle will c<>iivincu y')U. Warrant- ! -"'" Best Cure For All disorders of the Throat and Lungs is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It has no equal as a cough-cure. Bronchitis " When I waj a boy. I had a bronchial trouble of such a persistent and stub- bom character, that the doctor pro- nounced it incurable with ordinary, but recommended me to try Aver s Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years, I nave used this preparation with good effect whenever I Lake a bad colt!, and I know of numbers of people who keyp it in iho h.'i!e all the time, not considering it sale to be without iL"- J. C. Woodson, V.M., Forest Hill.W.Va. ni' irn Cvrrt*pun. / A Local C 'iiveution was held in the sch MJ! huiidti here ou Friday whicli was i 1 )ii->idenu^ th'j weather) well :i The )ie.lau"^ i - were the Miisi i lull and Mc- |li.nn!.l. ni'i M itt. Flet Wood, Hourlii and Slai'l'-i. 1 v all eiittfi-.'d very heiirtily into the .1 which was hot in some When this part of the work wits "Vi-r H ui**i'tiii^ of the teachers al'iue w; In-lit at which it was agreed ii;.n to liuld these c-nvi-iiti. in. ^i:irt..rly. The "therm |>|Miintrd were: I'r>.siJent, Mr. .J I. ' l x !'. N i 11 K. lnk'. - ^' " I 4 ' ^' Donald. U was also deculeii l" lim.- \l Inlyre a* the next |>l:ice f in-etuis;, and to hold the meet ina "U Satunl iv so at not t" inSiTleie with nch"| work. On that evening i cmceti. was to he IJIVHII in th i >c in,'.- Hall, wliicti was, un A.-.itlier, [Mjst|"Hied until .. evuinu' N.'V. 1 l'!i. This isostti l i- .MI..' "I t he belt ever .". ve:i ill town and anyone missing it will bo sorry. Tin' musical |>art will !> beycud the or- dinary, ami tile s|n-i-oii hy M Kicliardsun al.ine is bini{ 1 -it'keil t"iward t" with ir.- !> ii.".-.f who lilie tt> hear about (he wealthy continent. Come and be lit three li"ur as our |jrifranim<' in *'i;h.-ieully liiiig. The 1'atn in of Induilry have weekly meetings liere now. They meet Wd- iu-iii.iv evening. The LiM^U'' meets on Weiliifesday even- i week. 1 1 teily service was held her* last SaUwth morniiiK. Tho liev. Wixidjjer reviewed the Sab- l>ih schoi'l on the Oct. lessons last Sun- ll.IV Mr. H. Little, of S..unJ. K*e his brother a call last KriJuy aid re- iusinxl til Mo i.| iv Mr. Wm. Cuutts movl to the 3td liu Cough ' For more than twenty-five voar, t t a sufferer from lung trouble, at- tended with coii>;!iinjj so severe at timei i rhage, th' 1 frequently LLstiii); thrr hours. I was induced to try Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. and after tak'ing'four bottles, wa* thoroughly cured." Kranz Hoffman, Clay Centre, Kans. La Grippe " Last spring I was taken down with la grippe. At times I a.s completely prostrated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as if conrincd in an iron cage. I procured .1 bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner bad I began taking it than relief followed. 1 could not believe that the effect would be so rapid and t 1 it- cure so complete." W. H. Williams, Cook City, S. Dak. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Prapuxd b Dr. ). C. Arcr * Co.. Lowell. Maw. Priot $i ; u boulra, Jj. Prx-mpt to act, sure to cure

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