' jTlestrirtim TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." VOL. XH., NO 588. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1892. W. H. THUR8TON, Armstrong Brothers, THE JEWELEKS Immense stock, low prices, good workmanship, satisfaction guaran- teed, all work warranted. These are a few of our Qualifications. October. fPHttrn fur Tht Advance. OO1J Y October oreepi from out the north, In chill anil cheer ; Wind wavos arc whistling M tlmy "ally forth, And Bleep U near. The orange IUDI, the mint y, mlrky days. Tin' moaning rain, Tin- iming irufct this IbKaon uaub diplay*, That life must wane. Yut glury re*ts upon the Qaiahod toil As comes the night. Au.l ra<liaucu uf |> rloctioa orowns the Mil tn colun bright. Earth olods grow oold.and dank the total bed Whore Ufa began ; KuKt iii at hantl, anil shadow* dark are led i -iiul>i>aiu* ran. OCTOBER. X X X X Overcoats, Long Boots, and Cloth Caps, For the Meu and Boys. Mantles and Mantle Cloths, For the Ladies. Down i H the oopae the song birds slug no more Their morning call ; Only tin' dyinn leaves on rustling door, And that m mH. Only the dead leave* floating through the air Whuru swallow* flew ; Only thi< browning hilltidu*. sad and bare, Where dowen grew. Theee >peak of fall, twilight uf aged year, Koat aftor nrife. Spring tiuiu will cuuio again. flower* reappear, Life after life. W. H. TBUMTON. "Saturday .\ighfs " for 1 >*. These are Specialties for October W. W. TRIMBLE, Strains Block. FALL GOODS Are arriving almost every day. We do not need to tell you that the qualities are f^ood and prices right. Every one whoever visited the store on the hill knows that we cannot be undersold. We do not deny the fact that any quantity of cheap trash is offered at lower figures than we can offer pure goods, but we hold I hat for quality olfered.no man can sell you cheaper than we do. All we ask is a call, and we axe certain to convince y +-Dress Goods Department* We have a good assortment in all leading lines, from the loc. goods to the best all wool Henriettas linings, buttons and trimmings to match. <HBlaiwels aijd Staple Department-* You can get anything you ask for in these lines. In Flan- nels we defy competition all-wool greys, striped fancy skirting Flannels, and sheeting- Also full lines of Flannel' etts, Shakers, Cantons and Unions ; Cottonades, Cottons, Shirtings, Linens, Towells, '1 owellings, Etc. 'HTweed and IHorsted Department* We can't tell you much about these, but an inspection will convince that the patterns are the latest, and qualities and prices right, also full lines of Gents' fine furnishings. The oorer, which contains a picture In photo- lithograph in seven color* and an many half Umrs, is "Y Uentleuiea and Damon ufnl-imi Timee." The. picturial suppli-m^nt. whiob la lazier than that of lost year, in a reproduction of a picture owned by the propnu: unlay Night.uiititleii "H<ir Briijhi Snuln Haimta Me Still. ' It l< uxoaediiifly lovoly aud no ooo can pax* it without turning to look a^ain at the beautiful facu and tbo look uf farewull. The ftturieH this year are as follows? "Tom M I, nun Sihtur," by John Habhurton, author of Union's Habiee. "Tim S.<|.li.!w of His Uncle." by Oeiava Thau- et, author of Kxpiration. iTIiu moat popular uiawa/.mo wntiM in America). i ii.. Kirli II. ! inn, by Gooryti Paraons Lath- rop. (There In no wore attractive nauiu In Am- :ll III! IIIN44". KutM li.mlou H Christmas ftilraclu," by Julian Hawthorn. "Littlti Lady." by Ida Hurwaab, probably the prettiest story in thu book. "Honor the Knt:iiii>*r." by Bdmuni! B. Shop- parti. All thuae stories are magnificently and copi uriKly illuHtrated by the bout artisu hi Nuw York aud London. Mr. Sbeppard'* story IB bii>K specially illustrated by Mr. F. A. Ferauil of Nuw York, from photographs and Ktudioe made by the author wbile in aluiico, and. artis- tically at lvat, this will bu one of tbo must pruUilv illu-lrated taloa that ban ovor appeared in AIUI-I ioa. It can IHI well undttrntood that the well kuown kaniuK in the aoovulist cost a tjrom -Ic^l uf money to procure for ai'ht ihtnia* tuatja- r.iiiu. but Clnistmas is tliu onu tunu when To- ronto Haturday Night advertiws itnelf ami iu it* Christina* Number it dot* it well. The Newsdealer, Publisher and Stationer a Mulletine, the Canadian correaiiondunt of which ha* aeeu advance ooplei of all that IB premium, 1 by Sat urday Night thin your, says that "It will iloubt toss bo the moat beautiful publication ovtr attempted in America aud compares more than favorably with Figaro and the most ex- pensive Old Country Christmas numbers." It Is wmuthiuii for Canadian* to boast of, for while luuoh of the work required the greatest possible artistic skill has to be done abroad, the enterprise is purely Cauadiau aud will rudound to the credit of Canada. Tke BMl Gloves, Hosiery, Rushings.Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Ribbons, Collarettes, Bibs, and ninety-nine other things. Space will not allow us to mention the other departments, b*it if these few will remhid you of something you are need- ing we have done well ; if they will convince you to try the Store on the Hill, we have done better ; and if they will strike you favorably after inspection so you buy, we have done best. All are welcome whether to purchase or simply to have a chat about the weather. Kemembrr tbe Ktre on the Hill B. G, EVANS. Or the Laoon MedioaJ Company U now U To*> onto. Canada, am) may be consulted *|tn*r to person or by letter on all chreoio dlaeaae* pe- ojiar to man. Men, young. old,or rulddle-ased, bo and tbcmeohvM **rvua*.v*ak and sihams d, who are broken down from ** or work. reraltlnf lu uaajr of the following ptom* : Mental depression, preoiatur* ok) 4s**, loe* of vktaMsy, loss) at atauHtj, bad draaia dlmnenof sigh*, palpitation of the heart, *- utoui, lack of energy, pain tn the Udaeja, neadaobe, pimple* on too face or body. Itching or poevjtar senaaltad about the scrotum, waia* !( al UM ixgana, iliulnaaa, speck* bufore kkw eye*, *>rltahiD|| of the lunacies, eye lid*, and *UMW^*T, baahfotno**, deposit* In th<i arlua, OOT of will power, tenderno* of the s*alp and weak and dabby niMeJea, deelru to sl-wik to be mated by sleep, ooacMpaMon, Jull- of hoArlng. Iocs of Toloo,4*si>e lor aolltndev . , zcUabllity of kenrver, moken *yee *nirondea whh i.Hxnm cuicui, uily looking akin, to.. ar all symptom* of netvous dobihty b* load to huiity and deatk unlees ewed. Th spring Or >itaJ roroe bavlstf lost It* tendon ewv fnuo- tlon wanes hi eonaeqieiio*. Thoee wlio thruucb abuao oouimlttod in Iguorane* tuay be permtiBV ntly cured, beat) your address for book on afl di-aasti peouliar to man. Hooks sent tree ni ed. Heart iM*sss. the symptom* o< which are faint p*ll>, purplx lips, nuuibuaes, palBiaaUost. skip boats, but fluah**, ntah of blood to UMI hsw). dull pain In tbhart with be4* sttoasv rapid and trrefulaJ.tboseooixl huartbvnt qolea** than th* nui. pain about he h>a<it boa*, ete, a* poertlTely be our* Po Mir*, ao M lor book. Addrs**M V.IMK1N. M To Preserve The richness), color, and beauty of the hair, the greatest care is necessary, much barm being done by the use of worthless dressing*. To be sura of having a first-class article, ask your dru&Tgist or perfumer for Ayer'i Hair Vigor. It is absolutely superior to any other preparation of the kind. It restores the original color and fullness to hair which has become thin, faded, or gray. It keeps the scalp cool, moist, and free from dandruff. It heals itching humors, prevents baldness, and imparts THE HAIR a silken texture and lasting fragrance. No toilet can be considered complete without this most popular and elegant of all hair-dressings. " My hair began turning gmy and falling out when 1 was about 25 years ol age. I have lately been using Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it is causing n new growth of hair of the natural color." K. J. Luwry, Jones Prairie, Texas. " Over a year ago I had a severe fever, and when I recovered, my hair began to fall out, and what little remain- ed turned gray. I tried various remedies, hut without success, till at last 1 began to C. J. LEITCH'S You will find a full Iffe of all the latest woollens, and you will find it to your ad- vantage to purchase yottr ordered clothing at the Mer- chant Tailor's. \ jYSPEPTOS CURES YSPtPSIA THIS PHKI'.VHATIOS USE Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidly and is restored to its original color." Mrs. Annie Collins, Di^lnun, Mass. " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly five years, and my hair is moist, glossy, and in an excellent state of preservation. I am forty years old, and have ridden the plains for twenty-five years." Wm. Henry Ott, alias " Mus- tang Bill," Newcastle, Wyo. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared by Dr. I . C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Sold by DruggU a Everywhere. Sheep Strayed. Three sheep strayed from this village aboat ^ }>t ift onoeweaudtwo lambs. Ewe white, hole in left ear ; two ram lambs, white, with limu tails. Information as to their whereabout* will bu thankfully received by tlio imderaiKiiuu.. W. W. TKIMW.K. VluslierKm Acts directly on the stomach And promotes the healthy action of the liver WITHOUT 1M Mil.M,. For Sale by all DruRgiBts ASD WhoUale by LOHDOS DHUG Co., London, Out DI\UN JON'S FLUID Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Soar Stomach ar<ir*iiM.i i' foruentlug. 'I hi re- sult uf N riiiuiitalion on nil orgautic uia.nr limit! hii acid. It:.-. . in , M,|],,.,,B thu Ivhlah rbould bo di0**jtsjd) ami from that d oomposltloa evolve* ga*M tlmt jinnim:.- ore on tb nr*w, duorsjanl*ta( the nyt.fii>, IIKI ni.i.iiii iiiij inn. .n- -\iii|ii<iiiin of dlHuaaft. I'll, i IIIKIU.. Mind" inmlli-h tli iti>in*>:li,|>r<>- iimti'K dloeaUon nn.l HHMimlntioii uf fmni.trir.i- itlnK a healtb) ,,,. nt .,f blood. 1.1 ale by all Druggist*, '' BACKER WANTED. Wanted teacber tor 8. 8. Mo. II. ArUmiosia, county of Ort*y, holding Hecnii< * Meat". Dut*M to eon i Inmmrv. iny.i, \p|ily ntatiiiK salary to 1.1 <'k.;K \\MM.I\ii. irv. \ inu.-luur P.O. Vandeluur. Out. 17th, lt*N. uctau.lt IGS FOR SALE. pIGS FOR One wull bred Berkshire boar, nt for service, also HOIIIH roiiiia sows for breddinu puriKMes, A|ip[y atlotSS). X. U.K., or W. MKADB. rrictiville P. 0. Delay is DangrroiiM. When the kidneys are out of ordor delay I* ilani{i;ri)UB. Any ilisoasn may follow and lin- .. n n- so well i*tabllsluvl that tnonthfl f sutTnr- iM may follow. A Rentlii tonic liko l)dd KM iliiv Tills is always accvptalilu to the ki<ln\s ami protect thum from diicaso. Thuy are a kidney food. LOHG, LEVEL and CIE1B Are the he<ul of the piph who mbscribt for and rend The Fleherlon Advance. You Have it M OGRE & N For the remainder of 1892 for only 16 cents. SOCIETIES. W I L S Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of building materials, rough and dressed lumber always on hand ; also all kinds i . of mouldings, scroll work, balusters, no- well [>osU, hand railings, fence pickets,in ! ROYAL TF.MP^AIIS OF TKMI'F.HANCE; begnlar Council moots tiverv Tuesday eveuinK in Sproulo's block at H p. in. Hclect decree (iusiiranc) moots monthly, the Wednesday preceding the 4!nd of i-ach mouth. SONH OF TKMl'KHANCK. Thin sociotv inuets In Dr. I liristoo' Hall every Wu<V- .uy evonlnij at H p.m. Visiting broth eron Invited. Insurance in connnotiou. IytlNC'E AKTIiril LIIHHK No. :M. A K * A.M._, meet in tho M i...m. Hall.StrainX Block, Klnshcrton, evury Kridav on cor., tbu full moon. A. H. Vandusen. W. M. . fact everything needed m building or re- ; K. J. Bproule. Seorotarv. pairing. Always consult us before you start at work. A large quantity of sea- soned north shore, pins) ; alto pine lath and shingles at lowest prices, Eatinjateg given. FhsbertOD Sash i Door Factory, MOORE & WILSON. Hamilton, March 'list, 1MW. Dr. L. > . Smith A Co., MO Hloor St.. Toronto : O*NTK, - I'luaati ship UN per O. T. B., freiKht prtt|ittitl, three (.1) gross nion> of yonr Anti-Dan- druff. This makes sis pro** or 6R4 lx>ttles pn*- chaod from you *in< , ,,'aiiiiarv IDth. 1HWI, a lit' tlf IIIIHII than two months. Tim largn doman I is due to tho merits of the proparation, a* onr onstouiers to whom wo have fold it rritify. WV mid it not only remove* tbo dandruff ami scurff, but it U an elogant hair-drost.ing for the hair, clean to IIMI and has an tMrvuable odor. It is one of tho best preparation* wr kuow of to Rromntu the Browth of thu hair and prevent It* hlliiiK out. Wishing you continued and an intended sale, wu remain. \oiirs truly, JMO. A. lianB A Co. I. a. B