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Flesherton Advance, 20 Oct 1892, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE HEALTH FOR ALL. Ilollowaj s Pills and Ointment THE PILLS ForlfT the lilou.i. correct all Disorders of Liver, Stomach, I\I<IU\T^, and 13o\velM. Vkr Invigorate an -I restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are Invaluable IB com- ulaiuts lucl Jeutal to females of all age*. For Children aud ths aged t Ur art) priceless THE O1NTMEJST M Infallible remedy tor Had Lege. Bad HreanU. Old Woiuds, Bors* and Ulcri. It li famous (or Uout and HlmauialUui. For disorders of the Cbeit It bae DO equal for SORE TIIROAI, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLVb ; and (or contracted and itlfl , and all Skin Diseases It has no rlral ; Joint* It acU Ilk* a chariu. Manufactured only at 1'rofossor ROLLOWAT'S Kitabllshment, 7, Sew Oxford Street < late 533, Oxford Street ), London, ar told at la, lid., I*. 9d., is Ad.. Hi . 82s., and 33. each lloz or Pot. and may bu bud of all M<- r . ., . endor* throughout the World. Purcluuert A.rM l-Jc U &> JxiW on Okt Pott and Ihacet. 1) the addrtu it not 533, t)rj<,r.l Xtrrrt, Landing Av art jmrtcru*. II t: t Illl's CARRIAGE WORKS Hinufattiirurs of (images, Now on baud a number uf Waggons, Baggie*, CarU and Democrat*. We are also manufacturing a K reat many more of the latest the latent pattern! ami U-t finish, which we are uffei ing for sale at the lowest |.noe consistent with doe regard to workmannhip and quality. Possessing superior facilities for manufacturing Carriers. w intend to aril vt-ry cheap for cash or ijiprovcd credit, and by so doing we hope to greatly increase oar number of eslei. All kinds of vehicle* repaired at the shortest notice, painted aud trimmed if desired. Horse nhoelng a specialty. A first elafi wood worker is DOW in oar employ. We want a two or a four hois* power in exchange on a rig. J. H III \KI> Owru Hound, Oularlo, The Very VI.Al l: IN CANADA TO <1KT A ouk Itutinru Education. Take a Kouurip :.!',?., l!,",! i ..ii.i.., . .t, i (Vmimercial I<-|iarliiioiit in I'anaiUi rb. v,iti,,.rM HattBSM Collet* Hi- f i; S nt; iliornuchly. If we fall t" i t tliorniufli. < ..mpli'tf . practical and , ,,,ir" ..f.tllcll . Ill* iM-.t .-..II. VI- |" h tml h'l l " u " > furniture and amillancui. wu will fi ii, 1.1 i i ..i Annual \MIOMM** t KIMII^ full particulars, frs. a'ldre C. A. Trinrliial. BUYERS OJ Hour, groceries, feed, etc., ilmuld e- inin* Wyvill's Stock Ifefor* purohasinc. He ke<-|. conBtantly D. Mela visit, HoKsKSIloKl: \M> GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Collingwood Street, FLESIIKKTON, - ONT. Mnuf<-tiirlnof Wampmn. Hlrlehi. H> Hoi ! tly at tended ! S|>< mi at'i-nllun H ivii to coulra. t r I tir tfli ! ! i I l,uuliiu r and IMow halns run- stnnlly onhniid. 1 Flour #1 l i" i eas IIN i a Ihr Huuar* I l.nir and l'l lrtill~ In si :i.i,n al>lr. < illllM ll < i. .. All the beat goods at right prices, I aia anxious tor all to tost. TIE re- T. WYVILL, STRAIN'S BLOCK, H.KSIIKKTON. taken la eiehang* for goods. SA Y! Farmers ! Business Menl Everybody ! Is fully equipped with quisites for turning out 9 per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices lower. ate On a Tight Wire. Niagara Falli, Oct. 12. Clifford Calverley, the nervy young Clarksburg boy, crossed the Niagara chasm be- twecu tlie railway luspension aud can- tilever bridges this afternoon on a slender three quarter inch cable, aud tho cool manner in which he accom- plished the feat baa outdone all forum- performances high over Niagara's rushing waters. Precisely at 8.10 p. in., ten minutes later than advertised, the intrepid walker appeared on the Canadian end of the cable, clad in blue lights and pale pink trunks, accom- panied by his manager, Mr. A. B Ormsby of Toronto, Mrs. Ormsby.Mr. E. 8, JackBon, H. . Jackson of To- ronto, uncle of John Calverley of Clarksburg. His father, J. N. Cal- verley, of Clarksburg, remained at the hotel, thinking it best to do so, as possibly his presence at the feat might unnerve LIB son, who had every con- fidence in performing what he had undertaken, but before the lad was ten feet out on the cable the father was the most intt-reKtud spectator present among the 10,000 that crow- ded both banks of the river and brid- ges. Before Calverley started on his perilous journey Mr. Jackson intro- duced him to the spectators, making a few remarks, therewith pointing out the fact that Calverley did not expect anytliiug financially out of his trip, but if successful would return next summer and give several exhibitions during the summer. After shaking hands with his friends he picked up his twenty-foot balancing pole, weigh- ing about twenty pounds, and scam- pered off on the slender wire on a dog trot, with as much ease as if on a six- foot walk, only Blackening his quick step when he approached the centre, when ho walked cautiously, the wire at this point oscillating about three inches from the long stretch.and mak- ing the walking very difficult, even to Calverley. Not even a voice was rais- ed to cheer him on his way and the spectators held their breath. On lie went cautiously until the two-third point was reached, when about imi feet from the American bide ho fairly ran up the slender wire; and when he was fairly lauded on the American -nil- a burnt of applause was given the neivy young Clarksburg boy that re- sour. <li>ii down Niagara's high cliffs for miles. The exact tune occupied was ti inin 8 si en , Dixou's fastest time liem^ 1- nun. 8(1 wees. After a few iiniiiitf H' 1 1 .-I ho agaiu appealed on the um from the American side. Walk- ing out aliout 100 feet, lie Hat and laid dv.ii nn the broad of his hack on the wiie; t;a\e tin- frog walk for some 80 feet, w.ilkii.'.' backwards to tin- Amer- Mile, during nil fool on the iHilwuy bridge, he appeared on the Caiiiidmn s'de, after walking about 1<I() feet, ie|i. iiled the frog walk the nn si of the way. He lay full length on his back on the wire, crossed Ins legs and funned hiluDeif with his fore- mid nft cup, and appeared as much at eaxe as if in an easy chair. He swims- completely mound the wire, hanging nn with his bunJs, hung by his Iocs, itnd walked backwards to the Canadian side. In an interview a few moment* later lie iip|K>iire 1 quite collected, and did not appear to have done anythiug extremely clever or lisky, and in an- \\er to questions, stated the cable was '.till feet long and 8-4 inches in diain eli r. Citlvcrley is VI years of age, is a galvanised iron worker and wus born in Clarksburg, Ont. He weighs i:<8 pound* and is unmirrted. lie lived in C'arksburg until five years ago, when he moved to Toronto. dune ''u short < ii>rms. rri.iw< Trlniiiiiiiif, l*nliitliiK. ISMII ifartury and repalrlnn >hr where yon can u>a vi'ur i.^ai IKjtl' I' Ill'l l, K MKODalllM aol everything In tbe carrlae making line. Give in a call, kttlsfaotinn xuariuteesl Shop over McTavish's Claek smith Shop. E. Y. HamiltoD. DRESS MAKING. MHB OJRHUUCM dM.rM to annonnm to th peopl.iof Klmlmrf ., nnd Tlolnlty that M!IO U |iii'iiam.| to do dri'Miii.iKiiiu tn tbfl >atiifao- Won of thoae who may nutiust hr with thlr .r<1or. The latrit fatthlon platen always on lian-l. Batlifaotliin Kiiar*ntM<1. V'nry rnunti- l>lii prlccK. Hlni|i an<l iHililnno* oer Mltchill's Hank. Hlchardnon'i block. FUaharton. Iintiwc- II >n ulu lu ntUnf aud cutting by "llaglo " Pkliire Framing (lout- in all Its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. F Lands for Sale proparlUi Improved and unlm- also village properties. Apply , W. ARMSTRONG, r. o Cures Others \Vill cure You, is a true statement of the action of AVER S Sarsaparilla, when taken for diseases originating in impure blood ; but, while this assertion is true of AVER'S SaraapariUa, as thousands can attest, it cannot be truth- fully applied toother preparations, which unprincipled dealers will recommend, and try to impose upon you, as "just as good as Ayer's." Take Ayar't Saraa- pariUa and Aytr** only, if you need a blood-purifier and would be benefited permanently. This medicine, for nearly fifty years, has enjoyed a reputation, and made a record for cures, that has never been equalled by other prepara- tions. AYER'S Saraaparilla eradicates the taint of hereditary scrofula and other blood diseases from the system, and it has, deservedly, .the confidence of the people. AVER'S Sarsaparilla " 1 cannot forbear to express my joy at the relief I have obtained from the use of AYER'S Sarsaparilla. I was afflicted with kidney troubles for about six months, suffering greatly with pains in the small of my back. In addition to this, my body wa covered with pimply eruptions. The remedies prescribed failed to help me. I then began to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and, in a short time, the pains ceased and the pimples disappeared. I advise every young man or woman, in case of sickness resulting from impure blood, no matter how lone standing the case may be, to takeAYER'S Sarsaparilla." H. L. Jar- mann, 33 William St., New York City. Cure You Prepared by Dr J. C. Aytr & Co., Lowell, Mat*. AT 11(111!! AfiAI\', l liavvnowgoi my nw |irciniiw ftttc.l up >n<i am prrpHrf.t tiiiln all lmnli>t*Ma in niv line with mintlii-- mi') ,l,-.|mt.-li ninlaiii ilibvtUir |>iitln ttiun i vri totttoiul to the wautoftuv cuntoiii- um. AtirowiiiK bimineiii how a growini; cou-'iiiv. (i<>t >our booUaud lioci made at the uKtabllthmeutof IF llnoiuroo tf aids. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. FLKHHKBTON, Co. OkBT. DIVISION COURT CI.KRK.COMMISSIOKtlt ii: II K . Cuuvoyancor.&c. AgfUt for jiurctiaM nil ssl uf !n<ih Appraiier for C I C. ( um. ii.i K.JM). & H. Society. L'oney to Li an ooth* tnot ruaionable ternn ImirER o LICRMUB. NOTARY PUHLIC. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned ha* a large amount of money to loin at 60/0 on town or farm property. S. DAMCDE, Flrsbertcii. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk, Artcmetla. Conveyancer Inmirunce agent, ete. Deeds, mortgage*, laMM, etc., prepared and properly executed! liiMintiiru affected in firot clam companies) Mum v to loud at lowest rates. DR. BUTTON . M. P. C. M., M. C. P. & 8, Ont., v-lte. Residence and Office one door west of the M. tin,,h-i Church, Kinross St. Offie* dayu, Tuesdays atid Saturday. DR. CARTER. M. C. I'. & S., Ont. I'hj-rician, inrgeon, etc., Kleslivrtuu. Office htruiu'j block, liraidenee Munshaw's hotel. DRS. 8PROULE & EGO, jilarkdale, Ont. Office Manly 1 * drag atore. T. H. Spronle, M. D., Etc. Angus Kgo, M. 1).. Etc , late of Tottenham, Ont 1'r. Ego will be found at tin Markdale Huuw at night. N. B. We guarantee satisfaction. EUGEFIA PLANING MILL! J. P. OTTEWELL, Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario VeterinaryCollege. Residence First door south of Letch 1 , tailor shop, FUsherton. J. F. HALSTEAD, M. D., M. C. P. A b.,0nt.,priu-ticrs at Kim- berley. Rheumatic diseases a specialty. Dentistry. J. P. MARSHALL, L. D. 6., M. D. S., JJeutisl. Vieils Mark- dale the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each mouth. Flofchcrton Each trip on the dy ollowiug. J. W. FROST, Barrister, Solicitor, C'oiivrj sneer. Etc. ofUce--Nttxt the pott office, Sproule's building, on Thursdays. Owu Souml office Frost's building. P McCULLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Offic* over .Vfo- Parlaud'i store, Markdale. Money to Loan. I detire to infoim the public that I manufacture and kuvp stock the following : Ipourw. lr-s-.Ml Flooring. in Hand KalliiiK. Corner Itlorks. the l>< M "i X|,M'. . I .iih. Xo I A 4 SlihiKlrs Slock Shiniclcm Veranda Posts. \ .1.111,1.1 I'lllillgH, Slilinus. .\rckvokrs anil done WRIGHT & LINDSAY, lUrrlntcrs. aolicltori, etc., Owou Sound. Oo*. nscbsttOB: " Mittbilli l.nk. \\r ln,-a uf each wwk Money to luaii at lowest ratea, W 11 Wlllc.UT. S I. Turuiugs of all kinds to order. Wilkinson, of Broivnsvalli*}-, Inil., ys : "I had been in a distruuuil condition for three years from Nervous- ness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dys]>e|>- sui and Indigestion until my health was gone. I bought one bottle of South Am in. -an Nervine, which done me more ifnoil than miy 9i>0 worth of doctorint; I over did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remo.'.y. I consider it the Butiiili'st medicine in tho world." A trinl bottle will convince you. Warrant- ed by Richardson ft Co. " A rr port comes from Sundrklgo of a terrible attempt at murder a short dis- tance from Commaiida, Muskoka, fol- lowed afterwards by the suicide of the would be homicide. L. Bauman, a far- mer in that neighborhood, hid a quarrel with hi* wife on Thursday , and seizin); a large knife stabbed her. She flod from the house, and, her wound not twiuK Tory lorioui, lucoeeded in making her way to a neighbor's, where she reinaintd all niL'ht. Next day a ion of tho unfor- tunate pair w*nt over to interview his father, when he found hi* body on the floor with the whole top of hi* head blown off. One hand ttiU grasped the gun. All kind* of Mouldings kept on hand. Moulded casings for inside finish a specialty. 1 liiivn the latest donigues in house nnisb- iiix*. CV1I and soe ui before placing vmir order. Hoping by struiKlitforward. honest dealing to receive a share of the public pat- ronage, Iitiu yours truly, .T. 13 \ Litrw Lnlli on hniu of No. 1 Sprure .1lak* your UH HOW. Febn.lHOa,lrr Rs J. Sproulc, OOSTMASTKR, Flesherlon.C, mii er iii K. R., Lioonsed Auctioneer, Cott Toyanoer, Appraiser and Muney I.onde*. Ural Kslate sad InRurauae Auont. Deeih, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up oiyl Valuations made on shortest notice. Aov tion Sales attended to in any pary of th Connty. Uoney to loan at lowest rate i of interest. CoUeotioos attended to wllh promptness and tlenpatcb. Charges low. AgeDtfor the Dominion SteamshipCompany. Cheap tickets from Flesherton to Liverpool, Glasgow, London or anv of the Britiah orts . Parties intending to visit England, Scotland or Ireland .will please ask ratts b- forepsrekasiDg their tickets elsewhere. -**/fd* . ift&S ^ 1> 1 iBaker, ITHE! ITailorf slakes all caruionts of men'* *ear iu tbe bejt style at short lice. All work uuaraiiteo'l A trial KilU-itod. i, i: s u r. i: T o v Good News TO MANY I desire to call tho attention of the public to the fact that I have opened A General Repair Shop In connection with tho Fleshcrton Woollen Mill, aud am prepared to do all kinds of Iron and Wood Turniug*- Pat terns made, aud castings got on short notice. I have not space t) mention in detail the variety of worjt I can do, but anything you have id iron or wood that requires mending, bring it to the Fleshertou repair sln% where you may depend on gettiqg vour work done neatly and substan- tially. Having emery wheels suitable for I will make that a specialty for a few weeks. Charges low, but tenM strictly cash. Yours truly, W.H.FLESHEB

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