fhu, FLESHERTON ADVANCE JKrerj> ra %driiliain St 1-1 M|. I. !!>.!> Xhnrsday run orrics I i. sh, i ion. Ont. Terms of Subscription : JO) |r annum when paid atrlctly In Adv I- r auuum when uol fto ]>i 1 Advertising Rates : d(M Column. 1 year. *50 ; half col , I year, (37 quarter col . one yaar, $15. (Vauiilrnt >lvt'rtl'iiint charged at the rate i ceiita i>er lino for flrl jnmirtion and 3 cent* Una Mwh lubeequi-nl ImierMuB. \, II T II TEST OX, Editor and Proprietor ITirevlllf. From our own Carrttpuniirnt. Our villa is improving if new build- "Tin.-* it BUY critesion. In our {terainbu- latinns around town we notice that Mr. Dougal McCorinack has been preparing for winter by lia\ ini{ his house rcnored wltli brick. Mi.Kox WM the contractor, aided by hi* able assistant, Mr. Hector Mcl/ean. Messrs. Jon. McDonald and Donald Cani]>lwll harv also erected neat and coinforUblu I'.okimj doroicloa, while Mr. M. Kiley, our energetic, industrious knight of vulcan has a pilu of brick on ooe of hit suburban lots big enough to build a small costlu. However, to coun- teract as it were the pleasant and thrifty a(i|>earauce of our burg, here and there art dotted worthless, dila|>idated, raai- ahaklo structure* in different deprives (if taiiihlirkati'iii Such useless buildings are not only eyesores, but hare tbe effect of lessening the val- i us of villajjo prouurty. Hut we muat call a halt for we fancy wo hear soinu Advancf(d) reader shouting. ''Tell us something we don't know ' Well dear ruadur there's the rub. Our means of knowing your "wants" are limited, hence the following items may nut suufy your newsy desires : A week ago last Monday Secretary Urmlie distributed the boodle to the mveral prize winner* at our annual fall show. I*, is needles* to add that we still wear our two-year old tile And lout year's Married. GUAfUU- MOOKK.--At Munlii>'. hoUl. Kh>hi.ru>u, on Die 10th ult , by t).i liev. John Walli, II A , J. l.n Orahaui to MaiKirct Jano Moure, bvUi of the towaaliipof Os|>rey. While Mr. Henry I'etty.of Nonnanby, was threnhing \Vednejidajr a spark sup- posed to boTrom the engine door set fire to the barn, and there being a high wind, in a few minutes the whole building was in a I.Ju/t . Ko (jun-kly did it go that it was impossible to save the separator which belonged to Robert Morice, of the aaino towimlnp Part of the iinpletuents from the adjoining buildings were saved The buildings, which were erected in 1890, were about the finest in these parts, and th* loss is a sever* one. Loss. $4,- 000 , insured in London Mutual fur >!,- 400 (Mt. Forest Kepresentative. It is reported in Winnipeg that ex-At- torney General Martin will again oppose H- n. T. M. Daly in Selkirk, Man., and that he will advocate purely secular schools, The Markets. Corrected Kucli Wcrk. Hour Ksll Whet..^ S|.nnx Wlieat Oat* tSHI 05 M 8(1 llUttlT ................................. IH frwih.- ................... _____ ! I',,t*t.H. ban ....................... :i Pork ................... - ............... 8 00 lUv per ton ......................... t 00 Iliilu* ................................... 9 00 Hhe|>Mklui ........................... M Gseso. ......... - ................... - 6 Tnrk-> ....... ........................ H Cbtokens per pair ................ 40 Iitulo. j.i i |.*lr ..................... M Wool ............................ 10 to to to to to to t I to to to to to to to to to to to J3HU I . K, tf T 1H IB so Out r iO 30U 1 00 10 tn The champion hoary weight threshers of this district are Meisrs. Cole, liector and John McDonald, whose combined avoirdupois is 015 Ibs. What other Kang of threaders can tip the seal* at the same weight I The I'liceullo branch of the Uihla Svciety will hold their annual meeting on Tursday e'ening, Nov. iho 10th, in lheMMhodistchur.il. The Ke. Chas. lintf will address the moetin k . Unite 1 services will bo held in the I'resbyterian < l.ui li n Thanksgiving Day, commencing nt 11 o'clock. Tliu It. vs. Cha.. Duff, Husband snd Md..,,d will deliv *r short addreiutes. The regular <|iiartorly meetiiig aerrices of the Mel'ioditl church in (hi circuit will !. held at tlui KU'iiezvr appoint in. ut, c..iMe,|ii -nlly the preaching in I'licevillu will be nt 7 p.m. Mis* Tilliu Heat spoilt Saturday and Sunday with her parents near Shulhurne. Miss I '..in. , J.ini, .4 | ml a iliort visit to her home lant week. Miss James is re- eiiKAgud in her achuol at increased aalsiy. Minn Sara .. I'antlow of Swintou 1'ark was the guest of Mrs. \V. i. lilakcitun 1 1 -i week. HIKTK On Tuesday, Oct. 24th, Mrs John MtOow/M of a daughter. sound, From the Sancluui ." mis* ut'l.L * i M IT T Mr. .l-.liii \V. Kerguaon, the well- known tail, r, is around Rj-Hln after a omswhat severe illness. [Oratiyevillu Advertiser. MlhMHIIT oJBSIKVATiOMD. The orchards reveal their tempting rosy fruits, framed in rich-hued leaves, UK* tu full a prey U> the gstherur. A drowsy restfiilnesa pervades all. At night the full orbed moon sheds gulden Ulorius on the vartegaled landscape, lend ing an .. tl,, rul U 4U t) t., the last effort* f the dying sumiusr. (Orangeviile Ad- tsrtiRer. The H>ad Hnrgeon Of th Lnbn Mudloal Conipaar Is DOW a* *>* onto, ( [i,l, D.) raajr b eoHiultcd *lthr la IMrxm or b; Urttor on all rlu-onlo dliau** !> culir tu UiAU. 1I0O, young. uW.cr middle fttfnd, who And thMax'lTos nervous, WMB aod uhu. ed, who am br^litfii down from IIOSM or ovs^ work, nxulUim lu roaur W tat* lollovinf irat- >U .uu : Mwitkl di'li'Mwlou. l>rmur old <, loiuf vit^.u/. low .J iitvni'irj, tMul er*n s liiiiiwliof UKlit. |>kl|>ilkUn ot Motii. lack ut iwr(y. |ialn In Ih hMd^^lid, |i|ui|>la on U> fao* or body. lthtaj ar|>ci.lUr xitaau aoout t Mrotum, wuM tag at llio UIUMM. iliMiMM, >i>*ck U'tora Ike .. IwltchlOf ft Ult SOUMlM, II '.. Mid Urw|}vri.. bulifn'Bon. d>.pot to tlto urlu, o*> >*f will puw*. titodorDoA of ih M>alp tnd splnn. WMk and Oabbr luii.cl.m, >lwlr h> i!- p. f';.ir,> tuuo rwtvdbv ilcc^i. euuitli'fttlon, lull- Dm> <<f h<-llns. I.MII i>f vi>l(-.ilxn lul hti.iU, eseltaMlltf i'f W'liiurr, nuilkau jrn urii> tJ udd wi'l. i (Arum < IHC>.. ll/ looking lim. (r, u* aM sjrmpaesH a* asHoH dbintf tiit icd to In. nt an.! A*4li i,nlu viJ Th* >|iHu4 Oi 'i 1*1 I.T, M l.\ In^ i.-.t lie Uail.xi .-v. i v fniii) Mn wan<Mtn nouM|.iiio* Ttio*e who tluouijb ahu- o.nruutiln.1 lu Itftioraries tn*y bo |H>TUII- ntly cured Hnd your axldrMS (or book t>u aU rii-i a<*^ |mli*r iu lutn liookrf *nl free oal- Ili-iti i dlMaM, tii* yruptuiui of wlilrli ar* i lain* , |>ur|il<. lip*, li. |>u boat*. ur*i nunhns, rush ol blood u> tbs nn^. |lt>ilAllo, . r ,>( 111.1 irr*ulKr.tb >*miil h*artl>*,l 14 ulckr tl. ii. r 1 . ftmt ) ulr kbout 1... r.i ... t boilA, Mfl ran ronltlvtly ho rur* No tint*, no r. tttnd lor book. Addmw M VLUUO.su Att- ituull a . Toronto, t)aiiaU. A Friend Wishi-s In sp)-;ik through the Ki-gislrrvf Ihr bfiiftiti.il 11-11:1- he I:. is ini'uril from r.^.il.u- use nf Ayer'i Pills. Hi- says : " I \van fi-i-linj; kirk and lirod ami my stoni.u li -.r. -im-U ,ill out c I i'nli i . I tried H number ol n nn-ilies. hut noiu- M-.-m.-il lu jjivi- me relief unlil I \\.-is imliuril to try llio i.KI rcli.il.li- A>ri s Pills. I have 1,-iken unly CMH- box, jiul I IV.-l like :i m w :. m. I think they me tlw most pleasant and cnsy tn lake of :niyllii^ I fver useil, benii; xo fi U(jar-n>.ileil tli.it even a child will l tin-in. 1 uige U|K>II ;ill w'io arc ly In Need of H laxative to liy Au-r't Pills." - Hootlili.iy (Me.) A'fgis/.'r. " Kelwprn 111.' :ie;es nl fivi-.irnl fil'leen, I a<< troubled wiliia kinduf s.il'-i In uin, or eruplioii, i hielly eonfnieil tn Ilie le^s, and especially tu the bend of II . kiu-e ahove the i-.df. Here, riiiinio^ MTI-H foriiu'd wliirh would sr;il> nver. Inn would break immediately on moving the leff. My nu>tlior tried cverylhinjj she could think of, but all wr\s without .i\.til Although a child, I rcrul in I he p:ipers about the ben.-lu i.il < lVe Is ut V ir'l Tills, and p. isn.ul, ,1 my moihi me try them. \\'ilh no gre.il I i the result, she procured Ayer': n ' (rain bnoti watr|)roof, |2.7B ier pair, soliil stock Mid well in i I,., at M. liichanlioii A Go's. r nelKhlHn-a If they aae Dod.l's Kldnoy Thfiy tri'tiKlhun the oervoa, tone tl.,, itttem, and thu moat tiibbnrn s i,, , of dew M yield to their iniluntict'. I'ney |..lally anproolatwl ly the <*l fm Hrlflihor about Ilium. are i- k your and I lu'^an to use tl cm, an ' noticed an improvemeii. t.m OIH.U . .' by this, I kepi on till I took lu. when the sons de :i[ |v;ueil . '.>! li.a. never trouhled me since." 11 I Real Estate At>ent, Koanok.-, V.i. "I suffered for years from sti m i, li and kidney troubles, causini; \ i \ p.iiiis in various parts of the ho!i . None of the remedies I tried affordeii me any reliel until I In i/.m tnkinff Avei s l':l\, and was cured. \Vm. Ciodd.trd,. Notary Public, I'ive Lakes, Mich. Pra|rrd hv IV. 1. C. Arrr A C.v. Lowell. Mao Sold by all l>i Kk iu Everyolwra. Every Dose Effective JUDICIAL SALE Valuable OK Farm Property In I IK- Town*lil|> ( Oxprey.tn the Cou n IT of tlrty. In the High Court of Justice, Chan- cery Division, re Baigeon, Saigeoa vu. Pumuaot to the Jii'lginitnt for partition or Kale in Ui Above nit- ntioiie<l actiou. LwitriQK date thv 1Mb <ly of January, A. U.. 1W*. aud tUe or- der lor alo made lu laid n. tion. thero will bo lil ly I'nblii: Anctluli, with tlie approbatiou of Alfred Krunl, Kiw|uirc.. l.cal klatr of thii C'ouit at Owtn SouinM.y A.s Vaniluieu.KMiulrtf, Auctioneer, at Muuiiliiiw'ii hotel. In tho villain of Kk'nherton. lu the County of Urey, on Tuea- day. tbe J.ltli day uf Novituiliur. A. I). 1MM, at oue o'clock in thf afternoon .ttic following landu and pi TiuiKCS, lulu.. U : All snd xiiigular that cer- tain parcel or tract of land nii'i ureuiisaa. sit- uate. lyuiK ami Lt-iiiK III tbe Town>bip ol Ufi'icy, in tlu 1 Couul> of <ii ey. anl being com poaed of the west part i.f lot number twulre iu the M\th foDceion of the aaid To*uabJ|i of n-infv, and coiitaiiiitif; by aduieaMiiuiiiecit fifty acres, be the a>uie uiora or lean. '1 ).. Haul {>rt-uii4Hi are kituatu imtnediatt.|y .ni; the .-aid village of Uatwi-ll.aud about n, ii. n.iltH from tbe village of Klmbertou. AUiut thirty-five acres of said land* are ad, and Uie reuisnulvr fairly timbered Kith luixed hardwood. TUo fcoil of the laud i:!,-nrt I is a city loaui. Tlu> t.ni'1 preDilces will be snld mbject to tbe il. .tt. r of Atfiiva Saixoon therein, aud subject W reoerve bid, flsud by ald I,. .ml Uafct.tr. sii.'uld thti imrct.ancr make any objection to thf tit)** which the vendor i unablo or unwill- in^ t . remove, thu Vvii'lur iiliaU be at liberty to i, 'I thu cotraot and returu the dv|>oit i p i. \ without luterunt, coat* or further com- pensation. Tho vendor ahall not be bouud to pnxluce ai.y ah'titut ntlier than the reHiatrar'a ab btract, u- -r any .io**d. (UcuionU ir iniifiiuienta of titlu other than tlu>Ht- in Lin j>ot>neivlou. 'I In f iirthrr runiliti'iiH of sail nale are tho Btaiultuu uonditloiirt ol this Couit. TKUKIS : Ten ]>er i-.-nt of the i>urchaw> 11 1 "!,,> t<> Iw |'iil to the \ fit. lor or hii Molifitnni at (hi.- liuiu uf thi- Kale L I thv balaace to be i>a>. I into Court to thv crrdK of tb caunti witb- in tl nty ilya thcrMLftur, without lirfi i. t I i further partlfuUn apply to Messrs. Wright it Liudtav, llarri>ter>. t)*en hound; I. II l.u-ai,, Kx) , BarrlsUr, Uark.lale; alsasrs. Mclntyre A (.hint. Haiiii-ti-n. Crt-tKnore. sud M . ',. Creator * Hunth. lUrntters, OWPII Bound. IJatud the *L day of Oct.. 1. -r, 11), 1*02. AI.K1IKD KllOST. Ix.cal Master si Uneu Hound. Wiuiiii r \ l.iM'aai . Vcuih.r Solicitor!, Suovi AUCTION SALE or - FURNITURE STOCK The utork in trn-lt lid ;./? t !,. in-. ctti of 11. } Mt-Ni-a, r'iriiiturr tli t*iidrtAkr,riflsMr|OQ,Ooi,, will Iw oM . it, u t imi *t a rtc on the $, at his plac Ut bunll't Hai Hi In-- of Flosherton, Hi). At I u r! ,-k 1 1 lu ,-i i * : lit i lite to ah'iiii |..:low- I'liinit . *-i. , *r;iaou. liui.' Uooda, f'tl' 1 . '. T< !. ayi5Lri Tl,i, In -i i, i ll.'iit tipjM.i unit . ( -i lui v .in) .loMroua ol iu; i;u.. 1 In. > i nt > j IMI . n- there la no (.p. -illlotl Tl.l. |tl. 1111 <fK I'll \vlllrh tile hllM leH II&H let n i .tin, I i\n l>,< ifitttt 0*1 'vaaonable ternm invt-r . v nu I stin'k can k it*ell on R|iplii'atlllli In 111, u-m - fri in whni itl- tui Ui. i ii,frtiiiit|i>ii a , t,-i n. . , t. .t an I ,1 < \ VNDl'SKN. A- Fleaiicrtou, Ont. N K\V SHOP NEW 00003 and LATEST STYLES MRS. TICIMBLE is de- lighted with the selection o all the novelties in Hats am Trimming! m.uli- t>r her by her millint i \ I-M\ r-i in Parif and other lc K i (enters o tashon. I adi--. now is your time if you \v-.mt something artistic. Lravr-is your or ders. Next dour to R. Trim- ble's general MI . l.ndii.R a|i]i').ciAt<. An'i [.i?ulintT from th fsrtthii. ir nut milt Hi. .1. .,1 hit 1,'iimvid Uand rufT \tith thrit. K|.|>| . .11 >i.i ^ 1'itt ttopfl faliln of tb barr, ntor* taking hair t iti oriiin* cohn.ftiict lokkpi It Hoft n. I i-liililf witlmu leaving any iiiiliratliMix of a drevvlng i-ein used. Clear an crvtl.cletn to DM, it is a valu al>lc toilet pfapanUon. ITow Goods Arriving Daily at Hill's. Vaiied qualities and quantities of seasonable have been opened up, and the price is xmnd to sell them. Tweeds, and other dress goods,'! weed Suitings, Panting', Keady-imde Suits and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Youths ; BootSj Shoes and Rubbers lor Men, Women and Chil- dren ; Crockery, Sets dishes in stoneware and china, Gro- ceries, Tea, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, Can- ned goods, Cheese, Biscuits, Lard, Bacon, Cod fish, Coal oil, a quantity of Hardware anJ Tinware, Tea Kettles, Steamers, Boilers, etc. Any quantity of But- ter and Eggs taken in exchange. No trouble to shov/ goods. Come in and get my prices. T. 5ILL - - P.lesherton. FLESHERTON HARDWARE HOUSE. STOVES and T 1 1* W A. 1% B. PORTING GOODS. o PORTING GUNS, I'OWDER, SHOT, 1'APKR SHELLS, BRASS SHELLS. TJ ARDWARE. B*\VS and SAW-SETS, AXES and HANDLES, 6PADKS, SHOVELS, F. G. KARSTEDT, FENCING WIRE, FKNCING PLVERS, OILS, COAL OIL, MACHINE OIL, HAW oil,, BOILED OIL, TfRPENTINK, VAHNISU, READY MADE PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS, LAMP GOODS, ETC. Flesherton. Notice to the Public The l-lesherton Milling Com- pany having purchased the rol- ler flour and sit:c-i>itlls i lately owned by W . K. I'lesher, are now making all necessary re- pairs to put them tn thorough condition for turning out first class U'ork,and Jor that purpose IMC obliged to close th*. mills for a time. They are now and are under the of Mr.J. W. Ford, a first class miller of long ex- perience,who respectfully solicits the public patronage in those lines. Highest cash price paid for wheat that the market will afford, and custom sawing done as usual. Chopping done every Wednesday and Saturday. TBE FUaflTM H11U1G CO. open Solontiflo Amvrlc Agency for OAVIATS. . ot MARKIk OION FATIMTl COPYRIGHTS, l4 Fw Information n<l tnt Handtwok wnw to* MUMN 4CXX.W DHOAUWAT, Jlsw YuaaA OMMI Imnaa lor MCUTIIW |.aiit in Am<u >4L *rr sstsiH takm out by u> u brouubt twfuSB by a oolio* cl*u fra ol eban* la tjp Scientific Larnst etrcnlatlmi of any *dont!*e papt la I world. plHlldlT llliutrkte.l. No Int uld bo whbuat It. To Tlie Putlic. !; Mnvlni! r.'iit.-.l \Vl.it tt'ii'i hlackmnlth , hcip for term nf \.-rii, I >m now In a lionitiou to catcrto all want* iu uiy Hue. ' ' <> Hnll<tfnrtlon Ciuaraiiteed. for nnylJiin.j in the iaclamitkiny IIIH <-<l/i I'll F, A. BUNT, Ol>iioito Hlchanliiou'i Hardware itore NERVE I BBV* BEAKS aw a aew *% W I ,,,, lh , , u,. Wor4 , ! , tu Iirlnlity. boat Vlgot and intia i.f Ul> or mind teueed ivur-wotk, or the erron uf es* uf y.niLh. Thia Kcnmb; al>- iiun* lh nuaa ultimate run when all otbOT RU! sri h railed i?en to ndiore. Cwkt l> Jm- li.u a4 It [-.-r i v^n(tr, ,.r fit for $\ or antit hy mall oa mrfpti.f rrk-e dr aildnln TUB .1 \MKSMKniClM OU. T..r. .mo. Oat. Write for yanu4l>4 BU tar- V\ shi-i v-.ii by WmJiichardaon. HAVE YOU BACK- ACHE DODOS KIDNEY .PILLS. WILL CURE YOU "Bach ac he meant tht kid- neys art in trouble. Dodd'i Kidney Pill* givt prompt relief." "To per cent, of diieatt It firtt caused by disordered kid- ney*. "Night as welt try to haiit a healthy city without tjewer- agt, at good health when tht kidney* art clogged, they art SIJ by all Jralcn or arnt by mail on receipt Of price y, ccnu. per ly.i or aU for j.o. l>r. 1 . \. Smith \ 1.... l^rtjotu, Wrilo Lx book uJlsd KiiocyTalk, the scavenger* of the tytttm. "Delay It dnngtrou*. Hey- lee ted kidney troublet retult In Bad Blood, Dy$peula, Livtr Som plaint, and the mott dan- gerout of all, Briqhtt D' tease, Diitbetet anil Dropsy. * "Tht about diieasta tannot exitt whertt Dodd't Kidney Pillt are uted. f Flesherton Meat Market Christoe's Block J. C. ADAMS, . Proprietor All Itii'iU of frtik MUi( coiwfciiitiy Pit Kami, /'ia* 1/1 seatun. Give u yonr tnv*t (i< be