fhu, FLESHERTON ADVANCE 7 'hia matter should be attended tu er ext year's fair cornea around. Following i* the prize list a* furnished y the secretary: PRIZE LItsT. II PrVUBHBD Every Zhursday PROM THE Hf druhuin M .. - Flrtthrrton, Oat. Terms of Subscription : I Op per annum W)M- paid strictly ID Adrance tlM per ajjuuui wbao not to pid Advertising Rates : On* Column, 1 year. WO ; half col., 1 year, ttl quarter col., one year, $19. Transmit a.lviirtiiiiii>ntcbarf;ed at ths rate til * ami* (st liiHif.T Art Inmrtiuu and 3 cent* Iw liue uacb Bubui|um>t luaertiou. W. II THlKSIOIf, Editor and Proprietor A Glorious Day The Best Fair Held in Flesh erton for Man; a Tear Eaat Grey fall fair was blessed thii year with exceedingly fine, mild weather, an exceptionally tiun turnout, and at very satisfactory exli ibit. Our predictions of a week a^ were fulfilled to the letter. Between twelve aud fifteen hundred people entered the gate Friday, and it is safe to aay that not one went away dis- appointed with the afternoon's amuse- tnent. The hall was better tilled than it ever waa before, and the contenta were much admired by all beholders. With one exception everything went off like clock work. That exception was in the speeding con teat, when Mr.McDeavit, of Dundalk, broke his sulky in the last round and was thrown to the ground. lie sustained no injuries, however. Tlio township rxhibits were a source of iucli attraction and judging wu a labor- ious matter, as the result waa decided by point*. Messrs. McK night of Owen Sound and McCullnUKh "f Duudalk were jud^ea on fruit. Mr.MrKnmlii oiprewd himself aj much surprised at the amount and quality uf fruit ahown. He did not think this section of Grey capable ol raising such magnificent fruits. Therein ho was aitreuably dissapoint*d. Mr. R. Gilray of Kuphraaia, and Mr. Ituthvan of Culliogwood, showed aome i.li mini |>uachus grown by them. These were surprisingly large aud fine fruit. Mi-Mr*. Burk and Barrett showed tw< Jianilsonie colts got by Whiteuak's thor -.uxliliitil King James. The two bicycle race* were something new n, I lakii.^ Two young ijentleraoi fnnn Meaford coin|>oted against one o our town b>yi, with results a* given ii the prize list. All K\ nits came off as advertised, and tin afternoon was unalloyed with disappoint ment. In the lady driver classes much com in. n- waa niado upon the nobby and nea turnouts. Those who hsndled the rib buns, and handled them to perfection were Miss I.i.vir Ktowart,Mr. K.AfoOirr, Mra J Tueter, Mias. Knuna U.iinudu am M McDuff. We ahould not havi carud to be judge, they all looked mu did so well. Mr. T. If. Harrison, of Dundalk, ha. 1 a neat little tent on tho ground in whicl he exhibited lliree handseme organs am one of ye olden tyme melodeona of an n i.i i iii, 1 1. Mr. Harrison is agent in < In parta for the Dominion organ, two ..f which he had on exhibition. Tho Dominion is a capital organ and M Harmon is a pushing energetic salesman and a gentleman to whom we are pleAseci In recommend our readers. He is aim agent for the Doherty organ. At the concert in the evening the iliiiiniUl.lu Jiimnio Fax and Misa.Pringle of Toronto, attracted a house crowdet aliunst t</sulfi>cation. Mr. Fax is well everybody known what Fax is. Mias J'liugle has a vory sweet, pure eopran M.ii , and thrilled hur audience with pretty melodies perfectly rendered Klmuld Milt Pringle ever return t, Kluahertou she will receive a warn wel come. Mr. Jas Brodie exhibited nine vsrieties 4.f grain, taking llierefor seven first urine and l wo suoouds, Pretty good reoord rht The directors should arrange scatin facilities on the grounds. Thia has pre v mi toil many a woman from attendin who frit that she could not undergo III i without a |irn|iT place of rr at. HOK8f.lt. fair geldings or martD.Jas. Stewart, 'rank Taylor. Biood marc, Jolm IcKee. 2-yiar old gelding or filly, ). H. Ellis. 1 -year-old gelding or illy, J. McKee. Spring foal, J. Me- tee, J. McKee. OKNKHAL PURPOSE CLASS. Pair geldings or mares, J Hill, W lill. Brood mare, 11 Purvii, 11 Pur- is. 2-year-old geldiug or filly. Stewart, Alex Madill. 1-year-old geldiug or filly, W F Cbard, II Purvis, ipriug foal, E IVm tt, W T Ellis. BOAM7EH CLAM. Pair geldings or mares, J Holley, J Teeter. Brood marc, J Boland, W atewart. 2-year-old gelding or filly, H McMallen. Willie Bentham. 1 year-old gelding or filly, J Boland, L b'rook. Spring foal, J Boland, R Y Burk. CARRIAGE CLAM. Pair geldings or mate*, D Thomp- son, J ItuuBtadler. Single driving , judged by speed, J B Marsh, P McDevit. Biugle driving Lorse, ludged by appearance 3 E Marsh, l>r Sproule. Single horse nndor saddle, J A Lerer, J Teeter. Fastei.t walk- ing team hitched to vehicle, O Ste- wart, F Taylor. DURHAM CaTTL*. Aged bull, K & T Mercer. Drill Z years-old and under, L Frook, O & F Thompson. Bull 1 -year-old and on dtr, W T Ellis. Bull calf, J I Gra ham. Cow.J Buchanan, J I Graham. 2-year-old beifer, J Buchanan, W 1 Kllis. 1-ycar-old heifer, G & F Thompson. A Hit Mm r CATTUt. Bull 1 -year-old and under 2-years old.Geo Mi w;u t. Bull calf, ^ Cairns Cow, A Cairns, A Cairns. 2-year old heifer, A Cairns, A Cairn*. 1 year-old heifer, A Cairns. Ayreshire grade cow, Ueo Utrwart.Geo Stewart Herd, 1 male and 4 females, A Cairus DEVON. Bull calf.R Oliver. Cow, R Oliver R Oliver. 1 -year old hcifcr.lt Oliver calf, K Oliver. Devon grade cow, W Meads, W Meads. Hcnl. 1 male and 4 fcmalcR, U Oliver. Hoi stein cow, J Buchauan, J Buchanan 1'air working oxen, J Hickling. 1 year-old heifcr.J Buchanau, J Weber Huifircalf. K T Morcor. COTSWOLD SUKEP. Shearling ram, W Meads. Ram lamb, W Meads. YY Meads. Paii aged ewes, \V McacU, W MeadR Pair shearling ewes, W Meads. I'm ewe lambs. Best pen Cotswolds, \\ Meads. LEICKSTEB. Ram Aged, J Stewart, J. Oliver. i;:i>n luiub, J Oliver, J Oliver. Pair aged UWKH, J Oliver, J Oliver. Pair shearling CWCB, J Oliver, W Meads. Pair ewe lambs, J Oliver, W Meads. Best pen Leicester, J Oliver. SOUTHDOWN. Pair aged ewes, R Oliver, R Oliver. Pair sheading ewes, R Oliver. minors iiiHi. Aged ram.J Buskin, W T Ellis. Ram shearling. W T Ellis, W T Ellis. Ham lamb, J Buskin.J Ilmkin. Pair aged cwes.J Buskin, W T Ellis. Pair shearling cwci, J Buskin, W T Ellis. Pair ewe lambs, J Buskin. W T Ellis. Best pen Shropshire, J Buskin. BWINE liKKKklllKt . Boar aged, W Meads. Boar pig, 1892, J I Graham, W Meads. Sow aged, Ueo Stewart Sow pig, J I Graham, J I Graham. TORESHIRE. Aged boar, J Holly. Boar pig, 1892, J A Lever. Sow pig, 1802, J A Lever. surroLE. Boar pig, 1892, J I Graham. Aged sow, J Holliy, J I Graham. Sow pig, J I Graham, J I Grnham. POULTRY. White Leghorn rooster, G Stewart, Jus Stewart. White Leghoru hen, C W Bellamy. C W Bellamy. Brown Leghorn rooster.C W Itellamy, Donald McMillan. Brown Leghorn hen.C W Bellamy, Donald McMillan. Ham- burg Silver Hpangled hen, Donald McMillan. Plymouth Rock rooster, J I! II, H.l. David McMullcn. Ply- month Uock hen. J II Heard. J II Heard. Hourlau rooster.John Teeter, lloudan lion, J Teeter. Wyandotte rooster, J Boland. vVyandottc hen,J II Heard. Braluna rooster, Donald UoMillan. Bmluua hen, J Brodie, l> m.ild McMillan. Spanish rooster, J i* btewart.J Holloy. Spanish lien, J Holley, C W Bellamy. Black Min- rcn* rooster, Donald McMillan. 'In -k Miuorcas hen, Donald McMillan AndttliiKJan rooster, Dorm Id McMillan. Andaluiian hen, Donald McMillan. '.in geefte.Geo Stewart.C W Bellamy. 'a. turkeys, J A Lever. Pair Ducks, A'. Scnit . J Drodie. Pair ducks, com- mon, J Teeter, G Stewart. Best col- cction poultry, Donald Millan, C W Jellamy. GRAIN AND DEEM. Fall wheat. White. J Brodie.J Bte- wart. Fall wliuat, Red. W T Ellis. Spring wheat, Glasgow, D. Stinson. er variety spring wheat, J Brodie , It Ituthvan. Barley, 6 rowed, J Brodie, J Farris. Barter, 2 rowed, J Brodie. Oats, white, J Stewart, J Brodie. Oats, black, J Stewart, J I'.roilic. Peas, small, J Brodie, W G >i r. Pees, large, J Brodie. Indian corn, white, R Beat, J Hickling. In- dian coin.ytllow.W T Elhs.D Thomp- son. Collection beans, J Brodie, \V Stewart. Tnnotliy sc.-d, J Brodie, J Abbott. Alsike clover aeed, W T Kllis. Flax seed, J Brodie, J Hick- ling. 100 Ibs. flour, Osprey Milling Company. BOOTS. Assortment potatoes, Donald Mc- Millan, D Thompson. Beauty Heb- ron, D McMillan,J H Heard. White Klephant, D McMillan, It Oliver. AIIT other variety, J H Hoard, K Oliver. Swedish turnip, K Rntbvan, J H lli-.ipl. Table turnip, W Davis, D Thompson. White Globe turnip. J Hickling, I) Thompson. Aberdeen tniii'l'. J Teeter, J H Heard. Gruy Stoue tarnip, J A Lcver.Geo Stewart. Carrots, n-d, field, K Beat,H liuthvan. Carrots, white, field, It Best, H Ruth- van. Mangold Wtutzels, long, J Fan-is, C W Bellamy. Mangold Wurtzels, 'Jlobe, J FarriH, J Stewart. S,|iia-lir. Dr Scott, J Farris. Pumkins, c,, iiiiiioii yellow, j Farris, J Brodie. I'limpkiii*. other variety, J I Gralinm. liiailaife corn, W T Ellis, R Ruthvan. Assortment of roots and vegetable, J I (iraliain, C W Bellamy. VEOETAB1.M. Cabins, Mat Dutch, K Bust, J Webvr. Cabbage, Drumhead, O \V Itellamy, A Miiiinli.irt Cabbage, Winningatadi, K llrst, U Pearson. Carrot, short red, U lU*Ht,D Thompaiin. Carrot collection for tablu nw, J I (iinh.-iin. Parsnips, J Fan-is, K Heat Ct-lery, self -bleaching, .1 Karris. Celery, large ribbrd.VV Norton, .1 K.trni, Tumuli**, red, Mrs K (iilray, W Norton. Tomatoes, yellow, Mrs K Oilray. lieets. blood l>>ni>, R H. -'. J 1 I M ill mi. Itccts, turnip root, D Thump son, J Karl is. IWts, other variety, K Rest. Onions, from black svod,J Farris, I) Tliompnon. Onions, Dutch sets, J Karris, I) Tliompson. Onions, potato, R Best, Dr Scott. Sweet coru, R liest Radish, LI irk winter, J Fsrris, R Beat. IUiln.li, otln-r color, R 11,'st. J Farris. (iiirdon herbs, K Bust. Citrons, H iJi.ili.no, D Thompson. Water melon, II Ciraham. W Norton. FALL AFPLBX. As'.rachAii, R Bust.J Rrodir, Ducheaa of ( Udmiburg, J Brodio, R Ruthvan 81 I . i, inr, W T Bills, R Craham, Oraveiistuin, R (Irahain, J Stewart. Alexandria, D Thompann, J Stewart. Other variety.G llutchinaon, R (irahain Collection fall apples, R Ruthvan. WINTER UTI K- Northern Spy, J Stewart, R Qraham Baldwin, U Hutchinsun, J Brodie Spilxenburg, J Stewart, J Brodie, Uol don Russet.R Kuihvan.R Graham. Rx- bury Russet, J Stewart. R Oilray. Poimne Oriso, J I Graham. Snow, J Stewart J Thurston. KingThoinpson.J Stewart R Graham. Other variety, Q A t Tli.iin|isoii, D Thoinpaun. Collection, J I Graham, J Weber. riARS Bartlet, J Hicklim; J Weber. Flem inn Beauty, R Gilray, R Graham. Lou ise Bonne de Jeney, J Weber, J Brxxlie Lom)>ard, J Stewart. Smith's Orleans, J H Heard, G Hutcheson. Coo's Golden Drop, J Weber. Victoria, R Ruthvan. Rein Claude, J BroJie. ()ai(i<s J Weber. Other Variety, U & F Thonipaon, J Bro die.Collection I'lums, J Br idie A Madill Collection Crab Apples, C W Bellnuy, J Stewart. I'uachea, R Uilrny R Ruthvan Grap White, R Oilray. drapes Colored Mrs (iilrav, Jaa Thuraton. Collection Grapes, J H Heard, R Gilray. l> MKV AS1> OTHER PRODUCT". Honey, Jas Thurston.Mias Cole. 5 Ibs Butter, J Abbot, J Farris, A M mill 15 lha Butter, J Farris, J A Lever, . Ablxitt. 50 Iba Butter^ W Meads, J Fanis, J Abbott. Cheeae not factory made, W Norton, cheese factory madu C Stewart. Saddlery i;ooda, I) Clayton Pair mi n .-, biMita, J Smith. Pair ladies hoots, J Smith. Assortment stoves, I 1 (1 K .u iiMlt. Pianos and organs, T i Harrison, Uundalk. Pumps, J Artley Markdnle. Wagons, cutters and bug gies, J 11 Heard. Land roller exhibits* by G Stewart highly recommended. 1'iiMIMI. MANUtACm'REfl ANn LSllIRa WORE Pair woollen blankets, J Farris, Wu Stewsrt. Fulled cloth, J Hickling Flannel all wool J llickling. Flanne union, J Abbott. Shocking yarn, W Stewart. Woollen miu, Mrs. W Norton Mrs R Pedlar. Woollen a,,,-ks, Mrs R Pedlar.Mn J Abbott. Woolleu stuck in k -. Mrs W Norton, Mr* J Abbott. Panio o table scarf Mrs (iilray, Mra W Norton Quilt I'.iK-hw T! Mn Norton, Mrs J A er Quilt Ii"/ cabin, Mrs R Pedlar, In W Meads. Quilt Crazy, MrGiry, Irn (l^vfuii. Quilt Knit or crotchet, lias Ode, Mrs W JCrtr>n Quilt any ther kind, Mr* W Norton. Mra J A .,-vrr Rag Mat, Miss J Stewart, Mrs V T Ellis. Yarn mat. Mra R Pedlar, Irs J Stewart. Arranene w..rk, Mra A ilunshaw, Mi-s W Ni-rtmi. Braidinit in utt.in, Mra Gilray, Mrs J A L-ver. 'mbroidi-ry in silk, Mrs Gilray. Em- iroidery in cottun, Mis Gilrnv Mra W 'l.itini Drawn work, Mrs (jilray, Mrs A Lever. Crochet in wc.|, Mrs R Ol- ver, Mrs R Gilray. Crochet in cotton, dra J A Lever, Mrs Oilray. Point and itnn lace Mm (iilrsy, Mrs Gad', "ancy kniftinjf in w,>"l, Mra W Norton. )utlie work Mrs Giidd, Mrs Norton, ratling, Mm J A Lt-ver. Darned net, kfra Gilray. Woollen work in anvat, An* <',,]-, Mn Norton. Man's shirt land made, Mrs W S--rr i, Mra J A . >T Man'ii shirt machine made, Mrs I A Lever. Macmcne law, Mra W Nor- .in Leather wnrk, nmamented, Mrn iilray, Mi*a A Stewart. Pair worked dippers, Mra W Norton. Darned >cka ,r st<kiiigs, Mrs Damude, Miu A Stew- art. Sofa pillow, Mr* Oadd, Mrs Gilray. tanking cap, Mr* W Norton. Antim- acaaaaar, Mra W Norton. Tea coaey.Mrs isdd. Table nrntx, Mrs W Clayton. Cotton hattinu wrenth, Mrs J A Lever. Feather wreath, Mra R Pedlar. Toilet t, Mrs P Munshaw, Mins A Stewart, (test iln-wi) lioll, Miea M*)M-| Munshaw. Krmt cake,Mr.RBest,MrsR Pedlar Jelly cake, Miss Cole. Miss A Stewart. Bread, dome made, Mrs W Norton, Mra W T Ellis. Slumber rob, Mrs \V Clayton, nvoin Illrlidril . FINK ARTS. Collection photoa, A A Aakin, Mra Hultner. Collection paintinira and draw- ings, Miss Dainude. Oil paintinir, Misa Daniode Crayon drawing, Miss Cole. Pencil drawing. Mias Ctde. Piiinlinp on satin or silk, Mias A Stewart, Miss Oil- ray. HOl-XI PLANTS AND r.iWER.s. Table bouquet, Mrs Bentham. Folitge plant, Mrs P Munslmw, Mrs Bulmer. Geranium, Mm Gadd, Mra Damude. Fuschia, double, Mrs J P Ottewvll, Mra A Munshaw. Httxing basket, Mn P Munuhnw. CalU lily, 5Ira Damude. Amarilla, Mra P Munnhaw, Mrs Gadd. llcxonia, Mrs 1' Mnnshaw, Mra J P Ut- tewrll. Collection cut Huwura, Mra P MiHishaw. Mra J Bentham. Collection plauta.not K>-eunhouse,Mra J P Oltewell. Lady driving d<>abl team. Miss L. Stewart. Lndy driving ainyle horse, Mra K MKSirr, Miaa MoDulf. Bicycle race, - iinlpn, K B Brown.Mea f.ir.l, Alt' Tlinrston, Kleahertini. Bicycle race, one mile, Alf Thurston, Fleaherton, (i M I'.ulv, Meur..rd. Hurtile race, no award horaea failed to clenr. Tuwnahip cninpetition of yr.iin. roots and gnnenil projuction of the farm, orchards aud irniden. Not leas than aix fanners competing from each township. 1st prize awarded to Artemesia town- ship exhibit. Representatives : J.Brudie and J. 1. Graham. '2nd prize awarded to Euphraeia township. Rupresonlivea : Jas. Stewart aud W. T. Ellis. 3rd prize awarded to Osproy townahip. Rvproatiiitativea : Dr. 8cott aud W Clinloii. Thuse rxhibita were worthy of special note. Osprvy had the largest variety and an uapecially fine exhibit, yet lacking in quality in some departments, particularly in fruit, and quality of grain. Dr. Scott atul Mr. Clinton deserve great credit for the tine display. Visitors could see in this exhibit almost everything Osprey produced. Kuphraaia exhibit waa exceedingly good. It did not lack in quality, but lacked in variety, and therefore lot in points where judged. Mr. J. Stuart and Mr. W. T. Ellis are gentlemen that are not discouraged by trifles and we have no doubt but will yet show the farmers of Artemneia that Kuphraaia is not second to any in ths county. Arterneeia, the banner township in the Hist ridiuu f Grey for the year 18!>2. Exhibit A 1, quality A 1, quantity A 1, and the 920 prize was awarded to the exhibit from Artemesia township. The Markets. OR.WILLIAM I A UK NOT a I'ar- !" (ative lloU- clne. They an a |lll ,NI|I III I' P IK. ill and ALE EOPLE supply lu a ~ , n the nnl>ti,.', 1 .ally lieedutl to an* i thi, ItliHjd. ouring u 1'unH and WAT- Kin lii.oon, or from VITIATKD Ilimoas In the Hlxion, and alto .invigorate and BVILD fi r the Mi.ixJi> aud HTrrBM, when broken down by overwork, imni.nl worry. diuvaao, MWH'fl auti Inditcrv- s. They hava a ,Hpki IFIO AcrnoN on the SK x i' Ai h\ s i KM of oth 1 1 1 in and women, uttorinif i ,<sr viooa n I eorreetlng all Who fluda hit mental fao- ultlos dull or falluiK, or , fehoalil take tlietti EVERY MAN ! (ihysicaj powers I ILLS. Ther will res bfical anil mental. EVERY WOMAN ^ pli'AHiout and iiri,ularitiim. whlcli VH.I.S. Tlii-y will restore bl lost wiertjiiw, both phTiloalanil mental. take them. urn all su utail itcknoas wben *nould tak* thew Poxa They will our* th tt- biu, aud 1 1( yuutl.lul yitem. YOUMQ WOMEN makii UK-HI ri*fiular. For uU by all druggists, or will bs Mnt npoa rci>i)i| o( prlo* (50o. pur boiX by addrvMlng DR. WILLIAMS' Mien. CO. larHilll> n.rrrrlr.l l.:irli W rrk. flour Fall Wlieat IIUK Whea.t Ita.ley IKl- Peas HutUir _... Km*, froth I'nutoM bag- Hork. Hay per ton IlilU,! * 3D to H Turkeyl Chlckoni per pair Iiirkn per pair Wool. . 71 1; <u tl 11 ao oo 00 00 Ml to to to 10 to to to to to to to to to to to til U 1000 adu 1 OB n. to M GORE & WIL80 N Manufacturer* aw* Dealers in all kinds of Building Materials. Rough and dressed lumber al- ways on hand ; also all kinds of Moulding, Scroll vork, Balusters Newell posts, Hand railing, Fence pickets, in fact everything needed in building or repairing. Always ci.nmlt I-P r*frr* ymi Urt at wi rk. A large qmmity t ,f geasoped n.nlli Liirc pine ; alxi pine lath and sbinules t lowest pries. Kutimates given. FkshrtNi Sisk t Door Factory, "MOORE & WILSON. AVER'S Cherry Pectoral Has no equal for the prompt relief and speedy cure of Colds, Coughs, Croup, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Preacher's Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe, and other derangements of the throat and lungs. The best- known cough-cure in the world, it is recommended by eminent physicians, and is the favorite preparation with singers, actors, preachers and teachers. Itsoothes the inflamed membrane, loosens the phlegm, stops coughing, and induces repose. AVER'S Cherry Pectoral taken for consumption, in its early stayes, checks further progress of the disease, and even in the later stages, it eases the distressing cough and promotes refreshing sleep. It is agreeable to the taste, needs but small doses, and does not interfere with digestion or any of the regular organic functions. As an emergency medicine, every household should be provided with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Having used Aycr's Cherry Pec- toral in my family for many years, I can confidently recommend it for ail Hi.- complaints it is claimed to cure). Its sale is increasing yearly with m*. and my customers think this P r f gk- ration has no equal as a cough curd . S. W. Furent, Queenabury, N.B. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral rrcMrctl by IV. J. C Aycr & CVx. Lowell, MAM. Sou 1 y all LVug'yul*. Price $t ; lix buttle*, \f Prompt to act, sure to cur* lYSPEPTOS IYS PERSIA THIS PBBfARATION Acts directly on the stomach And iiromotes th asalthy action ol tba liver WITHOUT I'UIHHNU. For Sale by all Druggists AI WholsalsbyLOD01DKTJOCs.,Loudoa.Oat NERVE BEANS NtatvK UKANH an a M* am- oaTcrylhal oura tho wunt liana .< Nenuui IM.IUIJ. LuM \ v* aod Pkilkit Slanbuwl; Mk.ni tk. waakiiai ut bu\j or mind tawi _ Ilif o*ur-wotfc. iw the mm or aa- ^IWMII* rouUk Thu Hnilj aS- uluulj curve the inoet obaUnau nw> hn all othar it ,[ km failed men to ralina. :...U k|lna)> |Ma M U POT vac nx.iiii..f psWkf (XX. Turuuui, i int. . or aU foe ft, or mit I , jajMV Write lot VMhertoo by Wm Ulchardton. mit I ,y BMII , u U Mt/nriM t. bold k Sheep Strayed. Three sheep utrayad train sbli Tillage ahovt neut lit -una ew and two lauitxi. Ewa nhita. hole In loft ear ; two raoi lainlir, wbit*. with IOMK tail* lulormatlon aa to tlieir wlu.raabouta will ti llianktvilly reoeiml by I ho u nil ami mod W. W. TUMBLE