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Flesherton Advance, 20 Oct 1892, p. 4

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Th*. FLESHERTON ADVANCE, 'he J\i!r,mcc II 1-llll.UHEU Every 2?tursday FROM TBI orriCB A* Or iili.-ini si.. . riefthcrton, om. Terms of Subscription : MAC P annum wln-n paid itrictljr ID Adrance 1 JO IH'I aiinuiu wliou not to paid Advertising Rates : OuOolauiii, 1 year, $iO ; hall col , 1 year, ITT quarter col . one year, <15. l>QleDt advertiieuiuot charged t tlie rate at 8 eeuu per Hue (or tint luiertiou and 8 coat* per line each lubcequuDt Insertion. W. II I III KM ON. Editor and Proprietor Arttmesla Fall Fair. Artemisia Agricultural Socwtjr had eiccptioually fine weather for their exhibition, which was held at Price- ville. on Tuesday and Wednesday of Ubt week. It was one of thoie balmy, beautiful autumn days, and the yeo luanry of Artemesia, Ulcneg and Pro- ton took full advantage thereof. There waa a larger turnout of people than ever lias been tefore at this fair, and all appeared to think they were having a good time. The show in tho hall was fully up to the lecord, excepting in one or two linei, notably that of ladies work, in which the entries wore few. Grain and roots were good, as al.o wai fruit. In tho hall our friend, Mr. C. C. James, had a pptcial exhibit of harneiia, native robes and leather. Judgiug by these exliiluu it would be impossible to out- do Mr. Jamei as a tanner. The finish oti some of the sides of leather ibown was simply beautiful, and one could almost use them for looking glasses. \Vc noticed one young lady cadavoriug through that medium to find out if her bangs were standing at the proi r angle, aud she seemed satisfied. Cattle, sLcep aud horns were out in good force, in ulitep and Devout) Mossrn. J.Oliver and \V Meads were the principal exhibitors, taking, as they always do, almost innumer- able prizes. The prize list u append- ed, aud our readers raay couut for tbeniBolvcH. The grtuteat feature of the day, however, waa a baby show, in which tlirt. proud manimaa com- peted. This exhibition look place on the vcrauda of Mi. J. McArllimV rMJduce, and tliu judges vera \V. I I'.l/.l. BABY. Bbaip4)-WcC'uiinick anil .Mi Hclnvun. It \vas amusing to note the celerity with which tho judges " lost " th< -in Fclves after tin ir duties were coucluil- i.l Tho pn/c ticket was won by Mrs. Alex. Mi- 1. rod, of Artemesia.aiid .Thu Advance i* happy to be able to l>r< sent its readcrp with a picture of the BiiccPHrfnl hoy, whoso portrait has leen kindly furnished by the jar. ns.s. Uro. Mitchell, of the Durham Chron- icle, was BH interested Hpectator, and we would not bo at all surprised to hear that he had r)iKciudd lurli.'l.u hood oue of tin se days. We believe this was the most tmcuegsful exhibi lion, financially and cvn-y way, that llik society has ever I.M!. Following is the prize list as fun.ihlu I by the M rr. tin \ IIOKHKS MUVIIIIT. hj'an, J Stiwart, A Harrison IJrood mare, J McDoimld. M Walsh '2-year-old colt, J McLiiughlin, C Me Kiiii.on, J Mfl.auglilin. 1-year-old coll, A Hariisoii, A Harrison, A Ilar- iiM>n bluing roll, M WaUh, A .Miiichison, \V McMurdo. QENKIUL ftlBPOIK. Hpan, A McDuff, J Hill. Brood ware. It I'amlow, W McMurdo. 2 year old colt.D Harrow, W McMurdo. J AiiHHiim. 1-year old colt, H Heat, if Mclnnifl, J AIIHMIIIII. Spring colt, It i'aittlnw, J McDonald, J Campbell. KOADHTBR. Bpn, W Frook. .Brood mare, M Reiley, W Stewart. 2-year-old coll, I) McDonald, D McMullen, D McCor- mick. 1 -year-old colt, W Frook. Spring colt, W Stewart, M Keiley. Hack horse, W J McNea, Dr Uutton. CATTLK DURHAM. Dull aged, W Frook, M William- son. DBVONI. Doll under 2-yean, R Oliver, R Oliver. Cow, R Oliver, R Oliver. AYKB-IIIRBS. Dull under 2 -years, A Cairn*. Cow, J Alcorn, A Cairns. GRADES. Cow, A UoLood, W Frook, 2-ycar old heifer, W Frook, O MoTaggart. 1-year-old heifer, D Harrow, A Me- Leod. Heifer calf. J Nicbol, D Me Cormick. 3 year-old steers, W Frook, W Frook. 2 year-old steers,J Nichol. 1 -year-old (-leers, D Harrow, J Mc- Lean. 8BKCP LONO WOOL. Aged ram, G Arrowsmitb. Shear- ling ram, W Meads. Ram lamb, W Meads, W Meads. Aged ewes, W .M' -da, W Meads. Shearling ewes, W Meads, W Meads. Ewe lambs, \V Meads. I.EICBRTIIlS. Aged tarn, J Oliver. Shearling ram, J Ausaum, J Sullivau. Rain lamb, J Oliver, J Nichol. Aged ewes, J Oliver, J Oliver. Shearling ewci, J Oliver. Bve lambs, J Oliver, J Nishol. riMB WOOL. Aged ram, A Sealy, J Stoddart. Shearling ram, J Eckhard, A Scaly. Ham lamb, A Sealy, A Sealy. A:-. I ewes, R Oliver, R Oliver. Shearling ewes, J Ausaum, R Oliver. Ev/e lambs, A Sealy, \ Sealy. SWINB DEUKilllKK. Bear, A Sealy, W Meads. Sow, A Sealy, J Alcorn. Spring pigs, J Hematock, W Meads. SUKtoLK. Hoar, J McLaughlin. Bow, J I Graham, J Mcl.aughlin. Spring pigs, J I Graham, J I Graham. I'ot'LTRY. Game rooster, H McPhail, D Me D.'iiK'ald. Gam. hen, 1) McDonald, II Mcl'hail. lilack Hamburg roostit. W McAuley, \V McAulcy. lilack HuiilhiiiK li. n, \V\Ic.\tlley, WMcAuluV. Silver Siiaiih'ltil Hamburg IOOBUT, T Conkcy, J A;i ;-nni. Silver iii>,iu^h'il Haiubui-K hen. I) McMillen, Tl'onk. y. lilack Spanibh rooster, J Stewart, J Ilendeibou. lilack Spanish hen, J Sit wart, A R McLcod. Uraham rooslvr, J I'.ioilio, Kiulmm hen, D McMillen.J lliutliu. Whiio Lr^liMi n. rooster, \VWilt uk.JIIi-uilfTHuii. White bom hen, V.' Wilcoclt.W Wilc.,ck l>inwn Le^hcili rooster. D Mellillm, C C James, lirnwn Le^'hoin 1,. .1. C CJuines, D .l/VAfill. n. i'lymontli Uock rooster, D A/eJ/illen, D J/.-.tfil- leii. Plymouth Rock hen. I) Afc.t/il- liii.'A" /1/eAulry. AudeliiHiau roo tcr I) JA .Villrn. Andi.'liuiaii hen, D .'/.- .Ifi.l, n. D .tf.-.l/illen, Itlack .l/in cas rooster, (i J/ei'arland.D McAtt\ lllatk JVinorcas hen, G .l/i-Kir Ui 1, D .!/ .Vi||, n, Aylsbury ducks. .l/i .Vu.r, D .VclWillcn. (Hho I in -. (i ArrowRinilh, II J/cl'hail. T.irk.-Ts. A R M-:I,eod, H McPhail Geesu, D J/..Uil!en, A Stewart. c.l AIV AM) bBKDtl. Fall wheat, Glasgow, J Brodic, J St.i wail. Full wheat, other kind, J Stewart, J Krodic. Spring wheat, Russiau.J Hnxlic. .1 Stewart. Spring wheat, White Kiln, J Jiniiln:. S|HHI wheat, other kind, J liiodie.O Arrow- Miiith. Hai ley rowed, J llrodio, D Thompson llai ley ,2 iowed,J lirodie, D 'riiompuon. \Vlnlu oats, . I liroilic, J Strum i. lilaek oats, J I'-roilu', J tSlowurt. Larxe. peas, J ]!ro<lu-, d Ai rowsmith. Small peas, J Itrodie, D .V.-Milbn. Corn, .1 Hematock, J St. wart. Timothy seed, J brodiu, M Williamson. White buaini, W Stew- art, J Itrodio. Colored btana, J Hi mile, \V Stewavt. Flax Boed, J Urodie, R lii-st. ROOTS AND VBOBTA1ILM. Potatoes, Early Rose, A Stewart, J II.-nder.iou. lioauty of Hebron, W M,, D .V,-.Will,.|," Other kind, I) J/.-.W, ll.ii, A Stewart. Collection protaloes, I'.l/cMillen, J Henderson. Tuniips, Swced, G Arrowsniilh, R Oliver. Ttmiipa, other kind, W Mc- Murdo, A Stewart. Mangolds.J Aus- hiiiu. (i Arrowamith. Beets, G Ar- rowsunlh.R Coukey. Cabbage.J Sul- livan, R Hesl. Caulidowers.R O'iver, Potalo onions, J Ausaum, R Dost. Topouious.J lirodie, W Meads. Par- mii|>-, J Stoddart, R Oliver. Field oai:ota,J Stewart.W Wileook. Table catrols.J Nichol, \V McAuley. Pump- kins, common yellow, J McLaughlin, C G James. Pumpkins, olbcr kind, D McCormick, J Brodie. Squasb, J Ausaum, J I Graham. Celery ,J Aus- suin, R Beat. Citron-. I; Best.R Con- ey. Tomatoes, W Wilcock, R Beat Collection vegetables, J Brodie, J I Graham. 7BU1T. Winter apples, J I Grahain.J Brodie. Fall apples, G McTaggart, Arrow- smith. Collection apples, J I Graham, J Stewart. Crab apples, R best, J Su-wart. Plums, M il.-il.-y, J Brodie. Pears../ Brodie.N McCinnel. Grapes, J I Graham, J Brodie. Hand Bouquet, Mrs W Meads, Mis Wiloock Table Bouquet, Mrs W Wilcock. Collection house plants, Mrs M Reiley, Mrs J Hemstock. DAIKT AND OTHCIt IfioMTK. Roll Butter, J McDonald. D Mi- Mullen. Tub Butler, W Frook, J McLean. Homemade Cheese, J Brodie, D Harrow. Factory Cheese, G Stewart. Maple Syrup, W Stewart, H MuPhail. Muplu Sugar, J Brodie, W Stewart. ifAM-VA. Truira. Team Harness. C C Jame*. C Mc- Milliii. Single Harness, C McMilleu, C C James. Men's Boots Calf, D McLean, T Conkr. Meu'sBoots Kip, D McLean, T Conkey. Wjm. n't Boots, T Coukey, D McLean. Col- lodion Boots and Shoes, T Conky. Rag Carpet, Mrs D McUormick, Mrs R Beat. Plaiu Flannel, Mr D Mc- Lean. LADIES WORB. Woollen yam, Mi Stewart, Miu Mc- Oougald. Men 1 * socks, Mr* Wilc,. ( -k,Mr lleinnti>ck. Woollen t.H-kiiii;, Mrt Mc- I'liail, Mrs Wilcock. Mitu, Miu Stew- .ut. Miis .1 McLean. .M.-n't ^*, Miai Olivvr, -Mrs Mcl'liail. i,>u:lt patchwork, Mi.ia l)r.>diu,Mre Mcrii.til. Other kind, Mrn M< ('"in,. I. Mm* MathuwAiin. Broad, Mrs Heiiilersoii, MIM Stewart. H.-rlui wo.,1 work, rained, Mr M.-adi, Miaa Itrxdiu. Burlin wuol work, nut raited, Mr S McCannel. Cnlloetion Herlin ->l work, Mini Hroiii* Hmr flowerm, MIM F Stewart. Wr.-.itl.. Mn M.-i'ormick, Mri Wilc'K;k. (iunts aliirt, Mi.ta Matliuwii. Ilnukt:.! mat, Mm,Mim* Stuwart. Crotcliot work,, Mr MrrMiail, Nfi.w Mathewnon. ('r.'tchvt wnrk, *.>..!, MI>I Oliwr, Mn Wilcock. Fancy kiuttiin;,wiMil, Mn Me- I'liail, Mr* Wilcouk. Kanuy knitting,, MIM Ur.'.iir, Mra Mcl'hail. i:i-.iiilin<>, c.-tti'ii, Mn Mathewinn, Mi us Hr.Kli. Tattii.!,', cott..n, Mrs McPhail. MIHD MathevrniM,. Arravne w..rk, Mm llr.Mltu. (Vary patchwork, Mrs Mcadi, Knilir.ii'lery, c.'lton, Miaa Mathewson. Outline work, Mun HruJu*, Miai Math- tfwaon. HI-BCIAL 1*BIZBS BY A BfTTKRS.rsQ. Iliiiiifiii:i-Ii< ini'ii'ii .ick, Mra Wilcock. K.iliu-inailr initt^, Mn McPhail. Het l..kiiix luby uiul.-r .me year old, Mra A M- I.ooU. -LADIES- Have you seen the great variety of HATS AND TRIMMINGS Mrs. Trimble is showing this season ? La- dies leave your orders early in the week and so avoid the rush. You will find us In our new shop next door to R. Trimble's. Hew Goods Arriving Daily at Hill's. Varied qualities and quantities of seasonable goods have been opened up, and the price is bound to sell them. Tweeds, and other dress goods, Tweed Suitings, Panting', Keady-made Suits and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Youths ; Boots^ Shoe* and Rubbers tor Men, Women and Chil- dren ; Crockery, Sets dishes in stonewar e and china, Gro- ceries, Tea, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, Can- ned goods, Cheese, Biscuits, Lard, Bacon, Cod fish, Coal oil. a quantity of Hardware and Tinware, Tea Kettles, Steamers, Boilers, etc. Any quantity of But- ter and Eggs taken in exchange. No trouble to show goods. Come in and get my prices. f. IJILL - Flesliertoij. FLESHERTON HARDWARE HOUSE. STOVES and PORTINO GOODS. OI'ORTINO OCNS, POWDER, SHOT, PAPER SHELLS, BRASS SHELLS. TJ ARDWARE. SAWS and SAW-SETS, AXKSi n.l HANDLES, SPADES, SHOVELS, F. G. KARSTEDT, FENCING WIRE, FENCING PLYERS, OILS, COAL OIL. MACHINE OIL, RAW OIL, BOILED OIL, TURPENTINE, VARNISH, READY MADE PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS, LAMP GOODS, ETC. Ffesherton. Notice to the Public \ The I-'Ifsherloit Milling Com- iny having purchased the rol- ler flour and saw-mtlls i lately on-lied by W. A". Flesher, are now making all necessary re- pain to put them tn thorough condition for turning out first class K'ork,and jor that purpose :cete obliged to close Iht mills for a lime. They will be opened t^ain on, or about, Monday, the /jth inst.,and will be under the Hnnagement of Mr.J.W. Ford, (i first class miller of long ex- /o ience,n'ho respectfully solicits the public patronage in those lines. Highest cash price paid for wheat that the market will .;'/>./, and custom sawing done as usual. THE HESHESTOI Hllllil CO, Scientific Aiwrican Agency far OISION PATINT COPYRIGHTS, 9ot Infnrmailnn anil free Hudbook Ml'NN * CO, HI BUUAUWir. Ni Ml NN * CO-K1 BROADWAY, Nw YOK& OMwt bur*** for Mourto* pt*ot la Aiu^i<%. vary p&twut t*l*-n t>at by I* l-romrbt t-vfi>m tb* publto by * notice *rlTn free of ehaxgu in \m frientifit Lanect circulation World. tli'lMidldlT lilu.trati',1. No nun ahoidd b without it. Weekly. S.. Kir: II. ji id month*. Addrae MtWI 4 MMllia.ieiBrua4vaj.yaw Vuta, HAVE YOU BACK- AC HE DODOS KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU To The Public. lUviii^r,,nt,.,l \VliitU-n-i Mackuniith (hop fur a trnn of yrart., I am now in a l*mtiou to catotto all want4 in my Hue. in; a Specialty, Muturuotloii <.iiHrniif. rctl For anything in the txuktmithing I in- cull cm F. A. BUNT, Opposite Hiotiartlton't Hardware store. NH RVE I I t a new 1l. otivvry Lht nirtt Ux> wi<n4 .. u< ~ - , I-"* V W^ nd ily off .-*i,*l uaoMd by 1 1 i r woi k, or tht> errun ur atmat nl fouth. Thli Ueni'ily !- uhitely cune Ike aioet obeUnat* CCM tun li uthv TKBATMBHTM h fi)(1 M|U> relwvp. SuldtifdrUB* fwtt * 91 per paekue, of tli fur_0\ or Mil t/jniill |Kfcllui< MrWih w.knt of b J MI. r i ik, ...,. t >outi Tof OOK>, lt. Wrik K k'eohwtou by Wia.nivhardioa. " Backac h meant tht kid- neys art in trouble. Dodd't Kidney Pi/It givt prompt relitf." "16 per cnt. of diteait Is frst caused ba ditordered kid- neys. " Might at wH try to AULS a healthy elty Without fewer- ti'/e, a good health whtn tht kidney* art clogged, they art S..KI byaUdfaleracvKntbymaitonnolpl of price 50 cc.ut. per bo or >U fi-r $.. Dr. L. A. Smiih ft Co. Toruolo. buuk ujikU KMO. j 1 ilk. the scauengsn of the system, "Delay It dangerous. Nty- lected kidney troublet result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and] the most dan- gerous of all, Bi/ghts Disease, D/cibetet and Dropsy." ''The about diseases cannot etist where Dodd't Kidney Pillt art -~i f Flesherton Meat Market Christoc's Block J. O. ADAMS, . Proprietor All kivdi of frc/a\ meat constantly on htin,i. t' in ituivn. (live us y<ntr and be hapfy. SstptJy

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