THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, FLKSIIERTOX. A ganaral banking biiiiinii tranacte<l Drafts Uauedanci cbxiuui canhod at usual rate* lloiiov alwayi available for k-Kitiiuato buBlue4M etiTiirue. Orpio two doon north of Biakar dson A Co'*. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of tbe Past Week Carefully failed for tbe Curious. tt*tinna nottr.ex niium-i local* will be rkargrd <U the rutf of lOc per \(nr for each autrrtion. A reduction will be <jt nmtructt for I'l'J liiuu or over. The NViarton Encore has oeasvcl publi- cation. Sneak thieves hire made several imall haul* in MeaforJ. School teacher wanted fur Vatideluur school. Sue advertisement. Fine bantams for sale 50c. a pair. at this office. Now keep your eye pled and your puree bandy for the tax cullectnr igcwth out seekiug that which he may not de- rour. movement u on foot ammin the far- in tlm vicinity to gut pillars put in- to Mr. Lnucka' Little Mill, but success is not yet assured. Mr. Wickhaoi, teacher at the Vanda- leur school during the past year, haa been eagf^od as principal of the Markdalu public school, Mr. Olendinning liavius< resigned. Mr. J. Whitten will bold an MCtion sale of live stock and machinery on his farm, lot 157, E. T. A 8. R., on Tuesday, Nov. 1. See lulls for particulars. J. W . Morrow, auctioneer. The Review says that Mr. II. J. Mui- daugh is to be a candidate for the May- oralty of Durham. Trot him out. He would be an improvement Mr. Wallace, Hili Court Inspector I. U. F., has been in this vicinity f jr tbe pait week or o doing work for the order. He succeeded in adding a few members to the FlenherUin Mr. ('ilciidiuniiiK, having resigned tbo Itriiicipaliihiu of Markdalu public school, will engage in a journalistic career on the first of January next. The Advance will be Kind to welcome Mr. Gleudiuuiiij; as * neighbor. I.B. I : .iO:i rn- I r. V. ( r !M| il, . has $10, (XX) private funds to lend on farm mortuaxes within the next fuw months at lowest current rates. No commiss- ions, no (iulays, expenses low. Apply at office in Mrkdalo during the week or at Dundalk <ithce on Saturdays. If you wish to secure a certain and speedy result, when usiiii; Ayer's Sana- par ilia, bo careful in uluwjrvini; the rules of ' .alth, or the benefit may be retarded. A. fair aiui penisteut trial of this medi- cine never fails, when the directions are toUowed. The Advance is indebted to Major Rorke for a copy of the Ontario Game and Fish Commission report, an ex- haustive work occupying nearly 500 pages and containing a largo number uf beauti- ful photo engravings of all the Ontario Kame animals, birds, and fishes. The in- formation contained therein is very valu- able.and The Advance highly appreciates Majr Rorke'n courtesy. Don't commit suicide on account of your "incurable" blood disease. The sensible thing for you to do U to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. If that fails, why, then- -keep on trying, aud it will not fail. The trouble is, people get discour- aged too si >nii. "Try, try, try again." A number of witnesses from this part were called over to Walkerton last week to give evidence a' '.he trial of Bnltou v. Ilolton. This was a case whore Mrs. Hec- tor It.'ltnn brought suit against Mrs. Ann Bolton, the husband's mother, to set a-iide a gala of farm made to hor. The defence weakened at the last moment anil agreed to pay Mrs. Bolton the sum of $850. Wright A Lindsay had charge of the plairitiffi case. No means have been taken by the manufacturer* to push the sale of their "Myrtle Navy" tobacco except giving from time a simple statement of the facts connected with it In the public press. The Ur,'e and rapidly increasing demand for it has been the result of the exper- ience of smoker* which these statements sufift-sted. Their aJvice to buniness men is tn advertise largely if they have the riuht article to back up the adveitisemeiu with. Itch on human and all animals cured in 30 minottta by Woolfurd'* Sanitary Lotion. Warranted by Richardson <ft Co.' Notice. Having given up business at Flesher- ti'ii. I havu handed my bonks to Geo. Mitchell, banker. All parties interested p leasu call and settle their accounts with- out further notice, and oblisre WM. BRADLBY. To Oar Correspondent!. Now that the fall Besson is over we will expect nur correspondents to furnish us with their welcome budgets as frequently a* heretofore. We have a staff uf cor- respondents which any newspaper might be proud to own, and we expect even tually to see at leant two of them blossom out as newspaper men, but which two is % secret. The adage that " practice makes perfect " holds good with news- paper correspondents just as it does with ordinary mortals, and we would not cars to see any of them fail for waut of prac- tice. Send along your budgets next week, gentlemen, and see if we cannot send out a breexy, representative paper. Assault. Dr. Carter was called late on Sunday night to attend Mr. Johu O'Brien, 14th con., Artemeaia, who had been seriously injured by a malicious assault perpetrated by une Irwin Fawcett and his son or sons, It appears that Mr O'Brien was driving alonx the third line in a democrat on Sunday, the other occupants being Mrs. oBrien, Mrs. Best and Mr. O'Brien's son. While stopping to allow Mrs. Bent to alight M her own gate the Fawcett crowd, after the manner of heathens, and notwithstanding the presence of ladies, pitched upon Mr. O'Brien and knocked him senseless, after which they kick* him most brutally. Mrs. O'Brien, in endeavoring to save her husband, re- ceived a black eye, and her sou was also ill used. It is hope 1 the perpetrators of such a low piece of brutality will be brought to book without delay. Personals. Mr. Joe Armstrong and A.D.Tliurston left for Toronto ou Monday evening t< accept position* at their several trades. Mr. \Vea. Armstrong left last week to take up his abode in the States. Mr. Wm. Elder and family will leave the first of next month for California, where they intend to spend tho wiutor. Mrs. J. Gadd accompanies them. Mr. David Weeks, of the C. P. R., has been running for tweuty-two yean on tins division. Miss Edith Richardson returned from Markdale last week and is recovering uicoly from her late illness. Mr. A. M. Gibson has been indisposed and unable to attend to his duties in the store for the past two weeks. Mr. A. S Vandusen has been seriously ill for some time, but we are glad to an- nounce that he is uow improving. Maxwell. From our OICT Curretpundent. The lino weather of last week gave the farmer! a chance to gather in tho root crop. On Friday of the week before last, pub- lic school Inspector Campbell visited our school and found everything carried on in a very satisfactory manner. On the same evening Mr. J. H. Alex- ander, organizer for the " Patrons of Industry," was to give a lecture', owing to the condition of the weather it was postponed till Wednesday. On Sunday, the 9th, the Rev. Mr. Wetherall, of Ravenna, preached tho missionary sermon in the Methodist church here, and the Rev. Woodier took his work. On Monday the 10th a meeting of the Presbyterian managers of Maxwell, Me Intyie and Feversham took place hers) to see about the advisability of securing a minuter, but nothing definite was reached. We hope the Rov. Hudson, who'is now with us.will be the man chos- en, as he U an energetic, earnest and devoted minister. Mr. Preston, a brother of Mr. D. K. Preston, spent a few days here, lately. Mr. Richard Preston spout Sunday with his parents the week before last. On Wednesday, the 12th of Oct., the " 400th-anniversary of tho discovery of America " was duly recognized in our school here. Shnrt and suitable address- es were delivered by th* Rev. F. Woodger and Dr. Scott, aud a number of beautiful dialogues, recitations and snngs by the children. The clnarneM and furce with which the children spoke reflects much credit both on them and thnir efficient teacher. A number of visitors were pres- ent. On last Sunday the Rev.Long,of Sing- hainptiiii. took the work on this circuit. Mr. Walter McCalluin spent a few days at home this week. Mr. Joseph Gamey disposed of his machine to Mr. Phillips. A local convention of the teachers of Osprny and some from Artemeaia will be held in Maxwell on Nov. 4th. On Saturday of this week a foot-ball match U expected between Maxwell 'and the Osprey istam. Kli<-iiiiiaii>ni ur.-.l In a la South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically en ret in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system in remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once thu cause and the iiaease immediately disappears. The tirst dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by Kicliard.iuii & Co. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, StirleH. Sprains. Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful HlviuUh Cure ever known. Warranted by Richardson & Co. General News. Since the outbreak of cholera in Ham- burg there have been 77, 'M2 cases of the disease and 7,5<J8 deaths in that city. Thomas D. Moase.a well-known resident f Orillia, full head foremost into a well there Monday and was drowned before assistance arrived. While a farmer named Bain, who lives at Oliphaut, was driving into Wiarton, bis horsa ran away, throwing him out and breaking his Isft arm, besides inflict- me other in juried. Mr. Dewdney has resigned from the cabinet to accept the position of Lieut. Qovenor uf British Columbia. His suc- cessor will be T. M. Daly, member for Selkirk, Manitoba. The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week. Now that (train has commenced to move freely strict attention will be paid each week to tho correction of the figures in our report, and the farmers may rely upon tlirni as being as nearly correct as it is possible to make them. Peas and oats are now offering quite freely. Whvat has not yet commenced to move here. Prices aro low, and uo doubt those who can will haii|( on to their wheat for ionic tiling better. Following are the quota tious for the present week : Flour ................................ Kail Wheat ...................... SprliiK Whuat .................. ............................. Gate Peas ................................ Hutter Potntooi bag Pork.. Hay per ton... Hi.lB, IBH.. Shuupskina. Oeevo Turkeys Chicken* por pair. . IJui'kH per pair Wool.... 380 to 3 OS to 86 to 10 to W to H to IT to 13 to SU to 800 to 8 00 to 6 3 00 to 3 M) to 1 to R to 40 to SO to 16 to DR.WILLIAMS RE NOT a Par- sptiva McMli- Ine. Tbey are a M.oOD Hl'lI.UKU, 'Mo and KKOON- RTBUOTOR, an thoy pply in a condenaud form tho aubguuicea tually needed tun- icb the Itlood, curing Jl dnwaflue coining from l'"oit and \\ \ r- HT Hi. OOP. or fru:n ;'i 1 1 \ i M> llrwona In ho BLOOD, aud also nvigorato aud Buii.n tlio BLOOD and ST-.TKM, when broken down by ovoi U'tifc, mental worry. dinroso, excvuaui and indiacre- tion*. They have a SpKrnno ACTION on the si: x ' AI- s i gran of iboth IIKMI and woin^fl, rentorinf{ LOHT VIUOH and correcting all ri.RiTUM and HL'I'l'lUiS.'UONl*. Who flu'lfi hie mental fao- alttos dull or fnilinij, or physical powura flagging, ahonld take ttioee ?ILLS. Tbey will reitorehis lost wiorpen, botb phyiioaJ ana tueut&l. ElfCDV WAMIH hould take them. CffCHl HUMJIII Tbey cure all tup. pr*anions and irregulariticx, wliicb Inevitably entail Icknoeewhon neglected. should take these Pnxs. They will cure the re- filti of yuuthfnl bwl habit*, and nUou^tliou the iy*tem. ibonld take them. Puo.a will ireg far aaJe by all druftRlvts, or will be lent pon receipt of prloe (Mo. per box), by atMruening iua PR, niLJ*iAJty HBI>. co. ALE EOPLE . V w "^ w^ EVERY MAN jin pbrucal powur* fl IUMa>ll silVSlllus>a> KIUMI a4f YOUN8 MEN ' Iti of youlhf ol bwl n YOUNB WOMEN K svkn Lbotu rauu.iu . BOOTS & SHOES J FOR THE FALL y To the people who want good Boots and Shoes and every- thing in that line, try m CLAYTON'S g Because his goods are cheao ind good, and has received a large lot for fill wear of Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers. Also a lot of first class Men's Homemade Long Boots on band. Custom work and repair- ing promptly attended to. T''' ' THE REASON WHY WE ADVERTISE 18 THAT WE WISH TO LET TBB PEOPLE know where they can get the best value for their money. Our stock is care- fully and well selected, for we BUY only what gives the best wear. A large stock of Rubbers and long BOOTS will be on Land for fall and winter use. We have & well assorted stock to pick FROM. Repairs and custom work attended to as promptly as ever. If you want anything in the foot line call on JOS. SMITH. f Carriage Making Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me if you wish anything in these Hates. Painting and Trimming also attended to. B. T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, ONT. * * * SALE. Largo store ami dwelling, at Floiherton Sta- tion, foi Halo or to lot ; in ouu parcul or cau be mihdivnli'il into I nho|M ui.l .') t dwelling roniiiH. or m olllur uianuor as lijuylfflw ittfruwl snitulilu for atoro, tailor, drt'SHinalcer aud uillinur Apply to \V. Hixii). FlMborton Station f. O. PARM FOR SALE. .it a Bargain. Lot 1. COD. 4. Knpliraiiin, contaiuiUK 148 acroft, 1'JUacroM oloaruil. Bplstidld frams barn 40x>]J. with atable umlur. Orchard, good water, IOK lioiinu. fritinu kitchen IrtaJO. About 60 acruB Hnitublf for icapiir. Will bo (old IniniedinUiJy at a Hacrifloe. Any purKon tlu*iriui( a KO<M| IMAC ahoald luvssstgas*. WiitotoJOHN MAKT1N KUKnia V. O of { Business. rE undersigned bogi leave to as* quaint the inhabitants of Flesherton and Hurrountliug euuntry that be ha. purcbaoed the Flonr, Feed and Groeery Store, from Richard Pedlar, where h wSi | cuntinne to keep on baud a good supply of Choice Flour, Feed and Lowspt Prices. Courtesy and Squire Dealing will be the order of the Jar at Henderson'* Store- We hope that the Old Customers will oontiuue to patronize in and a ipruik- ling ot uew oues. For Sale or to Let. 130 arrunlaril within two iniloaof Klenharton. an eicollent wittur powur mill site at Littlo Kll upou thu placo ; :i ft. had j| water ou tho whoul at itrosoiit hoinht of tho 'lain. Will b*aoM in 1 block, or tin, ujill afto by iUolf, and tho land in parculR from one acre upwardH v> null pureha.ior. Tin- Vulluv road rum through ,the wholtj UniKlh of thu i>laou. Thm in a gooil opportunity .ur (miiilion to aooure imall homo- Miads wisb lintidaut wi>|'l) of (joud watur. VIMIIS MkaaJ. AI.I.I) to \VU IIO(J<1 f luaJjurtuu Stalioo V. O Farms lor Sale. BELLAMY & :3IM>KK.SO> TOWNSHIP OF ARTUMEBI*. 21. 1 X. U. K , .'i aorwi blub lot. 72, 7:t. 1! N U. 11., 100 nvriM improvwl baildlagl. K. pt. f!, 7th con., 64 acro, l>uh lot. OSPREY. i\ l. a S. D. R. luu aoron, improved. Mo bulldiDR. J. 14th Con., biinh lot. U, iJlli Con., busb lot. AUCTION SALE OP Valuable Farm Property In thu township of ArtciiioaiA, in tho count? of Grey. Thora will be Bold ou At 1 o'clock in tho aftoruoon, at Mun.shuw's Hotel in the Village of 1 1 sh, n on. By rirtuo of power of ealu coutalned In a oor- *a!u moita(u which will be pru<lucod nt tho nalu, tbo folloiuu iiroporty : botlf.ta tlie:inl conceaeiou nouth of Durham Road, of the town ship of ArtGuioMia, In tbo county of Qroy. oou- iin^ HU aoroa, more or loss, titubereil. TERMS 90 por oont. of the pnrobai money to be paid down on thu ,lm of ia). Fo balsncv terwn will be made known at the sale. For further particular** apply to Jouee Bros. & Mackenzie, Bollcltora, Toronto St., Toronto. Ot to B . J. Bproule. Bsq., Flmhertou. ooUB* Eggs Taken in Trade. Plewes' amd Fords' Flour Always on Hand. Wm. Henderson. Q A U T I O N i IK II fl H. OF THE Myrtle ITavy IS MARKED T.&B. IX BRUME LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE Notice. I horeby stive uotice that I will not bo respon- sible for any ilebto contracted hen-aftur In my uaiue. uiiluiw upon my written order. JC8IAU (iAMKV Maxwell, Sopt. '*, 1H02. Maxwell P. Yorkshire Boar for Service TII. > uodorilgned ban a splendid Improved Torkihlro boar for Herviiwou lot IN, *nd B T I B. TorniH one dollar . octatlt JAOOB HOLLKX