THE FLESIIERTON A I > V A N C K HEALTH FOR ALL. Uo.loway s Pills and Ointment THE PILLS Purify ttiu lllcxxl, correct all Dltorton of I -i >-i-. Stomach, I v i I n '.-,. zincl Uo>velci. TLaj ioTlgorateanl retore lohaalth Debilitated rnnitltntloDi, and are Invaluable In com- kilaiuu incidental to Kuuialus uf all wio. for Children and the tend they are yrioelmi THE OIISTMEfl T ai Infallible remedy lor lla.1 Ui. lla<l I .r. Ol.l Won<1s, Boros anil Ulcers. It In famous for Uuut and KlieuiiiatUiii. Pur disorders ol the Cbwt It hag Do uqual for SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS Ulandlar Swellings, sod all Kkin DlneaMii It has no rlraljand for contracted and utifl joluti it act! like a charm. Manufacture,) only at I'rufeimor HoLM>waT*s F.itabllshinent. 78. X-w Oxford SJrcol i Intr 533, Oxford SJrert ), London, ail are oM at U. l^d ,Ss. W , 4a. 6<l . 111., 2!a , ami S3s. naeli Dos or I'ot. aud may In bad of all Mr. Ictnr Vendor* throughout the World. Purckuitri ikndd lok U Uif L-<M un tkt J'ori and Bont. Ij the addreu it not 5.M, Urjuid Htrtrt, London, they CARRI46E WORKS A Thrilling t.l MM mi. Now on hand a number of Wagons, Buj-gles, Carts and Democrats. We are also manufacturing a groat many moru of the latest tin latest patterns and best finish, which we are offering for Kale at tbe lowest prieo cuusUunt witb due regard to workmsniihip aud quality. I'liswmiiDK Haprrior facilities for manufacturing Carriagea, wit iutmd to tell Tory e hraji for cull or u|'|>ri,vr<l cre<lit, and by 10 doiii^ we Imp* to gtvutlv increase ur uumbtr of itak-s. All kinds of vebidrs r< paired at the shortcut iiotiec, (tainted and triiunifd if desired. Home slot ing & pecialty. A fimt clam wood worker U now iii <>or uinploy. Wo want & two or a lour hots* |er in cxclntuge on a rig. J. II HE A Kit. .* >- '-V '.- -Vv . OMI-U Sound, lltnrio. FLACK IS CASAUA TO OKT A TKorouyk Buiineii Eilutation. Take a Hound Trip and all ntlirr ItiiMiii-ee I'ollilji". Ill I (VMiuotTi-ial l>i-|inrtniouti. in t'aimila. then viait tin Nortliirn Hiislswes Collene ; i-xannni- ury- un; lli..i.,ui.lov. II '"'I < I'l'-l"'--' th noet IboiuUBtl. complete, practical an. I . Ui-n Me i ."iriM-..f ti|.l) . tlio l..'t i.ill.-^,. |iri.inlea mi I ' >,- la ~l an. I nnt roiopli-li. aii'l innt suit- Xl* rsumltara and appliances, we wUI HIM' >"" a full i,mm ITBBI For Aiiiiuul \nnonuce ut. glriuic full iiartlciilarn. fro*, address C. A. FLEMING. I'riiH i|>.il. BUYERS (X Hour, gn>ceries. food, etc., should ex- amine Wyvill's Stock lluf r. iiurchamn(. lie keeps constftlltly on hand, >o I Flour 414 10 IM-I- hl.l 1 .1 -. a> low H* i In dillo. I I. .Ill- .'Mil I. I <l I rim- III Scaisou. .inn. . I I;IM|. H'oiifVrlioiu'r.v. i- . All tho beet goods at ritfht prices wliicli I am lUixtotiB tor nil to teat T. WYVILL, HTIUIN'S MLOCK, I I.KSH KKT( IN V.OK* tak.'li lu exi-lianiii' for SA Y! Farmers ! Business Men I Everybody ! Tb** ntnl|.rbi|{iiu(l llaa tttartml a IK-W rnrrla^e Mriuf.1. tin v ami nipairlnt: >lip in I l.-lii Ion, lo-i. -. -in ran *;<'t viinr repaint ,|.inu ou short iotu mill on rcniMmabli* teriea. D. McTavisli, AM> GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Colliufjwood Street, FLESIIERTON, - ONT. Manufaetvrlniinf WHUCOIIB. Kleii;li. Iliicclr*. ,.i,iiH-rala. Ktc Home lio- io |iniiu| Hy at ap*clalatuntion K-^'-ii'u < oiiirscl- T fiaet. and I'lou ClinlnM -on- siaiilly onliaiMl. I or tumlvr CV A. L, 1^,1^1* V re- Carriage Trimmlne, anrl nvnr> tiling In the rarrliwji! iintklnn IMVMU. a rail. katifactlou Kimriiiteud ItrpalrlnK. Ikaa Shop over MoTavish'i smith Shop. Hlaok !:. T. Hamilton. Vtasfasrtau. Jn 21. law. For Sale or to Let. UO n 'ICH l.i.l wltlilu two mill of Fioahcrton, n rt. .. II, .nt ,it,.r iK,w r mill alt,, at Llttla Kll> II|KIII tLii (ilacu . M ft I. .,1.1 uf water ou sh wliwl at liulflit ul !.,, ilain. Will Im aulit In I liloiik. or lliti iiiiUJto by Itaalf. an. I HID laml In,,, from uu aura U|iwarili V> mot piiri:liitr<. Tha VslUjr i.. i rum tliioucb llii wlniln Imitftli of tb ylani*. ThU In a uuotl op^'urtuult/ lor families to aarnrii moall lioiuu- wlsli aJ>un,1aiil aiipplv of ^ood wattfr. Apul/tu WM Hoi.d MsMtH HtaMuu r. Is fully equipped with (juisites for turninp; out per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices lower. are IMttiirc Framing done iii all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. Lands Jor Sale FA.BI R The I' ui I'rosbyUirisn Council which 1ms Iwvn in suasion in Toronto held an excursion to Niagara KulU on S;.tnnl,iy taut. Wliilts ilu'ii- an accitlcat of a thril- ling nature ox-urrud. Muny of those wlui have viiiitcd Niagara Full* hare |>as*e<l ovi-r the International liiid><u, which II ii -: n ! fur t.ii. i and , fti i trallic and which atfurda an excellent viow of the nver and the waterfall, and they will therefore uniluretand the |>ar- ticulan <>f (lie scciiu withnut much effort of int mm y imagination. The iron railing H Inch run along the aide of the bridge woulu !< Hiitti.-ii'iit protection for the ruckleaa or the moat unsteady if they were aii|>|>lemonted with Dome atroiijj wire m-ttinit. 1'ut u> they are now there is a possibility, es|>ecia)ly in the case of a child, of a peduatrian falling tlii-oiiiili the spaces between the bars. Tlii possibility wa amply duinonatrnted by the incident of Saturday. It waa acrosi this bridge then that Mrs. Urima- aon of f<7 Major Street, Toronto, was pass- n. c, accoiniMinieil by her two daughters and Kev. John Ramsey, I. I. I) .of Bally- money, Ireland, who during the con- tinuance of thu council is her i^uest. Tiny had got about one quarter of the distance across and were on tbe point of retracing their steps to uke the re- turning train when the accident incurred. I Mil Una time they had occupied thu roadway an being safer titan the sidewalk safer to one whose head is easily turned on a height and as affording a view equally good. The approach of a carriage forced them t the aidewalk. The planks of the foot walk are a few lilt-hen lii'.'l.i-r than the floor of the bridgo, a fa.- 1 overloked by Mrs. (trunaaoii, aud the one to which the trouble waa due. She was slightly liehind the others, and in stepping up rather sharply her foot caught "ii thu plank, and Iwfore .iln n.ul.l pull heraelf up she went head tirst through one of tin: spaces in thu railing. The absolute horror of her companions at her sudden disappearance under cir- cumstances win -h tu them meant nuth in^> Lilt certain death is impossible of descripticii. For ;i inoineiit they wore rixiteil to the ground with horror and amazement. They had seen her just aa nhe paaaed over the aide, and before they could reach an arm to aave her he waa out of sight. Dr. Uainaey, jumping to the Hide of thu bridge, felt a great aensa- ti"ii of joy and sudden hope in seeing her clinging to one of the inn bncmga againat which she had fallen in her des- cent. He shouted to her to hold on with all the energy kin- p."iesel and he would find aid at once. She needed no encour iiiM-im-nt to do this. Mie n.n i IIIIK L.- Mplli all the despairing tenacity with which one is capable under such ap|ialinx Ciitiiinsi mi-en llr position was aa ae- .1111 SB the aituation would admit of. She h:id fallen nslradtllo uf the liar, and thus while her nlrcngth and her >eit*a continued she had lull to balance herself to keep from falling off. To tho t\<- w 1 iiMs-t-i of the nt i ii" however, it was one ol hopeless horror. It - .-nn .1 nn P..IJ.I..II- that ia*Mihi int-e Would ever lier in tune, and nhe, a \>,ni uf over lid Team, enfi-eliletl liy ;i ; and by fright, clinging with a despairing and, but for the necessities of thu rase, MM intirin cm l.i.i. .-. to a narh'W atrip of iron and witb nothing but thiit between her and tin- bowlinK rivef 170 fet-t below. How could -lie prfoervc l.f r ciinscii.uaneM ? HOH lio did Vetain it during the ten ininiites lake*) up n. (.rucuruiu rpn for her ieti in- l|a will pfohaMy herself never be ahlii to uusll:iii'l. lint it ilioie I. MI ininuteH were full of unutterablo tu her, with h:it uitii|>cakablu horror, with lut alternating sensations of hope and despair, with what motion of an L-iiish were they charged to her daughter*, (liable to repress their own grief or to hide the horror in their while facet, they jet MI, I to buoy up the courage and strength of their inoibt-i with words of hope ami love It was tor them a day crowded into ten minutes, but with the expiration of Unit tn minutes eanm assistance. Mr. lUi ha.', returned from the end of thu hndgu with ropes and assistants, one of whom wiih the bridjn policeman. The r.ipes were quickly tied to the brulge, and tin 1 rev. ilt legate, as brave in danger as faithful in Inn .ill. n;. and \ mi/ and aciivu witlntl, with his|>anioiHi||.si-eiiil>-il linnd u\cr hand to the aide of the imperilled tvoii She bad succeeded in retaining her p lion till then, ami a rope |uissud ;tlmni In r boily, uinler her arms and tecuroly faslenetl gam ample assiiranct- uf her safely. It win not a moment too anon however Her simiigth coliapacd u her deliverers reai-hod her, and n few iccond later (I en labor would have been without results. Several of thu excursionists by this time had reached the scone, a them being Mr. Harvey, Mr. Nairn, Mr llu -'i I'.l.iin And Mr. Dalton, and neve did iL.M gentlemen pull with more hearty good-will than on thu lope by which tl unfortunate l.nly wan rescued from a wnt ry grave and restored to the arm* of lie daughter*. The strangest part of the wholu occurrence, and the part which can not liu pxpl.uiu-d, i how slie fell agains the iron bracing. To do so she had t fall in under tho bridge. If In i descen hail been straight nothing could have saw her ; and how she succeeded in getun so far under in such a short instance, froi where the fell off u and must remain . mystery. She was taken to it In. lei, bu although siitferin? from the gr*at nervou shock, ahe waa able to return to I t m on thu excursion train. Dr. Camtlani! after an examination, found that ahu hai not bi-cii injured physically, [(ilobe. April 4th,lW3- IHi I A. HHIIII<1 Co.: in ti. Sian.-Anti Daii'lruff l*Avi<lntlv giving s*iifa--tion I have sold about haU of tbe iraea l from von 1.11 tile lr<l f .iBiinai JT lai-t I u-i- u 111 inv (mil iHiml'. and like it rll. <'aii i... ..i ml it t.> all vtlio arn tioutiled with danilruo*. You trnlv. THUS. STEVBNKON. Farm for Sale At a it H-. un Lxit 1. con. 4. Knplirnla. containing' 14X acrna, 190 aoree eUared, BpleLdld fraou liarn u>0), with llilt. illl.ler llrclmnl. K'"'.l wiiU-r. lo Ii i i . fraini) kitcliDli li.xji Alxiut Ml !! auitalile for reaper. V* ill Iw Bold i'liiuediatelv at a Mtei itifi Any I'l-rwin 'luitirii'K n ^nA place Lr.uld investigate. Write to JOHN MAHTIM Kugeaia P. O FOR SALE. l.arce tttoro and dwelling, at Fle<)icrton Sta- tion, fui mloor to lt , in cue parcel or can In subdivi'le<l into ;i Klmp* ati'l :t Mrt* dwelling HK.HIH, .,r in other rnaniuT aa limy Ui acraod Huitiiblu f<*r Htort*, tailor, tlreifu)akr*r and imllin. r Ap|)ly to W H M,I, bt -|.tH(f FlMherton Stati-u I*. O Flesberton Meat Market Chris toe's Block J. C ADAMS. - Proprietor AH kifiU uf frmfi met! coitfttmtly tm A'IIK/. Fish in teuton, (jit* jt i/imr trade and '" lutpi. to DRESS MAKING. MBS. nrKHMKI'M !.- .r.^ to annoonce til-* j >i'ii| >li of K'ti-^lii-rt' .1 aii'l vie in it v that Khe in l>i<-partil t do tlr*'Nitiiinkiiiu to the Hatiftfao- ti.-D of tli<M,. who iim\ *-utiUh( hr with tbttir order*. The litt*'*t fathion |ilatH always on ha in I. Sat iM f act i 'Mi nuarautcft. Yt rv r-aon- al'l^ pf in*. Shop and rundence OTer Mitt-hull'* Hank. ItiuharilHonV MtH-k. D-h-i tiiii liMtmc- Hffiveii lu fitting an<l ruttmn l>y "ala^ic AT HUM!! AfiAll I liarennwKot my now |>rmlaa flttv.l up anJ rn |ir.'|iare,l toilo all tiimiiM-'n m nn linn with tiatniMif) anil il*|>atcli.aii<laiii in lu-tlrr sn uver t.ialten.l to !h,. walita of inv AI,TIIIIII; liusiiifHn dliowi a Rrnwinx eon- lei lift your buota aud iDova male at tlif eatakliiiliuieut of W. properties luiprnred and nnlm- also Tllla^hi propurtlim. Apply J. W. ARMSTRONG, r.o Itch on human anil all animals curei in 80 minutes hy Woolforil'i Sanitnr L t ion. Warranted by Uichanlaon A Co N. B. We guarantee satisfaction. SOCIETIES. R OV.M. TKMI'I.VHS OF TKMI'KKANCK It, u1r < i.iilu-il iiii'i'tn i-vi-n 'I'urxlav in h|iroulen li|,H'k at H p. in. Ii i r tiiriim-i" ini'i'lp. i-i.'Mllil*, thu Vi-.lnnxlav proci-illiiK the'iinil uf in intli S OK II Mlf-:KAXCF. Tlii< aiM-iev in. -t,(s 111 l)r Clirmto Hall ev,.ry \Vil ni-.lai erellillfC t Hp III \ lorn i! hretl. roll iUMtfld liouiallff ill 1-,'iui, i tl, n S n AHTltrit i.oimi: N,. :ui. \K. A AM MI. I III I 111' Ma<i>lor Hall.HtralnV |(lo,-k. Hi-ilirrtoii rtt'M FiiiUv on or tefiire tlie full in A S Van.luell. W. M.; il I Spri'ille. Seen-tarv AVER'S Qherry Pectoral Has no equal for the prompt relief and spccdvcurcof Colds, Coughs, Croup, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Preacher's Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, LaGrippe, and other dcrang-emcnts of the throat and lunys. The best- known cou^h-cure in tho world, it is recommended by eminent physicians, and is the favorite preparation with sinjjcrs, actors, pic.iclicrs and teachers. It soothes the inflamed membrane, loosens the plilepm, stops coughing, and induces repose-. AVER'S Cherry Pectoral taken for consumption, in its early stages, checks further rtropress of the disease, and even in the later stages, it eases the distressing cough and promotes refreshing sleep. It is agreeable to the taste, needs but small doses, and does not interfere with digestion or any of the regular organic functions. As an emergency medicine, every household should bo provided with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Having used Ayer's Cherry Pcc- in inv i. unil y for many years, I i ui i-onlidently recommend it for all tin- i.'i'ipl.iiiils it i- claimed to cure, It* sale is iiicrv.isiitK yearly with me, unJ my customers think tins prepa- ration lias no equal as a cough cure." S. W. r .rent, guecnsbury, N.B. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral rrtmiml by I), J. C. Ay*r ft Co., Lowell. MW. Sub) by a! I I'iu, L (,. Price $i ; ail bultka, t> Prompt to act, uro to our* (Cards, JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. S. Co. OHIT. DIVISION COL'KT Cl i:i:K ( (iM.MI? s in II. It., Conveyancer, Ac. Agut (or |n. anil saUi of landa. Apira:ri fi.i ( J..1 (<m. .i:0 K.I 1 . II. it H Society Mni,< \ ' 1 < a . i II >. mont ranna>>l term* IMKI or 1IABBUUB I.ICKNHKH. NOTAKY M Hl.n MONEY TO LOAN. Tin. nnrleriiigiicd Las a larv" uioonnt nf money to lean at 60/0 on tnwn <>r farm property. 8. UANil" I >!'., Ursl,, it. n. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. (:|rk. Artiniiii. (^'onve IiiKiimnre aR<nt, ete. IVids. i:u.rtRSf!*B, leasts, Htc., pri pared nii.l pr. | .;!;,- i -si (i:ted IiiMiranre nfTicU-d in first ei.-. CuiD|.an:e. Money to 1,-nJ at lowest i .ill - DR. HDTTON M. I>. C. M., M.C. T A S.u,,t., I'riec vlie. Rpidence and Uilir.- wie tloor ! of the Mi ihodiat Chun h. him. m .St. Ollio* days, Tuesdays and Saturdays. DR. CARTER. M. C. P. A 8 , Ont. H ..... itm, utirjfAB. t-te., Fleshirtcn. Ufljee StrMin ^ block. MnusLaw's kotrl. DRS. 8PROULE & EGO, Markdale, Ont. OfH.-i. Mauly'* drag Htore. T. 8. SprouU, M.I'., >.!,-. ADKUB KL-O. M. J>.. Ktc., late of Tutu-nli.iii. Ont. Ur. Ego wili In- found at tlit Mail.duli 1J,. U at night. J. P. OTTEWELL, Veterinary Surgeon. . t. . t O.itarii. VeterinaryCVlli ge. R. ~i i, ,,, \- lrf i do,,, south of LeteU'a tailor shop. l'ie,tiorlon. J. F. HALSTEAD, M. I)., M. C. P. 4 b.,Ont ,pi ;i , :i , .. at Kim- herley. Itbtumalic diseasesa spccuiu. Jcntic-tni. J. P. MARSHALL, L. D. 6., M. D. S.. l),ntin. \ i>u, Mark- tale the |Kt aud 3rd \\YJi... -,!;,. ,,( c . m<; li uiouth. riesbertou Kach inp 'u the d*y ollowing. _ __ J. W. FROST, Barrister, CMHgfsMr, Etc. I'li-nLerluii I'Dlee- .Next tbe 'port i Itice, Sprt.iile's buililiug. on 'Ihurbdajs. .Sound cfllc Frot'a P. McCULLOUGH, Hi-muter, Bnlieitnr. Klo. Karlaud's Btore, Mnrkdale. Mr- M ii. > to I.un. WRIGHT & LINDSAY, Rarftats**, telMton, itc o<v,n suuml Ont. r lliert..ii ulti, , , Mitel. i lUtM, k. V. , iloaedjy ..( each week lluliey to loan at K oust iu-a. W. II WMKIIIT. s i; I.IM,, A T. R. J. Sprtmle, I>08TMASTKR, KlehLert.m.r. nm iiaion- *- er in U. R., I.u-.nKed Aue'.ioneer, Con v,\:ineer, Appruiner and M< i:e, I.rndet. Ural I.-1..1.. an i Ir-iiiSlln- V.. i.'. I'.rds, Morti/SKea, Lease* and Willa ilrawu up and Valuations made on Hhur'am nulii-r. AB- tion 8als attended to in an v parr of tbe I'onntT. ilon. v to loan nt loKent rules of .nli lest. (\.lli ,iti,, MI ntti i:<!> .1 tu witb prouiptneas and despatch. Unices low. \ i.ifur ili^ Potainioii Stcams)iiii(\nu|MkiiT. Cheap tickets from Heiiherton to Liverpool, (ilrtsgow, Lt'iuloii or any of the Critivli >rts. 1'irtn- tnteiidini; to KiiKltnd, Scotland or Iraland, will pli H.<I ask rates be- fore ptrebtir>n thrir ticketB uUevrhtts. Good News TO MAWY I ill-sin* to call tho attention of tho public to tin 1 fact that I liiivc opened A General Repair Shop lu connection with tlio WoolU'ii Mill, iiinl am prepared to do all'! ; o{ -Iron and Wood Turuiiig L'ltttortiB made, ami castings got on short notice. I have not space to mention in lU-l.til tlic variety uf work I can do, but anything you Imve iit iron or wood that ivpiiiv.-) bring it to the FlcsluTton where yon may ilcpi nil on ;;i'tting your work ilono neatly ui. I .;ulv*tun~ tially. H.uiug emery wucta suitable for I will make tliat a specialty fora few wot-kn, Cluugca low, but tcrnu strictly cash. Yours truly, W.H.PLBSHBH