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Flesherton Advance, 6 Oct 1892, p. 1

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Jfksfcrtmt " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' 70L. in., NO 586 FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1892. W.H.THDR8TON, EDITCRI ' PROPRIETOR ORGANS ORGANS ORGANS X X- We have secured the agency in Flesherton for the celebrated Bell Organ, and would request the public to call and examine the specimen instruments now on hand and get our our terms before Investing. Amstrong Bros. The Jewelers. REMOVED. Having removed my stock to Strain's Block, I shall continue selling at the re- duced prices until the whole stock is dis- posed of. Plenty of Sugar, Tea and To- bacco in stock. No 1 Roller Flour, $4.00 per bbl, Locg Clear Bacon, 9 cts per lb. W. W. TRIMBLE, FALL GOODS Are arriving almost every day. We do not need to tell you that the qualities are good and prices "right. Every one whoever visited the store on the hill knows that we cannot be undersold. We do not deny the fact that any quantity of cheap trash is offered at lower figures than we can offer pure goods, but we hold that for quality offered, no man can sell you cheaper than we do. All we ask is a call, and we are certain to convince you. *Dress Goods Department-* We have a good assortment in all leading lines, from the loc. goods to the best all wool Henriettas linings, buttons and trimmings to match. *Blaiwels arid Staple Department-* You can get anything you ask for in these lines. In Flan- nels we defy competition all-wool greys, striped fancy shirting Flannels, and sheeting. Also full lines of Flannel etts, Shakers, Cantons and Unions ; Cottonades, Cottons, Shirtings, Linens, Towells, '1 owellings, Etc. +f weed arjd Worsted Department-* We can't tell you much about these, but an inspection will convince that the patterns are the latest, and qualities and prices right, also full lines of Gents' fine furnishings. Fevrrshanu Fi-om out own CorretpoitJent. Last Wednesday the event of the I season took place, when Mr. James Buckingham wan united iu marriage to MiM Hawton. We wish them the best of success. We hope the discussion now going oa between two of oar merchants wiU end, not as it has been carried on in a war of words, but will show us where the loss or shortage has gone. Mr. Pearsol secured first prize at the county show for dour. Don't , this speak well for our miller ? He has gone Shelburue to take in the fair, aud Mr. Heitmau runs the mill. ' Mrs. Mullen is improving nicely, which, no doubt is result of good care given her by her granddaughter, Miss Aggie Henry. Paul Bros, have disposed of their last buggy, having this summer made in the neighborhood of twenty wheeled rigs. Miss iVau, of Allenfonl, was tha guest of Mr. K. Meldrum last week. CrS IB a k e r ,$ jTailor! Mak all Kanueoti of IH...I ' 'a Hi" beat tyl at slior notice. All work A trial ollciUxl. Maxwell. Frvm uuroum CorretptmdetU. Harvest is now a thing of the past. Weather very fine for a finish up. Tbe potato rot is very bad iu this locality, aud several have dug them in order to prevent any further loss. A number from here took iu the fair at Colling wood laat week, aud report haviug a good time, (especially going and coining). The Osprey fair which was held at Mclntyre on Tuesday of thia week was, for a township show, a grand success. Airs. Preston is the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. D. K. Preston. We want a good shoe-maker in Maxwell. None but the best nrr.l apply. Mrs. Long has purchased a new organ. Misa Bella Garacy spent a fw day* with fi lends arouud town last wt-ck Mr. Juuies Shea aud family gave us a call on Monday, also Mr. Hamil- ton and sou of Fleshertou. Gloves, Hosiery, Rushings.IIandkerchicts, Corsets, Ribbons, Collarettes, Bibs, and ninety-nine other things. Space will not allow us to mention the other departments, but if these few will remind you of something you are necd-J ing we have done well ; if they will convince you to try the Store on the Hill, we have done better ; and if they will! strike you favorably after inspection so you buy, we havei done best. All are welcome whether to purchase or simply to have a chat about the weather. Kcmenibcr the Str ou the Hill B. O. EVANS, From our otcn Corrapotukiit. At last the harvest is gathered iu. Tin- Potato rot is making sad havoc on the potatoes iu this viciuity ; some fai niciy say they will not have as many saved as will seed them next spring. Mr. James Campbell, an old gentle man who moved into Eugenia tl.e past summer, died very suddenly of heart failure ou Monday morning. Mi'. Bennett and Mr. Mormon, of the Perfection hoop and veneer com- pany, came on the past week. The work is progressing fast. The dam is near done. Building will now be pushed as rapidly as possibly. Mr. Bennett is slopping to hurry it on as fust as possible to have it ruuuiug by the first of November. A haivcst home festival is to held on Friday evening, at the Orange Hall, by the ladies' Aid of the Pres- byterian chinch. A grand time is expected. A heart.} welcome is ex- tended to all. Mr. John Armstrong feels pretty big at present since the arrival of that young stranger at his house. Miss Lizzie Roy has gone to To- ronto for tin' winter. Mrs. Hollingcr, who has spent the summer visitii:g friends at Eugenia, has returned to the city. Mias Wells, of Flesherton, was the guest of Mrs. J.R. Hogg on {Saturday night last. Miss Thurston, of Kiuiberloy, was visiting IncutU here during the past week. Business is booming with our ucw blacksmith. I heard of a couple ol ladies applying to him for a job. Bettor look out Jake. Mr. Dan McLcod and family have taken up their residence amongst us. We i xt.n.l to them a hearty welcome. Mr. Wood burn has been very sick the past week. in LE8H E KTOX. &I & :.V. Valuable Farm For Sale. The nnderalicned wishe* to diipoa* of liii valuable farm, ou Lot .M.OOD. la. ArttmiMia con- nutliig of lUOacro*,H) acres of which is cleared, ami l>alac -11 acre* burilwnoil and 4 aor* iwainii. Th plucf limn on it tfiaiiiu bank barn, in wt-ll waton*! with creek anil pump aul wall (need. Will be Hold cheap, u th pi oiiriotor in loaviiiK tint part of tin, couutrv. r <ir further particular! apply to L,. J. WlLLIAJIHON. Lady Hank P.O., On> CAUTION! vi II I'M . OF THE Myrtle Uavy IS MARKED T.'ADL IN BROXZE l.l I I I. Kv NONE OTHEK GENUINE THE That AVER'S Sarsaparilla CURBS OTHERS of Scrofulous Diseases, Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, and Catarrh should beon vincing- that the same course of*Hatment WILL CURB VOL'. All that has been said of the wonder- ful cures effected by the use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla during the past fifty years, truth- fully applies to-day. 1 1 is, in every sense, The Superior Medicine, Its curative properties, strength, effect, and flavor are always the same ; and for whatever blood diseases AVER'S Sarsaparilla is taken, they yield to this treatment. When you ask for AVER'S Sarsaparilla don't be induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes, which are mostly mixtures of the cheap- est ingredients, contain no sai s,i- parilla, have no uniform standard of appearance, flavor, or effect, are blood-purifiers in name only, and are offered to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take AVER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver A Co., Lowell, MUM. Sold hy all L>rui;iri ; Price ft ; nix bottle*. (5. Cures others, will cure you AT- C. J. LEITCH'S You will find a full of all the latest woollens, and you will find it to your ajj- vantage to purchase you* ordered clothing at the Mer- chant Tailor's. To The Public. Havinn rented Whit tun's Macksmlth hop for a turn) of yuan.. 1 am now in a IKMltiou tu calcrto all Hnutniti uiy Unit. ing a Specialty, Satisfaction Unaranterd Fur anything in the lint: coil on F.A.BVNT, Opposite Rlcbardaon'i Hardwara itoi. Farms lor Sale. BELLAMY UL\UERSO> TOWNSHIP OK ARTRMKSU. Jl, i N 1>. It , '. acre* lot. 74, M, 'J N. D. R., 100 acnw improved building*. H. |it. .ft, 7tli coil., M acnm, l>u*u lot. O8PRBY. 16. 10, 1 8. D. H. 100 acros, improved. No building. A lull C'dii., lnikh lot. in, l:ttt> Con., biibb lot. EUGENIA PLANIITG MILL! I dcgire to inform (lie imblio that I mauufaoturn iiiul keep in *Uick t ho follotvtug : Mash. ikiioi-N. |)r<**sMl Flooring, Sli-i'lina V'\rll I'uMK. Balu.Htrrs. II. in. I KailinK, <'rncr Blocks Hl<- iH-sl ill" Kpriu-c Lath. >.. I & .' ShiiiKle*, Stock Mhiiii;U*sVvrndit Posts. Veranda t'itliiiK*. Silinu;s ><< lv> <kr* and W Itiftlrtrveg. Turnings of all kinds done to order. All kinds of Mouldings kapt on hand. Moulded casings for iuaidr tinitiii a specialty. I have the latest di'm;'nrs in bouse liDisb- inu*. Ci.ll and seo us U ;Vn- plncing your order. Hoping by struiKlitfnrward. honest dealing to receive a share of the public pat- ronage, lam your* truly, a. B. .1 I, arm- Quantity of >'o. I Spritre Lath on hand, ll.-iki- your Purchases of us now. Fobll,lMa,lvr Indigestion, Oyipeptia snd Soar Stomach T4 -aii(.i il by the loott furiiieiitiiiK. 'the t> Uultof feriiiuntation on all own. tic inniti-i I iniiHi bu aoid. This <leooinuoc Uio food | iwhich fhould l.utliKohtuil' nncl from that .1. i Diiipoftltion evolvoit uanoH that pro<luc prec- MTC on the norvon, thuorgiiiiUinK the \SI-T, . I n<l proriuciTiK viirloiiH f.ytnpt<ittH of ilisei Be. The C'uiHtix' Irluld" parlttM iho t>fni-h.| ro , iiioNm iliffoKlioii and iiBiioi)BI K.II of f(x.,<ir. by croatiiii; a h.mlthy cufir. of bluotl. Fpt ' sale by all Druggists, We. 4 tl.OO.

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