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Flesherton Advance, 13 Oct 1892, p. 4

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FLESMERTON ADVANCE ii riBuuntD Every Xhursdajy PIIOM THK ornrll sl-iiliuin M.. I'lrshrrtou, Out. Terms of Subscription.: (1.00 |r ajmum when |iiil utrictly iu Advance tl iO i>er auuuiu wbeu uot o paid Adveitising Bates : 'One Column, 1 year, f.'-O ; half col.. 1 year, *i7 quarter col., ouu yuar. *13. Trauiigiit u.lvri t ir^.-.l t thu rate o( 4 ci.uUpor ftrit liKonioii aud 3 cunu i .-r Hue caci M II Till KS10V Editor and Proprietor Ontario farmers, though suffering v- rely through daiungis to crops sustained by wet weather, have still tnucli to be thankful fur. Despatches from Kuglund inform u.s that Ku^lish farmers are in a dt-plorablo condition, und tliere is, it is claimed, a crisis in agriculture in the old luud. A hi -T number of farms arc being yivcn ny all over the country, ninl it is thought 'jiw tenants cauuot be got. Lord Alfred Tennyson, the " sweet r of Aldworth," died at bin home ,n ThurtJuy la*t in In.) s-ltli \i.n. Wlu-rever tl.< I 1 . i language iu I. >i'l T. . '>n's beau- tiful creations are known. From our larlust years sue), jioeuis as " The May Quctii," ' J.mi ! .. ii.ill" Ihu " Lady of Shalott" J..IM- familiar, Tennyson wan a prince ainon^ potts, and, wu bcliovu, the greatest of his a^-c. Count Mt icier is at pnsdit travi 1 Hug through (Ui-p ..' 1- He Ins i Beut ll^i f >l' tli.ll i n D I. :. .In-!' < f charges of IH.I!!'L.I .aucc of office, or i.-i othor words . ic money and ruing it for | On Monday Mr. I.r:.i-T, the Lib nil i. i lor of the Domini',.'., h.u at Lu Count's ri f ;ht, haml an-' t'lvo "" sup- poit of his mxsciicc. It Is said that utttinpts arc i .jus tier ill UIM lu.ut'.r. Let fj ln>. mine of nil that is pure, ih:.i. tlirfu attuni'Li v.ill n. I puvo suc- ful. Tile cr. . '.flio (.f tl.f p. 'i Lkca may be real; : . the f'! - iiwiii}' IvutH. Dining the season of IH'JO, tho Detroit, I l.Us I'.iual uu ', the " Boo' Canal v.. ii Of u i'.ir u.ixi iMlinii 2;iS ilays, and ti ivr : ;! <5 days. The total to>. ul.irli passed through lhu:v c!ia : - Tons. Ku.Mif.pal ............ C.h'jo,000 " S.. l.l.ITi Hi 1 1 oil .: :. : Aud the average Uinna^opor diem : .Uy. ......... ..... II ( uiml .......... Id n., it Kivcr ....... '. ,,IOO It thus altars that tho average daily business of tho ';-- > (.mal ia Iwii-i- us Kirat, ;n.d of t!a. I), iruit i.v. i live lim.'.s us great as tho Ira flic- lit the Suez canar*. Almost tho ii.ti.. voluiae of this tonnage sails m. i. . the I'mteil St::t<* ll.ig. C,u. uliann I mm,- a in .. fi.i: :, i,,il shure t;..i. if. 'J'he tmniiijj- ; t : t!io "boo" Canal u of couisc of a ilif ! i.ut chaiHcUr from tint passing llirniifjli the Si; / ; it i.; i. it su im porlant ton for ton. . \\ilness. Tim autumn lui.ddcapo is now something Mijx'ib. The forest is clothed with a wealth uf C'tlor which no artist ciml.l (Him tiay and iu> | n I i.p.rly disi-iil.i). 'J 'hiit tinting ami blending of natnrc'ii hnih is one of I'anailu'a greatest bounties, for no- win I'D tine in tlic worLI do.js nature lavish more boimtiLlly her beautiful cplorng than is to be fo ind iu On Ui'io when tho nnpli, boech and oak \ro clotbed iu raii.lw.v titsts. Travel- s Lave noted this and tell us that 110 where else are the fortst col- ors so bright and the landscape so beautiful. The beat point in tlu.-i vicinity to view a genuine Canadian autumn landscape is about three miles north of Kug. nia, \vhire the road overlooks the beautiful Queen's Valley and village of Kimbt-rlt-y, of which BCCUC we have often spokni. Just now it is one of sublime beauty an 1 would repay a drive of many miles. . We verily believe there is no- thing handsomer in the world. The Advance has I ecu endeavoring to get a photograph from this point for publication, but though a number of negatives hiivi- Ixcn takon none were satisfictory. \Ve still hope to suc- ceed, however, and will this winter piestnt our readers with ono or two handsumu vu-ws of ficcues in that vicinity. The Dead Nnrgeoa Of the Laboa Mwliol Couiiwnjr U now *t Tor- onto. < 1 uu.U. and iny b eonnult*! elthr la pur>ion or by latter <MI all clirotile dliuiauM p*. collar to man. Wn. young, old,or inldJln *!' An.l thc'incolrus oorvouH.weftk And fd. whaara broken down from OICOUH or over- work. rujultin^ iu inAiijr of tin (ollowiuy nyiu- ptouii : Mental <K-;n.jluii. l'rn:.ituro old te*. laa.^o( vitality. lo* of r.iviuurj. bad dirkuil dlmnciiuf aiKtit.pal)>lti.ti'i!i .>f t'... li-t. i.w ul m, lack of eiifr,!?. |>aiu In the U.lnaji, hoj l.^-ho, piuiploa on the faM or body. Helling or p. . iillar wnaatlou about ll:e aorotnni, wiis Inc ol Iliu organ*, ititilaafu, ipockt b< furo tb twltotllug of the inuoclo, yo IU1 , un.l , ItubfnlnvM. dcricslu Iu II. urlu, ot* ul ill i" woi t,-'vi.-rri . of the i)lii and 'I ''by niitlw,iliMih-i. !. kl'op. fall. 1 , . . n,. U ,t|i .< u fi. D~. '( harliiK, loi>9 of \..|i:.j.<lMlif f.r illtuda, Mllty oltomyw. nuakM *yM anironudM Wl'.lj i Hililji i li>' I.K ' >l\ I.,..M,. K .1 ,-.* all >;iuponM of BOC-TOM dutiluy thni l>vl to . n...! .-.i iUi uului.i, mned Tl.o k] C.' . I.MIIK ll> t I. I ti..-i wauii.iu roiii<|uiio. Tbo okt*l In ii, .rjic m i H*nd roar d dluat ptmillaj iu iu.m *' '' ho ) . for book 01 U o-.t fico !.!- i win. ih ar il i ...>. |i |,i:'l.i h ..( l... .,1 i. i Ik:/ . ...|.. i. t :'n. ... . .. I" ri..i|.irt :Hi L ' - rapM Bdlrranali >ickr Uian Ihctnl. pain about b.. l.i .. : ii |-olllvly b cure Ko nil . i rjfbook. AJdniMM r.LOnOX. M duuoll A Turouto, CuiaJ*. ?;... ,/ ,1 Artomchia Cour.cil . Art . -.^ ' . ,1 nirt ill tin- . Hall i n M.imliiv, Mill inst., tti'.h a'.! . bvra ].r.'i.iit. tlio Kin-ve in tin- il.iir (' .iiiini.ui. ' U ;n Iiwin , a'.Li .;.' ('..ii:!. il t. out placet in siduw.ilk; fr .:.!. 4'. I ie exji.'h.l.tiu i 'I .1 n l.inu Ail. niul lilon.!;'' alnl fiMii Mc-ssm. NN i . Limlii.iy, . ro Th..i. Tiijl..r' claim f.-r wink il.n. mi mini. A < 'imls were i .:. ' fr < i. \\ II '! 1. : prin 1 \V. .F. J!,ll,iiny, ,,.|, .1 ' n Ci'iliiniy, atrtol THWII II ill, .* i;r.i\i;l |ii;, ;. - i ':.T. Inii! '.in-.- lirnlvji- tl"'. : 'n Kt-lli mid I i.i.n' , ..llnillii.'.ltl'.ll i I Mi. \\ . l:ili ! .i': 1 thu ['All: intti . ' \ t'i i Uiv ii ., | iirti ; ^nil-walk rt'fi 1 1 ' ' LU tin- 1'nrli'iii i f iiiili-- :u-<- . f .Mr. Ji.lin M, K i, ou 0<)Uiogwoo4 Klruut, tin: l.i- i ! i. _. p uf Kli : '.i.-i' -iii viluyo fur thu \ <1. M -i - I iiuiiili- nil.) : tliat Id.- ii. n. i , si. ncr uf ward N.I. 3 bound Is li> n iiy 1 1. ill iii I. I In ft: pair liil! ..) ; Mi. I. fMii l.iiV | l.u'u nil 1 IU gidii luml. I'.in inl. Mi.vnl KyMuMii.i. Ki-lNan.l Mr.Mill.ui, llii 1 I!, tn HI.. I Mr. IVillai t . i . in \.i;niiu- that |.nrliii|i of i.ia.i eint and weat uf liriilfe ovt-r IM-.-IM-I- im i l.itn n li.t -J l,ri .n. i:!,Mul Uit 'J l,i-i .11. It with n MI t<> liavu .nl rowl .. alile. ('.urii'il. M.. kill l.y Mew*. Kell ami McMillan, tliat tho I:, i \ t - Hinl Mr. D.iuiuclu bu .1 ( '. .linn, ii. i: i.i it |i'.rt i.ii I!) l.:i\v 488 at l.i ul muftiii)! of ciiuncil. ^l v...l l.y Mfs.iu. Kt'lla aiul IVillnr, tliat tint i-..iniii'iiiii--ilii'ii frointliii n.iiiii'il .-I ' i;U in L- L-i. -iny a ttatuinont of vx|.<;iiil ituro (>u tuwn luiu Artouifxia ami <ili-i,.-l >!.i- -11 1 nil cannot LMVU thu Tutvnlii|i of liliin-lu cri'ilit for tlio cxiienditiiru utii lalior . . \ -. . . i .ii,,, 1. Mi.\t-;l 1) Miissr.s.Kulls inn! Mi-Millan, i hu rl.iini of Tlios Tnylnr, thiuii'^ii hia ili.uttirt VVri^lit & Limkiy, for JO, ruiulvetl tlinl Ihis Ciiuncil hs j>:iid nil they h.ivr a tiht to pny in thin i,i,,i tor mill ill tlitirtfiiru pny no inoi-o. Car- rinl, M.. VIM! tiy Mesars, McMillan and Da- inn. !., that tlio fi.lluwinjj accuuutt )>n |.ai.l and Ihu lUeve iaauo hia urtlur for .in-: John It. li.uny, carulaker of Hall, ?:iT.->; \V. J. DuMmy, $37.50; W. Thornton, Ux collect >r' ruceipts, |C 50. Movud by Mi-mrn. Kt-lis Hiid MeMilUn. that Samuel <>*l>i.rn l>o |.;iiil Jl.OO f..r fencing pit on con. 12, in front >f lot 17 Carried. Mm ul by Messrs. 1'fillar xiul I)ainude that the Keuve ismie ordera in favor of the follow in.; parti. * for road work : rYiiKiik !?'-'4.7."', .loit-pli C'hart( opecial r.itit un25tidu road and John I > I'.i.i n ^o 0<> .,n tuwnlino Ait. in. .-iii ami Kii|ihr.-sia. Mr. Kishur, fur builihnx linil^'. <.j.ji .-it lut 3^, cmi 4, rtt-iiiinia, ^l."> .">0. C'urriud. Council adjcurntil It II Mruln :!! irvJr curt I CoU 1J u Ill .1! Ill SOOTHING. CLEANSING, MEALINQ. Inetant f)',^f. Per Cure, Fa, . < // <-c=.| JIUMM aii. .^ - FULFCRO Ii CO.. -LADIES- Have you seen the great of HATS AND TRIMMINGS Mrs. Trimble 13 showing tiiis sc-.ison ? La- dies lc;tvc your orders c uly in the week and so avoid the rush. You will fliul us in our new shop iioxt door to R Trimble's. Notice to the Public The l-'lfx ! ::->-':iii Milling Com- (\uiy tiiirhi:* futrchased the ;</- let- flour and .*..:;, -:tUs i liilely t'li'iiiil by. W. K, l : Ifsher, are ou' m.ikiti" all ncct'ssary re- pairs to // them tn thorough i <>. li.'i.ui for tun:':'.^ out first class ivork,and Jor iJitit purpose CMC obliged to close ///: mills /or a time. The\' :."/// be opened again on, or about, Monday, the /jlh inst.,a>ij u'tll be under the it'Viagi'meiit of Mr.J. W. Vord t a first class miller of long ex- f>i'rience,who rcrfci'tjiiliy solicits the public patronage in those lines. Highest cash price paid for wheat that the market will afford, and custom sawing done as usual. THE FlBIEira KILLIIS CO. Goods Arriving Daily At Hill's. V nied qualities and qualities of Seasonable goods have been opened up, and the price is bounci to sell thcrn. Tweeds, and other dress goods, Tweed Suitings, Panting-, Heady-made Suits and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Youth* ; Boot.^ Shoes and Rubbers lor Men, Women and Chil- dren ; Crockery, Sets dishes in stoneware and china, Gro- ceries, Tea, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, Can- ned goods, Cheese, Biscuits, Lard, Bacon, Cot! fish, Coal oil, a quantity of Hardware anJ Tinware, Tea Kettles, Steamers, Boilers, etc. Any quantity of But- ter and Eggs taken in exchange. No trouble to show goods. Ccme in and et my prices. . ?! LL Eleshertoij. Ayer'sPiSb Arc better known and more i: ally used than any other cathartic. Sii(j:ir-co;iU-J, purely vciCctaMe, and free from mercury or any c-' hor injurious dru>^, this is tho family medicine. 'l'lui:i- 1 l prt...M|-c and enL-r^ctic in th..-ir action, tho use of the pills is attended \vith only tho best rt. -U!N. Their .-ti. - : is to sircni.'thcn and rejjulato tho orvjanic functions, heint,' especially bciK-lici:il in the various deraji;i.-- nionts of the stomach, liver, arul bowsls. Ayer's Pills arc recommended by all th j leading physicians, ar..! 's, as the nui.>t prompt and effective for bilioi'- . ..^ea, ci i , i vlii;e>.l"lon l :-hi;;; r i-.!:;- . the liver, j-unuli.-o, drovwiiK'ss, pain in thesido, and sick lu-ada.-h.'; also, ID relieve c^UU, K lal^i.i, .''iid rJieuma'.isin. are taken with p;r\ it Ix-nefit h .ind the < 'ar to theSiMith. I i' Ira , h--:h.r 1'V l.'.iul i ; The Markets. Tali Wlieat hl.Miiij VVIu-at.... Oati. . rorrrcted Enrh * i M to are tlio b.-st, nild s'io;iUl ne\i! h.- Kini'.tol in t hi* o-.i !'"il. Top:. tlu-ir 1 in : i all tlima 1 .'.it up in b.Ktles . . " I have used Ayer's rills i.i my family ft>r;evi-ralvear<, 'ir.dal .\a> s (bond them to be a mild and excel- lent purgative, having a },'^'od elKvt on the liver. It is the K-.t pill used." Frank Spillman, Sul- phur, Ky. I'lcrareJ l.v Dr. I. C. Aycr k 0.-.. Lmre!!. Man. S ...! !.)*!. l>m,;Ki l->i->.r>heto. Every Dose Effective LUG, LEVEL and CLEAB Art the ht<nlt of the iohn tubtcribe for mtil rl The t'/eherton Adeance. You May Have It For llic miwiinli-r of 1H',!'2 for only '25 cents. Sclentiflc Amerlosn Agcnoy far O.VIAT8. TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS OOPVMIOHT3, oto. nation ml fro rftndbook write in m ,,,,. * >., ;i KH. IAI.UAV, Nnw YI.HK. Plrt.,.-i buraau f..r K.'urln* pataiita In Amurloa. Rv*--y pataiit taken out 1.7 u 1.1 brousbt I : i . tliu uublk) by a u..tioo l vn tree of cbuxo In tk IjfH.'.*t otronlatloQ of MIT rjer,t!f?r pftpor In tYra w.iil.l. RplaodldlT lllu<traU'l. No L.tolllcnut muii ih.iuM Ni without II. Wwikiy. *3.u a Toar; 11.10 U month!. AJ<1r.".3 MtINN & OU. yi;jiUiiBui,ieiBiMiJwaj, N'aw k'w. . -h ............ 1 1,!.; Purk. ............ llav pur to:^ ..... S'i. ..."lima ............. ................... T.lrk.-v. ickcnn per i'ir. i pair . Wool.. M (JOKE &mso N JM;uu if. ic Hirers aiu 1 Dea,lerB in all kinde of r.'i;|,!:iu: N :nd dressed lumber <rf- i .-.' liquid ; tilso all kinds of Moulding, Scroll n'ork, Balusters Nencll poslj, Hani! railing, l-'cnce p:ckt-;s, in fact everything or repairing. Ahv.ivs n.ii ' rt w "^' A * ' r "' 'i'-'H'i' 1 north i-liiiri 1 ['.!. ; ..:-n |'ii_iii iatli aaJ ahinnln t l.mi'^t piiofH K-ti:n:ii. .4 iivn. Fhshrton Sask 4 Door Factory, "MOORE & WILSON. ILEKONE iinrao . IH R r. Lotpft* it In ' 1:1 INK l , \ i ITIVI: ciiii-tit* fall to ri'livve ile by I , ' ."I ..'I r<- , |lt .( I ' Mr T. TH i iiimilkt, is DnndM Btr**t, Lottdoo, Ottt. i PLAOTKG MILL ! 1 <1( (-in' to infcin the that I luamif.icttir* nn:l kt--p in ntuck thu following : nii. loirs. IM-I-SM- Hbeetlns, >-w-H l*sis, Baluters, lla-nl ICailii><;\ Oriier v -f S Kpnii-c Lath. N Slork Sliiii I'osj.s. Veranda liliinus, siiiu<j;s Nckjrkei anil niiim-lr-i-s. Turnings of all kinds done to order. All kiiula of Ni.ii'iliiiKH ktf)>t on hnnil. Mi>iil(li- ( | CHNiiH;* f,,r insijp (inigh K sp.'cialty. I have tin' I it in linuHi- tiuisb- i iK. (.VII and h. . . | Incur: yoin iril. r. II, .|iin)! by striii^litforwanl. lirm -l .Ii lilinn t.i nc. ivf n)iiire of the public p(. u.nage, I.un j(,iir truly, .1. 1$. A Lare Lalh on ofXo. I S;>roe . >Iak- voiir f us now. Sheep Strayed. Tlirt'OshpnpRirDytnlfrAin thl* Tillage ah MM. Id .ne owe and two Imnh*. Hwe wh fi:r ; two 1 Mil Inlnb*. wllito, ll long tails. Information aitotbclr wlioraaSontt will be thankfully .-oceirtd by the iiinli'inaiu \V. W.TBIMBbC V let

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